acc and finance
Assessment 2 Question 1 (show all workings) (20 marks) This question relates to material covered in the Topics 1 to 3. This question addresses the 5th and 6th subject learning outcomes. A thorough understanding of financial mathematics forms the basis of all learning in this subject. For the following numerical problems, detailed worked answers must be shown. This involves providing a brief description of the problem, formulae used, progressive and final answers. For assignments you are expected to show your workings using the appropriate formula entered using the MS Word formula function. (a) You wish to go on an overseas family holiday in 15 months’ time which will cost $20,000. If your financial institution is offering you 6% pa (compounded monthly), how much do you need to deposit in your account each month in order to save the required amount before you go on holidays? (5 marks) (b) You have been offered the opportunity to purchase a mining business investment which is priced at $16,000,000. The investment involves some start-up costs in the first years and some mine re-mediation costs after the project is completed in 10 years. The expected cash flows for the project are below and you have an expected rate of return of 15% pa. End of year Cash flow ($,000) 1 -2,500 2 0 3 5,000 4 6,800 5 7,000 6 7,000 7 9,500 8 5,500 9 2,000 10 -4,500 (i) Based on your required rate of return would you purchase this investment? (2.5 marks) (ii) What would the value of these cash flows be at the end of Year 2? (2.5 marks) (c) You have commenced work as a certified Financial Planner. Your supervisor has provided the following financial data for a new client Gaye Livermore. The client turned 45 years old today and plans to retire when she turns 60. The client owns a diversified share portfolio which is valued today at $125,000. It is expected that this portfolio will earn (on average) 6% per annum indefinitely. Gaye also has a superannuation account with a balance of $750,000 to which she currently contributes $1,000 per month. The superannuation account is expected to continue to earn 8% per annum. At her retirement your client plans to consolidate her financial holdings and purchase a monthly annuity as a pension to fund her planned lifestyle. Gaye believes she will need to self-fund her retirement until she reaches the age of 90 at which time she would like to have $100,000 remaining to fund any costs not covered by the age pension. During the pension phase of her retirement Gaye will adopt a conservative investment strategy which will return 3% pa (compounded monthly) on her annuity investment. (i) What will be the value of Gaye’s financial assets when she retires at age 60? (5 marks) (ii) What will be the monthly pension amount that Gaye will receive on her retirement? (5 marks) Question 2 (20 marks) This question relates to material covered in Topic 1 particularly the Australian taxation system and interest rates. This question addresses the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th subject learning outcomes. Students are expected to conduct their own research and develop their own opinions about the merits of this topic. There is no single correct answer and students will be marked on the depth of their research, the quality of their arguments (for and against), and their demonstrated understanding of the issues involved in this complex area of financial policy. Please refer to the instructions regarding referencing and the risks of plagiarism in the assignment submission instructions. (i) Explain the concept of a ‘Real Rate of Interest’. How does the real rate of interest differ from the notional interest rate charged against (or received) by consumers of financial products? Explain the ‘real rate of interest’ principle using the example of a client who has $100,000 of their money invested in an ‘at call’ bank account which is currently paying 0.5% per annum. (8 marks) (ii) In Australia there is an ongoing political argument about the value of ‘negative gearing’ in the investment housing market. One argument used to support the removal of negative gearing tax deductions is that the practice leads to ordinary Australian taxpayers subsidising (through tax deductions to property owners) the purchases of numerous properties by wealthy Australians and consequently artificially inflates housing prices. Define ‘negative gearing’ in the context of the Australian housing market and provide a general evaluation of whether you believe the practice of allowing negative gearing is a good thing for the Australian economy and society. (12 marks) Question 3 Risk and Return (show all workings) (60 marks) This question relates to material covered in Topics 1-5. This question addresses the 1st, 2nd and 3rd subject learning outcomes. (i) Is ‘risk’ a bad thing? Define risk in terms of investment. (5 marks) (ii) Explain the Australian dividend imputation credit system and how it applies in Australia. Include an analysis of how the receipt of franking credits will result in differing returns for Australian resident and international investors. (10 marks) Below is the monthly share price data for Australian mining giant BHP for the 2018 calendar year (source: Date Open Close Dividends (100% Franked) Jan 29.57 30.2 Feb 30.2 30.5 Mar 30.5 28.21 0.705852 Apr 28.21 30.95 May 30.95 32.79 Jun 32.79 33.91 Jul 33.91 34.86 Aug 34.86 33.21 Sep 33.21 34.63 0.855978 Oct 34.63 32.21 Nov 32.21 30.69 Dec 30.69 34.23 (iii) Calculate the 2018 monthly returns (in both $ and %) for BHP. (3 marks) (iv) Calculate the average monthly return (%) for BHP. (1 marks) (v) Using the data provided calculate the annual holding period return (in both $ and % terms) for an international (non-Australian) shareholder of BHP. (3 marks) (vi) Calculate the annual holding period return (in both $ and % terms) for an Australian resident shareholder of BHP. (3 marks) (vii) Using the monthly data (below) for the Australian All Ordinaries share price index (Source:^AORD) calculate the monthly returns (%) for the Australian share market (MKT) during 2018. (2 marks) Date Open Close Jan 6146.5 6117.3 Feb 6117.3 5868.9 Mar 5868.9 6071.6 Apr 6071.6 6123.5 May 6123.5 6289.7 Jun 6289.7 6366.2 Jul 6366.2 6427.8 Aug 6427.8 6325.5 Sep 6325.5 5913.3 Oct 5913.3 5749.3 Nov 5749.3 5709.4 Dec 5709.4 5783.3 (viii) Calculate the average monthly return (%) for the MKT (ALL ORDS). (1 marks) (ix) Calculate the annual holding period return (in % terms) for the Australian share market (MKT) (as proxied by the All Ords index) during 2018. (3 marks) (x) Using Excel (XL) prepare a line graph comparing the monthly returns for BHP and the return on the Australian (MKT). (5 marks) (xi) Calculate the risk for 2018 as measured by standard deviation of both BHP and the MKT. (4marks) (xii) According to Yahoo Finance BHP Ltd has a Beta of 1.12. In terms of share investment, define what Beta represents. What does BHP’s Beta of 1.12 mean? How risky is it? (5 marks) (xiii) The average return on the market (MKT) in Australia for the past 10 years has been 9.55% (Source: The yield on Australian 10 year treasury bonds is currently 2.29%. Using these as proxies for the Return on Market (MKT) and Risk Free Rate (Rf), combine them with the BHP Beta (above) and calculate the return expected for BHP using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). (3 marks) (xiv) Using the CAPM data from the previous question create an XL scatter plot graph to plot the Security Market Line (SML) using the Risk Free Rate, Return on Market, and BHP as data points. (5 marks) (xv) Recreate the graph from (xiv) above but this time also include the actual 2018 returns for BHP and the MKT as previously found (using the same beta measures). (3 marks) (xvi) Based on your CAPM findings construct a portfolio made up of 40% BHP and 60% MKT. Calculate the estimated return and ? for this portfolio. (4 marks) Please note: Online submission via Turnitin is required for this assignment. Please see details under Requirements after Marking Rubric.

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ACC515 Accounting & Finance Assessment 2
Assessment 2 Question 1 (show all workings 20 marks) This question relates to material covered in the Topics 1 to 3. This question addresses the 5th and 6th subject learning outcomes. A thorough understanding of financial mathematics forms the basis of all learning in this subject. For the following numerical problems, detailed worked answers must be shown. This involves providing a brief description of the problem, formulae used, progressive and final answers. For assignments you are expected to show your workings using the appropriate formula entered using the MS Word formula function. (a) Your daughter has expressed a wish to attend university when she finishes school in five Charles Sturt University Subject Outline ACC515 201960 SM I Version 1 - Published 28 June 2019 Page 12 of 37 (5) years. You anticipate the cost will be $60,000 at the time she commences university. If your financial institution is offering you 4% pa (compounded monthly), how much do you need to deposit in your account each month in order to save the required amount before your daughter commences university? (5 marks) (b) You have been offered the opportunity to purchase a start up company building electric cars for the Australian market called Green Motors P/L. Your initial investment is $22,000,000. The term of the project is 5 years. The project has an expected rate of return of 10% pa. All expected cash flows for the project are below and you have an expected rate of return of 10% pa. End of year Cash flow ($mil) 1 1.8 2 3.0 3 6.5 4 8.4 5 12.3 (i) Based on your required rate of return would you purchase this investment? Present all calculations to support your answer. (2.5 marks) (ii) Would you change your opinion from (i) if the expected rate of return rose to 15%? Present all calculations to support your answer. (2.5 marks) (c) You have commenced work as a certified Financial Planner. Your supervisor has provided the following financial data for a new client Brant Jerome. The client turned 34 years old today and plans to retire when she turns 67. The client owns a diversified share portfolio which is valued today at $47,000. It is expected that this portfolio will earn (on average) 7% per annum indefinitely. Brant also has a superannuation account with a balance of $78,000 to which he currently contributes $1,000 per month. The superannuation account is expected to continue to earn 8% per annum. At his retirement your client plans to consolidate his financial holdings and purchase a monthly annuity as a pension to fund his planned lifestyle. Brant believes he will need to self-fund his retirement until he reaches the age of 85 at which time he would like to have $120,000 remaining to fund any costs not covered by the age pension. During the pension phase of his retirement Brant will adopt a Balanced investment strategy which will return 5% pa (compounded monthly) on his annuity investment. (i) What will be the value of Brant’s financial assets when he retires at age 67? Present all calculations to support your answer. (5 marks) (ii) What will be the monthly pension amount that Brant will receive on his retirement? Present all calculations to support your answer. (5 marks) Question 2 (show all workings 20 marks) Charles Sturt University Subject Outline ACC515 201960 SM I Version 1 - Published 28 June 2019 Page 13 of 37 This question relates to material covered in Topic 1 particularly the Australian taxation system and interest rates. This question addresses the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th subject learning outcomes. Students are expected to conduct their own research and develop their own opinions about the merits of this topic. There is no single correct answer and students will be marked on the depth of their research, the quality of their arguments (for and against), and their demonstrated understanding of the issues involved in this complex area of financial policy. Please refer to the instructions regarding referencing and the risks of plagiarism in the assignment submission instructions. (a) James is applying for a new home loan. He wishes to borrow $250,000 and make his repayments monthly. The interest rate the bank has quoted him is 4% per annum. 1. Is this the real rate of interest or the notional rate of interest? 2. Explain the difference between the real rate of interest and the notional rate of interest. 3. Calculate the real rate of interest and the notional rate of interest for James. 4. Is it possible for the real rate of interest to equal the notional rate of interest? Explain. (8 marks) (b) The Reserve Bank of Australia has announced a 0.25% decrease in the cash rate. What effects does this have on the economy and the financial markets? Provide examples of who might benefit from this decrease and those that do not. (12 marks) Question 3 (show all workings 60 marks) This question relates to material covered in Topics 1-5. This question addresses the 1st, 2nd and 3rd subject learning outcomes. (a) Bradley hates taking risk with his money; "I hate shares and property, I know a lot of people who have lost money in those investments". As a result he will only consider bank guaranteed investments. Bank guaranteed investments are returning 1%. Bradley has a marginal tax rate of 32.5% and pays medicare levy of 2%. i. Assuming he pays tax at 32.5% plus medicare levy, on the income from his investment, is he preserving the real dollar value of his investment if inflation is 2.5% per annum? Show your workings to justify your answer. (2.5 marks) ii. When considering your calculations, how would you explain the benefits of risk to Bradley? (2.5 marks) (b) Explain the Australian dividend imputation credit system and how it applies in Australia. Include an analysis of how the receipt of franking credits will result in differing returns for Australian resident and international investors. (10 marks) (c) Below is the monthly share price data for A2 Milk Company for the 2018 financial year (source: ( A2M.AX/history?period1=1498485600.2=1530540000?erval=1d&filter=history&frequency=1d)). Note: no dividends were declared for the 2017-18 FY. Charles Sturt University Subject Outline ACC515 201960 SM I Version 1 - Published 28 June 2019 Page 14 of 37 Date Open Close Jul 17 3.79 4.14 Aug 17 4.15 5.04 Sep 17 5.10 5.86 Oct 17 5.92 7.62 Nov 17 7.34 7.59 Dec 17 7.60 7.37 Jan 18 7.40 8.29 Feb 18 8.32 12.23 Mar 18 12.21 11.46 Apr 18 10.96 11.31 May 18 11.36 9.93 Jun 18 9.70 10.52 i. Calculate the 2017-2018 monthly holding period returns (in both $ and %) for A2M. (4 marks) ii. Calculate the average monthly return (%) for A2M. (1.5 marks) iii. Using the data provided calculate the annual holding period return (in both $ and % terms) for an international (non-Australian) shareholder of A2M. (1 mark) (d) The monthly data for the Australian All Ordinaries share price index (Source: ( is below. c Date Open Close Jul 17 5,764.00 5,773.90 Aug 17 5,773.90 5,776.30 Sep 17 5,776.30 5,744.90 Oct 17 5,744.90 5,976.40 Nov 17 5,976.40 6,057.20 Dec 17 6,057.20 6,167.30 Charles Sturt University Subject Outline ACC515 201960 SM I Version 1 - Published 28 June 2019 Page 15 of 37 Jan 18 6,167.30 6,146.50 Feb 18 6,146.50 6,117.30 Mar 18 6,117.30 5,868.90 Apr 18 5,868.90 6,071.60 May 18 6,071.60 6,123.50 Jun 18 6,123.50 6,289.70 i. Calculate the monthly holding period returns (%) for the Australian share market (MKT) during 2017-2018 FY. (4 marks) ii. Calculate the average monthly holding period return (%) for the MKT (ALL ORDS). (1.5 marks) iii. Calculate the annual holding period return (in % terms) for the Australian share market (MKT) (as proxied by the All Ords index) during 2017-2018 FY. (3 marks) iv. Using Excel (XL) prepare a line graph comparing the monthly returns for A2M and the return on the Australian (MKT). (5 marks) v. Calculate the risk for 2018 as measured by standard deviation of both A2M and the MKT. (4 marks) vi. According to Reuters Finance A2M Ltd has a Beta of 1.04. In terms of share investment, define what Beta represents. What does A2M’s Beta of 1.04 mean? How risky is it? (5 marks) vii. The average return on the market (MKT) in Australia for the past 10 years has been 9.55% (Source: The yield on Australian 10 year treasury bonds is currently 2.29%. Using these as proxies for the Return on Market (MKT) and Risk Free Rate (Rf), combine them with the A2M Beta (above) and calculate the return expected for A2M using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). (4 marks) viii. Using the CAPM data from the previous question create an XL scatter plot graph to plot the Security Market Line (SML) using the Risk Free Rate, Return on Market, and A2M as data points. (5 marks) ix. Recreate the graph from (viii) above but this time also include the actual 2018 returns for A2M and the MKT as previously found (using the same beta measures). (3 marks) x. Based on your CAPM findings construct a portfolio made up of 40% A2M and 60% MKT. Calculate the estimated return and ? for this portfolio. (4 marks) Please note: Online submission via EASTS is required for this assignment.
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Cross Cultural Differences
Report: Cross Cultural Differences Value: 27% Due Date: 01-Sep-2019 Return Date: 20-Sep-2019 Length: 2000 words (+/-10%) Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task back to top Task Research has demonstrated that HR practices are not always transferable and may not produce the same results in different cultural contexts. Choose two of the following HR practices and critically evaluate how cultural differences may impact upon their utilisation; using examples to illustrate your argument • Performance appraisal • Recruitment and selection • Training and development Rationale back to top Subject learning outcomes This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s: • be able to explain the complexity of cross-cultural differences with respect to the integration of international business activity and international human resource management practice. • be able to reflect, contrast and critically evaluate the differences and similarities in human resource management practices among different cultures. • be able to compare and contrast approaches to international human resource management practice. The aim of this assignment is to enable you to demonstrate your understanding of challenges companies face in the realm of International HRM. This report also enables you to apply the knowledge and skills you gain in the subject to real life issues in the work environment. Graduate learning outcomes This task also contributes to the assessment of the following CSU Graduate Learning Outcome/s: • Global Citizenship (Application) - CSU Graduates use the qualities and behaviours of a professional global citizen to work effectively in trans-cultural contexts. Report structure • Title page • Table of Contents (not included in the word count) • Introduction • Body (do not use this term, but you will have a discussion section with some headings and subheadings) • Recommendations • Conclusion • Reference list (not included in the word count) • Appendices (if any) (not included in the word count) In terms of requirement specific to this subject, you should: • Include a formal cover page that shows the subject code and name, your name and student number, the assignment title and number. Please include the total word count in the cover page. The word count includes everything other than the cover page and the reference list. It includes in-text citations and text included in images. • Use 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing. • Do not use footnotes or Endnotes. • Appendices may be used but note that an appendix should contain only supplementary stand-alone information that is not core to the paper. Information in appendices will not be assessed. • In-text citations and a reference list must be provided using APA6 style of referencing. • Your assignment should be free of colloquial language and spelling, grammatical and typographical errors. Repeated errors of this kind will be penalised. • Use academic language and writing style in order to communicate your ideas clearly. Being able to communicate well is vital for participating effectively in the workplace. • Marks will be reduced for failure to follow presentation requirements. Requirements back to top APA (6th Edition) Referencing must be used, including in-text citations and complete and correctly formatted reference list. More information can be found here This assignment must be submitted through Turnitin. It is recommended that your name, student ID and page number are included in the header or footer of every page of the assignment. Further details about submission through Turnitin will be provided via Interact2.
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ECO511 Assessment 3
Assessment item 3 Assignment 3: Problem Questions Value: 20% Due Date: 13-May-2019 Return Date: 05-Jun-2019 Length: Approx 2,000 words. Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task Assignment 3 consists of two problem questions each worth 10 marks. Sources used in your answer should be fully referenced in APA 6th style. Answer the following question ensuring that you apply economic principles or theory related to understanding the health of the economy and the need for government intervention to inform your analysis and support your decisions. Communicate your ideas with correct grammar, spelling and writing style and support your answer with diagrams and examples as necessary. Question 1 (10 marks) Using data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) collect information on the four expenditure components of Gross Domestic Product: consumption, investment, government and net exports. Develop measures for these four components using annual data for the period 1987/8 to 2017/18 inclusive, in real per capita terms. Plot these values over time. Be explicit and define the data employed and provide sources for the data obtained, cite the ABS catalogue and table numbers. Provide economic explanations of any observed time patterns in these series. Question 2 (10 marks) Using appropriate diagrams, explain the likely impact of a period of low real wage growth on macroeconomic equilibrium in Australia. Use evidence drawn from media and other reports to illustrate you answer. How might government policy respond to mitigate any undesirable consequences of prolonged periods of low real wage growth? Rationale This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s: • be able to critically examine and demonstrate why it might be necessary for government to intervene in the production of goods and services and in the distribution of income. • be able to examine critically the health of the economy as a whole through the analysis of major economic variables and advise on likely policy alternatives. This assignment will give you practice in preparing an answer to a question which is similar to the type of questions you are likely to be asked in the examination. Charles Sturt University Subject Outline ECO511 201930 SM I Version 1 - Published 12 February 2019 Page 19 of 35 Assessment item 4 Final Exam Value: 50% Due Date: To be advised Duration: 2 hours Submission method options: N/A - submission not required/applicable Requirements The examination consists of eight (8) problem questions. Students must complete any three (3). A copy of a sample exam with suggested answers can be accessed here ( Sample%20exam.docx). Rationale This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s: • be able to apply demand and supply analysis to make a range of market related decisions. • be able to identify and critically evaluate opportunities for specialisation and exchange. • be able to make decisions that incorporate the relevant benefits and cost analysis. • be able to explain and defend why it is important to understand the structure of the market in which a firm operates. • be able to critically examine and demonstrate why it might be necessary for government to intervene in the production of goods and services and in the distribution of income. • be able to examine critically the health of the economy as a whole through the analysis of major economic variables and advise on likely policy alternatives. Please note that not all of the learning outcomes will necessarily be examined in the final exam. Charles Sturt University Subject Outline ECO511 201930 SM I Version 1 - Published 12 February 2019 Page 25 of 35
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ECO511 Assessment 4 and 5
Assessment item 4 Assignment 4: Essay Question Value: 10% Due Date: 02-Sep-2019 Return Date: 23-Sep-2019 Length: Approx 2,000 words Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task Assignment 4 consists of one essay question (worth 10 marks) based on text material. Before attempting this assignment you are expected to have read Text chapters 1 to 10. You are encouraged to make use of additional sources. Sources used in your answer should be fully referenced in APA 6th style. Answer the following question ensuring that you apply economic principles or theory related to the concepts of benefits, costs and market structure in which a firm operates to inform your analysis and support your decisions. Communicate your ideas with correct grammar, spelling and writing style and support your answer with diagrams and illustrative examples as necessary. Question (10 marks) Drawing on your knowledge of the theory of market structure – supplemented by appropriate media reports – comment on the statement of ACCC Chairman, Rod Sims, that the Australian finance sector is ‘a cosy banking oligopoly’ and explain what action could be undertaken to overcome the problems created by this situation. Rationale Subject learning outcomes This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s: • be able to make decisions that incorporate the relevant benefits and cost analysis. • be able to explain and defend why it is important to understand the structure of the market in which a firm operates. This assignment provides an opportunity for you to present a detailed analysis of the operation of firms in a particular market context through the application of your knowledge of theory supported by evidence drawn from sources of your choosing. Graduate learning outcomes This task also contributes to the assessment of the following CSU Graduate Learning Outcome/s ( • Ethics (Application) - CSU Graduates form judgements and apply ethical decision making and reasoning to identify creative solutions to ethical problems. Charles Sturt University Subject Outline ECO511 201960 SM I Version 2 - Published 29 June 2019 Page 22 of 41 Assessment item 5 Assignment 5: Problem Essay Question Value: 10% Due Date: 23-Sep-2019 Return Date: 17-Oct-2019 Length: Approx 2,000 words. Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task Assignment 5 consists of one problem essay question worth 10 marks. Before attempting this assignment you are expected to have read Text chapters 13, 14 and 15. You are encouraged to make use of additional sources. Sources used in your answer should be fully referenced in APA 6th style. Answer the following question ensuring that you apply economic principles or theory related to understanding the health of the economy and the need for government intervention to inform your analysis and support your decisions. Communicate your ideas with correct grammar, spelling and writing style and support your answer with diagrams and examples as necessary. Question (10 marks) Drawing on your knowledge of the theory of aggregate demand and aggregate supply – supplemented by appropriate media reports – explain the impact of a fall in the rate of growth of the Chinese economy on macroeconomic conditions in Australia. Rationale Subject learning outcomes This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s: • be able to critically examine and demonstrate why it might be necessary for government to intervene in the production of goods and services and in the distribution of income. • be able to examine critically the health of the economy as a whole through the analysis of major economic variables and advise on likely policy alternatives. This assignment will give you practice in preparing an answer to a question which is similar to the type of questions you are likely to be asked in the examination. Graduate learning outcomes This task also contributes to the assessment of the following CSU Graduate Learning Outcome/s ( • Global Citizenship (Knowledge) - CSU Graduates understand the impact of culture and global issues on professional practice. Charles Sturt University Subject Outline ECO511 201960 SM I Version 2 - Published 29 June 2019 Page 27 of 41
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MGT501 Contemporary Management Assessment 1
Assessment item 1 Business Presentation on Social Sustainability Value: 25% Due Date: 18-Aug-2019 Return Date: 06-Sep-2019 Length: 900 words +/- 10% Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task You are asked to develop a PowerPoint presentation of no more than eight (8) slides to the Board of your company to examine the current state of play on the issues raised in the following case. The case was published in 1993. Imagine that you are a senior operations manager in a clothing manufacturing and retail company based in a developed country, such as the United States. Your role includes responsibility for international contracts for the manufacturer of the clothing that your company sells into the USA and other developed countries. The Board is well aware of the sensitivity of social sustainability in developing countries and the contribution that big companies from developed countries make. It is less aware of the current situation in regard to regulation and practice. You have to prepare a presentation on the current situation in social sustainability regulation and practice relating to companies from developed countries that outsource Charles Sturt University Subject Outline MGT501 201960 SM I Version 1 - Published 12 June 2019 Page 8 of 23 manufacturing to factories in developing countries. Case study: Third-world families at work: Child labor or child care? login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=9307305355&site=ehost-live ( login?url= login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=9307305355&site=ehost-live) This assessment draws on Topics 1 to 5 of the subject. The eight slides of your presentation are made up as follows (in order): • a title slide, • up to four slides for your argument, • two slides in which you evaluate, using the CRAP test (covered in topic 1), the five sources that you found (excluding sources in the topic content on Interact2) and • a final slide that has a list of references to support your argument (This includes all sources used from the topic content and the five sources located independently). You will need to support your argument with academic and professional sources of information and 5 of them should be located independently of the topic content. See the information on presentation below for further instructions on how to prepare your slides. You must provide clear advice on the current state of play based on evidence and critical thought about the issues raised in the case. Without restricting your independent thought about what to cover, your slides might include evidence-based discussion of relevant regulation, codes of practice and studies of corporate practice, as well as points of critique. Be persuasive and informative. Presentation to a business audience is an important aspect of this assessment, so please use appropriate written expression and formatting.z
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MGT501 Contemporary Management Assessment 2
Return Date: 22-Oct-2019 Length: 2500 words +/- 10% Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task In the contemporary management environment, mergers and acquisitions are hot topics; particularly as mergers and acquisitions are among the most commonly used strategies for growth. The pitfalls of mergers are well known and well-studied in the management literature. There are some fundamental challenges that organisations keep stumbling over. One of them is integration. Preoccupation with due diligence and political factors surrounding merger negotiations too often leaves a crucial piece in the merger puzzle left till it is too late. That piece is the integration of cultures and structures and people. It is well known today that poor results from mergers can so often be put down to people issues. In this major assessment you are asked to analyse the following case and answer the questions below using a business report format. Further detail on the format of the business report are provided below. Case study: Who goes, Who stays? login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=3933433&site=ehost-live ( login?url= login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=3933433&site=ehost-live) Questions Using the knowledge that you have gained from the subject up to, and including, Topic 9, Managing people, answer the following questions. 1. What conflicting values are at stake in the case? Identify and explain, using relevant management theory and concepts. Apply with reference to literature on integration problems in mergers and acquisitions, with specific reference to people issues. (up to 400 words) 2. Critique the process that is being applied to work out the details of the integration, particularly with regard to structure and top management staffing, using relevant management theory and concepts. Base your answer on evidence regarding people and culture issues in merger integration studies. (up to 700 words) 3. How would you recommend the conflicting values be resolved? (up to 500 words) 4. What process would you recommend that the two senior executives and their HR people follow to work out the details of integration in regard to the top structure? (up to 500 words) 5. Evaluate the usefulness of the management and organisational theories and practices from the subject that you have applied in analysing the case (up to 400 words) Beyond the resources provided in the topics, you will need to source and use additional literature to support your argument. At least 10 academic and professional references must be used. At least five of these sources must be from academic studies.
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MGT501 Contemporary Management Assessment 3
Assessment item 3 Elevator Pitches & Case Discussions Value: 30% Due Date: 18-Oct-2019 Return Date: 11-Nov-2019 Length: 1460 words +/- 10% Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task This assessment is primarily about ‘doing’ management work through structured online conversations. Your online conversations for this assessment involve critical thought about the knowledge gained in the subject and its practical application to solving real problems. These management problems are posed within the subject topics, in two forms - elevator pitches and case discussion activities relating to mini case studies. You will be able to practise these activities in Topics 1 to 5. Assessable elevator pitches and case discussion activities commence from Topic 6. There are two parts to this task. A. Complete two(2) elevator pitch responses and two(2) case discussion activity responses, as follows: • two(2) elevator pitch responses from Topic 6 to 8 (5 marks each, total 10 marks) • two(2) case discussion activity responses from topic 7 to 11 (10 marks each, total 20 marks). B. Submit a complete package of your work through Turnitin by the due date. Here are your guidelines for completing this assessment task. Elevator pitch responses (5 marks each, total 10 marks) Each elevator pitch must be completed in 130 words +/- 10%. Elevator pitch responses involve critical thinking on the question and appropriate professional communication taking into account the context of the elevator pitch scenario. Charles Sturt University Subject Outline MGT501 201960 SM I Version 1 - Published 12 June 2019 Page 15 of 23 References are not required and should not be provided. Case discussion activities (10 marks each, total 20 marks) Each case discussion activity has specific questions for you to address. Your response to the case discussion activity must be more substantial than the elevator pitch, demonstrating that you can apply knowledge from the topic in a critical way. There isn’t usually one correct answer to the case discussion activities; hence, the scope for critical thought. The maximum word count for each case discussion activity response is 500 words +/- 10%. References are required: citations within the body of the text, and a reference list. At least two professional or academic references must be included. Submitting your completed package To complete this task, you must submit a complete package of your work by the due date in MS Word only. The complete package of you work must be presented in the following format. • a title page, showing the assessment number and title, the subject code and title, your name and your student number; Part A: Elevator pitches: Elevator Pitches Elevator pitch for topic X Question: My response. Posted on (date): Elevator pitch for Topic Y Question: My response. Posted on (date): Part B: Case discussion activity Case discussion
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MKT550 Global Marketing Assessment 1
Assessment item 1 Country/Product Opportunity Brief Value: 25% Due Date: 19-Aug-2019 Return Date: 09-Sep-2019 Length: 2,000 words maximum Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task You are expected to research market opportunities, and develop a ‘Country/Product Opportunity Brief’ highlighting the opportunities and challenges that exist for product/service entry into a country of your choosing in Asia. The objective of developing a country/product brief is to identify international marketing opportunities in your focus market for an existing Australian organisation and complete the first of three sections (the other two sections will comprise Assessments 2 & 3) of a comprehensive international marketing plan. The selected company may be considering (a) entering a new country, or (b) considering the entry of a new product/service to an existing international market, or (c) both. You may NOT contact the organisation during the completion of this assessment. You will need to conduct research on products/services with which they plan to enter the speified Asian market, as well as research the most current issues that their company may face in entering a specific country. Issues may include, but are not limited to legal/regulatory concerns, political risk, cultural nuances that require adaptation, entry/importation procedures/policies, competitive nature of industry, suppliers/channels of entry, and tariffs/ Charles Sturt University Subject Outline MKT550 201960 SM I Version 1 - Published 13 June 2019 Page 8 of 29 taxes. You will also need to analyse the skills, resources and capabilities of your chosen organisation with respect to entering this new international market. The brief should be a maximum of 2000 words. It is strongly recommended to use headings/ sub-headings to structure your document. A suggested structure would include: Introduction Explain the specific market opportunity you have identified – what is it, how did you determine? Situation Analysis Business environment - Information on aspects of the macro and micro environment (PESTLE) relevant to this opportunity Market Analysis - Customer segments/profiles relevant to your product in that market, size, growth rates Competitive Analysis – who are the major competitors and what is their competitive advantage Organisational Analysis – evaluation of the Australian organisation/product you recommend for this opportunity – what is their competitive advantage? SWOT Analysis A summary of key points discovered in the Situation Analysis. Conclusion From you analyses, Identify the main opportunities and challenges and the conclusions that may be drawn from these regarding the possibility of a successful attempt to launch the product/service into this market. All information within the brief should be managerially oriented and directly applicable to the specific opportunity/product you are recommending. Students who simply download country profile data without analysis will be penalised. Students are expected to identify a company within the first three (3) weeks of class. The company may be large or small, local or international, have existing products/services or considering new products/services. Students must NOT contact these companies, instead relying solely on secondary data. Students are expected to utilise numerous data sources in compiling their project, such as government (country) and non-government sources (UN, World Bank, IMF,etc.), company records, consulting, legal and advertising firms, countryspecific internet sites, trade statistics, and embassy resources. Any use of Wikipedia as a source for the assignment will result in an automatic zero mark, as it is not a reliable source. Online submission via Turnitin is required for this assignment. Details will be provided by your subject lecturer.
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MKT550 Global Marketing Assessment 2
Assessment item 2 Market Entry and STP Strategy Value: 35% Due Date: 23-Sep-2019 Return Date: 17-Oct-2019 Length: 2500 words excluding material from Assessment 1 Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task In this assessment, you progress to the second stage of developing the international marketing plan that you commenced in Assessment 1. Here you will develop the next steps in their international marketing plan. Assessment 2 should be approached in two parts. Part 1 of Assessment 2 requires you to evaluate all realistic market entry options for this organisation in your target country market (typically at least three, including your preferred option). These options should be discussed, covering advantages and disadvantages, how Charles Sturt University Subject Outline MKT550 201960 SM I Version 1 - Published 13 June 2019 Page 14 of 29 they might work and reasons for adopting or discarding each one, within the context of your company and the chosen market. In Part 2 of Assessment 2, it is now necessary to identify potential market segments (target markets) in the chosen country and consider how they might be serviced by your organisation. You must show your understanding of the concepts involved and your ability to think through and express marketing strategy options. In justifying your choice for the segmentation, targeting & positioning (STP) strategies, you must: · Explain the strategic approach you used to segment the market, and justify why you have selected particular target market segment(s) in the chosen market. These may be within the B2B sector, B2C or a combination; and · Identify your recommended positioning strategies for each target market. Online submission via Turnitin is required for this assignment. Details will be provided by your subject lecturer.
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MKT550 Global Marketing Assessment 3
Assessment item 3 International Marketing Mix Strategies Value: 40% Due Date: 18-Oct-2019 Return Date: 11-Nov-2019 Length: 2,500 words excluding material from Assmts 1 & 2 Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task This assessment requires you to develop the remaining sections of a comprehensive international marketing plan for your selected organisation in the new Asian country target market. The final document should include your work from Assessments 1 and 2, revised as necessary, as the first parts of the overall plan. This final part (Assessment 3) of the International marketing plan should an additional 2.500 words in length The aim is to recommend a marketing mix strategy that will enable the organisation to achieve its objectives in the new market. This includes: Charles Sturt University Subject Outline MKT550 201960 SM I Version 1 - Published 13 June 2019 Page 19 of 29 • objectives for the first 12 months of your plan; • strategic recommendations for the 4Ps (or 7Ps), including the extent of standardisation vs. adaptation with respect to domestic or other international marketing plans already in place; and • plans for managing, measuring and controlling the international marketing effort. Online submission via Turnitin is required for this assignment. Details will be provided by your subject lecturer. Rationale Subject learning outcomes This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s: • be able to analyse the elements of the global marketplace. • be able to critically evaluate global marketing opportunities. • be able to interpret and assess the impact of marketplace variables on marketing practice in the global marketplace. • be able to select markets and justify market entry options. • be able to effectively communicate recommendations of a global marketing strategy. The final project will expect in-depth engagement with relevant international marketing knowledge and will help students build skills required for work in this expanding field. This assessment has been designed to: · demonstrate the application of the knowledge gained in the subject to the development of strategies and marketing mix elements in an international market; and · allow you to develop your information searching and critical thinking skills; and provide you with further experience in academic writing. On successful completion of this Assessment, you should: · be able to create justifiable and effective marketing strategies. Graduate learning outcomes This task also contributes to the assessment of the following CSU Graduate Learning Outcome/s ( • Information and Research Literacies (Knowledge) - CSU Graduates demonstrate that disciplinary knowledge is developed through research and evidence. • Professional Practice (Knowledge) - CSU Graduates possess the knowledge and understanding of the discipline and the nature of professionalism required for the given profession or discipline in contemporary societies. • Professional Practice (Skill) - CSU Graduates demonstrate discipline-specific technical capabilities and self-appraisal required for a beginning practitioner or professional. Charles Sturt University Subject Outline MKT550 201960
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MKT570 Integrated Marketing Communications Assessment 1
Task Task The overall task in MKT570 is based around two aspects. First, that each student can develop a theoretical understanding of the underlying principles of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). Second, that each student will be able to apply these principles by developing a comprehensive IMC Campaign program for a major marketing related issue faced by an organisation. In Task 1 the focus is to conduct a brief IMC Campaign situation analysis. In this task you will begin to develop an IMC campaign program for one organisation. Agency Pitch: You are to assume you are a senior account executive with M&C Saatchi (Australia) and you are pitching your approach to a potential client organisation below. Your ultimate task throughout this subject by Assessment 4 is to develop a new IMC Campaign pitch for only one of the following cases: 1. Choose any one of the big 4 banks Australian (CBA, National Bank, ANZ and Westpac)- to address the adverse publicity and reputational damage from the Banking Royal Commission in 2018 or; 2. The Australian Medical Association (AMA) – to seek to ban the advertising of junk food and sugary drinks to children; or 3. AMP – to address the adverse publicity and reputational damage from the Banking Royal Commission in 2018. or 4. Alternatively, you can choose an organisation you work for. However, you must be able to identify one important IMC communication problem faced by that organisation that could affect the strategic positioning of that organisation in the marketplace. The Situation Analysis is to address the following topics: • Undertake a brief IMC situation analysis including background research, SWOT and the key communication problem(s) to be solved surrounding your chosen case. • Consider how these problems have affected the attitudes towards the brand • Consider how these problems have affected the attitudes and behaviours of each of the major stakeholders (e.g. influence on customers, employees, shareholders, supply chain (i.e. say in the case of AMP this would include financial advisors)), government, etc.); • Briefly discuss actions taken by the organisation to date in dealing with this issue to date Ensure you define IMC using theory and research (to support your opinion) and then discuss its application using the organisation chosen and explaining how it has worked in your own words. Remember, this is an academic writing exercise. It is essential that your work is strongly underpinned by solid research, demonstrated understanding and application of marketing communications concepts. Charles Sturt University Subject Outline MKT570 201960 SM I Version 1 - Published 13 June 2019 Page 13 of 40 The overall approach to MKT570: The table below is taken from the Moriarty Text (p517-8) provides an overview of the IMC program and is the general approach taken in this subject to product an IMC plan. I understand that in the early part of this course it is going to be a challenge to research the issues but as you proceed the ‘fog’ should lift as you become more familiar with the case. Taken from- Advertising & IMC: Principles and Practice, Global Edition eBook, 11th Edition, By Sandra Moriarty, Nancy Mitchell, William D. Wells, Charles Wood. ISBN 9781292262062 (page 517-8) I. Situation Analysis • Background research • SWOT: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats • Stakeholder attitudes and behaviours • Key communication problem(s) to be solved • IMC Actions taken to date II. Key Strategic Campaign Decisions • Objectives • Target and engaging stakeholders • Brand positioning strategy III. Marcom Mix • Platforms and objectives • Synergy IV. Message Strategy • Key consumer and brand relationship insights • Message direction • Strategic consistency V. IMC Media and Contact Points • Multimedia and multichannel • Multiplatform • Contact points, touchpoints, and critical touchpoints VI. Management and Campaign Controls • Budgeting • Evaluation of Effectiveness Charles Sturt University Subject Outline MKT570 201960 SM I Version 1 - Published 13 June 2019 Page 14 of 40 Requirements Referencing • CSU requires you to reference in American Psychological Association (APA 6th Edition) referencing style and this applies to all of your assessments for this subject. • A guide to the APA style is available for students at the learning skills section of the Student Services website: • A handy app for a quick reference check is https :// (http://://
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MKT570 Integrated Marketing Communications Assessment 2
Assessment item 2 Building the IMC Campaign Agenda Value: 25% Due Date: 23-Aug-2019 Return Date: 13-Sep-2019 Length: 2500 Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task This task focuses on the next few stages in the development of your IMC Campaign program. Based on what you have learned in the Situation Analysis of Assessment 1 this assessment is designed to clearly focus on what the IMC Campaign is designed to achieve; to ensure that you have clearly understood the communications process model, (i.e. this means that you must be able to think about how each aspect of the communications process model will affect your IM C campaign); precisely identified the target audience to which the campaign is to be directed. Based on your target audience selection the next step is to decide which communication channels and platforms will be used to reach your target audience and how you will synergise the message between the channels and platforms. Finally, and most importantly the message strategy must be devised for each of the channels and platforms so that the message is consistent across all channels and platforms. The assesment must therefore address the following aspects: II. Key Strategic Campaign Decisions • The Communications Model : Illustrate and discuss the communication process model outlined by the texbook Moriarty et al. (2018) p155:157, as it applies to your chosen organisation • Objectives • Target and engaging stakeholders • Brand positioning strategy III. Marcom Mix • Channels and Platforms and objectives • Synergy between the Channels and Platforms Charles Sturt University Subject Outline MKT570 201960 SM I Version 1 - Published 13 June 2019 Page 19 of 40 Assessment item 3 The Detailed IMC Campaign Program Value: 25% Due Date: 04-Oct-2019 Return Date: 28-Oct-2019 Length: 2500 Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task Task This is part of your Agency pitch. This is the Assessment in which you put flesh on the bones outlined in Assessment 2. Using the organisation you selected in Assessment 1 and Assessment 2, your task now is to develop the detailed IMC Campaign Program that will allow you to achieve the objectives and creative strategies outlined in Assessment 2. As part of Assessment 3 you need to identify and develop the: IMC Media and Contact Points This means creating examples of your campaign e.g. sample advertisements, displays, etc for television, radio, digital, print, social media, etc. (e.g. Facebook, Google, Instagram, Twitter, etc.). In Assessment 2 you will have picked the communication channels and platforms. Now you must detail what is proposed for each channel and platform. Of course you will only choose the channels and platforms directly relevant to your IMC Campaign. • Multimedia and multichannel (i.e. Television, radio, digital, print, social media, etc - determining the focus of your campaign.) • Multiplatform (i.e. advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, public relations, etc.- determining the focus of your campaign) • Contact points, touchpoints, and critical touchpoints Management and Campaign Controls • Budgeting • Evaluation of Effectiveness (how will you measure the success?) Make sure your IMC plan is well structured with headings and is fluent and interesting to read to ensure time poor executives (CEO/Leadership Team) can understand the key components and actions. You can use tables, graphics, flowcharts, images, screen-shots, videos/links and other tools to make this an interesting, concise and easily communicable report that is targeted to your Charles Sturt University Subject Outline MKT570 201960 SM I Version 1 - Published 13 June 2019 Page 24 of 40 client’s CEO and Leadership team. You will score more points for creativity! Although there is no budget restriction on this project, you will need to propose a preliminary budget for your IMC Plan, detailing the spend for each channel and platform – A simple table format will suffice. It is essential that your budget only relate to the IMC problem under consideration. It is not to relate to the entire organisation.
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MKT570 Integrated Marketing Communications Assessment 4
Assessment item 4 The IMC Campaign Plan and Video Presentation Value: 40% Due Date: 18-Oct-2019 Return Date: 11-Nov-2019 Length: 3500 Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task Task Assessment 4 involves two activities. Task 4a – Finalise and Submit Written IMC Campaign Plan – Value 50% of Assessment 4 Having completed Assessments 1-3 and based on feedback from your lecturer in these earlier assessments you will now need to revise and consolidate these assessments into a single written IMC Campaign Report. Again, remember this is an Agency pitch. Please note that this is not a simple cut and paste from Assessments 1-3. It must be theoretically sound, contain a good story line and aim to persuade your audience as to the strength of your IMC Campaign program. Make sure your IMC plan is well structured with headings and is fluent and interesting to read to ensure time poor executives (CEO/Leadership Team) can understand the key components and actions. You must ensure that you have atleast 25 academic references included. Charles Sturt University Subject Outline MKT570 201960 SM I Version 1 - Published 13 June 2019 Page 29 of 40 Although there is no budget restriction on this project, you will need to propose a preliminary budget for your IMC Plan, detailing the spend for each channel – A simple table format will suffice. Remember, that the budget only relates to the amount of money you need to address the specific issue covered by your IMC Campaign Plan. It is not an IMC Campaign Program for the entire organisation. Task 4b – Submit Video Presentation- Value 50% of Assessment 4 Second, you are required to prepare a short video presentation of 10 minutes outlining the basis of your case to the Chief Marketing Officer and other senior management of the organisation. The video could be your PowerPoint slides recorded through Screencast-O-Matic software. You must not use the PowerPoint recorder as these files are too large. In your presentation, you may use tables, graphics, flowcharts, images, screenshots, video links and other tools to make this an interesting, concise and easily communicable report that is targeted at your CMO and the Leadership team. You will score more points for creativity! Above all, it must be a good story. The video presentation is designed to present persuasive arguments that will convince your potential client to select your organisation to develop and manage the IMC business issue causing problems for your potential client organisation. Both the written IMC plan and the video presentation should be a ‘selling’ documents in that it convinces the CMO and the leadership team that your firm can help to effectively deal with the IMC related issues.
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Trends and Challenges of IHRM in MNCs
Trends and Challenges of IHRM in MNCs Value: 35% Due Date: 21-Sep-2019 Return Date: 16-Oct-2019 Length: 2650 words (+/- 10%) Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task back to top Task Select an MNC or industry with international operations and prepare a business report which critically reviews and evaluates three (3) current trends and or challenges impacting international HRM. Your report should include justification of your selected trends and or challenges, with critical analysis of how these may affect future IHRM practices. Rationale back to top Subject learning outcomes This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s: • be able to critically analyse international business activity in the context of current and emerging international HRM theory. • be able to critically discuss emerging issues in international business and their human resource management implications. This assessment fosters the development of communications, presentation, academic literacy, information literacy and critical thinking skills. Students will apply their learning in this subject to study a current issue in International HRM in depth, drawing on academic literature, critical reflection, and professional practice. Graduate learning outcomes This task also contributes to the assessment of the following CSU Graduate Learning Outcome/s: • Information and Research Literacies (Application) - CSU Graduates synthesize and apply information and data to different contexts to facilitate planning, problem solving and decision making. Report structure • Title page • Executive Summary (not included in the word count) • Table of Contents (not included in the word count) • Introduction • Body (do not use this term, but you will have a discussion section with some headings and subheadings) • Recommendations • Conclusion • Reference list (not included in the word count) • Appendices (if any) (not included in the word count) In terms of requirement specific to this subject, you should: • Include a professional looking cover page that shows the subject code and name, your name and student number, the assignment title and number. Please include the total word count in the cover page. • Use 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing. • Do not use footnotes or endnotes. • Appendices may be used but note that an appendix should contain only supplementary stand alone information that is not core to the paper. Information in appendices will not be assessed. • in-text citations and a reference list must be provided using APA6 style of referencing. • Your assignment should be free of colloquial language and spelling, grammatical and typographical errors. Repeated errors of this kind will be penalised. • Use academic language and writing style in order to communicate your ideas clearly. Being able to communicate well is vital for participating effectively in the workplace. • Marks will be reduced for failure to follow presentation requirements. Requirements back to top APA (6th Edition) Referencing must be used, including in-text citations and complete and correctly formatted reference list. Things required and marks distribution: Contemporary issues and challenges Critically reviews and evaluates three (3) current trends/challenges impacting on International Human Resource Management (14 Marks) Demonstrates appropriate selection and integration of ideas and theory with breadth and depth of understanding and has insights and awareness of deeper aspects of the topic content. Evidence of originality and independent thought and produces well-argued and carefully constructed accounts of complex thinking Future Implications. Evaluate the implications of that the trends or challanges may have on IHRM in business in the future . (14 Marks) Critically selects, evaluates, and structures ideas in a format that engages and informs through a compelling, comprehensive, and well-articulated argument seamlessly supported by a wide range of relevant and credible sources with topic fully covered. Academic writing conventions. Academic standard grammar, structure, adherence to CSU report guidelines. (4 marks) Writing demonstrates academic style conforming to Australian grammar/spelling conventions. There are no errors with arguments clearly articulated in a sophisticated manner, and strongly seamlessly supported through logical reasoning, with an extensive wide range of relevant and credible academic sources. APA Referencing (3 marks) Correctly adheres to and follows APA6. Referencing is comprehensive, demonstrates academic integrity, and conforms exactly to APA 6th ed. style conventions.