Page 1 of 3 ACC2360 – ACCOUNTING FOR MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING SEMESTER 1, 2018 On Campus – Team Assignment - Written Report CASE STUDY The Board of Directors (“Board”) of your company which is mostly composed of recently appointed Non-Executive Directors require in-depth knowledge of the business, strategies, performance and other key areas of planning and control of the company. Your “Board” requires your research team to find facts, explain the implications of the findings, arrive at conclusions and give your recommendations by a written report submission to them. You can select your company from the following list: 1. Newcrest Mining Ltd (Australia) 2. South West Airlines (USA) 3. Microsoft Inc (USA) 4. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines (Holland) 5. Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp (UK) 6. Rio Tinto Ltd (Australia) 7. BMW (Germany) 8. Toyota Motors (Japan) 9. British Petroleum (BP) (UK) 10. Boeing (USA) 11. Essar Shipping (India) 12. Royal Dutch Shell (Holland) 13. Leighton Holdings (Australia) 14. Aldi (Germany) IMPORTANT: PLEASE NOTE THAT EVERY TEAM WILL SELECT A DIFFERENT COMPANY SO THAT NO TWO TEAMS HAVE THE SAME COMPANY. Page 2 of 3 Required Your research team can approach this assignment by applying the managerial accounting concepts and techniques learnt in this unit to the facts found of your company by highlighting strategic and performance issues in order to derive your conclusions and recommendations for the “Board”. In order to highlight the importance of managerial decision-making using both financial and non-financial drivers and indicators, you need to also prepare the “Balanced Scorecard” of your company based on the strategies so evaluated in the first part of this assignment. This will form part of the above mentioned written report for the “Board”. Learning Outcomes and Graduate Attributes Completing this assignment will help you achieve the Learning Outcomes and ECU Graduate Attributes as described on page 17 of the unit plan: The team will work together and every team member should contribute equally to the written report. The length of the written report including any Appendices (for data, tables, graphs and diagrams) is upto 30 pages. References can be extra pages at the end. Resources The resources which can be used are numerous, such as company annual reports; websites; professional and business magazines; textbooks; academic papers, newspaper and video clips. Please refer to the resources available in “Annotated reading list”, “Other significant references and resources” and “Blackboard” on page 6 of the Unit Plan. Marking criteria and English Language Proficiency (ELP ) Measure The feedback and marking criteria for team assignment is on page 20 with English Language Proficiency (ELP) Measure on page 21 and their details on page 11 of the Unit Plan. Please study all this information in detail, as it will provide you with additional guidance on structuring your team’s written report. Page 3 of 3 Feedback and marking criteria for Team Assignment #_ TITLE STUDENT NAME STUDENT NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. FEEDBACK COMMENTS: Written Report Score Max Executive Summary contains condensed highlights of whole report for action. 2.5 Methodology used for data collection and procedures were valid and reliably applied. 2.5 Introduction covered issues, objectives, route map and storyline. 3 Findings covered summarised facts, issues, tables, graphs. Detailed information included in Appendix to this report. 5 Implications and discussion of findings for available options and their individual pros & cons to balance arguments. 5 Conclusions and recommendations followed logically from the findings. 5 Implementation plan flowed from the recommendations for next steps and feasible action plan. 2 TOTAL MARKS 25

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SEMESTER 2, 2018 – Team Assignment (On & Off-Campus)
Case Study
The recently appointed independent non-executive directors of a public listed company (“PLC”) require in-depth knowledge - business, strategy, performance and other key areas of planning and control of PLC to enable them to discharge their role diligently and professionally as depicted under the Stock Exchange listing rules.
A group of five university accounting students including yourself (the “Team”) is undertaking industrial training with the said PLC. The Financial Controller of the PLC has assigned your Team to write a report [that focuses on one of the following: core products, core brands, core business units OR core geographical units of the PLC] for the independent directors. The report shall address the requirements of the independent directors as listed below.
Your Team is required to prepare a written report [refer to the Assignment Format below] that addresses the following requirements of the independent directors:
(a) identify and analyse the environment that the PLC is operating by applying the managerial accounting concepts and techniques (such as Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, SWOT Analysis, etc.)
(b) based on the findings and conclusions in part (a) above, discuss and recommend the appropriate Porter’s Generic Strategies for the PLC to adopt. The recommendation should relate to your findings in part (a) above. You are required to describe the chosen markets / customers as part of your conclusions.
(c) Compile a Balanced Scorecard by:
(i) identifying the four (4) critical business perspectives and for each perspective, you are to identify two (2) strategic objectives which will assist to achieve the recommended Generic Strategy from part (b) above. Explain why you have chosen these strategic objectives in light of the results from your external and internal environment analyses from part (a) above.
(ii) For each strategic objective, you are to identify two (2) relevant SMART Key Performance Indicators (“KPI”) to measure the achievements of the strategic objective. Explain how each KPI is relevant to the strategic objective. In addition, you are also to identify one (1) relevant strategic initiative to achieve each strategic objective.
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The list below is for ON-CAMPUS students.
*Each Team is to choose one PLC from the list below:
1. FedEx Corp (USA)
2. Yum! Brands (USA)
3. Volkswagen AG (Germany)
4. Pfizer Inc (USA)
5. L’Oreal (France)
6. Airbus Group Limited (France)
7. The Walt Disney Company (USA)
8. Alphabet (USA)
9. Alibaba (USA)
10. China Mobile Limited (Hong Kong/China)
11. Qantas (Australia)
12. Commonwealth Bank of Australia (Australia)
13. BHP Billiton Limited (Australia)
? Students are given the opportunity to form their own ‘Team’ which shall comprise of not more than FIVE (5) members.
? Each ‘Team’ is to select a PLC from the list above.
? Formation of Teams and selection of PLC should be finalized in Lecture (Week 1). Each Team shall then submit an A4 size paper to the lecturer with the following details: (a) names of all Team members; and (b) the chosen PLC. [Note: Selection of the PLC is on a ‘first-come, first-serve’ basis.]
? Students without a ‘Team’ will be randomly grouped to form a new ‘Team’ and assigned the remaining PLC by the lecturer.
The list below is for OFF-CAMPUS students.
1. LENOVO (Hong Kong)
2. Johnson & Johnson (USA)
3. Singapore Airlines (Singapore)
4. ANZ (Australia)
5. Gold Fields (South Africa)
6. Myer (Australia)
The lecturer will randomly assign four to five students to form a ‘Team’. One of the above PLC will be assigned to them on random basis. Off-Campus students will be notified via email of their respective assigned ‘Team’ and ‘PLC’ by the end of Week One. Kindly email the lecturer if you have not received your assigned ‘Team’ and ‘PLC’ by Week 2.
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The written report should be presented in the ‘Academic Writing Method’ which is also the format of theses/treatises and published academic article. The format usually includes the following:
Executive summary
Thought of as the summary for the busy professional or executive who may not have time to read the whole report. It should contain:
? condensed highlights and provide a summary of the whole report
? be possible to read the Executive Summary completely independently of the report in order to give insight as to background, findings & implications and conclusions & recommendations contained in the report
? NOT be an introduction to the report, but rather a summary of the report
? usually written last.
The Introduction provides the reader with a clear idea of the objectives of the written report
and the roadmap / storyline of the report and includes:
? Objectives of the report - why the report is being written
? Details and background of the industry
? A route map / story line of the report, very briefly what each of the following sections
will include.
This section provides the reader with sufficient information to make an estimate of the validity and reliability of the research methods and sources used in the report and includes:
? What data was collected?
? How the data was collected? (tests, interviews, observation, questionnaires, research from journal articles, company statements etc.)
? How valid and reliable the researcher/report writer believes the procedures/sources to be?
Finding and implication of findings
The findings section presents the facts discovered and the implication of findings provides the researcher with the opportunity to express judgements, opinions based on the findings. This section will include the bulk of your solution to the part (a) to (c) under the “Required” section of the Case Study.
Conclusions and recommendations
This provides the conclusion and recommendation of future action plan to the whole report. This does not need to be lengthy but gives the researcher / writer the opportunity to “pull the whole report together”.
As a minimum, at least 5 references are expected. ECU uses the APA referencing system. All undergraduate and masters students must use the APA 6th referencing style for all assignments, thesis and other publications. Please refer to the ECU referencing guide available on Blackboard under <
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ACC3201 ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS PROBLEM SOLVING CASE STUDY - MICROSOFT ACCESS With this case study, which is an adapted version of Case 3: The Personal Trainer Database in Monk et al (2017) you will design a best practice relational database for a personal trainer here in Perth who tracks fitness information about her clients. A minimum database design reflective of your client’s core specifications will consist of four database tables populated with a minimum level of test data, two forms with sub-forms, six queries, and one report using the software package, Microsoft Access. A best practice database design goes beyond this minimum specification. As a minimum specification the queries will show which clients are over 60 years old, list today’s appointments for the trainer, list the top five percent of clients who can do the most push-ups, display clients’ training hours, and display clients’ weight loss. The report will track the fitness assessments of clients. A best practice database design will extend the client’s core specification reflecting the best practice and information needs of a modern personal trainer business in the design of the database. Your case study submission will be in two parts: the Microsoft Access database and the covering business letter to the client. BACKGROUND Your high school friend, Libby Kate-Wallwork, is a personal trainer. Her business is called Body School and her business address is 256 Hampton Road, Fremantle, WA 6160. You ran into Libby at a party and began talking about her personal training business. She has become so popular that she can’t keep up with all the paperwork needed to track her clients. Because you have recently started up a small business consultancy and have skills in database design using Microsoft Access, you know that the software is a perfect fit for the small database system Libby needs to manage her information needs now and into the future and to help her grow her business further, that is to add value to her business. Libby is also keen to develop her business to reflect industry best practice here in Australia and where appropriate to adopt international best practices. A best practice database design will take into consideration Australian and international best practice to add value to Libby’s business, Body School. You agree to meet for lunch the next day to discuss the business and to sign a contract for you to develop for a best practice database Libby’s business. Over a business lunch Libby explains that she has a large number of clients. Currently client information is recorded on index cards and includes their name, home address, email address, mobile number, birth date, weight, height and Body Mass Index (BMI). On the back of each card, Libby has written the date of the client’s first training session and noted the baseline data collected on that day. To assess a client’s fitness, Libby uses a classic set of exercises. To measure strength and endurance, she uses push-ups and crunches. To measure aerobic fitness, she uses a step test and a walking test. On the first day of training, Libby weighs the client, puts him or her through the battery of exercises, and records all the results. She measures how many push-ups and crunches the client can do in one minute. The step test measures the client’s heartbeat after three minutes of stepping up and down. Finally, the walk test times how long it takes the client to walk one kilometre. For some clients, Libby has provided assessments on a bimonthly basis and recorded their weights each time as well as the results of the four fitness tests, which enables her to track progress and then tweak clients’ fitness routines to improve results. Libby has this assessment information saved on her computer in an Excel spreadsheet. Each client has a coded number, so she doesn’t have to enter their names. In addition, Libby has a large calendar on her wall in which she records her daily appointments for personal training sessions. She would love to be able to transfer this information into an electronic form for ease of making additions and deletions. Once the database tables are created and populated, you suggest some forms to help Libby streamline her operations. Libby thinks a form for recording clients’ baseline fitness data would be helpful as she interacts with new clients, and a form for recording the bimonthly appointments and assessments of her clients would be useful as well. You should consider additional or other forms which may add value to Libby’s business now and into the future. Libby has some requests for organising information that she has not been able to accomplish with a paper-based system. First, she would like to be able to identify her clients who are over 60 years old, so she can encourage them to remain active and schedule appointments with him. She would also like an easy way to view her daily appointments. You assure her that both tasks can be easily accomplished using queries. Again your research into training fitness best practice may indicate additional information that may add value to Libby’s business and her clients. The world of fitness can be quite competitive, and Libby likes to challenge some of her clients to improve by competing against each other. You suggest creating a list of the top five percent of clients who can do the most push-ups. Libby thinks that is a great idea and adds a request to be able to list all clients’ training hours for other competitive incentives. Both of these requests fit nicely into Access queries. Libby also requests that the database be able to calculate weight changes in her clients from a series of training sessions. After discussions with him, you realise that you can create a series of two queries that can calculate weight changes. Libby also asks you to research and incorporate other best practice features that could be incorporated into the database. Finally, Libby would like as a minimum a report that summarises the bimonthly fitness assessments of her clients. This report will give her a “snapshot” of how clients are responding to her tailored training regime. REQUIREMENTS The assignment requirements are as specified in this document, not as given in Monk et al (2017). You must complete the assignment as specified here. PART 3: ANALYSING THE DATA Libby can track each client’s fitness progression, but she doesn’t know how her clients compare to existing Australian fitness benchmarks or standards. This leaves Libby with the following questions: Are her client’s seeing adequate improvements in their fitness? Is her approach to fitness training reflecting industry best practice? Are there international best practices that Libby could adopt? To help Libby answer these questions you need to: 1. Research and identify appropriate Australian fitness benchmarks and/or standards; 2. Research and evaluate international best practices that Libby could adopt; 3. Compare Libby’s client’s data against the benchmarks you have identified; 4. Prepare a best practice formatted business covering letter for Libby that reports on your findings in respect to her client’s data and the benchmarks and/or standards. Your summary should include suitable data tables and graphs that communicates your findings. 5. Finally make appropriate recommendations to Libby on three potential improvements to her use of the database or the database design that would assist her in incorporating international best practice. You should support your recommendations. 6. Your covering letter should reference [apply ECU Referencing Guidelines] the data sources you have used. Submission Instructions Your completed database, covering letter and assignment coversheet must be submitted for marking by 23:59 on Sunday September 23, 2018. Your submission should consist of the following three separate files: 1. Your fully completed ECU Assignment Coversheet. Please name this file: assignment coversheet 2. Your Microsoft Access database file. The file name must be in the following format [all lower case]: your_family-name_your_student-number.accdb, e.g., priest_10234678.accdb 3. Your covering letter addressed to Libby Kate-Wallwork. Please name this file: Libby-kate-wallwork-letter.docx Your submission can only be made via the Assignment Manager in Blackboard. The submission link [Assignment Manager] can be found in Blackboard -> Assessment -> Assignment 1: Problem Solving Case Studies -> Microsoft Access problem solving case study. The assignment manager link will be available until the assignment deadline which is:
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ACC3510 – Auditing
Page 1 of 2 ACC3510 – Auditing Semester 2, 2019 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE INDIVIDUAL CASE STUDY ASSIGNMENT (Assessment Task 1 - Written report) Case study You are a member of a team assigned to undertake research on major issues (reasons and consequences) of poor performance, near collapse or turnaround or near demise, or demise of a real-life high profile company. You will use this company for both the “Individual Case Study Assignment” and “Team Case Study Presentation”, the instructions for which are given separately. Individual Case Study Assignment Required: You need to investigate the facts of the case study and using the risk-based auditing approach, auditing concepts, auditing standards and case laws and other information which you have learnt in this unit, to arrive at your conclusions and recommendations. The key areas of your research can cover the major issues being the sub-tasks below: ? Business risk, inherent risk, control risk and other risks ? Corporate governance, directors, executives and non-compliance of laws ? Going concern, administration and liquidation ? Fraud, aggressive accounting policies and other misappropriations ? Role, reporting obligations and negligence of auditors Important: Each team member will work and report on at least one sub-task from the above list. This list is only illustrative which can be modified or include other sub-tasks from other topics of this unit, as relevant to this company. Please use the Australian Auditing Standards even if they are NOT Australian companies, as they are based on international standards. The length of this case study written report is 12 pages (+/- 2 pages) in PDF or Word format using Ariel 12pt font, 1.5 spacing, excluding any Appendices (for data, tables, graphs and diagrams) and references at the end in PDF or Word format. Page 2 of 2 Report structure Please ensure that the written report has the following six (6) main headings in its structure. Marks will be given specific to these main headings as per the Marking Criteria below: ? Executive Summary ? Introduction ? Methodology ? Findings ? Implications of findings ? Conclusions and recommendations Marking Criteria The Marking Criteria for the written report is: ? Report Conventions : 5 Marks o Executive Summary o Introduction ? Research : 5 Marks o Methodology o Findings ? Application : 5 Marks o Implications of findings o Conclusions and recommendations ? Written Communication Skills : 5 Marks Total : 20 Marks The Marking Criteria has a Marking Rubric, as referred to in the Unit Plan on page 9. Resources Please refer to the resources available in “Texts and Resources” on pages 5 of the Unit Plan. The resources which can be used are numerous, such as company annual reports; websites; professional and business magazines; textbooks; academic papers; newspaper and video clips. Please research the information and use its logical flow, as it will also assist you in structuring this case study report.
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ACC3700 Financial Accounting Theory and Practice
ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Your research and report needs to particularly focus on the compliance and applicability status of your approved ASX 200 listed company, in respect of the applicable accounting standards, covered in this unit, which are related to the following topics: • Accounting for agriculture • Accounting for financial instruments • Accounting for foreign currency transactions and forward exchange contracts • Accounting for leases You need to discuss the relationship and impact of the applicable accounting standards in the context of financial accounting theories, concepts, regulations, practices and other topics which you have learnt in this unit and previous units, including but not limited to: • Accounting theories • Measurement system • Financial statements • Annual reports • Internal controls • Management • Board of Directors • Auditors • Regulatory bodies • Political issues • Remunerations The above list is only illustrative and your case study report is not required to address all the above mentioned topics. You can include other topics as appropriate in the context of your approved ASX 200 listed company. This assignment is focussed on understanding the facts of the case study and using the above mentioned accounting standards, regulations and other information to arrive at your conclusions and recommendations. The maximum length of your written report is 30 pages, excluding any appendices (for data, tables, graphs and diagrams) and reference list. Your report should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document. The first page of your document must be an ECU Assignment Cover Sheet. Important: Please ensure that the written report has the following six (6) main headings in its structure. • Executive Summary • Introduction • Methodology • Findings • Implications of findings • Conclusions and recommendations Submission instructions will be provided in Blackboard in the Assessments area. Submissions can be made at any time up to the due date. Management of your time is your responsibility so please plan to ensure you complete the assignment with time to spare. Steps to complete: 1. You need to check the spreadsheet provided [see Assessments in Blackboard] to determine what ASX Top 200 companies have already been selected by your fellow students. Once you have determined what companies are not available please choose an available ASX Top 200 company of interest and complete the linked to spreadsheet. Once you company of choice is approved you must complete the assignment on this company. Only one student can complete the assignment on anyone company. 2. Once approval has been granted complete the assignment and submit it via the Assignment Turnitin link in Blackboard. Your assignment can only be submitted via Blackboard. Email or other forms are not accepted. RESOURCES Please refer to the resources available in “Texts and Resources” here in the Unit Plan as your starting point. Other resources which can be used are numerous and include, company annual reports; websites; professional and business magazines; textbooks; academic papers, newspaper and video clips. Please research the information and use its logical flow, as it will also assist you in structuring this case study report. MARKING CRITERIA The individual case study is worth 50 marks out of 100 for the unit. Please refer to the marking rubric provided in the assessments area in Blackboard for guidance on the marking criteria.
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ECF6105 Economic Analysis for Business
Assessment Task 2: Assignment The Assignment is an individual assignment to be prepared as a business essay (use headings) with an introduction, body including sections related to the parts of the question, and conclusion. Use in-text references when you include information from sources. Add a reference list (one textbook and at least four scholarly articles) after the conclusion. The word count (1,000 to 1,200 words) is measured from the introduction heading to the end of the conclusion. Remember to include an electronic Cover Sheet – see our Bb site. Ensure you write academically using precise vocabulary, spelling and grammar – see Learning Advisers at the Academic Skills Centre (see Staff link on the Blackboard site) if you need help with academic and language skills. Choose ONE of the following two assignment topics. Topics: 1. The effects of falling Australian house prices on Australian economy. Discuss how decline in house prices happened in Australia and explain why economists should concern about it. 2. Does Medicare truly benefit to all Australians? Discuss whether the rising cost of health and medical providers would make Medicare unsustainable. Tips: At this postgraduate level, it is expected that students must present high level of research skills including the ability of searching for journal articles, documents, newspapers and data sources and use the information to support arguments. It is important that you as a postgraduate student must learn how to construct arguments based on facts and figures. So, make sure you have done sufficient research and justify your arguments using evidence. Do not put your own opinions without proper justifications!!! Assignment Value: 10% Format: Write your assignment as a business essay (use headings) with an introduction, body including sections related to the parts of the question, and conclusion. Use in-text references when you include information from sources. Add a reference list (one textbook and at least four scholarly references) after the conclusion. The word count (1000 to 1200 words) is measured from the introduction heading to the end of the conclusion. Remember to include an electronic Cover Sheet (see Blackboard > Assessments > Assessment 2: Assignment). Ensure you write academically using precise vocabulary, spelling and grammar. Due date & time: Midnight Monday 8 October. How to submit: Electronically, via Blackboard > Assessments > Assessment 2: Assignment > Turnitin ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS For this assignment, you are required to follow the instructions in the questions for your chosen topic and keep within the suggested word limit. You can use the Practice Turnitin site to check your similarity score. If it is high, then check your in-text referencing and paraphrasing. You may need help from the Learning Advisers so drop in to one of their Assignment sessions for advice. Have I .. Tick Included the electronic Cover Sheet from the Assignment link on the Bb site for ECF 1110? Checked my word count? 1,000 (minimum) to 1,200 words (maximum) Checked my formatting? Line spacing (double) and font size (12) Provided informative headings? Answered all parts of the question? Ensured my referencing is compliant with APA style? Have I included my textbook? Have a referenced at least four academic references (journal articles)? Checked that all of my in-text references have full details in my Reference list? Checked that all of the references in my Reference list are cited in text? Checked my spelling and grammar? Checked the marking criteria for how I can achieve the best marks? Used MS Word (not pdf)? Checked that my similarity score in the Practice Turnitin site is below 30? Added quotation marks and in text referencing, and used more paraphrasing and less quotations to reduce my similarity score? ? MARKING CRITERIA 15 marks; scaled to a mark out of 10 Criteria Marks Presentation and writing Good presentation. Good contents page. Good headings. Spacing/font size correct. Word limit met. Between 1000 and 1200 words. Few or no spelling/grammar errors. 3 marks Academic Writing Conventions At least one textbook. Four or more other academic references. Correct referencing – APA style. Good quoting and paraphrasing. 2 marks Explanation and application of economic theory and models Good definition and application of economic concepts. Correct explanation and application of economic theory. Appropriate economic models have been applied. Correctly labelled diagram and diagram correctly explained. All aspects of the question have been answered. 5 marks Critical analysis Evidence of critical thinking. 5 marks
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MKT2608 Consumer Behaviour 1
Assessment Task 1: Individual Project: Essay (2,000 words) * Note: Select units use CADMUS academic integrity software in addition to Turnitin. PREPARATION This assignment builds on the work you do in your weekly tutorials or online activities. In Week 2, there will be an Assessment 1 Workshop in on-campus tutorials, giving you further insights into its requirements. For online students, there will be a live Collaborate session which will be recorded. ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS This individual assessment is in the form of an essay on the following topic: Who has the power to change consumers’ attitudes towards a brand – the marketer or the consumer? “An attitude is said to be lasting because it tends to endure over time” (Solomon, 2018, p. 285). A marketer’s job is to ensure positive brand attitudes within the marketplace. However, as consumers we know that our attitudes towards brands can sometimes change. How can this be and who has the ultimate power to change a consumer’s attitude – the marketer or the consumer? Please explain using your own example. In answering the above essay question, you must consider and provide the following: • Choose a brand for which your attitude had changed (e.g. initially you were a loyal customer but your attitude changed and you no longer buy the brand; or vice versa – you thought you would never buy the brand but your attitude changed and you are now a loyal customer). • Choose one theory or framework from the Week 2 Topic on Attitudes and Persuasion, and apply it to your situation to explain how your attitude towards this brand had changed. • Carry out sentiment analysis on your brand using Salesforce (similar to the one you did in the Week 3 Tutorial or online activity). • Referring to your sentiment analysis results, explain what sentiment consumers have towards your brand, as evident on social media. • Explain how marketers can use the Salesforce information to change or to maintain consumer attitudes towards their brand. Give examples of some strategies. Value: 25% of the unit Format: Format: Report in Adobe pdf format ECU Cover Sheet mandatory Word limit: 2,000 (+/-10%) excluding cover page and references list. Due date & time: Sunday 7 April 2019 by 11:59pm. How to submit: * Electronically, via Blackboard>Assessment folder > Turnitin link Unit learning outcomes: LO. 1. Analyse your own buyer behaviour, and that of others. LO. 3. Use buyer behaviour theory to market products more efficiently and successfully. LO. 4. Explain the key terms, concepts and models of buyer behaviour theory. • Explain how brand-related information available online can affect consumers’ attitudes towards the brand. Give examples. • In your answer you must use terminology we are learning in this unit. • Please include a screenshot of your brand (e.g. logo, its products). • Include 10 references (5 academic and 5 industry sources) in the APA referencing style. • As this is an essay, there is no mandatory structure, although the below might serve as a guide: Essay Structure Introduction • The introduction should introduce the contents of the essay. It describes the background to the essay and identifies a chosen theory or framework. State the brand example which you will refer to in the essay. The introduction should be clear, concise and must link all elements of the essay. Theory/ Framework Overview • An overview of the chosen theory or framework. • Identification of some of its benefits (strengths) and limitations (weaknesses) in understanding consumer attitudes. • Explain why you are using this theory. Theory/ Framework Application • Apply the theory or framework you have chosen to your own example of when your attitude towards a brand had changed. • Clearly explain how your attitude towards this brand had changed; what factors contributed to the change. Marketing Implications and Recommendations • Referring to your Salesforce sentiment analysis results for your brand, explain what sentiment consumers have towards your brand, as evident on social media. • Explain how brand-related information available online can affect consumers’ attitudes towards the brand. Give examples. • Explain how marketers can use the Salesforce information to change or to maintain consumer attitudes towards their brand. Give examples of some strategies. • Draw conclusions about who ultimately has the power to change consumers’ attitudes towards a brand. Conclusion • A clear and concise conclusion, summarising the main points of the essay should be provided. Reference List (not included in word count) • You have to reference all your sources thoroughly so that you cannot be accused of plagiarism. If you are unsure about the referencing process then you MUST seek some advice from your lecturer and/or see the ECU Referencing Guide. • A minimum of 10 references (5 academic and 5 industry sources) in the APA referencing style) must be cited to pass this assessment. • All references must be cited (in-text and in the Reference List) in APA format and references should only appear in the Reference List if they are cited in the body of the report. • To achieve a high grade in this assessment, a range of references from credible sources must be sourced. This should include a variety of academic literature and industry sources. Appendices (not included in word count) • Appendices are for materials that are relevant to your essay but which are too bulky or disrupt the flow in-text. Only include information as an appendix if it adds value to your analysis or provides necessary information to support your claims. • Appendices must be presented in the order in which you use them in-text. This in turn means that you have to label Appendices in order – A, B, C, etc. Be sure to tell your reader when and why to refer to them. Do not place anything in an Appendix unless you refer to it in-text. RESOURCES Please refer to the Blackboard site for this unit. MARKING CRITERIA Please refer to the Blackboard site for this unit. FEEDBACK Feedback will be available via Blackboard>My Grades.
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MKT2608 Consumer Behaviour 2
Assessment Task 1: Individual Project: Essay (2,000 words) * Note: Select units use CADMUS academic integrity software in addition to Turnitin. PREPARATION Please view the recorded Assessment 1 Workshop session on Blackboard (available in Week 2). ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS This individual assessment is in the form of an essay on the following topic: Persuasion involves an active attempt to change consumers’ attitudes towards brands; this often transpires via marketing communications and tactics. The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) helps marketers to better understand persuasion and its effect on consumers. For example, the ELM assumes that under conditions of high involvement, consumers take the central route to persuasion. In your essay, use your own consumer examples to explain and contextualize the ELM. Further, describe how sentiment analysis (Salesforce Social Studio), can be used by marketers and consumers alike, in this context. In your essay, please address the following points: 1. Compare and contrast the central and peripheral routes to persuasion, by using your own consumer examples. 2. Explain what each route to persuasion means, what it involves and how it works. Use your own consumer examples and research well. (Tip: ensure that your own consumer behavior examples are suitable to demonstrating this topic.) 3. Discuss how brand-related information available online, such as social media sentiment (refer to your Salesforce Social Studio sentiment analysis) can be used to further understand this topic. For example, how do marketers use Salesforce Social Studio sentiment analysis in this context? What is its effect on consumers? Research well and relate back to your own examples and use industry examples to support your answers. 4. Use terminology we are learning in this unit. 5. Research well. Include 10 references (5 academic and 5 industry sources) in the APA referencing style. In text and end-of-text referencing is required. Value: 30% of the unit Format: Format: Essay in MS Word or Adobe pdf format. Word limit: 2,000 (+/-10%) excluding cover page and references list. Due date & time: Sunday 8 September 2019 by 11:59pm. How to submit: * Electronically, via Blackboard>Assessment 1 folder > Turnitin link Unit learning outcomes: LO. 1. Analyse your own buyer behaviour, and that of others. LO. 3. Use buyer behaviour theory to market products more efficiently and successfully. LO. 4. Explain the key terms, concepts and models of buyer behaviour theory. Essay Structure Introduction • The introduction should introduce the contents of the essay. State the brand examples which you will refer to in the essay. The introduction should be clear, concise and must link all elements of the essay. ELM Overview • An overview of ELM. • Clearly explain each route; then compare and contrast. • Identify some of each route’s benefits (strengths) and limitations (weaknesses) in understanding consumer behaviour and attitude. ELM Application • Apply the ELM to your own examples. • Clearly and in depth explain how the two ELM routes differ, by discussing each stage of each route, and by using your own examples. Marketing Implications and Recommendations • Referring to your Salesforce Social Studio sentiment analysis results for your brand, explain what sentiment consumers have towards your brands, as evident on social media. • Explain how brand-related information available online can effect consumers’ behavior and attitudes towards the brand. Explain using examples. • Explain how marketers can use the Salesforce information to change or to maintain consumer attitudes towards their brand. Give examples of some strategies. Conclusion • A clear and concise conclusion, summarising the main points of the essay should be provided. Reference List (not included in word count) • You have to reference all your sources thoroughly so that you cannot be accused of plagiarism. If you are unsure about the referencing process then you must seek some advice from your lecturer and/or see the ECU Referencing Guide. • A minimum of 10 references (5 academic and 5 industry sources) in the APA referencing style) must be cited to pass this assessment. • All references must be cited (in-text and in the Reference List) in APA format and references should only appear in the Reference List if they are cited in the body of the report. • To achieve a high grade in this assessment, a range of references from credible sources must be sourced. This should include a variety of academic literature and industry sources. Appendices (not included in word count) • Appendices are for materials that are relevant to your essay but which are too bulky or disrupt the flow in-text. Only include information as an appendix if it adds value to your analysis or provides necessary information to support your claims. • Appendices must be presented in the order in which you use them in-text. This in turn means that you have to label Appendices in order – A, B, C, etc. Do not place anything in an Appendix unless you refer to it in-text. RESOURCES Please refer to the Blackboard site for this unit. MARKING CRITERIA Please refer to the Blackboard site for this unit. FEEDBACK Feedback will be available via Blackboard>My Grades.
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MKT2608 Consumer Behaviour
Assessment Task 2: Team Project: Oral Presentation (10 minutes) * Note: Select units use CADMUS academic integrity software in addition to Turnitin. PREPARATION Value: 30% of the unit (15% Presentation & 15% Individual Submission) Format: Power Point Presentation Slides to be submitted in Adobe pdf format. There are no restrictions on the number of slides or words, however, remember that you have only 10 minutes to present. All students must submit a written up version of the section they had contributed and presented on. This is an individual submission in MS Word format due on the day of your presentation e.g. if you present at 11:30am on Tuesday in Week 11, then your individual submission is due on Blackboard (TurnitIn) on the same day, by 11:30am on Tuesday in Week 11 (the time your presentation is on). Your oral presentation is strictly 10 minutes (+/-1 minute) either in Week 11 or Week 12. For On-Campus Students, your presentation will take place during Tutorial class and for Online Students, your presentation will need to be recorded in Panopto or .mp4 format or a URL link (or presented live via Collaborate on Blackboard). Due date & time: You need to finalise your teams by the end of Week 3 and email your Tutor (On-Campus Students) or Lecturer (Online Students). By the end of Week 4, your team contracts need to be submitted via email to your Tutor (On-Campus Students) or Lecturer (Online Students). Power Point Presentation Slides are due by Sunday 13 October 2019 by 11:59pm. ALL groups (on-campus and Online Students), regardless of whether you are presenting in Week 11 or 12, need to submit their slides by this due date. These cannot be amended after submission and will be used for your presentation in Week 11 or 12. On-Campus Students’ Oral Presentations will take place in either Week 11 or 12 during Tutorial class (On-Campus Students) or submitted as a recorded video (or presented live via Collaborate on Blackboard) (Online Students). All students must submit a written up version of the section they had contributed and presented on. This is an individual submission due on the day of your presentation e.g. if you present at 11:30am on Tuesday in Week 11, then your individual submission is due on Blackboard (TurnitIn) on the same day, by 11:30am on Tuesday in Week 11 (the time your presentation is on). For Online Students, your recorded or live online presentation is due by Sunday 27 October 2019 by 11:59pm. How to submit: Electronically, via Blackboard>Assessment 2 folder > Turnitin link Unit learning outcomes: ULO. 1. Analyse your own buyer behaviour, and that of others. ULO. 2. Predict the likely effect of marketing decisions on the behaviour of buyers. ULO. 3. Use buyer behaviour theory to market products more efficiently and successfully. ULO. 4 Explain the key terms, concepts and models of buyer behaviour theory. Please view the recorded Assessment 2 Workshop session on Blackboard. ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS This team assessment is in the form of a 10 minute oral, in-class presentation for On-Campus Students or in the form of a recorded video presentation (or a live presentation via Collaborate on Blackboard) for Online Students. The focus is on applying consumer behavior theory or frameworks to analyse your own consumer behavior. This is akin to consumer behaviour research whereby marketers observe the behavior of consumers to learn about their behaviours, shopping habits and preferences. This assessment allows you to apply your analytical, teamwork, and oral communication skills. Step 1: By the end of Week 3, you need to form teams of 5 students (On-Campus Students will form teams in tutorial classes and Online Students will be assisted with this process). Your Tutor (On-Campus Students) or Lecturer (Online Students) will allocate a topic and the date (either in Week 11 or 12) for your team to present on. Step 2: By the end of Week 4, your team contracts need to be emailed to your Tutor (On-Campus Students) or to your Lecturer (Online Students). Step 3: View the Assessment 2 Workshop session available on Blackboard. Step 4: Power Point Presentation Slides are due by Sunday 13 October 2019 by 11:59pm. These cannot be amended after submission and will be used for your presentation in Week 11 or 12. Step 5: All students must submit a written up version of the section they had contributed and presented on. This is an individual submission due on the day of your presentation e.g. if you present at 11:30am on Tuesday in Week 11, then your individual submission is due on Blackboard (TurnitIn) on the same day, by 11:30am on Tuesday in Week 11 (the time your presentation is on). Oral Presentation requirements: Prepare a 10 minute presentation using MS PowerPoint. Everyone in your team must present. The focus is on applying consumer behavior theory or frameworks to analyse each of your team members’ consumer behavior. This is akin to consumer behaviour research whereby marketers observe the behavior of consumers to learn about their behaviours, shopping habits and preferences. In your presentation, you have to showcase the topic allocated to you and reflect on your own consumer behavior by using examples of all of your team members’ consumer choices. Your consumer choices and behavior needs to be analysed using theory (theories) or framework relevant to your assigned topic. Below is a suggested structure for your presentation, however, feel free to add other sections as you see fit. Please remember that it is only 10 minutes and you will be stopped by your Tutor if you attempt to go over time. - Introduction: introduce your team members, clearly state the purpose of your presentation, the topic and the theory(s) or framework that will be used in your analysis. - Consumer Examples: briefly explain the examples you will be referring to in your presentation. - Analysis: analyse each consumer example by using a relevant theory or framework related to the topic assigned to you. Your analysis should be supported by solid research evidence and illustrate critical thinking abilities. When you refer to a particular consumer behavior theory or framework, make sure to explain it clearly, interpret it in your own words and discuss how it can be applied to each example. - Marketing implications/recommendations: consider the implications of your analysis and how it could be relevant for a brand, specifically, how a marketing manager might be able to use it. In a nutshell: what can we learn from this comparison and contrast of consumers? Support with an industry example. - Conclusion: briefly but convincingly summarise the key points of your presentation. This is your last chance to impress your audience. Remember that as a future marketer, brand manager or business leader, you need to pay particular attention to making this presentation convincing, interesting and, above all, engaging. Your team will be marked on the presentation by your class mates and the written feedback they provide will be given to your team for your consideration. Your Tutor will ultimately award your group a mark. For Online Students, you will be able to submit your team presentation as a video or you may choose to present live via Collaborate on Blackboard to your Lecturer and online class mates. All students must submit a written up version of the section they had contributed and presented on. This is an individual submission due on the day of your presentation e.g. if you present at 11:30am on Tuesday in Week 11, then your individual submission is due on Blackboard (TurnitIn) on the same day, by 11:30am on Tuesday in Week 11 (the time your presentation is on). Your final mark for this assessment will be made up of your group mark (15%) and your individual contribution (15%). RESOURCES Please refer to the Blackboard site for this unit. MARKING CRITERIA Please refer to the Blackboard site for this unit. FEEDBACK Feedback will be available via Blackboard>My Grades.