ATMC BUS503 PRINCIPLES OF COMMERCIAL LAW ASSIGNMENT 2019 DUE DATE: Friday 17 May 2015 (midnight) (Week 9) TOTAL MARKS: 80 marks (40% of overall assessment) WORD LIMIT: 2000 words (+/- 10%) SUBMISSION: Submit your work electronically in Black Board under the Assessment tab. Ensure that you include a cover page with your name, the name of your tutor and day and time of your tutorial. QUESTION (80 marks/ 40% assessment) Ravi is a first year student at USC and he is studying Business, with a major in Accounting. Archana and Ravi are in the same Business law and Ethics class (Ravi thought the course might be too hard and left it ‘til his last year). Archana likes Ravi. She thinks his clothes are a bit old fashioned and he seems a bit sleepy but still she likes him. Archana knows that Ravi works at McDonald’s as a Manager. She decided to meet her friends at McDonald’s on her 18th birthday and hoped that Ravi would be on duty … and he was. Ravi thinks Archana is nice but he’s rather more interested in her friend Lakshmi, who is a bit older: she’s 19. On the night of Archana’s 18th birthday, Ravi was the manager on duty. It was a long and busy night and Ravi had to help behind the counter cooking the hamburgers and chips because one of the staff had called in sick. At around 9:00 pm, Dara, who is employed at the McCafe approached Ravi, who was tending the bar, and told him that someone had been sick near the main door. “Have you cleaned it up, then?” yelled Ravi over the noise of the customers. “Yeah, yeah,” said Dara “But it’s an awful mess.” Ravi thought he’d better go check but just then Lakshmi came up to the counter to order. Ravi nudged past the other counter attendant to serve her and completely forgot about the ‘awful mess.’ Archana could see Ravi smiling at Lakshmi and ate more chips plus some vodka she had brought into McDonald’s in her water bottle. By the end of the evening Archana was very intoxicated. About 10:00 am, Archana was ready to head home. She stumbled toward the main door and, in a final attempt to gain Ravi’s attention, turned to wave him goodbye. She slipped on the ‘awful mess’ and fell on her back with a thud. Archana was wearing the latest fashion in stilettos – shoes with two inch platforms and 5 inch, very narrow heals. As she fell the right heel of her shoe broke away from the sole causing a particularly twisted, heavy fall. It turns out that someone had spilt cream from the birthday cake onto the vomit on the floor creating a doubly slippery surface, according to forensic investigations. Archana sustained a fracture to her lower back and will need surgery. She will have to lie in bed for some months in order to recover. She’ll have to give up her part-time job at Safeway. Fortunately no one else was injured. It was reported that the mess was seen and avoided by others at the party. Archana’s interest in Ravi has turned sour. She wishes to sue Ravi in Negligence. Advise her as follows: 1. Did Ravi owe Archana a duty of care at the time of the incident? (15 Marks) 2. Can Archana prove that Ravi breached a duty of care owed to her? (15 Marks) 3. Can Archana prove the element of damage in an action against Ravi? (15 marks) 4. Could Ravi raise any defences? (15 marks) 5. What damages Archana be entitled to if she is successful in her claim? (5marks) • Provide an introduction and conclusion (5 marks). • Further marks will be allocated for structure, expression and referencing (10 marks) You are asked to ignore any questions of vicarious or occupiers’ liability. Confine your discussion to a consideration of Ravi’s personal liability in negligence. Assessment Criteria: 1. Demonstrate knowledge of current legal principles relevant to a critical analysis of the problem scenario. 2. Demonstrate creative problem solving by applying relevant legal principles through a synthesis of law and facts. 3. Demonstrate professional research and communication skills by interpreting and transmitting knowledge of legal principles and skills in problem solving. INSTRUCTIONS: • Use Times New Roman 12 or Ariel 12 font and 1.5 line spacing. • Answer the questions as posed. • Use the materials provided to you in BB in answering the questions, in addition to your textbook. • Refer to the legislation relevant to your state as required and not to other legislation. • State the relevant law and apply it to the facts of the case study. • Do not make up facts. If you need more facts to resolve an issue indicate that more information is needed and explain what difference it would make to your conclusion. • Refer to the legal authority for each legal principle stated, whether a section/s of legislation or cases. • Use Harvard referencing by placing case names in the body of your text in brackets. Reference the full case citation at the end of your work. • State the title of the legislation in full when first referred to in your work. You may thereafter abbreviate it. You need only reference the legislation in full once in your end reference list. • Avoid spelling mistakes, particularly in relation to legislation and cases. • Avoid grammatical errors. Use full sentences and structured paragraphs.

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FIN510 Aspects of Corporate Finance
FIN510 Aspects of Corporate Finance Written Assignment Semester 1, 2019 Dr. D Chakrabarty Maximum Marks: 30 (worth 15% of the overall assessment) Due date: Sunday, 12th May 2019, 23:59 hours, Darwin time Instructions: 1. Download BOTH the Assignment Question file and Data file to complete your assignment. 2. Use Microsoft Word for the main assignment 3. Use Microsoft Excel wherever possible for numerical calculations and graphs/plots. 4. Copy and paste Excel outputs (e.g. plots, tables) into your Microsoft Word document (to protect the formatting of Excel output, use the "paste as picture" option in Word. 5. Submit the completed assignment (as a Word document) electronically via “Written Assignment Submission Point: Word Document ONLY” in the Assessment Task 2 folder. 6. Submit the Excel file used for calculations/estimations electronically via “Excel Workbook Submission Point” under Assessment Task 2 folder. 7. Keep a hard copy of the submitted assignment, in case there are problems with the electronic submission. Important Notice: Any answer in the Excel document, but not in the main Word document will NOT be marked. As this is an individual assessment, students should submit their own assignment. All assignments submitted will go through a matching process. If found to have cheated/plagiarised, all submissions will receive a mark of zero for this assessment item. It is up to you to keep your assessment confidential. ? This Assignment consists of 4 parts. Attempt all parts. Consider the following scenario: You will be asked a series of questions to guide your analysis. You will need to manipulate the data to answer the questions below. Some Excel formulas are provided in the worksheet. Part 1: Average returns [5 marks = 3 + 2 marks] Compute the monthly return on the shares of each company and the ASX200 index by using the following formula: ?Return?_t=(P_t-P_(t-1))/P_(t-1) ×100, where P_t is the share price (or the value of ASX200 index) in time period t. (Please note that you lose the first observation when calculating returns.) (a) Using the monthly returns, calculate the average return on shares of each company from February 2015 – December 2017. Compare them with the average return on the ASX200 index. (b) Suppose an investor created an equally weighted portfolio of these five companies (i.e. invested 20% of funds in each company). What would be the average return on the portfolio? Explain how you derived your answer. Part 2: Volatility [9 Marks = 2 + 2 + 5 marks] (a) Calculate the standard deviation of returns for the five companies. What does the standard deviation tell us about the overall risk of these companies? (b) Compute the standard deviation of the equally weighted portfolio of these five shares. How does it compare to the standard deviation of the individual companies? (c) How does the standard deviation of returns of the ASX200 index compare with that of individual shares and the equally weighted portfolio? Provide a brief explanation. Part 3: Beta’s [6 Marks = 3 + 3 marks] (a) Based on the data provided find an estimate of beta for each company. For this you will have to first calculate the covariance of a company’s returns with the ASX200 index. Use the following formula in excel: =covariance(Return of company X,Return of ASX200) Beta’s can then be calculated by ?_X=(Covariance(Return of Company X,Return of ASX200))/(Variance (return of ASX200)). (b) Briefly explain why each company has high/low values of beta. Part 4 Forecast & Investment strategy [10 Marks = 7 + 3 marks] The research department of Tri-Star Management has come up with the following forecast of the share prices and the ASX200 index for the month of June 2018: They have also concluded that in 2018, the annual risk free rate is going to be steady at 1.5%. (a) Based on the forecasts given above, write a short report for the clients of Tri-Star Management. Your report should be approximately 500 words long and contain: (i) an assessment of risk of each company, (ii) an evaluation whether a share is overpriced, underpriced or correctly priced and (iii) your recommendation regarding investment in these companies. (b) Would you recommend the clients of Tri-Star Management to invest in an equally weighted portfolio of these five companies? Provide a brief explanation. END OF WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT
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ACT502 –Management Accounting
Instructions: Create your worksheets in excel. Points are given for the quality of your calculation formats (evident from the formulas on the excel spreadsheet) even if your final calculations are not correct. Once you have completed the assignment, it needs to be lodged through the Assessments section of Learnline. Your assessments must be lodged using Excel. Required: 1) Make sure your entire assignment can be readily printed on A-4 paper in portrait (preferred) or landscape format with appropriate page breaks 2) Make sure your name and student number are on every page of your submission. 3) Please show your calculations clearly. Ethics: This is not a group assignment; it is an individual assessment. Your solutions will likely be different from other students. If portions of your assignment are copied or very close to copying, all parties will be penalised for copying. Copying would be considered plagiarism and CDU has strict policies. It is up to you to keep your assessment confidential. ACT501 Semester 2, 2018 Page 2 Q. 1 (Max. Marks:30) Max Brenner, a college student, plans to sell CD players over the internet & by mail order during the semester to help pay his expenses. He buys the players for $31 & sells them for $52. If payment by cheque accompanies the mail order (estimated to be 40% of sales), he gives 10% discount. If customers include a credit card number for either internet or mail order (estimated 30% of sales), they receive 5% discount. The remaining collections are estimated as follows: One month following 15% Two months following 6% Three months following 4% Uncollectable 5% Sales forecast are as follows: September 140 units October 240 units November 330 units December 420 units January Business terminated Max plans to pay his supplier 50% in the month of purchase, and 50% in the following month. A 6% discount is granted on payments made in the month in the month of purchase. However, Max will not be able to take any discounts on the September purchases because of cashflow constraints. All September purchases will be paid for in October. Max has 50 players on hand (purchased in August and to be paid in September), and plans to maintain enough end-of-month inventory to meet 70% of the next month’s sales. Required: Prepare schedules for monthly budgeted cash receipts (10 marks) & cash disbursements (13 marks) & the cash budget (5 marks). During which month will Max need to finance purchases? (2 marks) ACT501 Semester 2, 2018 Page 3 Q.2 (Max Marks:90) Bombera Ltd operates at capacity and makes glass-topped dining tables and wooden chairs, which are then typically sold as sets of four chairs with one table. However, some customers purchase replacement or extra chairs, and others buy some chairs or a table only, so the sales mix is not exactly 4:1. Bombera Ltd is planning its annual budget for the financial year 2018. Information for 2018 follows: Input prices Direct materials Wood $5.30 per board metre Glass $11.5 per sheet Direct manufacturing labour $14 per direct manufacturing labour-hour Input quantities per unit of output Chairs Tables Direct materials Wood 1.2 board metres 1.7 board metres Glass — 2 sheets Direct manufacturing labour 3 hours 6 hours Machine-hours (MH) 2 MH 5 MH Inventory information, direct materials Wood Glass Beginning inventory 27 200 board metres 8 700 sheets Target ending inventory 29 360 board metres 9 500 sheets ACT501 Semester 2, 2018 Page 4 Sales and inventory information, finished goods Chairs Tables Expected sales in units 172 000 45 000 Selling price $70 $900 Target ending inventory in units 8 400 2 050 Beginning inventory in units 7 500 2 150 Chairs are manufactured in batches of 500 and tables are manufactured in batches of 50. It takes three hours to set up for a batch of chairs and two hours to set up for a batch of tables. Bombera Ltd uses activity-based costing and has classified all overhead costs as shown in the table below: Cost type Budgeted variable Budgeted fixed Cost driver/allocation base Manufacturing: Materials handling $342 840 $600 000 Number of board metres used Set-up 97 000 300 740 Set-up hours Processing 789 250 5 900 000 Machine-hours Non-manufacturing: Marketing 2 011 200 4 500 000 Sales revenue Distribution 54 000 380 000 Number of deliveries Delivery trucks transport units sold in delivery sizes of 500 chairs or 500 tables. Required For the year 2018: 1. Prepare the revenues budget. (1 mark) 2. Use the revenues budget to: a. find the budgeted allocation rate for marketing costs (1.5 marks) b. find the budgeted number of deliveries and allocation rate for distribution costs. (3.5 marks) 3. Prepare the production budget in units. (2 marks) ACT501 Semester 2, 2018 Page 5 4. Use the production budget to: a. find the budgeted number of set-ups, set-up hours and the allocation rate for set-up costs (5 marks) b. find the budgeted total machine-hours and the allocation rate for processing costs. (2.5 marks) 5. Prepare the direct materials usage budget and the direct materials purchases budget. (5 marks) 6. Use the direct materials usage budget to find the budgeted allocation rate for materials-handling costs. (2.5 marks) 7. Prepare the direct manufacturing labour cost budget. (1.5 marks) 8. Prepare the manufacturing overhead cost budget for materials handling, set-up and processing. (1.5 marks) 9. Prepare the budgeted unit cost of finished good (16.5 marks) and ending inventories budget. (4.5 marks) 10. Prepare the cost of goods sold budget. (3 marks) 11. Prepare the non-manufacturing overhead costs budget for marketing and distribution. (1 mark) 12. Prepare a budgeted income statement (ignore income taxes). (3 marks) 13. Compare the budgeted unit cost of a chair to its budgeted selling price. Why might Bombera Ltd continue to sell the chairs for only $70? (6 marks)
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ACT503 Coropate Accounting
1 Topic 1 has two following parts: • Part A is the preparation of all consolidation elimination journals necessary before preparation of consolidated set of financial statements for year ending 30 June 2019, for an economic entity comprising a parent and subsidiary. Also prepare a calculation of non-controlling interest at acquisition date, between acquisition date and the beginning of the reporting period and for current reporting period. (30 marks) • Part B is an explanation of the outcome of the consolidation process. (5 marks) Topic 2 has only one following part: 1) Evaluate a statement in view of AASB 138. (5 marks) Please refer pages 2, 3 4 and 5 for further details. Due Date: 11:59pm Study week 11 Sunday Assessment Value: 30% Topic 1: Accounting for Group structures: Part A (75%) Part B (12.5%) Topic 2: Intangible Assets (12.5%) Length for Topic 1: 2,500 words maximum (comprising calculations and working papers in Part A equivalent to 2000 words and a written component of 500 words in Part B). All consolidation workings, journals and explanations need to be performed on Excel spreadsheet. Students should develop, name and use at least one macro for Excel spreadsheet calculation purpose. Points will be awarded for: correct format of journals, correct journal entries including narrations, correct and clearly referenced workings and explanations. Part B should be submitted using Microsoft Word document. Length for Topic 2: 500 words maximum This should be submitted using Microsoft Word document. Other instructions Submission should include ‘cover page’. APA referencing style should be followed. 2 Topic 1 Part A (75%) FMCG Ltd (who is in retail business) has to prepare its consolidated financial statements at 30 June 2019. FMCG Ltd had acquired its 85% interest in RG Ltd on 1 July 2017, that is, two years earlier. At that date the capital and reserves of RG Ltd were: Share capital $200,000 Retained earnings $170,000 At the date of acquisition all asset of RG Ltd considered to be fair valued. The financial statements of FMCG Ltd and its subsidiary RG Ltd at 30 June 2019 are as follows: Statement of financial position Description FMCG Ltd ($000) RG Ltd ($000) Current assets Accounts receivable 60 62 Inventory 90 30 Non-current assets Land and buildings 225 325 Plant-at cost 300 356 Accumulated depreciation (86) (140) Investment in RG Ltd 360 - Total 949 633 Current liabilities Accounts payable 56 45 Taxation payable 42 24 Non-current liabilities Loans payable 175 118 Shareholders’ equity Share capital 350 200 Retained earnings 326 246 Total 949 633 Detailed reconciliation of opening and closing retained earnings Description FMCG Ltd ($000) RG Ltd ($000) Sales revenue 700 575 Cost of goods sols (465) (235) Gross profit 235 340 Expenses Administration expenses (30) (40) Management fee expenses - (26) Depreciation (25) (55) Other expenses (102) (76) Other income 3 Management fee income 26 - Dividends from RG Ltd 75 - Gain on sale of plant 35 - Profit before tax 214 143 Tax expense (65) (43) Profit for the year 149 100 Retained earnings- 30 June 2018 315 240 464 340 Dividends paid (138) (94) Retained earnings- 30 June 2019 326 246 Following are the list of transactions between FMCG Ltd and its subsidiary RG Ltd during the year 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019: • RG Ltd paid $26,000 in management fee to FMCG Ltd. • FMCG management determined that the goodwill is impaired by $5,000 in the current financial year. Previous accumulated impairment amounted to $22,000. • During the year FMCG Ltd made total sales to RG Ltd of $60,000, while RG Ltd sold $50,000 in inventory to FMCG Ltd. • The opening inventory in FMCG Ltd as at 1 July 2018 included inventory acquired from RG Ltd for $40,000 that had cost RG Ltd $33,000 to produce. • The closing inventory in FMCG Ltd includes inventory purchased from RG Ltd at a cost of 33,000. The cost of this inventory to RG Ltd was $27,000. • The closing inventory of RG Ltd includes inventory acquired from FMCG Ltd at a cost of $12,000. This cost FMCG Ltd $9,000 to produce. • On 1 July 2018, FMCG Ltd sold an item of equipment to RG Ltd for $120,000 when its carrying value in FMCG Ltd was $80,000 (cost of $132,000, accumulated depreciation of $52,000). Remaining useful life for this equipment is being assessed as six years. • Management of FMCG Ltd values any non-controlling interest at the proportionate share of RG Ltd’s identifiable net assets. • Applicable tax rate is 30%. • All calculated amounts are to be rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Required: Prepare the consolidation eliminations journals necessary and required before preparation of consolidated financial statements of FMCG Ltd and its subsidiary (state narrations to journals, provide clear workings and explanations). Also prepare a calculation of non-controlling interest at acquisition date, between acquisition date and the beginning of the reporting period and for current reporting period. (30 marks) 4 Topic 1 Part B (12.5%) The consolidated financial statements of FMCG Ltd and RG Ltd were presented to the Board. The Board is alarmed that the economic entity’s balance sheet (consolidated balance sheet) shows a deferred tax balance, when the accounts for FMCG Ltd had no deferred tax asset or deferred tax liability. FMCG management is also planning to acquire another entity ABC Investments Ltd in the near future. Management pointed out to the Board that on acquisition, the financial results of this new subsidiary (ABC Investments Ltd) will also be consolidated in the economic entity financial statements. One of the Board members noted that the new business to be acquired by FMCG Ltd is an investment company. Its financial statements should not be consolidated because it is involved in investments industry, whereas all of the other companies in the economic entity are involved in retail industry. Required: As the financial accountant you are requested to prepare a response to the following questions: (a) Why does the economic entity have a deferred tax balance? (2.5 marks) (b) Should the financial statements of proposed acquired business, ABC Investments Ltd, be consolidated into the economic entity and why? (2.5 marks) Please note that in your response you must make reference to relevant paragraphs of the Accounting Standard and/or AASB Framework and to other sources of material. 5 Topic 2 (12.5%) Paragraph 23 of an earlier version of IAS 38 Intangible Assets states that: The Board’s view, consistently reflected in previous proposals for intangible assets, is that there should be no difference between the requirements for: (a) intangible assets that are acquired externally; and (b) internally generated intangible assets, whether they arise from development activities or other types of activities. Required: Evaluate the above view, identify and explain inconsistencies between this view and the current requirements of AASB 138. (5 marks)
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ACT504 Auditing
QUESTION 1 In February 2012, the Australian Accounting Standards Boards decided at its meeting to propose the withdrawal of AASB 1031 Materiality. There were several reasons for this proposal which includes: there is no International Reporting Standard equivalent and it does not look like there will be, since 2005 there has been the gradual withdrawal of additional Australian guidance from a number of Australian Accounting Standards, and there is now an updated guidance on materiality in the IASB Conceptual Framework. The major impact of the withdrawal of AASB 1031 is the removal of the specific quantitative guidance for materiality. The withdrawal of AASB 1031 became effective to annual reporting beginning on or after 1 July 2015. REQUIRED: 1. Summarize the significant changes with AASB 1031 Materiality (issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Boards - AASB) from 1995 to 2015. (8 Marks) 2. Prior to the withdrawal of AASB 1031 and with reference to the AASB 1031 Materiality (issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Boards - AASB) and the ASA 320 Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit and ASA 450 Evaluation of Misstatements Identified during an Audit (issued by the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board – AUASB), (12 Marks): a. Define materiality. b. Outline the qualitative and quantitative guidelines of materiality. c. How the concepts and constructs of “materiality” influence the auditors’ professional judgment on misstatements. 3. Post withdrawal of AASB 1031, would this harmonise/bring uniformity to auditors’ assessment of materiality misstatements or would this bring disparity to auditors’ assessment of misstatements? What other influence this would bring to the auditors’ judgment on misstatements? Discuss your answer and rationale. (Support your answers with the relevant Australian Accounting Standards and Australian Auditing Standards as well as published Peer-reviewed Academic Journals and Articles.) (10 Marks) NOTE: In answering Question 1, use Harvard referencing style and support your answers with relevant accounting and auditing standards as well as published peer-reviewed academic journals. A minimum of 5 peer-reviewed academic journals is expected. (Hint: this is a great opportunity to utilise the University’s Library Services online such as Library Search, Advance Search, eJournals and Databases such as EBSCOhost, etc.) [8 + 12 + 10 = 30 marks] Asia Pacific College of Business & Law Semester 2 2019 Page 4 of 10 QUESTION 2 The following are independent situations: (i) Bob is an audit assistant currently undertaking university studies. While auditing the books of Club Casino, he comes across certain financial information that he believes will assist him in completing one of his university assignments. He copies the information and uses it in his assignment, carefully removing all reference to Club Casino in order to preserve the client’s confidentiality. (ii) Wendy has been the engagement partner on the Ace Limited audit for a number of years. Some time ago, Ace’s long-standing company secretary retired and Ace took six months to find a replacement. At Ace’s request, Wendy performed company secretarial duties for this period of time. (iii) Leo is the eldest son of the factory foreman of one of your firm’s major audit clients, Precision Machinery Limited. During vacation work, L is assigned to the audit of Precision Machinery. Leo’s work comprised testing the internal controls of the cash payments system. (iv) Chan & Associates are auditors of Classic Reproductions Pty. Limited, a large furniture wholesaler currently experiencing financial difficulties. Classic Reproductions is a significant client of Chan & Associates and have not paid their audit fee for the past three years. The audit partner recently threatened to resign from the audit if the outstanding fees were not paid. To prevent this occurring, Classic Reproductions offered to supply Chan & Associates with new office furniture. The partner accepted this offer in full consideration of the outstanding fees, even though the furniture was only worth 50% of the balance. As a thankyou present, Classic Reproductions gave the partner a 25% shareholding in an unrelated listed company. At present these shares are worth $1,000. Chan & Associates do not act as auditors of this company. Required: a) Define actual and perceived independence, and explain the importance of each. b) For each of the above independent situations list any professional standards and regulatory requirements breached and discuss possible alternative courses of action the auditor should have taken in order to properly discharge their professional responsibilities. [4 + 8 = 12 marks] Asia Pacific College of Business & Law Semester 2 2019 Page 5 of 10 QUESTION 3 Everyday Supplies Pty Ltd is a single-store retailer that sells a variety of tools, garden supplies, lumber, small appliances, and electrical fixtures to the public, although about half of Everyday Supplies’ sales are to construction contractors on account. Retail customers pay for merchandise by cash or credit card at cash registers when merchandise is purchased. A contractor may purchase merchandise on account, if approved by the credit manager based only on the manager’s familiarity with the contractor’s reputation. After credit is approved, the sales associate files a prenumbered charge form with the accounts receivable supervisor to set up the receivable. The accounts receivable supervisor independently verifies the pricing and other details on the charge form by reference to a management-authorised price list, corrects any errors, prepares the invoice, and supervises a part-time employee who mails the invoice to the contractor. The accounts receivable supervisor electronically posts the details of the invoice in the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger; simultaneously, the transaction’s details are transmitted to the bookkeeper. The accounts receivable supervisor also prepares a monthly computer-generated accounts receivable subsidiary ledger without a reconciliation with the accounts receivable control account, and a monthly report of overdue accounts. The cash receipts functions are performed by the cashier, who also supervises the cash register clerks. The cashier opens the mail, compares each cheque with the enclosed remittance advice, stamps each cheque “for deposit only”, and lists cheques for deposit. The cashier then gives the remittance advices to the bookkeeper for recording. The cashier deposits the cheques daily, separate from the daily deposit of cash register receipts. The cashier retains the verified deposit slips to assist in reconciling the monthly bank statements, but forwards to the bookkeeper a copy of the daily cash register summary. The cashier does not have access to the journals or ledgers. The bookkeeper receives the details of transactions from the accounts receivable supervisor and the cashier for journalising and positing to the general ledger. After recording the remittance advices received from the cashier, the bookkeeper electronically transmits the remittance information to the accounts receivable supervisor for subsidiary ledger updating. The bookkeeper sends monthly statements to contractors with unpaid balances upon receipt of the monthly report of overdue balances Asia Pacific College of Business & Law Semester 2 2019 Page 6 of 10 from the accounts receivable supervisor. The bookkeeper authorises the accounts receivable supervisor to write off accounts as uncollectible when six months have passed since the initial overdue notice was sent. At this time, the credit manager is notified by the bookkeeper not to grant additional credit to that contractor. Required: Describe five internal control weaknesses in Everyday Supplies’ internal control for the cash receipts and billing functions. Explain why each is a weakness. [10 marks] Asia Pacific College of Business & Law Semester 2 2019 Page 7 of 10 QUESTION 4 Retro Pty Ltd is a major manufacturer of industrial machinery. Detailed below is a description of its purchasing and payments system. (i) When the stores department requires items to be purchased, they issue a three-part pre-numbered purchase requisition that needs to be approved by the store’s manager. Copy 1 is sent to the purchasing department, Copy 2 is sent to the accounts payable department and Copy 3 is filed in the stores department. (ii) On receipt of an approved purchase requisition, the purchasing department issues a five-part pre-numbered purchase order. Copy 1 is sent to the supplier, Copies 2 and 3 are forwarded to the receiving department, Copy 4 is forwarded to the accounts payable department and Copy 5 is filed in the purchasing department. (iii) When goods are received, the receiving department logs in the shipment by stamping “order received” on its two copies of the purchase order, which then forms its receiving record. One copy of the receiving record is filed in the receiving department and the other is forwarded to the accounts payable department. (iv) The accounts payable department checks that there is a purchase requisition, purchase order and receiving record for each supplier invoice and then approves it for payment. (v) The accounts payable department prepares a pre-numbered disbursement voucher and forwards it along with the supplier’s invoice, purchase requisition, purchase order and receiving record to the financial accountant. (vi) The financial accountant prepares a cheque for each supplier, signs the cheque and records it in the cash disbursements journal. The cheque is immediately mailed to the supplier. Supporting documentation is returned to accounts payable for filing. (vii) At the end of the month, the assistant accountant undertakes a sequence check of all accountable forms. The financial accountant receives the monthly bank statement, prepares a bank reconciliation and investigates any reconciling items. Required: Identify seven (7) internal control weaknesses in Retro’s internal control concerning the purchases and payments functions. Explain why each is a weakness. [14 marks] Asia Pacific College of Business & Law Semester 2 2019 Page 8 of 10 QUESTION 5 You are the audit senior on the MyPet Pty Limited audit. MyPet is a distributor of pet care products including shampoos, lotions and a small range of toys. MyPet uses an on-line computer system. No goods are manufactured in-house; rather, MyPet maintains a stock of raw materials and sub-contracts the manufacture of its products to third parties. Approximately 50 suppliers and sub-contractors are used and all have proven to be reliable. You have made the following notes about the inventory system: Procedures for raw materials • Separate systems, staff and warehouses are maintained for both raw materials and finished goods. • Purchase orders are automatically generated by the computer when stocks of any raw material fall below 70% of the prior month’s usage. The purchase orders contain the following details: date; supplier name and address; raw material needed. • Three copies of the purchase order are produced and distributed as follows: Copy 1—to warehouse to enable follow up of late orders. Copy 2—filed by accounts clerk in date order. Copy 3—sent to supplier. • When raw material stocks are received, the bar codes attached to the delivery boxes by the supplier are scanned into the system. A two-part Goods Received Note (GRN) is then produced: Copy 1—matched to warehouse copy of purchase order by stores staff. Copy 2—filed by accounts clerk. The scanning process is aborted if the codes do not match those on the masterfile. Procedures for finished goods • Production orders are automatically generated when finished goods fall below 60% of the prior month’s sales. The production orders contain the following details: date; sub-contractor’s name; raw materials required; finished goods needed. Asia Pacific College of Business & Law Semester 2 2019 Page 9 of 10 • Two copies of the production order are produced: Copy 1—to raw materials store for use as a picking slip, then it is packed with goods and sent to the supplier. Copy 2—filed by production controller in date order. • When the finished goods stocks are received, the bar codes attached to the delivery boxes by the supplier are scanned into the system. A two-part GRN is then produced: Copy 1—matched to production controller’s copy of production order. Copy 2—filed by accounts clerk. The scanning process is aborted if the codes to not match those on the masterfile. General notes • The computer automatically selects the supplier of both raw materials and finished goods based on: the latest price (as per their most recent invoice). their delivery times (based on the number of days between the date the purchase/ production order is raised and the date the goods are scanned by the warehouse). • Password access is as follows: Stores staff (raw materials): Purchase order printing for raw materials only. GRN printing for raw materials. Stores staff (finished goods): GRN printing for finished goods. Production controller: Production order printing, masterfile amendments. Accounts clerk : Masterfile amendments. Masterfile amendments • The stock masterfile contains details of: existing stock items including codes and warehouse location; approved suppliers and sub-contractors. • Orders will only be generated to suppliers and sub-contractors recorded on the masterfile. • Masterfile changes are made by the production controller for both raw materials and finished goods inventory. A masterfile amendment form is completed by the production controller as a record of the changes made. Asia Pacific College of Business & Law Semester 2 2019 Page 10 of 10 Required: (a) Identify six (6) weaknesses in the internal controls described. Discuss the implications of each of the weaknesses you have identified. (b) Assume your IT audit division is to perform testing of controls for the inventory systems described. Identify two tests that you would recommend they perform. [12 + 2 = 14 marks] *** End of Assignment
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BUS501 Assignment 3 – Information for prioritising image/brand decisions
Assignment 3 – Information for prioritising image/brand decisions Task: To be performed individually Marks: 45% of unit total Deadline: Week 12 Sunday midnight Word limit: 3000 (INCLUDING the reference list) Assignment description Business managers do not perform the actual primary data collection, but they do frequently commission and oversee business research projects, as well as interpret data and make decisions on the basis of research findings. The assignment requires you to consider the research process and decision making associated with brand evaluation that we have covered in the unit. This is a very relevant topic since branding is one of the most important aspects of contemporary business. The assignment is to be written from the perspective of one of the service providers in the Australian telecommunication industry. NB – Please do not conduct any primary data collection, rather just consider the research design and process involved in branding research from the business manager’s perspective. For this assignment you need to read around the subject of branding and branding research – guided reading lesson 6 is a good starting point. Purpose This assignment will get you thinking about and develop your appreciation of the application of research in brand building. This assignment asks you to perform the same tasks undertaken by business managers and requires you to set clear research objectives; consider the strategic role of the research and the type of information expected, as well as outline the key methodological considerations relating to the BHT. The assignment will also help develop skills in desk research (library and Internet search), collating, presenting and interpreting information in a concise manner, as well as accurate referencing. How to structure your writing • Cover page – Please include a cover page containing the title; student name(s) and ID number (s); date & total word count (excluding title and reference list). • Introduction – Write about 150 words. In your introduction specify your chosen research area and discuss the significance of branding and the BHT in business. Outline the structure of your essay. • Business & research objective(s) – In 200 words discuss the business objectives and the specific research objectives of the BHT. • Information required to fulfil the research objectives – (approx. 1000 words) In this section you need to clearly show the type of output you would expect and explain its potential role for informing brand decision making. (NB you are not required to actually conduct any primary research). To do this effectively you should include description of the information to be collected and provide examples of expected research output - clearly describing how it can be interpreted to assist the company decision making. • Describe the research design in relation to your chosen approach – (approx. 1000 words) Include a brief description of the preferred data collection approach with rationale, and relate the key methodological considerations specific to the BHT and your recommended method. • Conclusion – About 150 words summing up the topic and the importance the approach. • Word limit – There is a considerable amount to cover, so it is important that you clearly introduce the focus of your assignment and then write clearly and concisely within the specified word limit. at the end of each section please state the number of words you have used. Word limit – at the end of each section state the number of words you have used. At the start of the assignment please also indicate the total number of words, which should not exceed 3000 words. NB for this assignment the reference list counts toward the word limit. • Finally insert your ‘References’ list using a recognized referencing format such as APA or Harvard – (For example, the ‘Harvard quick guide’ provides a useful summary • For this assignment it is anticipated that you will use a minimum of ten different references that include relevant journal articles. • Please write in a professional manner with a clear structure and appropriate headings, properly spell checked and proof read.
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BUS502 Entrepreneurial Opportunity Development Assessment 2
S219 BUS502, Assessment 2 Page 2 Task Details Task The written assignments in this unit provide you with the opportunity to develop your entrepreneurial thinking, abilities, and skills. Even if you do not plan to become an entrepreneur in the future, the entrepreneurial skills that you will develop through this unit and the assignments will be valuable for any professional career. Some of you may even be inspired to become entrepreneurs. There are two important preambles for the unit and assessment 2: 1. Everyone has the potential to develop entrepreneurial skills and abilities! 2. Entrepreneurial opportunities are everywhere! For assignment 2, you are required to identify and develop an entrepreneurial opportunity in the marketplace. For this development, you will be utilising two well-known tools - the business model canvas and value proposition canvas. The entrepreneurial opportunity can be for a new or significantly improved product or service in any industry. The business model canvas provides a framework for development and assessment of your identified opportunity into a business model. The canvas enables you to focus on the most relevant parts of a business model. Parts of the business model canvas refer to the value proposition and customer aspects. As these are the key aspects of any business model development, they will be explored in more detail in the value proposition canvas. You can already start to explore the canvases by visiting (registration is free and provides some free resources and videos). To start your entrepreneurial opportunity development, you need to identify and discuss relevant trends, as these will provide a wealth of opportunities. You can focus your trend research and opportunity assessment on an industry topic or sector of your choice (e.g. health, sustainability). Based on the identified and chosen opportunity for your business, you are then required to research and assess relevant industry and consumer data as these provide important inputs for the development your business model and value proposition. Finally, as developing an entrepreneurial mind-set is part of this unit, you are required to reflect on your entrepreneurial journey so far. Of course, noting down your reflections and thoughts should be done at all stages of your entrepreneurial opportunity development. Assignment 2, and the feedback received, will provide the basis for the business plan development in assignment 3.
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BUS502 Entrepreneurial Opportunity Development Assessment 3
S218 BUS502, Assignment 3 Page 4 Writing report (10%) Paper is written in a report style and structured to support argumentation and readability; contains correct spelling and grammar; within the word limit. Application of the CDU Harvard referencing style guide for in-text citation and reference list. (clarity of report structure, flow and readability, quality of writing, word limit, correct format of references and reference list) Penalties Late Submission Late assignments will lose 5% of the available marks each day (or part thereof). Plagiarism You are to identify the sources of any ideas and words in your assignment that are not yours. Unattributed materials may not be included in the consideration of your assignment and serious cases of academic misconduct will be handled in accordance with the Student Complaints Management Process. * supporting evidence refers to support with in-text citations as well as further information in appendices where suitable
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HRM503 International Human Resource Management
Assignment Title
Assessment Item 03: Case Study Analysis – Engaging and Motivating staff
3000-3500 words
Learning outcomes
1. Knowledge - Describe and critically discuss key principles and theories of Human Resource Management.
2. Problem Solving Skills - Critically evaluate and synthesize relevant information to solve real world issues associated with Human Resource Management.
3. Change Management - Analyse the role of Human Resource Management in implementing change within a global context.
4. Global Environment - Identify and critically discuss local, global and international workforce trends and assess the implications for human resource management
Lecturer Discretion
Lecturers may, at their discretion, ask students to verbally present their assignment submission or rewrite some selected part/s of their answer in a controlled setting.
Task Details
Engaging and motivating employees is at the centre of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) practices. It is therefore important to identify the organisational practices that can be used to foster the cognitive, emotional and behavioural qualities that will positively impact on employees and enhance their motivation.
To understand what motivates people to work is essential to this assignment. The focus of the assignment is to identify the motivational theories, the characteristics of a positive work environment and the HR practices that positively influence affective processes (e.g. motivation, commitment, job satisfaction, wellbeing) and behavioural processes (e.g. effort, reduced turnover and absenteeism).
To complete this assignment successfully students at a minimum should:
• Identify the key motivational theories and discuss which of the theories strongly influences employees’ affective processes and behavioural processes.
• Describe the characteristics of a positive work environment and discuss how HR designs jobs to motivate employees.
• Discuss the synthesis of Hackman and Oldham’s (1976) job characteristics and employees’ psychological states in relation to work outcomes, such as intrinsic work motivation, job satisfaction, and high quality work performance.
• Discuss the possible relationship between Maslow’s general components and job characteristics in view of engaging and motivating employees in organisations.
Assignment Extensions
This is a formal assessment task therefore any extension requests must follow the CDU Business School’s formal extension process. For more information follow the link “Business School Assignment Extensions Information” in the CDU Business School – Resource area in the Learnline Home Page of this unit.
Late Submission
Late assessment submissions incur a penalty of 5% per day past the due date.
Your assignment must be formatted with heading.
CDU Harvard referencing style must be used.
Gallup Consulting 2010, The state of the global workplace: A worldwide study of employee engagement and wellbeing, viewed 20 February 2015
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ASSIGNMENT 2 – CASE STUDY ‘Mr & Mrs Jones operate a popular Hardware store in Katherine through a company called ‘Jones Hardware Pty Ltd’. Mrs Jones is a director of the company and Mr Jones is also a director and secretary of the company. Mrs Jones attends BNZ Bank which has been the company’s bank for the last 15 years. Mrs Jones completed a loan application to borrow $300,000 which states purpose the funds will be used for. In the application Mrs Jones advises that the funds will be used to expand their business into Western Australia and establish a new company. The shareholders and directors of the new company will be Mrs Jones and her friend. The relevant bank manager knows Mr & Mrs Jones well and has always met with them both. The bank manager is concerned with the loan applications however makes no further enquiries. The banker manager agrees with Mrs Jones to lend the money on the basis that the bank can take security over the company’s major asset being a building from which the company operates. Mrs Jones lends the monies to a new company in which she is a director and shareholder in with her best friend. Mrs Jones intention is to establish the new company with her best friend and then leave her husband. Mrs Jones obtains the loan and mortgage documents from the bank. She affixes the common seal of the company and her best friend signs as secretary. The bank advances the money. Mrs Jones lends the monies to the new company. The new company establishes a business in Western Australia and then commences the process of approaching the largest clients of Jones Hardware Pty Ltd. REQUIRED: • Explain whether BNZ bank can enforce its mortgage over the building. Consider whether it can rely of the assumptions in s129 of the Corporations Act. and whether an exception to the assumption by way of s128(4) is applicable. Refer to case law to explain your conclusion. (Words 1,000 (15 marks) • Briefly discuss whether Mrs Jones has breached any director duties in establishing the new company and approaching clients. (Words 500 (7.5 marks) LAW 513 Corporate Law Semester two, 2019 Assignment Two Prepared by (as appeared on the University register) We fully understand academic integrity and clarified any doubts and misunderstanding about academic integrity. Submitting this assignment is an acknowledgement of meeting high academic integrity standards of Charles Darwin University. We are jointly responsible for academic integrity. Campus Location:
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MAN501 Comparison of National Cultures Assessment 2
Assessment 2 – MAN501 Culture and Managerial Implications The focus of this assignment is to draw upon your analysis of national culture of two countries in Assignment 1 to develop an assessment of similarities and differences in managerial processes and organisational culture which an international manager can expect to encounter in these two countries. Issues you may wish to examine could include how culture affects individualism versus group orientation, communications, decision-making, autocratic versus delegated leadership, superior-subordinate relationships and managing teams. In the report utilise appropriate academic theories about cross-cultural management to create frameworks to support your proposals. Utilise similar information sources that were utilised in Assignment 1.You may find some added benefit in obtaining information of the operations, and possibly any international activities, of major organisations in the two countries that are being compared. Assessment Item 2 Description/Focus: The focus of this assignment is to draw upon your analysis and understanding of cultural differences and discuss how these differences may manifest in the workplace Value: 40% Due date: Friday, Week 11 Length: Essay 3.000 - 3.500 words (excluding reference list and Task: The task involves developing an assessment of similarities and differences in managerial processes and organisational culture which an international manager can expect to encounter when working cross culturally Issues that might be examined could include how culture affects individualism versus group orientation, communications, decisionmaking, autocratic versus delegated leadership, superiorsubordinate relationships and managing teams. Assessment criteria: 1. An ability to utilise sources such as the Internet and University library facilities to search, locate and summarise data relevant to the assignment 2. An ability to utilise appropriate theories about cross-cultural management to create frameworks to support your analysis and conclusions. 3. Presentation of an effective comparison of the influence of national culture on managerial practices and organisational culture in the two countries being studied. 4. An ability to critically analyse information, formulate conclusions and exhibit original thought. 5. An ability to present a well written, well-structured assignment.
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MAN501 Comparison of National Cultures
Assessment 1 – MAN501 Comparison of National Cultures The assignment is based upon comparing and contrasting the culture in two different countries. One country should be one which you know very well, having lived there for a significant period of time. The other country is to be selected on the basis of your own criteria (e.g. a country you have visited, a country where there is a wealth of available information, a country which particularly interests you.) Assessment Item 1 Description/Focus: The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity to utilise your skills and knowledge to research the cultural differences between countries. The assignment is based upon comparing and contrasting the culture in two different countries. Value: 40% Due date: Friday, Week 6 Length: Essay 3.000 - 3.500 words (excluding reference list and Task: To undertake this assignment, acquire data on two countries from academic sources such as academic journal articles and academic books as well as government embassies, chambers of commerce and export advisory bodies by collecting data that provide knowledge about a country’s national culture. Choose the two countries based on personal experience, the Internet, or travel books. The same two countries will be also the focus of assessment item 2. Assessment criteria: 1. An ability to utilise sources such as the Internet and University library facilities to search, locate and summarise data relevant to the assignment 2. An ability to utilise appropriate academic theories on national cultures that can provide a framework for analysing an overseas market. 3. An ability to develop an effective comparison of the national culture within the two countries which have been selected. 4. An ability to critically analyse information, formulate conclusions and exhibit original thought. 5. An ability to present a well written, well-structured assignment.
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MAN506 Organizational Behaviour
Assessment Item 2 Description/Focus: Case study analysis on cultural change in organizations Value: 40% Due date: Week 12, Friday Midnight (CST Darwin time) Length: 2500-3500 words Task: • Read case study 5 from the textbook (also posted on learnline) titled “Leadership, cultural and performance change at meatpack”. • Answer the questions at the end of the case study • Use additional academic sources to support arguments. Presentation: • Assignments are to be typed, 1.5 spacing between lines, and 12-point font • Students are to use the CDU Harvard referencing system, available at • In-text citations are included in the word limit. The reference list at the end of the report is not included in the word limit. Assessment criteria: Please view rubric available on learnline
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MKT501 Marketing Plan Assignment 3
S119 MKT501, Assessment 3 Page 3 Written report and referencing (max 10 marks): Paper is written in a report style and structured to support argumentation and readability; contains correct spelling and grammar; within the word limit. Application of the CDU Harvard referencing style guide for in-text citation and reference list. (clarity of report structure, flow and readability, quality of writing, word limit, correct format of references and reference list) Penalties Late Submission Late assignments will lose 5% of the available marks each day (or part thereof). Plagiarism You are to identify the sources of any ideas and words in your assignment that are not yours. Unattributed materials may not be included in the consideration of your assignment and serious cases of academic misconduct will be handled in accordance with the Student Complaints Management Process.
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STA510 Business Statistics
Computer Applications Assignment Problem Assume that you are a research analyst in a business firm. Your team leader has given you a research task to investigate whether the Private Gross Fixed Capital Formation (on Intellectual property products - Mineral and petroleum exploration) in Australia determines the Gross Domestic Production of the country. Using the link given below, download the data on the following two variables from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website and answer the questions 1-6. Data link: (ABS Catalogue Number: 52: National Accounts>>5206.0 Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product. >> downloads >> Table 3. Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Current prices Excel sheet)> Data1 sheet Variables: (A) PRIVATE GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION - INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PRODUCTS - MINERAL AND PETROLEUM EXPLORATION - Total (original) in $ Millions; - quarterly data (Series ID A2302539A) from March 1975 to March 2019. (B) GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT: (original) in $ Millions; - quarterly data (Series ID A2302467A) from March 1975 to March 2019. 1. Download data (in excel format) for PRIVATE GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION - INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PRODUCTS - MINERAL AND PETROLEUM EXPLORATION (GFCF) and GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP) for the period March 1975 to March 2019 from the above website to carry out Tasks 2-6. Display a screenshot of first 15 rows of the dataset. (1 mark) 2. Using appropriate graphical descriptive techniques (in Excel): (a) describe the movements of two data series GFCF and GDP. (b) analyse the relationship between the two variables, GFCF and GDP. (4 marks) 3. Using appropriate numerical descriptive methods (in Excel): (a) summarize the above two data series, GFCF and GDP. (b) comment on the strength and the direction of the relationship between GFCF and GDP. (4 marks) (cont.) STA510 Semester 2 2019 Page 2 of 2 4. Using the Simple Linear Regression technique, (a) develop a model to explain the relationship between GFCF and GDP. Explain the reason for your choice of the dependent and independent variables of your model. (b) estimate the model you proposed in 4(a) using Excel. (c) interpret the estimated coefficients you obtained in 4(b). (7 marks) 5. Applying appropriate statistical techniques, (a) conduct a hypothesis testing to test whether there is a linear relationship between Gross Fixed Capital Formation - Intellectual property products - Mineral and petroleum exploration and Gross Domestic Product in the model you estimated in Q4 (b) (use ? = 0.05). (b) assess the fitness of the estimated model you have estimated in Q4. (8 marks) 6. Based on all your answers above, write a brief report to hand over to your team leader. (maximum 250 words). (6 marks) END OF ASSIGNMENT
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WIB601 Preparation for Professional Practice
ASSESSMENT 1: Case Analysis TYPE: Individual DUE: Week 4, Sunday (midnight, Darwin Time) WORD COUNT: 1000 - 1500 words (excluding Table of Contents, References and Appendices) MARKS: 25% Introduction Identify an organisation, in your city in Australia (wherever you are located - Darwin, Melbourne, Sydney), understand its profile and do a SWOT analysis. The organisation has to be located in the city, have operational presence in Australia (for eg. it may be a US organisation with a strong presence/regional HQ in Australia). Structure of the Assignment: • Table of Contents (not included in the word count) 1. Profile of the organisation including mission, vision 2. Organisation structure and presence (local and international) 3. SWOT Analysis 4. Recommendations and Conclusion • References (not included in the word count – 20 references required, in Harvard referencing style. Any research conducted have to fall between 2015-2018 only for this assignment as the website being used for research need to be current. Please review the rubric to clearly understand the marks distribution and weight.