ACCT2002 Management Accounting
1 School of Accounting ACCT 2002 Management Accounting Case Report Requirements The Case Report is an individual assessment task. The case for the Case Report can be found under the Assessments tab in Blackboard. The submitted Case Report must include a transmittal email (template can be found on Blackboard) and a report. Transmittal email The transmittal email must be written using the template found on Blackboard. You must use your Curtin email address as the sender email address. In the sender email address, also include your name and student ID. Do not change the recipient email address. You must also have a subject title, which you have to include in the email. The transmittal email is to be no longer than two (2) pages. It must meet the following requirements: font type Calibri, font size 12, double spaced. It is to be written in lay language and must provide a summary of the report. The transmittal email will form the cover page of your Case Report. Report The report is to be no longer than 10 pages (excluding table of contents, reference list and appendixes). The word processed submission should meet the following requirements: font type of Calibri, font size 12, double spaced. The assignment is to be written in lay language but must indicate a sound conceptual understanding of the key issues. For work submitted that is more than 10 pages and do not meet the above requirements, marks will only be awarded up until the equivalent of 10 pages, double spaced, Calibri, font size 12. 2 The report submission is to contain: ? A word processed document that is spell- and grammar- checked; ? Student name and Student ID to be included in either the header or footer of the document; ? The transmittal email must be written using the template found on Blackboard. The written submission for the case must be structured as a report. The structure of a report is available on the unit’s Blackboard site under the Unit Resources tab. Please refer to Business Communication: A Handbook for Accounting Students and Graduates (Kerr, 2017) for more information on how to write a report. ? DO NOT submit a cover-page, marking guide, an executive summary or a covering letter; The transmittal email will form your cover page. ? Students should use the Chicago referencing style when preparing the assignments. More information can be found on this style from the Library web site: ? The work you submit must be your own. Any plagiarism from other students’ work, from ‘solutions’ circulating from prior years, from ‘solutions manuals’ or published material will result in an automatic zero score for the submission. Significant penalties are imposed where assignments are found to be plagiarised. The University policy on plagiarism and academic misconduct can be found on this webpage: ? All assignments must be submitted through Turnitin. No other forms of submission will be accepted. Failure to submit the assignment through Turnitin will automatically incur a penalty of 10% for every day or part thereof the assignment is late. Extensions to the written submission due date will only be considered by the Unit Coordinator (Dr Kenneth Ke) and will be granted only in extreme circumstance. Applications for extensions must be received in writing prior to the due date and be accompanied by supporting evidence. ? Prior to submitting your written submission, please refer to the questions in the document: “Is my report ready?” which is available on Blackboard.

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ACCT2006 Financial Reporting
Financial Reporting ACCT2006 Section 2: Short analysis on a CSR related case. (10 marks) Volkswagen “Dieselgate” scandal Conduct research on Volkswagen’s Dieselgate scandal. Select one of the senior executives or engineers that have been charged by the US Department of Justice. Study their career life, especially their involvement in the scandal. Then answer the following two questions: 1) Using the fraud triangle theory, analyse what factors (pressure, opportunity and rationalisation) contributed to the selected personnel being complicit in this act of deceit? 2) Conduct a cost-benefit analysis, either from the Volkswagen group’s perspective or the selected personnel’s perspective, and determine if the benefits (financially) gained from committing the fraud outweigh the losses (financially) that have incurred. Your report has a STRICT word limit of 800 words. You can use appendices to present your evidence (not part of the word count).
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ACCT3001 Accounting, Behaviour and Control
Question One (Total mark: 11 marks, word limit: 1000 words) Power51 Company, which is located in Adelaide, Australia, manufactures electrical cable products. The company’s primary product, an especially flexible cable, is among the best produced in Australia. The company operates in a very price-competitive industry, so it has little control over the price of its products. It must meet the market price. To do so, the firm has to keep production costs in check by operating as efficiently as possible. Sam Porter, the company’s president, has stated that to be successful, the company must provide a very high quality-product and meet its delivery commitment to customers on time. Power51 Company is organized as shown in the following diagram: There is currently a disagreement between the company’s two vice presidents regarding the responsibility-accounting system. The vice president for manufacturing claims that the 6 plants should be cost centers. He recently expressed the following sentiment: “The plants should be cost centers because the plant managers do not control the sale of our products. Designating the plants as profit centers would result in holding the plant managers responsible for something they can’t control.” A contrary view is held by the vice president for marketing. He recently made the following remarks: “the plants should be profit centers. The plant managers are in the best position to affect the company’s overall profit.” Required: 1. Assuming that Power51 overall goal is profitability, what are the company’s critical success factors? Explain your answer. (3 marks) (A critical success factor is a variable that meets these two criteria: it is largely under the company’s control, and the company must succeed in this area in order to reach its overall goal of profitability) 2. Which responsibility-accounting arrangement (for manufacturing plants) is most consistent with achieving success of the company’s critical success factors? Explain your answer. (2 marks) 3. What responsibility-center designation is most appropriate for the company’s sales districts? Explain your answer. (1 mark) 4. Suppose that Power51 company often experiences rush orders from its customers. Which of the two proposed responsibility-accounting arrangements is best suited to making good decisions about accepting or rejecting rush orders? Specifically, should the plants be the cost centers or profit centers? Explain your answer. (5 marks) Question two (Total mark: 5 marks, word limit: 500 words) Two of the key features that a budgetary system should have to encourage managers to engage in goal-congruent behaviours are participative budgeting and controllability of costs. Required: 1. Explain how participative budgeting promotes goal congruence (2 marks) 2. What are controllable costs? Explain how controllability of costs promotes goal Congruence (2 marks) 3. Give two examples of an uncontrollable cost for a divisional manager (1 mark) Question three (Total mark: 4 marks word limit: 400 words) One of the main functions of budgets is evaluating performance. In this evaluation role, budgets serve as a useful standard of measurement. However, if budget performance is overemphasized when evaluating managers’ performance, the managers might take undesirable actions such as padding the budget. Required: Identify four undesirable actions (other than padding the budget) that managers might take as a result of an overemphasis on budgets as a performance measure. Briefly explain how each action you have identified affects the long-term performance. (4 marks)
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ACCT5006 Intermediate Accounting Theories & Issues
ESSAY TOPIC: Corporate Governance Excessive Executive Remuneration Required: In an essay of between 2000 and 3000 words (+/? 5%) students are to discuss their agreement or disagreement with the following statement. “Senior Executives in large companies get paid too much” Discuss this comment in line with at least one relevant theory elaborated in this unit and provide examples to support arguments for your agreement or disagreement. Some Background Various global and local corporate scandals and government enquiries have placed excessive executive remuneration under scrutiny. The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) in 2008 saw many changes to corporate governance laws worldwide to strengthen accountability and transparency of company operations. In Australia, one of the changes was the introduction of the “Two Strikes Rule.” This rule has been in place since 2011. In simplistic terms if 25% of voting shareholders reject 2 remuneration reports then they can vote to spill the board. In April 2016 a major profit rigging scandal with Target Australia became known and was reported in the media. Target Australia is part of the Wesfarmers group. Coles, also part of the Wesfarmers group has received many fines from the ACCC (Australia’s corporate watch dog) for poor operating practices. The Wesfarmers group is also facing $2 billion dollars in write?downs associated with Target and a Queensland Coal mine in 2016. Globally there are many examples of excessive remuneration being associated with poor corporate performance, corporate failure and unethical corporate behaviours. (See selected examples of media reports by following theses links) ? 3912 ? billion?writedown/news?story/0fe453558724e15627b908751500208e); ? bullying?suppliers/news?story/cbdf79bf910f1826a3002659af423a83; ? 20150409?1mi0x1.html; ? 20150630?gi19wv.html) Page 2 of 3 The following are the minimum content and format requirements: (Note: minimum requirements refer to a pass grade. To achieve a high?grade students must do work and research beyond the minimum expectations) 1) Students must use at least ONE real example found in journals or media or reliable internet news published in the last 3 years. (Note: More examples/evidence are required if students expect to receive a high grade. Students can reference remuneration data provided in annual reports of companies to back?up their position on the statement.) 2) Students must have a minimum of 15 quality references 5 of which must have been published in the last 5 years. 3) In?text and end?text references are required using Chicago referencing style. 4) Essays should be typed using Microsoft Word with a size 11 or 12 font and using minimum 1.5 line spacing (no single spaced submissions). Left and right page margins should be at least 2 cm. 5) Using the word count in Microsoft Office write the number of words of your essay at the beginning of the document. 6) A separate cover page is not required. 7) Write your Student Name and Student ID in a header in the word document and include consecutive page numbers in the footer, so they appear on each page. 8) Documents submitted must be properly formatted and checked for appropriate spelling and grammar. Documents submitted that are not formatted correctly will lose 10% automatically. This includes punctuation and ensuring a space after a full stop or comma or semi?colon or colon and inappropriate use of symbols. Submission requirements Students are to submit their essay online using the Turnitin link provided in Blackboard. Originality reports displaying percentage (%) of similarity can be viewed by students to ensure they have referenced where appropriate and not plagiarised. A high degree of similarity and low degree of referencing will most likely result in a low grade. Note: There is no specific similarity % for this unit that is acceptable. However, where the similarity % is over 20% these will be scrutinised more thoroughly. This is not to say that for example 25% is unacceptable, this % may be acceptable as long as the items that are similar are correctly referenced and they are not copied from others work or from internet cheat websites. A student guide for avoiding plagiarism can be found at the following website: University policies and procedures for academic misconduct and plagiarism will be applied. Further information is available at
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ACCT5019 Advanced Corporate Reporting
A. General information of the case study • This case study is an individual assignment. It is worth 30% of your final mark. • The word limit of this assignment is 3,000 maximum (excluding the reference list, footnote and, appendices). It should be no less or more than 5% of the word limit using 1.5 spacing. • A sample format of the report is shown in Appendix 1. You must use the provided structure to complete this assignment. • The deadline for the assignment is 4pm, Friday, 4 May 2018. You need to include your name and student id on the assignment as well as on the cover sheet for your assignment. A hard copy of your assignment will need to be date/time stamped, and submitted in your lecturer’s mailbox AND, submitted electronically via Blackboard by the due date. • Please note that your assignment will be submitted to Turnitin, as a deterrent to plagiarism. B. Your tasks 1. You are required to analyse a designated case (refer to the journal paper, Representing the market perspective: fair value measurement for non-financial assets (Barker and Schulte, 2017), Accounting, Organization and Society, Vol. 56 pp. 55-67) and answer the following questions: a) What is the main contemporary financial reporting issue in the case and why? b) What are the main differences between ‘accounting as history’ and accounting as economic’? c) Describe the 3 levels of inputs that can be used in valuing an item under IFRS 13. d) Describe the main theory employed by the author. Why do the authors believe this theory relate to the study? e) What is the objective of the fieldwork conducted by the authors? f) Describe the research design of this study (i.e. research method, sample) g) What are the main findings of this research paper? h) What are the implications in accounting from this research paper? i) Identify one limitation of this research paper. 2. Prepare the assignment in report format based on the requirements in the marking guide. C. References List Provide a list of the publication details of all materials referred to in the report. More information on the Chicago referencing style can be obtained from the Curtin library website: D. Marking Criteria • The assignment will be assessed on the content, completeness of information, appropriateness of format, grammar, and spelling and other additional information deemed relevant in relation to the issues. Refer to the marking guide for the breakdown of marks (refer Appendix 1). The marking guide is given to you as it is part of the requirement of the assignment that you demonstrate an understanding of how the issues should be addressed. Please make sure your report covers all requirements in the marking guide. Appendix 1 Criteria 0 1 2 3 4 5 Total Overall formatting/Grammar/Spelling/Words limit The title made clearly and reflects the content well Introduction • The objective of your report is made clearly • The introduction is relevant and informative Answers to the questions a) What is the main contemporary financial reporting issue in the case and why? b) What are the main differences between ‘accounting as history’ and accounting as economic’? c) Describe the 3 levels of inputs that can be used in valuing an item under IFRS 13. d) Describe the main theory employed by the author. Why do the authors believe this theory relate to the study? e) What is the objective of the fieldwork conducted by the authors? f) Describe the research design of this study (i.e. research method, sample) g) What are the main findings of this research paper? h) What are the implications in accounting from this research paper? i) Identify one limitation of this research paper. Appropriateness of conclusion Citations and references in correct format Total marks (15 items x 5 = 70 full marks) Total score (30%) * Scale of 0 to 5 for each criterion where 0 – Completely inadequate/incorrect/incomplete; 1 – Inadequate/incorrect/incomplete 2 – Partly adequate/correct/complete; 3 – Almost adequate/correct/complete; 4 – Adequate/correct/complete; 5 – Completely adequate/correct/complete
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ACCT5021 Accounting for Managers
ACCT5021 Accounting for Managers Assessment Task #3A: Case Study Semester 1, 2017 Value: This assessment task accounts for 20% of the final mark. Due Date: Monday 24th April, 2017 at 6:00pm –Blackboard Turnitin (soft copy) and in Unit Co-ordinators mailbox (hard copy). Case Study on Corporate Governance and JB Hi-Fi Ltd (JBH) The ASX convened the ASX Corporate Governance Council (ASXCGC) in August 2002. It was prompted by suggestions from ASIC and government that ASX take a leadership role in formulating a non-legislative response to the corporate governance issues arising following corporate collapses in 2000. Many of these collapses were associated with poor financial reporting. The ASXCGC released the first edition of Principles of Good Corporate Governance and Best Practice Recommendations in March 2003. In 2006–07, the council undertook a review and public consultation that led to the release of the revised Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations 2nd edition in August 2007, which was subsequently updated with amendments in 2010. Since the release of the second edition in 2007, there has been considerable focus across the world on corporate governance practices in light of the events leading up to, and during, the Global Financial Crisis. In response, a number of jurisdictions have adopted new legislation regulating corporate behaviour and/or upgraded their corporate governance codes. Following a comprehensive review in 2012-13, the 21 members of the ASX Corporate Governance Council (“Council”) agreed that it was an appropriate time to issue a third edition of the Principles and Recommendations. The changes in the third edition reflect global developments in corporate governance since the second edition was published. The opportunity has also been taken to simplify the structure of the Principles and Recommendations and to afford greater flexibility to listed entities in terms of where they make their governance disclosures. Eight principles are identified as underlying good corporate governance. Two of these principles are: Principle 1: Lay solid foundations for management and oversight; and Principle 4: Safeguard integrity in corporate reporting. Required a. What is meant by the term “corporate governance”? b. Why has corporate governance become such an important issue over the past decade for the global business community and parties that are interested in the behaviours of publicly listed companies? c. Discuss the recommendations in Principle 1 and 4 of the ASXCGC guidelines. b. Access the JB Hi-Fi Ltd 2016 corporate governance statement in its annual report. Discuss the company’s compliance with principle 1 and 4. ? Formatting Requirements: Document: Your assignment must be typed using 12 font, 1.5 line spacing and 2.5 cm margins on all sides, with a maximum length of 1,500 words (excluding in-text references and bibliography). State the word count at the beginning of the assignment. All material over 1,500 words will be disregarded. Referencing: You can refer to real world cases, recent news, book chapters, and research papers to support your arguments or analyses. Do NOT use another student’s paper or a website as your reference. This report must be your own work. All your references must be properly cited in your content and included in the reference list at the end of report. Plagiarism is a serious academic offence. Students should get familiar with Curtin policy on plagiarism to avoid committing the offence. Student Guidelines for Avoiding Plagiarism and Student Checklist to Prevent Plagiarism can be downloaded from Submission: The hard copy of your report must be submitted to your tutor in class on the due date and time. The soft copy of your work must also be submitted via Turnitin on Blackboard by the due date and time. (You can refer to for how to submit your Turnitin assignment.) Please note that the Blackboard site may be taken offline occasionally for maintenance purposes. During these maintenance periods, you will not have access to the materials on Blackboard and will not have access to Turnitin. Curtin Technology Services (CITS) will notify the university community of the scheduled maintenance work generally around two weeks in advance. Please make sure to check your Curtin email regularly and to pay attention to the maintenance schedule since this can affect the submission of your assessment tasks. Late submissions will not be accepted. File Format and File Name: MS Word with a file name “Student ID_ACCT5021_S1_2017_Case3A”. For example, for a student with a student ID 1234567, the file name should be 1234567_ACCT5021_S1_2017_Case3A.docx.
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Business Systems Management Assignment
Business Systems Management Assignment Value : 25% Due Date: 2 May 2019: 5pm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background: As an IT professional you will be required to work with both your professional skill set and your relationship to the business entity you serve. This assignment is structured about this concept and requires you to demonstrate your knowledge through completing the tasks given below. The tasks require you to build an understanding of the factors which affect the management of business systems in the current environment A marking guide is provided which provides guidance on how the assignment is mark. Quality answers will attract better marks! ________________________________________________________________________________ Assignment Standards: Your assignment is report based rather than a formal assignment. The following are formatting requirements to which you should adhere. 1.Your report should have a cover page which includes your name and student number. 2. Each task should commence on a new page. 3. Spacing may be 1.15. 4. Ensure you reference correctly! If you are new to Curtin University and need help in how to write, please visit the communications centre: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission: Submit your assignment through the Turnitin link provided for your assignment in BlackBoard. Please check your similarity index and make corrections as required. You can submit multiple times before the due date. I will only mark the last submission. The value of each task and any additional marks are shown in the marking guide. Task 1 – 20 marks Explain what is meant by the term “SMAC stack” and why each element within the stack is considered important to business systems management. Your answer should consider the business impact of each item – what is the benefit, but also what is the cost or outcome of not adapting. Task 2 – 10 marks a) Explain what are considered the advantages and disadvantages of CMMI. b) How does the CMMI model compare to the ITIL maturity model? Which do you consider to be more informative and why? Task 3 – 5 marks Explain what is meant by the 4th Industrial Revolution. Ensure your answer addresses the role of IT. Task 4 – 18 marks a) What is a digital ecosystem? (There are two definitions depending on your focus – technical and business, ensure you explain both). b) Explain how a digital ecosystem functions and the benefits to be achieved. c) Explain the requirements for managing such a system. Task 5 – 20 marks ITIL defines two type of assets used by both customers and service providers. These are “resources” & “capabilities”. The diagram given below, as shown in the ITIL publication of Service Operations (2011) describes the set of Capabilities and Resources required for IT operations. Describe the requirement and impact of capabilities and resources on each other. Management Organization Processes Knowledge People Financial Capital Infrastructure Applications Information People Resources Capabilities Task 6 – 12 marks a) What is Business Process Re-engineering? What are it’s benefits? b) What is Robotic Process Automation? How is it linked to digital innovation? Task 7 – 10 Marks Explain the role of governan
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Ethics Assignment
Your essay plan must consist of paragraphs of the following: Introduction 1. Make a general statement about the topic 2. Provide background information 3. State the position you will argue for—your thesis statement 4. Mention the points you will cover in your essay scope of your essay Body – developing your argument) 1. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence 2. Develop each main idea by making e.g. comparisons and contrasts, using referenced explanations, examples, definitions etc. 3. Conclude by summarising or linking to the idea being discussed in the next paragraph Conclusion Restate your position/thesis statement 1. Sum up the main points made in each paragraph 2. Finish with a strong statement about the wider context Pick 1 of the 2 topics 1 Managers are often faced with the need to make ethical decisions affecting their organizations and both internal and external stakeholders. Assume you are a manager working in one of the largest online social networking corporations in the world. Your social media network has hundreds of millions of followers. A federal election is to be held in the next 12 months. You have just received a very lucrative financial offer from a campaign manager of one of the political parties. The campaign manager has offered to pay you tens of millions of dollars to circulate a series of fake news stories. The stories, originating from unspecified sources, will paint candidates from the opposition political party in a very negative light. In this unit we have discussed four ethical decision making rules. Please discuss these four ethical decision making rules. Choose one of the four ethical decision making rules to explain your decision on whether or not to accept the offer from the campaign manager. Hi If you have chosen topic 1 for your essay plan and final essay, please watch this video. This video (below) contains information that will be useful. OR Topic 2 Pick one successful and one unsuccessful organisation you are familiar with. Compare and contrast how top managers at these two organisations effectively and ineffectively utilised Fayol’s four functions in their firms. Hint: Please pick organisations that are well known. Please check your organisation with your tutor if you are unsure. Your tutor needs to be aware of your chosen organisation as your tutor is marking your paper. Please consult your tutor by week two (week beginning 6 March 2017). l Topic 1 or 2 l Word count is 1,500 words ±10% or 150 words. The word count excludes the reference list but includes your in-text citations. Marks will be deducted if students do not follow the word count guideline. l Please note your tutor’s comments on your earlier 400 word essay plan. Your tutor will mark your final submission after reviewing your marked essay plan. To score a good mark in your final essay submission, please act on the various suggestions/comments made by your tutor in your essay plan. Marks will be deducted if students ignore their tutor’s comments. To achieve a passing grade you must satisfy the following: l Information literacy skills – Gather, critically assess and use information to build an argument. You need to state your arguement and critically analyse the statement. l Referencing – You must use in-text referencing and include a reference list. You must use the Chicago 16 referencing guide, available from the library website. Your essay must: l contain an introduction, thesis statement, main contents section and a conclusion. l be concise, clear and well edited. Your essay must conform to the structure discussed in the Communication Skills Centre High Flyer number 7. l be fully referenced; at least EIGHT different sources of information (e.g. book, edited book, www, journal article from the full-text databases, current affairs magazine, newspaper). WWW references can contribute to a maximum of ONE-THIRD of the total number of reference sources utilised. The use of Peer-Reviewed Scholarly Journals is required. Online academic databases accessed through the library website such as Proquest DO NOT count as (www) internet references. l The use of Wikipedia is NOT ALLOWED. l use the Chicago version 16 referencing guide to acknowledge your sources of information (both in-text and in the reference list at the end).
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FNCE5010 Corporate Financial Management
Question 1 (25 marks) AMCOR Limited has a corporate bond outstanding with a 7% coupon, semi-annual interest, 15 years to maturity and a face value of $1,000. Similar bonds currently yield 13%. By prior agreement, the company will skip the coupon payments in years 6, 7 and 8 (6 payments in total; the payments at time 6 through to 8.5). These payments will be repaid, without interest, at maturity. What is the corporate bond’s value (the price for AMCOR’s bond)? Question 2 (15 marks) Storico Co. just paid a dividend of $4 per share. The company will increase its dividend by 20 percent next year and will then reduce its dividend growth rate by 5 percentage per year until it reaches the industry average of 5 percent dividend growth, after which the company will keep a constant growth rate forever. If the required return on Storico stock is 15 percent per annum, what will a share of Storico’s stock sell for today? Question 3 (15 marks) Your factory has been offered a contract to produce a part for a new printer. The contract would last for five years and your cash flows from the contract would be $3 million per year. Your upfront setup costs to be ready to produce the part would be $6.5 million. Your cost of capital for this contract is 10%. a. What does the NPV rule say you should do? b. If you take the contract, what will be the change in the value of your firm? c. What is the payback period? Question 4 (15 marks) You have a portfolio with a standard deviation of 30% and an expected return of 18%. You are considering adding one of the two stocks in the following table. If after adding the stock you will have 20% of your money in the new stock and 80% of your money in your existing portfolio, which one should you add? Why? Explain. Expected Return Standard Deviation Correlation with Your Portfolio’s Returns Stock A 15% 25% 0.2 Stock B 15% 20% 0.6 Question 5 (15 marks) Suppose Intel stock has a beta of 1.8, whereas Boeing stock has a beta of 1.2. If the risk free interest rate is 5% and the expected return of the market portfolio is 15%. The market risk premium is 10%. You expect the Intel stock to have a return of 20% and Boeing stock to have a return of 25% over next year. a. What is the expected return of Intel stock? b. What is the expected return of Boeing stock? c. What is the beta of a portfolio that consists of 70% Intel stock and 30% Boeing stock? And the expected return in this portfolio? d. Based on your answer in part (a) and part (b), which stock should you buy and which stock should you sell? Why? Question 6 (15 marks) At the beginning of 2013, Apple’s beta was 1.2 and the risk-free was about 3%. Apple’s price was $75. Apple’s price at the end of 2013 was $80. If you estimate the market risk premium to have been 6%, did Apple’s managers exceed their investors’ required return as given by the CAPM? Why? Explain. End of Assessment 1 Exercise Part 2
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HRD: ASSESSMENT 2 – REFLECTIVE LEARNING JOURNAL ASSESSMENT GUIDE This assessment requires you to write a 2,500 (+/- 10%) word essay addressing the following topic: Adult and experiential learning are two key tenants of this unit. The aim of this assessment is to demonstrate your understanding of these concepts and enhance your personal learning through focused reflection on THREE particular learning experiences in this unit. In particular you will need to reflect critically on experiences that pertain to the development, delivery and evaluation of your facilitated workshop. You will need to assess your own learning and team styles using one or more of the methods/tools identified in lectures and tutorials and consider how your own style affects how you engage with others in your group to deliver your group assignment. You will need to make explicit and discuss your reflective and critical thinking frameworks, eg Kolb’s (1984)* Experiential Learning Cycle and ORID focused conversation process. References for the abovementioned frameworks and theories will be posted on Blackboard and discussed in tutorials. Some aspects you may wish to consider and critically explore in your reflective learning journal: • The class activities and exercises you most readily engaged with and why • Your strengths/weaknesses in researching, designing and delivering your workshop • Personal skills and knowledge gaps that you identified and how these became apparent • The main things you discovered about yourself as an adult learner • The personal value of some of the class activities (relevant to your group assignment) • Skills you specifically want to build on and how you plan to develop these You are required to make critical and analytical comments rather than simply describe your experiences. Sophisticated reflective practice demonstrates: • Critical and creative thinking, using robust frameworks • Shifts thinking from reflection to reflexivity, by for example demonstrating the use of counterpoint and the ability to synthesise literature into reflective practice • Reflects self-awareness regarding personal and career development • Encourages reframing thinking and action about human resource development • Explores practice to theory and theory to practice in the human resource development context To do this, you need to draw on academic research and credible journal articles, citing references that inform and/or support your opinions as appropriate. While this is a reflective journal, you still need to use good academic style writing and referencing where required. References: Kolb, David A. 1984. Experiential Learning : Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
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Marketing Nike
In the early weeks of semester, you will be required to visit a Global marketing organisation located in Australia The company is NIKE. It is an international company that’s based in Australia. (PLEASE NOTE IT IS ESSENTIAL FOR ALL STUDENTS TO VISIT THIS ORGANISATION.) This individual case study provides an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of how a Global business works. You are required to write 2,000 words on how this Global organisation markets its products. In the assignment you have to talk about the 7 P’s related to this organisation. Assignment is revolved around the 7 P’s
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BRANDING CASE STUDY ANALYSIS Assessment brief Overview “Until fairly recently, the dream of donning a headset and dropping into a virtual world belonged purely in the realms of science fiction. Thanks to the work of companies like Oculus, HTC, and others, that’s no longer the case”. Virtual Reality or VR for short is the term used to describe a computer-generated environment that someone can explore and interact with. The user is transported into a seemingly real and immersive virtual environment using special equipment such as headsets and body sensors. Assessment brief You are required to develop a case study around the brand Ready Team One which explores and analyses the internal and external branding issues impacting both the brand and the industry it operates in. Specifically, your case study should cover the following: Industry overview • What are the issues and challenges affecting brands in the industry today? • What are the key emerging consumer and/or product trends? Brand positioning analysis • Whom does the brand compete with? (Pick at least TWO competitors and justify your selection) • How does the brand compete? (Compare the brand to your chosen competitors based on their POP and POD; also consider the way in which their product/services are being branded and sold) • Who is the brand competing for (Profile and describe the brand’s target market) Recommendations and conclusion • What recommendations do you have for the brand? (Ensure that you justify based on the research you have conducted for 1. Industry overview AND 2. Brand positioning analysis) such as having a club for the people or member Guidelines • Maximum 2500 words (excluding references and appendices). • Brand management concepts and theories will need to be incorporated into the report to support and justify your discussion. • You must include a minimum of TEN academic references. *Please clarify with your respective tutor/instructor if you are not clear on what an academic reference is. • Outside of academic sources, you are expected to use other information from industry reports, business publications, news and magazine articles, statistics etc. to support your work. • Use of visuals such as tables, graphs and diagrams are strongly encouraged. BRANDING CASE STUDY ANALYSIS Marking guide * Please attach this as your cover sheet during submission Student Name Student Number MARKING CRITERIA MARKS ALLOCATION EXTERNAL BRAND RESEARCH /30 Industry Outlook – Key problems and challenges, as well as consumer and market trends are clearly identified and well-synthesized. /15 Competitive analysis – Strengths and weaknesses of at least TWO competitors, their positioning (POP and POD), and branding strategies adopted are well-defined and discussed. Choice of the competitors is also clearly justified. /15 INTERNAL BRAND RESEARCH /25 Brand analysis – Critical comparison of the brand’s relative strengths and weaknesses, positioning (POP and POD), and branding strategies relative to its competitors are well-defined and discussed. /15 Consumer profiling – Target market is clearly defined and justified. /10 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS /10 Development and justification – Recommendations are well justified and consistent (show clear linkages) with the research conducted /5 Creativity and critical thinking – Recommendations are creative and show evidence of critical thinking. /5 RESOURCES AND INFORMATION /10 Choice and selection – Uses an extensive and well-balanced range of resources such as peer-reviewed sources, business publications, newspapers, magazines, statistics, internet sources etc. to develop the case study. /5 Credibility and relevance – Information used is highly relevant, credible, carefully chosen and is well-integrated throughout the case study discussion. /5 APPLICATION OF RELEVANT THEORY /10 Choice and selection – Use brand management theories and concepts that are highly relevant and appropriate. /5 Support and integration – Use brand management theories and concepts clearly and consistently to support recommendations and conclusions. /5 ? PRESENTATION /15 Writing style – Sentence structure, grammar and spelling are done well demonstrating good written communication skills. /5 Presentation – Document is formatted well; good use of appropriate headings, figures and tables. /5 Referencing – Document accurately follows formatting from prescribed reference style; sources are paraphrased well, good application of in-text citations. Minimum of TEN academic references is met. /5 TOTAL MARK /100 TOTAL % OF OVERALL GRADE /40
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MKTG6006 Digital and Interactive Marketing
MKTG6006 Digital and Interactive Marketing Industry Report – Ookus Assignment Brief In Semester 2 2017, your client will be Ookus – a funding platform for your dream experiences. Look at the brand’s online presence and reflect how the brand markets its service and how they could improve online conversion. Your report should provide a critical analysis of different digital channels used by the brand for its online presence and suggestions to improve its online performance. The report must include references (in-text references and reference list) and data (e.g. from Alexa, Keyhole, and etc.) to support your findings. The report and the analysis must include the following digital channels: • Website ( • SEO • Facebook The report can also include other digital channels of Ookus including but not limited to: • Email marketing • LinkedIn • #ookus hashtag • Twitter The report should provide a critical evaluation on the current digital marketing strategies and recommend feasible improvements as well as insights to achieve the following marketing objectives: • Enhance brand awareness • Educate consumers about Ookus • Increase website traffic • Increase social media engagement • Enhance conversion rate (sign up and usage) Report Structure 1. Introduction - (max. 0.5 pages) ? • Overview of online presence and channels • Segmentation and targeting of the health message • Major competitions 2. Online Analysis (~2 pages) Which core elements does the online presence have, which strengths and weaknesses can you identify? Critically analyse different digital channels used by the firm for its online presence. Use data and references to support your findings. Questions to consider in this section include but not limited to: • What is the existing strategy? • What is the strength of the existing strategy and why? • What is the limitation of the existing strategy and why? 3. Suggestions and Conclusion (~2 pages) What would you suggest to the company to improve their online presence and consequently to improve sales. Questions to consider in this section include but not limited to: • How should the client overcome the limitation of the existing strategy and why? • What online strategy can the client use to better promote the health message and encourage behavioral change? And why? • If applicable, provide examples of success story or strategy as reference for the client 4. Pitch Summary (max. 2 pages) A summary of key findings and improvements with supporting evidence. The summary should be written with the aim to provide Ookus insights on their digital marketing strategies with a 2-pager. 5. References (not included in the page count) ? 6. Appendix (must be embedded within the text; not included in the page count) ? Please note: rather than quantity, quality counts! So, please try to be focused as much as possible. Follow the given structure (as above). Focus on the 3-4 main points which you think might help the firm improve its online presence. As the online environment changes constantly, references should be not older than 5 years. Submission Guideline The length of the assessment should not be more than 6 pages of texts (without reference and appendices; 12 font Times font; 2.54cm/1 inch margin on all side; 1.5 spacing). Graphics, figures, and diagram should be inserted in the text (i.e., no appendix) and will not be counted toward the page limit. You are required to submit the assessment through blackboard. The submitted assignment will be transferred to Turnitin automatically for plagiarism monitoring. Late penalties will be applied if any student is late in submitting the assignment.
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PUBH6008 Leadership in healthcare
PUBH6008 Leadership in healthcare Assignment 2: Reflective Journal Worth 50% Due: Thursday 25 May 2017 (4pm) Word limit: 3500-4000 words For the 12 weeks throughout this unit, document a journal of your own leadership development from the start to the end of this unit. As you may have noticed, we have a topic area of focus each week, where you read and discuss learning materials on a modular basis. Each week of the journal should be completed in relation to the topic area the unit covers in each particular week. The reflective questions posed during the sessions should help you to develop your thoughts in regard to what you will be reflecting on (object for reflection). In addition, I have included some more prompt questions in this document. We expect the journal to draw upon theories of leadership and research in this area (leadership in healthcare), and use these to critically analyze your own management and leadership style, knowledge, attitudes, skills and practice. But also think about how you will integrate new ways of thinking and doing which you will learn in this unit. This is a personal reflection of your leadership development journey, filtered through the lens of organizational leadership frameworks. The purpose of the assignment is to reflect upon your leadership development journey over the course of the unit, either in chorological order or by thematic areas. The assignment should provide analysis of your learning experience illuminated by theory (which could be drawn from your academic studies and/or your own reading) and own practice from your work experience. The aspects of leadership included could be either negative and or positive experiences – some of which you have or have chosen not to follow. The assignment should also discuss what areas of leadership you will like to cultivate as you continue on your journey of leadership development. Whilst we do not prescribe the content, academic referencing is required particularly when critiquing or discussing theoretical perspectives, where possible reflective practice should be documented in your ‘own voice’ about your own thoughts on the topic area.
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Quantitative Techniques for Business Project
Quantitative Techniques for Business Project School of Economics and Finance Curtin University School of Economics and Finance Curtin University Felix Chan March 6, 2018 1 Introduction The aim of this project is to evaluate dierent portfolio compositions of nancial assets based on time series data. It requires both the statistics and mathematics components of the unit and you should be able to do parts of the project as the unit progresses. I would suggest you tackle the project on a weekly basis and complete as many questions as possible. 2 Data Download the le stock201801-Sem1.csv" from Blackboard. The le contains the daily prices of Apple, Hewlett Packward (Inc.), Intel and Microsoft for the period 2004.07.31 to 2018.03.01. Note that the prices on weekends and public holidays have been removed. 3 The Analysis 1. Plot the prices of each asset separately against time using software such as EX- CEL or Tableau. What do you observe on the movement of these prices during the Global Financial Crisis (late 2008)? 1 3. THE ANALYSIS 2. Calculate the returns of each asset using the following: rt = 100 ln Pt Pt????1 where Pt is the asset price at time t. Plot the returns for each asset price. 3. Create a histogram for each of the returns series and report their descriptive statistics including mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis. What conclusion can you draw by examining the kurtosis in each case? 4. Under the assumption that the returns of each asset are drawn from an indepen- dently and identically distributed normal distribution, are the expected returns statistically dierent from zero for each asset? State clearly the null and alter- native hypothesis in each case. 5. Assume the returns of each asset are independent from each other, are the mean returns statistically dierent from each other? 6. Calculate the correlation matrix of the returns. 7. Is the assumption of independence realistic? If not, re-test the hypotheses in Question 5 using appropriate test statistics. Compare the results to the results obtained in Question 5. 8. If you can only choose maximum of two assets into a portfolio, which will you choose? What are the optimal weights and the optimal expected returns? State clearly your objective function and provide step-by-step derivations. 9. Bonus question: Why is it not realistic to assume these prices follow a normal distribution? 2 4. SUBMISSION 4 Submission Please submit your solutions to your local instructor by Monday 4 June 2018 at 1:00pm. Please ensure you show all workings as full mark will not be awarded without showing all essential steps. 3
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Written Essay Instructions Taxation
Written Assessment Worth 15% Due Monday 15th October 2018 @ 11.59 pm Henry told us in his guide to the Institutional Framework of Taxation in Australia that the Australian Taxation System is one of the most complex in the world and is made up of approximately 125 taxes including taxes such as Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Fringe Benefits Tax and Goods and Services Tax just to name a few. He also mentioned that there are many different organisations that play different and varied roles within this system to ensure its integrity and all Australians are equally treated with equity. The Australian Taxation System is embedded in the way of life for all Australian taxpayers, we pay tax on our income, we pay tax when we purchase goods and use services, we pay tax when we sell assets and this is just to name a few but in return the Government provides services and benefits e.g. hospitals, schools, defence, and financial assistance to those in need etc. As we know the government relies very heavily on the revenue from taxation to be able to finance its activities and services it offers to the public and reforms and reviews on taxation are often a focus of governments. There has been a lot of media attention lately on the extraordinary powers that the Commissioner of Taxation and the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has and to whether they are in some way abusing that power in their dealings with small business taxpayers and individuals. There has been a call for an inquiry into the ATO resulting from a number of complaints by taxpayers. The ABC 4Corners programme also released a documentary on this topic in April 2018 and it would be advisable for you to view this as part of your research into the topic This assessment requires you to review this topical area of taxation (Australian Taxation Office, their powers and are they abusing them) which has been playing out in the media for a number of months now as per Part 1 and Part 2 below. Part One Review Australian newspapers such as the West Australian, Financial Review, The Australian, Sunday Times and various others for articles on the area mentioned above. You need to find 10 newspaper articles (these may also be online articles) which will be handed in with your assignment. The articles should be from 2017 or 2018 only. If you do not have access to Australian Newspapers then you may use the Factiva Database within the Curtin Library. A factsheet on how to use this database and a short video presentation is included in the assessment link for this assignment on the Blackboard. These newspaper articles must be scanned or saved as PDF files and uploaded to the Blackboard in the appropriate area within the assessment tab. Please Note we will not accept links to the articles. Part Two After reading newspapers and journal articles and using wider research platforms such as the Taxation Administration Act 1953, Australian Taxation Office webpage, journal articles etc on the subject of Powers of the ATO and the perceived abuse of those powers you should be able to form an opinion to whether the ATO in your view are abusing their powers in relation to small businesses and individual taxpayers. For this area of the assessment you need to explain a) What are the ATO powers and where do they come from? b) How is the Government dealing with the issues that have arisen from the recent media backlash on the perceived abuse of powers by the ATO? c) What is the ATO doing going forward to ensure that they have the Australian public’s confidence again? d) What is your opinion on the issue, do you think the ATO are just doing their job and should use whatever power they have at their disposal to collect revenue which is their main job for the Government. Or are you of the opinion that they have too much power and it should be diluted. Do you consider their actions to be abusive? This area is based about your opinion so you need to ensure that you give us your own personal views of the topic and not a summary of the articles you have collected in part one of the assessment task. The requirements of the assignment for part two is to produce a 1500 word essay on your opinion of this topic which should be based on your findings from the Australian newspapers you have collected and any other research you may want to undertake, please do not just provide a detailed summary of the articles you have included in Part 1 The word limit does not take into account the cover page or references and we will allow an excess of 10%. You must reference the essay using AGLC3 and a bibliography at the end indicating materials read/used is also required.