MPA 103 Business economics
Assessment Items MPA103 Semester 2 2019 Assessment Task 1: Case Study Debate/Report Presentation This assessment task will contribute 20% towards your result for this subject. Assessment introduction: Case Study analysis and report presentation in the class. Due date: Week 5 Return of marks: 1 Week after submission Late lodgement penalty: Less 2 marks per day from final score until a week late, and no score after one week late Theory: Lectures/tutorials Weeks 1-10, and self-directed research Assessment requirement: 1500 words report, (illustrations and references essential, 10%) and 20 minutes presentation on findings, 10%. Purpose and Overview This assignment 1 is based on case study topics on various contemporary economic issues and it needs to be completed individually. If student numbers are more, there is a possibility that this assignment may be a group exercise. This will further test the knowledge and skills of the students on various economic issues and their potential impact on government and business. Assessment task: In the first few weeks of your tutorial programme your tutor will assist you in selecting presentation topics. Then you will be required to identify and research relevant theoretical and logical aspects relevant to the current economic topic that is of importance to the Australian and global economy. You can draw upon academic literature, newspapers, online research to identify and research this topic. You can choose topics from the following list: • Is globalisation good or bad for society? • How does a government’s macroeconomic policy decision or decisions influence its relationship with business and society? • What is market power? Does market power describe the distribution of power in Australian society? • What type of economic system is likely to be most viable in the twenty-first century? Justify your choice. • Which is a better economic model? Market economy or command economy? Why? • Is it too late for Australia to attempt to regain control of its own resources and economy? What would be the consequences? Justify your answer. • Do international institutions promote or redress inequalities between the wealth of nations? • Which is best: bilateral or multilateral trade agreements? Discuss with examples. • Do multi-national corporations assist economic development? Justify your response and provide supporting examples. • What is the “Dutch disease syndrome” and how does it relate to the Australian Economy? Does Government’s policy shift (resource utilisation and distribution) adequately address the shortcomings? Once you have selected your topic you need to have it approved by your tutor. Your topic needs to be approved by your tutor by the end of week 3 before the mid semester break. You will be required to give a 30 minutes presentation on your chosen topic as well as submit a 1500 word written report that corresponds to your topic. This written work needs to be submitted in Week 5 along with presentations. In your presentation and written work, you should: • Introduce your topic by providing background information and context. • Identify major impacts of the issue under discussion on the Australian/global Economy. • Identify policy implications for stakeholders arising from the issue under discussion. • Make recommendations and suggestions based on your research on addressing this Issue. • Provide a clear and logical conclusion. Outputs/Submission requirements 1500 words written report (case study report format with appropriate referencing) and 30 minutes presentation on findings. Presentations will be held in Week 5 during your normal lecture and tutorial hours. Feedback will be given a week later. Assessment criteria & learning outcomes assessed: This assignment will assess the Learning Outcomes 1, 3, 4, 6, 8 Assessment task 1 Marking Guide: Assessment Task Learning Outcomes/ Assessment Criteria Task learning outcome/assessment criteria quality indicators Oral Presentation Possible Mark Mark achieved Exemplary Advanced Proficient Satisfactory Limited or nil 10% Evidence of preparation Virtually flawless presentation Few flaws Most presentation details met Minor flaws Major flaws 2% Use of relevant examples Critical evaluations with appropriate theory Main theoretical points elaborated. Main points discussed in logically sequential paragraphs with theoretical evidence Some major theoretical points missed Structure confused, not discernible, not explained 2% Demonstration of understanding of the topic Detailed support from literature including extra references. Regular support provided from the literature. Some explanation, illustration and support is provided from the literature. Discussion too brief. Major presentation flaws and complete disorder 6% Assessment Task Learning Outcomes/ Assessment Criteria Task learning outcome/assessment criteria quality indicators Written Report Possible Mark Mark achieved Exemplary Advanced Proficient Satisfactory Limited or nil 10% Accuracy and depth. No presentation flaws and accuracy and depth of research are evident through literature search. Few presentation flaws. Some explanation, illustration and support is provided from the literature. Presentation meets most of the main protocols. Insufficient support from literature. Presentation errors. Entirely copied. Complete misinterpretation of topic. 3% Quality of written expression. Comprehensive exploration of the topic, with sound critical comment and a personal synthesis of the issues shown. A fuller, more systematic exploration of the topic which may include an attempt at critical comment or appraisal. A reasonably balanced summary of the issues as reflected in the course study materials. Overuse of quotations, with little explanation. Unreflective personal comment, incoherent argument. 3% Evidence of research. Extra references integrated into argument, and referred. Extra references included. The text of the essay shows that the course materials have been read and referred.. Reading not well integrated into text of essay. No evidence of reading in text of essay. 4% Assessment Task overall result: Assessment Task Grade: Assessment Task Total Marks: Comments: Lecturer/Tutor name: Signature: Date: ASSIGNMENT 2: INDEPENDENT STRUCTURED RESEARCH REPORT (3000 WORDS) (30%) Due Date: Electronic Copy: Week 11; Tuesday, 22nd October 2019; 11:59 P.M (AEST) (through Turnitin-Brightspace Assignment Submission link) Hard Copy: Week 11; Tuesday, 22nd October 2019; 3:00 P.M (AEST) Please attach duly completed Holmesglen Assignment Cover Sheet (only for Hardcopies). Collect annual data for each year from 2000 to 2018 for five European countries and, Australia at Under “all indicators” find and download data for the following macroeconomic variables. You must justify your country selection and must compare the macro trends with Australia. a. GDP growth (annual %) b. Inflation, consumer prices (annual %) c. Interest rate d. unemployment, total (percentage of total labour force) e. [government] expense (% of GDP) f. [government] revenue (% of GDP) Note: In order to download the data for a variable, click on the “DOWNLOAD DATA” tab on the right-hand corner of the webpage. You can save the data for each variable as an EXCEL FILE and save in a convenient location on your computer with the name of the variable. Present the data for each variable in a table. Tables and charts must be correctly titled, labelled and sourced. TASK 1: Data Collection and Analysis 1.1 Present the variables GDP growth rate, unemployment rate, interest rate and inflation rate each in a single chart for each of the selected countries (variable based country analysis). Similarly provide a chart for each of GDP, the unemployment rate, interest rate and the inflation rate for all the selected countries (country based variable analysis). Based on the charts you have prepared, compare and explain the effect of the major global economic crisis on the five countries. (10 marks) 1.2 Now prepare a chart for each country which shows its GDP, government expenditure and taxes. (If you have found government expenditure and tax as a share of GDP you will need to calculate the figures.) Compare the government’s share of the economy of each country. Compare the government budgetary position of each country (balanced budget, deficit or surplus) over the period (hint: Chapter 27 of the textbook). Discuss, how and why, these changes with the major global economic crisis. (5 marks) TASK 2: Economic Policy Analysis (Domestic and Global) 2.1 Collect and present data from 2000 to 2018 for official cash rate of Australia and key interest rates for EURO area in an appropriate diagram. The key interest rates for the euro area set by the Governing Council are: ? The interest rate on the main refinancing operations (MROs), which normally provide the bulk of liquidity to the banking system. The Eurosystem may execute its tenders in the form of fixed rate or variable rate tenders. ? The rate on the deposit facility, which banks may use to make overnight deposits with the Eurosystem. ? The rate on the marginal lending facility, which offers overnight credit to banks from the Eurosystem. Official cash rates represent the cost of overnight loans between financial intermediaries within Australia and reflect nation’s stance on monetary policy while key interest rates, as specified above, reflect the European Union’s stand on the regional monetary policy responding to global issues. (6 marks) 2.2 Explain why the central banks of Australia and the European Union are currently employing such monetary policy actions? In your discussion, identify at least two current economy-wide issues that have justified their actions. (You may find it useful to read the recent monetary policy statements and reports of the RBA and ECB at and respectively.) (4 marks) Reference, Source and Citation: 3 Marks Presentation and Grammar: 2 Marks TOTAL = 30 Marks Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Assessment Task 2 Marking Guide: Assessment Task Learning Outcomes/ Assessment Criteria Task learning outcome/assessment criteria quality indicators Independent Research report Possible Mark Mark achieved Exemplary Advanced Proficient Satisfactory Limited or nil 30% Scope of Essay Comprehensive exploration of the topic, with sound critical comment and a personal synthesis of the issues shown. Detailed support from literature including extra references. No presentation flaws. A fuller, more systematic exploration of the topic which may include an attempt at critical comment or appraisal. Regular support provided from the literature. Few presentation flaws. A reasonably balanced summary of the issues as reflected in the course study materials. Some explanation, illustration and support is provided from the literature. Presentation meets most of the main protocols. Topic not fully covered. Discussion too brief. Overuse of quotations, with little explanation. Insufficient support from literature. Presentation errors. Unreflective personal comment, incoherent argument. Entirely copied. Complete misinterpretation Of topic. Major presentation flaws. 8% Essay Structure Critical evaluations and references used. Main points elaborated. Main arguments and conclusions outlined in opening paragraph. Definitions provided in context. Main points discussed in logically sequential paragraphs. Summary in final paragraph. Opening paragraph simply restates the topic. Some major points missed. Structure confused, not discernible, not explained 7% Evidence of Reading Range of extra references utilised and integrated into argument, including use of peer-reviewed journals. Bibliography accurate. Range of extra references utilised, including use of peer-reviewed journals. Bibliography accurate. The text of the essay shows that the course materials and extra references have been read and acknowledged. Reading reasonably well integrated into text of essay. Some extra references utilised. Bibliography accurate. The text of the essay shows that the course materials have been read and acknowledged. An accurate though light bibliography is attached. Reading not well integrated into text of essay. No evidence of reading in text of essay. No or limited acknowledgments and bibliography. 10% Report Presentation Virtually flawless presentation. Few flaws. Most presentation details met. Minor flaws. Major flaws and connectivity is not evident. 5% ? Assessment Task overall result: Assessment Task Grade: Assessment Task Total Marks: Comments: Lecturer/Tutor name: Signature: Date: Assessment Task 3: Final Examination This assessment task will contribute 50% towards your result for this subject. Assessment introduction: Final Examination Due date: Exam period Duration: 3 hours + 10 minutes reading Return of marks: During Resulting Period Theory: Lectures/tutorials Weeks 1-13, and self-directed research Assessment requirement: This final exam will be a combination of 6 short answer questions (6 X 10 marks each = 60 marks) and 2 essay questions (2 X 20 marks each = 40 marks). All questions must be answered. Total = 60% + 40% = 100%. This will be converted to a mark out of 50%. Outputs/Submission requirements This is a closed book exam and has an equivalent word limit of 2000 words. Assessment criteria & learning outcomes assessed: Final examination will assess the Learning Outcomes 2 – 8.

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MPA 105 Financial Accounting and Reporting
Assessment Cover Sheet Faculty of Business, Design & I.T. 1 Student ID No. Name Lecturer Name Gary Armarego Program Name Master of Professional Accounting Program Code MPA14 Subject Name Financial Accounting and Reporting Subject Code MPA 105 Semester & Year 1, 2019 Time Allowed/Due Date Week 6 Assessment Type Assignment Part A Value of Assessment 10% Assessment Conditions 10% penalty for each day late Special Requirements Load the assignment on Turnitin, Brightspace. DECLARATION 1. I am aware that penalties exist for cheating, plagiarism (copying) and unauthorised collusion with other students, or external consultants. 2. I am aware of the requirements covering style and layout standards as designated by my teacher/tutor. 3. For assessments other than those conducted in-class, I have retained a copy. I understand that uncollected assessments will be destroyed. 4. By typing my name in the student signature line, I accept personal responsibility for the declaration. Student’s signature: Date: 2 Learning outcomes assessed REQUIREMENT ALLOCATED MARK Mark Given Unsatisfactory 0-49% Satisfactory 50?59% Good 60?69% Very Good 70?79% Excellent 80?100% Question 1 13 2. Analyse and account for the impact of income taxes and foreign currency transactions upon profit determination. 3. Analyse and prepare advice on the nature of different business combinations and intra-corporate investments, equity accounting, joint-venture and consolidation methods. 4. Produce a complete set of general purpose financial reports that comply with the Australian Accounting Standards for a reporting entity (both for a single entity and a consolidated group). Presentation 1 Poor presentation Presentation meets expectation Presentation above expectation Very good presentation Excellent presentation Research content 10 Very limited discussion Moderate discussions. Reasonable discussion. More than adequate discussion. Outstanding and thorough discussion Citation 1 Very limited references and they are used incorrectly Moderate number of references and they are used reasonably appropriate. A reasonable number of references are used and cited appropriately . More than adequate references and they are used appropriately. There is a great number of references used. References are used correctly Clarity 1 Hard to understand the idea presented Ideas are presented understandably Ideas are presented adequately appropriate. More than adequate presentation. Outstanding and thorough presentation. TOTAL 13 3 Question: In 2018, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued a revised Conceptual Framework containing new definitions of assets and liabilities compared to those included in the previous version – the 2010 Conceptual Framework. Based on your research, discuss this change and the possible impact of the change on items presented on financial statements.
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MPA 107 Accounting Theory
Student Name Student ID No. Teacher Name Gary Armarego & Dr. Somaiya Yunus Teacher Contact Program Name Master of Professional Accounting Program Code MPA14 Subject Name Accounting Theory Subject Code MPA107 Department Graduate and Degree Programs Semester & Year Semester 1, 2019 Time Allowed/Due Date Thursday 16 May by 11:00 am Assessment Type Research Assignment Value of Assessment 30% of overall assessment Assessment Conditions Individual assignment Special Requirements N/A DECLARATION 1. I am aware that penalties exist for cheating, plagiarism (copying) and unauthorised collusion with other students, or external consultants. 2. I am aware of the requirements covering style and layout standards as designated by my teacher/tutor. 3. For assessments other than those conducted in-class, I have retained a copy. I understand that uncollected assessments will be destroyed. 4. I certify that any paper version of this assignment which I have submitted or will submit is identical to the electronic version submitted or to be submitted. Student’s signature: Date: Possible Marks Actual Marks Research Assignment 30 Total 30 Assignment Preparation and Submission Guidelines • This assignment is to be prepared in a report format and must include appropriate referencing (APA citation style). • The assignment must be prepared using Microsoft Word in Arial Font, Size 12 and with 1.5 Line Spacing. • The research is maximum 3000 words. Do not write less than 2700 words and nor over 3300 words • There must a bibliography at the end of the research paper • There should be In-text referencing in the body of the assignment • 1 mark will be deducted if there is some in-text referencing • 1.5 marks will be deducted if there is no in-text referencing • 1 mark will be deducted if there are some references missing in the bibliography • 1.5 marks will be deducted if there are no references in the bibliography • Students are advised to appraise themselves of an understanding of plagiarism, and ensure they avoid committing it in their assignment. • Late lodgement penalty: 10% per calendar day • Assessment must have a Holmesglen assessment cover sheet attached Question: Stakeholder Theory has been considered to be a useful tool to improve corporations from many perspectives like social, political, and economic. The theory is supported by many academics who advocates that its implementation should be in its pristine form. Critically analyse this statement. END OF ASSIGNMENT
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MPA 108 Managerial Finance
Student ID No. & Name Lecturer Name Dr Vasanthi Peter Program Name Master of Professional Accounting Program Code MPA14 Subject Name Managerial Finance Subject Code MPA108 Semester & Year 2, 2019 Time Allowed/Due Date Week 11 Assessment Type Research report Value of Assessment 30% Assessment Conditions Special Requirements DECLARATION 1. I am aware that penalties exist for cheating, plagiarism (copying) and unauthorised collusion with other students, or external consultants. 2. I am aware of the requirements covering style and layout standards as designated by my teacher/tutor. 3. For assessments other than those conducted in-class, I have retained a copy. I understand that uncollected assessments will be destroyed. 4. By typing my name in the student signature line, I accept personal responsibility for the declaration. Student’s signature: Date: ? Marking Guide Sections Possible Marks Actual Marks Section A 7 Section B 5 Section C 7 Section D 3 Section E 5 Presentation 3 Total 30 ? Section A: Background & review of literature Review a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed journals on the topic risk and return for this assessment. Select a METALS AND MINING company. Provide the background of the organisation including, but not limited, to the following: 1. History 2. Products/Services 3. Location(s) of business activities 4. Market Share 5. Directors 6. Latest P/E Ratio 7. Dividend Policy 8. Environmental Impact and Policy 9. Beta as given in literature ? Table 1: S&P/ASX 300 METALS AND MINING (INDUSTRY) Stocks Code Company Price Change % Change Volume open High Low Contribution to index NST NORTHERN STAR RESOURCES LTD 12.960 -0.310 -2.34% 719,930 13.110 13.240 12.920 -3.30% RIO RIO TINTO LIMITED 85.590 -2.100 -2.39% 1,035,972 86.240 86.240 85.020 -12.98% FMG FORTESCUE METALS GROUP LTD 7.020 -0.240 -3.31% 7,746,338 7.150 7.190 7.000 -6.84% SBM ST BARBARA LIMITED 3.950 -0.010 -0.25% 1,865,133 3.960 3.970 3.910 -0.11% ORE OROCOBRE LIMITED 2.880 -0.130 -4.32% 561,653 2.930 2.950 2.840 -0.50% ILU ILUKA RESOURCES LIMITED 8.580 -0.120 -1.38% 363,207 8.570 8.700 8.510 -0.84% BHP BHP GROUP LIMITED 36.980 -0.310 -0.83% 2,212,054 36.940 37.035 36.730 -15.20% BSL BLUESCOPE STEEL LIMITED 12.085 -0.155 -1.27% 640,793 12.130 12.230 12.045 -1.35% MIN MINERAL RESOURCES LIMITED 14.300 -0.240 -1.65% 532,945 14.380 14.410 14.080 -0.62% S32 SOUTH32 LIMITED 2.845 -0.035 -1.22% 4,461,323 2.890 2.890 2.820 -3.00% SLR SILVER LAKE RESOURCES LIMITED 1.287 +0.007 +0.55% 1,451,036 1.280 1.310 1.272 0.09% GXY GALAXY RESOURCES LIMITED 1.327 -0.003 -0.23% 1,278,191 1.320 1.340 1.290 -0.02% NCM NEWCREST MINING LIMITED 37.945 -0.675 -1.75% 828,252 38.220 38.410 37.760 -8.58% DCN DACIAN GOLD LIMITED 1.275 +0.150 +13.33% 3,600,560 1.195 1.280 1.180 0.54% OZL OZ MINERALS LIMITED 9.350 -0.130 -1.37% 318,770 9.350 9.370 9.260 -0.67% IGO INDEPENDENCE GROUP NL 5.580 -0.170 -2.96% 774,098 5.600 5.660 5.560 -1.31% EVN EVOLUTION MINING LIMITED 5.355 -0.105 -1.92% 2,103,127 5.400 5.400 5.330 -2.64% RSG RESOLUTE MINING LIMITED 1.980 -0.015 -0.75% 2,313,023 1.980 2.015 1.965 -0.22% SAR SARACEN MINERAL HOLDINGS LIMITED 4.510 -0.060 -1.31% 3,542,454 4.540 4.540 4.440 -0.79% RRL REGIS RESOURCES LIMITED 5.925 -0.125 -2.07% 756,282 6.010 6.040 5.910 -1.02% WSA WESTERN AREAS LIMITED 2.460 -0.060 -2.38% 1,542,941 2.480 2.520 2.450 -0.26% IMD IMDEX LIMITED 1.310 -0.030 -2.24% 282,423 1.325 1.330 1.305 -0.18% GOR GOLD ROAD RESOURCES LIMITED 1.595 -0.020 -1.24% 1,297,664 1.630 1.630 1.585 -0.25% WGX WESTGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED. 2.280 +0.010 +0.44% 558,707 2.310 2.340 2.260 0.06% INR IONEER LTD 0.170 0.000 0.00% 273,115 0.170 0.172 0.170 0.00% SGM SIMS METAL MANAGEMENT LIMITED 9.810 +0.090 +0.93% 133,133 9.730 9.830 9.620 0.24% ASL AUSDRILL LIMITED 1.842 -0.018 -0.97% 612,658 1.835 1.855 1.820 -0.16% RMS RAMELIUS RESOURCES LIMITED 1.300 -0.070 -5.11% 2,152,922 1.330 1.360 1.295 -0.75% JMS JUPITER MINES LIMITED. 0.380 +0.005 +1.33% 1,645,717 0.385 0.385 0.370 0.09% MGX MOUNT GIBSON IRON LIMITED 0.760 -0.010 -1.30% 664,352 0.765 0.780 0.757 -0.10% LYC LYNAS CORPORATION LIMITED 2.905 -0.035 -1.19% 1,787,456 2.950 2.950 2.890 -0.39% PLS PILBARA MINERALS LIMITED 0.477 -0.013 -2.65% 3,698,810 0.480 0.485 0.462 -0.34% KDR KIDMAN RESOURCES LIMITED 1.897 +0.002 +0.11% 296,156 1.895 1.900 1.895 0.01% OGC OCEANAGOLD CORPORATION 4.175 -0.075 -1.76% 71,028 4.250 4.250 4.120 -0.08% SFR SANDFIRE RESOURCES NL 6.050 -0.170 -2.73% 230,514 6.120 6.120 6.000 -0.44% AWC ALUMINA LIMITED 2.240 -0.040 -1.75% 1,928,353 2.280 2.290 2.240 -1.55% PRU PERSEUS MINING LIMITED 0.845 -0.025 -2.87% 2,280,125 0.870 0.870 0.840 -0.49% AMI AURELIA METALS LIMITED 0.485 +0.005 +1.04% 389,190 0.480 0.485 0.472 0.07% MLD MACA LIMITED 0.920 +0.005 +0.55% 47,731 0.920 0.930 0.920 0.02% MLX METALS X LIMITED 0.192 -0.008 -4.00% 1,174,404 0.200 0.200 0.185 -0.07% SYR SYRAH RESOURCES LIMITED 0.795 -0.040 -4.79% 1,267,162 0.835 0.835 0.790 -0.26% NCZ NEW CENTURY RESOURCES LIMITED 0.295 0.000 0.00% 1,342,139 0.310 0.315 0.295 0.00% MAH MACMAHON HOLDINGS LIMITED 0.167 +0.002 +1.21% 62,317 0.165 0.170 0.165 0.04% OMH OM HOLDINGS LIMITED 0.725 -0.005 -0.68% 8,274 0.740 0.740 0.725 -0.03% AJM ALTURA MINING LIMITED 0.105 0.000 0.00% 1,678,503 0.105 0.105 0.100 0.00% Source: ? Section B: Share price statistics and basic estimation of average return Record on the excel spreadsheet: The monthly closing price history of the chosen company as well as the S&P/ASX 300 Index • over the period 2 July 2005 to 1 July 2012 - the first time period: • over the period 2 July 2012 to 1 July 2019 - the second time period 1. Calculate the monthly returns of the company as well as the S&P/ASX 300 Index for the first time period. 2. Estimate the monthly returns of the company as well as the S&P/ASX 300 Index for the second time period. 3. Using the formulae provided in your text book, estimate the average return, market capitalisation, P/E ratios using the excel functions for both the periods. 4. Prepare line graphs plotting the share price history of the company and the S&P/ASX 300 Index for the first period as well as the second period. 5. Draw 2 histograms of monthly returns of the company for the first period and the second period. Examine to what extent the returns are normally distributed. 6. Discuss your observations, the similarities and the differences between the 2 periods average return and the S&P/ASX 300 Index. C. Risk analysis using CAPM 1. Why do you think standard deviation may be a reliable predictor of risk? Give pros and cons of using standard deviation as a predictor of company’s risk? 2. Estimate the variance and standard deviations of monthly returns of the company as well as the S&P/ASX 300 Index for both the time periods. 3. Discuss what it tells about the risk as measured by the standard deviation of the l company and the S&P/ASX 300 Index. 4. How does the risk of the company compare with that of the market S&P/ASX 300 Index for both the periods? 5. Calculate the risk premium (Beta) for both the periods using CAPM measure. a. Calculate the covariance for both the periods and comment on the extent to which they relate. b. Provide an explanation for Beta for both the periods. 6. If you think Beta to be a better measure of risk premium, why do you consider it to be so. Discuss. Are there any variations between Beta as given in literature and your estimates of Beta for the 2 periods? Discuss your answer based on your findings. Section D: Changes and recent developments Provide a commentary of current and recent (within the last year) developments relating to the company. Focus on changes that have had an impact on the share price of the company, including but not limited to development and changes relating to: 1. Capital structure 2. Legislative changes impacting the company. 3. Competitive pressures. 4. International events. 5. Major suppliers and customers. 6. Management and Ownership Changes. Section E: Investment recommendation Make a recommendation as to whether you would buy, sell or hold the shares based on your findings. Your recommendation can include suggested share price levels but should be based on the analysis in sections A-D. Further instructions: 1. Research Report Word Limit: Maximum 3,000 words excluding graphs and referencing 2. Bibliography and referencing is to be done based on the APA guidelines provided in Learning Commons 3. Any use of previously submitted assignment material from prior semesters will be monitored and will be regarded as plagiarism 4. Marks are allotted for • Evidence of comprehensive review of extant literature and citing from a range of journal articles • Use of appropriate analytical tools and financial models • Clearly developed and considered recommendations and conclusion • Professional presentation based on: • Structure • Referencing • Academic writing style (expression, grammar, punctuation, usage)
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MPA 110 Auditing and Assurance
Assessment Cover Sheet Faculty of Business, Design & I.T. 1 Student ID No. Name Lecturer Name Gary Armarego / Quan Nguyen Program Name Master of Professional Accounting Program Code MPA14 Subject Name Auditing and Assurance Subject Code MPA 110 Semester & Year 1, 2019 Time Allowed/Due Date Week 9 Assessment Type Research Assignment Value of Assessment 30% Assessment Conditions 10% penalty for each day late Special Requirements Load the assignment on Turnitin, Brightspace. DECLARATION 1. I am aware that penalties exist for cheating, plagiarism (copying) and unauthorised collusion with other students, or external consultants. 2. I am aware of the requirements covering style and layout standards as designated by my teacher/tutor. 3. For assessments other than those conducted in-class, I have retained a copy. I understand that uncollected assessments will be destroyed. 4. By typing my name in the student signature line, I accept personal responsibility for the declaration. Student’s signature: Date: Assessment Cover Sheet Faculty of Business, Design & I.T. 2 Learning outcomes assessed Marking criteria Marks allocated Excellent Satisfactory Needs improvements ? Formulate professional advice on role of directors, key financial employees, and auditors, in the prevention and detection of errors and irregularities in an organisation; General presentation, format and references 5 (3.5 – 5 marks) Assignment cover sheet with all names listed and declaration signed. The assignment is presented in one single Microsoft Word document with the format and language presented in a professional way that is easily comprehensible throughout the assignment. References are used extensively and cited appropriately throughout the assignment to support the (2.5 – 3 marks) Assignment cover sheet with all names listed and declaration signed. The assignment is presented in one single Microsoft Word document with the format and language moderately presented in a professional way that is easily comprehensible throughout the assignment. References are used to some limited extent and cited reasonably appropriately (0 - 2 marks) Assignment does not meet the basic requirements of assignment format; Language is presented in a way that makes it difficult to be comprehensible; Very limited references are used and these are cited inappropriately or do not support the ideas/arguments. Page 3 of 6 Page 3 of 6 ? Critically analyse and evaluate the internal control procedures within an organisation and devise solutions to internal control deficiencies; ? Formulate strategies to address assessed audit risk and materiality; ? Evaluate and appropriately recommend various types of audit reports in ideas/arguments. throughout the assignment to support the ideas/arguments. Assignment content – The extent to which the assignment content and discussions support the above findings by ASIC 15 (10.5 - 15 marks) The assignment very clearly articulates how those identified contributes to improving audit quality. Relevant literature is very well cited to support the stated initiatives. (7.5 - 10 marks) The assignment mostly articulates how those identified contributes to improving audit quality. Relevant but limited literature is cited, appropriately to some extent, to support the stated initiatives. (0 – 7.5 marks) The assignment fails to articulate how those identified contributes to improving audit quality. Very limited literature is cited, or cited literature is irrelevant to support the stated initiatives. Assignment content –– The extent to which the assignment content and discussions 10 (7 - 10 marks) The assignment very clearly identifies and articulates how initiatives other than those identified by ASIC may contribute to improving audit quality. Relevant literature is very (5 – 6.5 marks) The assignment mostly identifies and articulates how initiatives other than those identified by ASIC may contribute to improving audit quality. Relevant but limited (0 - 5 marks) The assignment fails to identify and articulate how initiatives other than those identified by ASIC may contribute to improving audit quality. Very limited literature is Page 4 of 6 Page 4 of 6 accordance with auditing standards for different business organisations provide suggestion regarding initiatives other than those identified by ASIC well cited to support the suggested initiatives. literature is cited appropriately to a extent reasonably expected of the student to support the stated initiatives. cited, or cited literature is irrelevant or inappropriate to support the stated initiatives. Assessment Cover Sheet Faculty of Business, Design & I.T. 5 Assignment topic: In this assignment, you are expected to do a research into issues currently reported by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) regarding its inspection program for 2017-2018, as described below: In January 2019, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) issued its report 534 – Audit inspection program report for 2017-18. Based on the report, ASIC defines audit quality as follows (section 30): “For our regulatory purposes, audit quality refers to matters that contribute to the likelihood that the auditor will: (a) achieve the fundamental objective of obtaining reasonable assurance that the financial report as a whole is free of material misstatement; and (b) ensure material deficiencies detected are addressed or communicated through the audit report.” (ASIC 2019). The report has also indicated the following (section 58): “Some initiatives that appear to have improved audit quality: Initiatives undertaken by some firms that appear to have a positive impact on aspects of audit quality at those firms include: (a) forming specialist focus groups and risk panels on impairment of non-financial assets, substantive analytical procedures and other areas to develop the necessary expertise, support and coaching for audit teams; (b) increasing partner time spent on engagements, in the audit files, at the audited entities and with the audit team; (c) developing a strong culture focused on audit quality with accountability at all levels of partners and staff; (d) conducting effective analysis to identify the root causes of individual and thematic findings from internal and external file reviews and implementing initiatives to address those findings; (e) proper project management of audits, including monitoring—at audit team and firm level—of progress against key engagement-specific milestones, and addressing issues early to minimise deadline pressures at the conclusion of the audit; and (f) firm and peer quality reviews of completed audit files by independent reviewers that include a focus on difficult judgement areas; and (g) greater education of directors and management of audited entities to improve financial reporting quality and support the audit process.” (ASIC, 2019). Page 6 of 6 Page 6 of 6 Required: Based on your individual research, please support the above findings by ASIC and suggest any other initiatives that could positively contribute to improving audit quality. Reference: ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission). (2019). Report 607 – Audit inspection program report for 2017-18. Retrieved from
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MPA 111 Critical thinking and communication
Holmesglen Institute MPA 111 Critical Thinking and Communication 2019 semester 1 ASSESSMENT ITEMS Assessment Item #1a – Individual Report 30% You are to submit report in academic style, appropriately referenced based on research conducted through peer-reviewed journals and books on the topic below. DISCUSS THE RELEVANCE OF CRITICAL THINKING IN ACADEMIC WRITING AND PROBLEM SOLVING. PROVIDE SUITABLE EXAMPLES TO SUPPORT YOUR ARGUMENTS. Notes on Writing Your Report Only a grade is awarded, given for report written in academic format, expounding theories and practicalities, providing cogent arguments, recommendations and conclusions. • Avoid web sites like Wikipedia and newspapers – use peer-reviewed journals from databases such as ABI-PROQUEST, EBSCO and EMERALD. Academic books may be included. • Avoid using lecture slides or Brightspace as reference sources – cite the original source. • Seek guidance on researching and writing skills from Holmesglen and other university library websites. • Penalty for plagiarism will be imposed when Turnitin Similarity Index exceeds 10%. A fail grade for the report is given when Turnitin Similarity Index exceeds 25%. • Penalty for late lodgment: 5% deduction (of total 30%) per day late, including weekends. • Non-submission will result in a fail grade for this study subject. • Word limit is 3000 ±10%, excluding references. State word count on the front page. • Submit a hard copy into the assignment box and upload the e-copy into Turnitin. E-copy should exclude cover page but include student name and ID on footnote of pages. • Multiple submissions to Turnitin are possible to reduce similarity index. • Hard copy and e-copy submissions must be identical. Due date: 1st April 2019 Value: 30% of subject grade Return and feedback: Three weeks after due date Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1, 3, and 4 Assessment Item #1b – Individual Presentation (of the report) 10% You will present the written report to the class using powerpoint of below 300 words. The presentation will take up to 10 minutes. You will be allocated a time slot by the Tutor to present. Once allocated, you are not allowed to change the appointment unless approved by the Tutor. Your potential marks of 10% shall be forfeited if you are absent from the presentation. There is no replacement presentation. Your presentation will be graded based on the contents and presentation skills. The written report must be handed in for grading before the class presentation. Due date: One week after Report is submitted Value: 10% of subject grade Return and feedback: One week after presentation Marking Criteria Marksheet for Individual Report and Group Report CRITERIA COMMENTS Introduction. Conclusion. Recommendations. 10% Analysis Have you moved beyond simple descriptions? Is your analysis critical and thorough? 30% Synthesis Have you carefully selected a wide range of texts and journals for your assignment preparation? Have you integrated the critical thinking literature? 15% Application Have you demonstrated skills in applying theory to practice? Have you demonstrated creativity in your arguments, analysis and synthesis? 25% References In text: Have you used the author-date method of referencing to correctly cite all the authors whose work you have drawn upon? End list: Have you correctly listed all references used throughout the body of your report in a final reference list? 10% Literacy Is your report well organised? Have you checked spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentence and paragraph formation? 10% Comments: Overall Report Grade: _______________________
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MPA 201 Strategic Management Accounting
Student Name Student ID No. Teacher Name Dr. Somaiya Yunus Teacher Contact Program Name Master of Professional Accounting Program Code MPA14 Subject Name Strategic Management Accounting Subject Code MPA201 Department Graduate and Degree Programs Semester & Year Semester 2, 2019 Time Allowed/Due Date Tuesday 15 October by 11:00 am Assessment Type Balanced Scorecard & Sustainability Reporting Value of Assessment 20% of overall assessment Assessment Conditions This is a group assignment of two students. Special Requirements N/A Assessment Cover Sheet Faculty of Business, Design & I.T. PO Box 42, Holmesglen VIC 3148 DECLARATION 1. I am aware that penalties exist for cheating, plagiarism (copying) and unauthorised collusion with other students, or external consultants. 2. I am aware of the requirements covering style and layout standards as designated by my teacher/tutor. 3. For assessments other than those conducted in-class, I have retained a copy. I understand that uncollected assessments will be destroyed. 4. I certify that any paper version of this assignment which I have submitted or will submit is identical to the electronic version submitted or to be submitted. Student’s signature: Date: Possible Marks Actual Marks Balanced Scorecard & Sustainability Reporting 55 Overall Structure & Presentation 25 Total 80 Assignment Preparation and Submission Guidelines • This assignment is to be prepared in a report format and must include appropriate referencing (APA citation style). • The assignment must be prepared using Microsoft Word in Arial Font, Size 12 and with 1.5 Line Spacing. • Word Limit: 3000 words. • Students are advised to appraise themselves of an understanding of plagiarism, and ensure they avoid committing it in their assignment. • Assignment is to be uploaded to Turnitin via the assignment link in Brightspace by the due date. • Draft assignments can be submitted to Turnitin (via the Brightspace link) before final submission to give students the opportunity to assess and improve their writing. • Students are advised to submit hard copy of assignment on Tuesday 15 October by 11:00 am. • Late lodgement penalty: 10% per calendar day. • Assessment must have a Holmesglen assessment cover sheet attached. ? Background Information: You are required to select a company from the Top 100 publicly listed companies in Australia that provide disclosure of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) adoption. The firm will be chosen from financials/ healthcare industry. Briefly outline the profile of the selected company. Then, examine the BSC disclosure from publicly available reports such as annual reports, shareholder reviews, sustainability reports, corporate policies and company website for 2 years, 2017 and 2018. Required: 1. Outline the company’s mission, objectives and strategic priorities. 2. Explain the different balanced scorecard perspectives such as financial, customer, internal business process, and learning and growth. 3. Remember that there should be a cause and effect relationship between strategies and measures. Suggest lag and lead indicators that could be used to measure performance (similar in style to Exhibit 14.3). 4. Is there any need to add an additional dimension to the balanced scorecard? If so, which particular strategies could be included in this fifth dimension? 5. Over 2-year period, discuss whether there have been any changes in SPMS disclosures in terms of the perspectives, objectives, measures & targets set. 6. Based on your findings what will you suggest to the CEO of the company (you have chosen) – Give at least 5 recommendations. Total:6+10+10+4+10+15=55 marks Overall Structure & Presentation 25 marks
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MPA 205 Corporate Governance
Holmesglen Institute MPA 205 Corporate Governance 2019 semester 1 ASSESSMENT ITEMS Assessment Item #1 – Class Test 20% Covers reasons for implementing corporate governance and theory behind the models examined. Due date: Week 6. Value: 20% of subject grade Return and feedback: 3 weeks after the test Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1, 3, and 4 Assessment Item #2 – Research Project 30% (Individual Report) Undertake an empirical study of the relationship between corporate governance and corporate performance of a recent Australian corporate collapse. The report must be written in academic convention and in a report format. Notes on Writing Your Report Only a grade is awarded, given for report written in academic format, expounding theories and practicalities, providing cogent arguments, recommendations and conclusions. • Avoid web sites like Wikipedia – use peer-reviewed journals from databases such as ABI-PROQUEST, EBSCO, THOMSON REUTERS and EMERALD. Academic books may be included. • Avoid using lecture slides or Brightspace as reference sources – cite the original source. • Seek guidance on researching and writing skills from Holmesglen and other university library websites. • Penalty for plagiarism will be imposed when Turnitin Similarity Index exceeds 10%. A fail grade for the report is given when Turnitin Similarity Index exceeds 25%. • Penalty for late lodgment: 5% deduction (of total 30%) per day late, including weekends. • Non-submission will result in a fail grade for this study subject. • Word limit is 2500 ±10%, excluding references. State word count on the front page. • Submit a hardcopy into the assignment box and upload the e-copy into Turnitin. E-copy should exclude cover page but include student name and ID on footnote of pages. • Multiple submissions to Turnitin are possible to reduce similarity index. • Hard copy and e-copy submissions must be identical. Due date: Week 9 submitted in class Value: 30% of subject grade Return and feedback: 3 weeks after submission Learning Outcomes Assessed: 3 and 4 Assessment Item #3 – Examination 50% Covers the remaining study of corporate governance not done in the class test Due date: During the examination period Value: 50% of subject grade Return and feedback: During the results notification period Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1 - 5 ? Marking Criteria Marksheet for Individual Report CRITERIA COMMENTS Introduction. Conclusion. Recommendations. 10% Analysis Have you moved beyond simple descriptions? Is your analysis critical and thorough? 30% Synthesis Have you carefully selected a wide range of texts and journals for your assignment preparation? Have you integrated the critical thinking literature? 15% Application Have you demonstrated skills in applying theory to practice? Have you demonstrated creativity in your arguments, analysis and synthesis? 25% References In text: Have you used the author-date method of referencing to correctly cite all the authors whose work you have drawn upon? End list: Have you correctly listed all references used throughout the body of your report in a final reference list? 10% Literacy Is your report well organised? Have you checked spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentence and paragraph formation? 10% Comments Overall Report Grade: _______________________
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MPA 206 Strategic Management
Holmesglen Institute MPA 206 Strategic Management 2019 semester 1 ASSESSMENT ITEMS Assessment Item #1 – Class Quizzes 20% This will be conducted weekly during class. Students must complete the quiz before answers are discussed. Late students will have their marks forfeited. These quizzes are done with access to textbook and resources. Quizzes are in multiple choice questions format. Due date: Weekly in class. Value: 20% of subject grade Return and feedback: Weekly in class Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1, 3, and 4 Assessment Item #2a – Case study analysis 45% - Group Report Case study methodology applied to a specified company using a business report format looking at vision, goals, external focus, key drivers, current and future strategies. This assessment is done by a pair of students. Each student must keep a record of their own contribution. Normally, the same grade is awarded to both students. Notes on Writing Your Report Only a grade is awarded, given for the Report written in academic format, expounding theories and practicalities, providing cogent arguments, recommendations and conclusions. • Avoid web sites like Wikipedia and newspapers whenever possible – use peer-reviewed journals from databases such as ABI-PROQUEST, EBSCO and EMERALD. Academic books may be included. • Avoid using lecture slides or Brightspace as reference sources – cite the original source. • Seek guidance on researching and writing report skills from Holmesglen and other university library websites. • Penalty for plagiarism will be imposed when Turnitin Similarity Index exceeds 10%. A fail grade for the essay is given when Turnitin Similarity Index exceeds 25%. • Penalty for late lodgment: 5% deduction (of total 50%) per day late, including weekends. • Non-submission will result in a fail grade for this study subject. • Word limit is 5000 ±10%, excluding references. State word count on the front page. • Submit a hard copy in class and upload the e-copy into Turnitin. E-copy should exclude cover page but include student names and ID on footnote of pages. • Multiple submissions to Turnitin are possible to reduce similarity index but must be submitted by the same student. • Hard copy and e-copy submissions must be identical. Due date: Week 8 submitted in class Value: 45% of subject grade Return and feedback: 3 weeks after submission Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1, 2, 3 and 5 Assessment Item #2b – Presentation of Group Report 5% You will present your findings to the class using Powerpoint slides of below 300 words for about 15 minutes or less. Both students must present. Absentees will forfeit their marks. Grading will be awarded on presentation skills, such as clarity and coherence. The grade is equally awarded to both students for equal contribution. Due date: One week after Report is submitted Value: 5% of subject grade Return and feedback: One week after presentation Assessment Item #3a – Individual Report 25% An individual written report of 3000 words. State the name of the company that you are writing the report. The Topic: The Role of Accounting and Finance in the Implementation of a Strategic Business Plan. Notes on Writing Your Report Only a grade is awarded, given for essay written in academic format, expounding theories and practicalities, providing cogent arguments, recommendations and conclusions. • Avoid web sites like Wikipedia and newspapers whenever possible – use peer-reviewed journals from databases such as ABI-PROQUEST, EBSCO and EMERALD. Academic books may be included. • Avoid using lecture slides or Brightspace as reference sources – cite the original source. • Seek guidance on researching and writing report skills from Holmesglen and other university library websites. • Penalty for plagiarism will be imposed when Turnitin Similarity Index exceeds 10%. A fail grade for the essay is given when Turnitin Similarity Index exceeds 25%. • Penalty for late lodgment: 5% deduction (of total 30%) per day late, including weekends. • Non-submission will result in a fail grade for this study subject. • Word limit is 3000 ±10%, excluding references. State word count on the front page. • Submit a hard copy in class and upload the e-copy into Turnitin. E-copy should exclude cover page but include student name and ID on footnote of pages. • Multiple submissions to Turnitin are possible to reduce similarity index. • Hard copy and e-copy submissions must be identical. Due date: Week 6 submitted in class Value: 25% of subject grade Return and feedback: 3 weeks after submission Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1 - 5 Assessment Item #3b – Presentation of Individual Report 5% You will present your findings to the class using Powerpoint slides of below 300 words for about 10 minutes or less. Absentees will forfeit their marks. Grading will be awarded on presentation skills, such as clarity and coherence. Due date: One week after Report is submitted Value: 5% of subject grade Return and feedback: One week after presentation ? Marking Criteria Marksheet for Individual Report and Group Report CRITERIA COMMENTS Introduction. Conclusion. Recommendations. 10% Analysis Have you moved beyond simple descriptions? Is your analysis critical and thorough? 30% Synthesis Have you carefully selected a wide range of texts and journals for your assignment preparation? Have you integrated the critical thinking literature? 15% Application Have you demonstrated skills in applying theory to practice? Have you demonstrated creativity in your arguments, analysis and synthesis? 25% References In text: Have you used the author-date method of referencing to correctly cite all the authors whose work you have drawn upon? End list: Have you correctly listed all references used throughout the body of your report in a final reference list? 10% Literacy Is your report well organised? Have you checked spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentence and paragraph formation? 10% Comments Overall Report Grade: _______________________
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MPA 207 Research Methods
Student Name Student ID No. Teacher Name Dr Vasanthi Peter Dr Somaiya Yunus Teacher Contact T. 8199 6616 Program Name Master of Professional Accounting Program Code MPA14 Subject Name Research Methods Subject Code MPA207 Department Graduate and Degree Programs Semester & Year Semester 2, 2019 Time Allowed/Due Date Thursday 15 August by 2:00 pm Assessment Type Critique & Presentation Value of Assessment 20% of overall assessment Assessment Conditions This is an individual assessment with presentation Special Requirements N/A Assessment Cover Sheet Faculty of Business, Design & I.T. PO Box 42, Holmesglen VIC 3148 DECLARATION 1. I am aware that penalties exist for cheating, plagiarism (copying) and unauthorised collusion with other students, or external consultants. 2. I am aware of the requirements covering style and layout standards as designated by my teacher/tutor. 3. For assessments other than those conducted in-class, I have retained a copy. I understand that uncollected assessments will be destroyed. 4. I certify that any paper version of this assignment which I have submitted or will submit is identical to the electronic version submitted or to be submitted. Student’s signature: Date: Possible Marks Actual Marks Critically review the literature on any of the selected topic of accounting 30 Presentation 10 Total 40 Convert to 20 Assessment Task: Critique and Presentation Purpose: This assessment requires student to critically review the literature on any of the selected aspects of accounting. It involves a critical analysis of the research used in one of the journal articles. Notes: Look at Smith et al., 2015, Research Methods in Accounting, Chapter 1 format with appropriate referencing. It is available @ Brightspace (see Seminar 1 on W1/Format_Critique of a journal article) Assessment Preparation and Submission Guidelines • The assessment must be prepared using Microsoft Word in Arial Font, Size 12 and with 1.5 Line Spacing. • It must include appropriate referencing (APA citation style). • It will be 1000 words written critique and 10 to 15 minutes presentation. Presentations will be held between Week 4 and 5 during your normal tutorial hours. Feedback will be given immediately. • Students are advised to appraise themselves of an understanding of plagiarism, and ensure they avoid committing it in their assessment. • Assessment is to be uploaded to Turnitin via the assessment folder in Brightspace by the due date. • Draft assessment can be submitted to Turnitin (via the Brightspace link) before final submission to give students the opportunity to assess and improve their writing. • Late lodgement penalty: 10% per calendar day • Assessment must have a Holmesglen assessment cover sheet attached Marking Rubrics for Assessment 1: Critique Review and Presentation Critique Review Importance/ Motivation of article 5 RQs/ Problem Statement 2 Theoretical Framework 5 Motivating Literature 5 Research Methods, Sampling Design, Research Ethics 5 Findings of the Study 5 References 3 Subtotal Marks 30 Presentation Evidence of preparation 5 Demonstration of understanding of the topic 5 Subtotal Marks 10 Total Marks 40 Convert to 20
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MPA 208 Workplace attributes and communication
Assessment Items Assessment #1 – Group Report (20%) and Presentation 10% You are to submit a group report in academic style, appropriately referenced based on research conducted through peer-reviewed journals and news media on the topic below. THE ACCOUNTING LABOUR MARKET IN AUSTRALIA: CHARACTERISTICS AND CAREER POTENTIAL Notes on Writing Your Report Only a grade is awarded for this report written in academic format, expounding theories and practicalities, providing cogent arguments, recommendations and conclusions. • You may use news media in addition to peer-reviewed journals from databases such as ABI-PROQUEST, EBSCO and EMERALD. Academic books may be included. • Avoid using lecture slides or Brightspace as reference sources – cite the original source. • Seek guidance on researching and writing skills from Holmesglen and other university library websites. • Penalty for plagiarism will be imposed when Turnitin Similarity Index exceeds 10%. A fail grade for the Report is given when Turnitin Similarity Index exceeds 25%. • Penalty for late lodgment: 5% deduction (of total 30%) per day late, including weekends. • Non-submission will result in a fail grade for this study unit. • Word limit is 2000 ±10%, excluding references. State word count on the front page. • Submit a hardcopy into the assignment box and upload the e-copy into Turnitin. E-copy should exclude cover page but include student name and ID on footnote of pages. • Due date: In class 12th September 2018. Value: 30% of unit grade Return and feedback of Report: Three weeks after due date Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1 and 5 ? Assessment #2 – Individual skills-based e-portfolio 20% An academic ePortfolio is a digital collection created by a student of their course-related work, like essays, posters, photographs, videos, and artwork; academic ePortfolios can also capture other aspects of a student’s life, such as volunteer experiences, employment history, extracurricular activities, and more. In other words, ePortfolios document and make visible student learning. ePortfolios exist online and support student learning. The student is in charge by deciding who can view the ePortfolio, what artifacts get added, how it is designed, and so on. ePortfolios remain the student’s property after finishing the course. ePortfolios fall within a learning theory known as social constructivism, which proposes, in part, that learning happens most effectively when students construct systems of knowledge for themselves, rather than simply having information presented (University of Waterloo, Canada). Value: 30% of unit grade Return and feedback of Report: Three weeks after due date Learning Outcomes Assessed: 2, 3 and 4 ? Assessment #3 – Individual employment interview 20% This is a simulated exercise to help students better prepare for employment interview after their graduation. Preparation involves mental and physical readiness. This assessment focuses on the actual face to face interview. Notes on preparing for the job interview 1. Students work in pairs, one in the role of the interviewer and the other as interviewee, then reverse roles. 2. Before the mock interview, students need to submit an outline to the tutor (submitted by week 3) briefly detailing the two employer-companies background and the two job descriptions abstracted from actual job advertisements to be targeted for the job interview 3. Each interview will take no more than 15 minutes. 4. Questions may relate to a general knowledge of the company and industry but more importantly to the candidate’s suitability for the advertised position. 5. The job applicant will be judged on his/her proper attire, verbal content, persuasive and confident communication, and body language. Value: 20% of unit grade Return and feedback of Report: One week after the interview Learning Outcomes Assessed: 2, 3 and 4 ? Assessment #4 –Examination 20% The examination will focus on the course materials covered from weeks 1-12 and will confirm learning of the principles and concepts of the subject. Note: You require a total mark of 50% or higher to pass this study unit – refer to the notes under ‘Hurdle Requirements’. Assessment details: • Students must answer all the required number of questions, multiple choice and short answer type. • Two-hour examination plus reading time of ten minutes • Closed book • Mandatory - non-completion will result in a fail grade for this study unit • Held during the semester end examination period It is strongly recommended that a student not sit an examination if the student is ill or holds a current medical certificate. Illness during an examination will not be considered when the examination is marked. Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1 - 5 Value 20% of unit grade ?