HC2022 Individual Assignment 2 Report Guidelines T2 2021
Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines Trimester T2 2021 Unit Code HC2022 Unit Title Marketing Research Assessment Type Individual Assignment 2 Assessment Title Individual Report Project Purpose of the 1/ Integrate theoretical and practical knowledge of Marketing Research in the context assessment (with ULO of marketing-related business decisions Mapping) 2/ Analyse business problems/opportunities using their Market Research skills and develop appropriate strategies to achieve a competitive advantage. Weight 20 % of the total assessments Total Marks 20 Word limit Not more than 2000 words Due Date Week 10 ( Friday 24th September 2021)- 11:59pm Submission • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Guidelines Assignment Cover Page. • The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers. • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style. HC2022 Marketing Research Individual Report Assignment Specifications Purpose: Student will gain experience in applying the marketing research process, collecting secondary data and providing recommendations for and organisation’s strategy SKY HIGH Real Estate Developers want to understand the present structures of Australian households and families, as well as how these structures will change in the next 20 years. This will allow them to plan for the kinds of properties that are in demand now and in the future. Using secondary data sources, find this information for the real estate developer. This secondary data can be obtained from a variety of credible sources, including: The Australian Bureau of Statistics website (www.abs.gov.au) and searching for ‘family characteristics’. The most recent publication, released in 2015, is entitled 4442.0 – Family Characteristics and Transitions, Australia, 2012––13, available at www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/4442.0 You can also gain some insight from: https://quickstats.censusdata.abs.gov.au/census_services/getproduct/census/2016/quickstat/036 You may also source data from other credible sights. Assignment Structure should be as the following: 1. Introduction Introduce the main problem the real estate developer is facing and how the data will be collected 2. The research Process 2. 1. Define the Problem Clearly explain the problem that requires market research 2. 2. Planning the research design Explain why secondary data will be used in this research 2. 3. Planning the sample Provide information on the sample sizes used for the data you are using (this will come from the research organisation) 2. 4 Collecting the data This is the one of the main sections (it should be around 300 words). Show the data you have collected. This should be well organised and easy to understand. 2. 5 Analysing the Data This is the one of the main sections (it should be around 300 words). Explain what the data means in the context of the problem. 3. Formulating conclusion and recommendations Conclude on the research and provide two specific recommendations for the real estate developer. 4. References Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines Trimester T2 2021 Unit Code HC2022 Unit Title Marketing Research Assessment Type Individual Assignment 2 Assessment Title Individual Report Project Purpose of the 1/ Integrate theoretical and practical knowledge of Marketing Research in the context assessment (with ULO of marketing-related business decisions Mapping) 2/ Analyse business problems/opportunities using their Market Research skills and develop appropriate strategies to achieve a competitive advantage. Weight 20 % of the total assessments Total Marks 20 Word limit Not more than 2000 words Due Date Week 10 ( Friday 24th September 2021)- 11:59pm Submission • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Guidelines Assignment Cover Page. • The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers. • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style. HC2022 Marketing Research Individual Report Assignment Specifications Purpose: Student will gain experience in applying the marketing research process, collecting secondary data and providing recommendations for and organisation’s strategy SKY HIGH Real Estate Developers want to understand the present structures of Australian households and families, as well as how these structures will change in the next 20 years. This will allow them to plan for the kinds of properties that are in demand now and in the future. Using secondary data sources, find this information for the real estate developer. This secondary data can be obtained from a variety of credible sources, including: The Australian Bureau of Statistics website (www.abs.gov.au) and searching for ‘family characteristics’. The most recent publication, released in 2015, is entitled 4442.0 – Family Characteristics and Transitions, Australia, 2012––13, available at www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/4442.0 You can also gain some insight from: https://quickstats.censusdata.abs.gov.au/census_services/getproduct/census/2016/quickstat/036 You may also source data from other credible sights. Assignment Structure should be as the following: 1. Introduction Introduce the main problem the real estate developer is facing and how the data will be collected 2. The research Process 2. 1. Define the Problem Clearly explain the problem that requires market research 2. 2. Planning the research design Explain why secondary data will be used in this research 2. 3. Planning the sample Provide information on the sample sizes used for the data you are using (this will come from the research organisation) 2. 4 Collecting the data This is the one of the main sections (it should be around 300 words). Show the data you have collected. This should be well organised and easy to understand. 2. 5 Analysing the Data This is the one of the main sections (it should be around 300 words). Explain what the data means in the context of the problem. 3. Formulating conclusion and recommendations Conclude on the research and provide two specific recommendations for the real estate developer. 4. References Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines Trimester T2 2021 Unit Code HC2022 Unit Title Marketing Research Assessment Type Individual Assignment 2 Assessment Title Individual Report Project Purpose of the 1/ Integrate theoretical and practical knowledge of Marketing Research in the context assessment (with ULO of marketing-related business decisions Mapping) 2/ Analyse business problems/opportunities using their Market Research skills and develop appropriate strategies to achieve a competitive advantage. Weight 20 % of the total assessments Total Marks 20 Word limit Not more than 2000 words Due Date Week 10 ( Friday 24th September 2021)- 11:59pm Submission • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Guidelines Assignment Cover Page. • The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers. • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style. HC2022 Marketing Research Individual Report Assignment Specifications Purpose: Student will gain experience in applying the marketing research process, collecting secondary data and providing recommendations for and organisation’s strategy SKY HIGH Real Estate Developers want to understand the present structures of Australian households and families, as well as how these structures will change in the next 20 years. This will allow them to plan for the kinds of properties that are in demand now and in the future. Using secondary data sources, find this information for the real estate developer. This secondary data can be obtained from a variety of credible sources, including: The Australian Bureau of Statistics website (www.abs.gov.au) and searching for ‘family characteristics’. The most recent publication, released in 2015, is entitled 4442.0 – Family Characteristics and Transitions, Australia, 2012––13, available at www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/4442.0 You can also gain some insight from: https://quickstats.censusdata.abs.gov.au/census_services/getproduct/census/2016/quickstat/036 You may also source data from other credible sights. Assignment Structure should be as the following: 1. Introduction Introduce the main problem the real estate developer is facing and how the data will be collected 2. The research Process 2. 1. Define the Problem Clearly explain the problem that requires market research 2. 2. Planning the research design Explain why secondary data will be used in this research 2. 3. Planning the sample Provide information on the sample sizes used for the data you are using (this will come from the research organisation) 2. 4 Collecting the data This is the one of the main sections (it should be around 300 words). Show the data you have collected. This should be well organised and easy to understand. 2. 5 Analysing the Data This is the one of the main sections (it should be around 300 words). Explain what the data means in the context of the problem. 3. Formulating conclusion and recommendations Conclude on the research and provide two specific recommendations for the real estate developer.

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HA 2022 Final Assessment T2 2021
HA2022 BUSINESS LAW FINAL ASSESSMENT TRIMESTER 2, 2021 Assessment Weight: 50 total marks Instructions: • All questions must be answered by using the answer boxes provided in this paper. • Completed answers must be submitted to Blackboard by the published due date and time. Submission instructions are at the end of this paper. Purpose: This assessment consists of six (6) questions and is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit ? Question 1 (7 marks) Part A) When will a duty of care arise and what test is used to determine the existence of duty of care? (4 marks) Part B) Provide 3 examples of when a duty of care exists. (3 marks) (Word limit: Maximum 250 words) Question 2 (7 marks) In cases where the traditional approach of offer and acceptance cannot be applied, how does the court determine whether an agreement has been reached between the parties? Cite relevant legal cases from Australian courts. (Word limit: Maximum 250 words) Question 3 (7 marks) How was the parol evidence rule applied in the case of Van Den Esschert v Chappell [1960] WAR 114? (Word limit: Maximum 250 words) Question 4 (7 marks) Part A) What is the aim of indemnity in insurance contracts and what are some exceptions to the principle of indemnity in insurance? (4 marks) Part B) Why are insurance contracts of the ‘utmost good faith’? (3 marks) (Word limit: Maximum 250 words) Question 5 (11 marks) Sandy borrowed out an electric scooter from Jim’s Scooters, a self-serviced operation, for the first time. The scooters can be found at various stations around town and are locked in charging stations whilst they are not in use. There was a sign on a pillar next to the scooters that listed the various charges and conditions. It also stated that users needed to download their app to use a scooter and included a QR code for quick reference. Once she found a scooter she wanted to use, Sandy was issued with a ticket through the associated app. Sandy was injured later when she returned the scooter into the locking mechanism. Sandy claimed damages from Jim’s Scooters. The company attempted to rely on a condition exempting it from liability. On each ticket, in small print, were the words ‘Issued subject to conditions . . . displayed at the scooter station’. On the pillar next to the scooters were printed eight conditions, the second of which exempted Jim’s Scooters from liability for any injury to a customer whilst parking the scooter. Required: Could Jim’s Scooters successfully rely on the exemption clause to protect it from any action by Sandy? (Note: The IRAC method may be helpful in answering this question) (Word limit: Maximum 500 words) Question 6 (11 marks) Milton Imports Limited imports and markets a protein powder called ShredX. The protein powder is wholly manufactured and packaged in China. In order to ‘bulk up’ the purported protein content, the manufacturer included an ingredient that can cause serious medical problems if ingested by humans. Jane purchased some ShredX from her local gym, Fitness Fanatics. Soon after using it, she became severely ill. Eventually, Jane’s doctor traced the problem to a form of poisoning by the protein powder. They are monitoring her as permanent damage may have been caused by this poisoning. Required: Advise Jane if she has any claims under the Australian Consumer Law (‘ACL’) against the manufacturer Milton Imports? (Note: The IRAC method may be helpful in answering this question. You must use the principles of Australian Consumer Law (ACL) to answer this question. Do not answer this question using contract law or tort law as you will not receive any marks.) (Word limit: Maximum 500 words)
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HC2101 Tutorial Question Assigment 2 new
Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines Trimester T1 2020 Unit Code HC2101 Unit Title Performance Management Assessment Type Individual Assignment This is strictly required to be your own original work. Plagiarism will be penalised. Students are required to apply the theories and knowledge derived from the unit materials, demonstrate critical analysis and provide a considered and comprehensive evaluation. Students must use correct in-text citation conventions. Assessment Title Tutorial Question Assignment 2 Purpose of the assessment and linkage to ULO. Student is required to answer 5 questions come from the recorded tutorial questions every week from week 7 to week 11. The following Unit Learning Outcomes is applicable to this assessment: - Understanding different methods and levels of measuring performance in organisations - Matching people to job requirements – understanding job demands, situational factors and successful recruitment - Planning future HR needs taking into account new trends and changes in labour force demographics - Managing poor performing staff and retaining high performing individuals and groups - Complying with relevant legal requirements - Demonstrating the capacity to express ideas, concepts and arguments in a logical and coherent written form conforming to relevant standards of academic writing. - Developing team skills Weight 25% Total Marks 50 Marks Word limit The word limited is provided in each question Due Date Week 12 - Friday 11:59 PM (Midnight) [Late submission penalties accrue at the rate of -5% per day] Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. • The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers. • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list, all using Harvard referencing style. Please use Harvard Referencing. Assignment Specifications Purpose: This individual assignment is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of marketing management Details Answer All FIVE (5) of the following questions. The questions come from the recorded tutorial questions from week 7 to week 11. Question 1 Week 7: Tutorial 6 (10 marks) ‘HR planning should be cyclical and ongoing, with the review providing feedback for subsequent forecasts.’ Explain and Discuss. Answer this question in 300 words. You must support your discussion by referring to 3 additional academic sources e.g. ProQuest (Harvard referencing is required and ensure that you reference them correctly). Question 2 Week 8: Tutorial 7 (10 marks) ‘A career development program should be viewed as a proactive and dynamic process that attempts to meet the needs of managers, their people and the organisation.’ Explain and Discuss. Answer this question in 300 words. You must support your discussion by referring to 3 additional academic sources e.g. ProQuest (Harvard referencing is required and ensure that you reference them correctly) Question 3 Week 9: Tutorial 8 (10 marks) ‘Performance appraisal systems are used to attain a number of different objectives.’ Define what performance appraisal systems are and list a number of the objectives of the performance appraisal systems. Answer this question in 300 words. You must support your discussion by referring to 3 additional academic sources e.g. ProQuest (Harvard referencing is required and ensure that you reference them correctly). Question 4 Week 10: Tutorial 9 (10 marks) ‘There are many reasons why an employee’s performance might not meet expected standards.’ Explain and Discuss. Answer this question in 300 words. You must support your discussion by referring to 3 additional academic sources from ProQuest (Harvard referencing is required and ensure that you reference them correctly). Question 5 Week 11: Tutorial 10 (10 marks) Because of increased pressures on employees, legal precedents and a series of studies examining its causes, symptoms and effects, stress has become a significant WHS issue in Australian organisations in recent years. Discuss why this is the case. Answer this question in 300 words. You must support your discussion by referring to 3 additional academic sources e.g. ProQuest (Harvard referencing is required and ensure that you reference them correctly).
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HC2112 Supplementary Assessment T1 2021
HC2112 SERVICE AND RELATIONSHIP MARKETING SUPPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENT TRIMESTER 1, 2021 TIME ALLOWED: 4.5 hours All answers must be submitted within this time frame. Late submissions are not accepted. Assessment Weight: 50 total marks Instructions: • All questions must be answered by using the answer boxes provided in this paper. • Completed answers must be submitted to Blackboard by the published due date and time. Submission instructions are at the end of this paper. Purpose: This assessment consists of six (6) questions and is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit ? Note. References are not mandatory for this assessment. However, please follow the Adaptive Harvard Referencing guidelines at the end of this paper if you use any reference(s) to explain any concept or theory. Question 1 (11 marks) Explain how brands create value. Provide a specific and recent example of a brand that has created value effectively. Give another example of a brand that has not been successful at createing value. (Word count: 300 words) Question 2 (7 marks) What is the marketing communications mix for service firms? Why is it larger for those than that for goods firms? (Word count: 200 words). Question 3 (11 marks) Dicscuss about the Customer Profit Chain model below in 300 words Question 4 (7 marks) Identify and explain the function of ambient conditions in the service environment. Support your answer by providing specific examples. (Word count: 200 words) Question 5 (7 marks) Discsuss about the benefits of customer satisfaction and service quality in 200 words . Give examples in support of your answer. Question 6 (7 marks) ‘The art of being a tourist is to go some place where you don’t know the script’. Discuss this statement and describe the characteristics of the market segment involved. (Word count: 200 words) END OF SUPPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENT
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HI5002 Tutorial Question Assignment T3 2020-Final Version
Assessment Task – Tutorial Questions T3 2020 Unit Code: HI5002 Unit Name: Finance for Business Assignment: Tutorial Questions Due: 11:30pm 26th February 2021 Weighting: 50% Total Assignment Marks: 50 marks Purpose: This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1. Identify business financial decisions, and critically analyze their impacts on value, and the nature of the broader financial and regulatory environment in which these decisions are made; 2. Critically evaluate the role of finance in business and appraise the way corporate managers use financial theory to solve practical problems; 3. Apply underlying finance theories, concepts, assumptions, limitations and arguments to make corporate finance decisions within real-world constraints. Description: Each week students were provided with three tutorial questions of varying degrees of difficulty. These tutorial questions are available in the Tutorial Material Folder for each week on Blackboard. The Interactive Tutorials are designed to assist students with the process, skills and knowledge to answer the provided tutorial questions. Your task is to answer a selection of tutorial questions for weeks 1 to 11 inclusive and submit these answers in a single document. The questions to be answered are: ? QUESTION 1 (7 marks): Question 1A (2 marks): Please answer the following questions: a. What is primary and secondary market? An IPO is undertaken on primary or secondary market? (0.5 mark) b. What is the essential job of an investment banker? (0.5 mark) c. Why a stock exchange is called an auction market? (0.5 mark) d. What are the five basis principles of finance? (0.5 mark) QUESTION 1B (5 marks): New Age IT Solutions had net profit margin of 0.35 on sales of $5 000 000 during 2020. In addition, the firm’s total assets were $4 500 000, and its debt ratio is 0.45. Required: a. What was New Age IT Solutions’ return on equity (ROE) in 2020? (2 marks) b. What was return on assets (ROA) of the company in 2020? (1 mark) c. Calculate earnings per share (EPS) and price earnings ratio (PE) of the company if it has total shares outstanding of 50,000 with a market price of $85 per share? (2 marks) QUESTION 2 (11 marks) Long time ago Lisa had put an amount of $50,000 into an investment in the securities market. Now she has $150,000 in her investment account. Required: a) If the average rate of return Lisa earned for the investment is 7.6% per year, how many years she has maintained the investment so far? (2 marks) b) If the Lisa would have wished to obtain the target of $150,000 within 10 years only, how much money should she put into the initial investment given the same rate of return is applied? (2 marks) c) Assume that Lisa would like to put the amount of $150,000 into another investment and aims for a new saving target of $500,000 to buy a new house in 12 years. How much is the rate of return should Lisa aim for to get her $500,000 after 12 year? (2 marks) d) Lisa has another option for her plan to buy a new house: Using $150,000 as a deposit and get a mortgage from a bank to buy the new house. ANZ bank offered Lisa the lending interest rate of 4.85% per year, compounding semi-annually. Commonwealth Bank offered her the lending rate of 4.83% per year, compounding monthly. By calculating EAR, identify which bank should Lisa choose? (1.5 marks) e) Lisa decided to borrow 350 000 from Commonwealth Bank to buy her new home. The bank offers Lisa the lending rate of 4.83% per year (compounding monthly) and she is expected to make an equal mortgage payment each month for 30 years. Calculate monthly payment Lisa need to make for the mortgage? (1.5 marks) f) Lisa would like to buy some furniture for the new home. Good Home Furniture offered her the maximum payment credit for the furniture she can buy of $50 a week for one year. The annual interest rate of that commercial loan is 8.5%, assuming compounding weekly. How much furniture can Lisa afford to purchase using the credit offered by the store? (2 marks) ? QUESTION 3 (7 marks) Leon has in his investment a portfolio that paid him the rate of returns of 14 %, -13%, 15.6%, 17% and 19.5% over the past five years. Required: a) Calculate the arithmetic average return (AAR) and geometric average return (GAR) of the portfolio? If someone asks you what is the actual compounding rate of return of Leon’s portfolio over the past five year, which one (AAR or GAR) will be a better answer? (2 marks) b) Following is forecast for economic situation and Leon’s portfolio returns next year, calculate the expected return, variance and standard deviation of the portfolio. (4 marks) State of economy Probability Rate of returns Mild Recession 0.25 -2.5% Normal 0.45 13.5% Growth 0.30 20% c) Assume that expected return of the stock A in Leon’s portfolio is 13.2%. Beta of this stock is 1.2, risk free rate is 3.5%. Calculate market portfolio rate of return, which is used to compute the expected return of this stock by Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)? (1 marks) QUESTION 4 (11 marks) QUESTION 4A (6 marks): Black Gold Ltd. currently has the following capital structure: Debt funding: A callable bond that pays annually 10.5% coupon rate with an annual before-tax yield to maturity of 9.7%. The bond issue has face value of $1,000 and will mature in 16 years. Ordinary equity funding: An ordinary share that just paid a $6.50 dividend per share in the current financial year. The firm is maintaining 4.5% annual growth rate in dividend, which is expected to continue indefinitely. Hybrid - funding: A preferred share with face value of $100, paying fixed dividend rate of 15%. Required: a) Calculate the current price of the corporate bond? (2 marks) b) Calculate the current price of the ordinary share if the average return of the shares in the same industry is 11.5%? (2 marks) c) Calculate the current value of the preferred share if the average return of the preferred shares in the same industry is 12.5%? (2 marks) QUESTION 4B (5 marks): Magnum Ltd has the following capital structure: Ordinary Equity: 68 000 ordinary shares outstanding at a market price of $35 per share. The shares have just paid a $1.85 annual dividend and have a dividend growth rate of 2.5%. Preference Equity: There are 15 000 preference shares with an 8% dividend rate, outstanding at a market price of $75 a share. The preference shares have a par value of $100. Debts: The outstanding bonds mature in 20 years, have a total face value of $850 000, a face value per bond of $1000 and a market price of $1196.4 each. The bonds have before tax YTM 8%. The marginal tax rate of the firm is 35%. Required: a) Calculate the current market value (rounded off to the nearest whole number). (2 marks) b) Calculate the capital structure of the company. Identify the total weights of equity funding (rounded off to two decimal places) (1 mark) c) Compute the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) under the traditional tax system for the company, using dividend constant growth model for calculation the cost of ordinary equity. (2 marks) QUESTION 5 (7 marks) Your company is considering to choose one of the two projects: Project Gold and Project Diamond. Each project will last 5 years and have no salvage value at the end. The company’s required rate of return for all investment projects is 9%. The cash flows of two projects are provided below. Gold Diamond Cost $485 000 $520 000 Future Cash Flows Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 105 850 153 250 225 650 245 000 250 350 117 050 162 400 275 500 255 000 260 000 Required: a. Identify which project should your company accept based on Net Present Value method? (4 marks) b. Identify which project should your company accept based on Discounted Payback Period method if the payback criterion is maximum 2.5 years? (3 marks) QUESTION 6 (7 marks): Net profit of Harper Holding Ltd in the current year is $3,546,000. The company is planning to launch a project that will requires an investment of $1,045,000 next year. Today the company’s stock has market value of $72/share. Harper Holding Ltd has the current capital structure of 65% in equity and 35% in debt. Required: a. How much dividend can Harper Holding Ltd pay its shareholders this year and what is dividend payout ratio of the company. Assume the Residual Dividend Payout Policy applies. (3 marks) b. The company is paying a cash dividend of $5.50/share plus an extra-cash dividend of $2.5/share. Tomorrow the stock will go ex-dividend. Calculate the ex-dividend price tomorrow morning. Assuming the tax on dividend is 15%? (1 marks) c. M&T Ltd. is a daughter company of the Harper Holding and currently under a liquidation plan due to severe business contraction. The company plans to pay total dividend of $8.5 million now and $ 12.5 million one year from now as a liquidating dividend. The required rate of return for shareholders is 12%. Calculate the current value of the firm’s equity in total and per share if the firm has 1.5 million shares outstanding? (3 marks) END OF FINAL ASSESSMENT
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HI5016 Final Assessment V5
HI5016 INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND ENTERPRISE FINAL ASSESSMENT TRIMESTER T1, 2021 Assessment Weight: 50 total marks Instructions: • All questions must be answered by using the answer boxes provided in this paper. • Completed answers must be submitted to Blackboard by the published due date and time. Submission instructions are at the end of this paper. Purpose: This assessment consists of six (6) questions and is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit ? Question 1 ( 7 marks) The Gravity Model 1. “The gravity model of international trade is able to predict trade flows between two countries based on two principal factors.” Describe the gravity model – specify the variables, use an example of Canada and the USA, or Mexico and the USA – both situations where the gravity model has been found to be accurate. Question 2 (7 marks) Absolute and Comparative Advantage 2. Assume a world of two nations USA and Australia. The two nations produce machinery and agriculture. The USA can produce 160 units of machinery or 200 units of agriculture while Australia can produce 140 units of machinery or 50 units of agriculture, in the same time period. a. Define “absolute advantage” (1 mark) b. Which country, Australia or USA, has an absolute advantage in the production of agriculture and machinery? Explain the basis for your answer (3 marks) c. Which country – Australia or USA - has a comparative advantage in production of machinery and agriculture? Define comparative advantage and explain how it applies in this example. (3 marks) Question 3 (7 marks) The Standard Model The Standard Model of Trade is a general model that accommodates other models which reference specific sources of comparative advantage, e.g. Ricardian model (differences in labour effectiveness) and Heckscher–Ohlin model (references ‘factors of production’). There are four key relationships upon which the Standard Model is based. Please list each of the four relationships and give one example for each. Question 4 (7marks) Controversies in Trade Policy After the Seattle 1999 World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference, in the next two years, large anti-globalization demonstrations rocked the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Washington. Describe the role of WTO with respect to the following 7 aspects: knowledge of WTO/GATT, fostering trade liberalization, abolishing tariffs, increasing transparency, seeking resolutions, improving communication within trading blocs, controlling export subsidies, improving national welfare and competitiveness of developing countries (1 mark each) Question 5 (11 marks) Instruments of Trade Policy i. Evaluate the effects of an import tariff by the government of a small country. Explain in detail the effects of an import tariff on the economic welfare of the small country. (6 marks) ii. Describe the potential advantages to the economy if the government offers an export subsidy (5 marks) Question 6 (11 marks) Different market structures Assume you are graduating from Holmes Institute and that you want to begin a business in Australia. You are aware that there are four different market structures and that some structures are hostile to new products and services. You decide upon Australia as a location for an Asian fast-food theme restaurant because you have expertise in that sector and you believe that it will be popular. You have also considered the four market structures: perfect, monopolistic, oligopoly and monopoly competition. You decide on one of the structures. a. Describe each of the four market structures and explain how each one may be conducive to starting your new Asian themed small business. (8 marks) b. Suppose you start your business within a monopolistic market structure. How is that structure advantageous to your proposed business and how would it affect the future growth of your business? (3 mark)
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HI6008 Assignment 1 - Topic Development T2 2021(6)
Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines Trimester T2 2021 Unit Code HI6008 Unit Title Business Research Project Assessment Type 1. Research Project Development (including Topic, Problem Statement, Research Question), with Team Charter Appendix (Presentation may be requested) Assessment Title Topic Development Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) Clearly identify your chosen topic, having carried out some basic review of available secondary data to secure your interest (e.g. at least 3 academic articles, plus a business report, plus a relevant current news item). Indicate the Research Problem, as you see it so far, and at least ONE research question at this stage (additional questions may be defined as you progress with this unit). Unless you are a SOLO GROUP (i.e. one person working alone) this assignment also requires the addition of an appendix in which you list the student numbers and names of your team members and complete a Team Charter, indicating what role(s) each will contribute throughout the project. A brief presentation in-class may be requested by your lecturer. Matches to Unit Learning Outcomes 1, 2, and 5 Weight 20 % of the total assessments Total Marks 20 Word limit Not more than 1200 words for the Topic Approval [Note that a Team Charter, which is to be appended unless your group is ‘solo’, is additional to the 1200 word-count of the Topic Approval] Due Date Before midnight on the Friday of Week 6, i.e. 27 August Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by 12 midnight on the due date, with a completed Assignment Cover Page as one single document. [If no cover page your mark may be reduced -20%; Late submissions attract penalties at the rate of -5% per day] • The group members’ names and student numbers listed on the Cover Page must align with the members officially registered in your group. [any errors or omissions may affect your grade and there is no guarantee of any adjustment] • The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings, paragraphing, and page numbers. • Reference sources must be correctly cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list (see Holmes Adapted Harvard Referencing Style) *Note: Students are required to form groups consisting of 3 students per group. If you are unable to form a group, you will have to undertake this assignment as a ‘solo-group’, in which case you must enroll yourself as a group of 1 (i.e. you). By working solo you will unfortunately forego the marks allocated to the Team Charter appendix. You will not be able to submit your assignment unless you are OFFICIALLY enrolled into a group. Submit the assignment as a single document, including the Holmes official COVER SHEET as the first page. Once formed, the group composition remains fixed for the duration of the trimester. For help with any group formation matters, please address your email to bbhelpdesk@holmes.edu.au ensuring that your full details (Name, student ID, unit name and number, assignment details, and campus) are included. Assignment 1 Specifications Purpose: This unit aims to give you an opportunity to combine many facets of your acquired MBA skills into the production of a high-quality research project. Your tutor’s main role will be to FACILITATE you through the process, week by week. The learning will be progressive, so for best results you will need to be listening to the weekly lectures as well as in contact with your tutor during the interactive tutorials. Assignment 1 - the Topic Development - is to ensure you have given sufficient thought to the topic you are choosing to base your research project on. For this assignment the topic you choose must be a business problem relevant to the state in which you are based in Australia and must be specified as related to a particular industry that is relevant to that state. You must select one of the 12 listed interest areas. The one you select must hold your interest for the full 12 weeks. You do NOT need to request approval for your topic and DO NOT expect your tutor to allocate you a topic. You are required to develop your topic to ensure that it has relevance as a business-related problem and has a specific Research Question that you intend to try and resolve. The title must contain the actual business activity/problem that it relates to; and/or the economic sector or industry or company that you are focusing on; the Australian state that you base it on. Naturally then, your research must focus on those specified dimensions. Your research must be as current as what the relevant academic literature supports (typically post-2018) Select ONE from this list: • Leadership effectiveness in Australia • Successful entrepreneurship in Australia • Business ethics in Australia • Service management in Australia • Human resource management policies and practices in Australia • Successful online marketing of products in Australia • Family business success in Australia • A comparative study of Australian MBA degrees • Learning from corona: an Australian case study (this will be based on a single company of your choice) • Successful advances in RPA in Australia • Job opportunities for business graduates in Australia • A study of how Australians can create revenue streams using social media (Each group must select one of the above interest areas and add the specific dimensions discussed above; no exceptions are allowed) You will ideally work within a group consisting of 3 students (i.e. the maximum size of an assignment group in this unit is 3 persons). Your respective contributions in this first assignment (as well as assignments 2 and 3) will be governed by your assignment group’s Team Charter, which is an appendix you will submit at the same time as your Topic Development, unless you are working ‘solo’. The Team Charter appendix must indicate what roles will be undertaken by each member of the team. If you are working SOLO, the team charter appendix is NOT required. Assignment Structure Your Topic Development Report should be in accordance with the following structure: 1. Official Cover Sheet 2. Project Title in full (must contain the actual business activity/problem that it relates to; and/or the economic sector or industry or company that you are focusing on; the Australian state that you base it on) 3. Say why this topic interests you 4. Discuss your initial search for relevant literature and show that it has provided you with a good initial contextual understanding of the topic and its associated business-related problem(s) 5. Define the Research Problem that your team intends to address 6. Propose at least ONE specific Research Question that your team will be seeking to answer through your research project 7. Append a Team Charter (unless working Solo) and include the student numbers and names of your team members.
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HI6008 Assignment 2 - Group Report on Literature Review T2 2021(3)
Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines Trimester T2 2021 Unit Code HI6008 Unit Title Business Research Project Assessment Type 2. Group* Report on Literature Review Assessment Title Literature Review Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) This assessment item seeks to ensure that all students enrolled in the Capstone Unit – Business Research Project – are competent at sourcing relevant and current literature using academic search portals, such as Pro-Quest, and other places where high quality secondary data resides. Furthermore, this assessment requires students to not only read and summarise what other authors have already established, but also to become skilful at weaving together complementary or contrasting arguments relevant to their approved topic, research problem, and research question(s). Relates to Unit Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 5 Weight 30 % of the total assessments Total Marks 30 Word limit At least 2500 words for the Literature Review Due Date Before midnight on the Friday of Week 8, i.e. 10 September Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by 12 midnight on the due date, with a completed Assignment Cover Page as one single document. [If no cover page your mark is reduced -10%; Late submissions attract penalties at the rate of -5% per day] • The group members’ names and student numbers listed on the Cover Page must align with the members officially registered in your group. [any errors or omissions may affect your grade and there is no guarantee of any adjustment] • The assignment must be in MS Word format, single spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings, paragraphing, and page numbers. • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list, all using Holmes adapted Harvard referencing style. • Include as an Appendix, your group statement of ‘who wrote which sections’) Holmes Adapted Harvard Referencing Holmes has now implemented a Holmes adapted Harvard approach to referencing: 1. Reference sources in assignments are limited to sources which provide full text access to the source’s content for lecturers and markers. 2. Your Reference list is to be located on a separate page at the end of the essay and titled: References. 3. It should include the details of all the in-text citations, arranged alphabetically A-Z by author surname. In addition, it MUST include a hyperlink to the full text of the cited reference source. For example; Hawking, P., McCarthy, B. and Stein, A. 2004. Second Wave ERP Education, Journal of Information Systems Education, Fall, http://jise.org/Volume15/n3/JISEv15n3p327.pdf 4. All assignments will require additional in-text reference details which will consist of the surname of the author/authors or name of the authoring body, year of publication, page number of content, paragraph where the content can be found. For example; “The company decided to implement an enterprise wide data warehouse business intelligence strategy (Hawking et al, 2004, p3(4)).” Adherence to Referencing Guidelines is Mandatory If students do not follow the above guidelines: 1. Students who submit assignments which do not comply with the guidelines will incur penalties. 2. Students whose citations are fake will be reported for academic misconduct. *Note: Students will already be registered in assignment groups of 3 or 2 or 1 (same as for assignment 1). ? Assignment 2 Specifications Purpose: This unit aims to give you an opportunity to combine many facets of your acquired MBA skills into the production of a high-quality research project. Assignment 2 - the Literature Review - is designed to ensure that each team member masters the skills of searching, locating, reading, summarising, and using relevant academic literature as secondary data to support a compelling discussion and/or argument, thereby creating the context for their further research in pursuit of the answer to their research question(s). Your tutor will FACILITATE the process, week by week, in the tutorials. The learning will be progressive, so for best results you will need to be listening to the weekly recorded lectures as well as participating in the interactive tutorials and using the discussion board to interact with other students in your cohort. Assignment Structure should be the following: 1. Cover Page 2. An opening statement of the Research Problem and Research Question (RQ) – your explanation of these should at this stage be more detailed than what you wrote in your Topic Approval. 3. Discussion of major theories, models or streams of influence relevant to the RQ. This provides evidence that you are able to find literature relevant to a deeper understanding of your Research Question (RQ) as well as a model or theory that will support your quest to answer it. 4. Draw the reader’s attention to any contrasting views expressed in prior research in this area and give your view of how differing opinions can be brought together to help answer the research question and ultimately resolve the research problem. 5. Converge on how this literature review has brought you closer to an answer to your research question(s). 6. Ensure all in text citations are correctly referenced. [10-12 academic sources are required] 7. Add a comprehensive List of References, in Holmes adapted Harvard referencing style. [Students please be warned that errors in referencing attract suspicion of plagiarism/academic misconduct and may require detailed investigation. It is always essential that academic integrity is upheld. Don’t take a chance!] 8. Append a statement indicating ‘who wrote which sections of this report’ [The more comprehensive your literature review, the better. Whatever you do NOT find out in this literature review will leave you with more work to do when you move to the next part of the project, i.e. methodology, which is assignment 3]
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HI6008 Assignment 3 - Group Report on Research Design and Methodology T2 2021(3)
Assignment 3 Specifications Purpose: This unit aims to give you an opportunity to combine many facets of your acquired MBA skills into the production of a high-quality research report. Assignment 3 - the Research Design and Methodology - is to ensure each student is able to contribute to the construction of a written report demonstrating their understanding of the business research paradigm, appropriate methodology, and the plan they would follow regarding primary data, i.e. data collection, analysis and interpretation (which would normally be required post-literature review in order to complete a project). [Note that you are NOT required to actually go out and collect primary data]. This assessment builds upon your Literature Review (assessment 2) in that you should now be aware of what additional data is needed to lead you to the answer to your research question (RQ). Rather than search for additional secondary data, this methodology report requires you to specify what primary data you would plan to collect and analyse. [Note that you are NOT required to actually go out and collect primary data]. In this assessment you will document what you have decided is the most appropriate methodology, including whether qualitative or quantitative methods. If you choose a quantitative approach, you will state your hypothesis, how you intend to verify it, what data you need, how it can be collected and analysed. If you choose a qualitative approach, you will decide which method is appropriate, how you would design the questionnaire and state how you would collate and interpret your data. [Note that you are NOT required to actually obtain primary data]. Your tutor will FACILITATE you through the process, week by week, in the tutorials. The learning will be progressive, so for best results you will need to be in weekly attendance at tutorials. This submission requires an appendix in which it is stated which members of the group wrote which sections of the Business Research Design and Methodology. Assignment Structure should be as the following: 1. Introduction, including your research question (RQ). 2. A detailed research methodology addressing the qualitative-quantitative debate, hypothesis (if appropriate), any relevant additional secondary data, proposed sampling approach, sample frame, and sample size, questionnaire design, data collection method, and envisaged analysis. 3. A summary of what you would expect to find [Note that you are NOT required to actually obtain primary data] 4. A conclusion (relating back to your original research problem and question (RQ) 5. List of references in Holmes adapted Harvard style (only for sources mentioned in this submission) 6. Append a statement stating ‘Who Wrote What’ (unless you worked as a solo group) Note: Approval may be requested (via your tutor to be approved by the Unit Coordinator) to undertake this assignment with variation, such as a Business Plan or Business Development Case. If that is approved the Assignment Structure and Marking Criteria may differ accordingly. HI6008 Assignment 3 – Research Design and Methodology - Marking Rubric
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HI6008 Assignment 4 - Individual Reflective Journal T2 2021(4)
Assignment 4 Specifications Purpose: Assignment 4 - the Individual Reflective Journal - is designed to ensure each student is able to document a critical reflection of their personal learning process, as experienced during this unit. Inpreparation for this final submission, it is suggested that you write down your thoughts each week, by making notes each week, so that by the end of the trimester those notes will serve as a reminder of which sections you were challenged by, what you learnt, and how you experienced the learning process. A significant aspect of the learning journal will be your reflections at each phase of the Business Research Project, i.e. Topic Development, Literature Review, and Methodology BUT your emphasis should be on what you experienced, what challenged you personally, how you dealt with that and what you gained from it. It is NOT enough to objectively summarise what was done. This assignment must reflect and describe your own personal deep learning AND be convincing to the reader that you were integrally engaged throughout the learning process. Assignment Structure should be as the following: 1. Based on my personal contribution to the topic selection, problem definition, research question, writing of topic development submission (including team charter, if applicable), how I experienced this, what challenges I faced, and what I learnt from that. 2. Based on my personal contribution to the literature review report, i.e. search process, summarising of relevant articles, designing the outline/argument/structure of the literature review, writing up the literature review, how I experienced this, what challenges I faced, and what I learnt from that. 3. Based on my personal contribution to the research methodology report, i.e. my role in discussions about methods, sampling, questionnaire design, data collection and analysis, how I experienced this, what challenges I faced, and what I learnt from that. 4. Based on my reflections of the total research process, the insights I gained and any issues, struggles, challenges, synergies I experienced, both individually and in the teamwork, how I experienced this, what challenges I faced, and what I learnt from that. ? HI6008 Assignment 4 – Individual Reflective Journal - Marking Rubric
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HI6028 Tutorial Questions Assignment T3 2020(3)
Assessment Task – Tutorial Questions Assignment Unit Code: HI6028 Unit Name: Taxation Theory, Practice, and Law Assignment: Tutorial Questions Assignment (Individual) Due: Week 13 - Friday, Due date: Friday, 26 February 2021, 23:30 pm Weighting: 50% Purpose: This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed: • Demonstrate an understanding of the Australian income tax system, the concepts of income and deductions, CGT, FBT, GST general anti-avoidance provisions and income tax administration. • Identify and critically analyse taxation issues. • Interpret the relevant taxation legislations and case law. • Apply taxation principles to real life problems. Description: Each week students were provided with three tutorial questions of varying degrees of difficulty. The tutorial questions are available in the Tutorial Folder, for each week, on Blackboard. The Interactive Tutorials are designed to assist students with the process, skills and knowledge to answer the provided tutorial questions. Your task is to answer a selection of tutorial questions from topics 7 to 12 inclusive and submit these answers in a single document. The questions to be answered are: Question 1 (7 marks) (Note this question is based on the Topic 7 Lecture: Fringe Benefits Tax) GoodMates Pty Ltd loaned one of its staff, Munir, the amount of $5,000 (interest free) for one month. Due to personal life issues and financial hardship that Munir was suffering, it turned out that demanding the loan will endanger his health and will cause him not to be able to provide basic needs for his family. At the discretion of the board of directors, this loan was waived on compassionate reasons and Munir was informed. Is the company required to pay any fringe benefit tax? Kindly use the template below and discuss in detail. Facts: Rules and or cases: Application: Conclusion: (7 marks. Word limit: Minimum of 120 words. Maximum of 150 words) Question 2 (7 marks) (Note this question is from the Topic 8 Lecture: Capital Gains Tax) Ajay Ltd purchased a depreciating asset with the value of $5,000 on 31 March 1989. On the same day, the company paid $50 to transfer the ownership. One year after, on 31 March 1990, this company spent an additional $1,500 for the asset functionality improvement. Later, on 31 March 1992, the company moved to a new place, and paid $200 to transfer this asset to the new location of business. Finally, the asset was sold in 2020 for $12,000 (Ignore GST effect in all calculations of this question). Calculate cost base, and capital gain (Loss), and capital gain tax, if any, considering Ajay decided to index (if applicable) and the relevant corporate tax rate is 30%. (You can use your presentation slides for indexation, if required, and round to two decimals only, only use tables and no narration format is allowed, otherwise, the answer would not be marked). (7 marks. Word limit: minimum 120 to maximum 150 words) Question 3 (11 marks) (Note this question is from the Topic 9 Lecture: Goods & Services Tax) A large company in Australia, called Alex Ltd, supplied $22,000 (GST Inclusive) worth of products to one of its local customers, Beta Pty Ltd, on 1 August 2019. Beta paid this bill in two equal instalments of $11,000 on 10 May 2020 and the second instalment on 15 September 2020. Discuss how each entity should account for GST. Alex Ltd is a GST-registered entity with ATO and accounts for GST on accrual basis, files BAS monthly and remains registered, while Beta is not registered for GST at all in both years. (No law sections or cases are required to be included in your answer, calculation of GST amount if any is required). (11 marks. Word limit. Minimum of 120 words. Maximum of 150 words) Question 4 (11 marks) (Note this question is from the Topic 10 Lecture: Taxation of Companies) Calculate the tax liability for Andre, a single tax resident, receiving $1,000 dividend (80% franked) from a large company, called Margin Pty Ltd, which uses imputation tax system and 30% corporate tax rate. Other income and expenses of Andre are as below: • Employment income $ 63,013 (excluding 16,467 PAYG withholding) • Allowable Deduction of $500 • Consider Medicare Levy, Medicare Levy Surcharge (if applicable), and relevant offsets. (No law sections or cases are required to be included in your answer. Please use a table to answer this question, no decimals are required. Tax year 2019/2020). (11 marks. Word limit: Minimum of 120 words. Maximum of 150 words) Question 5 (7 marks) (Note this question is from the Topic 11 Lecture: Tax Avoidance, General Anti-Avoidance Provisions, Income Tax Returns, Assessments, Rulings, etc) Briefly explain what factors significantly affect tax avoidance. (At least two journal papers from google scholar, from 2019 onwards, must be used with Harvard intext citation and referencing style. Please note that you must include the link of your chosen journal papers when referencing them. No direct copy and paste are allowed and you must answer in your own words. You can choose the country or context, meaning the research should not necessarily be done in Australia or for Australia). (7 marks. Word limit: minimum 120 to maximum 150 words) Question 6 (7 marks) (Note this question is from the Topic 12 Lecture: Trading Stock, Partnerships, and Trust) Ryan, Maria and Mike are partners in a law firm. The partnership earned $1,200,000 net profit during the financial year ending 30 June 2020 and did not pay any salary to any of the partners during the year. On 1 July 2019, Maria loaned $100,000 to the partnership and received $10,000 interest from the partnership over the 2019/2020 fiscal year, which is already considered in calculating partnership earning for the year. Meanwhile, Maria also earned $200 from gambling. Allowable deductions for Maria during the year consist of $300 paid for allowable professional subscriptions. Calculate net tax liability for Maria (Use tables for your answers, no narration is acceptable and allowed for this question, no case or sections of law are required to be mentioned, only provide calculations please, ignore Medicare Levy and Medicare Levy Surcharge for this question). (7 marks. Word limit: minimum 120 to maximum 150 words) ?
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2020 T2 HA3032 Group Assignment - Requirements
HA3032 Auditing – Group Assignment Specifications Purpose: The aim of this group assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to design a “risk- based” audit program for a real world company and focus on the “Substantive tests of balances”, which involves substantiating the ending balance of an account(s), which is comprised of multiple transactions, as at a certain year-end date. Assignment Requirements and Structure 1. Students are required to form groups of 4 students group members by completing the “HA3032 Group Form details”. 2. Each group of students group have been provided by unit coordinator, a unique ASX listed company to use for progressive analysis in this group assignment. 3. Prepare a detailed audit program Report [3,000-3500 words] for the client/company in a group of 4 students. Students must use a Report Format with an Executive Summary and Table of Contents. 4. Use publicly available online resources for research purposes. Detail Assignment Tasks: Developing an Audit Program for a selected listed Company 1. Gain an understanding of the nature of the entity and its industry and then identify key business risks. After this is completed, assess where the risks of material mis- statements could be in the financial report. Consider the factors affecting both Inherent Risk and Control Risk. Finally, apply the Audit Risk Model [AR = f (IR, CR, DR)] to the selected company. Which risk rating would you apply (Low, Medium or High) to the company’s inherent risk assessment and control risk assessment? How does this affect your assessment of Detection Risk and Audit Risk? 2. Perform analytical procedures of the Statement of Financial Position and of Financial Performance over the last three years using appropriate ratios and/or metrics. Select four key ratios and provide a brief explanation in the report. This should be presented in a table format. 3. Discuss with your group members which account balances are considered “material”. Explain how you calculated materiality for planning purposes and provide appropriate justification for your decision-making. (Note - Use a table format to structure your answers to questions 5, 6, 7 & 8) 4. Select up to ten different material account balances, at least five assets and five liabilities. 5. For each material account balance selected, list the relevant financial report assertions and Page 3 of 5 HA3032 AUDITING explain why the selected assertions are applicable to each account. 6. Design a comprehensive set of audit work steps for each material account balance, which addresses the selected assertions and which will result in sufficient and appropriate audit evidence being collected for your selected client company. (Assume that a predominantly substantive approach is being adopted) 7. Include a sampling plan, which details how you will use sampling for each material account balance to be tested. How many items will be tested for each test? 8. Refer to some or all of the following websites for further information and research processes: http://www.auasb.gov.au/Home, http://www.asic.gov.au/, www.cpaaustralia.com.au, http://www.ifrs.org, Group Assignment Report - Marking Criteria Weighting % Key Business Risk Identification 4 10% Audit Risk Model – Assessment of Inherent Risk, Control Risk, Detection Risk 4 10% Analytical Review of the selected company, including ratio analysis in a table 4 10% Material Account Balance Identification (Minimum 5 x Assets and 5 x Liabilities) 10 25% Assertions identified – Correct Assertions are stated and explanations are noted 4 10% Audit Program – Audit work steps / procedures are clearly stated and listed. 10 25% Sampling Plan for each material account balance with samples sizes. 4 10% Weight 40 Marks 100% HA3032 Auditing Group Assignment - Marking Rubric
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HI6007 Statistics for Business Decisions Assessment 2
Assignment Specifications Purpose: This assignment aims at assessing students’ understanding of different qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and techniques. Other purposes are: 1. Explain how statistical techniques can solve business problems 2. Identify and evaluate valid statistical techniques in a given scenario to solve business problems 3. Explain and justify the results of a statistical analysis in the context of critical reasoning for a business problem solving 4. Apply statistical knowledge to summarize data graphically and statistically, either manually or via a computer package 5. Justify and interpret statistical/analytical scenarios that best fit business solution Assignment Structure should be as the following: This is an applied assignment. Students have to show that they understand the principles and techniques taught in this course. Therefore, students are expected to show all the workings, and all problems must be completed in the format taught in class, the lecture notes or prescribed text book. Any problems not done in the prescribed format will not be marked, regardless of the ultimate correctness of the answer. (Note: The questions and the necessary data are provided under “Assignment and Due date” in the Blackboard.) Instructions: • Your assignment must be submitted in WORD format only. Otherwise, your submission will not be graded. • The assignment should be supported with the excel file which includes the data set and outputs. Inability to meet this requirement will leads to 10% reduction of total marks. • When answering questions, wherever required, you should copy/cut and paste the Excel output (e.g., plots, regression output etc.) into your word doc so as to show your working/output. Otherwise, you will not receive the allocated marks. • You are required to keep an electronic copy of your submitted assignment to re-submit, in case the original submission is failed and/or you are asked to resubmit. • Please check your Holmes email prior to reporting your assignment mark regularly for possible communications due to failure in your submission. Page 3 of 11 HI6007 STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS DECISIONS Important Notice: All assignments submitted undergo plagiarism checking; if found to have cheated, all involving submissions would subject to penalties. Group Assignment Questions Part A The final marks obtained by students in HI6007: Statistics for Business Decisions unit with on campus teaching (before Covid 19 pandemic) and online teaching (after Covid 19 pandemic) are given in the student grade comparison excel file. Derive a suitable chart (based on the type of the data) and interpret the results. (5 marks) Part B Discuss the method of sampling and method of data collection you would choose to collect data for the following statistical analyses and justify your selection. Note: Answers without proper justification would leads to lower grades. 1. The association of bankers of Australia would like to investigate the Australian banks strategic plan for financial year 2021/2021 to overcome the slump of banks revenue due to Covid 19 pandemic. 2. The management of Holmes institute would like to examine the difficulties faced by students during Covid 19 pandemic. 3. World health organization would like to assess the relationship between Covid 19 mortality and age. 4. Victorian Premier would like to know the no of employees sacked during the Covid 19 pandemic. 5. Queensland police would like to know the peoples experience of driving in newly opened highway between metro and regional Queensland. (10 marks) Part C Covid 19 pandemic has made a colossal impact on most industries around the world. The impact of it on Airline, International Education and Tourism is significantly higher than the other sectors. Kathy Hotel and Tourism is one such business located in rural Victoria with over 1000 employees. Due to the current situation they had to make 200 employees redundant. As part of the redundancy plan, CEO of the Kathy Hotel and Tourism, promised to offer redundancy packages which are based on three factors: age of the employee, duration of employment with the company and their last year’s annual salary. To evaluate this salary package, Finance Division of the company collected a sample of 100 employees and for each, the following variables were recorded. • No of weeks of redundancy pay (weeks of pay) • Age of employee (Age) • No of years with the company (Service) • Annual salary, in thousands of dollars (Salary) You are required to gather 50 observations from the given data set (data for part C), following the steps below. Page 4 of 11 HI6007 STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS DECISIONS a. Write down student ID of all the members in your group. Ex: EPS3006, NXP5005 DY30120, ABN 8009 b. Add the last digit of student IDs until it become a single digit. Ex: 6+5+0+9 = 20, 2+0 =2 c. If it is 1 - select observations from 1- 50 If it is 2 – select observations from -10 -59 If it is 3 – select observations from 15 -64 If it is 4 – select observations from 20-69 If it is 5 - select observations from 25-74 If it is 6 - select observations from 30-79 If it is 7 - select observations from 35-84 If it is 8 - select observations from 40--89 If it is 9 - select observations from 45—94 If it is 0 - select observations from 50—99 Note: You will be graded zero for Part C of the assignment unless you satisfied the above sample selection criteria. 1. Perform descriptive statistical analysis and prepare a table with following descriptive measures for all the variables in your data set. Mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, coefficient of variation. (2 marks) 2. Briefly comment on the descriptive statistics in the part (1) and explain the nature of the distribution (whether the variables are normally distributed or not) of those variables. Use graphical representations where necessary. (4 marks) 3. Derive suitable graph to represent the relationship between dependent variable and each independent variable in your data set. (3 marks) (Ex: relationship between weeks of pay and age, Weeks of pay and years etc) 4. Based on the data set you extracted, perform a regression analysis and correlation analysis, and answer the questions given below. a. Derive the regression equation and based on that, estimate the expected redundancy pay for 40years old Ho Jin, worked in Kathy Hotel and Tourism for 14 years with the last annual salary of $45,000. (3 marks) b. Interpret the meaning of all the coefficients in the regression equation. (2 marks) c. Interpret the calculated coefficient of determination. (2 marks) d. At 5% significance level, test the overall model significance. (2 marks) e. At 5% significance level, assess the significance of independent variables in the model. (3 marks) f. Based on the correlation coefficients in the correlation output, assess the correlation between explanatory variables and check the possibility of multicollinearity. (2 marks) g. Based on your experience, propose minimum of 2 explanatory variables other than the variables given in the case study and justify your selection (2 marks) Page 5 of 11 HI6007
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Assignment Guideline for HI6006 Assignment 2 T2 2021 Group Report 40 marks V3(1)
Assignment 2 Specifications This assignment aims at ensuring that students have familiarized themselves with at least one significant case study (from any of those in the tutorials) and are able to apply the “strategic management process” and relevant foundational strategy development models that are applicable to the case. Details Select any one case study from the following aspects of competitive strategy and apply the theories of strategy development tools and how they are used in the identification of strategic issues. Report must contain a comprehensive application of the strategic management process containing both formulation and implementation of strategy relevant to the case study you choose: • Business Strategy • Competitive Dynamics • Corporate Strategy • Acquisitions and Restructure • International Strategy In this report, the use of sub-headings is essential. Be sure to use paragraphing. Be sure to reference your sources in-text and provide a list of references at the end, all in Harvard style. Your final submission is due Friday of week 10 at midnight. Late submissions attract penalties at the rate of -5% per day. Assignment Structure Required Cover page [this is essential and must be completed accurately] Executive Summary Table of Contents Body of the report to contain Section Headings – e.g. introduction, brief summary of the case; identification of strategic issues (relevant theoretical concepts, application of strategy model); strategy formulation; strategy implementation; conclusion. Sub-sections are to be numbered. Paragraphing must be used. Page Numbers must be used. Reference List at the end must be in Harvard format and mainly academic Journal Articles. Appendix: Statement of ‘who wrote which section’ (see below).
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HC1072 Economics and International Trade Individual Assignment
Assignment Specifications Assignment Tasks The assignment task is a written analysis of any published article regarding the Australian Market (newspaper, magazine or website) from 01 Jan 2020 and onwards. Your task is not to research and provide data. You are instead ask to analyse an event using your knowledge of economic principles. You will be required to apply the economic concepts you have learned in class to interpret events reported in your article. HC1072 Economics and International Trade T2 2020 Page 3 of 12 Task 1: Choose your article. The first come, first served rule will apply. No two persons can use the same article for the assignment. Register your article by sending an email to kvega@holmes.edu.au. Your email should state: a) HC1072 Individual Assignment by Name, Student ID b) Article Name/Title c) Date Published and Author/Writer A response will be sent. It will indicate, APPROVED or NOT APPROVED. Do not start your work unless you have the email response. Task 2: Ensure that a full printed copy of your article is saved as part of the Appendix of your paper. Deductions will be applied if the printed copy is not provided. Task 3: Microeconomic Analysis (Part 1) – for submission on Week 8 In this part of your assessment, you will analyse the event reported in your chosen article based on microeconomic concepts learned in class. Ensure that you have the full print out of the article in the Appendix of your paper. Task 4: Individual Online Presentation (Part 2) –to be scheduled starting Week 10 In this part of your assessment, you will summarise in an online presentation, all your findings from your analysis. This applies for both microeconomics and macroeconomics. You can still finalise your written paper afterwards but here you will verbally report your findings. Your presentation should be for a minimum of 5 minutes and maximum 10 min. You will be required to show your face, state your full name and student ID clearly at the start of the presentation. Voice over is allowed with powerpoint slides afterwards. But remember, we will match your voice and photo for identity checks. Details on how to register for an online presentation will be discussed by your Lecturer/Unit Coordinator in the Weekly Drop In Sessions for HC1072. It is important that once you receive your scheduled time, you ensure you have strong internet connection for this day and time. The lecturer will be asking relevant questions. Your marks will depend on your answers which should indicate the level of your understanding and analysis. Inability to answer questions and stating facts not on your written paper may indicate that you did not undertake the analysis on your own. This may affect the marks on your written paper which can be marked down with penalty or if proven to be academic misconduct, marked to zero. Task 5: Macroeconomic Analysis (Part 3) – for submission on Week 12 This is your final paper and should include both Microeconomic (Part 1) and Macroeconomic Analysis (Part 2) and the full print out of the article in your appendix. Refer to the below table for the specific task details and some guide questions for your analysis. Recommended Assignment Structure
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HA2032 Corporate and Financial Accounting Individual Assignment
Assignment Specifications Purpose: The assignment aims to reinforce and extend students’ knowledge and understanding of key topics in this unit by preparing a critical analysis of a case scenario with specific questions, as stated in the assessment document. Students are required to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the financial reporting standards and their application in the context of corporate financial reporting. Learning outcomes 2 and 3 will be assessed. Assessment Task: Part A Go to the ASX website (https://www.asx.com.au), select a company in any industry section. You are required to find and download the latest Annual report for the selected company. Based on the downloaded annual financial statements and related notes, prepare a report addressing the requirements below. 1. Review the capital structure of the company, and capital raising through share purchase plan (capital raising) or through private institutes (such as institutional investor or debt market), 2. Discuss and provide your explanation on the statement of cash flow, each item in related to the items categorised in the balance sheet and company’s capital structure, 3. Explain how the material movement in the statement of change in equity reflected and reported into the statement of cash flow, 4. Discuss and critically evaluate how the company address its financial resource requirement and if there are any other methods expanding its resource choices. Recommended word count 1500 to maximum 2000. Part B Do your own research and discuss the disclosure requirement for publicly listed companies in the financial statements in comparison to other non-listed companies. You also need to discuss the benefit of disclosing comparative information in annual financial reports to users including decision makers or external users such as investors. Recommended word counts 500 to maximum 1000. Assignment Structure should be as the following: Body of the business report each of the required tasks using appropriate heading (Part A and B equivalent to 2500-word count) References (Harvard referencing style required
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HI6006 Competitive Strategy Tutorial Questions
HI6006 - Tutorial Questions Submission Specifications The purpose of the Tutorial Submission is to ensure that students have familiarised themselves with the Competitive Strategy lectures of weeks 2-11 and are able to apply the strategy models to the cases discussed in Tutorials of week 2-11. In the current Online Learning Environment this submission counts instead of a final exam Details Write your answer to each of the tutorial questions specified as being assessed. Plagiarism is a breach of academic integrity and may result in a grade of ZERO and a report of Academic Misconduct. Your final submission is due and the final cut-off is Tuesday of week 13, i.e. 23 February at 12 midnight. Each student will be permitted only ONE submission to Blackboard. You need to ensure that the document submitted is the correct one. The questions to be answered are; Question 1- Week 2. Global and socio-cultural elements of the general environment are significant to the future of Starbucks’ retail coffee and snacks store industry. Discuss how and why they are significant. - (7 marks) Question 2.- Week 6. Describe Googles’ level of diversification strategies. - (7 marks) Question 3. - Week 7. What has been the rationale for LVMH acquisitions? - (7 marks) Question 4. - Week 9. Discuss effective approaches that Samsung Electric can implement to gain and manage a successful strategic alliance. - (7 marks) Question 5. - Week 5. Identify the competitive behavior responses of Zara to build or defend its competitive advantages and to improve its market position. - (11 marks) Question 6. - Week 11. The current CEO of QANTAS Alan Joyce is considered a strategic leader. Identify, and discuss the actions and characteristics of effective leadership. - (11 marks) Assignment Structure
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FINAL HC1031 Managing people and Organisations Group Assignment Guideline 2020 V01
Assignment 1 Specifications Purpose: This assignment aims at providing students with an opportunity to reflect on organisational problems and challenges and apply concepts and frameworks covered within the subject to solving such problems. In groups of 4, students must: Step 1: the organisation will be allocated to you to make sure that each group does choose a different organisation for your analysis. Step 2: Your task then is to identify and briefly describe a current organisational problem or challenge faced by your chosen organisation. Relevant problems or challenges may include (but not limited to) high turnover rate, low performance among workers, the need to implement a change within the organisation, poor communication between managers and employees, etc. Note that these are only examples and you are free to focus on other problems that have practical relevance to the specific organisation you have been allocated. However it will be good to include examples mentioned in this briefing. Step 3: Critically analyse the problem or challenge you have identified in step 2; drawing on relevant concepts and theories taught in this unit. Step 4: Based on your analysis, make specific recommendations on how to resolve the problem or challenge and how to improve the organisation’s effectiveness in dealing with the issues. You might choose more than one issue but not more than 2 issues, as you need to delve into the issue rather than being superficial. Step 5: Based on your report, prepare PowerPoint slides of key findings and make a presentation and record them and upload them on BB in the week for submission. PPTs must be submitted before you upload your group presentation. Assignment report structure should be as the following: As a minimum, the report should contain the following: 1) Executive Summary 2) Brief Introduction and background information of the selected organisation 3) Overview of the current organisational problem or challenge 4) Detailed analysis of the current organisational problem supported with relevant concepts and theories thought in class 5) Conclusion and Recommendations 6) Reference list (a minimum of 8 academic references with links back to in-text citations).
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HA1022 Principles of Financial Management Group Assignment T2 2020
Assignment Specifications Assignment Tasks The assignment task is a written report and analysis of your chosen financial institution and the financial environment. You will be required to apply the financial concepts you have learned in class to your chosen industry and company. In groups of 3-4, students should first choose one ASX listed company to undertake financial ratio, market and competitor analysis. Finally, identify the regulator of the industry and your chosen ASX Listed Company and the recent actions (within the last 3 years) that they have taken to control ethical behaviour in the industry. Note that groups cannot have the same ASX Listed Company. The first-come, first-served rule will apply. Assignment Structure should be as the following: Requirement/s and Guide Questions 1 Industry Description (4 marks, up to 400 words) a) Discuss the size of the industry and the level of competition. b) Identify the regulator/s of the industry. Comment on the extent of the regulator’s power to ensure compliance within the industry. 2 Company Description (6 marks, up to 600 words) a) What is/are the main source of business (the main source of revenue)? b) What is the ownership structure of your company? 3 Financial Instrument Analysis (6 marks, up to 600 words) a) Secure a copy of the 2019 or 2020 Balance Sheet and Income Statements of your chosen firm and attach it as an exhibit or table in your appendix. b) What are the financial instruments that your firm deals in? Check Assets, Liabilities and Equities section. Also read through the Notes to Financial Statements to get a better description of the financial instruments. c) Evaluate the cash or liquidity situation of the company and provide your opinion based on the liquidity ratios. 4 Financial Structure Analysis (10 marks, up to 1000 words) Suppose your chosen company requires AUD 10 Million to finance a new project and your finance managers are evaluating whether to borrow or issue new shares. a) Identify 2 key financial ratios that will be important to creditors. b) Identify 2 key financial ratios that will be important to shareholders. c) Calculate the 4 financial ratios (above) based on the financial statements you have attached. d) Based purely on Financial Ratios, recommend whether it is better for the company to borrow the AUD 10 Million or issue AUD 10 Million new shares. Page 3 of 8 HA1022 Principles of Financial Management Group Assignment 5 Financial Market Analysis (8 marks, up to 600 words) a) Conduct further research on your chosen company and explain the governance environment of the company. Has it been involved in any unethical practices in the past? How did the regulators and investors react? What corrective actions were taken by the company? If there has been no reported incidence of unethical behaviour, comment on your chosen company’s strategies that ensure compliance with the law. 6 Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations (4 marks, up to 400 words) Based on a summary of your findings, conclude whether the financial market for your chosen industry is healthy. 7 Presentation of Paper (including Assignment Cover Page and Reference List) – 2 marks and not included in word count
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HA1011 Applied Quantitative Methods Group Assignment 2020(6)
Assignment Specifications Purpose: This group assignment aims to develop students’ understanding of various qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and techniques, which are commonly used in practice. This assignment consists of four (4) statistical questions which requires the application of different statistical techniques. The main focus of the assignment is on the topics studied from Lecture 1 to Lecture 10. This assignment is to be completed as a group assignment, but there are specific individual components. Assignment Structure: This is an applied assignment. Students have to show that they understand the principles and techniques taught in this course. Therefore, students are expected to show all the workings, and all problems must be completed in the format taught in class, the lecture notes or prescribed text book. Any problems not done in the prescribed format will not be marked, regardless of the ultimate correctness of the answer. (Note: The questions and the necessary data are provided under “Assignment and Due date” in the Blackboard.) Instructions: • Maximum members of a group is 5 and minimum is 3 members. • Your assignment must be submitted in WORD format only! • When answering questions, wherever required, you should copy/cut and paste the Excel output (e.g., plots, regression output etc.) to show your working/output. • You are required to keep an electronic copy of your submitted assignment to re-submit, in case the original submission is failed and/or you are asked to resubmit. • Please check your email prior to reporting your assignment mark regularly for possible communications due to failure in your submission. Question 1 (8 marks) In recent years, Australians have been waiting longer before getting married for the first time and the number of long-term de facto couples is also on the increase. These trends may have some effect on Australian society and government policies. The table below presents the age-specific marriage rate (in percentage) of Australian males and females by age group for the years 1993 and 2013. Age group (years) Male Female 1993 2013 1993 2013 16–19 1.4 0.6 7.3 3.1 20-24 36.3 15.2 57.8 25.4 25-29 53.2 41.2 46.4 48.3 30-34 28.9 33.9 21.5 30.3 35-39 15.0 18.8 11.3 14.2 40-44 9.7 10.8 7.4 8.4 45-49 7.4 7.6 5.7 6.2 50 and over 3.5 3.4 1.9 1.9 a. Use a graphical technique to compare the marriage rates in 1993 and 2013, broken down by age, for Australian males. (2 Marks) b. Use a graphical technique to compare the marriage rates in 1993 and 2013, broken down by age, for Australian females. (2 Marks) c. Compare your observations in part (a) and (b). (2 Marks) d. Explain why you selected the particular graphical technique in part a and b . (2 Marks) Question 2 (10 marks) A sample of 400 visitors to an exhibition was timed to determine how long each took to view the exhibit. Three samples were taken: one in the morning (134), the second in the afternoon (133) and the third in the evening (133). These data are stored in columns 1,2 and 3 respectively of the data file. (See the data file named as data set for question No 2) a. Determine the mean, median and mode of each sample. (3 Marks) b. Determine the range, the variance and the standard deviation of each sample. (3 Marks) c. Discuss the similarities and differences among the three samples. (2 Marks) d. What are the implications of your findings? (2 Marks) Page 4 of 8 HA1011 APPLIED QUANTITATIVE METHODS GROUP ASSIGNMENT Question 3 (10 marks) The production manager of a company that manufactures car seas has been concerned about the number and cost of machine breakdowns. The problem is that the machines are old and becoming quite unreliable. However, the cost of replacing them is quite high, and the manager is not certain that the cost can be recouped given the slow economy. To help make a decision about replacement, he gathered data about last month’s costs for repairs and the ages (in months) of the plant’s 20 welding machines Repairs Age 327.67 110 376.68 113 392.52 114 443.14 134 342.62 93 476.16 141 324.74 115 338.98 115 433.45 115 526.37 142 362.42 96 448.76 139 335.27 89 350.94 93 291.81 91 467.80 109 474.48 138 354.15 83 420.11 100 416.04 137 Tasks: a. Derive the simple linear regression equation. (2 Marks) b. Interpret the slope coefficient and the intercept coefficient (2 Marks) c. Calculate and interpret the Coefficient of Determination. (2 Marks) d. Calculate and interpret the correlation coefficient. (2 marks) e. Predict the monthly repair cost of a welding machine that is 120 months old. (2 Marks) Page 5 of 8 HA1011 APPLIED QUANTITATIVE METHODS GROUP ASSIGNMENT Question 4 (10 marks) Casino Windsor conducts surveys to determine the opinions of its customers. Among other questions, respondents are asked the question ‘what is your overall impression of Casino Windsor?’. The possible responses are: Excellent, Good, Average and Poor. Additionally, the gender of the respondent is also noted. After analysing the results, the following table of joint probabilities was produced. Rating Women Men Excellent 0.27 0.22 Good 0.14 0.10 Average 0.06 0.12 Poor 0.03 0.06 a. What proportion customers rate Casino Windsor as excellent? (2 Marks) b. Determine the probability that a male customer rates Casino Windsor as excellent. (3 Marks) c. Find the probability that a customer who rates Casino Windsor as excellent as excellent is a man. (3 Marks) d. Are gender and rating independents? Explain your answer. (2 Marks)
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HA1011 Applied Quantitative Methods Tutorial Questions Assignment 2 final
The questions to be answered are: Week 7 – Question 1 (10 marks) a. Assume the online test in HA1011 has 15 multiple questions. Each question has five possible answers, of which only one is correct. i. What is the probability that guesswork will yield at least seven correct answers? (2 marks) ii. What is the expected number of correct answers by guesswork? (2 marks) b. At Delta limited the Chief Administrative Manager analyzed the number of incoming faxes. After an analysis, the manager determined the probability distribution of the number of pages per fax as follows: x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 P(x) 0.05 0.12 0.2 0.3 0.15 0.1 0.08 Required: Compute the mean and the variance of the number of pages per fax. (6 marks) Week 8 – Question 2 (10 marks) An analysis of the amount of interest paid by ABX banks’ visa card holders reveals that the amount is normally distributed with a mean of $27 and a standard deviation of $7. a. What proportion of the Bank’s Visa card holders pay more than $30 in interest? (2.5 marks) b. What proportion of the Bank’s Visa card holders pay more than $40 in interest? (2.5 marks) c. What proportion of the Bank’s Visa card holders pay less than $15 in interest? (2.5 marks) d. What interest payment is exceeded by only 20% of the bank’s Visa cardholders? (2.5 marks) Week 9 – Question 3 (10 marks) a. Briefly discuss following 3 probability distributions i. Uniform probability distribution ii. Normal probability distribution iii. Exponential probability distribution (3 marks) b. The amount of time that bankers devote to their job per week is normally distributed, with a mean of 52 hours and a standard deviation of 6 hours. i. What is the probability that a banker works for more than 60 hours per week? ii. Find the probability that the mean amount of work per week for 3 randomly selected bankers is more than 60 hours iii. Find the probability that if three bankers are randomly selected, all three work for more than 60 hours per week (7 marks) 3 Week 10 – Question 4 (10 marks) A researcher has collected a sample of 25 respondents and the mean was calculated as 500. The sample was randomly drawn from a normal population whose standard deviation is 15. a) Estimate the population mean with 99% confidence (4 marks) b) Repeat the part (a) changing the population standard deviation to 30. (2 marks) c) Repeat the part (a) changing the population standard deviation to 60. (2 marks) d) Describe what happens to the confidence interval estimate when the standard deviation is increased. (2 marks) Weeks 11 and 12 – Question 5 (10 marks) The Coordinator of a Statistics unit has drawn a random sample of 12 undergraduates and asked how many hours they spent for studies. The average time of the selected sample was 34.25. The coordinator has recommended that students should spend 3 hours per week for 12 weeks semester, for a total of 36 hours. It is known that the population standard deviation is 8. Based on the data listed below, using the p value approach, at 95% confidence level you are required to test whether there is evidence that the average student spent less than the recommended amount of time. You are required to arrange your answer based on the following steps: a. State the hypotheses (2 marks) b. Direction of the test (two tail/ left tail or right tail) (0.5 mark) c. State the relevant test statistic and the reason for the selection (2 marks) d. Level of significance (0.5 mark) e. Decision rule (2 marks) f. Calculate test statistics (2 marks) g. Conclusion based on the above steps. (1 mark)
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HA1020 Accounting Principles and Practices Tutorial Questions Assignment 1
Assessment Task – Tutorial Questions Assignment 1 Unit Code: HA1020 Unit Name: Accounting Principles and Practices Assignment: Tutorial Questions Assignment 1 Due: 11:30pm 15th May 2020 Weighting: 25% Total Assignment Marks: 50 Marks Purpose: This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1. Understand the logic and assumptions of accounting procedures; 2. Record business transactions in the journals and ledgers that make up a business accounting system; 3. Prepare financial statements; and 4. Analyse and interpret financial statements. Description: Each week students were provided with three tutorial questions of varying degrees of difficulty. These tutorial questions are available in the Tutorial Folder for each week on Blackboard. The Interactive Tutorials are designed to assist students with the process, skills and knowledge to answer the provided tutorial questions. Your task is to answer a selection of tutorial questions from weeks 1 to 5 inclusive and submit these answers in a single document. The questions to be answered are: Week 1 Question (10 marks) (Note this question is 1.3 in the Pre-recorded Tutorial Questions) Compare and contrast Financial Accounting with Management Accounting. Specify at least three (3) areas where Financial Accounting and Management Accounting are different. Support your answer with examples. (10 marks) 2 Week 2 Question (10 marks) (Note this question is 2.2 in the Pre-recorded Tutorial Questions) Select two (2) of the following four (4) financial accounting assumptions listed below and explain in your own words the meaning of each one you have selected: (10 marks) (a.) accounting entity (b.) accounting period (c.) monetary (d.) historical Week 3 Question (10 marks) (Note this question is 3.2 in the Pre-recorded Tutorial Questions) Which of the following events listed below results in an accounting transaction for Clothing Ltd? State a reason if it is not an accounting transaction. 1. Clothing Ltd signed a contract to hire a new store manager for a salary of $150,000 per annum. The manager will start work next month. 2. The founder of Clothing Ltd., who is also a major shareholder, purchased additional stock in another company. 3. Clothing Ltd borrowed $230,000 from a local bank. 4. Clothing Ltd purchased a sewing machine, which it paid for by signing a note payable. 5. Clothing Ltd issued 10,000 shares to a private investor, who is also a car business owner, in return for a new delivery truck. 6. Two investors in Clothing Ltd sold their stock to another investor. 7. Clothing Ltd ordered some fabric to be delivered next week. 8. Clothing Ltd lent $250,000 to a member of the board of directors. 3 Week 4 Question (10 marks) (Note this question is 4.3 in the Pre-recorded Tutorial Questions) The financial year end for Riverwood Ltd is 30 June. a. Prepaid insurance as at 1 July 2015 was $4,000. This represents the cost of one year’s insurance policy that expires on 30 June 2016. b. Commissions to sales personnel for the five day working week ending 2 July 2016, totaling $9,600, will be paid on 2 July. c. Sales revenue for the year included $570 of customer deposits for products that have not yet been shipped to them. d. A total of $900 worth of stationery was charged to the office supplies expense during the year. On 30 June about $490 worth of stationery is still considered useful for next year. e. The company has a bank loan and pays interest annually (in arrears) on 31 December. The estimated total interest cost for the calendar year ended 31 December 2016 is $500. Required: (a.) Show the effect of each of the situations above (a. – e.) on the accounting equation on 30 June 2016. (5 marks) (b.) Provide the adjusting journal entry for each of the situations above (a. – e.) on 30 June 2016. (5 marks) 4 Week 5 Question (10 marks) (Note this question is 5.3 in the Pre-recorded Tutorial Questions) SRP Ltd has the following unadjusted trial balance as at 31 Dec 2015. Account Titles Debit ($) Credit ($) Cash 19,600 Accounts Receivable 7,000 Supplies 1,300 Prepaid Insurance 900 Equipment 27,000 Accumulated Depreciation 12,000 Other Assets 5,100 Accounts Payable 7,500 Share Capital (3000 shares outstanding all year) 16,000 Retained Profit 10,300 Service Revenue 48,000 COGS 32,900 Total 93,800 93,800 Note: Data not yet recorded as at 31 Dec 2015 includes the following five (5) transactions: 1) Depreciation expense for 2015 was $3,000. 2) Insurance expired during 2015 was $450. 3) Wages earned by employees but not yet paid on 31 December 2015 was $2,100. 4) The supplies count on 31 December 2015 reflected $800 remaining supplies on hand to be used in 2016. 5) Income tax expense was $3,150. Required: (10 marks) 1) Record the 2015 adjusting entries. 2) Prepare an income statement and a classified balance sheet for 2015 to include the effect of the five (5) transactions listed above. 3) Prepare closing entries.
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HA1022 Principles of Financial Management Tutorial Questions Assignment T2 2020
Assessment Task – Tutorial Questions Assignment Unit Code: HA1022 Unit Name: Principles of Financial Management Assignment: Tutorial Questions Assignment (Individual) Due: Week 13 – Friday, 16th October 2020 (11:30pm) Weighting: 50% Total Assignment Marks: 50 Marks Purpose: This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit. Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1. Explain the institutional framework of the Australian Financial System. 2. Discuss the specific roles of Commercial Banks and NBFIs (Non-Bank Financial Institutions) in the Australian Financial System. 3. Discuss the Equity Market, the instruments available and their uses. 4. Discuss the Short-Term and Long-Term Debt Markets, the instruments available and their uses. 5. Discuss the workings of Foreign Exchange Markets and how they facilitate international trade. 6. Discuss the Derivative Market, the instruments available and their uses. 7. Perform calculations to value securities traded in the financial markets. Description: Each week students were provided with three tutorial questions of varying degrees of difficulty. The tutorial questions are available in the Tutorial Folder, for each week, on Blackboard. The Interactive Tutorials are designed to assist students with the process, skills and knowledge to answer the provided tutorial questions. Your task is to answer a selection of tutorial question from weeks 1 to 12 inclusive and submit these answers in a single document. 2 The questions to be answered are; Question 1 (7 marks) (Note this question is from the Week 5 Tutorial) Discuss the five (5) principal functions of a modern and efficient stock exchange, which most developed or developing countries seek to establish? (7 marks. Word limit Maximum 500 words) Question 2 (7 marks) (Note this question is from the Week 6 Tutorial) Within the context of services provided by a stockbroker, discuss the two (2) main types of stockbrokers that an investor may choose to use. In your response, differentiate between the services provided by these two (2) types of stockbrokers. (7 marks. Word limit Maximum 500 words) Question 3 (7 marks) (Note this question is from the Week 7 Tutorial) Assume that you have $10,000 to invest in a term deposit. In this situation, explain which of the three (3) deposits listed below (a. – c.) you would select if the selection strategy is totally depend on the higher percentage per annum (per year). a) a 90-day deposit that has a maturity value of $10,250. b) a 130-day deposit that has a maturity value of $10,390. c) a 145-day deposit that has a maturity value of $10,420. 3 Question 4 (7 marks) (Note this question is from the Week 8 Tutorial) Explain the trade credit facility provided by some companies to their customers that allow them to manage their day-to-day liquidity situation and calculate the opportunity cost of an invoice that specifies the following conditions, as shown below (a. – c.): a) conditions: 1.25/10, n/30. b) conditions: 1.25/10, n/60. c) conditions: 1.5/10, n/60. Question 5 (11 marks) (Note this question is from the Week 9 Tutorial) As a small software developer firm, you have approached the AXZ Bank to obtain a term loan so that the firm can purchase a new server. The AXZ bank provides two (2) offers to your company, as listed below: a) a loan of $100,000 over a five (5) year period at an interest rate of 7.65% per annum (per year) payable at the end of each month. b) a loan of $100, 000 over a three (3) year period at an interest rate of 5.5% per annum (per year) payable at the end of each month. Requirements 1. Calculate the monthly loan instalments for each offer listed above – a) and b). 2. Calculate the total interest payments for each offer listed above – a) and b). (Note – Students must clearly provide all workings and calculations in their response)
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HA2011 Management Accounting Group Assignment T1 2021(1)
Assignment Specifications Purpose: This assignment aims at developing your understanding of management accounting concepts to plan and control business operations. Specifically, you are to critically evaluate the use of Activity-based Costing (ABC) for decision-making and achievement of business goals. You also will use budgets as a planning tool by preparing a master budget for a company. This assignment is to be completed by a group of 3 - 4 students. You are to self-enrol in to a group. Individual assignments will NOT be accepted, unless approved by the Unit Coordinator. Instructions with Question 1 of the assignment. a) You are to refer to the management accounting literature in Question 1, particularly to use relevant academic journal articles from the following Accounting and Management Accounting Journals: Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal; Journal of Management Accounting Research Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research b) You can access these journals in ProQuest Database by clicking on the above links. Log in details for ProQuest are - Username: Holmes2004; Password: Holmes. These journals can also be accessed via the ProQuest Database link available via the Student Login page in the Holmes website. You can also use Google Scholar. Don’t use Google. c) You are to select a minimum of three (3) relevant journal articles, and follow the revised Harvard approach to referencing (on pg. 1 - 2), which include providing the hyperlink to the full text of the cited reference source. The Assignment Structure should be as the following: Question 1 [10 marks] From the management accounting literature: a) Discuss the role of strategic planning in adding value to an organisation’s products/services. (4 marks) b) Explain how Activity-based Costing (ABC) can support strategic planning and the value adding processes. Include examples of the type of information and reports the management accountant can provide. (4 marks) c) Based on your literature findings (from Part (b)), state two key lessons that would inform contemporary organisations about the use of ABC to support strategic planning and the value adding initiatives. (2 marks) Question 2 [11 marks] Page 4 of 12 HA2011 MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING ASSIGNMENT - T1 2021 Question 2 This question is not related to Question 1. [20 marks] This assignment MUST be done in groups of three or four students. Individual assignments will NOT be accepted, unless approved by the Unit Coordinator. The groups are to be formed at your discretion in your respective campuses. Group conflicts must be resolved by members. The table below needs to be used on the cover sheet of your assignment. The assignment will be marked STRICTLY based on the order in which you list student ID’s. The details below are just examples. You must fill in your respective group details. An example only: Group No. Member ID Number First Name Last Name 1. NXX2037 Mickey Mouse 2. APS2094 Donald Duck 3. EMV30216 Yogi Bear 4. AEES2104 Scooby Doo Students are REQUIRED to use the budget templates as illustrated in the Lecture Slides on BUDGETING Topic (Topic 7). Any supplementary working done to support the amounts in the budgets should be provided. PREPARATION OF OPERATING AND FINANCIAL BUDGETS Rosy Hearts produces cupcakes for resale at large grocery stores throughout Australia. The company is currently in the process of establishing a master budget on a quarterly basis for the next financial year, which ends June 30. Last year quarterly sales were as follows (1 unit = 1 batch): First quarter 60,AAA units Second quarter 75,BBB units Third quarter 96,CCC units Fourth quarter 80,DDD units See further instructions about last year quarterly sales figures in the table below: Group Member No. ID Number First Name Last Name 1. NXX2037 Mickey Mouse 2. APS2094 Donald Duck 3. EMV30216 Yogi Bear 4. AEES2104 Scooby Doo First quarter 60,AAA units becomes 60,037 units. AAA is the last three digits of Member 1’s ID. Second quarter 75,BBB units becomes 75,094 units. BBB is the last three digits of Member 2’s ID. Third quarter 96,CCC units becomes 96,216 units. CCC is the last three digits of Member 3’s ID. Fourth quarter 80,DDD units become 80,104 units. DDD is the last three digits of Member 4’s ID. NOTE that if your group has three members only, then use the value of 80,000 units for the fourth quarter. For solo group, if approved, do contact the Unit Coordinator via email (LKanainabogi@holmes.edu.au) who will provide you with the last year quarterly sales figures to use. Page 5 of 12 HA2011 MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING ASSIGNMENT - T1 2021 PREPARATION OF OPERATING AND FINANCIAL BUDGETS (Continued) Unit sales are expected to increase 25 percent, and each unit is expected to sell for $8. The management prefers to maintain ending finished goods inventory equal to 10 percent of next quarter’s sales. Assume finished goods inventory at the end of the fourth quarter budget period is estimated to be 9,000 units. Direct Materials Purchases Budget Information Each unit of product requires 1.5 pounds of direct materials per unit, and the cost of direct materials is $2 per pound. Management prefers to maintain ending raw materials inventory equal to 30 percent of next quarter’s materials needed in production. Assume raw materials inventory at the end of the fourth quarter budget period is estimated to be 41,000 pounds. Direct Labor Budget Information Each unit of product requires 0.20 direct labor hours at a cost of $12 per hour. Manufacturing Overhead Budget Information Variable overhead costs are: Indirect materials $0.20 per unit Indirect labor $0.15 per unit Other $0.35 per unit Fixed overhead costs each quarter are: Salaries $28,000 Rent $22,000 Depreciation $16,165 Rosy Hearts estimates that all selling and administrative costs are fixed. Quarterly selling and administrative cost estimates for the coming year are: Salaries $60,000 Rent $ 7,000 Advertising $10,000 Depreciation $ 8,000 Other $ 1,000 Rosy Hearts has the following information pertaining to the capital expenditures and cash budgets. Capital Expenditures The company plans to purchase selling and administrative equipment totalling $20,000 and production equipment totalling $28,000. Both will be purchased at the end of the fourth quarter and will not affect depreciation expense for the coming year. Cash Budget All sales are on credit. The company expects to collect 70 percent of sales in the quarter of sale, 25 percent of sales in the quarter following the sale, and 5 percent will not be collected (bad debt). Accounts receivable at the end of last year totalled $200,000, all of which will be collected in the first quarter of this coming year. Page 6 of 12 HA2011 MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING ASSIGNMENT - T1 2021 All direct materials purchases are on credit. The company expects to pay 80 percent of purchases in the quarter of purchase and 20 percent the following quarter. Accounts payable at the end of last year totalled $50,000, all of which will be paid in the first quarter of this coming year. The cash balance at the end of last year totalled $20,000. The company does not have an overdraft facility with their bank. Assume Rosy Hearts will collect 25 percent of fourth quarter budgeted sales in full next year (this represents accounts receivable at the end of the fourth quarter). The following account balances are expected at the end of the fourth quarter: • Property, plant, and equipment (net): $320,000 • Ordinary Shares: $450,000 Retained earnings at the end of last year totalled $56,180, and no cash dividends are anticipated for the budget period ending June 30. Required: With the information provided, assist Rosy Hearts in setting up their ‘Master Budget’. To do this, you will need to prepare the following budgets for coming year: 1. Sales Budget 2. Production Budget 3. Direct Materials Purchases Budget 4. Direct Labour Budget 5. Manufacturing Overhead Budget 6. Ending Finished Goods Inventory Budget 7. Selling & Administration Expenses Budget 8. Expected Cash Collections 9. Expected Cash Disbursements for Materials 10. Cash Budget 11. Budgeted Income Statement 12. Budgeted Balance Sheet* 13. Review the cash budget for Rosy Hearts. Comment on the company’s cash position in the coming year, and provide one recommendation to resolve one issue you have raised. (20 marks) *For the balance sheet as at June 30th, there will be a difference between the final totals
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HA2022- Business Law Group Assignment T3 2020
Assignment Specifications Purpose: This assignment aims at ensuring that students have familiarised themselves with their chosen case problem type questions and are able to apply the legal knowledge to factual situations, through written and/or oral communication, to achieve a reasoned conclusion. The ability to identify the relevant legal issues from a factual situation and the application of statute and case law involves the use of problem solving and decision making skills. Details: Topics and presentation schedule: Please organise yourselves into groups of 4 students or less. Written report – worth 25% and must be submitted – Friday, Week 10 at 11.59pm. • This group assignment consists of 2 parts. Part A is a case study on Contract law, and Part B is a question involving Civil Liability (the Law of Torts and Negligence). Both questions must be answered. • The total word limit for the group report is 2,000 words. Each part has a maximum word count of 1,000 words. • The total word count for the report as well as each part must be clearly written on the cover sheet of the assignment. Your assignment will not be marked if the word counts are not written on the cover sheet. • For your group report, you must choose the following case studies from the textbook which are listed below (1 case for Part A and 1 case for part B). Please email the Unit Coordinator before the end of week 6 for approval of your cases. Questions PART A: Contract Law • Select one of the following questions for Part A, from either from the 10th or 11th edition of the textbook Business Law, Gibson (& Osborne) • 10th edition of Business Law – Chapter 9 – Q 4, 7, or 8 (p.258) • 11th edition of Business Law - Chapter 3 – Q 2, 5 or 6 (p. 163 - 164) 1) In not more than 1,000 words, answer the above legal case question using the IRAC (Issue, Rule, Application and Conclusion) method. 2) Your answer must be supported by relevant law and cases decided by Australian courts (preferably the High Court) and/or scholarly articles. A minimum of three scholarly, genuine and relevant references are required for this part of the report. 3) Your references must be listed in a Reference list at the end of the Part A question. Page 3of 8 HA2022 Business Law Group Assignment PART B: The Law of Torts and Negligence Questions For Part B, you must select one case from either Case 1 or Case 2 for your report. Case 1 - Shadddock & Associates Pty Ltd v Parramatta City Council (No 1) [1981] HCA 59 • a short summary of the case can be found in the 10th edition Business Law, p.146-147, or in the 11th edition on p.353, and the full transcript of the High Court case can be found on https://jade.io/j/?a=outline&id=66945 Or; Case 2 - Swain v Waverley Municipal Council [2005] HCA 4 • A short summary of the case can be found in the 10th edition Business Law, p.112, or in the 11th edition on p.315-316 and the full transcript of the High Court case can be found on https://jade.io/article/234282 1. In not more than 1,000 words, provide a report of the above legal case question using the IRAC (Issue, Rule, Application and Conclusion) method. 2. Your answer must be supported by relevant law and cases decided by Australian courts (preferably the High Court) and/or scholarly articles. A minimum of three scholarly, genuine and relevant references are required for this part of the report. 3. Your references must be listed in a Reference list at the end of the Part B question. Assignment structure is to be written as a report format. It must include: • Cover page • Table of contents • Part A – Contracts Law question • Part B – Torts and Negligence question • Paragraphing • Page numbers • Reference list at the end of the report
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HA2032 Corporate and Financial Accounting Tutorial Questions Assignment 1
Assessment Task – Tutorial Questions Assignment 1 Unit Code: HA2032 Unit Name: Corporate and Financial Accounting Assignment: Tutorial Questions Assignment 1 Due: 11:30pm 15th May 2020 Weighting: 25% Total Assignment Marks: 50 Marks Purpose: This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the Corporations Act, sources of authority, and accounting standards in the governance of companies and requirements for financial reporting; 2. Explain the various methods available to companies in their resource expansion and the impact of each on the accounting records and financial statements; 3. Critically analyse and interpret the financial statements and other disclosures produced by Australian companies and corporate groups; 4. Achieve a high level of competence in applying prescribed accounting techniques to the preparation of the consolidated financial statements of Australian companies and corporate groups; 5. Appreciate the role of each of the types of external administration and how each method is applied. Description: Each week students were provided with three tutorial questions of varying degrees of difficulty. These tutorial questions are available in the Tutorial Folder for each week on Blackboard. The Interactive Tutorials are designed to assist students with the process, skills and knowledge to answer the provided tutorial questions. Your task is to answer a selection of tutorial questions from weeks 1 to 5 inclusive and submit these answers in a single document. 2 The questions to be answered are: Week 1 Question (10 marks) Discuss the advantages of listing a corporation on the stock exchange, such as the ASX? (10 marks) Week 2 Question (10 marks) The following data relates to ABC Ltd: ? Profit for the year ended 30 June 20X1, $500,000. ? On 31 March 20X1, the directors decided to pay an interim cash dividend of $100,000. ? On 7 April 20X1, the interim dividend was paid. ? For final dividends, the company’s constitution provides that the directors can recommend a dividend to be subsequently declared by a resolution of the members in a general meeting. ? The directors recommended a final dividend of $250,000 to be paid. ? The shareholders accepted the final dividend at the annual general meeting, and payment was made on 14 September 20X1. Required: (a) Prepare journal entries to record the above dividend payments. (6 marks) (b) Prepare the retained profits general ledger account. (4 marks) Week 3 Question (10 marks) Adelaide Briton Ltd issued a prospectus on 1 June 20X1 inviting applicants for 3,000 debentures of face amount $2,000, payable in full on application. Terms were 12% p.a. interest, payable annually, with a maturity date of 30 June 20X4. Exactly the right amount of applications were received by 30 June 20X1. Required: a) Prepare general journal entries to record the issue of debentures. (3 marks) b) Prepare general journal entries to record the payments of interest and the repayment of principal. (3 marks) c) Prepare ledger entries to record (a) and (b) above. (4 marks) 3 Week 4 Question (10 marks) Explain and discuss the importance and the role of the related notes to the financial statements included in a financial statements. (10 marks) Week 5 Question (10 marks) Swan River Ltd purchased a parcel of assets and liabilities comprising a business directly from Lyneham Pty Ltd. The parcel, measured at net fair values, consisted of: Balance of Accounts: Plant 50,000 Land 80,000 Vehicles 40,000 Accounts receivable 10,000 Accounts payable (16,000) Total 164,000 Required: Prepare journal entries to record the acquisition by Swan River Ltd, assuming that: a) The cost of acquisition was $200,000 cash. (4 marks) b) The cost of acquisition was $144,000 cash. (6 marks) Submission Directions: The assignment has to be submitted via Blackboard. Each student will be permitted one submission to Blackboard only. Each student needs to ensure that the document submitted is the correct one.
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HA2042 Accounting Information Systems Assessment 2: Individual Assignment
Assignment Details Background You are working in an accounting/management consultancy firm. Your firm is focusing on different aspects of the accounting information systems. One of your firm’s clients is currently evaluating its accounting system, and the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of your client thinks that they needed to invest in cloud-based accounting software to support the growth of the business. Required You are required to prepare a report to evaluate and recommend a cloud-based accounting software for an Australian ASX-listed company of your choice (your firm’s client).1 The report should include the following components: 1. Background • Describe your client and its business activities. • Briefly describe the basic business activities involved in the revenue and expenditure cycles of the selected company. • And identify the weak internal controls in these business activities. Further, identify the risks associated with these weak controls. 2. Systems requirements • Outline the software features and functionalities that your client should consider to support its business activities. 3. Software selection • Visit the websites of at least two (2) accounting software package vendors (e.g. SAP, MYOB, Xero, etc.) and provide a brief description of each vendor and its products. • Compare and contrast the features/functionalities of two cloud-based accounting software packages offered by accounting software package vendors. • Identify the most suitable vendor and accounting software package for your client and explain why it is the best option. Assignment Structure The report should include the following components. 1. Holmes Institute Assignment Cover Sheet 2. Executive Summary The executive summary should be concise and not involve too much detail. It should make commentary on the main points only and follow the sequence of the report. Write the Executive Summary after the report is completed, and once you have an overview of the whole text. 3. Contents Page This needs to show a logical listing of all the sub-headings of the report’s contents. Note this is excluded from the total word count. 1 Alternatively, you can select any company listed on the stock exchange of your home country. HA2042 T2 2020 - Assessment 2: Individual Assignment 3 4. Introduction Typically, the introduction is a short paragraph which includes background, scope and the main points raised in the order of importance. There should be a brief conclusion statement at the end of the introduction. 5. Main Body Paragraphs with Numbered Sub-headings This section contains the detailed information which elaborates on the main points raised in the introduction. Each paragraph should begin with an exact topic sentence, then supporting sentences with facts and evidence obtained from research and finish with a concluding sentence at the end. 6. Conclusion This section contains a logical and coherent evaluation based on a thorough and objective assessment of the research performed. 7. Appendices This section includes any additional explanatory information which is supplementary and/or graphical to help communicate the main ideas made in the report. Refer to the appendices in the main body paragraphs, as and where appropriate. (Note this is excluded from the total word count.) Note: The report should be grounded on relevant literature, and all references must be cited appropriately and included in the reference list.
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HA3011 Advanced Financial Accounting Individual Assignment - T2 2021A
Assignment Specifications Purpose: This assignment aims at assessing students on the Learning Outcomes 1 to 8 as mentioned above. Assignment Instructions and Requirements Each student has been allocated a subject company for completing this assignment. In the excel file “Find Your Company” located under “Assessments” on Blackboard, you will find the listed company that you have been allocated for this assignment. Important note: You are NOT allowed to select your own companies. You must complete this assignment with the subject company that you have been allocated. Your assignment will not be marked if you use a different company to the one that you have been allocated, or you will be asked to resubmit your assignment using the correct company. Students are not allowed to complete the assignment using the same company as used by another student. Go to the website of your subject company. Then go to the Investor Relations section of the website. This section may be called: “Investors”, “Shareholder Information” or similar titles. In this section, find the company’s annual report. Download the firm’s latest annual report and save it to your computer. For example, these reports may be dated 30 June 2019 or 30 June 2020. Do not use your firm’s interim financial statements or their concise financial statements. Once you have downloaded the latest annual report for the company allocated to you, you are required to undertake the following tasks: Apply relevant knowledge that you have learned from this course, examine the annual report of your subject company and other relevant information that you have obtained via your research and undertake the following tasks: 1- From the annual report of your allocated company and in respect to the general-purpose financial statements, describe and discuss the objectives and limitations of the conceptual framework for financial accounting. 2- Identify and clearly discuss if your allocated company is a reporting entity, provide specific and detailed examples and factors from your allocated company to support your argument. 3- Describe and discuss the recognition and measurement policies of your allocated company in relation to leases and income tax 4- Explain the impairment testing of non-current tangible assets of your allocated company. For additional guidance for marks allocation, please refer to the marking rubric / guide attached. HA3011 Advanced Financial Accounting 4 Assessment Criteria Assessment of this assignment will be based on the criteria listed below.
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HA3021 Corporations Law Individual Assignment T2 2021
Assignment Specifications Purpose: The purpose of the Individual Assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate their level of learning of the various key concepts taught in the unit and apply them in analysing and answering two case problems by citing the relevant legal rules and cases and applying these to the facts of the case. Instructions: Please read and re-read carefully to avoid mistakes. Individual Report 1. The individual assignment is about various topics covered in this unit. There are four questions to be answered. All questions are mandatory. 2. The individual assignment is worth 40% of the total marks in this unit. 3. This individual assignment comprises two separate submissions: an assignment draft and a final assignment. Each submission is worth separate marks. 4. Questions 1 and 2 are included in Part 1 of the Assignment Instructions (see below). These are the two questions that you must answer in your Assignment Draft. 5. Questions 3 and 4 will be released at the end of Week 6 in Part 2 of the Assignment Instructions, This is the same time that you must submit your assignment draft. Answers to Questions 3 and 4 must be included with your answers to Questions 1 and 2 and put in your final assignment. 6. For the avoidance of doubt, your final assignment submission must contain answers to all four questions, Questions 1, 2, 3 and 4. Failure to include answers to any questions in your final submission will cause your assignment to be penalised. 7. Assignment draft: you are required to produce a written draft of your answer. The answer must cite relevant sections of law and cases that you specified in your answer plan. In addition, your draft must include a list of academic references that you have researched for your assignment. ? Due date: end of Week 6 ? Weight: 15% of the total individual assignment marks ? Length: 1000 words (for answers to Questions 1 and 2) ? Minimum number of references: 6 8. Final assignment: you are required to submit the final version of your assignment. The final version must include an official Holmes Institute cover sheet, as well as academic referencing (either in-text or footnotes) and a full Reference List. ? Due date: end of Week 9 ? Weight: 25% of the total individual assignment marks ? Length: 2500 words (note: this word count is for the complete assignment and includes your answers to Questions 1, 2, 3 and 4) ? Minimum number of references: 6 HA3021 Corporations Law Individual Assignment T2 2021 - Part 1 2 9. Word count limits are strictly enforced. A deduction of two (2) marks will be imposed for every 50 words over the word count for either part of the report. Anything over the word count will not be read by your lecturer. 10. The total word count for the report must be clearly written on the cover sheet of the assignment. A paper will not be marked if the word counts are not written on the cover sheet. Individual Oral Presentation You are required to present your answers in a short oral presentation that will be delivered during the live interactive online tutorials. Presentations will run from Weeks 10 to 13. Your lecturer will schedule the particular tutorial when you will present. Each oral presentation will last for five (5) minutes and will involve you briefly presenting the answer to the question and answering questions posed by your lecturer. ? Presentation dates: Weeks 10 to 13 ? Weight: 10% of the total mark in this unit ? Length: 5 minutes The individual oral presentation is an integral part of the assessment schedule in this unit. Any student who submits a written assignment but does not do an oral presentation in class will not have their assignment marked and their mark released until a presentation has been completed. Important Reminders: ? All assignment submissions must be done online and run through SafeAssign. No hard copies are to be submitted. ? You must attach the official Holmes Institute cover sheet to your assignment and upload on Blackboard. ? The assignment must be submitted via SafeAssign on Blackboard and show a similarity percentage figure. Any assignment that does not show a SafeAssign similarity percentage will not be marked and be required to re-submit. ? Late submissions will be subject to Holmes Institute policy on student assessment submission and late penalties (please refer to subject outline and Student handbook).
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HC1010 Accounting for Business Accounting for Business
HC1010 Assignment Specifications Purpose: This assignment aims to reinforce and extend students’ knowledge and understanding of key topics in this course (HC1010) including: Overview of Accounting, Organisational Structure & the Reporting Environment, Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Financial Performance, Cash Flow Statement, Financial Statement Analysis, Accounting for Business Transactions, Cost Concepts & Behaviour, Preparation of Budgets, and Cost-Volume-Profit-Analysis through independent research and application of knowledge and skills. Assignment details: Your friend Tim is from Darwin and he wants to start a business of his own. He is thinking of buying a delicatessen in Sydney. The shop has been there for several years but has not been a great success. Tim does not have sufficient savings and he may have to borrow a large amount of money to finance the purchase. As you are an accounting student, you have been asked to advise the following: a. What are the options of the forms of organisation that Tim can adopt for the business? Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of each option for Tim. b. Will the choice of organisation affect the availability of finance for his business? Explain. c. How can he raise the required finance? What security do you think he will need to provide? d. How and what accounting information will assist Tim in making decisions in purchasing the business? What non-financial information should he be requesting? e. What skills and/or accounting knowledge will he need to manage the business? Please outline your responses to the above issues and provide your advice and recommendations to Tim in a report.
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HC1021 Interpersonal & E-Communication Group Assignment Guideline 2020
Assignment 1 Specifications Purpose: This assignment aims at applying theoretical and practical knowledge of communication to formulate effective business communication strategies. In groups of 4 students must: i. Select a suitable business, company or organisation and write a formal report on their business communication trend over the past 20 years (Note: the selected company must have been in operation at least in the past 20 years). ii. The nominated company must be approved by your lecturer. Each group must do their report on different companies. This will be approved on a ‘first-come first-served’ basis. iii. You will be required to perform academic research on the nominated companies to assess how changes in business communication strategies have impacted the way that business is being done today. iv. You are to make a group presentation for 5-12 minutes on the key findings from your report using PowerPoint slides in the class during the tutorial session in weeks 10 and 11. Assignment Structure should be as the following: Title Page Executive Summary Brief Introduction
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HC1031 Managing People and Organisations Tutorial Question Assigment 2
Assignment Specifications Purpose: This individual assignment is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of marketing management Details Answer All FIVE (5) of the following questions. The questions come from the recorded tutorial questions from week 7 to week 11. Question 1 Week 7: Tutorial 6 (10 marks) Describe the characteristics common to companies that are able to successfully innovate in highly competitive markets. List five examples of characteristics of a creative organization. Answer this question in 300 words. You must support your discussion by referring to 3 additional academic sources e.g. ProQuest (Harvard referencing is required and ensure that you reference them correctly). Question 2 Week 8: Tutorial 7 (10 marks) Differentiate between ‘challenge stress’ and ‘threats stress’. Define first the challenge stress and threats stress then use examples to illustrate your answer. Answer this question in 300 words. You must support your discussion by referring to 3 additional academic sources e.g. ProQuest (Harvard referencing is required and ensure that you reference them correctly) Question 3 Week 9: Tutorial 8 (10 marks) Distinguish between charismatic and transformational leadership. Page 3 of 3 Define what charismatic and transformation leadership is and then compare the differences between two leadership styles by listing pros and cons of each leadership style. Answer this question in 300 words. You must support your discussion by referring to 3 additional academic sources e.g. ProQuest (Harvard referencing is required and ensure that you reference them correctly). Question 4 Week 10: Tutorial 9 (10 marks) ‘There are many reasons why an employee’s performance might not meet expected standards.’ Explain and Discuss. Answer this question in 300 words. You must support your discussion by referring to 3 additional academic sources from ProQuest (Harvard referencing is required and ensure that you reference them correctly). Question 5 Week 11: Tutorial 10 (10 marks) What are self-directed teams? Briefly discuss three characteristics or elements of selfdirected teams. Answer this question in 300 words. You must support your discussion by referring to 3 additional academic sources e.g. ProQuest (Harvard referencing is required and ensure that you reference them
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HC1041 IT for Businss Assignment 2--Details and Guidelines T3 2020
Assignment 2 Specifications Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to find recent news that involves information security breaches, analyse the chosen news and produce a report. Assignment Requirements You are to research a real life business example of your choice and the impact of IT on that business. Important points 1)Does your chosen business need IT? 2)Why IT is important for business survival? 3)What is required to apply IT into your chosen business? (I.e. cost, planning, designing, equipment, installation,training, etc…) 4)How does your chosen business use IT? (internally such as employees, and externally such as customers, suppliers) 5) What benefits and advantages does IT bring to your chosen business? (I.e. revenue, flexibility, reduces cost, etc….) 6)What type of risks does IT bring to your chosen business? (i.e. security, privacy, confidentiality) 7)How can your chosen business maintain and monitor IT? Your report will be assessed on the quality of your research and report presentation. Discussion must be relevant to your chosen business. Your report is to be in the style of a business report. There is a limit of ten pages excluding appendices. You can choose a business from any of the following industries: •Healthcare •Food processing •Banking and finance •Telecommunications •Library •Transport •Airlines •Printing and publishing •Media •Computer gaming •tourism Examples: Trip Advisor --https://www.tripadvisor.com.au/ Telstra -- https://www.telstra.com.au/ Commonwealth Bank of Australia -- https://www.commbank.com.au/ Qantas -- https://www.qantas.com/au/en.html Page 3 of 5 HC1041 Information Technology for Business Marking criteria
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HC2022 Marketing Research Individual Assignment 1 Report Guidelines T2 2021
Assignment Specifications Purpose: The objective of this case is to demonstrate how marketing research has contributed to making a small business into a successful national chain. Krispy Kreme has become the American household icon for great-tasting hot doughnuts and coffee. Since its beginning in 1937, the company has grown and spread over the United States. Company executives and store managers credit their success to a limited, consistent-tasting product line and clean and inviting stores that attract consumers across all socioeconomic categories. The company also prides itself on its involvement in charitable and service activities in the communities in which the stores are located. Special Instructions: 1. Must watch the video (uploaded on Blackboard under Assignment 1). 2. Answer the following three questions in reference to the video: a. To succeed in the Global Market, what market research should Krispy Kreme undertake? b. What market research activities does Krispy Kreme engage in to determine where to build a site? c. Krispy Kreme is currently facing criticism from low-carb diet practitioners which have lowered sales. How can market research help them deal with this problem? Provide at least examples of approaches that can be applied. 3. Provide some recommendations with evidence support. Assignment Structure should be as the following: 1. Executive Summary 2. Introduction Background information about the company and marketing research and market research. 3. Define the Problems and discussions Clearly explain the problem that requires market research 4. Conclusions and Recommendations Conclude by citing key findings and provide two specific recommendations Krispy Kreme. 5. Reference
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HC2022 Marketing Research Tutorial Questions Assignment T2 2020.FINAL
Assessment Task – Tutorial Questions Assignment Unit Code: HC2022 Unit Name: Marketing Research Assignment: Tutorial Questions Due: 11:30pm 13th October 2020 Weighting: Total Mark 50 = 50% Purpose: This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit. Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1. Evaluate theoretical and practical knowledge of Marketing Research 2. Analyse marketing issues and strategies using core marketing concepts and work with others to develop marketing strategies. 3. Analyse and evaluate research methods, using primary and secondary data, design questionnaire, statistical analysis and write research report. 4. Demonstrate research skills, showing initiative in consulting the academic literature and integrating fresh ideas into the discourse in preparation for life-long learning 5. Demonstrate the capacity to write persuasive reports containing sound recommendations, in preparation for their career in business. Description: Each week students were provided with three tutorial questions of varying degrees of difficulty. These tutorial questions are available in the Tutorial Folder for each week on Blackboard. The Interactive Tutorials are designed to assist students with the process, skills and knowledge to answer the provided tutorial questions. Your task is to answer a selection of tutorial questions covered over Week 2 to Week 11 inclusive. It is important when you answer the questions, you do not just copy and paste the answers from other sources, but rather, try to paraphrase it and provide reference (in- text referencing) to your answers. All references must be listed appropriately at the end of the report using Harvard referencing style. The questions to be answered are: Question 1 Week 2 tutorial questions – Lecture 2 (11 marks) Homeware Greens is small Australian company based in Adelaide, who has been successful in selling certified environmentally sustainable homeware and gifts products made in Australia. The owners of Homeware Greens want to expand their business and have identified Melbourne as a potential new market to enter. You have been asked by the owners provide proposal of an online gift shop. Compare this type of gift store to the traditional ‘brick and mortar’ store. How might the research design differ for each? Refer to Week 2 Lecture slides and recordings for more information. (Must provide 2 references, there should be at least one academic reference and one non-academic). (At least 400 words). Question 2 Week 11 Tutorial Question – Lecture 11 (11 marks) List and describe the components of a research report and provide a brief overview of each component? Refer to Week 11 Lecture slides and recordings, as well the internet for further information. (Must provide 2 references, there should be at least one academic reference and one non-academic). (at least 400 words). Question 3 Week 4 Tutorial Question – Lecture 3 (7 marks) How can you identify the difference between quantitative and qualitative question? Conduct an internet search citing your references of respected authorities on this subject. Refer to Week 3 slides and recordings for further information (Must provide 2 references, there should be at least one academic reference and one non-academic). (At least 200 words). Question 4 Week 5 Tutorial Question – Lecture 4 (7 marks) Suppose you were working for a company that wanted to start a business selling hand-made acoustic guitars. Pricing is a big part of the decision-making. Secondary information is available via the internet. Using eBay (http://ebay.com.au) or Amazon (https://www.amazon.com), identify four key brands of vintage acoustic guitars listed for sale that seem to be associated with the highest prices. As the company wishes to charge premium prices based on the information that you gathered before. Explain how this information can support and justify the premium prices for their own hand-made acoustic guitars? Refer to Week 4 slides and recordings for further information (At least 200 words). Question 5 Week 6 Tutorial Question – Lecture 5 (7 marks) There are many issues that researchers require consideration when designing market research. Using an internet search engine of your choice, list and discuss five (5) issues that require consideration. Student can refer to the ‘The nature of surveys’ section of the Week 5 lecture slides and recordings for further information. (Must provide 2 references, there should be at least one academic reference and one non-academic to justify your answer). (At least 200 words). Question 6 Week 10 Tutorial Questions – Lecture 9 (7 marks) What is the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics? Provide an example to each. Refer to Week 9 lecture slides and recordings for further information (Must provide 2 references, there should be at least one academic reference and one non-academic). (At least 200 words).
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HC2091 Business Finance Group Assignment T1. 2021
ASSIGNMENT SPECIFICATIONS ASSIGNMENT TASK This assignment task is a capital budgeting and project evaluation task with two parts: Part 1: Research on capital budgeting Part 2: Risk analysis and project evaluation ASSIGNMENT COVERPAGE: Please use the provided template CONTENT AND STRUCTURE OF THE ASSIGNMENT INTRODUCTION The introduction should briefly explain the purpose of the assignment (not more than 200 words) PART 1. RESEARCH ON CAPITAL BUDGETING Do a research on making capital budgeting investment an answer the following questions: 1.1. What is an incremental cashflow and why decision of a financial manager on accepting or rejecting one investment project should be based on incremental cash flow? 1.2. What is operating cash flow and how to calculate an operating cash flow for an investment project? 1.3. Explain the reason why: a. Depreciation expenses need to be added to find out the annual free cash flow that comes from an investment project for each year of the project? b. Changes in working capital and residual (salvage value) of a long-term asset must be added to the free cash flow of the final year of an investment project only? PART 2. RISK ANALYSIS AND PROJECT EVALUATION Assume that your group is working for financial department of a company, which is considering a potential project with a new product that is expected to sell for an average price of $30 per unit. Launching this project will require the company to buy an equipment with the cost of $2 500 000 and residual value of $400,000 after four year. The company expects it can sell 250 000 unit per year at this price for a period of 4 years with this equipment To produce a unit of product, the company needs to spend a variable cost per unit of $10. Cash fixed costs per year is $250 000. There is no requirement of additional working capital. Other information is available below: Depreciation method: straight line Discount rate: 15% Tax Rate: 30% Page 4 of 10 4 Required Tasks: Your financial department conducted some economics forecast and estimated that in the coming time, there may not be any significant changes in variable cost per unit and total fixed costs per year in production. However, sales may be subject to an unexpected outcome due to the rivalry of your company’s competitor. This competitor is also developing their new product with big competitive advantages. If the competitor successfully launches their new product and occupies the best potential market before you, the worst-case scenario will occur to your company product, where both unit sales and price per unit decrease by 10%. If your company successfully launches your new product and occupy the best potential market before your competitor, then your company can enjoy a 10% increase in both unit sales and price per unit. Perform a scenario analysis with cash flows of the project to determine the sensitivity of the project NPV with the following changes in the value drivers in the worst-case scenario and best- case scenario. Worst case scenario: Unit sales decrease by 10% Price per unit decreases by 10% Best case scenario: Unit sales increase by 10% Price per unit increases by 10% Provide your results in (a) relevant tables. A conclusion on the risks of the project cash flows need to be drawn out. CONCLUSION Based on the outcome of two parts, provide brief conclusion, summarizing what you have done in the assignment (not more than 200 words). Assignment Preparation guideline/ Important Note: Students are required to attend Interactive Tutorial Session which covers Topic 5. Making Capital Investment Decisions (conducted in Week 7) for inputs to answer the questions in Part 1 and 2, and training on how to work with correct capital budgeting technique, proper format, structure, calculation tables and terminologies. Assignments with different templates, terminologies and calculations from the solution templates and guidance provided to you in the sessions will be investigated as potential contract cheater done assignments
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HC2101 Performance Management for Human Resources Group Assignment Template T1 2021 updated
Assignment Specifications Assignment Tasks The assignment task is to write a job description and identify the matching skills that applicants should have to qualify for the job vacancy within an industry. Students are required to apply the selection and recruitment concepts learned in class to analyse skills requirement for the position level. Choose your industry. The first come, first served rule will apply. No two groups can use the same industry for the assignment. Register your choice by sending an email to the coordinator. Your email should state: HC2101 Performance Management for HR T1 2021 Page 4 of 4 a. HC2101 Group Assignment – Group Number b. Group Member Name/s & Student ID/s c. Industry – e.g. banking, aviation, hospitality d. Preferred Group Presentation schedule – choose from Week 10, 11 or 12. A response will be sent. It will indicate, APPROVED or NOT APPROVED. Do not start your work unless you have the email response. A deduction of 30% will be applied if you submit your work without pre-approval. The assignment will be submitted in 2 parts. The written assignment (25%) will be submitted online on Blackboard by Week 9. Each group will then present in class (15%) --- in person or via Zoom --- at their scheduled time from Week 10-12. Based on their presentation schedule, the powerpoint slides must be submitted within 24 hours. Note: You will not be given a second chance to present if you are late for your slot.
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HC2121 Comparative Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Group Assignment Guidelines
Assignment Specifications Purpose This assignment aims at providing students with an opportunity to reflect on ethical dilemmas and challenges in contemporary organisations and apply concepts and frameworks covered within the subject to solving such problems. In groups of 4, students must: Search local newspapers/reports for an ethical issue that is topical. It might be the politics surrounding a minority group, or the latest corporate scandal, or some other issue of interest to you. In 2500 words, briefly describe the case and then evaluate it using the key terminologies/theories that have been discussed in the lecture slides and support your claims/arguments with key research findings/peer-reviewed academic articles. If you can’t locate Page 3 of 8 an ethical issue in local newspapers/reports, you may wish to investigate One of the following corporate scandals: United Airlines https://edition.cnn.com/2017/04/11/travel/united-customer-dragged-off-overbooked-flight/index.html Equifax https://techcrunch.com/2018/12/10/equifax-breach-preventable-house-oversight-report/ Enron https://www.britannica.com/event/Enron-scandal Google https://www.theverge.com/2019/3/20/18270891/google-eu-antitrust-fine-adsense-advertising Assignment report structure should be, as follows: • The report must include a cover page with who did what section in the report. • Table of Contents • Executive Summary • An Introduction and background information of the selected organisation: Briefly introduce the purpose of the report. Within the introductory paragraph, you need to address the key topics you will address in the body paragraphs. • Overview of the current organisational ethical problem or challenge. • Detailed analysis of the current organisational ethical problem supported with relevant concepts and theories that have been covered in the lectures and tutorials. • Recommendations and Conclusion: Outline some recommendations and the conclusion must briefly summarise the key points in the body paragraphs. • Reference List: Please include all in-text references in the list of references formatted in Harvard style. A minimum of 10 references is required.
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HC3031 Trends in the Global Business Environment Tutorial Questions Assigment 2
Assignment Specifications Purpose: This individual assignment is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of trends in the global business environment. Details Answer All FIVE (5) of the following questions. The questions come from the recorded tutorial questions from week 8 to week 12. Question 1 Week 8: Tutorial 7 (5 marks) Organisational structures can help a company fail or succeed. Why do you think that is the case? Answer this question in 300 words Question 2 Week 9 Tutorial 8 (5 marks) What are some of the potential problems global businesses face when they outsource or subcontract their manufacturing work to companies in other countries? (e.g. an Australian company outsourcing the manufacturing of its product to a separate company in China or Vietnam)? Answer this question in 300 words Question 3 Week 10: Tutorial 9 (5 marks) What are some of the disadvantages that can result when companies use channels of distribution to market their products overseas? Answer this question in 300 words Question 4 Week 11: Tutorial 10 (5 marks) Based on your studies in this course, compare and contrast between personal and position sources of power. In your opinion, which sources of power are most effective as important resources for leaders? Answer this question in 300 words Question 5 Week 12: Tutorial 11 (5 marks) What are the characteristics of creative leaders in contemporary organisations? Answer this question in 300 words
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HI2011 International and Global Business Individual Assignment T1 2020 170420
Assignment Specifications Purpose: This individual assignment is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of unit concepts and apply their knowledge of the theories and unit material to a contemporary multinational entity, operating in different markets around the world. Students will need to apply critical thinking skills and demonstrate a depth of analysis based on their research of credible academic sources. Details Select a current well-known multi-national entity or consult with your tutor and ensure that it has not been selected by another student. Analyse the selected and approved multi-national entity in terms of: • Macro-Environmental Risks, such as: climate change, natural disasters, uneven weather patterns, desertification, drinkable water shortages • Geo-Political Risks and Opportunities, such as: Regional Power rivalry, Strategic partnerships, multi-lateral trade arrangements, regional economic partnerships, bi-lateral free trade agreements, • Market Entry Analysis including a feasibility analysis between the European and Asian markets. • In this report, o Use appropriate paragraphing o Use sub-headings o Reference the sources used with correct in-text citation conventions o Provide a full list of references at the end using correct referencing conventions o Check the safe-assign report and modify the submission if it is Medium or High risk. Your final submission is due Friday of Week 6 at Midnight. Late submissions will attract penalties at the rate of -5% per day. Page 3 of 5 Assignment Requirements: ? Holmes Institute Cover Page [This is essential and must be completed accurately] ? Executive Summary – This should be a concise synopsis of the whole report. ? Table of Contents – This should be well formatted with numerical sub headings ? Main Body of the report contains Section Headings for each paragraph listed ? Introduction – A brief summary of the selected MNE in terms of its primary activities and extent of global operations and some key financial / operational statistics. ? An Identification of TWO countries selected for market entry (one European and one Asian) ? For each of the TWO countries provide a detailed analysis of: ? The current macro-environmental and geo-political forces impacting that country. ? Assessment of each country’s trade and business policy. ? An assessment of the potential dangers, risks and opportunities in the current or short term policies of each country. (e.g. SWOT analysis) ? Conclusion – After evaluating both countries, students must make a recommendation of which country is most suited for market entry with your reasons and justification. ? Page Numbers must be used. ? Reference List at the end must be in the Harvard format and mainly academic Journal Articles. ? Students must also show adequate evidence of additional research with up to 10 academic reference sources provided. ? When finalised, students must submit an electronic copy ONLY onto Blackboard via Safe Assign (Self Check) using the final submission links by the due date. The percentage of similarity from the Safe Assign report is expected to be Low or Medium. ? The report must be within the 2,000 word limit.
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HI2011 International and Global Business Tutorial Questions Assignment 1
Assignment Specifications Description: Each week students were provided with three tutorial questions of varying degrees of difficulty. These tutorial questions are available in the Tutorial Folder for each week on Blackboard. The Interactive Tutorials are designed to assist students with the process, skills and knowledge to answer the provided tutorial questions. Your task is to answer a selection of tutorial questions for weeks 1 to 5 inclusive and submit these answers in a single document. You should write about 300 – 400 words per question. The questions to be answered are; Week 1 – Question 1 (10 marks) “The study of international business is fine if you are going to work in a large multinational enterprise, but it has no relevance for individuals who are going to work in small firms.” Evaluate this statement. (Write about 300 – 400 words) Week 2 – Question 2 (10 marks) Describe the three (3) main risks of doing business in a country. Provide appropriate examples in your response. (Write about 300 – 400 words) Week 3 – Question 3 (10 marks) Describe the role of “education” in culture. Why is education important for a multi-national entity, which is considering expansion into a new host country market? (Write about 300 – 400 words) Page 3 of 3 Week 4 – Question 4 (10 marks) Unions in developed nations often oppose imports from low-wage countries and advocate trade barriers to protect jobs from what they often characterize as “unfair” import competition. Is such competition “unfair”? Do you think that this argument is in the best interests of: (a) the local companies (b) the workers (c) the consumers (Write about 300 – 400 words) Week 5 – Question 5 (10 marks) Given the arguments relating to strategic trade policy, how can governments assist businesses in conducting international business and trade? (Write about 300 – 400 words)
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HI3042 Cross-Cultural Management and Communication
HI3042 Cross-Cultural Management and Communication Individual Assignment Guidelines Individual Assignment Overview Literature Review: The individual assignment for this subject consists of an in-depth literature review of a specific topic given by the lecturer in Week 2 which largely fall into the areas of "Culture and Business", "Culture and MNCs", "Culture and Communication". In addition to textbooks, students are expected to include additional academic research from at least five journal articles relevant to the topic under discussion using the Proquest Database, Internet and/or print journals. Weighting: 25% of overall mark Length: 2,000 words Format: Academic Essay Due Date This assignment must be submitted no later than midnight on Friday of week 7. Failure to submit BOTH a printed hardcopy and electronic copy to Safe Assign will result in late penalties being applied after this date. Literature Topic Selection Students will be required to read and provide a formal literature review/critique of the following Journal article on “Culture and Business”: Bird, A. and Mendenhall, M.E., 2016. From cross-cultural management to global leadership: Evolution and adaptation. Journal of World Business, 51(1), pp. 115-126. This journal article (PDF) has been placed on Blackboard in the Assignment 1 folder for HI3042. IMPORTANT: Please note that a “Literature Review” DOES NOT mean simply reading and summarising the article. Instead students must show: ? That they have identified and understood the article’s main thesis statement or hypothesis. ? Identify evidence that the author has provided in the article to justify their argument (both for and against). ? Perform additional external academic research to find other references and sources that support or detract from the overall hypothesis in the article. ? In your conclusion whether you agree or disagree with the author’s point of view and provide a summary of the reasons or justification to support your case. ? Provide a list of at least 5 good quality academic research articles and references that you have used in your analysis.
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HI5003 Economics for Business Tutorial Submission Question
Assessment Question Week 2 and 3 Demand and Supply, and Elasticity Question 1 7 Marks Due to inflation in Australia in December 2019, the price for petrol increased from AUD 1.35 to AUD 1.45. This caused petrol consumption to decrease from 2500 litres to 2450 litres at a 7-Eleven Petrol Station in Sydney. Also, when the price for Hyundai 7.5kW Inverter Split System Air Conditioner (Reverse Cycle) increased from AUD 950.00 to AUD 990.00; demand for these air conditioners fell from 2500 units to 2000 units. Following this condition, answer the questions below. i. Using the mid-point formula calculate the price elasticity of demand for petrol and Hyundai 7.5kW Inverter Split System Air Conditioner (Reverse Cycle). (2 Marks) ii. Is the price elasticity of demand: elastic, unit elastic or inelastic for each commodity (petrol and Hyundai 7.5kW Inverter Split System Air Conditioner (Reverse Cycle)? (2 Marks) iii. Suppose the government decides to increase tax for petrol and Hyundai 7.5kW Inverter Split System Air Conditioner (Reverse Cycle). Use two diagrams to explain the incidence of the tax increase for each commodity. (3 Marks) Assessment Question Week 4: Production costs Question 2 7 MARKS James was a high school teacher earning a net salary of $4500 per month. After working for one year, he quit his job to start his own kiosk business dealing in various consumer goods. In order to learn how to run the business, James enrolled in a TAFE to acquire accounting skills. James’ course was for 6 months. James had to pay $3,000 as tuition for the 3 months. After the training, James borrowed $40,000.00 from his uncle whom he pays 8 percent interest per year. Also, James withdrew $ 50,000 from his savings account. He had been earning 5 percent interest per year for this account. Further, to start the business James used his own premises given to him by his father. His father had been receiving $11,000 from rent per year. Finally, to start the business James uses $75,000 he had been given by his father to go on holiday to USA. James’s first year of business can be summarised as follows: 4 HI5003 Economics for Business -2020 T3 Tutorial Submission Assessment Item Amount $ Revenue- Orange section 250,000 Revenue- Beverages Section 180,000 2 Cashiers expense (wages per worker) (40,000) Mid-year revenue 100,000 Truck expense (80,000) Manager expense (60,000) Milk sales assistant expense (30,000) Equipment expense (50,000) Motorcycle expense to ease movement in city (30,000) Based on your calculations of accounting profit and economic profit, would you advise James to return to his teaching job or keep his kiost job? Show your work! Assessment Question Week 5 and 6: Market structure Question 3 11 Marks The graph below represents sales per week of ABC Inc. Ltd, a monopoly multinational enterprise that supplies Hi-tech components. Use the graph to answer the questions that follow. 5 HI5003 Economics for Business -2020 T3 Tutorial Submission Assessment i. State the elasticity of the monopoly firm demand curve. (1 Mark) ii. Considering the figure, examine the benefits of the characteristics of the monopoly demand curve to ABC Inc. Ltd. (3 Marks) iii. Suppose the demand and cost curves result in ABC Inc. Ltd earning an economic profit. Do you think ABC Inc. Ltd firm will earn profit in the long-run? Explain your answer. Assume all factors constant. (4 Marks) iv. Examine the effects of ABC Inc. Ltd on consumers. (3 Marks) Assessment Question Week 7 and 8 Measuring the size of the economy Question 4 7 Marks The table below is extracted from Happy land Republic, Bureau of Statistics records for 2018-2019. Use the information in this table to answer the questions that follow. i. Calculate Happy Land Republic’s nominal GDP and real GDP in 2016 (4 Marks) ii. Why does real GDP always defer from nominal GDP? (3 Marks) Assessment Question Week 9 and 10: Inflation and unemployment, and Macro economics Question 5 Marks 11 i. Use two diagrams to explain the effects of the determinants of aggregate demand on real GDP in a nation. (8 Marks) ii. Suppose there is an expectation of a rapid general price increase in goods and services in Australia in January 2021. Examine the effects of the anticipated general rapid increase in price for goods and services. (3 Marks) Item Base year (2015) 2016 Production Price Production Price Used car sales 5,000 2000.00 6,000 2,500 Factory components sales 8,000 500.00 10,000 1200.00 Cloth sales 8,000 20.00 14,000 35.00 Beef sales 1,500 10.00 1,800 12.00 Milk litres sales 5,000 1.30 6,000 2.50 Computers sales 2000 500.00 2500 800.00 Printers sales 500 300.00 400 355.00 Raw materials for tractor assembling plant sales 4500 250.00 4450 300.00 6 HI5003 Economics for Business -2020 T3 Tutorial Submission Assessment Assessment Question Week 11 Monetary policy Question 67 Marks The government of Australia has embarked on various policies such as Job Keeper and provision of subsidies to firms in order to reduce the severity of COVID 19 on the economy. Suppose the money supply expands such that the Reserve Bank predicts that the economic expansion is not sustainable. Use two diagrams one for the money market and another for the goods and services (Aggregate demand and Aggregate Supply model), to explain the policy that the Reserve Bank can adopt in order to overcome the effect of increasing money supply on the economy. Assume that: ? money supply increased from the equilibrium of AUD 40 billion to AUD 70 billion ? Interest was reduced to interest rate of 1.5% as part of the stimulus package for the nation to overcome the effects of COVID 19. But the equilibrium interest rate is 4% ? Assume that equilibrium real GDP is AUD 60 billion ? Assume that inflation during COVID crisis was at equilibrium price of CPI 65 ? Assume that to overcome the inflationary crisis aggregate demand has to reduce by AUD 30 billion. ? Assume to restore the economy to equilibrium inflation has to be adjusted to CPI 120 ? This is the completion of the tutorial
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HI5004 Marketing Management Group Assignment Guideline T2.2021
Semester-Long Marketing Plan Project (40%=40 marks) An effective way to help students learn about marketing management is through the actual creation of a marketing plan for a product or service. This project is designed to accomplish such a task. Students need to be in a group of 4 (FOUR) (you can’t change the group by any reason) the instruction how to find your group members have been sent to you, please have a look and read it carefully before you make the decision to select the group that you want to join in. Each group set up a company and decides on a consumer product or service they wish to bring to market. It must be an innovative product/service which has never been in the market before and not belong to any existing company. You can discuss with your tutor about the product/service that you want to select. 1. Product/service Approval: Weight: 5 marks = 5 %. Length: 200 words - By the end of week 5 (11pm Wednesday 18th August 2021 Week 5) group needs to submit the product/service that they will select for the group report - The proposal includes: Introduction about the product or service. Please be aware about the requirement of the product/service. It must be an innovative product/service which has never been in the market before and not belong to any existing company. - By 23rd August, if the product/service is approved, group can select it to do the group report. The approval will be indicated in the feedback to learner box in the proposal submitted - If the topic is not approved on 23rd August, the topic approval assignment is marked Zero and will not be remarked. Students are required to submit a different topic and get approval no later than 1st September 2021. If the group does not select a different product/service as required, the Final group report will be marked Zero. The coordinator will inform the group if the new product/service is approved by email
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HI5004 Marketing Management Tutorial Questions Assignment
Assessment Task – Tutorial Questions Assignment Unit Code: HI5004 Unit Name: Marketing Management Assignment: Tutorial Questions Due: Tuesday, 23/2/2021 at 11.59pm Weighting: Total Mark 50 = 50% Purpose: This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed: - Student will be able to integrate theoretical and practical knowledge of Marketing Management - Research the tools for gathering marketing information and utilise the tools to assess markets - Evaluate consumer behavior and its effect on business performance - Conduct and apply marketing research to enhance decision making including segmentation and targeting and positioning - Develop creative marketing strategies for new product development including product, price, people and promotion - Generate creative strategies for customer acquisition and retention Description: Each week students were provided with three tutorial questions of varying degrees of difficulty. These tutorial questions are available in the Tutorial Folder for each week on Blackboard. The Interactive Tutorials are designed to assist students with the process, skills and knowledge to answer the provided tutorial questions. Your task is to answer a selection of tutorial questions covered over Week 2 to Week 11 inclusive. It is important when you answer the questions, you do not just copy and paste the answers from other sources, but rather, try to paraphrase it and provide reference (in- text referencing) to your answers. All references must be listed appropriately at the end of the report using Harvard referencing style. The questions to be answered are: Question 1: (11 marks) Week 3 Many market researchers have their favorite research approaches or techniques, though different researchers often have different preferences. Some researchers maintain that the only way to really learn about consumers or brands is through in-depth, qualitative research. Others contend that the only legitimate and defensible form of marketing research uses quantitative measures. Take a position: The best marketing research is quantitative in nature versus the best marketing research is qualitative in nature. Word count: no more than 500 words Reference: at least 2 academic sources to support your discussion Question 2: (11 marks) Week 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N6spwyBuvE Watch the video in the link above and discuss in 300 words about how the consumer behaviour changed You must use the information from the video to discuss Question 3: (7 marks) Week 5 Watch the video in the link below and answer these two sub-questions in 300 words: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HBOdH7yEQ0&list=RDCMUCRbWGFvmpQyvbow_wlNWEYQ&index=3 - Identify the message that the company wants to send to the customers through the advertisement. - Identify the target market for this advertisement and explain why you think the advertiser is using the segmentation variable you identified for that advertisement You must use the information from the video to support your discussion Question 4: (7 marks) Week 9 Covid – 19 has changed the future of retail industry. Provide your prediction about the future of retail industry and discuss about it in 500 words. You can you the information from the links below https://home.kpmg/xx/en/home/insights/2020/03/realities-of-retailing-in-covid-19-world.html https://theconversation.com/covid-19-has-changed-the-future-of-retail-theres-plenty-more-automation-in-store-139025 Question 5: (7 marks) Week 10 Watch the videos in the links below and answer 3 following questions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keCwRdbwNQY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sMBhDv4sik&t=2s 1. What is the message that Apple wants to send to its customers? 2. According to your opinion what does the benefit Apple gain when they implemented the Think Different campaign’? 3. What kind of emotions does this video evoke in you? Explain what you felt and why? Answer the question in 300 words and you must use the information from the video to support your discussion (7 marks) Question 6: (7 marks) Week 11: Think about the last time you went to make a major purchase in a store. How important was the salesperson in that decision? What did he or she do that you liked or didn’t like? Answer this question in 300 words Submission Directions: The assignment has to be submitted via Blackboard. Each student will be permitted one submission to Blackboard only. Each student needs to ensure that the document submitted is the correct one.
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HI5013 Managing Across Borders Group Assignment T2 2021
HI5013 Group Assignment Specifications Purpose: This group case study analysis is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of unit concepts, apply their knowledge of the theories and unit material learned and develop group-based problem-solving skills and then apply them to a contemporary multinational entity operating in different markets around the world. Group Assignment Details: The case study can be selected from the websites listed (Refer to page 4 below) as provided or from another source, provided that it is deemed an acceptable and credible academic source and is approved by the Unit Co-ordinator. Once approved, students must post a message stating their selected company case study to prevent any duplication! The case study is to be based on a well-known multi-national corporation (MNC). Students must ensure that their case study has not been selected by another group. Analyse the selected and approved multi-national corporation’s (MNC) case study in terms of the following key topics: • Corporate decision making • Strategy and Globalisation footprint i.e. which markets has the MNC penetrated. • Organisational Issues • Human Resources Management, including training and employment relations In this report, • Use sub-headings • Use appropriate paragraphing • Reference the sources used with correct in-text citation conventions / protocols. • Provide a full list of references at the end using correct referencing conventions • Check the safe-assign report and modify the submission if it is Medium or High risk. • Your final submission is due Friday of Week 10 at Midnight. Late submissions will attract penalties at the rate of -5% per day. Required Activities: • Firstly, students should familiarise themselves with the unit content from weeks 6 -11. • Students will need to work in co-operative groups and select a case study after careful consideration. (Refer to page 4 below) • Students should supplement their knowledge with wide research of the MNC in the case study and consider referencing other academic sources, which will support their case study analysis. • Finally, students will need to discuss the case study and collectively determine the key problems and issues, specify the main problem / challenge, determine alternative courses of action for the MNC, carefully evaluate each course of action and lastly, make a recommendation as to what the best course of action is for the MNC, based on your group discussion. Page 4 of 7 • Students should then prepare and complete a group report, which covers the key topics within the overall case study analysis. • Students must follow the correct in-text citation conventions / protocols and end of report referencing conventions using the Harvard referencing style. Assignment Structure Requirements and Guidance: 1. Holmes Institute Cover Page [This is essential and must be completed accurately. This is available on Blackboard] 2. Executive Summary - This should be a concise summary of the main argument and the conclusions made. 3. Introduction paragraph – A short paragraph which includes the background, scope and the main points raised in the report in order of importance. There should also be a brief conclusion statement at the end of the Introduction. 4. Main Body of the report contains clear Topic Headings for each paragraph provided. 5. Appropriate paragraphing must be used – each paragraph should include detailed information, which elaborates on the main points raised in the Introduction. This is where in-text citation is required and reference is made to specific references and other information obtained from research. 6. Page Numbers must be used – this is best practice and ensures the report is well presented and formatted. 7. Reference the sources used with correct in-text citation conventions. Follow the Harvard method. 8. Reference List at the end must be in the Harvard Style and be mainly academic Journal Articles. 9. The report must be within the 3,000-word limit. 10. Check the safe-assign report and modify the submission if it is Medium or High risk. You have up to three attempts. NOTE: The report must be submitted through Safe-Assign.
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HI5013 Managing Across Borders Tutorial Questions Assignment T3 2020
Assessment Task – Tutorial Questions Assignment Unit Code: HI5013 Unit Name: Managing Across Borders Assignment: Tutorial Questions Assignment (Individual) Due: Week 13 – Tuesday 23rd February, 2021 Weighting: 50% Total Marks: 50 Marks Word Limit: 2,000 words (Maximum) Purpose: This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit. Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1. Critically evaluate the impact of globalization, organisations and their management; 2. Utilise different perspectives to interpret and analyse business, social and cultural problems in an international setting. 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the social, political, economic, technological and cultural forces that influence decision-making in international business. 4. Synthesise research and practice regarding international business and management issues and articulate possible solutions to a range of stakeholders. 5. Demonstrate an understanding business practice and research in the context of globalisation from a management perspective Description: Each week students were provided with three tutorial questions of varying degrees of difficulty. The tutorial questions are available in the Tutorial Folder, for each week, on Blackboard. The Interactive Tutorials are designed to assist students with the process, skills and knowledge to answer the provided tutorial questions. Your task is to answer a selection of tutorial questions from weeks 7 to 12 inclusive and submit these answers in a single document. HI5013 – Managing Across Borders – Tutorial Questions Assignment – T3, 2020 2 The questions to be answered are: Question 1 (7 marks) (Note this question is based on the Week 7 Tutorial content) You are the recently appointed expatriate manager of a subsidiary of a large multi-national enterprise, located in a developing country in Africa. Your first project is to re-negotiate a contractual agreement with a longstanding local supplier. However, you have been made aware that the local supplier is in final discussions with a rival company to gain exclusive access to the same materials, which are essential for your company’s production process and supply chain. Discuss how you would approach the negotiations with the local supplier. In your response, you should describe the five (5) stages of negotiation. (7 marks. Word limit Maximum 300 words) Question 2 (7 marks) (Note this question is based on the Week 8 Tutorial content) You are currently employed as a manager in the head office of a Western fast-food chain multi-national enterprise, which is looking to expand into new markets in developing countries and take market share away from the competitors. You have recently been included as a member of a high-level strategic planning committee, which will play a key role in developing the company’s future strategy and direction. You have been invited to offer your considered opinions at the next meeting. In the context of strategic planning, discuss the strategic options you will present at the meeting. (7 marks. Word limit Maximum 300 words) Question 3 (7 marks) (Note this question is based on the Week 9 Tutorial content) You are working as a management consultant to a large Australian multi-national enterprise in the pharmaceutical industry. You have been asked to evaluate the performance of a cross-border alliance with a European company, which is jointly developing a new medication for skin cancer treatment. You have been asked to produce a report on the success of this cross-border alliance. What would be the key factors for determining the success of this cross-border alliance? (7 marks. Word limit Maximum 300 words) HI5013 – Managing Across Borders – Tutorial Questions Assignment – T3, 2020
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HI5014 International Business Across Borders Group Assignment T2 2021 140721
Assignment Specifications Purpose: This group assignment is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of core unit concepts and apply their knowledge of the theories and unit material to a contemporary multi-national entity operating in different markets around the world. Students should strive to produce a group report which is suitable for presentation to the Board of Directors. Details Select a current well-known multi-national entity from the listing provided on Blackboard. Analyse the selected and approved multi-national entity in terms of: • Foreign entry strategy • Global Marketing strategy • Competitive Dynamics • Trading conditions in 2021 • Organisational structure • Global Human Resources Management In this report, • Use sub-headings • Use appropriate paragraphing • Reference the sources used with the correct in-text citation conventions, as stated above. • Provide a full list of references at the end using correct Adapted Harvard referencing conventions • Check the safe-assign report and modify the submission if it is Medium or High risk. Page 4 of 6 Your final submission is due Friday of week 9 at Midnight. Late submissions will attract penalties at the rate of -5% per day. Assignment Structure Required 1. Holmes Institute Cover Page [This is essential and must be completed accurately] 2. Executive Summary 3. Table of Contents 4. Main Body of the report contains Section Headings – e.g. Introduction, Foreign Entry Strategy, Global Marketing Strategy, Competitive Dynamics, Trading Conditions in 2021, Organisational Structure, Global Human Resources Management and Conclusion. 5. Sub-sections are numbered. 6. Appropriate paragraphing must be used. 7. Page Numbers must be used. 8. Reference List at the end must comply with the Adapted Harvard Referencing method and be mainly academic Journal Articles. 9. Appendix: Statement of ‘Who wrote which section’. All students in the group must indicate which sections of the report was their individual contribution. Students should use the Holmes Group Peer Assessment. 10. The report must be within the 3,000-word limit.
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HI5015 Legal Aspects of International Trade & Enterprise Group Assignment T1 2021
Group Assignment Specifications Purpose: This group assignment aims to evaluate students’ legal research skills by familiarising themselves with their selected International legal case. Students will need to critically evaluate the background of the case matter (dispute), identify the facts, state the legal issues, put forward both individual parties’ arguments, examine the tribunal’s decision and consider the importance of the case in international law. Details: Please organise yourselves into groups of 4 students. The assignment consists of the following: Group Report – worth 30% and must be submitted on Week 9 - Friday 21st May, 2021 at 11.59pm. 1. Select a case from the list of International Law Cases below or refer to the ICJ or WTO websites. 2. One member of each group will need to post a message to the discussion board advising all of the other students about which case has been selected. This is very important. NOTE - NO DUPLICATION OF CASES IS ALLOWED! Each group MUST select a unique case. 3. The Unit Co-Ordinator will respond to each group’s post on the discussion board and grant approval of the selected case, provided that it has not already been selected. 4. Research, read and understand your selected International Legal case in groups of four (4) students. 5. Prepare and submit a written report discussing the following points as part of the IRAC* method: • background of the dispute • brief facts of the case • the legal issues presented • the individual parties’ arguments / defenses / perspectives • the tribunal’s decision / Judgement handed down • the importance or significance of the case in international law (i.e. why the case is important in the development of international law). You can also discuss any other developments following the court or tribunal’s decision. 6. 10 mins Power-point presentation during the interactive tutorial session from weeks 9 – 12. (Note - the details of this assessment will be outlined in a separate document and made available on Blackboard) Group Assignment structure is to be in a report format. It must include: • Holmes Cover Page • Executive summary • Table of contents • Section headings • Paragraphing • Page numbers • Reference list at the end of the report (IRAC Method = Issues + Rules (Regulations) + Analysis + Conclusion) HI5015 Legal Aspects of International Trade & Enterprise Group Assignment T1 2021 Page 3 1010 Submission: 1. All group report submissions must be done online and run through SafeAssign. No hard copies are to be submitted. Only one group member needs to submit for the whole group. 2. Please fill in the “Group Report cover sheet” (available in Blackboard under “Assignments and Due dates) and attach as a cover sheet to your group report and upload on Blackboard. 3. Each group must include the “Peer Evaluation of Individual Participation in Group Assignment” sheet (available in Blackboard under “Assignments and Due dates) in the report. 4. Non-submission of the group report on Blackboard or group reports which have not been submitted through SafeAssign is equivalent to a non-submission, which will mean a mark of 0 (zero) for the group assignment. 5. This is a group assignment and is meant to be worked on in groups of four students only. 6. Reports must be submitted via Safe-Assign on Blackboard and show a similarity percentage figure. Any group report that does not show a Safe-Assign similarity percentage will not be marked and be required to re-submit. 7. Late submissions will be subject to Holmes Institute policy on student assessment submission and late penalties (please refer to subject outline and Student handbook).
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HI5017 Managerial Accounting Individual Reflective Report T2 2021
In this reflective report, you will be discussing about your learning experience in this unit, the relevance of the unit material and assessments in the unit to your understanding of management accounting in general, and your understanding of how management accounting concepts and techniques assist managers in making decisions to real world business problems. Specifically, you are to provide reflections or comments on each of the following: 1. Comment on what knowledge you have gained about managerial accounting and how will it be useful to you in your future? (4 marks) 2. Comment on what you learned from the individual assignment. What was interesting, what was challenging and what did you learn from it? (3 marks) 3. Comment on what you learned about the various management accounting concepts and techniques that will assist managers in making decisions to real world business problems. What concepts and techniques you found interesting and what did you learn from it? (3 marks) Assignment Structure: The reflective report should include the following components: a. Assignment Cover Page clearly stating your name and student number b. Table of contents c. A brief introduction or overview of what the assignment is about d. Body of the assignment with the written answers e. Conclusion f. List of References (if applicable) - follow the Holmes Adapted Harvard Referencing guidelines on pg. 1-2.
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HI5017 Managerial Accounting Tutorial Question Assignment T3 2020
Question 1 - Week 3 (11 marks) Ola Ltd, which uses a job costing system, had two jobs in process at the start of the year: Job L1 ($68,000) and Job L2 ($30 000). The following information is available: i) The company applies manufacturing overhead on the basis of machine hours. Budgeted overhead and machine activity for the year were anticipated to be $1,000,000 and 25,000 hours, respectively. ii) The company worked on three jobs during the first quarter (i.e. from 1 January to 31 March). Direct materials used, direct labour incurred and machine hours consumed were as shown in the following table: Job numbers Direct material Direct labour Machine hours L1 $15,000 $30,000 900 L2 - 33,000 1,600 L3 45,000 65,000 2,000 iii) Manufacturing overhead incurred during the first quarter was $215,000. iv) Ola Ltd completed Job L1 and Job L2 during the first quarter. Job L2 was sold on credit, producing a profit of $30,000 for the company. Required: a) Calculate the company’s predetermined overhead rate. (2 marks) b) Calculate manufacturing overhead applied to production for the first quarter. (2 marks) c) Determine the cost of jobs completed in the first quarter. (5 marks) d) Determine the cost of the jobs still in process at the end of the first quarter. (2 marks) SHOW YOUR WORKING 3 Question 2 - Week 4 (7 marks) Dream Limited manufactures ice cream. The company employs a process costing system for its manufacturing operations. All direct materials are added at the beginning of the process and conversion costs are incurred uniformly throughout the process. The company’s production quantity schedule for January is as follow: Unit (tubs) Work in process on 1 January (55% complete as to conversion) 8,000 Units started during January 11,000 Total units to account for 19,000 Units from beginning work in process, which were completed and transferred out during January 8,000 Unit started and completed in January 6,000 Work in process on 31 January (35% complete as to conversion) 5,000 Total units to account for 19,000 Required: a) Calculate each of the following amounts: i. Equivalent units of direct material during January. Use the FIFO method. (1.5 marks) ii. Equivalent units of conversion during January. Use the FIFO method. (1.5 marks) iii. Equivalent units of direct material during January. Use the weighted average method. (1 mark) iv. Equivalent units of conversion during January. Use the weighted average method. (1 mark) b) Explain the major difference between weighted average and FIFO method in process costing systems (2 marks). SHOW YOUR WORKING 4 Question 3 Week 5 (7 marks) North-South Pole Company produces two products, a jacket suitable for adventure-seeking people (Spirit) and a jacket for less-adventurous people (Companion). Production and Sales per year 20,000 units (Spirit) & 5,000 units (Companion) Direct labour 3.5 hours per unit (both) Direct labour cost $32.00 per hour Estimated annual manufacturing overhead $285,000 Direct materials $180 per unit (both) Breakdown of overhead rates Activity Cost Pools Estimated Overhead Expected Use of Cost Drivers per Activity Activity Based Overhead Rates Machine set-up $ 40,000 200 $? per set-up Sewing $135,000 37,500 machine hours (MH) $? per MH Inspection $ 25,000 1000 $? per inspection The breakdown between the two products for assigning overheads are as follows: Product No. of Set-ups Sewing Inspections Spirit 105 23,500 500 Companion 95 14,000 500 Required: From the following information, calculate the unit costs for “Spirit” and “Companion” using both the traditional method of costing (i.e. manufacturing overhead rate is based on units produced), and Activity based Costing. (7 marks) 5 Question 4 - Week 8 (7 marks) Wattle Limited has two divisions: Industry and Consumer. The Industry Division transfers partially completed components to the Consumer Division at a predetermined transfer price. The Industry Division’s standard variable production cost per unit is $500. This division could sell all its components to outside buyers at $650 per unit in a perfectly competitive market. The Consumer Division has a special offer of $740 for its product. The Consumer Division incurs variable costs of $260 in addition to the transfer price for the Industry Division’s components. Both Industry and Consumer divisions currently have spare production capacity. Required: a) Determine a transfer price using the general transfer pricing rule. (2 marks) b) Assume that the transfer price has been set at $530, is the Consumer Division manager likely to want to accept or reject the special offer? Why? (3 marks) c) Is the decision in the best interests of Wattle Limited as a whole? Explain. (2 marks) SHOW YOUR WORKING Question 5 - Week 10 (11 marks) You are the chief financial analyst of Hercules Manufacturing Limited. The company manufactures bowls and has been planning to aggressively expand its sales into the Middle Eastern markets. You have been tasked to analyse its reports using CVP and provide explanations to the Director, Tierra Muller. The operating statement relating to the month ended September 30, 2019 of Hercules Manufacturing Limited is as follows: $’000 $’000 Sales (22,000 units) 3,300 Direct materials 726 Direct labour 374 Production overheads 798 Total 1,898 Gross profit 1,402 Selling overheads 1,042 Net profit 360 The variable production overheads were $9 per unit while the variable selling overheads were $11 per unit. Required: a) Calculate the contribution margin per unit. (1.5 marks) 6 b) Calculate the breakeven sales in units, and provide one explanation on the usefulness of breakeven sales information. (2.5 marks) c) Calculate the margin of safety in dollars and provide one explanation on the usefulness of margin of safety information. (2.5 marks) d) The company has a capacity of 30,000 units per year. Management is not happy with the financial performance for the last year, and one course of action for the coming year were proposed in the recent management meeting: • The sales manager believed that unit volume would increase by 30% with the incurrence of $200,000 on advertising. Prepare a CVP income statement for the alternative (showing columns for totals only). Would you recommend this alternative and why? (3 marks) e) The company has a target net income of $750,000. Assume additional advertising costs will be incurred, what is the required sales in dollars for the company to meet its target? (1.5 marks) SHOW YOUR WORKING Question 6 - Week 11 (7 marks) Heath Production manufactures chairs. Several weeks ago, the company received an enquiry from Rose Limited. Rose wants to market a foldable chair similar to one of Heath’s, and has offered to purchase 11 000 units if the offer can be completed in three months. The cost data for Heath’s foldable chair is as follow: Direct material $16.40 Direct labour (0.125 @ $36 per hour) 4.50 Total manufacturing overhead 20.00 Total $40.90 The normal selling price of Heath’s foldable chair is $53.00. However, Rose has offered Heath only $31.50 because of the large quantity it is willing to purchase. Rose requires a modification of the design that will allow a $4.20 reduction in direct material cost. The production manager of Heath notes that the company will incur $7400 in additional setup costs and will have to purchase a $4800 special equipment to manufacturing the units for Rose. The equipment will be discarded once the special order is completed. Total manufacturing overhead costs are applied to production at the rate of $40 per machine hour. The figure is based, in part, on budgeted annual fixed overhead of $1 500 000 and planned production activity of 60 000 machine hours (5000 hours per month). Rose will allocate $3600 of existing fixed administrative costs to the order as “part of the cost of doing business”. 7 Required: a) Which of the data above should be ignored in making the special order decision? For what reason? (1 mark) b) Assume that Heath’s present sales will not be affected by the special order, should the order be accepted from the financial point of view? Show calculation. (4 marks) c) Assume that Heath’s current production activity 80 per cent of planned machine hours, can the company accept the order and meet Rose’s deadline? Explain. (2 marks) SHOW YOUR WORKING
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HI5019 Strategic Information Systems for Business and Enterprise Group Assignment T2 2021 Requirements
Assignment Details Part A. Accounting Information System as a Discipline [Up to 500 words] Background: Conceptually, accounting is defined as the process of identifying, measuring, and communicating economic information to permit informed judgments and decisions by users of the information. In this context, accounting is an essential part of the business world and a constantly evolving profession. The accounting information systems (AIS) as a discipline is one of the outcomes of this evolution. AIS is mostly computerised based systems that make accountants jobs easier by collecting, storing, and processing financial and accounting data to produce reports that help users make more efficient and effective business decisions. Therefore, AIS must be covered within (or across) the undergraduate/postgraduate accounting curriculum to adequately prepare accounting students for what they will be using in the workplace. This discussion reveals that the AIS curriculum needs the attention of researchers. Required: Based on the existing recent literature, discuss the transformation of the AIS curriculum [support your discussion with a minimum of four peer-reviewed journal articles]. Part B. The Conversion Cycle. [Up to 500 words] You are a well-known management accountant of the area. Sara is your one of the best friends who is the Managing Director of XYZ Limited.1 Last Friday, you met with Sara, and she was worried about some accounting issues of XYZ Limited. She requested you to provide with her the expert opinion on the components of overhead and the logical cost driver. For this expert opinion, she forwarded you the following information on Monday morning. For years, XYZ Limited has allocated overhead based on total machine hours. A recent assessment of overhead costs has shown that these costs are now in excess of 45 percent of the 1 XYZ Limited is a manufacturer of wooden cutting boards that are sold through a chain of kitchen stores. HI5019 T2 2021 - Assessment 2: Group Assignment Page 3 of 10 company’s total costs. Sara is specifically worried about this variance and as a Managing Director, she is trying to better control overhead. For this purpose, the head of the management accountant adopted an activity-based costing system. Each cutting board goes through the following processes: As an attempt to better control overhead, XYZ Limited is adopting an activity-based costing system. Each cutting board goes through the following processes. The given data reveals that cutting is the first process. In this process, boards are selected from inventory and are cut to the required width and length. Imperfections in boards (such as knots or cracks) are identified and removed. The second process is assembly. In this process, cut wooden pieces are laid out on clamps, a layer of glue is applied to each piece, and the glued pieces are clamped together until the glue sets. The third process is shaping. Once the glue has set, the boards are sent to the shaping process, where they are cut into specific shapes. After being shaped, the cutting boards must be sanded smooth. In this setting, sanding is the fourth process. The fifth process is finishing. In this process, sanded cutting boards receive a coat of mineral oil to help preserve the wood. The last process is packing. In the packing process, finished cutting boards are placed in boxes of 12. The boxes are sealed, addressed, and sent to one of the kitchen stores. Required: Suggest the most suitable component of overhead for XYL Limited. Further, determine a logical cost driver for each process. Part C. System Analysis and Selection Report. [Up to 1500 words] Background You are running an accounting/management consultancy firm. One of your clients is currently evaluating its information systems, and the Managing Director of your client thinks that they needed to invest in an Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) system to support the growth of the business. During your first meeting, the managing director of your client requested you to evaluate their business and recommend ERP software. Client/Company Selection You are required to select a listed company of your choice (your firm’s client). The selected company should be a manufacturing firm listed on either The Australian Stock Exchange or the Stock Exchange of your home country. The chosen company is your firm’s client. Framework of Analysis The report should include the following components: 1. Background of the Selected Business 1.1 Evaluate the business process of your client to identify potential weak internal controls and the risk associated with these potential weak controls. And recommend the HI5019 T2 2021 - Assessment 2: Group Assignment Page 4 of 10 control techniques that will reduce or eliminate the potential risks. [Hint: your response should be based on our discussion in Interactive Tutorial 4 to 6.] 2. Systems Requirements 2.1 Briefly discuss the software features and functionalities that your client should consider supporting its business activities. [Hint: your response should be based on Section 1.1 above.] 3. Software Selection 3.1 Compare and contrast the features and functionalities of three ERP software packages offered by the ERP vendors. Hint. Try to apply the general functionalities and key elements of ERP systems we discussed in Week 10 Interactive Tutorial. 3.2 In the end, identify the most suitable vendor and ERP software package for your client and explain why it is the best option. Assignment Structure The report should include the following components. Holmes Institute Assignment Cover Sheet The Holmes Institute Assignment Cover Sheet is available at the end of menu item Assessments on the Blackboard. Table of Contents This needs to show a logical listing of all the sub-headings of the report’s contents. Note this is excluded from the total word count. Part A. Accounting Information System as a Discipline Discuss the transformation of the AIS curriculum. Part B. The Conversion Cycle Suggest the most suitable component of overhead for XYL Limited. Further, determine a logical cost driver for each process. Part C. System Analysis and Selection Report. 1. Executive Summary The Executive summary should be concise and not involve too much detail. It should make commentary on the main points only and follow the sequence of the report. Write the Executive Summary after the report is completed, and once you have an overview of the whole text. 2. Introduction
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HI6005 Management and Organisations in a Global Environment Final Tutorial Assignment T3 2020
Assignment Specifications A minimum of 12 peer-reviewed academic articles in total must be cited in the text to support your claims/arguments, and all references must be listed appropriately at the end of the report using Harvard referencing style. Purpose: This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit “Management and Organisations in a Global Environment”. Details Answer All SIX (6) of the following questions. The questions come from the tutorial questions from week 2 to week 11. Question 1 Week 3: Tutorial 2 (Question 3) (7 marks) What are the downsides, if any, of building a diverse workforce? Answer this question in 300 words (support your arguments with key research findings on diversity management). Question 2 Week 4: Tutorial 3 (Question 3) (7 marks) What could the individual employees do to help manage their own stress more effectively? Answer this question in 300 words (support your claims/arguments with key research findings on managing stress in the workplace: individual). 3 of 3 Question 3 Week 6: Tutorial 5 (Question 3 & 4) (11 marks) What are the essentials for team-based organisational success? What are the challenges of a team-based organisation, specifically in terms of virtual teams? What are the required competencies for virtual leadership? Answer this question in 300 words (support your claims/arguments with key research findings on team-based organisation challenges and success). Question 4 Week 8: Tutorial 7 (Question 3) (11 marks) Explain the various things you can do to improve your effectiveness as a communicator in organisations. Answer this question in 300 words (support your claims/arguments with key research findings on effective communicators in organisations) Question 5 Week 9: Tutorial 8 (Question 2) (7 marks) Describe the major types of individual power in organisations. Answer this question in 300 words (support your claims/arguments with key research findings on organisational politics and power). Question 6 Week 10: Tutorial 9 (Question 2) (7 marks) Distinguish between mechanistic organisations and organic organisations, as described by the contingency approach to organisational design (support your claims/arguments with key research findings on contingency approach to differentiate mechanistic organisations and organic organisations).
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HI6005 Management and Organisations in a Global Environment Group Assignment Guidelines T2 2021
Group assignment Specifications This assignment aims at ensuring that students have familiarised themselves with a general framework of at least one management related topic. Students will be required to apply relevant theoretical concepts with the use of practical examples in most cases in a written research paper. Details: Organise yourselves into groups of 4 students. Please choose from one of the following topics from the list (see below). Research on the broad topic is a group activity and each student must contribute to that work. Each student in the group will then research, in depth an individual component drawn from the broad research topic. There are two parts in the group assignment: (A) Appendix Writing (B) Research Report Writing Page 3 of 13 HI6005 Management and Organisations in a Global Environment – Appendix and Research Report Group Appendix Writing Guidelines and Specifications
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HI6007 Statistics for Business Decisions Tutorial Questions Assignment T3 2020
Question 1 (7 marks) a. With your own words, using relevant examples briefly define types of probability assigning methods (3 marks) b. Transport trade association conducted a survey of their members to determine what they felt were the important issues to be discussed with the management. The survey results showed that 74% felt that the job security was the important issue, while 65% felt that salary increment was an important issue. Of those who felt salary increment was an important issue, 60% also felt that job security was an important issue. i. What percentage of the members felt that both job security and salary increment were important? (2 marks) ii. What percentage of the members felt that at least one of these two issues was important? (2 marks) Question 2 (7 marks) Annual food consumption survey shows that number of instant food meals consumed per month by university students is normally distributed with a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 3. a. Calculate the proportion of students consume more than 12 instant meals per month? b. Estimate the probability that in a random sample of 25 students’ more than 275 instant meals are consumed. Question 3 (11 marks) D Dax limited installed a new safety equipment in order to reduce the number of person hours lost as a result of industrial accident. In a test to of the effectiveness of the equipment, a random sample of 50 departments was chosen. The number of person- hours lost in the month prior to and the month after the installation of the safety equipment was recorded. The percentage change was calculated and recorded. Assume that the population standard deviation is 5 and sample mean is -1.2. Can we infer at the 10% significance level that the new safety equipment is effective? You are required to a. Formulate hypotheses (3 marks) b. Decide the suitable test statistics and justify your selection. (1 mark) c. Calculate the value of the relevant test statistics and identify the P value (3 marks) d. Based on the test statistics in part (III), decide the decision criteria. (2 marks) e. Make the final conclusion based on the analysis. (2 marks) Question 4 (11 marks) The table below shows data on research to examine the perception of business ethics among 3 groups of employees (higher score indicates higher ethical values). A B C 6 5 6 5 5 7 4 4 6 5 4 5 6 5 6 4 4 6 5 5 6 4 6 6 6 5 4 5 6 5 a. State the null and alternative hypothesis for single factor ANOVA to test for any significant difference in the perception among three groups. (1 marks) b. State the decision rule at 5% significance level. (2 marks) c. Calculate the test statistic. (6 marks) d. Based on the calculated test statistics decide whether any significant difference in the mean price of gasoline for three bands. (2 marks) Note: No excel ANOVA output allowed. Students need to show all the steps in calculations. Question 5 (7 marks) Relax mortgage has gathered following data to examine the relationship between housing starts and mortgage interest rate. Interest rate 3.5 3.0 2.8 3.6 2.75 3.4 3.12 2.86 3.02 2.6 3.3 Housing starts 100 120 150 130 170 135 130 185 127 190 96 You are required to; i. Derive the regression equation (3 marks) ii. Estimate the no of housing starts if mortgage interest rate is 2.5% (2 marks) iii. Calculate and interpret the correlation between interest rate and no of housing starts. (2 marks) Question 6 (7 marks) D& T LTD marketing team needed more information about the effectiveness of their 3 main mode of advertising. To determine which type is the most effective, the manager collected one week’s data from 25 randomly selected stores. For each store, the following variables were recorded: Weekly gross sales Weekly expenditure on direct mailing (Direct) Weekly expenditure on newspaper advertising (Newspaper) Weekly expenditure on television commercials (Television) Following is the regression output based on the above-mentioned data.
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HI6025 Accounting Theory and Current Issues Tutorial Question Assignment
The questions to be answered are: Question 1 Week 2 (7 Marks) Discuss the ‘primary users’ of general-purpose financial reports? Question 2 Week 5 (7 Marks) An asset having a cost of $200 000 and accumulated depreciation of $40 000 is revalued to $240 000 at the beginning of the year. Depreciation for the year is based on the revalued amount and the remaining useful life of eight years. Shareholders’ equity, before adjusting for the above revaluation and subsequent depreciation, is as follows: Share capital 600 000 Revaluation surplus 90 000 Capital profits reserve 170 000 Retained earnings 140 000 Total 1 000 000 Required: Prepare journal entries to reflect the revaluation of the asset and the subsequent depreciation of the revalued asset. Which of the equity accounts would be affected directly or indirectly by the revaluation? Question 3 Week 6 (7 Marks) ABC Ltd acquires 100 per cent of RedCarpet Ltd on 1 July 2021. ABC Ltd pays the shareholders of RedCarpet Ltd the following consideration: Cash 35 000 Plant and equipment fair value $125 000; carrying amount in the books of ABC Ltd $85 000 Land fair value $150 000; carrying amount in the books of ABC Ltd $100 000 There are also legal fees of $95 000 involved in acquiring RedCarpet Ltd. On 1 July 2021 RedCarpet Ltd’s statement of financial position shows total assets of $300 000 and liabilities of $150 000. The fair value of the assets is $400 000. Required: a) Has any goodwill been acquired and, if so, how much? b) And discuss the potential for including associated legal fees into the cost of acquiring RedCarpet using appropriate accounting standard. Question 4 Week 8 (7 Marks) Ginger Ltd is marketing a ‘surfing bundle’ in which, for $2200, it provides customers with a surfboard (which retails separately for $1700), a wetsuit (which retails separately for $500) and five lessons (which retail separately for $400). You are required to determine: a) Whether separate performance obligations exist, and to explain why you made this judgement. b) How much of the transaction price to allocate to each performance obligation? Question 5 Week 9 (11 Marks) Discuss the inclusion of the expenses incurred in the initial evaluation and exploration stage of a project involved with oil extraction into asset or inventory. Further, when should the organisation recognise the expenses related to restoration/rehabilitation at the cessation and conclusion of the mining activities? Question 6 Week 11 (11 Marks) Looking at different literature, discuss if there is a unique definition for the social responsibility reporting and if social responsibility has connection with accountability and accounting.
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HI6026 Audit, Assurance and Compliance Group Assignment T2 2021
Assignment Specifications Required Task: Part A: (25 marks) Listed companies are required to make certain disclosures in their annual reports about the compensation paid to their top executives. One reason for this is to help interested stakeholders assess the performance of executives. It also helps executives and companies set appropriate compensation levels, based on what other companies in the same industry and/or of the same size are paying their executives. These disclosures are audited. Required Obtain the annual reports of 10 listed Australian companies in the same industry from the Year 2020. (Hint: See www.asx.com.au for a list of companies on the ASX, industry membership and links to company websites where you can download annual reports.) Extract the information on executive remuneration and describe the data using graphs and tables. Write a report addressing the following questions (justify your responses by referring to the data where appropriate). 1. How are the executives paid (cash, bonuses etc.)? 2. Discuss details about executive qualification, experiences and independence. 3. Which companies’ executives are paid the most and what is the range of pay? 4. Which companies’ executives’ pay is most linked to the company’s profit and/or share price performance? (Explain any assumptions you have to make.) 5. Overall, what do you conclude about how Australian company executives are paid and how clearly the compensation data is reported? Part B: (10 marks) Explain Auditing in times of social distancing: the effect of COVID-19 on auditing quality proposed by Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) in the following situations: 1. What should be the focus areas for auditors under COVID-19 conditions? 2. Should audit fees be reduced when reviewing other cost saving initiatives? 3. Should an auditor delay their opinion until a limitation or uncertainty is resolved? 4. What should be influence of COVID-19 and going concern assessment? The assignment structure must be as follows: 1. Holmes Institute Assignment Cover Sheet – Full Name, Student No., Contribution. 2. Executive Summary a. The Executive summary should be concise and not involve too much detail. b. It should make commentary on the main points only and follow the sequence of the report. c. Write the Executive Summary after the report is completed, and once you have an overview of the whole text. 3. The Executive Summary appears on the first page of the report. 4. Contents Page – This needs to show a logical listing of all the sub-headings of the report’s contents. Note this is excluded from the total word count. 5. Introduction – A short paragraph which includes background, scope and the main points raised in order of importance. There should be a brief conclusion statement at the end of the Introduction. 6. Main Body Paragraphs with numbered sub-headings – Detailed information which elaborates on the main points raised in the Introduction. Each paragraph should begin with a clear topic sentence, then supporting Page 4 of 6 HI6026 AUDIT, ASSURANCE AND COMPLIANCE sentences with facts and evidence obtained from research and finish with a concluding sentence at the end. 7. Conclusion – A logical and coherent evaluation based on a thorough and an objective assessment of the research performed. 8. Appendices – Include any additional explanatory information which is supplementary and/ or graphical to help communicate the main ideas made in the report. Refer to the appendices in the main body paragraphs, as and where appropriate. (Note this is excluded from the total word count.
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HI6026 Audit, Assurance and Compliance Tutorial Question Assignment T3 2020
Question 1 Week 1 (7 Marks) Section 301 of the Corporations Act requires companies to have their financial reports audited. Academic research suggests that Big-4 auditors charge higher fees than other auditors and their audit reports are more credible than those issued by other auditors. Required: In times of economic recession would you expect: (a) the demand for audits to increase or decrease? (3 marks) (100-150 words) (b) clients to shift from large (Big-4) auditors to smaller auditors, or from smaller auditors to Big-4 auditors? Why or why not? (4 marks) (100-150 words) Question 2 Week 3 (7 Marks) Godwin, Key & Associates is a small, but rapidly growing, audit firm. Its success is largely due to the growth of several clients that have been with the firm for more than five years. One of these clients, Carolina Company Ltd, is now listed on the ASX and must comply with additional reporting regulations. Carolina Company Ltd’s rapid growth has meant that it is financially stretched and its accounting systems are struggling to keep up with the growth in business. The client continuance decision is about to be made for the next financial year. The managing partner of Godwin, Key & Associates, Rebecca Sawyer, has recognised that the audit firm needs to make some changes to deal with the issues created by the changing circumstances of its major client and the audit firm’s overall growth. She is particularly concerned that the audit firm could be legally liable if Carolina Company Ltd’s financial situation worsens and it fails. Required: (a) Provide guidance to Rebecca about the steps she can take to avoid the threat of litigation if Carolina Company Ltd fails. (3 marks) (150 -200 words) (b) What should Rebecca consider when making the client continuance decision for Carolina Company Ltd for the next financial year? (4 marks) (300-350 words) 3 Question 3 Week 4 (7 Marks) (a) Audit tests include tests of controls and substantive procedures. Substantive procedures can be divided into substantive analytical procedures, tests of balances, tests of transactions and tests of disclosures. Required: For each test in the table below, select the type of audit test it represents. (3 marks) ( 30-50 words) Test Type of test 1 Examine the financial report to determine whether all related party loans are properly presented 2 Recalculate depreciation figure 3 Trace sales recorded in the sales journal to shipping documents 4 Examine sales invoices for initials to indicate that prices and extensions have been checked 5 Check cost of closing inventory to subsequent sales prices 6 Confirm loan balances with financial institutions (b) You are the audit senior on the audit of Marsa Ltd, a large manufacturing company, for the year ended 30 June 2020. It is now 16 July 2020 and you are reviewing the audit working papers prepared by the audit assistant, Trena Berk. You notice the following matters: (i) As part of her work on subsequent events since balance date, Trena noted that there were a large number of returns in July of product XLP. However, as this product was first sold in June and represented only 1 per cent of sales for the year, she concluded that the amount was immaterial and that no further work was necessary. (ii) Trena selected 20 invoices to test the control that the salesclerk checks that the prices agree with the authorised price list. She found three instances where the salesclerk had not signed the ‘prices checked’ box on the invoice. The sales manager explained that the salesclerk always checks the prices, but sometimes forgets to sign the box. As the prices on all the invoices agreed with the authorised price list, Trena concluded that the control was operating satisfactorily. Required: For each of the two scenarios presented above, indicate whether you believe that sufficient appropriate audit evidence was obtained to support the conclusions reached. Give reasons for your decision. (4 marks) (130- 150 words) 4 Question 4 Week 1 (7 Marks) Mighty Tools Hardware runs a network of small hardware retail outlets across the state. All sales are made for cash or on credit card and processed through electronic tills. A wide range of goods are stocked by the stores, meaning that the business deals with a large number of suppliers. All goods are purchased on credit with varying terms, depending on the supplier. Invoices are paid by cheque after a package of documents is collated and approved for payment. Ordering of goods and subsequent payments are processed by the central office with delivery direct from supplier to the stores — no central warehouse is used. Mighty Tools uses a perpetual stock system and conducts test counts at regular periods throughout the year. Required: (a) What controls should exist for inventory movements at the local store level and the central office? (3 marks) (150-180 words) (b) Explain how the stocktake for Mighty Tools Hardware should be audited. What details are most important? (4 marks) (230-250 words) 5 Question 5 Week 10 (11 Marks) OPSM Opticians Ltd is a producer of fashion eyewear. The audit report for the year ended 30 June 20X9 was signed on 5 August 20X9 and along with the financial report was mailed to shareholders on 10 August. Consider the following independent events. Assume that each event is material. I. On 5 July, OPSM Opticians entered into a new contract to supply eyewears to JDS, a new major department store. The contract was similar in nature to other contracts previously negotiated. (2 marks) (50- 80 words) II. OPSM Opticians has invested significant funds in developing a new type of unbreakable sunglass lens. On 8 July, OPSM Opticians applied for a patent for the lens, only to discover that a competitor had lodged a similar application on 20 June. The granting of Trendy Accessories’ application is now in serious doubt. (2 marks) (50- 80 words) III. Internal audit has uncovered a major fraud at one of OPSM Opticians branches. The fraud was perpetrated by two senior staff, acting in collusion over a number of years. The internal auditors released their report to management on 15 July, after a highly confidential investigation spanning several months. (2 marks) (50- 80 words) IV. One of OPSM Opticians major customers, Leisure Pty Ltd, suffered a fire on 20 July. Since Leisure Pty Ltd was uninsured, it is unlikely that their accounts receivable balance will be paid. (2 marks) (50- 80 words) V. On 25 July, a well-known financial planner advised his clients not to invest in OPSM Opticians due to poor long-term growth prospects. The market price for OPSM Opticians shares subsequently declined by 40%. (3 marks) (50- 80 words) Required: For each of the above events, state the appropriate action (if any) that the auditor would require of the client in order to issue an unqualified audit opinion. Give reasons. (11 marks)
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HI6027 Business and Corporate Law Group Assignment T2 2021
Assignment Specifications Purpose: The Group Assignment aims to provide students with an opportunity to work in a collaborative environment in solving three case problems by citing the relevant legal rules and cases and applying these to the facts of the case. Students are to form groups, with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 students per group. The assignment consists of a 2,000-word written report. Instructions: Please read and re-read carefully to avoid mistakes. Group Report 1. This group assignment consists of 3 parts. Part A is a question on Contract Law, Part B is a question on Negligence and Part C is a question involving Corporations Law. All questions must be answered. 2. Question A is worth 20 marks, while Question B and Question C are worth 10 marks each. 3. The total word limit for the group report is 2,000 words (+/- 10% allowed) ? Word limit for Question A – 1,000 words ? Word limit for Question B – 600 words ? Word limit for Question C – 400 words Word count limits are strictly enforced. A deduction of two (2) marks will be imposed for every 50 words over the word count for either part of the report. Anything over the word count will not be read by your lecturer. 4. The total word count for the report as well as each part must be clearly written on the cover sheet of the assignment. A paper will not be marked if the word counts are not written on the cover sheet. 5. The group report is worth 40% of total marks in this unit. Important Reminders: ? You must form your groups by self-enrolment in Blackboard. Please refer to the document “Group Assessment Self Enrolment Tutorial” that has been posted in Blackboard (under announcements and also in the “Assessments” folder). This document will assist you with the process of self-enrolling in a group to undertake an assessment task in Blackboard Ultra. ? All group report submissions must be done online and run through SafeAssign. No hard copies are to be submitted. Only one group member needs to submit for the whole group. ? You must attach the official Holmes Institute cover sheet to your group report and upload it on Blackboard. ? The Group report must be submitted via SafeAssign on Blackboard and show a similarity percentage figure. Any group report that does not show a SafeAssign similarity percentage will not be marked and be required to re-submit. ? Late submissions will be subject to Holmes Institute policy on student assessment submission and late penalties (please refer to subject outline and Student handbook). HI6027 Business and Corporate Law Group Assignment T2 2021 Page 3 of 11 ? All reports are expected to observe proper referencing in accordance with the Adapted Harvard Referencing style. ? In general, for written reports, a SafeAssign similarity percentage of 25% or below is acceptable. Regardless of the similarity figure, all group reports must use in-text citation and observe proper referencing rules. ? All assignments are expected to strictly follow Holmes Institute’s Academic Conduct and Integrity Policy and Procedures. A copy of the Policy is available on the Holmes Institute home page. (About Holmes > Policies) This policy is also explained in your Student Handbook. ? Plagiarism and contract cheating in any form will not be tolerated and will have severe consequences for the groups found committing the same, including receiving zero (0) for the entire assignment and possible failure in the unit. ? Any group assignment that is found to contain fake or bogus references or references that are clearly irrelevant to the subject matter of the assignment will receive an automatic zero (0) mark. ? IMPORTANT: Identification of individual work. To ensure that all students participate equitably in the group assignment and that students are responsible for the academic integrity of all components of the assignment, each group must complete the following table which identifies which student/students are responsible for the various sections of the assignment: Assignment section Student/Students This table needs to be completed and submitted with the assignment as it is a compulsory component required before any grading is undertaken.
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HI6028 Taxation Theory, Practice & Law Individual Assignment T2 2021
Assignments’ Instructions and Requirements Question 1 (10 Marks) An owner of a Cinema Hall, on ascertaining that a portion of the ceiling of the hall was in need of repairs, decided to replace the whole of the ceiling with different but better materials. The new ceiling, in addition to enhancing the appearance of the hall, improved the acoustics. The total cost of the material and of erecting the new ceiling was $320,000. It was estimated that the cost of repairing the ceiling would have been $220,000. With reference to Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and relevant case law, discuss the amount, if any, allowable as a deduction for income tax purposes. Kindly use the four sections of: 1. Facts of the scenario 2. Relevant laws and cases 3. Application of laws and cases 4. Conclusion (Maximum 800 words) HI6028 Taxation Theory, Practice and Law Individual Assignment T2.2021 QUESTION 2 - (15 MARKS) A new client, Mary, is your first client. She needs to lodge his income tax for 2021/22. Further, she wants to know about some tax-related provisions and practices. She asks some questions - what are the differences between taxable income, ordinary income, and statutory income? What types of ordinary and statutory income do not constitute assessable income? (Maximum 700 words) Furthermore- She gave her annual income and deduction below. Calculate her Total Assessable Income, Taxable Income, Tax Liability, Medicare Levy and Medicare Levy Surcharge, if applicable, for the taxpayer (Mary) with the information below: • Mary is a resident single mom with one dependent child (4 years old) taxpayer of Australia for the tax year 2021-2022 • Her Taxable Salary earned is $110,000 (Including tax withheld) having no private health insurance. • She had a $12,000 deduction. • Mary has a student loan outstanding for his previous studies at Queensland University of $32,000. • Mary’s employer pays superannuation guarantee charge of 9.5% on top of her salary to her nominated fund. • Mary earned a passive income of $5,000 from the investments in shares in the same tax year. Hint: The following website can be used to cross-check your answers but you need to provide detailed calculations, rates and explanations of rates from ATO website. https://www.paycalculator.com.au/ Submission guide: Strictly NO excel sheet(s) or the screenshots of excel calculations and/or tables are allowed, and NO marks will be granted if these are submitted. But, no referencing is required for this question. Kindly use word document tables for your answers and please avoid writing the calculations in narration format.
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HC2112 Service Marketing and Relationship Marketing Individual assignment guideline
Part 1: Short case study – 2 questions. Each question is worth 10 marks. Total: 20 marks (1000 words for 2 questions) Integrated marketing communications: Gangnam Style South Korea rapper and musician Psy (real name Park Jae-Sang) burst onto the world stage in 2012 with his smash hit music video ‘Gangnam style”. It was such a global phenomenon that in four short months since its launch in July 2012, it became the most watched YouTube video of all time. It currently retains this title with over 1.6 billion views and counting. An analysis of “Gangnam style” and Psy’s rise to fame shows that it is no accident. While the most visible aspect of Psy’s marketing communications of his music and brand is on Youtube, it is through the planning and implementation of an integrated communications strategy that such explosive exposure was achieved. Long before launching the “Gangnam style” video, Psy’s record label YG Entertainment had been building up the foundation for maximum reach across a number of channels. Their line-up of artists had accounts across multiple social media platforms with millions of subscribers (YouTube), followers (Twitter) and fans (Facebook). YG Entertainment also spend time setting up partnerships with other influential players in the music industry such as Will.i.am and websites such as AllKpop.com. These preparations beforehand ensured that any outgoing communications would gain high-volume views and reach from day one. One the video was launched, the initial high volume was leveraged to gain the attention of more traditional and generalist media sources. First, the song’s popularity was covered by online technology publications Gizmo and Gawker, which then lead to coverage by traditional media powerhouses such as Billboard, CNN and Skynews. One mainstream attention was achieved, all other major media sources began taking note and spotlighting “Gangnam style”, thus ensuring its record-breaking success. Questions for discussion 1. Analyse the “Gangnam style” case using the 5 Ws (Who, What, How, Where, When) model in the integrated marketing communications planning process. 2. Watch the “Gangnam style” video. Explain how the communications content adds value to consumers of Psy’s music. What impact does content have on the video’s success? Gangnam Style video can be found on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIQToVqDMb8 Part 2: Individual report – 15 marks (2000 words) Choose a real-life service organisation that you are familiar with. Prepare a flowchart of the back-stage as well as the front-stage operations of this business. Using this flowchart, explain the significance of the service encounter, and its managerial implications. The written component of the essay should not exceed 2000 words (12 fonts, Arial or Times New Roman single spaced) 1.Flowchart Backstage Front
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HI5017 Managerial Accounting Individual Assignment
Individual Assignment Specifications Assignment Task: You are required to conduct a literature search for this assignment, cite your source(s) and provide a full reference list (as per the Holmes Adapted Harvard Referencing guidelines on pg. 1-2). Part A (15 marks) Management Accountants are seen as the "value-creators" amongst the accountants. They are much more interested in forward looking and taking decisions that will affect the future of the organization, than in the historical recording and compliance (scorekeeping) aspects of the profession (Institute of Certified Management Accountants, 2017). a) Discuss the pros and cons of the above statement. (4 marks) b) Explain the relevance of the value chain concept to management accountants today. (3 marks) c) Assume you are the management accountant of BHP Group, a leading mining company in Australia. Provide examples of how you can create value for the company to support the managers make: i) strategic decisions (2 examples); and ii) operational decisions (2 examples). (8 marks) "Maximum 1500 words." Part B (12 marks) a) What distinguishes the successful implementations of ABC costing method from those that have not succeeded? Include real-life examples from the literature to support your answer. (10 marks) b) Based on your literature findings in (a), state two key lessons that stood out for you, about the ABC costing method as a planning and decision-making tool that would benefit contemporary organisations. (2 marks) "Maximum 1500 words.
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HI5016 International Trade and Enterprise Group Report
Assignment Specifications Purpose: Students are expected to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of a chosen topic by applying international trade theories and concepts learnt during Week 1 to Week 9. The in-depth analysis of the chosen topic, should be supported by data/statistics, figures, tables and relevant literature. In this assignment, students are required to do better than recycle the lecture materials. Students are to research the chosen topic in more depth providing evidence of independent research. Detailed requirements of the assignment You are a group of advisors working in the Department of Trade and Foreign Affairs in Australia. As advisors you are required to write a report covering the following topics, based on the past 5 years, in which you compare two countries. Each group must choose two countries (not including Australia). This report should provide useful information for the Department of Trade and Foreign Affairs for appropriate strategic decision making for Australia and multinational enterprises in the country. The report should use a variety of resources, including the textbook, newspapers, industry reports, the ABS website, and other sources. Research Topics 1. Comparative advantage ? Choose any two countries chosen from the list of countries listed in Annex 1. For each country, identify an industry or industries in which the chosen countries have comparative advantage. You must use relevant data/statistics to support your analysis used in the identification ? Explain the reasons/sources of the comparative advantage in each of the chosen countries ? Suggest ways to improve the comparative advantage in each country ? Reasons for the flow of trade and investment, the factors affecting the industry or industries and how Australia can benefit from these countries 2. Terms of Trade ? Choose any two countries from the list of countries listed in Annex 1. For each country analyse its terms-of-trade trend over the last 10 years using relevant facts/figures ? Identify and analyse factors affecting the trend in the terms-of-trade for Page 3 of 8 HI5016 International Trade and Enterprise each of the chosen countries ? Analyse how the terms-of-trade affect welfare in the chosen countries ? Advise the Minister on any benefits from these countries to Australia 3. Export Subsidies in Agriculture, Wind/Solar energy industry ? Choose either an agriculture or a wind/solar energy industry from any country listed in Annex 1 that currently provides export subsidies to the industries. Discuss positive and negative aspects of the export subsidies on the country’s economy. ? Evaluate the effects of the export subsidies on the country’s welfare using relevant supporting data/statistics and literature ? Examine the effects of effects of the subsidies on Australia (Only applies if the country chosen is not Australia. However, if the country is Australia explain the effects of the subsidies to other countries) 4. Pattern of Trade ? Choose any two countries from the listed countries in Annex 1. For each country, describe its pattern of trade over the last 30 years using relevant data ? Identify and analyse factors responsible for a changing trade pattern in the chosen countries ? In your opinion, discuss if your findings conform with what the trade theories predict ? Examine the effects of the pattern of trade on Australia
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HI5003 Economics for Business Group Assignment
Detailed requirements of the assignment You are a group of advisors to the Management Board in your company with Headquarters in Australia. As advisors you are first, required to conduct research on your selected sector/industry covering the previous 5-10 years. Second, you are required to present a company strategy to your Management Board and to the Federal Government of Australia covering the next 5 years. Third, your Management Board requires that you make a presentation of your findings and strategies, and you prepare a 3000-word market report. Note: i. if your company has many products and/or services, you can select a representative product/service to discuss for points (2); (3); (4); and (5). ii. This report should provide useful information for your company’s Management Board. It should use a variety of resources, including the textbook, newspapers, industry reports, the ABS website, and other sources. iii. Furthermore, your report should include headings and sub-headings. It needs to be properly referenced using the Harvard style and at least 5 references.
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HC1010 Accounting for Business Tutorial Questions Assignment
Question 1 (7 marks) (Note this question is from the Week 4 Tutorial) Imagine that you are a manager in a large entity and need to make a recommendation to the CEO on which tender to accept. The job being put out to tender by the entity is worth millions of dollars, and you have a significant ownership share in one of the companies tendering. Outline the ethical issues to be considered. (7 marks. Word limit: minimum 120 to maximum 150 words) Question 2 (7 marks) (Note this question is from the Week 6 Tutorial) The following information was obtained from the financial records of Roger Ltd for the year ended 30 June 2020. Prepare the statement of profit or loss for the year ended 30 June 2020. Retained earnings 1 July 2019 $90 000 Sales revenue from continuing operations for the year $600 000 Finance costs $20 000 Estimated income tax expense for the year ended 30 June 2020 $112 500 Interim dividends paid (ordinary shares) $100 000 Write off research and development costs $5 000 Share capital (1 million $2 shares) $2 000 000 Expenses from ordinary activities (excluding finance costs) $200 000 Required: a) Prepare the statement of profit or loss for the year ended 30 June 2020. (4 marks) b) Prepare statement of changes in equity for the year ended 30 June 2020. (3 marks) Question 3 (7 marks) (Note this question is from the Week 7 Tutorial) ABC Company had a positive net cash flow for the year, but its statement of profit or loss reported a loss for the period. Explain (7 marks. Word limit: minimum 120 to maximum 150 words) 3 Question 4 (7 marks) (Note this question is from the Week 8 Tutorial) Selected information for two companies competing in the catering industry have been presented below. Account A Ltd B Ltd Current assets $55250 $83950 Non-current assets $125000 $149500 Current Liabilities $29300 $11750 Non-current Liabilities $44850 $72500 Equity $106100 $149200 Profit $37500 $26500 Required: A. Calculate the following ratios for A Ltd and B Ltd: i. Current ratio. (1 mark) ii. Return on Assets (ROA). (1 mark) iii. Return on Equity (ROE). (1 mark) B. From your calculations in part A, explain which entity is in a more favourable position. (4 marks, word limit: minimum 120 to maximum 150 words) Question 5 (11 marks) (Note this question is from the Week 10 Tutorial) Everest Sports owned by Dean Jones sells sports equipment to schools and sporting clubs in Victoria. The following balances were reported in the Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2020. Account Name Balance ($) Cash at bank 19 700 Accounts receivable 1 400 Accounts payable 600 Capital – Tim Lane 20 500 4 Transactions for July 2020 were as follows: July 2 Received $1400 from accounts receivable 3 Paid $500 of accounts payable 4 Paid rent for July $700 5 Sent invoice to customer $5600 7 Purchased office equipment for cash $2000 9 Recorded cash sales $800 10 Recorded credit sales $1500 14 Purchased office supplies for cash $330 23 Recorded cash sales $2000 31 Cash drawing by Dean Jones $800 Required: A. Prepare worksheet entries for the business transactions for the month ended 31 July 2020. (7 marks) B. Summarise the procedures you would undertake if an accounting worksheet does not balance. (4 marks. Word limit: minimum 120 to maximum 150 words) Question 6 (11 marks) (Note this question is from the Week 11 Tutorial) The Toowoomba Produce Suppliers packages and distributes three grades of animal feed. The material cost per tonne and estimated annual sales for each of the products are: Product Material cost Estimated sales Super Premium $16 1000 tonnes Premium $12 1500 tonnes Economy $10 2500 tonnes The indirect cost of operating the machinery used to package all three products is $20 000 per year. In the past, prices have been set by allocating the indirect costs to products on the basis of estimated sales in tonnes. The resulting total costs (material costs plus allocated fixed overhead) are then marked up by 100 per cent. Required A. Allocate total indirect cost to each product. (3 marks) B. Determine the total cost for each product. (3 marks) C. Calculate the selling price per unit for each product, using the method described for setting prices. (3 marks) D. Does the price in part C, take into account how much customers are willing to pay for the product? Explain. (2 marks. Word limit: minimum 80 to maximum 100 words)