Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography (20%) Requirements You will write a 500-600 word annotated bibliography based on the journal article already summarised, plus 3 additional journal articles that are posted on Moodle. You must follow the structure found in the model annotated bibliography. Submissions A hard copy draft will be submitted in class in Week 9. You will get feedback in class in week 10. The final submission must be submitted through Turnitin. Format • Attach a cover page with your name, class, student ID number, and word count. • The essay must be typed using size 12 Calibri, Times New Roman, or Arial font. • Use one point five or double line spacing, left justify, number your pages and print single sided. Using sources • Writing must be paraphrased in your own words. • You must include in-text and post-text references in the Deakin Harvard style. Academic Integrity You should familiarise yourself with the information in the Unit Outline about Academic Misconduct. This covers plagiarism, collusion and cheating. Academic misconduct is a serious offence and penalties will be applied consistently with the Academic Integrity Policy. If you share your work with another student and they copy it, you are also guilty of academic misconduct for collusion. Do not share your work with any other student. Late Submission Assignments received late and without prior approval will be penalised. A penalty of 5% of the total available marks will be deducted for every day the assignment is late. Assignments submitted more than 5 working days after the due date will be awarded a mark of zero.

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BUS706 International Business Law and Ethics
BUS706 International Business Law and Ethics Task 2: Problem Solving Assignment DUE: Midnight, Friday 17th May Total Marks: 40 marks (40% of overall assessment) Word Limit: 2000 words maximum Submission: Electronically on Blackboard under the Assessment tab. Key Information: Ensure you follow the IRAC structure when you are addressing each legal element. Issue • What is the legal issue you are considering in this element? Rules • What are the relevant legal rules and principles used to determine whether this element or defence is satisfied? • Ensure you cite the relevant legislation or international instrument. Application • In this section we apply the legal rules to the factual scenario we are considering. • How do the rules apply in this scenario? Why are the legal rules satisfied/not satisfied? Conclusion • Based on the legal rules and their application to this scenario, what is the outcome of this scenario? It is not enough simply to detail a legal rule or to merely apply the law to the scenario – you must do both of these things. This is how you demonstrate your knowledge of the law and your capacity to apply it. Merely reproducing the facts produced in the assignment problem will not attract marks. While you are required to draw upon the facts of the scenario to apply the law to these circumstances, lengthy repetition of the facts will detract from rather than increase the quality of your piece. Dot-points responses are unacceptable. Your response should be in full sentences and contain proper and accurate spelling, grammar and sentencing. There is study support available from USC if you need assistance with proofreading or writing your answer. Cite all sources used in writing this assignment. This includes referencing the relevant sources of law, any books, journals, websites or any other resource used. You must use the Harvard referencing style – see the Harvard Referencing Guide for more information. This is an individual assignment. DO NOT work with classmates to answer these questions. Your responses are checked for plagiarism at submission, including any similarities to the assignments submitted by fellow students. If you require more information on plagiarism or collusion, please visit the USC Academic Integrity webpage and the Academic Integrity Policy. Academic Misconduct is taken seriously and will be punished. BUS706 International Business Law and Ethics ATMC Assignment Question Part One Black Diamond Ltd (‘Black Diamond’) is an elite jewellery shop located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, that sells a range of high-quality jewellery. Black Diamond has a reputation for beautiful, one-of-a-kind designs for rings, necklaces and earrings that allows them to charge high prices for their merchandise. Following a slump in business after the Global Financial Crisis, Black Diamond try to draw customers back in by selling their rings at half of their ordinary price for a six-month period between 1 January 2020 – 30 June 2020. In order to prepare for this sale period, Black Diamond begin to purchase high quantities of precious gemstones so they can begin transforming them into unique jewellery worthy of the Black Diamond name. Garnet Martinez, Black Diamond’s Managing Director, is put in charge of purchasing gemstones on the instruction that she only buy the finest quality available. Garnet gets in contact with Greg Universe of Universe Gems Pty Ltd to discuss: From: Garnet Martinez ( To: Greg Universe ( Subject: Gemstone Purchase - Inquiry Date: 1 May 2019 Dear Mr Universe, I represent Black Diamond, a jewellery store in Australia. I am seeking to purchase a number of high quality gemstones that meet the CL-1 standard of the Australian Classifications of Gemstones. I am looking to purchase 500 white diamonds, princess cut. Can you please confirm you have these gemstones available that meet the CL-1 standard and advise of a price? I would need these delivered to Brisbane by 1 June 2019. Sincerely, Garnet Martinez Managing Director, Black Diamond Greg responds to Garnet a few days later. From: Greg Universe ( To: Garnet Martinez ( Subject: RE: Gemstone Purchase - Inquiry Date: 4 May 2019 Hi Garnet, Yes, we have some CL-1 standard princess cut white diamonds, available for immediate purchase! We will require the full purchase amount of 1 million dollars (USD) up front, our bank details can be found on our website. As we are based in Romania, the diamonds will take 2 weeks to arrive but will get there before 1 June 2019. They will be shipped as per the Incoterm Rules 2010. How does that sound? Greg Garnet was pleased with Greg’s response, 1 million dollars (USD) for the type of diamonds she asked for was a very good price. Assured that Greg’s gemstones met the CL-1 standards that all Black Diamond jewellery uses, Garnet immediately transfers the full 1 million dollars (USD) to Universe Gems. On May 20, Garnet gets an email from one of the employees of Black Diamond who received and inspected the shipment they were sent by Universe Gems. The employee, Rose, was dismayed to find that the diamonds they were sent were not diamonds at all, but actually, cubic zirconias. Cubic zirconias are a cheap alternative to diamonds that are often used in costume jewellery. While they look like diamonds, any jewellery expert would be able to tell that the diamonds were cubic zirconias and not real diamonds. Distraught, Garnet contacts Greg via phone to ask for her money back. Greg dismisses Garnet’s concern, saying ‘if you don’t tell the customers, they won’t know! It’ll be fine!’ PART ONE: ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS Considering the operation of international sales law, advise Garnet: 1. Does the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (‘CISG’) govern the agreement between Black Diamond and Universe Gems? Why/Why not? (4 Marks) 2. Have Black Diamond and Universe Gems entered into a contract? Outline the required elements of a contract under the CISG. (5 Marks) 3. Have Black Diamond and Universe Gems successfully incorporated an Incoterm into the proposed contract? Why/Why Not? (2 Mark) 4. What remedy would be most appropriate in this circumstance? Explain your answer with reference to the CISG. (4 Marks) Part Two After the failure of their contract with Universe Gems, Black Diamond asks Garnet to once more purchase gems for the use in their sale period. This time, they tell her not to worry about finding gems that meet the CL-1 standard as they are running short on time and need to start on production of the rings as soon as possible. Additionally, Black Diamond has received some bulk orders for jewellery featuring gemstones other than diamonds. Black Diamond also requests that Garnet orders these stones at the same time. Garnet gets in contact with Crystale, a gem company based in Belarus with a world-famous reputation for quality gemstones. Garnet and a representative make a contract over the phone and agree to the following terms: Black Diamond will purchase from Crystale: • 500 White Diamonds, Princess Cut • 100 Amethysts • 100 Pearls Crystale promises to send one sample of each stone to Black Diamond by the 1 July 2019 so that Black Diamond can see the quality they will be receiving. Black Diamond agrees to pay 2 million dollars (USD) for the merchandise, half upon approval of the samples and half upon delivery. Crystale and Black Diamond also agree that the gemstones will be transported by boat, CFR (Port of Brisbane) as per the Incoterm Rules 2010. The full delivery is to be made by 1 August 2019. Garnet receives the sample gemstones a few weeks later, each one is flawless and exactly the quality, type and cut she requested. Garnet contacts Crystale, requesting shipment of the gemstones and deposits the first half of the money, 1 million dollars (USD), into their bank account. Although the main office of the company is located in Belarus, Crystale has a warehouse located in Melbourne, Australia. The gemstones are shipped from Melbourne to the Port of Brisbane via boat. On 20 July 2019, Rose, an employee at Black Diamond receives a message that there is merchandise available for pickup at the Port of Brisbane. Rose completely forgets about the message and never organises a pickup. The merchandise is left for two nights at the Port of Brisbane. On the night of the 22 July 2019, the Port of Brisbane is broken into and all 100 Pearls from the shipment are stolen by robbers. The staff of the Port of Brisbane call Black Diamond on the 23 July 2019, inform them what happened and insist they collect their merchandise the same day. Upon receiving the merchandise at the Black Diamond warehouse, Garnet inspects the shipment and discovers that the 500 diamonds are all varying colours and cuts, although all are high quality diamonds, they do not match the sample Garnet was sent. Furthermore, 10 of the amethysts were lost at sea and 30 of the 100 amethysts arrived damaged due to the poor packaging of the stones by Crystale. Garnet contacts Crystale on 23 July 2019 and claims they are in breach of their contract, refusing to pay the second payment of 1 million dollars (USD) to complete the contract. PART TWO: ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS Considering the operation of international sales law, advise Garnet: 5. Does the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (‘CISG’) govern the agreement between Black Diamond and Crystale? Why/Why not? (5 Marks) 6. What is ‘CFR? How does ‘CFR’ apply to this agreement? Is Crystale liable for the robbery of the 100 Pearls at the Port of Brisbane? Explain your answer. (5 Marks) 7. Under the ‘CFR’ term, did Crystale need to provide insurance for the merchandise? (1 Mark) 8. Garnet has accused Crystale of breaching their contract. Consider each of the following issues and determine whether Crystale has breached their obligation? (a) The diamonds that do not match the sample Crystale provided (3 Marks) (b) The damaged amethysts due to poor packaging (4 Marks) (c) The amethysts lost at sea (2 Marks) 9. What remedy would be most appropriate to solve the breaches in Question 8 (a)-(c)? Explain your answer to each issue with reference to the CISG. (5 Marks) END OF ASSIGNMENT
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FNDS014 Intercultural Studies
ASSESSMENT 3 Research report- T2 2018 [5% + 15%=20%] FNDS014 Intercultural Studies Instructions P a g e 1 | 5 Instructions: 1. Please read this document carefully. 2. Your 2nd assessment is a 1000?word comparative study research report (word count excludes reference list) that consists of two parts/stages. 3. A draft of the research report is to be submitted to the Turnitin drop box on Moodle at the start of Week 7 by Monday 13 August 2018 before 8.00am. Your lecturer will meet with you during class time in week 7 and provide some feedback. The draft report is weighted 5%. You then have a few weeks to make improvements and changes to your paper. 4. The final version of the research report is to be submitted to the drop box in Moodle at the start of Week 10 by Monday 3 September 2018 before 8.00am. The drop box will open one week prior to allow for earlier submissions. Hardcopy submissions, email or faxes will not be accepted. The final research report is weighted 15%. 5. This assessment is worth 20% overall. 6. Please take note: Late assignments will incur a 5% penalty per day up to 5 days. At this point they will be allocated a zero mark. Background: Colonialism, both physically expansionist and economic, has caused cultural changes in many countries throughout the world in the last 500 years. One example is in Australia where the dominant culture post-colonisation has been Anglo-European. Australia’s first people, our indigenous Australians have become a minority culture. This has caused many cultural changes within Australia. Conflict, war and natural disasters have led to an increase in migration- the movement of people around the world. This has also caused many cultural changes within countries. One example of this is the increase in refugees to the United Kingdom. Across the world, there have been changes in power, authority, progress and benefits between the dominant cultures and the minority cultures within a country, though many cultural traditions and lifestyles continue for the dominant and minority cultures. ASSESSMENT 3 Research report- T2 2018 [5% + 15%=20%] FNDS014 Intercultural Studies Instructions P a g e 2 | 5 General Instructions: In this research report, your task is to do a comparative study. Choose one country with a dominant culture and a minority ethnic/ socio-cultural or religious minority culture within that country from the list below. Compare their power, authority, continuity, changes, progress or benefits. (See weekly lecture slides for explanations of these terms in a cultural context): Australia China Burma Thailand Korea United States Iran Greece United Kingdom- Great Britain Vietnam Nepal Sri Lanka Please note: you are not permitted to choose your home country for this research report. Word Count required: 1000 words (10% leeway) Requirements: Research and explain: • two differences in power, authority, continuity, change, progress or benefits between the dominant culture and minority culture within one country from the above list and ; • two similarities in power, authority, continuity, change, progress or benefits between the dominant culture and minority culture within one country from the above list • Examples and evidence must be supplied to support your arguments. One example per difference and one example per similarity (4 examples in total). The quality of your choice of evidence and how it is applied is vitally important. ASSESSMENT 3 Research report- T2 2018 [5% + 15%=20%] FNDS014 Intercultural Studies Instructions P a g e 3 | 5 Research Guidelines: • You are expected to conduct your own research on the topic. • You are to use no more than 5 references, including textbooks, eBooks, online journals or websites. • Please use reputable academic websites. DO NOT USE websites such as Wikipedia, .com sites, yahoo answers or Google translate. • The reference sources must be no older than 5 years. • The most reliable source is from the Deakin University online databases and books. • You must reference your report in accordance with the Deakin Harvard Referencing Guide • You must provide a reference list detailing all sources used in the report (see above link). A link to a website is NOT a reference and content associated with this will be considered plagiarised if the full reference is not detailed in the bibliography. Assessment 3 Research report - Weight 20% of overall grade: • The draft report is worth 5% and the final report is worth 15%. A total of 20% of your overall grade. Draft Report minimum standard: • The draft report must be more than an outline and must include at least 2 references. • Please see the draft report minimum standard document on Moodle. This is the minimum expected for the Draft report submission. • You can submit a completed draft report minimum standard document as your draft or choose to submit a more complete report as your draft. • A draft report is to be submitted to the Turnitin drop box on Moodle at the start of Week 7 by Monday 13 August 2018 before 8.00am. • Your lecturer will meet with you individually during class time in Week 7 to provide in person feedback on content, referencing and research if you have submitted the draft. ASSESSMENT 3 Research report- T2 2018 [5% + 15%=20%] FNDS014 Intercultural Studies Instructions P a g e 4 | 5 Presentation and formatting of Draft and Final Research Report: • Use headings and sub-headings throughout the report to assist with presentation. • The report should be typed and presented in a professional manner. The typed assignment MUST only be in ‘WORD’ format (.doc or .docx). Documents submitted in any other format will not be marked. • Save the document in word format using your student ID and surname i.e. TUCM1602_Tucker.docx • Please ensure Document Format is as follows: o Font – Calibri o Font size – 11 o Line spacing 1.15 o Paragraph spacing – Double o Margins – 2.54cm (all sides) o Saved and submitted in “Word” format • Please view Assessment 3 Research Report Useful guidelines by Chris Notsis adapted for T2 2018 in Moodle for assistance with structure. • A draft report is to be submitted to the Turnitin drop box on Moodle at the start of Week 7 by Monday 13 August 2018 before 8.00am. • Your lecturer will meet with you individually during class time in Week 7 to provide in person feedback on content, referencing and research if you have submitted the draft. • The Final Research report is to be submitted to the drop box in Moodle at the start of Week 10 by Monday 3 September 2018 before 8.00am. • The drop box will open one week prior to allow for earlier submissions. • Please note hardcopy submissions, email or faxes will not be marked. • Please refer to the Marking Rubric to ensure you follow the guidelines carefully to avoid losing marks for unnecessary mistakes and omissions. The mark will reflect an assessment of style, structure, content and referencing. • Your final report marks/results will be available on Tuesday 18 September 2018. • If you require Special Consideration OR an extension to the due date for your assignment, please refer to the instructions in the Unit Outline. ASSESSMENT 3 Research report- T2 2018 [5% + 15%=20%] FNDS014 Intercultural Studies Instructions P a g e 5 | 5 CHECKLIST: Before submission, please check whether you have: -? o Saved the assessment as a word document in the correct format with the name of your document your student ID and your surname. o Completed all elements of the assessment. o Checked your word count. o Complied with the referencing rules for in-text referencing. (Harvard style) and have included a Reference list. o Checked for any plagiarised material (Turnitin). Plagiarism and any other form of intellectual dishonesty will not be tolerated. o Proofread the document for any mistakes or errors. o Have you read this document carefully?
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HSH724 Assessment Task 2
Assessment Task 2 (AT2) 60% 1. Background In this task you are required to write a 3,000 word report worth 60% of your overall mark for this unit. You should approach this assignment task as a professional in your field who has been commissioned to prepare this report for a government agency or a NGO in your chosen city/urban community. You may build on the work you undertook for AT1. Your report should identify a key health issue in your chosen city/urban community, the determinants underlying the health issue and produce your own recommendations on strategies to address this, based on one of the settings-based approaches studied in the unit. While your recommendations are for your community, they need to be based on evidence. Writing high quality reports is an important professional skill that may or may not be familiar to you. In this assignment, you should use the Deakin University recommended guide for report writing: 2. Details Your report should consist of the following sections: 1) An executive summary This provides a succinct summary of the work in your report. As this is a summary produced in your own words it does not require references. 2) Introduction This section should briefly introduce your report and provide relevant background information on the urban community. Relevant background information includes describing the location of your chosen community and statistical/demographic information. For example if your chosen health issue relates to children, your introduction would need to provide information on the age breakdown of your community. This is where you can build on your work carried out in AT1 in more detail. Your introduction should also include a clear description of the purpose and main sections of the report. 3) Health issue This section should provide a concise examination of the health issue in your urban community including relevant demographic/statistical information e.g. you need to show who is affected, what is the prevalence of the health issue etc. You then need to discuss some of the social and environmental determinants that relate to your chosen health issue in your chosen urban community. 4) Healthy settings approach & recommendations This section should provide a brief description of the healthy setting approach you will use to inform your set of recommendations. You can choose any of the urban healthy setting approaches discussed in this unit (e.g. Healthy Cities, UN-HABITAT Principles etc.). It should then propose a set of recommendations for using the healthy settings approach to improve the health issue identified in part 3 (above) in your community. These recommendations are your own ideas. It is important that they relate to your chosen health issue. Your recommendations also need to relate to one or more of the underlying principles from your chosen settings approach. While your recommendations are for your community, they need to be based on evidence e.g. a program run in another city with a similar health issue to yours. 5) Conclusion This sections should summarise your key findings. It should also provide a brief reflection on how you might use what you have learnt in this unit in your current/future work. Please note the Deakin recommendations for report writing (above) along with the following requirements. Your report must contain the sections outlined above. You also need to provide a title page that includes your name and the word count (excluding the reference list). There will be a 10% leeway on the word count. You don’t need to include a contents page. You do need to include page numbers on each page, write with 1.5 line spacing and 2.5cm margins. Use of headings is acceptable. You need to use the Deakin Harvard style for referencing. References need to be recently published (2009-2019), academic sources.
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HSH769 Comparative Health Systems
HSH 769: Comparative Health Systems Assessment Task 3: Individual Written Report Brief description of task and student output: This is an individual task consisting of a written report (2,500 words). In this Report you will describe the health system of your allocated country (from assessment task 1) and present an evaluation of the performance of the country’s health system over recent years. Lessons learned from other health systems, including within the region (from assessment task 2), can be included in your analysis. Due date: Friday 5th October 2018 at 5pm Weighting: 50% of the total mark for the unit Form of submission: Your report must be submitted as a docx or pdf file via the assignment drop box on the unit site for HSH769 in DeakinSync TASK DETAIL Using the World Health Organisation (WHO) health systems framework (or other relevant framework), describe the health system of your allocated country (from Assessment Task 1) and evaluate the performance of the country’s health system over an appropriate period of time, including recent policies and/or attempts at health system reform. Discuss the future challenges and emerging issues that are likely to impact on the health system of your chosen country. Lessons learned from other health systems, including within the region (from Assessment Task 2), can be included in your analysis. Your report must include a detailed evaluation of the performance of your allocated country’s health system, for example: 1. An analysis and critique of health system policy and initiatives focusing on key institutional, social, cultural, economic and political influencing factors; and 2. An analysis of past and future health system reforms; including in response to emerging issues identified within the region (from Assessment Task 2). Your report should be about 2,500 words (+/- 10% is allowed), excluding references, tables, figures, appendices and abstract (if included). Marking rubric will be available on the unit site in DeakinSync. Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) assessed Completing this task will help to develop the intended learning outcomes of: ULO 2: Develop skills to source and critically interpret health system data, including across countries and over time; ULO 4: Analyse the performance of government and non-government sectors in health care delivery, organisation, equity and efficiency; ULO 5: Analyse and critique health system policy and initiatives with a focus on the key institutional, social, cultural, economic and political influencing factors; and ULO 6: Critically appraise recent attempts and proposals for future health system reform in different countries. Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs) assessed Completing this assessment task develops the graduate attributes of: GLO 1 & GLO 8: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities relating to health system structure, financing and performance in a global context; GLO 2: written report GLO 3: digital literacy through searching electronic sources for relevant data to support an argument; and GLO 4 and GLO 5: critique and analysis of health policy initiatives; and GLO 6: individual task that requires students to plan and deliver a written report.
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MAE101 Economic Principles
1 Deakin College/Deakin University MAE101 Economic Principles Trimester 3.2018 Individual Written Assignment: Assignment 1 – The Market for Lithium Assignment Weighting 20% Word Limit – 1000-1200 words (excluding graphs, tables, footnotes and reference list) Due date: (Week 9) Monday, 7 January 2019 at 11:45pm though Turnitin. An electronic copy of your assignment is to be submitted into Turnitin on Moodle on or before the due date and time. Late submissions will attract a deduction of 5% (1 mark) for each day they are late. You do not need to include an Assignment Cover Sheet as part of your submission. *It is advisable to save and submit your assignment as a PDF as it will ensure your diagrams, tables etc. are more secure and won’t move around as they can in MSWord and other formats. N.B. Extensions will generally not be granted unless there are exceptional circumstances and can only be granted by the Unit Coordinator. Graphs should be clearly presented with relevant axis labels and a title given to each graph. *Diagrams are to be drawn electronically using the Insert ? Shapes ? Line feature in MSWord. You can also search YouTube for “Drawing demand and supply diagrams in Word” for assistance. Your assignment should include footnote identification (name and student ID) on the bottom left hand side, and page numbers, on the bottom right hand side of the page. Use size 12 font for your assignment and use bold font for the question numbers/parts. Include at least four (4) authored and scholarly references for your assignment. Up to three (3) marks will be deducted for insufficient referencing, incorrect in-text citation and for not following the list of instructions below. Your similarity index: It is essential that you aim for a similarity score no higher than 30%. To achieve this you must not rewrite the assignment questions in your submission – just write the question numbers and parts e.g. Q1. (i). Do not copy directly from any other student’s work and do not copy directly from online sources or textbook sources even if you cite their work. You must write your assignment in your own words. You can however refer to another author’s work as a guide or for ideas, but you must correctly cite their work. A copy of Guide to Assignment Writing and Referencing is available on the Deakin University website: N.B. Students found to have a high level of similarity to another student’s work and/or another author’s work will be called in for an academic misconduct interview where penalties will apply. 2 Turnitin Submission Checklist ?? ? ? Your similarity score is at or below 30% - if it is not, you will need to check over your assignment and make the necessary changes to lower your similarity score and then resubmit your assignment before the due date/time to avoid a late penalty. ? Have you adhered to the specified word-limit? ? Your name and ID are footnoted on the bottom LHS of each page, with page numbers on the RHS ? Your font size is 12 point ? Have you referenced at least 4 authored, reliable sources in your assignment? ? ? ? The aim of this assignment is to examine the market for lithium, the firms that mine for lithium and related markets. Lithium is a key ingredient in the manufacture of lithium ion batteries used in electric vehicles, large battery storage units, and electronic devices like mobile phones and laptop computers. The assignment will draw on your understanding of some of the key concepts and models we have studied in chapter 4 together with some broader reading of Chapters 5 & 14-17 of Gans et al. (2018). Ensure your responses to the assignment questions use economic terminology and analysis. Question 1 – Summary and Analysis of Article i. Read the following articles that appeared in The Economist magazine and on The links to both articles appear below: ? battery-minerals ? Provide a 150-200 word summary of each article, outlining the main features of each. (4 marks) ii. In chapters 14 – 17 of Gans el al. (2018) we study the 4 market structures, their characteristics and behaviours. Which market structure best describes the market for lithium here in Australia or across the world? Justify your response by linking what you’ve read in the articles listed in part (i) and more broadly through other sources, to the key features that define that market structure in your textbook. [N.B.This question will require you to read ahead to Chapters 15, 16 & 17 covered in Weeks 9 and 10]. (4 marks) 3 Question 2 – Data and Analysis (Source: Benchmark Mineral Intelligence, 2018) i. Consider the chart (above) of Lithium Carbonate prices and focus specifically on the Global weighted average price (red series). Discuss the pattern in global lithium prices over the past 3 years. (2 marks) ii. Identify and discuss 2 economic factors that help to explain the broad trend and/or broad changes in the trend in lithium carbonate prices over the 3 year period from 2016-2018. (2 marks) 4 Question 3 – The Market for Lithium This question requires you to draw your diagrams electronically using the Insert ? Shapes feature in MS Word or MS Powerpoint. i. Consider the market for lithium. Using a single, fully-labelled demand and supply diagram, illustrate the combined demand and supply effects that have taken place in the lithium market over the past 3 years. Discuss the factors that have driven the changes to demand and supply and the effect on equilibrium price and quantity. [Note: You do not need to use actual data for this diagram and you can assume the market is competitive as assumed in Chapter 4 of Gans et al. (2018)]. (4 marks) ii. Using a fully-labelled demand and supply diagram representing the market for oil, illustrate the likely long-term effects that the lithium market might have on the market for oil. Provide an explanation of your analysis as well as the relationship between the two markets. [Note: You do not need to use actual data for this diagram and you can assume the market is competitive as assumed in Chapter 4 of Gans et al. (2018)]. What effect might the increasing availability of lithium over time have on the own-price elasticity of demand for oil? [Note: You do not have to show this in your diagram] (4 marks) (8 + 4 + 8 marks) Total 20 marks 5 Suggested useful references: (You may use other authored, reliable references for this assignment, though these references are provided as a useful guide). Benchmark Minerals Intelligence Blog (2018), China’s Lithium price decline is not the full picture to an industry surging, retrieved from the-full-picture-to-an-industry-surging/, accessed on 25 November 2018. Gans J, King S, Byford M, and Mankiw N, (2018), Principles of Microeconomics, 7th edn, Cengage, Melbourne. Leni, B. (2017), The lithium supply and demand story, retrieved from supply-demand-story/, accessed on 23 November 2018. McTaggart, D, Findlay C, Parkin, M, (2013), Microeconomics, 7th edn, Pearson Australia, NSW. The Economist (2017), The whizz of Oz: Australia is the new frontier for battery minerals, retrieved from, accessed on 23 November 2018.
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MAE305: Assignment DUE DATE: 11:59pm AEST 1 May 2018 Assignment Overview: This assignment is based on your own research drawn on resources available in the library as well as other external resources. Please note that you need to provide clear references for your sources. Please adopt the standard Harvard referencing style: Assessment: This assignment contributes towards 30% of your final score for this unit. This is not a group assignment. Submission: This assignment must be submitted electronically on CloudDeakin (CD) Dropbox area by all students by 11:59pm AEST 1 May 2018. No hard copy is required. Include your name and student ID clearly on the first page of your answers. Please check the Academic Honesty and Misconduct section in the Unit Guide. Submitting your answers automatically implies that you have read and accepted the Plagiarism and Collusion Declaration, and that the submitted answers are entirely your own work. Questions: Answer all questions. Limit the total word count of your assignment to less than 1,000 words. You are encouraged to provide necessary graphs, figures and tables with data wherever possible. These are not subject to the word limit. Presentation: You will be assessed on how well you communicate your responses to each of the questions within this assessment. In total, 3 marks will be allocated to Communication, which includes the quality of the language used, and how well you are able to communicate information accurately using academic style. Questions: Please pick up one energy source of your choice and answer the following questions: 1) a) Develop a global industry profile for your selected energy type and link it with supply scenario. (b) Provide discussion of major global buyers and energy demand patterns. 4.5 + 4.5 marks = 9 marks 2) Research the distribution and pricing mechanisms for your selected energy source. What are the challenges by the particular industry? 9 Marks [Hint for 1 and 2: Data speaks a thousand words!] 3) a) What are the environmental implications of producing and consuming the particular energy type? [Hint for 3a: Case studies are fun!] b) Based on your above analyses, provide your own prediction about the future direction of this particular energy industry. Do not forget to justify your projection following concrete theory and literature. 6 + 3 marks = 9 marks ** 3 marks for Communication skills- MAE305 T1 2018 Assignment Rubric Criteria YET TO ACHIEVE MINIMUM STANDARD MEETS STANDARD EXCEEDS STANDARD Not attempted (F) Needs Improvement (F) Satisfactory (P) Good (C) Very good (D) Excellent (HD) Global Energy market discussion (Total 9 marks) GLO 1 & GLO8 Does not address major issues within the Global Energy market, no discussion of producers and sellers within the market, or of their importance within the global market mechanism. Default: 1.3 Range: 0 – 2.6 Demonstrates poor understanding of the major issues within the Global Energy market, minimal discussion of producers and sellers within the market, or demonstrates misconceptions of their importance within the global market mechanism. Default: 3.6 Range: 2.7 – 4.4 Addresses the major issues within the Global Energy market, with incomplete discussion of producers and sellers within the market, or demonstrates some misconceptions of their importance within the global market mechanism. Default: 4.9 Range: 4.5 – 5.3 Demonstrates good understanding of major issues within the Global Energy market, with mostly complete discussion of producers and sellers within the market, and demonstrates clear ideas of their importance within the global market mechanism. Default: 5.8 Range: 5.4 – 6.2 Demonstrates very good understanding of many of the issues within the Global Energy market, with complete discussion of producers and sellers within the market, and demonstrates complete ideas of their importance within the global market mechanism. Default: 6.7 Range: 6.3 – 7.1 Demonstrates thorough understanding of all of the issues within the Global Energy market, with complete and balanced discussion of producers and sellers within the market, and demonstrates thorough understanding of their importance within the global market mechanism. Default: 9.0 Range: 7.2 – 9.0 Pricing mechanisms discussion including challenges for the industry. (Total 9 marks) GLO1 & GLO4 Does not provide any discussion of pricing mechanisms, not acknowledging any challenges that face the industry. No discussion of distribution of trading patterns of the energy source, global trends and mechanisms. No description or analysis of the challenges the industry faces Default: 1.3 Range: 0.0 – 2.6 Description of the distribution and trading pattern not clear or are not explored. Minimal discussion of distribution of trading patterns of the energy source, global trends and mechanisms. Analysis of the challenges the industry faces minimally explored. Default: 3.6 Range: 2.7 – 4.4 Description of the distribution and trading pattern sufficiently explored, but at times is confusing. Adequate discussion of distribution of trading patterns of the energy source, global trends and mechanisms. Analysis of the challenges the industry faces adequately explored. Default: 4.9 Range: 4.5 – 5.3 Description of the distribution and trading pattern clearly explored, and within context. Good discussion of distribution of trading patterns of the energy source, global trends and mechanisms. Analysis of the challenges the industry faces explored including some of the complexities of the issue. Default: 5.8 Range: 5.4 – 6.2 Description of the distribution and trading pattern clearly explored, with synthesised evidence, and in context. Very good discussion of distribution of trading patterns of the energy source, global trends and mechanisms. Analysis of the challenges the industry faces insightfully explored including many of the complexities of the issue. Default: 6.7 Range: 6.3 – 7.1 Description of the distribution and trading pattern comprehensively explored, with synthesised evidence, and in context. Thorough discussion of distribution of trading patterns of the energy source, global trends and mechanisms. Analysis of the challenges the industry faces skillfully explored including many of the complexities of the issue, and providing limitations and implications. Default: 9.0 Range: 7.2 – 9.0 Discussion of environmental consequences and future direction of this particular energy industry. Justification Does not propose or discuss environmental consequences or future direction of the industry, indicating a lack of comprehension of the issues associated with global Energy Inappropriately proposes or discusses environmental consequences or future direction of the industry, indicating little comprehension of the issues associated with Acceptably proposes or discusses environmental consequences or future direction of the industry, indicating satisfactory comprehension of the issues Creatively proposes or discusses environmental consequences or future direction of the industry, indicating sound comprehension of the issues associated with global Energy Very creatively proposes or discusses environmental consequences or future direction of the industry, indicating a high level comprehension of the issues associated with global Energy Exceptionally creative proposal and discussion environmental consequences or of future direction of the industry, indicating complete comprehension of the issues of your projection following concrete theory and literature. (Total 4 marks) GLO1 & GLO5 industries. Justification of projection does not include consideration of theory and literature Default: 1.3 Range: 0.0 – 2.6 global Energy industries. Justification of projection minimally includes consideration of theory and literature Default: 3.6 Range: 2.7 – 4.4 associated with global Energy industries. Justification of projection satisfactorily includes consideration of theory and literature Default: 4.9 Range: 4.5 – 5.3 industries. Justification of projection fairly and logically includes consideration of relevant and credible theory and literature Default: 5.8 Range: 5.4 – 6.2 industries. Justification of projection reasonably and mostly includes consideration of relevant and credible theory and literature Default: 6.7 Range: 6.3 – 7.1 associated with global Energy industries. Justification of projection consistently includes consideration of relevant and credible theory and literature Default: 9.0 Range: 7.2 – 9.0 Quality of language and ability to communicate information accurately using academic style (Total 3 marks) GLO2 Writing filled with grammatical and spelling errors. English expression is difficult to understand. Little or no use of paraphrasing, with a heavy reliance on quotes. In-text citation and referencing have not been used or do not conform to Harvard standard. Default: 0.4 Range: 0.0 – 0.8 Many grammatical and spelling errors. English expression is difficult to understand, but meaning can be made of what is written. Little effort has been put into paraphrasing of material. In-text citations not utilised or inaccurate. List of references does not follow the Harvard referencing style correctly. Default: 1.2 Range: 0.9 – 1.4 Expresses thoughts meaningfully, even though there may be occasional errors. Paraphrasing uses too many of the author’s own words. In-text citations are too sparse and/or mostly inaccurate. Some attempt to present a list of References following the Harvard referencing style, but may have several errors. Default: 1.6 Range: 1.5 – 1.7 Expresses thoughts meaningfully, even though there may be occasional errors. Paraphrasing portrays the ideas of others in student’s own words. In-text citations are accurate in most cases and are just adequate to the task. List of References presented using the Harvard referencing style accurately in most cases. Default: 1.9 Range: 1.8 – 2 Communicates meaning with clarity and fluency. Writing is almost error-free. Paraphrasing correctly portrays the ideas of others in student’s own words. In-text citations are accurate and support the arguments made in the assignment quite well. List of References presented accurately using the Harvard referencing style. Default: 2.2 Range: 2.1 – 2.3 Skillfully communicates meaning with high level of clarity and fluency. Writing is virtually error-free. Paraphrasing correctly portrays the ideas of others in student’s own words. In-text citations are accurate and support the arguments made in the assignment very well. List of References presented very accurately using the Harvard style. Default: 3.0 Range: 2.4 – 3.0 Overall N 0.0 – 8.6 N 8.7 – 14.6 P 14.7 – 17.6 C 17.7 – 21 D 21.2 – 23.6 H 23.7 – 30
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MAE307 Assessment task 2
1 MAE307 Assessment task 2: Individual Cost-Benefit Study. Grading and weighting (% total mark for unit): 40% This assessment task has a strict 2,000 word limit. The report is due 31/8/2018 [Week 7] at 11.59pm AEST. Please submit it on CloudDeakin and include the cover sheet associated with the unit. Choose ONE only of the following 15 topics. Fully document the sources of your information and any references that you use. Use either the Harvard or APA style of referencing: Net economic value means TSB – TSC, i.e. a social CBA. A social rate of return differs from a commercial rate of return. In your answer make a careful distinction between the primary and secondary market[s] impacts and provide a discussion of whether the latter should be included. If you conclude that they should try and measure them approximately. Also be aware of any externality issues. The theory including analytical techniques of social cost benefit analysis will be covered in weeks 1 to 5 inclusive and completed in week 7. There are 7 classes devoted to CBA. Please note that an extra class for this subject is scheduled in week 6 on Friday 1pm to 4pm in Y2.43. Consequently, I recommend that you write up your CBA assignment in week 7 after the Monday class, as it is only by then that the relevant techniques would have all been covered. I encourage each student to discuss their work with me prior to submission at least once, as you will encounter technical issues that require clarification. You can make an appointment [I am in LB5.303] by emailing me first. My email address is: 2 Allocation of marks: (i) Literature review: prior studies. [5 marks] (ii) Use of analytical tools in analysing the primary market. [including an awareness of any externality issues] [15 marks] (iii) Analysis and treatment of interdependencies between markets. [15 marks] (iv) Quality of written expression. [5 marks] You are required to use the following headings in your submission: (i) Literature review. [Use footnotes when referring to specific parts of a reference]. (ii) Measurement of direct [primary market] total social benefits [TSB]. (iii) Indirect [secondary market] benefits. (iv) Externality issues. (v) Measurement of total social cost [TSC]. (vi) Measuring social and commercial rates of return. (vii) Summary. Net economic value and commercial and social rates of return. (viii) Bibliography. TOPICS [A] What did the Australian Federal Police spend on drug investigation services in 2016-17? [See the annual report of the AFP for 2016-17 available on the Internet]. Using a social CBA framework, estimate the (i) commercial and (ii) social rate of return from the resources invested in drug investigations during this period. References: [i] M. McFadden (2006) The Australian Federal Police Drug Harm Index: A new methodology for quantifying success in combating drug use. Australian Journal of Public Administration 65(4). Pp. 68-81. [ii] M. McFadden & Toni-Lee porter (2011) Australian Federal Police drug investigations: benefit-cost analysis. International Journal of Public sector Management 24(4). Pp. 368-78. [iii] M. McFadden, Sue-Ellen Mwesigye and G. Williamson (2002) Pricing Outputs: A Case Study in Law Enforcement. Australian Journal of Public Administration. 61(4). Pp. 80-88. [B] Estimate the (i) net economic value; (ii) commercial and social rates of return of the following: (i) Irrigation water consumed in Victoria in 2016; (ii) Water consumed for domestic use in Victoria in 2016 and 3 (iii) Water consumed for industrial use in Victoria in 2016. For some background information on the Victorian water industry see: the report of the Victorian Auditor General [VAGO] November 2017: Results of 2016-17 Audits: Water Entities. [C] Assess the (i) commercial and social rate of return and (ii) net economic value of constructing a rail line between Flinders Street Station and Monash University [Clayton campus]. [D] Assess the (i) commercial and social rate of return and (ii) net economic value of Melbourne’s trams in 2017. As a starting point see the annual report of PTV [Public transport Victoria]. [E] Assess the (i) commercial and social rate of return and (ii) net economic value of establishing a safe drug injecting room in North Richmond. [F] Assess the (i) commercial and social rate of return and (ii) net economic value of a new headspace centre in Bendigo. [G] In May 2018 The Office of the Victorian Auditor General [VAGO] published a report: ‘Assessing the Benefits from the Regional Rail Link Project.’ In chapter 3 there is a discussion of the key issues in measuring the social benefits of this project. Figure 3A on pages 37 and 38 of the report itemises the (i) measures of expected benefits actually used and (ii) VAGO commentary on each of these. The report can be found on the website of VAGO. Provide an estimate of the (i) commercial and social rate of return and (ii) net economic value of the Regional Rail Link Project [TSB – TSC]. In doing so, provide a critique of the commentary in Figure 3A. [H] In August 2017 The Office of the Victorian Auditor General [VAGO] published a report: ‘V/Line Passenger services.’ Using relevant parts of this report, in particular chapter 3 4 [Financial performance] and V/Line’s annual reports, evaluate (i) the average commercial and social rate of return and (ii) the average net economic value of V/Line passenger services over the period 2012-13 to 2016-17. [I] Estimate the (i) commercial and social rate of return and (ii) net economic value of public housing services provided in Victoria in 2016-17. Use as your starting point the report by the Victorian Auditor General [VAGO] June 2017: ‘Managing Victoria’s Public Housing.’ See also the annual report 2016-17 of the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services. [J] Estimate the average (i) commercial and social rate of return and (ii) net economic value of Victoria’s museums over the period 2012-13 to 2016-17. Use as your starting point the 2016- 17 Annual Report of the Museums Board of Victoria. [K] The Australian Childhood Immunisation Register shows that in early 2018, 95.3% of five year olds were fully immunised in Victoria. [See Commonwealth Department of Health]. Assess (i) the commercial and social rate of return and (ii) the net economic value of Victoria’s childhood immunisation programme. [L] Assess (i) the commercial and social rate of return and (ii) the net economic value of the Australian football league [AFL]. [M] Assess the (i) commercial and social rate of return and (ii) the net economic value of the Victorian Opera in 2017. [N] Various parks across Victoria provide paid services of roofed accommodation and camping. Assess the (i) commercial and social rate of return and (ii) the net economic value of these in 2017. As a starting point see page 66 of the 2017 annual report of Parks Victoria Annual Report 2016-17. 5 [O] Estimate (i) the commercial and social rate of return and (ii) the net economic value of golf in Victoria in 2016. See as a starting point: (i) Annual report of Golf Victoria 2016 and (ii) Golf Victoria: The Community Impact of Golf in Victoria, April 2016. Prepared for Golf Victoria [available on the internet].
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MAE308 Contemporary issues in Trade and Development
1 MAE308: Contemporary issues in Trade and Development T2 2017 Written Report (Assignment) Due Date: 15th September, Friday by 11.59pm in CloudDeakin Total marks: 80 points Note: This report (assignment) needs to be completed in a group (for on-campus students) and needs to be submitted by one of the group members in CloudDeakin by the due date and time. The ONLINE/CLOUD students will complete and submit the report (assignment) individually. Each group (for on-campus students) and each online/cloud student should present the report (related to Q1 and Q2 below) on Tuesday, the 19th September during the seminar time. Each group/online student will have 10 minutes for presentation. There are 20 marks allocated for the presentation. Report (Assignment) questions Q1. Go to the following website and find out the TOP SIX countries as of 2016 in terms of Goods exports and Goods imports from the table, “Australia’s direction of goods & service trade – calendar year (from 1987 to present)” For each of these TOP SIX countries, download the values of goods exported and goods imported for the years 2006 to 2016. Present this data in a Table (or Tables if need be) clearly identifying the country names and variable names including years. Now plot the data series for exports for all countries together in a graph. Then plot the data series for imports for all countries together in a graph. Based on these graphs, discuss and explain any broad pattern of trade between Australia and each of these six countries. For explanation, you can use the concepts or theories we have learnt in this unit. What would you recommend to the Government to boost trade if you were a policy maker? [30 points] Q2. Now visit the following web link and download the AUSTRALIA LEVEL “Country and Commodity Pivot Table 2006 to 2016” From this table, get the Grand total of Exports and Imports for each of the SIX COUNTRIES above for each of these three sectors separately, (i) Agriculture, forestry & fisheries, (ii) 2 Minerals & fuels and (iii) Manufactures. Present these data in appropriate Tables clearly identifying the country names and sectors. Graph the above data separately for each country for exports and imports. Now compare and discuss which country has a comparative advantage in any of the above sectors. Explain if Australia has any comparative advantage (or not) in one of the above sectors. Give reasons for your answers based on the concepts or theories we have learnt in this unit. What strategies should Australia adopt to increase the volume of trade as well as comparative advantage? [30 points] Q3. Following are data for soybean yield, production, and trade for 2010-2011: Country Yield (metric ton/hectare) Production (100,000 metric ton) Export (100,000 metric ton) Imports (100,000 metric ton) Australia 1.71 0.29 0.025 0.007 Brazil 3.12 748.2 258 1.18 Canada 2.75 42.5 27.8 2.42 China 1.89 144 1.64 570 France 2.95 1.23 0.24 5.42 Japan 1.60 2.19 0.0006 34.6 Mexico 1.32 2.05 0.001 37.7 Russian Federation 1.48 17.6 0.008 10.7 United States 2.79 831 423 4.45 Source: Food and Agriculture Organization Suppose that the countries listed in the table are engaged in free trade and that soybean production is land-intensive. Answer the following: a. In which countries does land benefit from free trade in soybeans? Explain. b. In which countries does land lose from free trade in soybeans? Explain. c. In which countries does the move to free trade in soybeans have little or no effect on the land rental? Explain [20 points] 3 NOTE THE FOLLOWING FOR THE REPORT: Presentation and Referencing: The report must be typed. Answers should be in full sentences, which have been checked for grammar and spelling. Marks will be deducted if your ideas are expressed poorly or are confused, and cannot be awarded if your expression is ambiguous. Data should be neatly presented in table and graph format where requested, with sources correctly documented. The tables and graphs should have a relevant title and each axis on the graphs should be correctly labelled. Sources of data should be acknowledged under each table and chart and fully documented using a reference list presented at the end of the assignment. Word limit: You are limited to no more than 3,000 words in total. The words in any graphs/diagrams, tables, equations, and the references do not count toward the word limit. Submission details: Submit an electronic copy of your assignment to the Drop Box in CloudDeakin, before 11:59 p.m. Friday 15th September, 2017. Make sure you receive an email confirming submission. Do not leave it until the last minute as CloudDeakin can become congested around submission time, and the drop box automatically closes at 11:59pm. Do NOT email assignments. Extensions: Extensions can only be approved by the Unit Chair. They are rarely granted and rarely for more than a few days, so do not depend on an extension. Extensions can be granted for documented serious illness (not just on the day the assignment is due!) or for compassionate reasons. Work or holiday reasons are NOT grounds for an extension – you are expected to manage these issues as part of your studies. You are strongly encouraged to start early and to continually backup your assignment as you progress. Computer crashes or corrupted files will NOT be accepted as valid reasons for an extension of any length. Note that CloudDeakin does not accept some file formats, including Excel files. You should upload one file only in either Word or (preferably) PDF format. Other Information: Please read carefully the University policy on ‘ACADEMIC HONESTY AND MISCONDUCT’ before you start working on your report. The direct URL is:
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MIS171 Business Analytics
DEAKIN COLLEGE in association with DEAKIN UNIVERSITY MIS171 Business Analytics Assignment One T1 2019 Marks: 20% Due Date: 6 pm, Sunday 14 April 2019 Please submit the electronic copy to the portal. Process to be advised by your lecturer. Background This is an individual assignment, which requires you to analyse a dataset, interpret the results and then report your findings to a person with little or no knowledge of statistical data analysis. The assignment uses the file “Assignment 1 and 2 DATASET - Cleveland.xlsx” which can be downloaded from the MIS171 section in Moodle (in the Deakin College Portal). Scenario Cleveland Corp. is an American car parts manufacturer with a factory in Adelaide which employs 2,000 people. The company wishes to study its full?time workforce by developing an employee profile that measures factors such as salary, job satisfaction, and career progress. You will be playing the role of Jessica Chen, a Senior Analyst at the company. Senior management of Cleveland Corp has asked you to conduct a survey of their employees. You decide to take a random sample of 450 staff and conduct the survey via company internal mail. The results are saved in the data set “Assignment 1 and 2 DATASET - Cleveland.xlsx”. Michelle Wang, Human Resources Manager at Cleveland, has written to you regarding the Cleveland employee survey. Her letter to you is reproduced below. MIS171 Business Analytics Assignment One, Trimester 1 2019 1 For Attention: Jessica Chen, Senior Analyst 01/02/2019 From: Michelle Wang, Human Resources Manager Regarding: Analysis of employee survey Dear Jessica, Regarding the recently collected data from the Cleveland Corp’s employee survey, please provide me with answers to the following questions. Your responses will assist our department in constructing the employee profile required by senior management. 1. Please provide an overall summary of employees’ salaries. 2. Please provide an estimate of the proportion of employees who are either “Moderately Satisfied” or “Very Satisfied” with their job at Cleveland Corp. 3. Senior management is also interested in how salary is related to gender. Does there appear to be any relationship between an employee’s salary and their gender? 4. Can you please provide an overall summary of how Cleveland Corp employees rated their relations with the management? 5. Senior management is interested in which numerical variables, (if any) seem to influence an employee’s salary. Please provide a summary of these relationships if any. Please present your written findings in a report (no more than two pages), with an appendix (no more than eight pages) containing the results of your analysis, by no later than 6.00pm on Sunday 14 April 2019. Regards Michelle Wang Part 1: Data Analysis To prepare a reply to the manager’s letter, you will need to use Excel to analyse the data set “Assignment 1 and 2 DATASET - Cleveland.xlsx” thoroughly. You will need to apply techniques you have learned during lectures and tutorials in Weeks 1 to 3 such as: • tables • graphs, and • summary measures. You DO NOT need toperformanyadditionalanalysisother thanwhatyou have learned in weeks 1, 2 and 3. Please use the worksheets ‘Q1’ through ‘Q5’ to work on each question. You may initially produce more Excel output than you need, so you will only need to copy and paste the relevant output from these worksheets to the ‘Results’ worksheet. Keep in mind the page limit of 8 printed pages for the analysis AND that the presentation of the results will be marked too! GUIDELINES The manager has asked for a number of tasks to be done. The following guidelines for each question should be followed: 1. Please provide an overall summary of employees’ salaries. You will need to use numerical analysis methods to summarise overall salaries. In the report, you will also need to write about averages, variability etc. as presented in the examples in the relevant lecture and tutorial. 2. Please provide an estimate of the proportion of employees’ job satisfaction (that is, who are either “Moderately satisfied” or “Very satisfied” with their job) at Cleveland. You will need to use categorical variable analysis methods to provide this estimate. In the report, you will also need to state the estimate and discuss the limitations of this type of estimate. 3. Senior management is also interested in how salary is related to gender. Does there appear to be any relationship between an employee’s salary and their gender? You will need to focus on whether there is a difference or not. If yes, make sure you describe them. If not, you should explain why you think there is no difference. 4. Can you please provide an overall summary of how Cleveland Corp employees rated their relations with the management? You will need to use categorical analysis methods to summarise the variable. In the report you also need to briefly describe your findings. Examples can be found in the relevant lecture and tutorial. 5. Senior management is interested in which numerical variables seem to influence an employee’s salary. Please provide a summary of these relationships if any. Once more you will need to use techniques for the analysis of two variables. You will need to analyse six (6) numerical relationships. In each case, the type of the relationship – if there is one – and its direction and strength are of interest. Make sure you comment on what you find in each case. GENERAL GUIDELINES: • Before doing any analysis, classify all your variables as either numerical or categorical. The techniques you will use depend on the type of data you have. • As mentioned above, the analysis section (Part 1) you submit should be no more than 8 pages of computer output. You might produce much more than this initially, but you should trim it down to only show the most relevant results. • When satisfied, you should copy-and-paste your analysis output into a Word document. • Your analysis should be presented in the same sequence as the manager’s questions, and everything should be clearly labelled and grouped around each question. • Also, make sure, there are no table or graph “breaks” across two pages. • Poorly presented or unorganised analysis or excessive output (more than 8 pages) will be penalised. • Save your computer analysis frequently (every 10 to 15 minutes). Part 2: Report (that is, your reply to the Manager’s letter) Write a letter to the manager, explaining essential information and conclusions from your data analysis. You are allowed no more than two pages to convey your written findings. • Keep the English simple and the explanations brief. • Avoid the use of technical statistical terminology. Your reader will not necessarily understand even simple statistical terms. Your task is to explain your analysis using plain, understandable language. General instructions: • The report is to be written as a standalone document (that is, assume for the scenario that the manager will only read your report, and not look at your analysis output). You should not have any direct references to your analysis in your report. • When writing your reply, make sure that you actually provide the information the manager requested in her letter to you. That is, answer the manager’s questions. • Do not include computer output tables and charts in your response report. • Number your answers in your report 1, 2 a, … etc., to match the sequence of the manager’s requests. • Include an introduction at the start of the report and a summary/conclusion at the end. • Marks will be deducted for the use of technical terms, poor grammar, awkward sentence structure, poor spelling and punctuation, irrelevant material, poor presentation/organisation and letters that are over two (2) pages long. Assignment Checklist BEFORE YOU FINISH: Part 1 (Data Analysis) 1. Have you applied the correct analysis techniques? 2. Is the analysis in the same order as the manager’s requests? 3. Is every table and every graph clearly labelled? 4. Are there tables or graphs that are broken across 2 pages? (If yes, make sure you change that!) 5. Is the analysis output no more than 8 pages long? Part 2 (Report) 1. Is your report written in plain language? 2. Is it free of grammar and spelling mistakes? 3. Is it free of technical language? 4. Is it free of Excel output (tables, graphs)? 5. Are the answers numbered and in the same order as the manager’s requests? 6. Is the report no more than 2 pages long? Assignment submission: Your submission will comprise two (2) parts: Part 1: Data Analysis Part 2: Report Both parts may be contained in a single file, but their content must be separated. That is, you will submit one document only. The electronic submission will consist of two parts. Failure to separate Part 1 and Part 2 will be penalised. The Assignment must be submitted electronically and 10% of available marks will be deducted for late submission. Electronic submission: There will be a Turnitin link in Moodle under Resources and Assessment labelled “MIS171-Assignment1”. Students must maintain backup copies of all their assignment work. Electronic loss of data is common but is NOT a satisfactory excuse for an extension of the submission date. Late submission of assignments: If your work is late due to medical reasons, you will not need to seek the prior approval from your lecturer. However, you must attach a Doctor’s certificate to your assignment with a note that the work is late for medical reasons. Please note that, in these circumstances, the medical certificate must cover the entire period of the extension, from the time the assignment was due until the time it is submitted. Penalties for late submissions. Assignments received late and without prior approval, will be penalised. A penalty of 5% of the available marks will be deducted for every day the assignment is late. Assignments received after one (1) calendar week and without an approved extension, will not be accepted, and therefore considered not submitted.
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MMH356 Change Management
MMH356 – Change Management Trimester 2, 2019 Assignment 2: Final Report DUE DATE AND TIME: Sunday 15 September 2019, 11:59 PM PERCENTAGE OF FINAL GRADE: 40 marks; 40% of final grade HURDLE DETAILS: None NUMBER OF WORDS: 3,000 Learning Outcome Details Unit Learning Outcome (ULO) Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO) ULO 1: Demonstrate a sophisticated and nuanced understanding of theoretical frameworks, key concepts and contemporary human resource and management issues associated with organisational change GLO1: Discipline specific knowledge and capabilities ULO 2: Use digital technologies to locate and access information relevant to change in a real?life organisation, and to then effectively communicate that account using a specified academic referencing style and specified professional report format GLO 3: Digital literacy ULO 3: Critically describe, analyse and evaluate practical change? related behaviours, processes and outcomes by referring to organisational change theories and concepts GLO 4: Critical thinking ULO 4: Selectively apply evidence?based theories and concepts to change opportunities and instances within real organisational contexts in order to improve the likelihood of more effective human resource and/or more efficient management outcomes GLO 5: Problem solving Assessment Feedback: Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their marks and formative feedback on CloudDeakin before 30 September 2019, 11:59 PM. Students who submit the Final Report after the due date may not receive their results until after those released for on?time submissions. Description / Requirements: Task This final report should be based on the organisation you selected for the Progress Report, to enable you to build on the feedback: 1. W.A. Communications 2. Express Link 3. Swancare 4. RSPCA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (2 marks) In this section provide an overview of the whole report for time poor executives in your selected organisation. OVERVIEW (2 marks): In this section provide an overview from the progress report of the organisation’s profile, driving and restraining internal/external forces, and symptoms and causes. Don’t just cut and paste from the progress report; rather provide a summary. Then provide a paragraph on how you will be applying the feedback from the Progress Report. BODY (25 marks): 1. Diagnosis: using the model you selected in your progress report, apply that model to your selected organisation and critically evaluate the organisational functions and relationships (15 marks). 2. Intervention: Select three (3) change interventions, which you as the external change agent, believe should be applied to move the organisation towards its preferred state (5 marks). For your chosen interventions you must: a. Provide a clear and concise name for the intervention; b. Describe and analyse the significant features of the intervention. c. Discuss how you would apply it 3. Planning & implementation: Describe, critically review and evaluate change planning and change implementation issues such as people management (change agency and change resistance) and sustaining change in the organisation. (5 marks) CONCLUSION/RECOMMENDATIONS (6 marks): 4. Conclusion/Recommendations: (i.e. future state): Directly flowing on from your diagnosis, critical analyses and evaluation, provide a concise summary of the status of the organisation and suggest three specific and concise recommendations (not interventions) for the organisation. The purpose of these recommendations is to achieve more efficient and/or more effective ongoing change management, and/or to suggest improvements and/or solve any problems which you have identified. STRUCTURE, CITATIONS AND REFERENCING (5 marks): Provide a paragraph on how you applied the feedback from the Progress Report on your citations and referencing. Use a minimum of four (4) academic sources AND four (4) non?academic sources relevant to your Final Report. Provide accurate in?text citations and references for all responses using the Harvard Deakin Guide to Referencing . Description / Requirements: Presentation STRUCTURE: Please include the following sections in your Final Report (asterisked notes are explained below table): Title Page new page, Roman numeral page number i, but page number invisible; not included total word count Table of Contents new page, Roman numeral page number ii, not included total word count List of Illustrations new page, only include list of any diagrams, figures or illustrations Roman numeral page numbering not included total word count Executive Summary** new page Roman numeral page numbering approx. 400 words NOT included total word count Overview** new page, Arabic numeral page number 1; approx. 200 words, included in word count ‘Body’* new page, Diagnosis: approx. 1000 words; Interventions: approx. 750 words; Planning/Implementation: approx. 750 words; Arabic numeral page numbering total approx. 2,500 words, included in word count Conclusion/ Recommendation** new page, Arabic numeral page numbering approx. 300 words, included in word count References new page, all sources in the one section, according to Harvard Deakin Guide to Referencing, Arabic numeral page numbering Asterisked notes: * Please feel free to create your own headings and sub?headings throughout the ‘Body’ of your reports, as appropriate for the content you provide in each section and subsection. ** Refer Generic Report Writing Guide on CloudDeakin for detailed advice about: (i) what types of information to include in which report sections; (ii) how to number the sections; (iii) how to apply Roman and Arabic pagination for the different sections; and (iv) how to write and present your recommendations. FORMATTING: Submission of a formal report which is presented and formatted at a professional standard is an important and assessed Learning Outcome for this assignment, and also a valuable employment skill. Please apply the following: • Font: Size 12 Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial • Line spacing: 1.5, no indentation, but one extra line spacing between paragraphs • Margins: 2.54 cm • Headings and sub?headings • Section numbering: Alphanumeric or decimal outline of up to three levels • Pagination: Roman page numbering and Arabic page numbering used as requested above • Header and/or footer: student name, ID number, unit code and assessment task name • Total word count: provided on Title page SAMPLE REPORTS: Sample Final Reports will be provided on CloudDeakin. These reports were submitted by past MMH356 students in previous trimesters, but for different organisations and in response to different specific tasks and questions. It is not essential for you to copy the exact formatting of either sample report, but they are useful guides for to how to structure, format and present a formal report at a professionally acceptable standard 1. Save your assignment as a Word file (.doc or .docx) with a file name which includes your ID number, unit code plus the name of the assessment task. e.g. StudentID_MMH356_Final Report 2. Click on the Assignment Submission Dropbox within MMH356 on CloudDeakin to declare that the Final Report is totally your own work written in this Trimester for this unit and submit your assignment. 3. Check carefully to confirm that your report was submitted and received correctly. Submission Conditions • Assignments are on time if they are submitted via CloudDeakin before the due date/time. • You may resubmit your assignment, at any time up until the due date/time. • Do not, under any circumstance, email your assignment to the Unit Chair or Cloud Co?ordinator. It will not be assessed. • Requests for Special Consideration, extensions or variation to the assignment task will be considered only if caused by some unexpected, unpredictable and unavoidable event AND supported by documentation. Requests and documentation must be emailed to the Unit Chair before the assignment due date. • Late submissions without extensions will be accepted up until five days after the due date/time, with 5% of available marks deducted per day (or part thereof) late. The late penalty in MMH356 is calculated as follows: • 1 day late: submitted one hour late after 11.59pm Sunday on due date but before Monday 11.59pm – 5% penalty. • 2 days late: submitted after 11.59pm Sunday of the due date but before Tuesday 11.59pm – 10% penalty. • 3 days late: submitted after 11.59pm Sunday of the due date but before Wednesday 11.59pm – 15% penalty. • 4 days late: submitted after 11.59pm Sunday of the due date but before Thursday 11.59pm – 20% penalty. • 5 days late: submitted after 11.59pm Sunday of the due date but before Friday 11.59pm – 25% penalty. • Plagiarism declaration: By clicking on the SUBMIT button to submit your assignment, you are declaring that the work is entirely your own, except where material quoted or paraphrased is acknowledged in the text by use of quotation marks and citations where appropriate. You are also declaring that it has not been submitted for assessment by any other student or by you in any other unit or course. Assignment Results Your report results, rubric scores and feedback will normally become available in the Assignment Folder in CloudDeakin within 15 business days of the due date. If you have been granted an extension for the assignment, your score and feedback may be released later than for on?time submissions. Before results are returned to students, the unit team will moderate the marking process to ensure that the same marking standards are applied to all students within the unit and to check all assignments for plagiarism using Turnitin software. Marking penalties will be applied to reports which contain evidence of plagiarism, collusion or other forms of cheating. If any student believes an error has been made in the marking of their assignment and wishes to request a review, they must (1) email the Unit Chair (, from their Deakin email account, within 5 working days of the CloudDeakin release of marks, and (2): (i) attach e?copies of their assignment and their completed Grade Form Rubric; (ii) identify the specific rubric criterion involved; (iii) explain why their work should have received a higher score for that criterion; and (iv) support their claim by referring to specific evidence from their assignment. Receiving a disappointing result is not a justification for review. In the rare case of a report being granted a review, the reviewed score will be final. That score may
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MMH733 Ethics for Managers
MMH733: Ethics for Managers Assignment 2 Due date: 17th September 2017 at 23h59 Submission: online via CloudDeakin Weight: 40% Word limit: 3000 words Formatting: 1.5 line spacing; 12 point font; Times New Roman or Arial Task: Individual TASK INFORMATION Founded in Sweden by a 17-year old Ingvar Kamprad in 1943 and now regarded as one of the largest retailers in the world, IKEA has definitely stood the test of time. IKEA is often in the press and have provided quite a lot of information about the business on their own corporate website and thus provide us with a good opportunity to study an organisation from the perspective of ethics. To get you started, you will find three press articles and four links to reports from the past few years about IKEA: You will find out more about IKEA here: • _ Here is a link to some of the IKEA media releases: • _ You will find the key figures about Ikea here: • _ 2 You need to do your own research and consider IKEA from the following ethical perspectives: 1. What are the most significant ethical issues that IKEA has faced recently? How has the company addressed them? 2. How does IKEA’s vision, mission and code of practice influence its actions? Give examples that illustrate this. 3. Discuss IKEA’s CSR actions from the perspective of Carroll’s Four Part Model of Corporate Social Responsibility. 4. According to Mitchell et al’s (1997) three key relationship attributes (power, legitimacy and urgency), who are IKEA’s key stakeholders? For these stakeholders, do you think IKEA treats them ethically? Justify your answer. 5. Considering your research and analysis, provide a number of recommendations for the organisation in order for it to be a more ethical company in the future. 3 Assignment 1 Template Cover Page Ensure a cover page is attached to the front of your report, showing unit name, your name, date of submission, and your student ID number. Abstract (approx. 100 words; not included in word count) Type a short abstract that briefly describes the purpose of the project, and what the main findings are. (You may want to do the abstract once the assignment is done.) Introduction (approx. 100 words) This section must cover two main things (a) a brief introduction and background to the study For the introduction and background, you must provide a brief introduction to the reader about the assignment, its relevance and importance etc. (b) the objectives of the study You need to clearly state the key objectives (2-3) of the assignment. Analysis of the case study (approx. 2800 words) Address the 5 questions provided and discuss IKEA from the perspective of business ethics. You should allocate approximately equal weight to each of the questions (500 – 600 words per question). Conclusion (approx. 100 words) Write a short concluding comment which reminds the reader what the main purpose of the research was, how you went about addressing the objectives of the study, what data you used and the main findings were. 4 Also write a short paragraph on the main limitations of the study…i.e. what is/are the main weaknesses of the study which you would like to bring to the attention of the readers. References Include a list of relevant references in alphabetical order, using Harvard style. Appendix (optional) Additional Information Submission of Report Students are required to submit only an electronic copy of their report (in MS Word) in the area provided on Cloud Deakin by 23h59 on the due date. Supporting diagrams Use tables and diagrams where appropriate. All tables and diagrams must be numbered, labeled and briefly explained in the text of your paper e.g. “Table 2 shows the GDP growth of the main economies ....” Font Use a 12 point font. (Times New Roman or Arial). The report should be 1.5 line spaced with an extra line space between each paragraph. Please use page numbers and indicate at the end of your report the word count. Word Count The word limit is 3000 and will be strictly adhered to. A 10% penalty (from the available marks) will apply for deviating from this word limit. The following sections are NOT included in the word count: Cover Page; Abstract; References; Appendices. 5 Research Students are expected to prepare for the report by reading and citing a range of references. These could include journal articles, books, newspaper articles, business reports, and government reports. Extensions Extensions may be granted on the grounds of illness or special consideration (not foreseen possibilities like travel time taken for work). If you need an extension please discuss this with the unit chair as soon as possible. A medical certificate must accompany any extension requests based on illness. Assessment of the report This report is worth 40% of your final grade. The rubric is available on CloudDeakin. You should refer to these criteria when preparing your report for submission. Your results and assessor’s comments will be returned to you normally within 15 business days of the due date (unless an extension has been granted). You will be notified by an announcement on CloudDeakin. Students are expected to regularly check CloudDeakin for such announcements.
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MMK101 Marketing Strategy Recommendations
MMK101 Assignment 2 Guide & Template T2 2019 Marketing Strategy (17% of Final Grade) Assessment Assignment 2: Marketing Strategy Recommendations Completed Group ONLY (group of 3 members that have the same A1 topic) Weighing 25% of the final grade (marked out of 100) Word limit 1500 words (+/- 10%); This excludes the background summary (Section 1), title page, table of contents, reference list, tables and appendices. Due date Week 9, 8th of September 2019, 5.00 PM Where to submit Via Turnitin link on Moodle – Softcopy submission Late submission penalty If the assessment is submitted late without an approved extension from the Unit Coordinator, a marking penalty of 5% of the available marks will be deducted each day for up to FIVE working/business days. If the assessment is submitted more than five days after the due date it will not be marked and be awarded zero (0%) for the task. Word Limit penalty A penalty will be applied if the work submitted has an excessive word count. Return Date Week 12 Pre-requisites • A2 guide and template access • A2 draft submission (due: 1st of September 2019, 5.00PM) Please note the following: • Late Submission Penalty: • Assignment must be submitted as a WORD document only. Assignments submitted using other files types WILL NOT BE MARKED. • You MUST use the company that you have been allocated to. Assessment that does not use the given company will NOT BE MARKED and be awarded zero (0%). • You MUST use the assignment template provided on Page 5 of this guide. Instructions: You would need to continue using the company that you have been allocated to in A1: A) Fitbit Australia B) Kitkat Australia C) Uniqlo Australia You can only form groups with students that are enrolled in the same class as you, not across classes. Your task in the second assignment (A2) is to: Assignment 2 is a continuation of Assignment 1. Based on the new target market, differentiation and positioning (STDP) strategy that you have proposed in Assignment 1 for the company, you must now: • briefly analyse the company’s current marketing mix strategy for their current market • provide some recommendations of a detailed marketing mix strategy that will help the company to successfully achieve their objectives to be successful in the new market. Remember, you are acting as if you are a marketing consultant for the company. Your main task in this assignment is to: • analyse their current Product strategy and provide a new product idea recommendation relevant to the STDP strategy in A1 • analyse their current Promotion strategy and provide a new promotion strategy relevant to their product and STDP strategy in A1 • choose one more marketing mix element (can be Placement or Price) to analyse and recommend Your recommendations must be new and appealing, which also must be relevant to the STDP strategy discussed in Assignment 1. This assignment contains information on the relevant marketing mix for the target markets identified in the previous assignment (Assignment 1). As mentioned, your report MUST include Product and Promotion elements, plus ONLY one other marketing mix elements of your choice in your report. You would need to develop a new marketing strategy that is targeted to the new market that you have identified in A1. For example: 1) For your Product strategy, you can recommend to the company to develop a new product or modifying their current product mix to better serve the new target market that you have identified in Assignment 1. You can also even come up with a new sub-brand if need be. The key is what product that would better serve the new target market from Assignment 1. 2) For your Promotion strategy, you need to recommend which three out of the five tools of the IMC that would best suit to communicate the new product or market offering to the new target market. You would need to choose at least three out of the five promotional mix tools. 3) For your Pricing strategy (if you choose this element), if you proposed a new product or sub-brand, then you would need to develop new pricing strategy based on the new product pricing theory. However, if you recommended they stay with their existing products but selling to the new market, then you would need to discuss the three major pricing strategy. You must provide: 1) Cover page 2) Table of Content 3) Reference list Section and Marks Breakdown: Section Marks Details (suggested breakdown of word limit and references are in brackets) Workbook 5 Workbook 6 Workbook 7 Workbook 8 (done in-class) 16 The workbooks mentioned on the left are really important to help you to do your A2. Hence it is imperative for you to do them in-class, guided by your lecturer. These workbooks will show you the most important highlights of the topics. Your lecturer will mark these workshops once you hand them in, and the marks will be out of 16 marks in total (4 marks each workbook), which will be part of your A2 marks. 1 (not part of the word limit) 5 Background Summary of Assignment 1: In the provided template for Assignment 2, briefly identify your proposed: • target market profile • value proposition • positioning statement that you have developed in Assignment 1 2 (550 words) 27 Marketing Mix Strategy 1: PRODUCT Hint: refer to Part 4 Workbook 5 (Product) Using Product marketing mix elements, please provide: • brief analysis of the company’s current product strategy for their current market by analysing their: o product mix o 3 levels of product • recommendations for the company of what new product strategy that would best serve the new target market and be in harmony with the new positioning strategy developed in A1. What should they change in their product elements, so they can attract the new target market? Should they introduce a new product? New sub-brands? Modify their current products? How and why? Your recommendations should be detailed and actionable. • At least 2 references are needed here 3 (550 words) 27 Marketing Mix Strategy 2: PROMOTION Hint: refer to Part 4 Workbook 7 (Promotion) Using Promotion marketing mix tools, please provide: • brief analysis of the company’s current promotional strategy for their current market by showing an analysis of their: o promotional mix tools • recommendations for the company of what new promotional strategy that would best serve the new target market and be in harmony with the new positioning strategy developed in A1. What should they change in their promotional efforts, so they can attract the new target market? Shall they introduce a new promotional strategy? How and why? Your recommendation should be detailed and actionable. • For your recommendation, you must show: o three (3) promotional mix tools (at least) o an IMC pie chart • At least 2 references are needed here 4 (300 words) 15 Marketing Mix Strategy: your chosen marketing mix element Hint: refer to Part 4 Workbook 6 (Pricing), refer to Part 4 Workbook 8 (Placement). Using one (1) of the remaining four elements, three (3) marketing mix elements, please provide: • brief analysis of the company’s current strategy for their current market o their current pricing strategy (if you choose pricing) o their current distribution strategy (if you choose placement) • recommendations for the company of what new marketing mix strategy that would best serve the new target market and be in harmony with the new positioning strategy developed in A1. What should they change in their efforts, so they can attract the new target market? Shall they introduce a new strategy? How and why? Your recommendation should be detailed and actionable. • At least 2 references are needed here 5 (100 words) 5 Conclusions for the Company: • Make sure your conclusion summarises the important elements of both assignments (A1&A2) Reference List (and General Communications) 5 Reference List and General Communications Use credible and relevant references (minimum of 7 different references (at least 4 being academic references i.e. textbooks and journal articles) • You MAY NOT use: o Wikipedia o Investopedia o o Blogs o o and the like • For websites, you may consider websites that ends with: o .org o o .net o .com (only for company websites) • You can also cite news articles • Correct and consistent use of Deakin Harvard Referencing format (please check out this link • Professional business report (avoid 1st person expression i.e. I, we, us • Free of grammar and spelling mistakes The breakdown of words are suggestions only. You may vary the words per section. The maximum word count (1500 words +- 10%) is based on the total words of the submitted document, which excludes the title page, table of contents, reference list, tables and appendices. Please find a sample template for the assignment on the next page. Please find below a sample template for the assignment: [company] Assessment 2 MMK101 Trimester 2 2019 Marketing Mix Strategy Group Name: Group members: Student IDs Assignment 2 Checklist (To be submitted with the assignment) If you have NOT completed the checklist below, your assignment is NOT yet ready to submit. Section Details Checklist Workbook 5 Must submit in class in Week 5 • Workbook 6 Must submit in class in Week 6 • Workbook 7 Must submit in class in Week 7 • Workbook 8 Must submit in class in Week 8 • Section 1 Background Summary of Assignment 1: • • a brief summary of your target market profile (A1) • • a brief summary of your value proposition (A1) • • a brief summary of your positioning statement (A1) • • write the above information in the table provided • Section 2 Marketing Mix Strategy 1: PRODUCT • • Provide an analysis of the company’s current product mix analysis and three levels of product • • Provide recommendations of what new product strategy that would best serve the new target market selected in Assignment 1 • • Citing at least 2 references to strengthen your analysis and recommendations above • Section 3 Marketing Mix Strategy 2: PROMOTION • • Provide an analysis of the company’s current promotional mix strategy (hint: the five promotional mix tools) • • Provide recommendations of what new promotion strategy that would best serve the new target market selected in Assignment 1: o At least 3 promotional mix tools o IMC pie chart • • Citing at least 2 references to strengthen your analysis and recommendations above • Section 4 Marketing Mix Strategy: your chosen marketing mix element • • Provide an analysis of the company’s current pricing/placement strategy (hint: Week 6 and Week 8 materials) • • Using any pricing/placement theories discussed in Week 6 and Week 8 such as the three major pricing strategy, two new product pricing strategy, marketing channel design, types of distribution intensity • • Provide recommendations of what new pricing/placement strategy that would best serve the new target market selected in Assignment 1 • • Citing at least 2 references to strengthen your analysis and recommendations above • Section 5 Conclusions for the Company • • Your conclusions must summarise the important elements discussed in A1 • • Your conclusions must summarise the important elements discussed in A2 • Section 6 Reference List: • • Provide 7 references • • At least 4 are academic references (i.e. textbooks and journal articles) • • Correct and consistent use of Deakin Harvard Referencing Guide for both in-text citation and reference list • General • Professional report writing (did not use 1st person expression i.e. I, we, us) • • Using the assignment template provided by the unit chair • • Using the company that has been allocated to you • Table of Contents Assignment 2 Checklist 7 1. Background Summary of Assignment 1. 9 2. Marketing Mix Strategy 1: Product 9 2.1 Analysis of the Company’s Current Product Strategy 9 Product Mix Analysis 9 Three Levels of Product 9 2.2 Recommendations 9 3. Marketing Mix Strategy 2: Promotion 9 3.1 Analysis of the Company’s Current Promotional Mix Tools 9 3.2 Recommendations 9 Three (3) promotional mix tools 9 4. Marketing Mix Element 3 Strategy: Price/Placement 9 4.1 Analysis of the Company’s current pricing/placement strategy 9 4.2 Recommendations 9 5. A1 and A2 Conclusion 10 Reference List 10 ? 1. Background Summary of Assignment 1. Target Market profile: Value Proposition: Positioning Statement: 2. Marketing Mix Strategy 1: Product 2.1 Analysis of the Company’s Current Product Strategy Product Mix Analysis Three Levels of Product 2.2 Recommendations 3. Marketing Mix Strategy 2: Promotion 3.1 Analysis of the Company’s Current Promotional Mix Tools 3.2 Recommendations Three (3) promotional mix tools IMC Pie Chart 4. Marketing Mix Element 3 Strategy: Price/Placement 4.1 Analysis of the Company’s current pricing/placement strategy 4.2 Recommendations 5. A1 and A2 Conclusion Reference List
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MMM132 Management
MMM132/MMMP132 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENTS Trimester 2, 2019 ASSIGNMENT 1 PART A & ASSIGNMENT 1 PART B NOTE: Assignment 1 has TWO parts: • Assignment 1 Part A (Report Preparation Tasks – 10%, online submission due by 11.59 pm Friday 26 July 2019); • Assignment 1 Part B (Individual Business Report – 30%, online submission due by 11.59 pm Saturday 31 August 2019) The scenario for both Assignment 1 Part A (Report Preparation Tasks) and Assignment 1 Part B (Individual Business Report) is as follows: Assume you have applied for a graduate position at EITHER Acciona Australia OR The Body Shop . As part of the selection process the organisation requires you to use management ideas (theory and concepts) to examine and analyse specific aspects of their organisation. This task allows you to demonstrate your academic knowledge about management as well as your academic integrity, research, writing, and analytical skills. Do NOT contact your chosen organisation directly. You must use Deakin Report Format You must use also Deakin Harvard Referencing Style You can use only reputable academic, media, government, and business sources to inform your report: • Do NOT contact the organisation directly (as stated above) • Do NOT use Wikipedia ? Due Date: online Moodle submission by 11.59 pm Friday 26 July 2019 in the submission box that will be provided on Moodle for you in week 4 section. Marks: 10 marks (10%) Word Count: 500 words (plus or minus 10%) excluding Table of Contents and Reference Lists. These tasks in Assignment 1 Part A are designed to help you prepare for your MMM132/MMMP132 Individual Business Report (Assignment 1 Part B). Assignment 1 Part A (Report Preparation Tasks) Aims: To manage in the real world managers need to know how to find, research and write about academic theory and concepts using management texts, academic journal articles, and reputable government and industry sources. The following Report Preparation Tasks will help you learn these skills and assist you to prepare for the final Individual Business Report (Assignment 1 Part B). Specifically you will learn to: • Plan your Individual Business Report (Assignment 1 Part B) by way of your proposed Table of Contents (TOC); • Use academic ideas, theory and concepts (in other words theory and concepts from textbooks and peer reviewed academic journal articles) to help understand, analyse and critically examine real world organisations; • Find peer reviewed academic journal articles relevant to systems management (Task 1); • Develop your academic and business writing skills; • Provide Deakin Harvard style in-text citations and required reference lists; • Ensure your answers meet the requirements shown in the assignment marking rubric. Before you start, choose either Acciona Australia OR The Body Shop (see websites on page 1). Complete the following three (3) Assignment 1 Part A Report Preparation Tasks Task 1 (500 words): Define and discuss theoretical management concepts about systems management. Use evidence about your chosen organisation to analyse and evaluate how your chosen organisation takes inputs from the external environment and transforms them into outputs. Begin your research by reading Williams, McWilliams and Lawrence (2017, pp. 34 – 36) and Figure 2.2.* *In your answer you must cite the prescribed MMM132 textbook, one or more peer reviewed Management academic journal articles, and one or more reputable sources and/or the website of your chosen organisation. (500 words, +/- 10%). Note: this task requires: • a short essay answer of 500 words (+/- 10%) including all quotations and citations • one or more citations from the prescribed MMM132 textbook • one or more citations from a relevant peer reviewed Management academic journal article • one or more citations from a reputable source about your chosen organisation • one or more direct quotations using Deakin Harvard style • one or more indirect (paraphrased) quotations using Deakin Harvard style • a reference list of all the sources used in this task (Task 1) using Deakin Harvard style Task 2: Provide a draft Table of Contents (TOC) with the sections and sub-section headings you plan to use in your Part B Individual Business Report (see format on p. 7 of this document). Note: this task requires only the TOC you are planning for Part B (Individual Business Report). Task 3: Provide a draft Deakin Harvard reference list you plan to use in the Individual Business Report (Part B). Note: this task requires the following minimum references: • the prescribed MMM132 textbook • four or more peer reviewed Management academic journal articles (at least one Management academic journal article for each of tasks 1-4) in the forthcoming Part B Individual Business Report • one reputable (non-academic) source of information relevant to your organisation Before you submit this assignment, remember to review the Checklist for submission and the Assignment 1 Part A Marking Rubric. Submission Guide: • Title page: o Provide a title page with the title of the assessment centred in the middle of the page, include the website of your chosen organisation below the title of your assignment o On the bottom left-hand side provide the unit code (MMM132 or MMMP132), your name, your Deakin College ID, your lecturer’s name, and your class number • Pages 2 & 3: o Your response to task 1: Define and discuss theoretical management concepts about systems management. Use evidence about your chosen organisation to analyse and evaluate how your chosen organisation takes inputs from the external environment and transforms them into outputs. Begin your research by reading Williams, McWilliams and Lawrence (2017, pp. 34 – 36) and Figure 2.2.* *In your answer you must cite the prescribed MMM132 textbook, one or more peer reviewed Management academic journal articles, and one or more reputable sources and/or the website of your chosen organisation. (500 words). o A Reference list for this Task 1 o (See Task 1 requirements previous page.) • Page 4: o Provide a draft Table of Contents (TOC) with the sections and sub-section headings you plan to use in your Assignment 1 Part B Individual Business Report (see Task 2 requirements above). Consider use of appropriate section and subsection headings, consider also use of a section numbering system. You will NOT be able to provide actual page numbers, just use x to show page numbers (see Task 2 requirements previous page). • Page 5: o Provide a draft Deakin Harvard reference list you plan to use in your Assignment 1 Part B Individual Business Report (see Task 3 requirements above). • Submission MUST be an MS Word document (.doc or .docx format, NO other format is accepted) Need help? • Access the Study Skills Moodle site • See your lecturer and/or e-mail your lecturer • See the Study Skills Advisors MMM132/MMMP132 ASSESSMENT ASSIGNMENT 1 PART A (Report Preparation Tasks) Rubric (10 marks) Performance Levels/Criteria N (0-29%) No/poor attempt N (30-49%) Needs improvement P (50-59%) Satisfactory C (60-69%) Good D (70-79%) Very good HD (80-100%) Excellent Use of theoretical management concepts to examine how chosen organisation transforms inputs into outputs in 2018/19. Criteria, ULO1 & ULO3 (Max 4 marks) Overall, relevant theories and concepts are: • not evident • not contextualised • not applied (0 – 1.1 marks) Overall, relevant theories and concepts are not clearly: • evident • contextualised • applied (1.2 – 1.9 marks) Overall, relevant theories and concepts are satisfactorily: • evident • contextualised • applied (2 – 2.3 marks) Overall, relevant theories and concepts are clearly: • evident • contextualised • applied (2.4 - 2.7 marks) Overall, relevant theories and concepts are very well: • evident • discussed • contextualised • applied • analysed (2.8 – 3.1 marks) Overall, relevant theories and concepts are comprehensively: • discussed • contextualised • applied • analysed • critically evaluated (3.2 - 4 marks) Citation of prescribed MMM132 textbook, one or more peer reviewed Management academic journal articles, and one or more reputable sources or the website of your chosen organisation. Criteria, ULO2 (Max 1 mark) Does not cite from any • prescribed text • peer reviewed Management academic journal article • source(s) about chosen organisation (0 – 0.29 marks) Cites only one of • prescribed text • peer reviewed Management academic journal articles • source(s) about chosen organisation (0.30 – 0.49 marks) Cites any two of • prescribed text • peer reviewed Management academic journal articles • source(s) about chosen organisation (0.5 – 0.59marks) Cites all three of • prescribed text • peer reviewed Management academic journal articles • source(s) about chosen organisation (0.6 – 0.69 marks) • Cites two or more relevant peer reviewed Management academic journal articles and • prescribed text • source(s) about chosen organisation (0.7 – 0.79 marks) • Cites two or more very relevant peer reviewed Management academic journal articles and • prescribed text • source(s) about chosen organisation (0.8 - 1 mark) Direct and indirect quotations using Deakin Harvard referencing style. Criteria, ULO2 (Max 1 mark) Does not Include quotations Most entries not compliant with Harvard guidelines. (0 – 0.29 marks) Includes direct or indirect quotations. Most entries not compliant with Harvard guidelines. (0.30 – 0.49 marks) Includes direct and indirect quotations. Most entries partially compliant with Harvard guidelines. (0.5 – 0.59 marks) Includes direct and indirect quotations. Most entries mostly compliant with Harvard guidelines. (0.6 – 0.69 marks) Includes direct and indirect quotations. Most entries very compliant with Harvard guidelines. (0.7 – 0.79 marks) Includes direct and indirect quotations. Mostly fully compliant with Harvard guidelines. (0.8 - 1 mark) Report Table of Contents (TOC) is relevant to the set Part B tasks for examining required organisation. Criteria, ULO2 (Max 1 mark) Poor attempt at developing a Table of Contents, incorrect order of sections or majority of sections are not included. (0 – 0.29 marks) Does not follow the required TOC structure, with some sections not included or in the wrong order. (0.30 – 0.49 marks) Attempt to follow the required TOC structure. Most sections are included but some inconsistencies exist in the layout. (0.5 – 0.59marks) A good attempt to follow the required TOC structure. Most sections are included and layout is consistent within the table. (0.6 – 0.69 marks) A very good attempt to follow the required TOC structure. All sections are included and layout is consistent within the table. (0.7 – 0.79 marks) Excellent use of the TOC structure/format. All sections are in included and layout is clear and consistent within the table. (0.8 - 1 mark) Reference list of sources suitable to use in this task and planned for use in Business Report using Deakin Harvard referencing guidelines. Criteria, ULO2 & 3 (Max 3 marks) No academic journal articles relating to the tasks, and/or: Reference lists not included or not compliant with most Harvard referencing guidelines. (0 – 0.8 marks) Fewer than three academic journal articles relate well to the tasks, and/or: Reference lists punctuation not compliant with many Harvard referencing guidelines. (0.9 – 1.4 marks) Fewer than four journal articles relate satisfactorily to the tasks, and: Reference lists attempts to comply with Harvard guideline, and: Suitable organisational source and text included. (1.5 - 1.7 marks) At least four journal articles relate well to the tasks, and: Reference lists are reasonably compliant with Harvard guidelines, and: Suitable organisational source and text included. (1.8 – 2 marks) Five or more journal articles relate well to the tasks, and: Reference lists are mainly compliant with Harvard guidelines, and: Suitable organisational source and text included. (2.1 – 2.3 marks) Five or more exceptionally well- selected journal articles in relation to the tasks, and/or. Reference lists are completely error free, and: Excellent organisational source and text included. (2.4 - 3 marks) Due Date: online Moodle submission by 11.59 pm Saturday 31 August 2019 in the submission box that will be provided on Moodle for you in week 8. Marks: 30 marks (30%) Word Count: 2500 words (plus or minus 10%) excluding cover/title page, Table of Contents, Reference List, and any appendices used. This Individual Business Report is Assignment 1 Part B. Your learning and marking feedback from Assignment 1 Part A (Report Preparation Tasks) are to be used to complete your Individual Business Report. You are reminded of the scenario (background information) that applies to Assignment 1 Part B (Note: this is the same scenario that applied to Assignment 1 Part A): Assume you have applied for a graduate position at EITHER Acciona Australia OR The Body Shop As part of the selection process the organisation requires you to use management ideas (theory and concepts) to examine and analyse specific aspects of their organisation. This task allows you to demonstrate your academic knowledge about management as well as your academic integrity, research, writing, and analytical skills. Do NOT contact your chosen organisation directly. You must use Deakin Report Format You must use also Deakin Harvard Referencing Style You must use only reputable academic, media, government, and business sources to inform your report. Do NOT contact the organisation directly. Do NOT use Wikipedia. Write a business report that addresses the following four tasks below in relation to your chosen organisation (either Acciona Australia OR The Body Shop). This report must include: • Assignment Title page; • Executive Summary; • Table of Contents; • Introduction; • Critical analytical section (responses to tasks 1-4, the body of the report. Your responses to the four tasks below will make up the sections in the body of the report.) • Conclusion; • Deakin Harvard style Reference List (Appendices are not required). See format required at the end of this section, and Report Writing information at Remember to use feedback from your Assignment 1 Part A (Report Preparation Tasks) to assist you with your final report submission. For every question • Remember to use the textbook and at least one academic journal article(s) to answer each question. These assist you to identify academic theory and/or concepts relevant to each question. • Remember to use government (if relevant), company, and reputable industry and media sources to find information about your chosen organisation in 2018/2019. • Remember to cite and reference all sources. • Remember to use academic concepts and sources to underpin, frame, inform, analyse, and evaluate the information you present about your chosen organisation. Complete the following Assignment 1 Part B Individual Business Report Tasks: Task 1 (500 words): Define and discuss theoretical management concepts about the general external environment of an organisation. Use evidence about your chosen organisation to analyse and evaluate the impact of sociocultural trends on your chosen organisation in 2018/19. Begin your research by reading pp. 41-44 of the textbook.* Task 2 (500 words): Define and discuss theoretical management concepts about the specific external environment of an organisation. Use evidence about your chosen organisation to analyse and evaluate the impact of suppliers on your chosen organisation in 2018/19. Begin your research by reading pp. 44-48 of the textbook.* Task 3 (500 words): Define and discuss theoretical management concepts about the ethics and Social Responsibility (SR) of an organisation. Use evidence about your chosen organisation to analyse and evaluate the ethics and SR of your chosen organisation in 2018/19. Begin this by reading pp. 57-74 of the textbook.* Task 4 (500 words): Identify the manager you aspire to be in your chosen organisation. Define and discuss theoretical management concepts about the kind (level) of that managerial job and identify and evaluate the experience and skills you need to get that job. You may consider using your Deakin College student experiences and skills if you wish. Begin by reading pp. 6-9 of the textbook.* *For all four tasks in Part B, you must cite the prescribed MMM132 textbook, one or more peer reviewed Management academic journal articles, and one or more reputable sources or the website of your chosen organisation. (500 words, +/- 10% for each response). Before you submit this assignment, remember to review the Checklist for submission and the Assignment 1 Part B Marking Rubric. ? MMM132/MMMP132 Business Report Format (Adapted from Title page (not included in the word count) • Title of report (should be short to indicate what the report is about) • Name and website of organisation • Unit code and unit name • Student name and ID number, class number Executive summary This is a summary of the whole report. Outline the tasks and explain the research process used, what you found, and what your findings mean. Your Executive Summary does NOT appear in your TOC, it comes before your TOC (200 words) ( (200 wordswordswordswords). Table of contents (not included in the word count) List the headings of main sections and subsections of your report. Use an appropriate numbering system for headings/sections and subheadings/sub-sections. (Use the MSWord template to help you). Introduction Set the scene; give some background information about the report/organisation; state the aims/purposes of the report. Provide an outline of the main sections in the body of the report (approx. 150 words). Body (approx. 2000 words in total) Organise the body of the report into sections. You should have four sections each 500 words (+/- 10%). Each section should cover one question response and must have a clear section heading. Your discussion and analysis of each question should: • Define and describe academic theory/concepts; • Describe what you found about the organisation; • Discussion your interpretation, analyses and evaluation of what you found; • Correctly cite references drawn from the textbook and academic journal articles. Remember to use and cite at least once academic article for each question The analysis of each question should define and describe academic theory and/ concepts on the topic of the questions, describe what you found about the organisation, as well as your interpretation and analyses of what you found, with correctly cited references drawn from appropriate academic textbook and journal sources. Remember to include at least one academic reference for each of the four sections (approx. 2000 words). Conclusion Summarise what has been identified in the report. Use the information from the body of your report to provide the major findings from each of the sections of your report, including your findings on the ‘match’ between you and the organisation in a graduate role (approx. 150 words). Recommendations NOT required in this assignment. References (not included in the word count) A list of all of the in-text sources that you cited in the report using the Deakin Harvard referencing style: support/referencing/harvard Appendices – No marks [optional] Any information (graphs, charts, tables or other data) you used in your report but did not include in the body. NOT required in this assignment. MMM132/MMMP132 ASSESSMENT 1 PART B (Individual Business Report) Rubric (30 marks) Performance Levels/Criteria (20% – 5 marks each criteria) N (0-29%) No/poor attempt (0 – 1.4 marks) N (30-49%) Needs improvement (1.5 – 2.4 marks) P (50-59%) Satisfactory (2.5 – 2.9) C (60-69%) Good (3 – 3.4) D (70-79%) Very good (3.5 – 3.9) HD (80-100%) Excellent (4 - 5) Report structure & format, including Executive Summary, TOC, Intro and Conclusion. ULO2 Poor attempt to follow the required structure & format. There is no logical flow between sections. Report somewhat follows the required structure & format. Report is disjointed and fragmented. An attempt to follow the required report structure & format. Report lacks flow and is somewhat disjointed and fragmented. Good attempt to follow the required report structure & format. Report flows quite well, but is disjointed or fragmented in some places. Very good attempt to follow the required report structure & format. Report has a logical flow. Excellent use of the required report structure & format. Report has a logical flow and coherent line of argument. Task 1: Use of theoretical management concepts to discuss the general environment and impact of sociocultural trends on required organisation in 2018/19. ULO1 & ULO3 Overall, relevant theoretical management concepts are: • not evident • not contextualised • not applied • Does not include reference to text or academic journal article, or source(s) about chosen organisation. Overall, relevant theoretical management concepts are not clearly: • evident • contextualised • applied Includes reference to text or academic journal article, or source(s) about chosen organisation. Overall, relevant theoretical management concepts are satisfactorily: • evident • contextualised • applied Includes reference to only 2 of text and/or relevant academic journal article, and/or source(s) about chosen organisation. Overall, relevant theoretical management concepts are clearly: • evident • contextualised • applied Includes reference to text and relevant academic journal article(s), and source(s) about chosen organisation. Overall, relevant theoretical management concepts are very well: • evident • discussed • contextualised • applied • analysed • evaluated Includes reference to text and very relevant academic journal article(s), and source(s) about chosen organisation. Overall, relevant theoretical management concepts are comprehensively: • discussed • contextualised • applied • critically analysed • critically evaluated Includes reference to text and highly relevant academic journal articles and source(s) about chosen organisation. Task 2: Use of theoretical management concepts to discuss specific environment and impact of suppliers on required organisation in 2018/19. ULO1 & ULO3 Task 3: Use of theoretical management concepts to discuss the ethics and SR of required organisation in 2018/19. ULO1 & ULO3 Task 4: Use of theoretical management concepts to discuss the kind of manager you aspire to be and the experiences you need to get that job. ULO1 & ULO3 Quality of language and ability to communicate information accurately using academic style and Deakin Harvard method. ULO2 Writing has many errors in: • grammar • spelling • English comprehension Citations: • not Deakin Harvard • relies on direct quotes • lacks paraphrasing Referencing • not used • not Harvard Writing has meaning but errors in: • grammar • spelling • English comprehension Citations: • partially Deakin Harvard • relies on direct quotes • lacks paraphrasing Referencing • formatting errors • poor use of Harvard Writing has meaning but occasional errors in: • grammar • spelling • English comprehension Citations: • mostly Deakin Harvard • lacks effective paraphrasing Referencing • some formatting errors • uses Harvard Writing has meaning with good: • grammar • spelling • English comprehension Citations: • mostly Deakin Harvard • effective paraphrasing Referencing • mostly correct Writing is clear and fluent. Ideas well paraphrased. Harvard citations correctly formatted. Harvard referencing correctly formatted. Writing is skillful and meaningfully supports reasoning. Ideas well placed and paraphrased. Harvard citations correctly formatted. Harvard referencing correctly formatted. NOTES Extensions must be requested before the due date and made by e-mailing the Unit Coordinator, Terry Gibson, ( using the Request for Extension Form available on the Portal. Appropriate supporting documentation must be attached before an extension can be considered. If you have issues with timely submission please e-mail the Unit Coordinator, or your lecturer. Penalties for late submission will apply if you submit your assessment task(s) after the due date without an approved extension from the Unit Coordinator ( 5% will be deducted from available marks for each day up to 5 days, and work that is submitted more than 5 days after the due date will not be marked. You will receive 0% for the task(s). ‘Day’ means calendar day not working day as Assignment 1 Part A and Assignment 1 Part B are electronic submissions. For information about Extensions, Academic Misconduct, and Special Consideration refer to the MMM132/MMMP132 Unit Outline.