BUS1007 Organizational Behaviour
Assessment Description: This assessment task serves to demonstrate students’ abilities to take a managerial perspective to provide solutions to issues related to organizational behavior. Students will be required to write an essay in response to a question that will be provided. Question Employees are an important asset in any organization. Therefore, it is important to ensure that employee behavior is effectively managed to ensure successful operations. Explain the challenges that managers are likely to face in the process of managing employee behavior. Suggest any five solutions to the challenges you have identified. Number of words: 1500 words (-/+ 10%)

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ISY2003/ISY203 Information Security
Assessment Details Total Marks: 30 Length Minimum = 1,800 Maximum = 2,200 words Report Type Individual Report Assignment This report gives you the opportunity to research, formulate, develop and document a basic security policy for a specific organization in Australia. Moreover, you are required to analyze, record, resolve security incidents and identify and assess the threats to, and vulnerabilities of the organisation’s networks. This report will use many of the concepts and techniques discussed in this unit throughout the semester. Please note, you will need to either choose from the list of examples of the industries provided below or come up with your own idea for a chosen specific organisation. ? Banking/Mortgage ? Hospital/Medical Centre ? Supermarket ? Vehicle rental ? Tourism agency ? Hotel/Motel School/University ? Library ? Aviation operator ? Property Management Please discuss your chosen organisation and or ideas with your lecturer before you start your research. You might NOT be allowed to choose the same or similar specific organisation as other student in your class. You should aim at research, develop, and document answers to questions (a.) and (b.) below. Do not copy the examples of information security policies used in class! You should state clearly: ? the name of the organisation you have chosen ? the stakeholders of the organisation ? the nature of the business and ? answer questions (a) and (b). Questions: (a.) Research, formulate, develop and document a strategic security policy for your chosen organisation based on the nature of the organisation and the stakeholders in the organisation. (b.) Based on the security policy you have researched, formulated, developed and documented in the item (a.) above, identify and assess the potential threats and vulnerabilities of the company’s network and discuss how such threats and vulnerabilities can be mitigated based on your research.
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ISY3001/ISY301 E-Business Fundamentals and Systems
Assessment Description This case study assesses students’ understanding of e-business concepts presented in weekly lectures and tutorials by researching and analysing real life situations. Groups of 4 students are to critically evaluate an e-Customer Relationship Management (eCRM) in an organization of their choice and provide recommendations to improve the performance of such system (20%). Each student will present his/her section of the group report in the class by delivering a 15-minute PowerPoint presentation (10%). The report and the presentation will address the following issues depicted in the chosen eCRM. Email your choice of organization to the lecturer for approval. 1. Describe the organization and explain the problem or opportunity it faced. 2. Describe the nature of the eCRM initiative that the organization implemented including the process by which the initiative was selected. 3. Explain and analyse any ethical issues and risks the organization may have faced in implementing the eCRM. 4. Provide an assessment of how successful the eCRM initiative was and a discussion of recommendations for further improvement.
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ISY3006 Information Security
Assessment Details Total Marks: 20 Length Minimum = 1,800 words Maximum = 2,200 words Report Type Individual Report Assignment This is an individual assessment. This report gives you the opportunity to research, formulate, develop and document a basic security policy for a specific organization in Australia ECXEPT for BANKING/MORTGAGE organisation. Moreover, you are required to analyze, record, resolve security incidents and identify and assess the threats to, and vulnerabilities of the organisation’s networks. This report will use many of the concepts and techniques discussed in this unit throughout the semester. Please note, you will need to either choose from the list of examples of the industries provided below or come up with your own idea for a chosen specific organisation. Hospital/Medical Centre Supermarket Vehicle rental Tourism agency Hotel/Motel Australian Institute of Higher Education CRICOS Provider Code: 03147A Level 3 & 4 545 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia T: +612 9020 8050 W: www.aih.nsw.edu.au School/University Library Aviation operator Property Management Please discuss your chosen organisation and or ideas with your lecturer before you start your research. You must send the organization that you have chosen to your lecturer by Week 5. Please note you might NOT be allowed to choose the same or similar specific organisation as other in your class. You should aim at research, develop, and document answers to questions (a.) and (b.) below. Do not copy the examples of information security policies used in class! You should state clearly: the name of the organisation you have chosen the stakeholders of the organisation the nature of the business and answer questions (a) and (b). Questions: (a.) Research, formulate, develop and document a strategic security policy for your chosen organisation based on the nature of the organisation and the stakeholders in the organisation. (b.) Based on the security policy you have researched, formulated, developed and documented in the item (a.) above, identify and assess the potential threats and vulnerabilities of the company’s network and discuss how such threats and vulnerabilities can be mitigated based on your research.
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ACC202/ACC2004 Financial Accounting Standards and Corporate Reporting
Sem 3, 2018; ACC202/ACC2004 Financial Accounting Standards and Corporate Reporting Spreadsheet Assignment hardcopy (in-class) and softcopy (on moodle) – 15% Due Monday, 5 pm; 4th February 2019 – Week 11 You are advised to show your work-in-progress in class every week to obtain feedback and improve on your assignment. The spreadsheet file should have your surnames (each group member) as the filename. You should clearly indicate your full name and student ID on the spreadsheet either on the bottom or the top of Sheet1. Prepare a Statement of Profit and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income and the Statement of Changes in Equity for the reporting period ending 30th June 2018.You are to adhere to the requirements of AASB101 Presentation of Financial Statements with relevant notes and is to be presented professionally. (Please see annual financial statements of public companies as a reference). This is a group assignment (2 members per group) and must be completed in an electronic spreadsheet with formulae being applied. The following transactions occurred for a logistics company during the year. Finanzial Ltd generated revenues from the provision of services for the financial year ended 30 June 2018 of $3 500 000. (a) Balance of retained earnings on 1 July 2017 was $1 301 577. (b) On 1 January 2018 the company revalued its buildings by $600 000. (c) Other expenses given below: Wages $800 000 Electricity 100 000 Rates 50 000 Selling expenses 200 000 Administrative expenses 400 000 Other expenses 80 000
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ACC2003 Business and Company Law
In this project, you will work in groups to research a relevant topic area to critically evaluate the contemporary issues faced by businesses. This topic will be allocated to your group by your lecturer. A list of topics will be available on Moodle in Week 4. Research expectation: ? The submission needs to be supported with information by credible sources. ? Credible sources should be varied and included, but not limited to, the Textbook, Government reports, Industry reports, Newspaper articles, Books, and Journal articles. ? Use the EBSCO Databases accessed through the Library and Learning Support page on mMoodle to find journal articles, case studies and more to help you prepare your assessment. Speak with the library assistants or email (support@aih.nsw.edu.au) if you require further assistance. Detailed Submission Requirements ? Submission must be limited to 2000 words (not including table of contents, tables, figures or the reference list). ? Retain the formatting of the template (11 font, 2.5 margins, 1.5 spacing) ? Use Harvard referencing including the reference list ? All students must submit the peer evaluation for their group members via relevant Moodle link before the assessment due date ? Only One member of the group must submit the assignment through the Assessment 3 Turnitin link on Moodle page for this unit by MONDAY 27 May 2019 5pm. ? Groups must print out the assignment and hand it in the workshop to the lecturer on TUESDAY 28 May 2019. Electronic submission will not be accepted. Group Work ? In Week 5, groups are formed. ? All groups will fill out the Group Charter and submit to the lecturer. ? 3-4 students per group. ? In the case where one team member ceases contact and/or contribution to the group work, the group must notify and consult with the Lecturer as soon as possible. ? All students must submit the peer evaluation for their group members via relevant Moodle link before the assessment due date. ? The Peer Evaluation Form can be accessed in the Assessment 3 folder on the Moodle page for this unit
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ACC2005 Management Accounting
Assessment Description In this assignment, you will work in a group on the area of budgeting. Research expectation: ? The submission needs to be supported with information by credible sources. ? Credible sources should be varied and include, but not limited to, the Textbook, Government reports, Industry reports, Newspaper articles, Books, and Journal articles. ? Use the EBSCO Databases accessed through the Library and Learning Support page on mMoodle to find journal articles, case studies and more to help you prepare your assessment. Speak with the library assistants or email (support@aih.nsw.edu.au) if you require further assistance. Detailed Submission Requirements ? 11 font, 2.5 margins, 1.5 spacing. ? Use Harvard referencing including the reference list ? All students must submit the peer evaluation via relevant mMoodle link before the assessment due date ? One member of the group must submit the assessment through the Assessment 2 Turnitin link on MMoodle page for this unit Group Work ? In Week 5, groups are formed. ? All groups will fill out the Group Charter and submit to the lecturer. ? 3-4 students per group. ? In the case where one team member ceases contact and/or contribution to the group work, the group must notify and consult with the Lecturer as soon as possible. ? All students will submit a Peer Evaluation for their group members at the end of the assessment. ? The Peer Evaluation Form can be accessed in the Assessment 2 folder on this MMoodle page for this unit. Assume you are the management accountant in Hunter Valley Ltd, a retailer in computers. Part One (10 marks). Refer to the following data and prepare the required budget. When preparing the budget, you must use a spreadsheet with formulas and functions in the report section. You need to have a designated area for the following data called DATA section and it will be followed by the Report section where the budget should be shown. The spreadsheet should be developed using excel worksheet and exported to Word document. In the Word document, you must show both the Report and the formula view of the report. Hints: When preparing the budget, please make sure you show the quarterly data and the three quarter (Nine months total). The template below can be used: Items March Quarter June Quarter September Quarter Nine-month total Part Two (20 marks) a. The management thinks of budgeting as a purely technical process but actually it is not. Write a business report to the management discussing Budget Data Input The sales budget for the nine months ended September 30 are as follows: Nine month Mar-31 Jun-30 Sep-30 Total Cash sales 30000 86200 45750 161950 Credit sales 86520 64564 68900 219984 Total sales 116520 150764 114650 381934 In the past, the cost of goods sold has always been 70% of the total sales. The director of marketing, the production manager and the vice-president afree that edning inventory should not go below $ 28,000 plus 20% of cost of goods sold for the following quarter. Expected sales are $ 135,480 during the fourth quarter. . Requird: Prepare a budget showing purchases, cost of goods sold and inventory for the nine months ened 30 September. Quarter Ended ? The request form must be submitted to Student Services. Supporting evidence should be attached. For further information please refer to the Student Assessment Policy and associated Procedure available on ? (https://aih.nsw.edu.au/about-us/policies-procedures/). ? budgeting as a technical as well as a political process. In your report you must discuss both the technical perspective and the political perspective.(10 marks) b. The management subsequently asks you to prepare a professional presentation on the business report you write in a. In this task, you need to prepare PowerPoint slides accordingly. The presentation will be conducted in class of Week 11. All members of the group has to participate in the presenation. The ability to make coherent, well organized and clear presentations are an essential skill for business professionals. The following criteria are the basis for evaluating your final case presentation. Similar to the other performance measurement evaluation methods, the presentation criteria narrative begins with an outline of the criteria. The subsequent table outlines how this criteria leads to a grade.
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ACC3001 Auditing
In this assignment, you will work in a group to conduct industry research independently to assess the risks factors pertaining to audit planning for your chosen companies. You are required to choose a listed company of ASX. Assess and evaluate the risks factors in the process of planning the audit engagement. Research expectation: • The submission needs to be supported with information by credible sources. • Credible sources should be varied and include, but not limited to, the Textbook, Government reports, Industry reports, Newspaper articles, Books, and Journal articles. • Use the EBSCO Databases accessed through the Library and Learning Support page on mMoodle to find journal articles, case studies and more to help you prepare your assessment. Speak with the library assistants or email (support@aih.nsw.edu.au) if you require further assistance.
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BUS1003 Business Communication & Academic Writing
Assessment Description This assessment task serves to demonstrate students’ abilities to apply to their knowledge of persuasive communication and how to structure an argument. Students are required to write a 1000 word case study report discussing the importance of persuasion in business communications. In your case study you are expected to cover the following: • The importance of persuasion in business communication. • Characteristics of persuasive communication • Persuasive strategies • Use specific examples of how these persuasive strategies are applied in modern business communications. • Use at least 5 credible sources to support your case study. Remember you need to cite sources in-text, as well as the reference list.
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BUS1003 Business Communication & Academic Writing
Assessment Description This assessment is in 2 parts. Part A: Students are required to complete four online tasks using MyLab Business Communication. ? Week 6 – Students are to complete the Assignment activity based on content delivered in Week 4 Written Communications and Week 5 Critical thinking. ? Week 8 – Students are to complete the Assignment activity based on content delivered in Week 6 the Writing Process and Week 7 Communicating through Visuals. ? Week 10 – Students are to complete the Assignment activity based on content delivered in Week 8 Teamwork & Effective meetings, and Week 9 Oral presentations & public speaking. ? Week 12 – Students are to complete the Assignment activity based on content delivered in Week 10 Writing correspondence and for the Web. Part B: Students are required to submit a 1000 word reflection on what they have learned and how they have performed throughout the trimester.
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BUS1004 Economics for Management
Assessment Description ? By Week 3, students will have formed into groups of two (2) and will have informed the lecturer by email of the composition of their group (student names and ID) ? During the workshop in Week 3, each group will choose two (2) economies – a target economy and a paired economy - from a list of economies provided by the lecturer ? During Weeks 3-11, each group will prepare a report that: ? Provides an overview of the behavioural fields of macroeconomics, the policy goals for each field and the policy instruments available to governments for pursuing these goals (200 words, 2 marks) ? Describes the current situation and recent performance of the target economy and compares this performance with that of the paired economy. Areas covered should include the level and growth rate of total and per capita GDP, the relative importance of major sectors of production (agriculture & mining, industry and services), the allocation of labour among sectors and the levels of labour productivity in these sectors, the rate of unemployment, the rate of inflation, the trade balance and the distribution of income 1,000 words, 10 marks) ? Identifies two major economic problems in the target economy. These will be allocated between the two team members. Each group member will explain their allocated problem and present possible solutions to it (600 words, 6 marks) ? Contains a concluding section that briefly reviews the overall state of the economy, the two problems facing it and the likelihood of these problems being solved or reduced significantly in the near future (200 words, 2 marks) ? Application of relevant concepts, analysis and discussion are expected. Research expectation: ? The submission needs to be supported with information by credible sources.
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BUS1005 Foundation of Human Resource Management
Assessment Description: This assessment task serves to demonstrate students’ abilities to take a human resource management perspective to provide solutions to issues related to managing human resources. Students will be required to write an essay in response to a question that will be provided. Question Human resources are one of the greatest assets in any organization thus it is important that human resource management is taken seriously. In undertaking their duties, human resource managers face numerous challenges. Discuss the challenges that human resource managers are likely to face in their work. Suggest any five strategies that organizations can apply to address the challenges you have identified. Number of words: 1500 words (-/+ 10%)