ACCT601: Auditing and Assurance Services
The assignment questions are concerned with AMP Bank Limited (ASX Code: AMP) which is a financial institution based in Australia that offers deposits, residential mortgage and self-managed superannuation fund products and also offers financial loans and banking services to individuals. AMP Bank Limited is headquartered in Parramatta, Australia and is a subsidiary of the AMP Financial Investment Group Holdings Limited. (AFS Directory). AMP Ltd is Australia’s largest retail and corporate superannuation service provider and runs the largest life risk business in the whole of Australia. Revelations that relate to AMP of systemic misconduct surfaced during the Royal Commission hearings into misconduct in the banking, superannuation and financial services industry in April 2018 included: a) Unlawfully deducting service fees from deceased customers’ accounts since 2009 (including the practice of charging clients for financial service AMP did not deliver b) Providing inappropriate financial planning advice to customers c) Making repeated misrepresentations and misleading the corporate regulator ASIC (Australian Securities and Insurance Commission) d) Misconduct in in financial planning e) Interfering with the purportedly independent report for ASIC (delivered after around 700 emails and 25 drafts) by law firm Clayton Utz f) Breaching the Corporations Act 2 | P ag e Following video gives you a background of what happened at AMP in April 2018: You are required to write a business report concerning AMP Limited (ASX Code: AMP) by addressing the following question: a) Evaluate AMP Limited’s performance with a particular focus on their financial planning and insurance activities, in 2017 with respect to embedding i) common good, ii) stewardship, and iii) sustainability and social responsibility into their business. b) Assess the ethical performance of accountants who are employed at AMP’s insurance and financial planning arms under APES110 and APES230. and-ethical-standards/apes-110-code-of-ethics-for-professionalaccountants and-ethical-standards/apes-230-financial-planning-services The Royal Commission heard AMP told ASIC that an external audit by Auditors (Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) has not identified any systematic issues. c) In the context of AMP Limited, explain the purpose of auditing and provide an evaluation of the role of audit function in promoting socially responsible outcomes, common good, and stewardship. Your report should include an introduction, appropriate headings for sections, conclusions, diagrams or graphs where appropriate. Grading will be based on critical analysis of the issue, evidence of wide reading on topic, coherence in the development of arguments, use of appropriate evidence, and clarity of expressions. You are expected to cite at least five (5) acceptable sources.

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264 Essay
• 1000 words – clinical story • Reflective essay • Clinical/professional reflection • Uses CRC (clinical reasoning cycle) as framework • Focus is on rationale for assessments- why do we use assessments • Majority of the essay will be on stage 2 and stage 3 - data collection & information processing • Emphasis on MSE what each domain tells us in general • Need to make reference to all stages of CRC • Biopsynosocial - Biological & psychological aspects & social aspects • social history • Family history • Employment history • Physical • MSE • Risk assessment • What issues did u find & goals appropriate for case study? video • What reflection does it has on me as clinician Question: Reflect on the scope, nature and rationale for assessment of the client in this case study (video) with particular reference to the components of the Mental State Examination (MSE). Press here for the link to the video. Please include the word count of your assignment on the front page of your assignment or in a header. Please note that in-text citations are included in the word count whilst the reference list is not included in the word count. Words that are more than 10% over the word count will not be considered
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Assessment 1 Learning Journal
Individual written assignment (Learning Journal) (2,000 words) Weighting: 30% Task: The individual assignment is a ‘learning journal’. Upon completion of a variety of self - assessment instruments, you are encouraged to develop a deeper understanding of the importance of self-awareness in relation to leadership. Your learning journal is based on your insights and provides you with an opportunity to reflect on the ways in which the issues and concepts raised in the course affect you personally in your role as a manager and leader. Purpose of the Learning Journal Management research indicates that developing self-awareness has several advantages: personal growth, career development, and an enhanced ability to understand and have empathy with others. In their studies of managerial and executive derailment, the Center for Creative Leadership found that successful managers: 1) understand their values, personal styles, and strengths and weaknesses; 2) know the impact of these values, styles, strengths and weaknesses, on their ability to effectively work with others and achieve their goals; and 3) are quick to reflect upon and learn from their own experiences. Despite these advantages, we often resist opportunities to increase our self-awareness. We try to protect our self-esteem. We fear that learning something new about ourselves will be painful or may require us to change. We may think that we already know ourselves well enough. Or we may not want to take the time out of our busy schedules to engage in self-reflection. In short, developing a willingness and ability to engage in self-reflection, is a critical leadership skill that is not easily learned yet reaps many rewards. Keeping a learning journal is a structured way to develop this skill. This journal is a confidential, written record of your personal development through the class. The learning journal helps you to reflect on how your personal styles influence your interpersonal relationships, particularly in your role as a manager and leader. The completed assignment should be about 2,000 words and double spaced. Your learning journal is a confidential document. Only your course facilitator will read it. You are required to identify your learning journal by your name and student number. Learning Journal Requirements Based on the self-assessment instruments used in the course: 1) Choose four areas in Leadership for your self-analysis. 2) Summarize the results of the relevant self-assessments in your learning journal. 3) Share your results, insights and conclusions with someone you trust and respect. Ask them for their reactions and comments. 4) Discuss in the journal: a. What you learned about yourself. b. How your perceptions of yourself are similar and different from the perceptions of the person with whom you discussed your assessments. c. How your style could affect your relationship with others, particularly your work relationships. Consider its influence on how you see and relate to others, how others react toward you, and implications for the kind of work you prefer. d. Given this information, what can you do to take advantage of your strengths and minimize your weaknesses as a manager/leader? Criteria and marking standards: The following criteria will be used to evaluate your learning journal: ? Completion of assignment: You submit the journal on time and present an indepth self-analysis based on the instruments chosen. ? Self-reflection: You demonstrate a willingness and ability to engage in selfreflection. You provide examples from your own experience. You show an understanding of the consequences of your values, attitudes, style, behaviour, etc. on yourself, others, and the organization. ? Conceptual understanding: You demonstrate a thoughtful understanding of conceptual material and leadership theories discussed in the course, and integrate them, as relevant, into your analysis. ? Application: You demonstrate a willingness and ability to take steps towards personal change. You discuss in depth possible action plans. ? Written Composition: The learning journal is professionally presented: wellorganised and well written (including spelling and grammar). ? References: Harvard style preferred.
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MGMT605 Strategic Management for Sustainability
Assessment task 1 Each individual student will orally present one written brief which includes two contemporary strategic management concepts. The written brief submission will be assessed individually for a total of 30% of overall marks (refer to the criteria provided in appendix-1). These presentations will take place in the class/workshop. The oral presentations will be assessed individually for 30% of overall marks (refer to the criteria provided in appendix-1). Each student will be required to prepare a 1500-words written brief of their presentations. The written brief with references must be completed before the presentation and submitted to the LIC immediately after the presentation. Assessment task 2 Business Strategy Case Analysis (BSCA) Report Teams consisting of 3 members will be formed early, during the first tutorial. Each team will be responsible for studying / developing a business strategy for a case of their choice from the list provided in this unit outline. If a team wants to analyse any other case given in the text book, it may do so with the prior consent of the LIC. Each team has to finalize its textbook case and inform the same to the Lecturer-in-charge (LIC) by the end of the second tutorial. On formation of groups, each group will select any one case from out of the text book given below. No two groups will choose the same case for report preparation, and the lecturer will ensure this while allocating the cases to groups. Ideally, group size should not be more than three members.