ACC101 Individual Assignment
ACC101 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT Due Date: 29 March 2019, 9.30 p.m. Friday Total Mark: 100 marks (40%) General Rules and Requirements: ? This assignment is weighted to 40% ? Must be confined to 2,000 words. ? Any list of the references actually cited must be included in your assignment paper. ? Font type should be Times New Roman (size 12), paragraph spacing should be equal to 1.5. ? A word copy of the assignment must be submitted via Turn-it-in (the link is available on Moodle). ? 10% penalty will be applied for each day late. No extension will be given. ? Please write down your name and student ID on the cover page. ? Similarity rate must be lower than 20%, otherwise you will fail or even get zero mark in your assignment. Financial Analysis Refer to the 2014 annual report of JB Hi-Fi Limited on its website, and answer the following questions: Required: Part A 1. What is the total value in the consolidated financial statements for each of the following items at the end of the year? Cash and cash equivalents Inventories Sales revenue Other income Plant and Equipment Interest Expense (finance costs) Sales and marketing expense Occupancy expenses Trade and other payables Borrowings (non-current) 2. What is the normal balance for each of the accounts listed above? What side of the account, debit or credit, is affected in order to decrease each item? Part B 1. What are the different types of revenues generated by the consolidated group? 2. How are the group’s assets classified? 3. What are the major categories listed among the group’s equity? How many ordinary shareholders did JB Hi-Fi Limited have at the end of the financial year? 4. What is the group’s current liability for dividends to ordinary shareholders? If you owned only 100 ordinary shares in JB Hi-Fi Limited, how much would you receive in dividends? If added the interim dividend, what is the current year’s total amount of dividend per share? What is the Last year’s final dividend paid in the current period? 5. How do the dividends per share compare with the group’s ‘earnings’ per share (use basic one)? What is the proportion of the dividend paid or paying out of the total profit as ordinary dividends for current year? Part C 1. From the statement of cash flows, name the journal(s) or journal summaries in which you would expect to find the following transactions recorded: a. Receipts from customers b. Payments to suppliers and employees c. Dividends paid to members of the parent entity d. Payments for property, plant and equipment 2. From the financial statements and notes in relation to revenues and expenses, name the journal (s) or journal summaries in which you would expect to find the following transactions recorded: a. cost of sales expense b. sales and marketing expense c. other income d. occupancy expense

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ACC102 Fundamentals of Accounting II
Assignment Unit: ACC102 - Fundamentals of Accounting II Set 2 Total Marks: This assignment is 30 marks in total (weighing 30% of the course). Instructions: 1. Students are required to cover all stated requirements. 2. Your answer must be uploaded to Moodle in word file with your full name and student ID number. 3. You need to support your answers with appropriate Harvard style references where necessary. 4. Only include information in your appendixes that has been directly referred to in the body of your document. 5. Include a title/cover page containing the subject title and code and the name, student id number and name. 6. The deadline for the assignment is 11pm 5 October 2019. Late penalty marks will be deducted from the available marks. In early July 2019, Masterton Ltd is considering the acquisition of some machinery for $1 100 000 to be used in the manufacture of a new product. The machinery has a useful life of 10 years, during which management plans to produce 500 000 units of the new product. The residual value of the machinery is $100 000. The following projections were made in order to select a depreciation method to be used for the machinery. In calculating the profit before depreciation, all expenses have been deducted, including the repairs and maintenance expense. Ignore GST Required (a) As the accountant for Masterton Ltd, prepare separate depreciation schedules for the machinery for the 5-year period, using the following depreciation methods: i. straight-line ii. diminishing balance iii. sum-of-years’-digits iv. units-of-production. Use the following headings for each schedule: ‘Year ending 30 June’, ‘Annual depreciation expense’, ‘Accumulated depreciation’, ‘Carrying amount at end of year’. (b) Prepare a report for management, stating the advantages and disadvantages of each depreciation method. Include in the report your recommendations on the choice of method consistent with the requirements of IAS 16/AASB 116. Support your recommendations with schedules showing the total annual cost of operating the machinery, and the profit after depreciation. (c) Write an addendum to your report, making further recommendations based on the following additional information supplied to you by management. As an alternative to acquiring the machinery, management is considering leasing the machinery for an annual rental charge of $250 000; all repairs and maintenance costs would be paid by the lessor. Secondly, management wishes to show the most favourable financial results in anticipation of acquiring a long-term bank loan.
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ACC203 Management Accounting
ACC203 ASSIGNMENT 1 ACC203 Assignment 25% Please attach one cover sheet with your SID and name, please answer questions including all working process, please submit on the moodle, word limit: 1000 words, keep similarity rate as low as possible. The deadline is Monday night-23:00pm in week 5, 12/August/2019, 10% penalty for one day late. Use your SID and name to be the name of the file. Question 1 (10 marks) The Flying Airlines company has been operating for five years and is currently in the process of restructuring its operations due to the challenging conditions it is facing both in its local and international operations. To this end it has asked you to advise it on the best course of action and any concerns or problems it may encounter in each situation. At Sydney Airport the company has a three year old loader truck which it uses to load meals on to airplanes with the box being lifted hydraulically to the airplane’s side doors. The loader was bought three years ago at $100,000 and is depreciated straight line to zero over its four year life - so the loader has one year useful life remaining. This loader could be sold now for $5,000. In addition to its annual depreciation of $25,000, the Flying Airlines Company incurs $80,000 annually in variable operating costs to operate the loader. The Operations Manager, Jack Steele, is facing a decision about replacement of the loader. A new loader would cost $20,000 to purchase and would last for one year and would incur $50,000 in annual variable operating costs. REQUIRED Based on the above costs what should the Flying Airlines do? Replace the loader truck with the conveyor belt now or wait for another year and then replace the loader truck with the conveyor belt? Show calculations and explanation. Ignore the time value of money. ACC203 ASSIGNMENT 2 Question 2 (15 marks) Part A: Classifying costs (5 marks) A manufacturer has the following cost estimates in their annual budget: Required: (Show total cost for each cost category) a) Identify budgeted PERIOD COSTS b) Identify budgeted PRIME COSTS c) Identify budgeted CONVERSION COSTS d) Identify budgeted TOTAL PRODUCT COSTS e) Identify budgeted OVERHEAD COSTS Part B: Calculating Predetermined Overhead Rate (POHR) (5 marks) The formula for calculating the POHR: POHR = Budgeted Annual OverheadsBudgeted annual cost driver activity level ACC203 ASSIGNMENT 3 Using the formula for each of the following potential cost drivers, calculate a PREDETERMINED OVERHEAD RATE to APPLY OVERHEADS in each operation: (i) The manufacturer estimates average direct labour cost per hour to be $30.00 per hour. (/DLH) (2 marks) (ii) The manufacturer decides to allocate overheads based on Direct Labour COST. (/DL$) (1 marks) (iii) The manufacturer estimates there will be 130,000 machine hours worked this year. (/MH) (1 marks) (iv) The manufacturer decides to allocate overheads based on Direct Material COST. (/DM$) (1 marks) Part C: “Normalising” Manufacturing Costs using a Predetermined Overhead Rate (POHR) (2 marks) Using the POHR rates calculated above, calculate the APPLIED OVERHEAD if the following ACTUAL COST DRIVER ACTIVITY LEVELS occurred: i (i) Actual Direct labour hours were 11,500 ii (ii) Actual Machine Hours were 125,000 Part D: Dealing with OVER or UNDER APPLIED OVERHEADS (3 marks) For each of the APPLIED OVERHEAD amounts calculated in Part C, if the ACTUAL Overheads were as follows, calculate the difference to the budgeted overhead and indicate whether the overheads were OVER or UNDER APPLIED: Actual overheads were: $2,850,000 a. Using DLH shown b. Using MH shown
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ACC204 Advanced Financial Accounting
1 ACC204 Assignment 40% Please attach one cover sheet with your SID and name, please answer questions including all working process, please submit on the moodle, only word file will be accepted, keep similarity rate as low as possible, less than 20% The deadline is Sunday night-23:00pm in week 5, 13/October/2019, 10% penalty for one day late. No extension will be given, no excuses will be accepted. Use your SID and name to be the name of the file. Part one – case study (10 marks) Answering the following questions in essay format, word limit: 500-1000 words. ACCOUNTING FOR LEASES BY LESSEE Alan Tan is the CEO for an airline company. The company has a large proportion of its aircraft leased from manufacturers under lease agreements that can be cancelled at any time with minimal penalties. At the end of the period starting on 1 January 2019, looking at the statement of financial position prepared by the company accountant, Joyce Maine, Alan noticed a large increase in the total assets and liabilities. Not being aware of any major restructuring activities or investments during the period but having heard about a change in the accounting rules governing leases, Alan asks Joyce to prepare a report describing how the changes in those accounting rules affect the company. Required Joyce approaches you, a junior accountant, to summarise the changes in the treatment of some leases that caused the large increase in the total assets and liabilities. Provide a short description of those changes to Joyce. Part Two – case study (10 marks) Answering the following questions in essay format, word limit: 500-1000 words IDENTIFYING THE ACQUIRER White Ltd has been negotiating with Cloud Ltd for several months, and agreements have finally been reached for the two companies to combine. In considering the accounting for the combined entities, management realises that, in applying AASB 3/IFRS 3, an acquirer must be identified. However, there is debate among the accounting staff as to which entity is the acquirer. Required 1. What factors/indicators should management consider in determining which entity is the acquirer? 2. Why is it necessary to identify an acquirer? In particular, what differences in accounting would arise if White Ltd or Cloud Ltd were identified as the acquirer? 2 Part 3 -analysis and calculation (10 marks) Flaxton Ltd made an accounting profit before tax of $40 000 for the year ended 30 June 2021. Included in the accounting profit were the following items of revenue and expense. For tax purposes the following applied. Required Calculate the current tax liability for the year ended 30 June 2021, and prepare the adjusting journal entry. Explain your treatment of rent items in your answer to requirement 1. Part 4-analysis and calculation (10 marks) The equity of Sea Horse Ltd at 1 January 2020 was as follows. The following events occurred during the year. 3 Required: 1. Prepare the journal entries to give effect to the above events. 2. Prepare the equity section of the statement of financial position at 31 December 2020.
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ACC305 Auditing and Professional Practice
1 ACC305 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT 2 QUESTION 1 (16 MARKS) The following situations may or may not breach the ethical requirements of APES 110. You need to state whether they are or are not a breach of the ethical requirements of APES110 and if they are a breach of the ethical requirements state which ethical principle has been breached : (a) Ernie Dengate sells his accounting practice which includes bookkeeping, tax and auditing.He obtains permission for the release of tax working papers but does not request permission for the others.He releases all the working papers from these functions to the new accountant,Jago ,who has bought the practice . (b) Fred Nerk ,a public accountant in a small country town,provides tax services,management advisory services and does audits for the same clients.Sometimes the same person provides all these services. (c)The Allgood Chartered Accounting firm maintains its records on various computers in its office.It does audits on the Branch company and the Branch company has found its computer facilities are inadequate for its needs and so the Allgood Chartered Accounting firm has maintained certain of the accounting records of Branch company on its computers. (d)James Jameson ,a public accountant,stays too long at the annual Christmas party of his firm,the Balgowlah Accountants and consumes too much alcohol and drugs. He subsequently goes into town and is involved in a fight and is charged with assault on a person at a hotel as well as drunken and disorderly behaviour when he attempts to drive off.He is subsequently convicted and sentenced to 3 month in gaol as well as having his license suspended for 1 year. (e)The Mortdale Accounting firm had carried out several audits of public companies in the last year.It now provided the working papers to the Penshurst Accountants who were carrying out a peer review of the audits by Mortdale Accounting.The Mortdale Accounting firm does not advise its clients of these reviews. (f) Jan Dungog,a CPA , applies to a local public accounting firm of Chartered Accountants, for a position ,but asks the local public accounting firm not to contact her current employer.The local public accounting firm do not contact her contact her current employer but hire her without contacting them or her other referees . (g)Wendal Sailor ,a chartered accountant,acquires an insurance and superannuation business as well as conducting audits.During audits Wendal Sailor frequently contacts the firms during the audit advising them of their other services prior to providing their final Audit Opinion. (h) Judith Durham is the partner on an audit of a not for profit charitable organisation.She is also a member of the Board of Directors but this position is honorary and does not involve her performing any management function. 3 QUESTION 2 (24 MARKS) Indicate the type of opinion that should be expressed in each of the following situations, providing reasons for your choice . (a)You have been asked to do the audit for a new client this financial year .While you are satisfied that there appears to be no material misstatements for the information during the current financial year the client will not provide any information about the opening balances of accounts at the start of the financial year. (b) You have just started auditing the financial statements of a client, which has not been following the Australian Accounting Standards since it began operating four years ago. (c) A client has been using the LIFO method of accounting for inventory, which is disallowed under the Australian Accounting Standards. This has had a material effect on the financial statements however, its effect is currently limited to the effect on the Inventory value (d) The auditor of Numark has just completed the audit and is satisfied that there are no material misstatements however the client’s continuation as a going concern is in extreme doubt as its major customer has gone into liquidation and it appears very unlikely that other customers will take its place due to the highly specialised nature of its products. (e) The auditor was unable to obtain confirmations from eight of the client’s major customers that were included in the sample however, the auditor was able to satisfy himself about the balances of these accounts using other audit procedures. (f)The client restricted the auditor from carrying out procedures to verify the property, plant and equipment .The property, plant and equipment comprises 35% of total assets. (g) Management have excluded from the financial report the necessary disclosures in relation to a contingent liability .If this becomes an actual liability it will have a material effect on the financial report when it becomes an actual liability. (h) A significant proportion of a retailer’s sales are made on a cash basis but the internal controls are inadequate and the value of these cannot be verified. There are no audit tests that can be done to assure yourself that cash sales are being recorded or are correct.
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ACC307 Accounting Theory
ACC307 Individual Assignment Unit coordinator: Nathan Zhang Due date: 8pm Friday week 5, 01/02/2019 Question: Write a report of 2000 words to the chairpersons of the Financial Reporting Council and the Australian Accounting Standards Board, commenting on the following argument: Attempts to bring about radical change through the introduction of a conceptual framework have failed. When it appeared as though SAC 4 would require firms to report a greater number of liabilities, lobbying began in earnest and business ensured that any innovation was quashed. As such, the best that can be hoped for from a conceptual framework is that it legitimises current practice, maintains existing social and economic status, and staves off public sector attempts to control accounting standard setting. Requirement: Students are required to answer questions in an essay format (introduction, body, conclusion and references) attached a cover with students’ information. Front size 12, 1.5 line space, must be typed in word and submit it in through Turin-it-in. Similarity rate must be lower than 20%, between 20%-40%, you will receive penalty on your report, higher than 40%, you will fail your report immediately. You are allowed to submit your report many times unit the due date (8pm Friday week 5, 01/02/2019). You don’t need to delete previous report, you just need to resubmit it and the previous one will be replaced by the new one. If you submit your report after the due date, you will receive 10% penalty on each day late unit zero mark. No excuses including medical certificate will be accepted. Put on one cover sheet on your assignment with your name and student ID Good luck!
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CMU201 Business Communications
CMU201 – Business Communications Analytical Assignment – 2016 (T2B2) Unit Coordinator: Dr Paul Howe
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CMU202 Marketing Communications 2
CMU304 - Marketing Communication II (T2 2019) Individual assignment - 40% Task Description Students will select a product or service of a company of their choice that is operating in the Australian Market and develop a marketing communications plan (IMC) for it product / services. Your IMC plan of between 2,000 – 2,500 Words (excluding referencing) must include the following sections: 1. Brief background (of company, its products/services, brand and positioning, marketing objectives, key competitors etc) 2. Overview of the current marketing activities (include samples where possible) 3. Current market segmentation (include demographic, psychographic and media consumption detail on your chosen segment) 4. Develop at least 3 communication (advertising) objectives (such as developing brand awareness, promoting product/services and company knowledge, influencing consumer attitudes or behaviours) 5. Develop a core creative concept that can be adapted for different media (At a minimum you will need to write a headline/message and include some form or image that will achieve your objectives. You can use software such as CANVA to develop your creative concept or include mock-ups. Include a creative rationale) 6. Develop a simple 12 month media plan (select the media vehicle(s) you will use to achieve your objectives and creative strategy. Consider all media including traditional and digital. Justify your use of specific media based on target audience media consumption and/or stage in the customer journey. Use a table or spreadsheet to create the media plan. Do not include media costs) 7. Provide details of how will you measure IMC plan effectiveness (what will you measure, how will it be measured, what technology will you use, what will success look like) 8. Bibliography (include a detailed bibliography of all sources – including websites - used in your plan. Use Harvard referencing style) Submit your plan via Moodle by the set deadline. Notes / Tips • This is an individual assessment (no groups). • Be creative • You are IMC Manager so your report should be professionally presented • The company must be operating in the Australian market • Any assessment with a TURN-IT-IN similarity 20% will NOT be accepted • Review the marking criteria to focus your efforts Marking Criteria Element Available marks 100* • Background 0-10 • Overview of the current marketing activities 0-10 • Current market segmentation 0-10 • Develop at least 3 communication (advertising) objectives 0-10 • Develop a core creative concept that can be adapted for different media 0-20 • Develop a simple 12 month media plan 0-20 • Provide details of how will you measure IMC plan effectiveness 0-10 • Professional Standard Formatting & Proofreading 0-5 • Bibliography 0-5 *marks will be scaled to 40% of your final grade.
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CMU202 Marketing Communications
CMU202 Marketing Communications – Individual Assignment Instructions Type: Individual Report. Learning Objectives Assessed: 1, 4, 5, 6, Due Date: Week 11 Friday via Turn-it-in Weight: 25% Task Description: Select a well-known brand that you are familiar with. You could choose one from the Banking, Airline, Hospitality, Fashion, Automotive, Technology or FMCG industries. Undertake individual research and complete both Part A and Part B of the assignment. Submit both parts on to Turn-It-In as one file. Part A: Research assignment Research and write a 2,000-word individual report that uses a selected reputable brand to describe and analyse brand elements, brand equity, the brand’s market positioning, brand loyalty activities, potential threats to the brand. Suggested Report Format • Brief snapshot history of the brand • Brand elements (logo, slogan, attributes, values etc) • Brand equity (financial value of brand, trends in brand value, value compared to main competitors) • Market positioning (USP, competitive advantage, target markets etc) • Brand loyalty activities (loyalty programs, social media communities etc) • Potential threats to the brand (competition, economics, technology, changing market needs etc) • Summary and future outlook for the brand • Bibliography Part B: Media Plan You are also required to develop and submit a 12-month integrated marketing communications plan for a campaign relating to the brand. The media plan should include the following elements and should be NO LONGER THAN 1000 words in length. The emphasis in the plan should be on the media selection and the rationale for it in terms of the strategic marketing task and the exposure required within the target segment. The report should include details of: • Media/Communication objectives (target audience, frequency, reach, coverage, key message objectives) • Justification/Rationale for media selection (using relevant research, role in customer journey and advertising theory) • Media schedule (justification for schedule proposed and inclusion of schedule for first year of launch) • Media measurement (evaluation measures to be used to determine media success and contingency planning) • An indication of likely media costs A media plan template will be available on Moodle. Complete this template and include it in your plan. (You could take a snippet of the plan and insert it as an image) Marking Criteria Element Available marks 100* Part A Report 0-65 • Introduction (History, products, markets et) 0-5 • Brand Attributes (what does the brand mean to consumers) 0-10 • Positioning (brand, market, USP) 0-10 • Estimation of brand equity / brand value 0-10 • Description of target market 0-10 • Competitors, threats and outlook 0-5 • Sample marketing material (print ad, TVC still, online ad etc 0-5 • Professional Formatting & Proofreading 0-5 • Harvard style Academic Referencing (in text and bibliography) 0-5 Part B Media Plan 0-35 • Objectives 0-5 • Target market 0-5 • Media selection and justification 0-10 • Media Schedule (dates, format, 0-5 • Estimated Media Costs 0-5 • Campaign success criteria and measuring methods 0-5 *marks will be scaled to 25% of your final grade.
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LAW303 Taxation Law
1 BLOCK 2 TRIMESTER 3 2018: TLAW 303 – TAXATION LAW – ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS Assessment Details Due date: 25th Jan 11:59PM Weighting: 30% Format: three income tax calculation questions. 10 marks each. Objectives Answer the following questions with reference to the relevant legislative provisions operating in Australia concerning the calculation of income tax. Do not consider the effects of legislation potentially applicable other than that specifically identified. (There is no word limit) Assessment Tasks Question 1 10 Marks Calculate the below for the following taxpayers for the year ended 30 June 2018: • income tax payable (ignore the offset) • Medicare levy 1 An Australian individual aged 25 years who is a resident with a taxable income of $15,000. 2 marks 2 An Australian resident, eligible for a Seniors tax offset, with a taxable income of $32,000. 2 marks 3 An Australian individual (45 years old) who is a resident with a taxable income of $155,000 and he is holding no private health insurance throughout the whole year. 2 marks 4 An Australian company qualified as a “small business entity” with a taxable income of $100. 2 marks 5 An Australian individual who is a non-resident with a taxable income of $255,000. 2 marks Question 2 10 Marks You client, Jeremy, has the following income and deductions for the financial year ended 30 June 2018: Salary $32,000 Bank Interest $150 Allowable deductions for special work clothing $450 Employer-deducted PAYG $2,600 Income tax payable/refundable ? Calculate Jeremy’s income tax payable or refundable for FY2018. Question 3 10 Marks During the current income year Rafael, a resident taxpayer, has the following income for the financial year ended 30 June 2018: Gross salary $68,000 PAYG tax withheld $15,100 Fully franked dividend $2,000 Unfranked dividend $1,000 Franked (60%) dividend $900 Deductions Nil Taxable income ? Calculate Rafael’s taxable income and tax payable for FY2018.
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MGT205 Cross Culture Management
Redefining Workplace Learning For The 21st Century By Jenny Dearborn, Vice President, Chief Learning Officer, SuccessFactors – an SAP company Forbes, October 2013 Disruptive technologies and shifting demographics are redefining the workforce. In response, smart companies are reinventing workplace learning in an effort to make their programs more relevant and effective, and to create a culture that encourages continuous learning and develops innovative leaders at all levels of the organization. “Today, workplace learning has achieved mission-critical status,” says Sam Herring, CEO of Intrepid Learning. “Global CEOs face an environment that is more competitive than ever—one in which they live or die by their ability to lead innovation, which can only be realized by having world-class talent that is highly competent, motivated and engaged. Top companies understand this connection, and they know that success requires more than waging a war to acquire talent; it requires that they strategically develop the talent they need to envision and execute the business strategies that will make them successful in the future.” Get out of the classroom For most of the last century, workplace learning had a familiar look and feel: students sat in rows taking notes as an expert stood at the front of the room and dispensed information. Technology offered new ways to communicate and learn, but all too often technology-based learning programs turned out to be little more than upgraded versions of the same traditional K-12 model. Today, that is changing rapidly. New advances in mobile devices and cloud technology, a deeper understanding of neuroscience and how humans learn best, and the emergence of the millennial workforce—the tech-savvy generation that is the largest in U.S. history—is creating a growing demand for more innovative and informal approaches to workplace learning. “Employees no longer see their careers as the function of a single organization, but as the culmination of a purposeful set of development experiences they own themselves,” says Mary Slaughter, senior vice president and chief talent officer at Sun Trust. “When you combine their motivations with ubiquitous, on-demand access to skills and knowledge, and the unrelenting pressure to increase workplace productivity, it’s fruitless to maintain traditional, static learning architectures.” How workplace learning is changing In the very near future, workplace learning will be about social collaboration, team-based activities, and decentralized peer-to-peer learning. Learning will be mobile, and access will be continuous and instantaneous. Workers will attend fewer scheduled classes and online training sessions. Instead, short videos, game-like simulations, and peer communities that offer networking, information sharing and informal coaching will engage and motivate workers by delivering “anyplace, anytime learning.” In the future, workplace learning will be increasingly experiential and relationship-based, knowledge will come from everywhere, and companies won’t be able to control or standardize it. Corporate-sponsored training will become less important and knowledge assessments or certifications will become more important. Companies won’t care how their employees acquire knowledge or obtain a certain skill or ability, but only that they canprove their expertise. “Companies that understand the power of learning are thinking holistically about how learning happens in the workplace, and they are seeking to create environments where learning thrives,” Herring says. “They understand that classroom training (or derivatives such as e-learning or virtual classroom sessions) isn’t enough. They know that an effective learning environment often must include performance support to provide ongoing reinforcement, easy access to knowledge repositories for quick micro-learning lessons, collaborative communities to tap the wisdom of the crowds, and most importantly, abundant opportunities to practice new skills in the work environment, to reflect on one’s performance, and to improve.” Learning should be continuous Employees should begin their workplace learning their first day on the job—and never stop. No one should ever wait for a training class or direction from management to get what they need to be successful. Considering the rate at which information changes and the nature of our always-on culture, employees must be proactive. They can’t afford to wait to acquire the knowledge and skills they need for a new job or an expanded role in the organization. In the future, learning will be continuous and so easy to access that there will be no excuse for people to fail to get the information they need. Writing in Harvard Business Review, leadership development expert Jack Zenger offers a dramatic example of what can happen if employees don’t take charge of their own career development. When Zenger reviewed his company’s database, he found that the 17,000 business leaders from around the world who had taken part in his firm’s leadership training programs had an average age of 42. “But the average age of supervisors in these firms was 33,” Zenger writes. “In fact the typical individual in these companies became a supervisor around age 30 and remained in that role for nine years — that is, until age 39. It follows then, that if they’re not entering leadership training programs until they’re 42, they are getting no leadership training at all as supervisors. And they’re operating within the company untrained, on average, for over a decade.” In the process, they are learning bad habits that become deeply ingrained and difficult to change. And by leaving the decisions about their development to others, they risk eventually stalling or derailing their careers. Measure results, not activity Finally, it’s essential for companies to measure the impact of workplace learning and leadership development in a meaningful way, by tying those programs to actual business results. Companies are most comfortable with what they can easily measure and understand. As a result, the learning organization often tracks the “effectiveness” of programs by measuring the number of classes offered and how many employees attended. That’s like having your manager ask what results you achieved this year and responding, “I went to a lot of meetings.” With big data and predictive analytics there is no longer any excuse for not connecting learning to business-impact metrics. Learning success can be assessed in terms of sales cycles, deal win rate, service response times, customer satisfaction, product quality and other business metrics as well as employee engagement and productivity. When we redesigned workplace learning at SAP, for example, employee attrition dropped 80 percent. That was a big win for our company. What it comes down to is this: If you can’t prove that the workplace learning you’re offering has a positive and measureable effect on your business, then why bother providing the training? How is your company redefining workplace learning to help ensure its future success? Assessment 2 – Individual Project Leveraging off this article, you are to research on workplace learning – • Examine the impact of employee training and development on organizational profits • Discuss budgetary considerations in human resources, such as accommodating the need for employee training • Reflect on this within your own organization; and propose changes for the future 2000 Words (+/- 10%) Please ensure – 1. You have a cover/title page with your name on it. 2. You have a reference page. 3. You number your pages. 4. You save your essay in the following format – FULL NAME – MGT205 – ESSAY 5. NO PDF SUBMISSIONS! MGT203 - Human Resource Management Research Essay – Feedback Sheet Title: Redefining Workplace Learning for the 21st Century Student Name: Considerable room for improvement Some room for improvement Of an acceptable basic standard Of a good standard Of an excellent standard Is the essay well researched? Evidence of relevant reading. Demonstrates deep understanding of the issues raised in journal articles and other academic sources. 10 marks Is the essay well structured? Essay is logically structured Clear introduction Effective conclusion 10 marks Is the essay well contextualised? Ability to contextualise the material presented within the broader context of ideas, concepts and models from this course. 10 marks Is the essay well-argued? Relationships between ideas are made clear Appropriate evidence used to support statements Direct quotations are used economically but effectively Ability to compare and contrast material from difference academic sources. 15 marks Is the assignment well-written? Writing is clear and concise Sentences are properly constructed. Spelling and grammar are correct Writing is formal and academic 2.5 marks Is the assignment well-presented? Presentation and use of citations Accurate and appropriate presentation of reference list. 2.5marks Marked out of a total of 50 marks and converted to 20% weighting
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PRS201 Public Relations Theory and Practice
PRS201 – Public Relation Theory & Practice (PR) Assignment 1 Tasks Group report – 30% 1. Purpose This teamwork-, scenario- and practice-based assessment is designed to allow students to research and critically analyse the organisational practices that impede and enhance creation or management of Public Relations Theory and Practice. The assessment also allows students to further develop their team working and professional communication skills in a simulated competitive business environment. This assessment relates to Learning Outcomes a, b and c. Word count and/or time limit Word limit – 2500 words EXCLUDING references (to be included in the report). References required: Minimum 8 – 10 references. Referencing style is Harvard. References must be from academic peer reviewed journal articles including text book. Due Date:- Written report – Turnitin – Week 10, Wed, 11.59pm. 2. Topic Ethical Public Relations Theory and Practice. Brief As a group, pick one of the 4 major Australian Banks- CBA, ANZ, NAB, WBC and do the research as per brief below. Groups serve as consultancies participating in a tender to win a bid for a lucrative contract with the Bank. Shattered by a number of current ethical scandals the Board of Directors of the Bank has conducted a series of meetings and identified that the Bank needs to learn to be ethical. The Board announced a Tender for the best analysis of the problems and proposals for change. The Bank’s Board of Directors represented by its Chairperson will accept all the proposals provided that they: (a) Explain repeated ethical scandals through the lens of Public Relations Theory and Practice theories; (b) Identify the existing barriers to the organisational learning at the Bank. (c) Stakeholder Analysis (d) Impact on the image/brand. (e) Deliver a set of research-substantiated analytical recommendations assisting the Bank to learn to be ethical standards & enhance its CSR. In a fierce competition only one consultancy will be granted a contract (equals - The winning student group will receive a prize). 3. Group Report requirements This report reflects several main points of the brief that are incorporated into its structure. Groups are expected to follow: 1. Introduction 2. Analysis of the cause of repeated ethical scandals through the lens of PR theories & practices 3. Stakeholder Analysis 4. Impact on image/branding 5. Analysis of existing barriers at the chosen Bank 6. Role of PR in managing these crises. 7. Prepare a press release to the shareholders 8. Recommendations to become an Ethical & in enhancing CSR of Organisation 9. Conclusion 10. Reference Lists. Marking guides ASSESSMENT 2/WRITTEN REPORT MARKING GUIDE assesses structure and cohesiveness of the arguments, writing skills, and, most importantly, the quality of the analysis of scandals and barriers to learning as well as the quality of recommendations.