BUACC5901 Accounting and Finance
1 Assignment for Submission Subject: BUACC 5901, Semester 1, 2019 This is a Group Assignment. All questions must be completed. Question 1. Transurban is a company that primarily builds Toll roads in Australia and overseas. The 2018 Annual report for the Company is provided at the following address https://www.transurban.com/about-us/reporting Using the 2018 annual report to compare the financial results of the company between 2017 and 2018. You should use any financial information provided in the 2018 report (including ratios, and narratives) to conclude on the improvements or not in financial position and profitability. Your discussion should focus on reasons for any improvement or not (the group financial statements appear on Page 54 of the report). What other information would you need to make an assessment of Transurban? Word Limit 1000 words, Marks = 40 Question 2. The 2018 FY18 UN Sustainable Development Goals progress report is provided at the following address https://www.transurban.com/content/dam/transurban-pdfs/01/sustainability-reports/FY18-Sustainability-Report-SDG.pdf Use this information to explain how Transurban is meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). What is your opinion of these initiatives? Word Limit 750 words, Marks = 30 2 Question 3. The Unadjusted Trial Balance For Swan Jet Ski Hire As At 30 June 2019 is below: Debit Credit Cash at bank $8,950 Accounts receivable 6,915 Prepaid insurance 5,685 Marine supplies (1/7/2018) 1,235 Jet Skis 121,500 Accumulated depreciation – jet skis $48,000 Office equipment 3,150 Accumulated depreciation – office equipment 1,335 Accounts payable 8,895 Bank loan 37,500 Unearned rental revenue 1,260 D Swan, capital 47,535 D Swan, drawings 12,450 Rental revenue 54,405 Salaries expense 22,800 Repairs and maintenance expense 3,945 Marine supplies expense 10,200 Utilities expense 2,100 Totals 198,930 198,930 Additional information: 1. Depreciation on the jet ski fleet for one year is $13,000. Depreciation on the office equipment is $600. 2. Expired insurance amounted to $4,950 3. A physical stocktake has determined that marine supplies on hand amounted to $600. 4. The balance in the unearned rental revenue account includes $253 for services provided on 27 June 2012. 5. Salaries earned but not paid amounted to $1,720. 6. Accrued interest on the bank loan is $3,560 7. Repairs on one jet ski performed in June for $850 have not yet been paid or recorded. 8. Utilities for June of $275 have not been paid for or recorded at 30 June 2019. Required: (a) Prepare an Income Statement for the year ended 30 June 2019. (b) Prepare a fully classified Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2019. (10 + 15 = 25 marks) Presentation (including proper referencing) (5 marks) Total Marks = 100 3 BUACC5901, Group Assignment Marking Scheme Names: Student Numbers: Bases of assessment Marks Possible Question 1 Comparing the financial results of the Transurban group from 2017 to 2018. Use of key results (and their explanation) including ratios and narrations (15 marks). Discussion on the improvements or not in financial position and profitability, and reasons (15 marks). What other information would you need to make an assessment of Transurban? (10 marks) / 40 Question 2. Examination of how Transurban is meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (10 marks) How do you rate the sustainability of Transurban? (20 marks). / 30 Question 3 Presentation and Accuracy of all parts / 25 Overall Presentation – including cover page, line spacing, page numbering, referencing. / 5 Total / 100

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BUACC5930 Accounting Concepts and Practices
1 Assignment for Submission Subject: BUACC 5930, Accounting Concepts and Practices Semester 1, 2019 This is a Group Assignment. This is due in week 10 or 11. All questions must be completed. Question 1. Transurban is a company that primarily builds Toll roads in Australia and overseas. The 2018 Annual report for the Company is provided at the following address https://www.transurban.com/about-us/reporting Using the 2018 annual report to compare the financial results of the Company between 2017 and 2018. You should use any financial information provided in the 2018 reports (including ratios, and narratives) to conclude on the improvements or not in financial position and profitability. You discussion should focus on reasons for this (the Group financial statements appear on Page 54 of the report). What other information would you need to make an assessment of Transurban? Word Limit 1000 words, Marks = 40 Question 2. The 2018 FY18 UN Sustainable Development Goals progress report is provided at the following address https://www.transurban.com/content/dam/transurban-pdfs/01/sustainability-reports/FY18-Sustainability-Report-SDG.pdf Use this information to explain how Transurban is meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). What is your opinion of these initiatives? Word Limit 750 words, Marks = 30 2 Question 3: Problem 9.6 Rochelle Graves Ltd, page 392 Weygant et al., (2013) Question 4. Comparative Financial data at 30 June for Harry’s Hardware is as follows. 2017 2018 Cash at Bank 16,400 19,000 Inventories 40,000 52,000 Receivables (net) 16,400 15,000 Prepaid Insurance 600 700 Long term investments 14,000 20,000 Motor vehicles 84,000 90,000 Accumulated depreciation – motor vehicles (26,000) (36,000) Total Assets 145,400 160,700 Accrued sundry expenses Accounts Payable 350 20,000 275 14,000 Long term loan 35,000 25,000 Capital 90,050 121,425 Total Equities 145,400 160,700 3 Harrys Hardware Income Statement for year ended 30 June 2018 Income: $ $ Sales 450,000 Gross proceeds from sale of motor vehicle 3,000 453,000 Expenses: Cost of sales 320,000 General expenses including depreciation 68,000 Carrying amount of motor vehicle sold 2,000 390,000 Profit 63,000 Additional Information The vehicle which was sold had originally cost $10,000. Required: Prepare a Cash Flow Statement for Harrys Harware for the year ended 30 June, 2018 from the above information given (note that you should use the Direct Approach). (15 marks) 4 BUACC5930, Group Assignment Marking Scheme Names: Student Numbers: Bases of assessment Marks Possible Question 1 Comparing the financial results of the Transurban group from 2017 to 2018. Use of key results (and their explanation) including ratios and narrations (15 marks). Discussion on the improvements or not in financial position and profitability, and reasons (15 marks). What other information would you need to make an assessment of Transurban? (10 marks) / 40 Question 2. Examination of how Transurban is meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (10 marks) How do you rate the sustainability of Transurban? (20 marks). / 30 Question 3 Presentation and Accuracy of all parts / 10 Question 4 Presentation and Accuracy of all parts / 15 Overall Presentation – including cover page, line spacing, page numbering, referencing. / 5 Total / 100
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BUACC5931 Research and Statistical Methods for Business
Associations between Quantitative and Qualitative Job Insecurity and Well-being Research questions De Witte et al. (2010) investigated the association of employee’s perception of quantitative and qualitative job insecurity with job satisfaction, and psychological distress in the Belgium banking sector. Job insecurity is defined as the employees’ concerns about their work-related future. There are two kinds of job insecurities, the quantitative job insecurity and the qualitative job insecurity. The quantitative job insecurity is about the threat to the continuation of the job in the future. The qualitative job insecurity is about threat to the various valued aspects of the job, such as job content or working conditions. Data collection and respondents In total, there were 69,000 employees working in the 63 Belgian banks affiliated to the sector’s joint industrial committee in 2001. As questioning all employees would be too expensive, the researchers decided to survey a sample of 15,000 employees (roughly 21%). All the 63 banks participated in the survey. About 21% of employees in each bank were invited to participate in the survey. Within each bank, the respondents were selected at random with no particular quota for gender, age or employee level. The survey was based on addresses which had been provided by the banks (name, language, address) and each randomly selected employee received a personalized envelope through regular mail, sent to him/her by the employer. The completed questionnaire needed to be returned (free of charge) through the internal post within each bank. The researchers travelled to each bank to collect the completed survey. The sample was representative for employees in the banking sector, however, not for the total working population. More men (58.5 percent) than women (41.5 percent) participated. About two in three respondents were between 35 and 44 years old or between 45 and 54 years old, while about one in four was between 25 and 34 years old. Only a minority (4 percent) was younger than 24 or older than 55. Most respondents had an education beyond high school (63.9 percent), had partners with an income and children (72.4 percent), and worked full-time (85 percent). There were about as many white-collar workers (54.4 percent) as executives (45.6 percent). Measures Quantitative job insecurity was measured with four items developed by De Witte (2000) on a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree). Sample items were “I feel insecure about the future of my job”’ and “I am sure that I will be able to keep my job” (reverse coded). Reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) equalled .89. Qualitative job insecurity was measured with ten items from the 17 item measure that was originally proposed by Ashford, Lee, and Bobko (1989). These job features concerned four broad dimensions previously distinguished to describe the various characteristics of a job: job content (autonomy, skill utilization, and specific tasks), working conditions (workload and quality of working conditions), employment conditions (wage, working hours, and opportunities for promotion), and social relations at work (relations with colleagues and supervisors, respectively). Respondents had to indicate whether each of the job features would likely improve or deteriorate in the near future (1 = strongly deteriorate; 5 = strongly improve). We recoded the items so that a high score reflected qualitative job insecurity. Cronbach’s alpha equalled .87. Job satisfaction was measured with one item: “Overall, how satisfied are you with your current job?” (1 = very dissatisfied; 5 = very satisfied). Psychological distress was measured with the 12-item version of the General Health Questionnaire (Goldberg, 1978). A sample item was “Have you recently lost much sleep over worry?” Responses varied from 1 (“less than usual”) to 4 (“much more than usual“). Reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) was .89. Control variables. The following social demographics and work-related factors were included: gender (0 = men; 1 = women), age (1 = 18–24; 2 = 25–34; 3 = 35–44; 4 = 45–54; 5 = 55+), education (0 = no education beyond high school; 1 = education beyond high school), extra income (0 = no partner with extra income; 1 = partner with extra income), children (0 = no children; 1 = children), occupational position (0 = white-collar worker; 1 = executive), working hours (0 = part-time; 1 = full-time). The demographics were used as control variables in data analysis. Instructions for answering the questions Use at least four academic sources in English to answer the questions. The sources can be books or peer reviewed journal articles or a combination of both books and peer reviewed journal articles. The academic sources as well as responding to the questions will be around 2000 words in total. Q1: Sample size The sample size for this study is fifteen thousand employees selected from a total of 69,000 bank employees (about 21% of the employees). Is a sample of this size necessary? Give your reasons. Q2: Sampling method What is the current method of sampling? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the current sampling method? Q3: Measures of variables Give your comments on the reliability and validity of measures of the variables. Q4: Collection of data on social demographics The purpose of this research is to find the associations between quantitative and qualitative job insecurity and well-being. However, data on variables such as gender, age, education level, extra income were also collected. What is the purpose of collecting data on variables such as gender, age, educational level etc.? Q5: Research design What research design is used for current research? What are the positive and negative side of the current research design? References Ashford, S. J., Lee, C., & Bobko, P. (1989). CONTENT, CAUSE, AND CONSEQUENCES OF JOB INSECURITY: A THEORY-BASED MEASURE AND SUBSTANTIVE TEST. Academy of Management Journal, 32(4), 803-829. doi:10.2307/256569 De Witte, H. (2000). Arbeidsethos en jobonzekerheid: meting en gevolgen voor welzijn, tevredenheid en inzet op het werk (Work Ethic and Job Insecurity: Measurement and Consequences for Well-Being, Satisfaction, and Performance at Work). In van groep naar gemeenschap, ed. R. Bouwen, K. De Witte, H. De Witte, and T. Taillieu, 325–350. Leuven: Garant. Goldberg, D. P. (1978). Manual of the General Health Questionnaire. Windsor, UK: NFER-Nelson. De Witte, H., De Cuyper, N., Handaja, Y., Sverke, M., Näswall, K., & Hellgren, J. (2010). Associations between quantitative and qualitative job insecurity and well-being: A test in Belgian banks. International Studies of Management & Organization, 40(1), 40-56. doi:10.2753/IMO0020-8825400103
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BUACC5932 Corporate Accounting
CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Page 1 of 3 BUACC5932 Corporate Accounting Group Assignment This assignment is part of the continuous assessment and feedback. It is a group assignment with a maximum of three students. Please note again that as this is a group assignment and all students in the group are expected to work together and to contribute equitably. 30 % marks have been allocated to the group based case study report prepared on the basis of analysis of the annual report of the company allocated to the group and each student in a particular group will score same mark. Due date of submission of assignment Due date of submission of group assignment for all students is Friday week 9. Late assignments Extensions for assignments need to be made through Federation University’s special consideration procedures. Assignments submitted after the due date without special consideration granted, will be automatically penalised at a rate of 10% per day late. Assignments will not be accepted if more than five days late, unless prior approval has been given. Objectives The educational objective of this task is to develop student capabilities to read, interpret and analyse financial statements; to apply international accounting standards; to prepare a report on corporate financial performance; and to make judgments on applying appropriate accounting standards to different business situations. Your report should demonstrate ability to access online corporate information and analysis of accounting information. This assignment will involve the use of corporate annual reports, analysis of the relevant information provided within the reports, compare and contrast the information with the requirement of relevant accounting standards and finally reporting your observations and conclusion. Tasks involved 1. Choose the latest annual report for any one of the following companies Your group shall be allocated latest annual report (2018) of one of the following companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Your group is required to answer following assignment questions for the company selected in a report format and also compare the findings of your company ( wherever necessary) with another competing company from the same industry selected by your assignment group ( Preferably from ASX 200 companies available at http://www.asx200list.com/ ) Page 2 of 3 1. AGL Energy Limited (Utilities) 2. Newcrest Mining Limited (Materials) 3. Qantas Airways Limited (Industrials) 4. Ramsay Health Care Limited (Healthcare) 5. RIO Tinto Limited (Materials) 6. TABCORP Holdings Limited (Consumer Discretionary) 7. Tatts Group Limited (Consumer Discretionary) 8. Telstra Corporation Limited (Telecommunication Services) • All annual reports are available on the website of these companies. • Choosing a company other than those mentioned above is not permitted. • All accounting standards are available on online database or these standards can also be accessed on AASB web site (www.aasb.gov.au). 2. Draft a report incorporating the following points in relation to your selected company (not exceeding 2,000 words). Company- Introduction, Business & operating activities, Finances and Financial performance • Describe the core business of the company. Provide full details of its different activities and or business segments. • Discuss the industry that the chosen company operates in. For example, is it a growing or declining industry; which are the main competitors of the company and what are they doing, etc. Ensure you discuss the implications of these factors. • How the company is funded vis-à-vis internal or external sources? Critically analyse the financial structure of the company? • Describe key elements of Financial Performance reported by the company in the annual report. • Has this company reported any event that occurred after the reporting date? Describe the event. • Were there any changes in accounting policies disclosed in the annual report? If yes, describe those changes. Assets – PPE and Intangibles • What is the carrying amount of each class of Property, Plant, and Equipment, at reporting date, of your company? Page 3 of 3 • Describe the accounting policies relating to Property, Plant, and Equipment adopted by your company. • Identify the intangible assets reported by the company. Discuss their composition and relevance to the company’s business. • Describe the accounting policies relating to Intangible Assets adopted by your company. • Are any items of Property, Plant, and Equipment, and/or Intangible Assets of your company impaired? If so, identify which assets are impaired, and the amount of accumulated impairment losses. Research component • If your selected company publishes any corporate social responsibility report or sustainability report, then discuss some of their key initiatives regarding their social responsibility and sustainability • Conduct search for any media stories, blogs or other commentary about your selected company’s initiatives. For example do they place profit before people? Do they have any credible projects? Use your analytical skills to critically analyse these issues in relations to initiatives of selected company • Why do you think corporate social responsibility and sustainability have become so important in the modern corporate world? Use any sources (books, journal articles, Parliament debates, Royal Commissions, media, blogs, etc.) and critically argue the case. Note: It is important to refer to relevant accounting standards in your report to score high marks in this group assignment.
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BUECO5903 Macroeconomics
1 Business Economics BUECO5903 Semester 1, 2019 Assignment B - Macroeconomics Prepared by Paul McPhee (Course Coordinator) Checked by David Spiers Instructions for Candidates: 1. Choose any five (5) of the following eight (8) questions; 2. Each question is worth ten (10) marks; 3. This assignment comprises 15 per cent of total assessment; 4. Please type your assignment; 5. All diagrams and direct quotations must be referenced as per the course description specified method; 6. Please use the numbering system provided. 2 Part B – Macroeconomics – Worth 10% of total assessment: Answer any five (5) of the following eight (8) questions. Each question is worth 10 marks. Question 1: Important Note: [Parts (a) to (g), ½ mark each; parts (h) and (i), 1 mark each; parts (j), (k) and (L), 1.5 marks each) Suppose the following are national accounts data for a given year for a fictitious country: $B AUD Consumption of fixed capital ………………………………………………. 320 Gross private fixed capital formation……………………………………….. 785 Government consumption expenditure………………………………………. 585 Government investment expenditure………………………………………… 210 Imports of goods and services………………………………………………...565 Exports of goods and services………………………………………………...690 Household consumption expenditure………………………………………..3115 Net property and other income paid overseas………………………………….34 Returns to labour…………………………………………………………….2651 Firm profits………………………………………………………………….1687 Other factor rentals……………………………………………………………482 _____________________________________________________________________ (a) Calculate GDP using the income method; (b) Calculate GDP using the expenditure method at market prices; (c) Calculate Gross National Expenditure (GNE); (d) Calculate Net Domestic Product (NDP); (e) Why might NDP be a better measure of economic performance than GDP? (f) Calculate Gross National Product (GNP); (g) Calculate Net National Product (NNP); (h) Calculate Current Account Balance (CAB); (i) Calculate Gross National Savings (GNS) (j) Suppose that tax revenues are $17 billion for the fiscal year, then what is the value of national savings? (k) If MPCd remains at 0.63 and GDP changes to $4873 billion; then what will the new level of domestic consumption (i.e. Cdf) be? (l) If exports then increase by $4 billion, private sector investment decreases by $3 billion; and government consumption and investment decrease and increase by $3 billion and $4 billion respectively: by how much will GDP change and what will be its new value? Question 2: (a) Which of the following are final goods and services and which are intermediate goods and services? Please explain why in your answer. (4 marks – 1 mark each) (i) A windscreen purchased by a motor vehicle spare parts supplier; (ii) A new bulldozer to be used by a construction company; (iii) A household cleaning service purchased by a family from a domestic cleaning service company; (iv) Coking coal 3 (b) An economy produces final goods and services with a market value of $800 billion in a given year, but only $750 billion worth of goods and services is sold to domestic or foreign buyers. Is this nation’s GDP $800 billion or $750 billion? Explain your answer. (2 marks) (c) Explain why a new truck sold for use by a transport company is a final good, even though it is a fixed investment (capital) used to produce other goods. (2 marks) Should the value of this truck then be added to GDP or should only the goods it transports be included in GDP? (2 marks) Question 3: (10 marks total - 2.5 marks each part) (a) Illustrate and explain with diagrams the difference between demand-pull and cost-push inflation; (2.5 marks for the diagram and 2.5 marks for the explanation); (b) Provide (describe) two (2) causes of each type of inflation (2.5 marks for 2 demand-pull causes and 2.5 marks for 2 cost-push causes) Question 4: (a) Do you think that macroeconomic policy should be designed to achieve a measured unemployment rate of zero? Why or why not should this be the case? (5 marks) (b) How did the classical economists interpret long-run unemployment? (2.5 marks) (c) How does structural and cyclical unemployment differ and how concerned should policymakers be about these types of unemployment? (2.5 marks) Question 5: (2.5 marks each part) Using the aggregate demand – aggregate supply (AD-AS) diagram, show how the four economic events would affect economic activity and the price level. (Note: use a separate AD-AS diagram for each event) (a) An improvement in the marketing and selling skills of firm managers; (b) An increase in personal income tax; (c) An increase in exports; (d) A significant destruction in an economy’s capital stock because of war; Question 6: (a) The consumer price index (i.e. CPI) is the most commonly used measure of changes in the general level of prices in Australia. Discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of using this measure. (4 marks) (b) Explain why some people ‘lose’ from inflation and why do some people ‘win’ from inflation? (6 marks) Question 7: Which of the following would cause a growth in the money supply? Answer yes, no, or possibly and explain your answer (i.e. please provide reasons). (2 marks each) 4 (a) The selling of government securities to banks; (b) A fall in interest rates; (c) An increase in government expenditure, financed by borrowing from the banking sector; (d) The purchase of government securities by the Central Bank from the banking sector; (e) It is agreed by the Treasurer and the Governor of the Central Bank to reduce the target rate of inflation Question 8: The following are the various elements within a nation’s balance of payments account: (i) Imports of goods (?) (ii) Exports of goods (+) (iii) Imports of services (?) (iv) Exports of services (+) (v) Other income outflows (?) (vi) Other income inflows (+) (vii) Capital transfers sent overseas from the nation (–) (viii) Capital transfers to the nation from overseas (+) (ix) The nation’s investments overseas (?) (x) Investment in the nation from overseas (+) (xi) Short-term financial outflows (?) (xii) Short-term financial inflows (+) (xiii) Adding to reserves (?) (xiv) Drawing on reserves (+) Into which of the above categories would you put the following? (total 10 marks – 1 mark each) (a) DVD recorders imported into the nation from Japan; (b) Insurance cover purchased in the nation by overseas residents; (c) The nation gives overseas aid to a developing country; (d) A US car company sets up a factory in the nation; (e) Some of the nation’s residents take a holiday in Bali; (f) Interest earned by the nation’s residents on overseas assets; (g) Running down the stock of foreign exchange in the Central Bank of the nation; (h) Migrants to the nation transferring property to the nation; (i) New deposits made in banks in the nation by overseas residents; (j) The nation’s palm oil is sold in the United Kingdom. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
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BUECO5903 Microeconomics
1 Microeconomics Assignment Semester 1, 2019 Business Economics BUECO5903 Prepared by Paul McPhee (Course Coordinator) Checked by David Spiers (Caretaker / Moderator) Instructions for Candidates: 1. Choose any five (5) of the following eight (8) questions; 2. Each question is worth ten (10) marks; 3. This assignment comprises 15 per cent of total assessment; 4. Please type your assignment; 5. All diagrams and direct quotations must be referenced as per the course description specified method. 6. Please use the numbering system as provided on this document to identify the questions. 2 Question 1: (a) Illustrate and explain using diagrams how a single seller within the market can maintain an inefficient allocation of resources; (2.5 marks for the diagram plus 2.5 marks for the explanation) (b) Are there any advantages to a single market seller and how do they compare to its perceived disadvantages. (2.5 marks for identifying advantages and 2.5 marks for identifying disadvantages) Question 2: (a) What market structure is used to benchmark allocative efficiency and why do we use it? Illustrate and explain using a diagram (2.5 marks for the diagram plus 2.5 marks for the explanation) (b) Why and how do monopolistically competitive firms fail to achieve allocative efficiency? Illustrate and explain using a diagram. (2.5 marks for the diagram plus 2.5 marks for the explanation) Question 3: (a) Assuming a constant wage rate, illustrate and explain using a diagram, how a firm’s marginal costs of production are at a minimum when its marginal product is at a maximum; (2.5 marks for the diagram plus 2.5 marks for the explanation) (b) Illustrate and explain using a diagram how a firm’s long-run average cost curve comes into existence from a multi-plant operation; (2.0 marks for the diagram plus 2.0 marks for the explanation) (c) Identify and describe the significance of the various portions of this diagram. (1 mark) Question 4: (a) You are examining and reporting on the market performance of a very small number of firms that are known to often collude in setting output prices and quantities. Illustrate and explain using a diagram what affect this behaviour is most likely to have on the allocation of factors of production. (2.5 marks for the diagram plus 2.5 marks for the explanation) 3 (b) What will happen if one of these firms cheats on the others in some way? Illustrate and explain using a diagram. (2.5 marks for the diagram plus 2.5 marks for the explanation) Question 5: (a) Illustrate and explain using diagrams, the difference between long run supply in a constant cost individual firm and industry and an increasing cost firm and industry. (Firm level diagrams 2.5 marks; industry level diagrams 2.5 marks, firm level explanation 2.5 marks, industry level explanation 2.5 diagrams) Question 6: Illustrate and explain using diagrams, two (2) market mechanisms that are used for controlling pollution as an externality. [2.5 marks for each diagram (total of 5 marks) plus 2.5 marks for each explanation (total of 5 marks)] Question 7: (a) Explain whether you agree or disagree with the following statement and why: “Regardless of whether the short run or the long run is being considered, a firm should continue to operate as long as its price is greater than its average variable cost”. (5 marks) (b) Use diagrams to illustrate and explain why you agree or disagree with the following statement: “When marginal revenue equals marginal cost, total cost equals total revenue and the firm makes zero profit”. (2.5 marks for diagram plus 2.5 marks for explanation) Question 8: The following diagram shows the cost curves of a firm under perfect competition. 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 MC MC AC AVC $ Quantity (a) How much will the firm produce in order to maximise profits at a price of $8 per unit? ....................... (1/2 mark) (b) What will be its average cost of production at this output? ........................................ (1/2 mark) (c) How much (supernormal) profit will it make? ............................................................ (2 marks) (d) How much will the firm produce in order to maximise profits at a price of $5 per unit? ........................ (1/2 mark) (e) How much (supernormal) profit will it make? ............................................................ (2 marks) (f) How much will the firm produce in order to maximise profits at a price of $4 per unit? ........................ (1/2 mark) (g) What will be its profit value be now? .......................................................................... (2 marks) (h) Below what price would the firm shut down in the short run? ..................................... (1 mark) (i) Below what price would the firm shut down in the long run? ...................................... (1 mark)
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BUGEN5930 Business, Society and the Planet
ASSESSMENT 2 This task requires you to work both individually and as part of a group to consider the sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility reporting and the stated values of two similar organisations and apply the Giving Voice to Values framework. There are two parts to this task: ? Part A – 25% Individual Task - Assessment of Business Sustainability Reporting ? Part B – 20% Group Task - Application of the GVV framework – scenario development, script development and presentation Please see below for the details of these Task Requirements. PART A – ASSESSMENT OF BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING This activity is based on the exercise on page 226 of ‘Business Ethics’ (Crane & Matten, 2010) – a copy of the relevant pages are available on the course Moodle page. For this component, you need to analyse and compare the values and approaches to sustainability/CSR reporting of two companies. In groups of 3-4 students, you are required to select two companies that produce CSR and/or sustainability reports and whose values are identified on their websites or in other company documents (that are publicly available). You are required to consider and discuss the companies as a group, but must submit your responses to the questions as individuals. The two companies selected must be either: (a) From different industries but in the same country; or (b) From the same industry but different countries. By Week 5, you must provide (for your lecturer’s approval) the names of the companies you have selected to research, and the industry and country within which they operate. Please note: your lecturer will advise of companies that are not suitable for this task and/or cannot be selected. You need to research each of your companies to determine their company values, their approaches to social responsibility and their reporting of their sustainability performances and compare the approaches of the two companies. 1. As a group, research each of your companies to determine their company values, their approaches to social responsibility and their reporting of their social performances. 2. As an individual, you are required to submit responses to the following questions: i. Identify and describe the two companies you have researched; their core business activities and the countries and/or industries in which they operate. (15 marks) ii. What differences are evident between the two companies in terms of the range of issues dealt with in their social reports and the depth of coverage on specific issues? Please note – this question does not ask for a description or summary of the content of each company’s reports. Instead, you need to analyse the types of information, the major themes, the presentation, formatting and tone of each report – and explain the ways in which the reports are similar to each other and the ways in which they are different. (15 marks) iii. Discuss which of the Sustainable Development Goals you believe are most relevant to these companies, their industries and the countries in which they operate. Discuss the extent to which these SDGs were addressed, explicitly or implicitly, in the CSR/Sustainability reports of your companies? (15 marks) iv. Based on your analyses of your companies’ sustainability/CSR reporting, identify in which Sustainability Phase/s (Dunphy, Griffiths & Benn) each of your companies sit. Explain your reasons for these assessments. (15 marks) v. Discuss the extent to which the social reports provided by these companies reflect their stated values. (15 marks) vi. Briefly reflect on your group’s discussions of these companies. In what ways did the ideas presented by your group confirm your own conclusions, influence your thinking and/or present another perspective to you? Please note: this question does not ask for a summary of what your group decided or who said what. This requires reflection on how your thinking, understandings and perceptions developed through your engagement with your group. (15 marks) • A score (10 marks) will be allocated for presentation, written expression, spelling, grammar, punctuation and referencing. Word limit: 2000 words Referencing: You are required to follow the APA style of referencing for this task. There is no set number of references required. It is recommended, however, that you independently seek out resources in addition to those provided by the lecturer. Due Date Week 8 Students are required to upload their assignment as a Word doc or PDF (with the FedUni Business School – Assignment Coversheet attached) via the relevant Turnitin link on the course Moodle page, as well as the regular link for assignment submission. Marking Guide Name Responses to questions % Grade Qi - describe the two companies that have been researched. Responses should: • clearly identify and describe the two companies being researched • clearly describe the industries and countries in which these companies operate • Clearly describe any social reporting/performance issues that may be relevant for these companies. 15% Qii - What differences are evident between the two companies in terms of the range of social, environmental and economic issues dealt with in their reports and the depth of coverage on specific issues? Responses should: • compare the style, content and presentation of the social reports provided by each company • critically analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches to social reporting evident in the reports • comment on the range of issues covered and the depth of the coverage 15% Qiii - Discuss which of the Sustainable Development Goals you believe are most relevant to these companies, their industries and the countries in which they operate. Discuss the extent to which these SDGs were addressed, explicitly or implicitly, in the CSR/Sustainability reports of your companies: • Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis to identify key SDGs and explain why these are particularly relevant to each company • Describe the extent to which these SDGs have been addressed (explicitly or implicitly) and the effectiveness of this reporting 15% Qiv - Based on your analyses of your companies’ sustainability/CSR reporting, identify in which Sustainability Phase/s (Dunphy, Griffiths & Benn) each of your companies sit. Explain your reasons for these assessments. Responses should: • Clearly identify and describe the Sustainability Phase in which each company best fits • Provide accurate evidence and insightful reasons for your assessments 15% Qv - Discuss the extent to which the social reports reflect the values of your selected companies. Responses should: • Identify each company’s values (including their Mission Statement, Values, Business Principles etc.) as stated on their websites, reports or in other company documentation • Critically analyse each company’s social reports in terms of the extent to which their stated values align (or do not align) with their approaches to social responsibility and sustainability (based on the evidence in the reports) 15% Qvi - Briefly reflect on your groups’ discussions of these companies. In what ways did the ideas presented by your group confirm your own conclusions or present another perspective to you? Responses should: • Reflect on the group discussions about the social reporting of the two companies selected • Identify key points of agreement and disagreement with other group members • Discuss how the different perspectives provided by group members contributed to your own consideration of the performance of these companies 15% Presentation (expression, structure, referencing, organisation, word count – not including cover sheet and references etc.) 10% Total 100% Comments: Part B – Application of GVV Framework In this group task you will work with the same group members as for Assessment 2 - Part A. This task requires your group to consider an ethical dilemma that emerges at a workplace of your choosing. This workplace may be based on one of the companies analysed in Assessment 2 – Part A, another workplace or company with which you are familiar or a fictional workplace developed by your group. As a group, you are required to: 1. Write a fictional scenario that describes the emergence an ethical/moral dilemma for stakeholders in a workplace of your choosing; 2. Develop a script in which the central character in this scenario applies the Giving Voice to Values framework to the give voice to his/her values; 3. Present your script to the class as a role play. _________________________________________________________________________ 1. Scenario Development Develop a fictional scenario that outlines the emergence of an ethical dilemma in a workplace of your choosing. This scenario should be written as a narrative piece of writing, similar in format and style to the GVV/Babson scenarios. Your scenario should describe a possible workplace situation that illustrates the emergence of this dilemma as a values conflict for one or more people. It should introduce the key stakeholders & characters, the key facts and the background information that has led to this issue. Please discuss your scenario/workplace/ethical dilemma with your lecturer to ensure it is suitable for this task before you proceed with the development of your script. SCENARIO – 25 MARKS (800 WORDS) DUE DATE – WEEK 11 PLEASE NOTE: The scenario and script are not the same thing. The scenario introduces the key people, background and outlines the ethical dilemma. The scenario ends with the ethical dilemma – that is, the central character identifies the dilemma but is not sure on what to do about it. The script starts with the ethical dilemma, demonstrates how the central character applies the GVV framework to address the ethical dilemma to achieve a more ethical outcome for the stakeholders. 2. Script Development Your group is required to develop a script in which the central character in your scenario applies the Giving Voice to Values framework in response to the values conflict or ethical dilemma identified in your scenario. Your script should include evidence that you have addressed the following questions: • What is the ethical dilemma/values conflict presented in your scenario? • Who are the stakeholders and what is at stake for the key parties (including those who disagree with you)? • What are the main arguments you are trying to counter? That is, what are the reasons and rationalizations you need to address? • What levers/arguments could you use to counter the reasons and rationalisations, to influence those with whom you disagree? • What is your most powerful and persuasive response to the reasons and rationalizations you need to address? To whom should the arguments be made? When and in what context? SCRIPT – 50 MARKS (1500 WORDS) DUE DATE – WEEK 11 3. Script Presentation to Class Your group then needs to present this script to the class as a group role play. The presentation of the script should be clear and enable the audience to engage with the issues. All group members must be meaningfully included. Creativity and expression is encouraged. Script Presentation to Class – 25 marks (7-10 min. in length) Due date – Week 11 The group will discuss and debrief their scenario to clarify and gain class feedback. Groups are then required to nominate one group member to upload both the group’s Scenario and Script as a Word doc or PDF (with the FedUni Business School – Assignment Coversheet attached) via the relevant Turnitin submission links on the course Moodle page. Please ensure that the names and student I.D. numbers of each group member is listed on the Assignment Coversheet. PLEASE NOTE - IMPORTANT: It is a requirement of this task that students commit to working collaboratively together to develop the three components of this task, with an equal and even contribution from each group member. If, for whatever reasons, a student is unable to provide the required commitment and/or contribution to their group’s progress and completion of this task, the Lecturer may revise the composition of the group. This action may be taken at the discretion of the Lecturer, but should be taken prior to the presentation of the Role Play and submission of the written components of the task. Marking Guide Group Group members Criteria Grade Development of scenario – 25 marks 1. Provides the reader with a clear description of the workplace, the main characters and stakeholders, the key facts and background information relevant to the ethical dilemma. 10 2. Clearly identifies the ethical dilemma and values conflict that has emerged for the central character. 5 3. Clearly identifies the stakeholders and discusses what is at stake for them. 5 4. Written as a narrative (similar in style to the Babson scenarios), which uses clear English expression, spelling and grammar. 5 Total for Scenario /25 Script for role play – 50 marks 1. Clearly identifies and addresses the ethical dilemma/values conflict raised in the scenario. 10 2. Identifies reasons and rationalizations that might be used to justify the questionable business action/practice/issue at the center of the ethical dilemma. 10 3. The central character is able to effectively give voice to their values by effectively using GVV ‘levers’ to present powerful and persuasive responses to counter the reasons and rationalizations. 10 4. Demonstrates the most appropriate and most effective use of GVV’s ‘say what, to whom, when and how’ approach. i.e. speaks to the appropriate stakeholders, using a respectful and considered strategic approach, and provides thoughtful (and helpful) suggestions etc. 10 5. Achieves a realistic outcome that demonstrates a nuanced understanding of interpersonal and professional communication and relationships, which avoids false dichotomies, ultimatums, stand-offs and contrived resolutions. 10 Total for Script /50 Script presentation – 25 marks 1. Script dialogue was presented as a role play, which went beyond simply reading the script. The script dialogue was delivered in an interesting and engaging way, which challenged the audience to engage thoughtfully with the issues presented. 10 2. The delivery of the dialogue between the stakeholders reflected a suitable style and tone for the context of the scenes being presented, with the appropriate use of interpersonal communication, expression and non-verbal communication, to present realistic workplace relationships and communications. 5 3. All group members were included and provided meaningful contributions to the role play. All performers could be easily seen and heard by the audience and were able to respond effectively to questions from the audience. 5 4. Effective use of time, props and creativity. 5 Total – Role play presentation /25 TOTAL – Assessment 2 Part B /100 Comments:
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BULAW5914 Commercial Law
Page 1 of 2 BULAW5914 Commercial Law Assignment Question Semester 2, 2019 Instructions to students: Purpose: This significant task requires forward planning and adequate time for research, reading and reflecting. It comprises 35% of your assessment in this subject. You should begin researching early to gather information and establish a plan of approach as soon as possible. The purpose of the assignment is to enable you to achieve outcomes in knowledge, skill and application across the designated learning outcomes mentioned in the BULAW5914 Course Description. It is also to enable you to: ? Learn how to independently research particular aspects of the law; ? Reflect on and consider particular legal issues; ? Demonstrate your understanding of relevant laws; ? Develop your knowledge about the subject area of your research; ? Demonstrate the ability to investigate, synthesise and analyse; ? Communicate your findings in a formal piece of work and meet a deadline; ? Enhance your written communication skills; and ? Apply your legal skills. Assignment word length: The total length of your assignment must be no more than 2,500 words. Do not include the references or bibliography in your word count. Due date: Submit via Turnitin on Moodle by 4pm, Thursday of Week 10. Assignment assessment criteria: You will be assessed on the extent to which you have: ? Answered the set question(s); ? Been able to identify, set out and discuss relevant legal issues; ? Justified your position by reference to use of appropriate legal sources, particularly cases and legislation where appropriate; ? Analysed, argued or discussed as required by the task questions; and Page 2 of 2 ? Engaged in legal research and made use of relevant secondary legal sources, in particular a number of legal texts, internet sites and academic (peer reviewed) journal articles and books. Scenario: Joe and Kamela got married earlier this year. After they returned from their honeymoon, they moved into Joe’s house. Joe knew that the house was very cold during winter and that Kamela does not like the cold. So, prior to the move, Joe went to a discount department store, Paymart, and asked the salesperson, Steve, to help him select a suitable heater. Steve showed Joe a number of heaters, both electric and gas. Steve recommended the gas heater the Hades 5000 as suitable for an area of the size of Joe’s open plan kitchen, dining and lounge room. Steve also pointed out that the unit is energy efficient and has a mechanism for keeping the air in the room at a constant temperature. Joe purchased a Hades 5000 and another unit, the Hades 2000, which he placed in the bedroom of his house. The Hades 5000 cost $4,000 and the Hades 2000 cost $3000. Both units were installed by Fred Kemper, a gas fitter who is a sole trader. Fred was recommended by Steve. Joe and Kamela were at home one day when they heard a strange fizzing sound coming from the loungeroom. They came running in to find sparks flying from the heater. The curtains and soft furnishings quickly ignited. Kamela and Joe ran out the front door as the house exploded. Both Joe and Kamela were injured by flying debris. A subsequent investigation found that the fault was more likely to be in the heater than the installation. To add insult to injury, Joe’s gas bill for the period when the heaters were operational is very high. The Hades 5000 is manufactured by a Russian firm, Defektny located about 50 kms from Moscow. The units are imported into Australia and distributed by the company Hot Stuff Pty Ltd. Questions (35 marks): Answer both questions: 1. Advise Joe and Kamela what rights they may have to sue in the tort of negligence. Please refer to case law principles and statutory provisions in your answer. (15 marks) 2. Advise Joe and Kamela if they can sue under the Australian Consumer Law. If so, who would they sue, and on what basis? Please refer to specific statutory provisions of the ACL in your answer. (20 marks)
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BULAW5915 Corporate Law
Assignment BULAW5915 Corporate Law Semester 1 2018 Purpose To enable you to consider and research a topic of current interest of relevance to Australian corporate law. The Assignment will be marked out of 100, adjusted to a final mark out of 30 in accordance with the weighting of this assignment to your final grade for the course: 30%. It is important for you to take time to think through how to structure and present arguments and to review and discuss what the law is or should be in a particular area. Whilst discussion with others is encouraged, the final piece of work must be your own. Word Limit 2,300-2,500 in total (assignments exceeding the word limit may not be marked and may be returned to the student for re-writing; assignments less than the required length will risk not covering the topic adequately and may result in a fail). Do not include synopsis, references or bibliography in the word count. Note: All Federation University Australia rules relating to referencing, citation and acknowledgement must be followed. Due Date By 11.00 p.m. Friday in Week 9 – submission through Moodle. It is recommended that you process your assignment through TURNITIN before submission. Assignment fact situation Fruut Pty. Ltd. owns an orchard and also grows and sells young fruit trees. Rik and Patel are directors and shareholders. There are another six shareholders who have committed money to the business but take no part in decisions. Rik manages the day-to-day financial operations. Patel, who has no tertiary qualifications, is in charge of the orchard and growing the fruit trees for sale. Lana is Rik’s girlfriend and is a qualified accountant. Although not named as a Director she often attends Board meetings to help the others with difficult decisions. She has also provided a guarantee to the Bank for a loan to the business. Until recently Fruut had been very profitable. However, six months ago a competing business opened nearby and profits have fallen. Rik thinks that Fruut should move. He starts looking for new premises and decides the first place (owned by Watel Pty Ltd) he sees is perfect. It is an old shop, located at the front of a large block of land with excellent soil. Although the rental is quite high there is not another business selling trees nearby. He thinks they could serve coffee in the shop area and grow and sell fruit trees out the back. Without talking to anyone else, Rik signs a lease for three years. Rik calls a board meeting and tells Patel and Lana that moving will solve all the company’s problems. He says they will need to spend some money to fit out the old shop so they can serve coffee; and also to complete some work at the back and plant the fruit trees. Patel and Lana cannot think of any questions to ask, although Lana feels that Rik should not have signed the lease without them all having a chance to think about it. The shop alterations are completed, Fruut moves to the new premises and staff are employed to run the coffee side of the business. The company had to borrow more money from Bank for this purpose. Business in the coffee shop is slow following a worldwide shortage of coffee beans caused by a disease affecting coffee plantations. In addition, there is a drought and Fruut’s trees are not looking healthy. Potential customers are delaying the decision to buy fruit trees as water restrictions mean gardens (including trees) can only be watered occasionally. Even with the new coffee shop, sales have fallen below those obtained in the old premises. Lana is worried that they have made a mistake moving. REQUIRED: Complete task a. in A and task b. in B. Each task is worth 50 marks. A Assume you are invited by Lana to address a Board meeting to talk about options for the company. Lana asks you to talk about whether any of them may have breached their duties as directors. a. Write an explanation in preparation for this meeting, setting out what the duties of directors are under s.180(1)of the Corporations Act, explaining the effect of s.180(2) and assessing whether any of the directors may have breached their duties under this section. In your answer you should compare their situation to at least two cases you have studied. AND B Now assume that Rik, Lana and Patel agree that their only solution to the money problems facing Fruut is to move back to the old premises that are still empty. Lana suggests that the new lease is unenforceable anyway as Rik signed it with his name rather than that of the company. The agent for Watel Pty Ltd objects, saying that the lease is perfectly valid and enforceable against Fruut. b. Explain to Lana, Rik and Patel whether Fruut can be forced to keep leasing the new premises for the three year term. In your answer you should compare their situation to at least two cases you have studied.
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BULAW5916 Taxation Law & Practice
BULAW5916 Taxation Law & Practice Assignment – Semester 1, 2019 Purpose The purpose of the assignment is to enable you to research and explore an aspect of taxation law. Word limit The length of the assignment is to be approximately 2,000 words. Assignments of more than 2,200 words will not be marked; those with less than 1,800 words will be at risk of failing. Please provide a word count with your assignment. Do not include any synopsis, references or bibliography in the word count. Do not use appendices or footnotes as a way around the word limit. Due date 4pm on Thursday of Week 9. Penalties apply for late submission of work. Please submit your assignment via Turnitin through the BULAW5916 moodle shell. Note all Federation University Australia rules relating to assessment apply. Topic Refer to the following news article published on the ABC’s website: Nassim Khadem, “ATO hunts hidden income from Uber, Airbnb and other gig economy workers” (23 January 2019): https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-01-23/ato-hunts-australians-hiding-income-via-uber-and-airbnb/10742528 Task In essay style, and with the use of headings please discuss your answers to the following questions: (a) To what degree is it possible and viable to ensure that shared economy providers (such as uber drivers, Airbnb accommodation providers, completers of Airtasker chores and Deliveroo drivers) comply with Australian income tax laws? (b) What more could be done to improve how many shared economy providers meet their Australian income tax obligations? Discuss in detail at least two ways in which compliance could be improved, how this would work, and what would be involved Criteria used to grade this assessment Analysis (approximately 60% of the marks will be allocated here): • Depth of understanding of the topic and identification of relevant issues • Clarity and coherence of the debate or discussion • Quality of discussion and argument • Attempt to canvass a range of views and to offer an individual opinion on the need for reform Research (approximately 30% of the marks will be allocated here): • The use made of appropriate legal sources, in particular sections of the Income Tax Assessment Act 936 and Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to support your discussion • The breadth and use made of relevant secondary legal sources such as Government reports, newspaper reports, and academic articles Presentation (10% of the marks): • Readable connected prose. Not point form summaries • Effective use of headings • Consistent and accurate acknowledgement of sources using a recognised referencing style- Both in relation to in-text referencing and list of references/ bibliography. Your lecturer will mark your assignment. Feedback and grades will be communicated via Moodle within two weeks of the assignment deadline or submission (whichever is the latter). This assignment carries a 30% weighting.
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BUMGT5980 Managerial Decision Making
BUMGT5980 Managerial Decision Making Assessment 2 -Group assessment – Topics to be allocated There are no right or wrong approaches here. Be clear though in the definition of key terms. If you’re unsure of a chosen approach then check with the course lecturer. Presentations should be supported with relevant theory, discipline based writings (start with the course texts), real world cases if applicable, and your own experiences. Feel free to make assumptions (about the organisation, group roles or the situation at hand) where required – these should be stated clearly. Topic Scenario 1. Problem solving - identification Your senior management team (consisting of expats) operating an international joint venture has received a ransom claim from a national (local) government listed terrorist organisation (who some locals claim have a legitimate grievance) for the return of a home country employee - a competent senior engineering supervisor with a young family on a three month assignment in your mining operation. On advice from your home government, you have been instructed not to pay the ransom and ignore future demands. Using relevant tools define and identify the problem. 2. Problem solving – solution generation Your company’s (a frozen food packaging and distribution wholesaler) new chicken, eggplant and rice gourmet microwave delicacy has been identified by food testing authorities to contain 30% tuna. This is not a health risk but clearly misrepresents the product – which has been a great success and was saving the company from liquidation. The core ingredient shown to contain the fish was sourced and imported from overseas by a company partner. By application of relevant tools generate solutions to this problem. 3. Problem solving – solution evaluation Your fully owned independent 6* island resort is running at a loss. A consultant has identified five possible solutions: a) International marketing campaign to current target market (rooms are $2000 a night). b) Shift to 4* family resort by lowering service standards and rebranding the resort. c) Invite guest celebrities for a ‘survivor’ reality show to generate publicity. d) Sack the current leadership group and employ a new management team (with track record) to develop a new vision (whatever that may turn out to be). e) Sell the resort for profit. f) Donate the resort to the government to create a national park. The resort has been a good investment for you plus provided you with prestige and leverage in other business matters. But it’s just one of your numerous business interests. Using relevant tools evaluate solutions to the problem. 4. Decision making – over-confidence You’re considering surgery for removal of a benign brain tumour. The surgeon recommends an operation based on her assessment that the tumour has a 70% chance of severely affecting your mental function within the next 10 years. She states also that her procedure has a 40% chance of affecting your mental capacity (anywhere from mild to severe) after the operation. On the balance of probabilities, you decide to go ahead. On the way to the operating theatre, the nurse says “good luck! This type of operation has a reasonable record with cases like yours – a few patients even seem almost normal after a while down the track.” As you go under the anaesthetic, you think to yourself “I wonder how precise my surgeon was with her estimate?” Discuss the potential role of overconfidence in the surgeon’s reported estimations. 5. Decision making – biases and heuristics Your friend Rog loves a bet. He tells you he rarely wins though. But Rog knows the gods are against him. He knows why too – that ex-girlfriend put a curse on him. Anyway, it seems every time he backs a game or a horse – even where it’s a sure thing – he loses. It seems to happen all the time – and Rog says that this is way worse than you’d expect by chance. His latest strategy is to bet the opposite to his gut feel – this does not work. The gods tease with him too – it nearly always looks like he’ll win the bet – at the last minute something goes wrong and he loses – like remember that freak goal kicked with 10 seconds to go in the game a few weeks ago – and it was his team that lost it too! When you examine Rog’s betting account you see that he pretty much breaks even in the long run. Explain the possible roles of biases or heuristics in this example. 6. Decision making – bounded awareness You like to surf with your friend George. It’s tricky though to line up together. George is very afraid of sharks (and who isn’t?). His strategy is to never surf within 50 kilometres of where there’s been a reported attack (he has a map listing reported attacks going back 100 years). Other than that he surfs when and where he likes. You’re more sensible – you keep away from river mouths, don’t go out at dusk or dawn, don’t surf when fish trawlers are out or fish are running close to the coast, and don’t surf in murky water. Describe the role of bounded awareness in this example and how to overcome it. 7. Decision making – framing and preference reversal You’re a millionaire stuck on a deserted island (this may sound familiar). It’s very risky, but to save yourself, you can swim to the next possibly inhabited island some 10 kilometres away. You need to do this soon (in the next five days) as you’re running out of food. You estimate that there’s a 50% chance of surviving the swim. Do you do it? You do – now walking into the water you find a shipping schedule washed up. A boat will pass by the Island in six days – you consider yourself to have an 80% chance of getting the boat’s attention. But you realise you have to build a raft and paddle out to sea - it may sink or you’ll get washed away. Do you wait for the boat? You do - when gathering materials to build the raft, you find a source of water on the island and a self-sustaining patch of yams. You realise the raft materials can be used to catch fish. You’re lonely but at least have a lifestyle now. Do you still take the raft option? You don’t – a few months later a person that turns out to be your perfect match (sole mate) is a sole survivor washed ashore from a shipwreck. Bliss. You realise that social norms in your society would prevent you two even being a couple back in the real world. Do you still wish to leave? When you both are finally found by a passing helicopter (which coincidently was being piloted by your former life partner and carrying your children) you need to make a decision to stay or leave the island. What do you decide? Explain how framing or preference reversal may be applicable to this situation. 8. Decision making – motivations and emotions The divorce settlement had been proceeding well until the third negotiation meeting. Compounding a cold rainy day was the news that Jill’s mother was seriously ill – this was a bad start – Jill could not even face breakfast. Dan was very demanding today too – he wanted to keep the house which would, in Jill’s eyes, mean that the kid’s would associate their father with winning this war. Just because his business was going downhill fast did not mean he should take from Jill more than was her fair share. Jill stood her ground. She would take no less than the house plus 80% of the remaining assets from the marriage. After all, she had all the money to begin with – was blinded by love – and so most of it was poured ludicrously into Dan’s business. Even if she did not want to look after the kids full time she’d fight for this if it would help her win the case - her lawyer said this would be a pretty effective lever – ‘and don’t forget to show a few tears’ (at this Jill thought … ‘god knows Dan has shed enough for both of us’). But in any case Jill recognised that her lawyer was surely being paid more than enough to give this kind of right advice. Explain how motivations and emotions may influence tactics and decision in this situation. 9. Decision making – escalating commitment This professional team sporting pursuit gets more competitive each year. These were the thoughts of the new coach Normie. He had to win. That’s why he got the job. He was good at fostering belief. And he’d use the best science available too. After all, weren’t the players just really machines who simply needed to be properly programmed to perform at an optimum? Three months into the season and already 55% of the training budget had gone to the new scientific techniques. Altitude training, supplement trials, subliminal coercion methods and the new-age rehab centre. But no results yet! In fact team performance indicators were heading downward. But Normie’s confidants told him to press on ‘…we have to up the ante – this is only a start – you can’t expect results too soon.’ Most of the remaining training budget is now needed to implement a follow-up (and more extreme) programs and so get the required results. Normie knows this has got to work sooner or later (and he’s right because no one else has even thought about doing these kinds of things yet) – and he’s never been wrong about sport before…Normie’s faced with a decision – and he knows that his dream coaching career is on the line. But it’s an easy decision …he knows what to do. Discuss the role of escalation of commitment in this situation and some potential consequences. 10. Decision making – fairness and equity Assistant senior regional national manager – you’ve been waiting for this job to become available for five years. And it’s between you and Bill (and the loser will report directly to the other). Bill’s a nice guy, and unlike you he’s both rich and has taken a degree. But he’s only been with the company a year or so – is a decade younger than you – and it should not make any difference that his uncle is one of the board directors. Bill’s like some people, great at getting jobs, not much good once he’s in them. In fact, you had really saved his skin by seeing the pitfalls in that deal he negotiated. Lucky you worked that Sunday to review it (even though it was not your job) while he was out drinking with the partners. He really showed a lack of experience, attitude and nous here - his limitations should have cost him his job and the company millions. As Bill said to you “we got out of that just in time … thanks … but for the sake of company image we should keep this between us – and of course we’re friends.” At interview, the question just came up from the panel chair… “we’ll be frank … it’s between you and Bill for this senior role – and we prefer Bill for the job – he interviewed very well – and that negotiation he pulled out of just in time showed great initiative– he explained to the panel how he used his foresight and experience to save the company from a very big headache. Very impressive! He said generously too that you gave him great support – a real team player. We think you’ll make a great team together.” You are faced with a decision – should you tell the panel your version of events and impression of Bill? Discuss the role of fairness and equity in this situation. 11. OR ... choose your own topic/ scenario Topic to be approved by the course lecturer
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BUMKT5902 Marketing Management
Group Assignment – Marketing Report This document contains the details for the individual assignment for BUMKT5902 Marketing Management. Included are aspects such as: • The assignment overview; • The assignment instructions; • How the assignments are to be formatted; and • How it will be assessed by using an Assessment Criteria Sheet. You should read this in conjunction with the Course Description, which contains other pertinent information on submission, etc. It is your responsibility to fully acquaint yourself with these requirements. If you are not clear on any aspect, please speak with your lecturer who will be happy to clarify any questions. Overview of the Assignment Marketing, as you will learn this semester, is a very purposeful activity. It’s no accident that you, as a consumer, are exposed to the Marketing communications you see every day across numerous channels. Behind these messages and campaigns, notably those that target the correct consumers and are well-executed, is a huge amount of research. Marketers draw on information from a variety of sources to develop a clear understanding of the value their product or service provides, how to reach their target market, and how changes in the environments will impact their Marketing efforts. This information can be uncovered by conducting a Situation Analysis, which is designed to identify trends within the Microenvironments and Macro-environments to better understand the current business environment, customers and the business’ capabilities. Another approach, and the one adopted for this assignment, is to instead use a SWOT Analysis to really focus on the key areas a business should be focusing on in moving forward with their new product or service. The purpose of this assignment is for students to write a marketing report and give a presentation using the SWOT Analysis as a point to step off from. Groups will begin by selecting a business, either one they are familiar with, one they work for or, if you are wanting to pursue a more entrepreneurial path, a side business you have launched. The group will then identify a new product that the company is going to launch (it doesn’t have to be ‘new to world’, but at least new to the company). This product should be congruent with the company’s image and align with its current offerings. Such an assignment is designed to meet a number of objectives: • Demonstrate your understanding of Marketing theory and its application in practice • Integrate Marketing theory with research to provide an in-depth discussion of the relevant marketing environments • Apply what is being learned in this course directly to a real-life example you may be invested in • Create a deeper understanding of the content from the course as it relates to the assignment General Formatting Requirements for the Report For those students who are unfamiliar or do not feel confident with academic writing, there are many sources on the Federation University and Library websites. The formatting of assignments should adhere to the following requirements: • Report format—business (not an essay) • Follow the headings outlined under the Assignment Instructions section • Use a report Title page containing all of the relevant information • The Executive Summary is placed before the Table of Contents and does not contribute to the word count • The Table of Contents can be inserted using the following steps in Word: click on References, click Table of Contents and automate the process. If you have tables and figures, you may want to consider having a Table of Tables and a Table of Figures shown after the Table of Contents. It’s usually easier to take this approach rather than try and format them manually when the assignment is finished • Correct page numbering (e.g., the Cover Page is not numbered, the number format for the Executive Summary and the Table of Contents is i, ii, etc. The body of the report starting with the Introduction is numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.) • Do not write in the first or second person (I, we, our)—write in the third person only • Proof-read before submission for spelling, grammatical and logic errors • Fonts should be plain and easy to read (e.g., Tahoma, Arial, Times New Roman) • Font size is typically between 10 and 12 for the body of the assignment • Paragraphs are to be fully justified • Paragraph spacing typically uses one space before and after a paragraph • Line spacing should be set to single • Any tables and diagrams used should be labelled (they do not form part of the word count) • APA referencing style to be used (information on this can be found at the following link: http://federation.edu.au/current-students/learning-and-study/online-help-with/referencing) Turnitin You are required to submit your report via the Turnitin tab in the course’s Moodle shell. Turnitin is an electronic text matching system that compares text in a student assignment against a database of sources. The database contains copies of the electronic text on the Internet, in published works, on commercial databases, and in assignments previously submitted to Turnitin by students in universities all over the world, including assignments obtained from Internet sites that sell student papers. This will help you identify where your referencing requires attention so that you can minimise plagiarism occurrences. For more on plagiarism see: http://federation.edu.au/current-students/learning-and-study/online-help-with/plagiarism http://policy.federation.edu.au/university/student plagiarism/ch02.php Group Assignment: Marketing Report (20 Marks) & Presentation (10 Marks)—Total (30 Marks) Assessment Task Two: Report (20 Marks) Report Presentation Value: 20% of your final mark 10% of your final mark Style: Business report PowerPoint slides Length: 2,500 – 3,000 words Max of 20 slides Date: Monday 20th May, 2019 8 am Monday 20th May 2019 8 am Submission: Submit via Moodle Turnitin—Word document (NOT .pdf) Presentation—3 slides per page handed to lecturer before presentation. Also, submit via email —PowerPoint file Marking criteria: See the Assessment Criteria Sheet at the end of this document See the Assessment Criteria Sheet at the end of this document Details: Moodle Handout and Email Assignment Instructions Students are to use the following format for the marketing report: Title Page Executive Summary Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Company Introduction 3. Brief Industry Overview 4. SWOT Analysis 5. Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning 5.1 Segmentation 5.2 Targeting 5.3 Positioning 6. Marketing Mix 6.1 Product 6.2 Price 6.3 Place 6.4 Promotion 7. Conclusion References Appendices (if applicable) To reiterate, the purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your understanding of marketing theory and its application in practice. This assignment requires you to integrate marketing theory and company activity to demonstrate an understanding of key marketing concepts. After the group has chosen a business, students will briefly introduce their chosen company and briefly explain some key features of the industry it operated within. A SWOT Analysis will then be conducted, which will help to shed some light as to what a suitable new product might be. The remainder of the assignment is designed to explain how the new product is going to be sold. Using marketing theory, academic research and industry research among others, the students will identify how the market will be segmented, and how the product will be both targeted and positioned to the target market. Following this, the product will be explained in the context of the 4 Ps (product, price place, and promotion) also using marketing theory and research to justify the suggestions being made. For an assignment of this size, we would expect to see a minimum of 20 original references used. Assessment Task Two: Presentation (10 Marks) The aim of the presentation component of this assessment is for students to share, in a professionally-styled delivery, their assignments with their peers. The presentation should follow a similar structure to the report, with students focusing on the key information from their assignments, adequately explaining the research behind the assignment and justifying the suggestions being made. Imagine you are part of a Marketing team actually pitching your research and strategies for the new product. All students should have an equal part in developing and delivering the presentation. BUMKT5902 Group Assignment: Report Marking Criteria Student Student ID Email CRITERIA (Total Marks = 20) Marks Content (16 marks) Comments Executive Summary 1 Introduction/Conclusion 1 Company Introduction 0.5 Brief Industry Overview 0.5 SWOT Analysis 2 Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning 3 Product 2 Price 2 Place 2 Promotion 2 Structure & Style (4 marks) Literacy standard—sentences and paragraphs make sense, succinct and concise business writing style 1 Research and use of theory demonstrates creativity and engagement with topic 1 Appropriate and adequate use of references and correctly structured reference list 1 Well-formatted, neatly presented 1 Mark:______________Comments:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ? BUMKT5902 Assignment 2: Presentation Marking Criteria Student Student ID Email CRITERIA (Total Marks = 10) A) DELIVERY 2 Comments Clarity in speaking, pronunciation, speed, expression, appropriateness of tone, and professional demeanour. B) PRESENTATION 3 Comments Quality of accompanying slides/presentation aids, logical structure and flow of topics, timing of the presentation. C) CONTENT 5 Comments Introduction of group and tasks, explanation of key points, relevance of points discussed. Mark:______________Comments:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ? Extra Assessment Task Resources Below is a range of resources that will assist you throughout your degree. As you are seeking to enhance your problem solving skills and demonstrate an “advanced and integrated understanding of a complex body of knowledge” (AQF Level 9 – Masters http://www.aqf.edu.au/aqf/in-detail/aqf-levels/). It is critical that you can demonstrate a structured approach to your thinking. Your assessment is graded based on you meeting the AQF Level 9 requirements. There is an expectation that you are using the resources below or the resources available to you in the assignment folder to assist in achieving this. Logic If you want to improve the strength of your argument/writing it strongly recommended that you read: The Case Study Handbook: How to Read, Discuss, and Write Persuasively About Cases by William Ellet. This book is an excellent resource in any degree where creating a logical, coherent argument in support of a recommendation or key insight is the primary focus (e.g. a business degree). http://www.amazon.com/Case-Study-Handbook-Discuss-Persuasively-ebook/dp/B0106P71RS/ref=mt_kindle?_encoding=UTF8&me= Key Business Solutions: Essential problem-solving tools and techniques that every manager needs to know (Financial Times Series) 1st Edition by Antonio E. Weiss . This book has an excellent approach to problem solving as well as providing a description of all the main tools of business analysis. http://www.amazon.com/Key-Business-Solutions-problem-solving-techniques-ebook/dp/B00A8EZL7A/ref=mt_kindle?_encoding=UTF8&me= Think Smarter: Critical Thinking to Improve Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills by Michael Kallet. Simple and yet detailed book on how to approach problem solving. http://www.amazon.com/Think-Smarter-Critical-Problem-Solving-Decision-Making-ebook/dp/B00JOIGXP0/ref=tmm_kin_title_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1445814846&sr=8-1 Writing If you are not familiar with writing in a business context it is strongly recommended you read: HBR Guide to Better Business Writing by Bryan A. Garner. http://www.amazon.com/Guide-Better-Business-Writing-Series-ebook/dp/B00B0YPJ0G Presenting If you are not familiar with presenting in a business context it is strongly recommended you read: HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations by Nancy Durate. She teaches Harvard students how to present. You will find some excellent presentations by her on Youtube. http://www.amazon.com/HBR-Guide-Persuasive-Presentations-Series-ebook/dp/B009G1W9JO/ref=pd_sim_351_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=1DHZJH3QV7CE72ME7M7K Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds. Fantastic book if you want to break free on boring and unengaging presentations. http://www.amazon.com/Presentation-Zen-Simple-Delivery-Edition/dp/0321811984