ACC 204 Corporate Accounting and Reporting
Individual Assignment Unit: ACC204 – Advanced Financial Accounting Weighting: The assignment is worth 20% of the total unit weight. Instructions: 1. Students are required to cover all stated requirements. 2. Your answer must be uploaded to Moodle in Word, Excel or PDF file, and no printed copy required. 3. Due date for this assignment is 14/12/2019. 4. For every day late, 10% penalty marks will be deducted from the available marks. ? The following question include two theoretical questions and 4 practical questions, please answer all of them. If needed please use Harvard referencing style. There is no word limit, but it is necessary that you provide answers with explanations. Part A - THEORETICAL QUESTIONS Theoretical Question One (2 marks): Discuss your view of “True and Fair” in financial statement. How would a company director try to ensure that the financial statements are true and fair before signing the directors’ declaration? Theoretical Question Two (2 marks): What is the difference between recoverable amount and fair value? Where revaluations are undertaken, can a reporting entity use “value in use” as the basis for the revaluation? Part B - PRACTICAL QUESTIONS Practical Question 1 (4 marks) Sunshine Ltd acquires an item of machinery on 1 July 2011 for $420000. When the asset is acquired, it is considered to have a useful life for the entity of six years. After this time, the machine will have no residual value. It is believed that the pattern of economic benefits would best be reflected by applying the sum-of-digits method of depreciation. However, contrary to expectations, on 30 June 2014 the asset is sold for $150000. Required: Calculate depreciation expense and gain or loss on disposal of the machinery and prepare all the journal entries necessary for Sunshine Ltd for the year ended 30 June 2012, 30 June 2013, 30 June 2014. Practical Question 2 (3 marks) As at 1 July 2015, Top Ltd has an asset that has a cost of $100000 and accumulated depreciation of $20000. Top Ltd decided on 1 July 2015 that the asset should be revalued to $120000. The remaining useful life of the asset is eight years, after which time it will have no residual value. Top Ltd use straight line method to allocate depreciation for the asset. Required: Prepare journal entries to reflect the revaluation of the asset and the subsequent depreciation of the revalued asset using the net-amount method for the year ended 30 June 2016. Practical Question 3 (3 marks) Tamarama Ltd acquires $100% of Bronte Ltd on 1 July 2013. Tamarama Ltd pays the shareholders of Bronte Ltd the following consideration: Cash: $70000 Plant and equipment: fair value $250000; carrying amount in the books of Tamarama Ltd $17000 Land: fair value $300000; carrying amount in the books of Tamarama Ltd $200000 There are also legal fees of $35000 involved in acquiring Bronte Ltd. On 1 July 2013 Bronte Ltd’s statement of financial position shows total assets of $700000 and liabilities of $300000. The fair value of the assets is $800000. Required: a) Has any goodwill been acquired and, if so, how much? b) Can Tamarama Ltd revalue the goodwill upwards in a subsequent period? Practical Question 4 (6 marks) Johnson Ltd has entered into a lease arrangement with ABC Ltd in which it has agreed to lease an item of machinery from ABC Ltd on the following terms: Date of commencement of lease: 1 July 2015 Duration of lease: 8 years Fair value of machine at lease inception: $871172 Initial up-front payment: $200000 Lease payments at the end of each year: $100000 Implicit rate of interest: 6% The lease is considered to be non-cancellable. The economic life of the machinery is considered to be 10 years. However, Johnson Ltd will return the machinery to ABC Ltd at the end of the lease term. At this stage it is expected that the machinery will have a residual(unguaranteed)value of $80000 at the end of the lease term. Required: a) Determine the present value of the minimum lease payments. b) prove that the rate of interest implicit in the lease is 6%.

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ACC202 Management Accounting
ACC202 Corporate Accounting PIA 19S2 Major assignment Question ACC202 Corporate Accounting Major Assignment Question The Group Assignment is comprised of 2 parts: Part A: Writing an Essay (15%) Statement: Laux and Leuz (2009) argue that “the fair value debate is far from over and much remains to be done” (p.833). As well, Whittington (2008) argues that “in a realistic market setting, the search for a universal measurement method may be fruitless and more appropriate approach to the measurement problem might be how to define a clear measurement objective and to select the measurement method that best meets that objective in the particular circumstances that exist in relation to each item in the accounts”. (p.139) Required: Based on the above arguments, write an essay on the relevance of fair value accounting in the contemporary world. In your demonstration you should highlight of whether fair value accounting is applicable for a wide range of private and public sector organisations in corporate reporting. Also, explain whether fair value accounting has had any influence on the subprime and/or other crises in the contemporary world. The expectation is that a reasonable amount of research articles (academic and professional) are used in the body of the essay. For all other requirements please follow the instruction as suggested under section Submission of Assessment Items in ACC202 Unit Outline. Some References: Laux, C., and C. Leuz, 2009, ‘The crisis of fair-value accounting: making sense of the recent debate’, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol 34, pp 826-834 Lodh, S. C. (2018), ‘Conventional accounting in determining an enterprise’s wealth: Sign or referent a theoretical discourse for augmentation’, International Journal of Critical Accounting, Vol. 10, No. 5. pp.341-362. Whittington, G., 2008, ‘Fair value and the IASB/FASB conceptual framework project: an alternative view’, ABACUS, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp139-168 Plamrose, Z, V., 2009, ‘Science, politics, and accounting: A view from the Potomac’, The Accounting Review, Vol.84, No 2, pp.281-297. (online IFRS 13 -Fair Value Measurement) Part B: Case Study (10%) The topic that relates to the case study assignment is on Corporate Fair Value Reporting. You will be required to investigate 2 ASX listed companies’ corporate reporting on Fair Value. The annual report should be contemporary, i.e., you are supposed to collect 2018 annual reports. Instruction for the case study: You are required to down load the financial reports of any two selected companies and identify the required information from the notes on fair value disclosures. You need to compare and contrast as ACC202 Corporate Accounting PIA 19S2 Major assignment Question to how two companies’ fair value disclosures are made. In your presentation, you need to identify and report on comparative fair value hierarchies, tiers, and methods used for differing classes of assets by the selected two companies. Due Date: Week 10: Friday 13 September 2019 by 5:00pm Submission: Online on my PIA via Turnitin submission link You must attach a completed, signed coversheet by all group members with your written assignment. Further guidance regarding the specific questions, requirement, and marking criteria will be provided on MyPIA. Each member is fully responsible for the discussion, preparation, submission and presentation of the group assignment. Failure by a student to attend, contribute, submit, and present will result in the said student receiving a zero (0) mark weighting for this assessment task.
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ACC203 Accounting Information Systems
ACC203 ASSIGNMENT 1 ACC203 Assignment 25% Please attach one cover sheet with your SID and name, please answer questions including all working process, please submit on the moodle, word limit: 1000 words, keep similarity rate as low as possible. The deadline is Monday night-23:00pm in week 5, 12/August/2019, 10% penalty for one day late. Use your SID and name to be the name of the file. Question 1 (10 marks) The Flying Airlines company has been operating for five years and is currently in the process of restructuring its operations due to the challenging conditions it is facing both in its local and international operations. To this end it has asked you to advise it on the best course of action and any concerns or problems it may encounter in each situation. At Sydney Airport the company has a three year old loader truck which it uses to load meals on to airplanes with the box being lifted hydraulically to the airplane’s side doors. The loader was bought three years ago at $100,000 and is depreciated straight line to zero over its four year life - so the loader has one year useful life remaining. This loader could be sold now for $5,000. In addition to its annual depreciation of $25,000, the Flying Airlines Company incurs $80,000 annually in variable operating costs to operate the loader. The Operations Manager, Jack Steele, is facing a decision about replacement of the loader. A new loader would cost $20,000 to purchase and would last for one year and would incur $50,000 in annual variable operating costs. REQUIRED Based on the above costs what should the Flying Airlines do? Replace the loader truck with the conveyor belt now or wait for another year and then replace the loader truck with the conveyor belt? Show calculations and explanation. Ignore the time value of money. ACC203 ASSIGNMENT 2 Question 2 (15 marks) Part A: Classifying costs (5 marks) A manufacturer has the following cost estimates in their annual budget: Required: (Show total cost for each cost category) a) Identify budgeted PERIOD COSTS b) Identify budgeted PRIME COSTS c) Identify budgeted CONVERSION COSTS d) Identify budgeted TOTAL PRODUCT COSTS e) Identify budgeted OVERHEAD COSTS Part B: Calculating Predetermined Overhead Rate (POHR) (5 marks) The formula for calculating the POHR: POHR = Budgeted Annual OverheadsBudgeted annual cost driver activity level ACC203 ASSIGNMENT 3 Using the formula for each of the following potential cost drivers, calculate a PREDETERMINED OVERHEAD RATE to APPLY OVERHEADS in each operation: (i) The manufacturer estimates average direct labour cost per hour to be $30.00 per hour. (/DLH) (2 marks) (ii) The manufacturer decides to allocate overheads based on Direct Labour COST. (/DL$) (1 marks) (iii) The manufacturer estimates there will be 130,000 machine hours worked this year. (/MH) (1 marks) (iv) The manufacturer decides to allocate overheads based on Direct Material COST. (/DM$) (1 marks) Part C: “Normalising” Manufacturing Costs using a Predetermined Overhead Rate (POHR) (2 marks) Using the POHR rates calculated above, calculate the APPLIED OVERHEAD if the following ACTUAL COST DRIVER ACTIVITY LEVELS occurred: i (i) Actual Direct labour hours were 11,500 ii (ii) Actual Machine Hours were 125,000 Part D: Dealing with OVER or UNDER APPLIED OVERHEADS (3 marks) For each of the APPLIED OVERHEAD amounts calculated in Part C, if the ACTUAL Overheads were as follows, calculate the difference to the budgeted overhead and indicate whether the overheads were OVER or UNDER APPLIED: Actual overheads were: $2,850,000 a. Using DLH shown b. Using MH shown
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ACC305 Auditing and Professional
1 Assignment_1 (Individual) As a Business student, you just started an internship with an Auditing firm. Your reporting manager asked you to conduct a research for a listed Australian with a focus on following information: 1) Give a brief introduction about your selected firm 2) Provide a brief information about their Corporate Governance (Board of Directors, Various committees including Audit Committee). 3) Explain in details about their Audit committee with a focus on followings. Total Committee members, each members academic background, number of meetings 4) Do they mention about fair representation and internal control? 5) Comment on their quality control for Auditing and ethical context. Your assignment should follow below structure Introduction Firm Background Details of the Audit Committee Your assessment Conclusion Marks will be allocated as follows: Introduction, Firm Background and Conclusion (35%) o Well planned structure. o The student’s essay reads well (not confusing). English expression is appropriate for an in-class essay (i.e. not expected to be as polished as a take home essay). o The introduction clearly outlines the objective of the essay (what the student is going to do) while the conclusion reiterates the objective and summarises their argument/position. o The student’s arguments are logical and consistent. o Conclusion is made based on arguments in the main body of the essay. Details of the Audit Committee, Your assessment (65%) o Essay addresses the specific essay question (i.e. the essay is not just a random discussion on Audit) o The essay includes (guided by the specific question) a reflection on how a particular Audit report tool gives shape to a certain kind of organisational/societal reality o A clear, consistent argument is presented which addresses the student’s perspective/position in relation to the essay question Research o Evidence of appropriate/relevant research on the implications of Auditing issues on organisational/societal realities o Evidence would be determined from the material discussed/included in the essay. Please be advised that Harvard referencing is required and more academic references are expected. 2 Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) 0 - 49 Pass (Functional) 50 - 64 Credit (Proficient) 65 - 74 Distinction (Advanced) 75 - 84 High Distinction (Exceptional) 85 - 100 Fail grade will be awarded if a student is unable to demonstrate satisfactory academic performance in the subject or has failed to complete required assessment points in accordance with the subject’s required assessment points. Pass is awarded for work showing a satisfactory achievement of all learning outcomes and an adequate understanding of theory and application of skills. Credit is awarded for work showing a more than satisfactory achievement of all learning outcomes and a more than adequate understanding of theory and application of skills. Distinction is awarded for work of superior quality in achieving all learning outcomes and a superior integration and understanding of theory and application of skills. Evidence of in-depth research, reading, analysis and evaluation is demonstrated. High Distinction is awarded for work of outstanding quality in achieving all learning outcomes together with outstanding integration and understanding of theory and application of skills. Evidence of in?depth research, reading, analysis, original and creative thought is demonstrated. Introduction, Firm Background and Conclusion (35%) Chooses an unknown business, provides no information about it and fails to setup a case for further analysis. Chooses a known Australian/international business, provides limited information about it and fails to setup a case for further analysis. Chooses a known Australian/international business, provides appropriate information about it and sets up a case for further analysis. Chooses a known Australian/international business, provides relevant information about it and sets up a case for further analysis. Well planned structure. The student’s essay reads well (not confusing). English expression is appropriate for an in-class essay (i.e. not expected to be as polished as a take home essay). The introduction clearly outlines the objective of the essay (what the student is going to do) while the conclusion reiterates the objective and summarises their argument/position. The student’s arguments are logical and consistent. Conclusion is made based on arguments in the main body of the essay . Details of the Audit Committee, Your assessment (65%) Demonstrates no understanding of Auditing context of a firm. Demonstrates little understanding of Auditing context of a firm. Demonstrates correct and complete knowledge of Auditing context of a firm. Identify key issues of a firm with a demonstration of correct and complete knowledge of Auditing context of a firm. Essay addresses the specific essay question (i.e. the essay is not just a random discussion on Audit) Audit report tool gives shape to a certain kind of organisational/societal reality A clear, consistent argument is presented which addresses the student’s perspective/position in relation to the essay question Research Evidence of appropriate/relevant research on the implications of Auditing issues on organisational/societal realities Evidence would be determined from the material discussed/included in the essay
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ACC307 Accounting
Please read the below case study and complete the questions within 1500 words. Please submit your assignment online on or before 11pm Sunday, 26 May 2019. The penalty for late submission is a reduction of 10% of the available mark each day. The trend toward fair value accounting By J Russell Madray, CPA The Debate Critics contend that GAAP is seriously flawed. Some in the accounting profession go so far as to pronounce financial statements almost completely irrelevant to the financial analyst community. The fact that the market value of publicly traded firms on the New York Stock Exchange is an average of five times their asset values serves to highlight this deficiency. Many reformers, including FASB chairman Robert Herz, believe that fair value accounting must be part of the answer to making financial statements more relevant and useful.* Advocates of fair value accounting say it would give users of financial statements a far clearer picture of the economic state of a company. But switching from historical cost to fair value requires enormous effort. Valuing assets in the absence of active markets can be very subjective, making financial statements less reliable. In fact, disputes can arise over the very definition of certain assets and liabilities. The crux of the fair value debate is this: Each side agrees that relevance and reliability are important, but fair value advocates emphasize relevance, while historical cost advocates place greater weight on reliability. Relevance versus Reliability The pertinent conceptual guidance for making trade-offs between relevance and reliability is provided by FASB Concepts Statement No. 2, Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Information. It provides guidance for making standard-setting decisions aimed at producing information useful to investors and creditors. Concepts Statement No. 2 states: The qualities that distinguish “better” (more useful) information from “inferior” (less useful) information are primarily the qualities of relevance and reliability … The objective of accounting policy decisions is to produce accounting information that is relevant to the purposes to be served and is reliable. Critics of fair value generally believe that reliability should be the dominant characteristic of financial statement measures. But the FASB has required greater use of fair value measurements in financial statements because it perceives that information as more relevant to investors and creditors than historical cost information. In that regard, the FASB has not accepted the view that reliability should outweigh relevance for financial statement measures. Some critics also interpret reliability as having a meaning that differs in at least certain respects from how that term is defined in the FASB’s Conceptual Framework. Some critics equate reliability with precision, and others view it principally in terms of verifiability. However, Concepts Statement No. 2 defines reliability as “the quality of information that assures that information is reasonably free from error or bias and faithfully represents what it purports to represent.” With respect to measures, it states that “the reliability of a measure rests on the faithfulness with which it represents what it purports to represent, coupled with an assurance for the user, which comes through verification, that it has that representational quality.” Thus, the principal components of reliability are representational faithfulness and verifiability. Although there are reliability concerns associated with fair value measures, particularly when such measures may not be able to be observed in active markets and greater reliance must be placed on estimates of those measures, present-day financial statements are replete with estimates that are viewed as being sufficiently reliable. Indeed, present day measures of many assets and liabilities (and changes in them) are based on estimates, for example, the collectability of receivables, saleability of inventories, useful lives of equipment, amounts and timing of future cash flows from investments, or likelihood of loss in tort or environmental litigation. Even though the precision of calculated measures such as those in depreciation accounting is not open to question since they can be calculated down to the penny, the reliability of those measures is open to question. Precision, therefore, is not a component of reliability under Concepts Statement No. 2. In fact, Concepts Statement No. 2 expressly states that reliability does not imply certainty or precision, and adds that any pretension to those qualities if they do not exist is a negation of reliability. * Robert H. Herz’s remarks to the Financial Executives International Current Financial Reporting Issues Conference, New York Hilton Hotel, November 4, 2002. Source: Excerpts from ‘The trend toward fair value accounting’, Journal of Financial Service Professionals, May 2001, pp. 16-113. Questions: 1. What you think is the fundamental problem with financial statements based upon the historic cost measurement principle used under US GAAP? 2. What do you think of the principle’ … accounts must reflect economic reality’ as a core principle of measurement in accounting? 3. How would you measure economic reality? 4. What is reliability in accounting? 5. How will the use of fair values affect the role of auditors and the audit function? Do you think it will affect the training of accounting students? How so?
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ACC701 Financial Accounting
Accounting Financial ACC701 Individual Assignment Due 18/1/2019 week 9 submit online on turnitin. Question A number of companies have gone into liquidation because they have not been able to meet their liabilities when they fell due. In Australia, there are some well-publicised examples such as Aluminium Boats Australia, HIH Insurance and Stella Homes Required Discuss all three companies above and find (via electronic journals) the events that led up to the liquidation. Visit the CPA website; discuss APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants. Highlight 5 codes of ethics. Highlight some of the corporate governance issues that contributed to each company’s collapse. Discuss the type of liquidation that was called for each. Were liabilities a major contributing factor that led to their downfall? Research Requirements Students need to support their analysis with reference to relevant material from the text and a minimum of eight (8) suitable, reliable, current and academically acceptable sources – this should include at least 2 peer-reviewed academic journal articles. Presentation 2000 + 10%-word short report format. Title page, executive summary, table of contents, appropriate headings and sub-headings, recommendations/findings/conclusions, in-text referencing and reference list (Harvard – Anglia style), attachments if relevant. Single spaced, font Times New Roman 12pt, Calibri 11pt or Arial 10pt. Marking Guide Analysis 30% Research extent and application 30% Recommendations/conclusions 20% Presentation 20% Total mark will be scaled to a mark out of 30 subject marks.
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ACC701 Financial Accounting
Accounting Financial ACC701 Individual Assignment Due 18/1/2019 week 9 submit online on turnitin. Question A number of companies have gone into liquidation because they have not been able to meet their liabilities when they fell due. In Australia, there are some well-publicised examples such as Aluminium Boats Australia, HIH Insurance and Stella Homes Required Discuss all three companies above and find (via electronic journals) the events that led up to the liquidation. Visit the CPA website; discuss APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants. Highlight 5 codes of ethics. Highlight some of the corporate governance issues that contributed to each company’s collapse. Discuss the type of liquidation that was called for each. Were liabilities a major contributing factor that led to their downfall? Research Requirements Students need to support their analysis with reference to relevant material from the text and a minimum of eight (8) suitable, reliable, current and academically acceptable sources – this should include at least 2 peer-reviewed academic journal articles. Presentation 2000 + 10%-word short report format. Title page, executive summary, table of contents, appropriate headings and sub-headings, recommendations/findings/conclusions, in-text referencing and reference list (Harvard – Anglia style), attachments if relevant. Single spaced, font Times New Roman 12pt, Calibri 11pt or Arial 10pt. Marking Guide Analysis 30% Research extent and application 30% Recommendations/conclusions 20% Presentation 20% Total mark will be scaled to a mark out of 30 subject marks.
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BUS709 Communication in Business
Assessment 4 Assessment Type: Reflective Journal - individual assessment – 1500 words. Purpose: The individual reflection report is designed to allow students to evaluate their growth in knowledge and skills throughout the subject. It is designed to encourage students to take ownership of their learning, their performance and their outcomes. This assessment contributes specifically to Learning Outcome a, b, c and d. Value: 30% Due Date: 5:00 pm Sunday of Week 11 Submission: Upload a soft copy - .doc or .docx to Moodle & Turnitin Task Details: Students need to write a reflection report discussing and analysing any two topics explored in this course. Students are required to discuss not only their understanding of the topics, but also the implications for their current/future role in business or work. Not only should critical thinking be demonstrated in the reflection, students should also provide their opinions, ideas, thoughts and feelings on the topics explored. Students who maintain a reflective journal (see below) will find this assessment very rewarding and have substantial data to support their reflections. The report is to be reflective and evaluative (use referenced theory), and it is important that you offer critical insight. Consider the following when writing a reflective journal: 1. Describe the events and your experience – What did I do/hear/see? 2. Interpret and evaluate the events from your perspective – What do I think about it now? How does it relate to other things that I know? Explain your experience; reveal your new insights, connections with other learning, your hypotheses, and your conclusions. 3. Reflect on how this information will be useful to you – What questions do I have? Have I changed how I think about the situation? Where do I go from here? If you have been given specific questions or tasks to perform, use these as headings to help organise your writing adapted from the following sources: Morley-Warner, T. 2000, Academic writing is….. A guide to writing in a university context, Centre?For Research and Education in the Arts, Sydney. Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology 2009, Study & Learning Centre, accessed 20 October 2015, Research: Students should use a minimum of (4) academic articles to support their reflections and analysis. Presentation: Word .doc or .docx Title page, suitable headings and sub-headings, reference list (Harvard – Anglia style) Marking Guide: Full Marking Rubrics will be provided in Moodle.
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CMU201 Business Communications
CMU201 – Business Communications Assessment: 25% Individual Assignment (15%) and In class Presentation (10%) Write a 1,000-word business report and submit at least 10 PowerPoint slide that evaluates the current systems and processes at the chosen organization and provide recommendations for improvement. Your job is to persuade the management of the chosen organization to accept these recommendations. Context: This assessment relates to the topic of implementing a communication strategy in an organization. Choose one of the topics below as the focus for your assignments: A. Using Social Media in the workplace to communicate B. Communicating companywide employee recognition C. Boosting workplace motivation through innovative communication tools D. Implementing instant messaging/group messaging, discussion forums and chatrooms in the workplace E. Podcasts, internal blogs/vlogs as a means to communicate to employees F. Using an internal intranet/social Intranet for employee interaction Instructions for the Written Report: In the report , y ou should include the following points and please write in paragraphs. Introduction Background of the issue Topic of the report Purpose of the report Intended audience (Who will read the report?) Background of the organisation Type of communications strategy you have chosen to implement Body List the main sections or headings to be included in the Discussion section of your report. Existing practices Potential communication problem Find four research sources that will be useful for completing the report. Two of the research sources must be from reliable academic sources, such as academic journals. The other two sources can come from media sites, books, magazines, websites or YouTube Recommendations Recommendations are advice about what to do next in order to improve or solve problems. Outline what problems or types of improvements will be addressed in your report recommendations (but don’t give any recommendations). Conclusions The report format is very important. It should be reflective of a formal report that would be used in a professional business setting. Below is an example of the formatting required: The Example Report Format Title page Tables of contents Executive Summary- This is an overview of the major points in your report. Ideally, the reader should be able to get a good understanding of the key ideas/concepts that can be found in your report, just by reading this section (* this section is not included in the assessment word count!) 1.0 Background 1.1 Company history 1.2 Type of communications strategy you have chosen to implement 2.0Existing practices 2.1Potential communication problem 3.0 Recommendations Conclusion - A good conclusion should summaries your key relevant points. You want to remind us of why your argument is relevant and what reasoning, decision or judgement you came to, based on the research you undertook.
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FIN200 Corporate Financial Management
FIN200 Assignment, Trimester 2 2016 Questions A. List and briefly describe the three general areas of responsibility for a chief financial officer (CFO) of a selected non-financial company which is listed on Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). Explain how those responsibilities can affect ultimate objective of the company. The name of company you choose should start with the first letter of your first, last or middle name. (1500 words) B. “If the efficient-market hypothesis is true, the pension fund manager might as well select a portfolio with a pin.” Explain why this is not the case. (500 words).
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FIN200 Corporate Financial Management
FIN200 Assignment, Trimester 2 2016 Questions A. List and briefly describe the three general areas of responsibility for a chief financial officer (CFO) of a selected non-financial company which is listed on Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). Explain how those responsibilities can affect ultimate objective of the company. The name of company you choose should start with the first letter of your first, last or middle name. (1500 words) B. “If the efficient-market hypothesis is true, the pension fund manager might as well select a portfolio with a pin.” Explain why this is not the case. (500 words).
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FIN700 Financial Management
KOI Trimester 2, 2019 FIN700 – Financial Management ASSESSMENT 2 – GROUP ASSIGNMENT Due date: Submit to your Tutor by the start of your Tutorial on Week 9 (LA Monday 9 September 2019, and LB Tuesday 10 September 2019) Keep a soft copy in case of misadventure. Penalties for late lodgement, as per the Subject Outline, will be strictly applied. This Assessment consists of six problems, each involving calculations, and in some cases recommendations. Please note you must solve each problem using the appropriate formula/e, which must be shown, and show ALL calculations. You are required to complete this Assignment in Groups of 2 or 3 or 4 people. All members of the Group should come from the same Tutorial class. You may consult and discuss the Assignment topic with others, but you must write up your answers yourselves. Penalties for copying and plagiarism are severe. Presentation: • Answers to be typed. Handwritten, hand drawn parts will not be accepted and will not be marked. • Please type each answer after each question. • Arial or Times New Roman font (at minimum , 12 pitch), 1.5 line spacing; and • Left and right margins to be at least 2.5 cm from the edge of the page. Research, Referencing and Submission You should quote any references used at the end of the assignment. Use Harvard referencing! See As the questions are calculations problems, there is no need to submit via TURNITIN. Do not submit this page. Ensure that you submit page 2 onwards, with a KOI Group Assignment Cover Page in front and the Marking Rubric at the end of the assignment. Marking Guide The Assignment will be scored out of 100%, in line with the rubric in the Subject Outline. This mark will be converted to a score out of 30%. ____________________________________________________________________________ ***NOTE: When submitting Assignment, please submit from this page onwards, with a KOI Group Assignment cover page in front and the Marking Rubric at the end.*** Trimester T219 FIN700 GROUP ASSIGNMENT Students: Please complete the following before submitting for marking. Group members Student No Student Name Percentage Contribution to Assignment Signature 1 2 3 4 Tutor: (Please circle one name) 1. Ms Ruhina Karim 2. Mr Nishith Panthi 3. Ms Farzenah Ortacand Tutorial Day ……………………………………and Time ………………………………….. This Assessment consists of six questions (some with multiple parts). All questions must be answered. Please note you must solve each problem using the appropriate formula/e (which must be shown) and show ALL calculations. ? QUESTION 1 (5 marks) In August 2019 Coral Ltd reported net profits after tax of $600,000 for its financial year 2018 -– 19 and announced its net profits after tax expectation for the next financial year, 2019 – 20, to be 25% higher than this year’s figure. The company operates with a dividend payout ratio of 70%, which it plans to continue. It will pay the annual dividend for 2018 – 19 in 1 October, 2019, and the dividend for 2019 – 20 in 1 October, 2020. Dan Brown owns 12% of the ordinary share capital of Coral Ltd. In October, 2020, Dan believes he will need $30,000 for consumption and he also wishes to pay off his home loan of $70,000. If the dividend from Coral limited is his sole income, how much can he consume in October 2019? The capital market offers an interest rate of 9% pa. QUESTION 2 (7 marks) Vivien is considering buying an investment property for $550,000. ANZ Bank requires 10% deposit and offers her a 30-year loan for the balance of the purchase price. She can choose to repay the loan either by equal weekly instalments consisting of interest and principal repayment components at an interest rate of 4.55% p.a., compounded weekly, or by equal fortnightly instalments at 4.75% p.a., compounded fortnightly. a. Explain with calculations which payment option Vivien should choose. (2 + 1 = 3 marks) b. If Vivien wants to pay $1,000 a week, using the payment option you identified in part a, how long will it take her to pay off the loan? (4 marks) QUESTION 3 (15 marks) Katherine and Robert had a baby son, Archie, on 31 May, 2019. They want to open a "Bump" savings account with Westpac for their baby and save up to $200,000 by the time he is 18 years old. Westpac’s savings rate is currently at 2.5% p.a., compounded monthly. Katherine and Robert want to pay a monthly fixed payment at the end of each month for 18 years, starting on 30 June, 2019. a. If Katherine and Robert contribute 30% and 70% respectively to the savings, what is Katherine’s monthly payment? (4 marks) b. When Archie is 18 years old, Katherine and Robert will withdraw $100,000 to pay for his higher education. The rest of the savings will be kept in Archie’s account at a deposit rate of 4% pa, compounded monthly, for another 10 years. Archie will be allowed to withdraw $1,000 at the end of each month for three years starting one month after he turns 18. The rest of the money will be kept in the bank account until he turns 28 and will be used as a gift for the purchase of his own house. Calculate the value of this gift. (8 marks) c. Assume Archie wants to buy a house for $800,000 when he is 28 years old and uses the gift as a deposit for the house. If the loan term is 30 years with equal monthly repayments at a nominal rate of 4.5% pa, compounded monthly, what will be his monthly repayment amount? (3 marks) QUESTION 4 (10 marks) On 1 June, 2019, immediately after payment of the interest due that day, Tim Shaw bought two bonds each with a face value of $100,000 and a coupon rate of 8% p.a., paid half-yearly. The first bond will mature on 1 December 2021 and the second bond will mature on 1 December 2025. At the date of purchase, both bonds were selling at par. Since then, yields on bonds have risen by 2% pa, compounded half-yearly. Tim now intends to sell the bonds and put a deposit on a house. a. Calculate the price he will receive from each bond if he sells on 1 September, 2019 at the new yield. (Hint: There are 92 days from 1 June, 2019 to 1 September, 2019, and 183 days from 1 June, 2019 to 1 December, 2019 – in both cases, ignoring the first day and including the last day of the period.) (6 marks) b. Explain the relative price movements in the two bonds, as evidenced in your answer to part a above. (4 marks) QUESTION 5 (6 marks) It is September 2019 and Sapphire Ltd has just paid a dividend of $1.20 a share. Investors require a 12% pa return on Sapphire Ltd shares. What would a share in Sapphire Ltd be expected to sell for today (September, 2019) if the dividend is expected to increase by 20% in September, 2020, 15% in September, 2021, 10% in September, 2022 and thereafter by 5% a year forever from September, 2023 onwards? QUESTION 6 (47 marks) Bright Lighting Ltd is considering a new range of product based on a specific type of intelligent stage lighting after an extensive market research costing $60,000, which was paid yesterday. Bright expects that this range will increase the firm’s revenues by $1,565,000 in the first year of operations. Thereafter, the revenues will increase by 9.5% p.a. each year. The additional material will cost $850,000 p.a., additional labour cost is expected to be $350,000 p.a. and other miscellaneous costs are estimated to be $52,000 p.a. After the first year, Bright expect these costs will increase by 5.5% p.a. each year. [Assume that all revenues are received and that all costs are paid at the end of each year.] The initial outlay of $2,125,000 will be depreciated on a straight-line basis to zero salvage value over the 8 year productive life of the project. It is estimated the various components of equipment can be sold for $100,000 at the completion of the project. The firm requires a 12.5% p.a. required rate of return and the tax rate is 30%. Tax is paid in the year in which net earnings are received. a. Calculate the incremental cash flows for each year (Y0 to Y8 inclusive). (10 marks) b. Calculate the payback period of the project. (2 marks) c. Calculate the net present value, that is, the net benefit or net loss in present value terms of the project. (4 marks) d. Calculate the present value index of the project. (2 marks) e. Calculate the discounted payback period of the project. (2 marks) f. Calculate the internal rate of return of the project. (4 marks) g. Now assume Bright expects a worst-case scenario where the revenues will only increase by 6% p.a. each year but costs (other than depreciation) will increase by 10% p.a. each year. 1. Calculate the incremental cash flows for each year (Y0 to Y8 inclusive) under this scenario. (5 marks) 2. Calculate the net present value, that is, the net benefit or net loss in present value terms of the project, under this scenario. (4 marks) h. Now assume Bright expects a best-case scenario where the revenues will increase by 15% p.a. each year but costs (other than depreciation) will only increase by 2.5% p.a. each year. 1. Calculate the incremental cash flows for each year (Y0 to Y8 inclusive) under this scenario. (5 marks) 2. Calculate the net present value, that is, the net benefit or net loss in present value terms of the project, under this scenario. (4 marks) i. Considering all three scenarios, explain if the company should accept the project or not. (5 marks) END OF ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS Marking Rubric for Fin700 Financial Management – T219 Assessment 2 – Financial Mathematics calculations and decision making – Group Assignment – Value 30% Student Names & Numbers........................................................................................................................................................................................ Criteria Fail (0 – 49%) Pass (50 – 64%) Credit (65 – 74%) Distinction (75 – 84%) High Distinction (85 – 100%) Calculations Value 80% Mark awarded: Incomplete or few accurate calculations. Many errors. Tentative or incomplete calculations reflect limited knowledge & understanding. Most workings shown. Some errors. Mostly accurate calculations, at least in several key areas. Most workings shown. Minor errors. Mostly accurate calculations made and all workings shown. Few errors. Accurate calculations made to solve problem. All workings shown. Nil or minimal errors. Recommendations / Explanations / Conclusions (2a+4b+6i =1+4+5 = 10 marks) Value 10% Mark awarded: Did not make relevant and correct explanations, conclusions or recommendations. Explanations, conclusions and recommendations not adequately linked to calculations – or generally satisfactory explanations, etc. linked to incorrect calculations. Based on calculations, made sound conclusions and recommendations. Explanations required more in depth analysis. Based on calculations, made sound and relevant explanations, conclusions & recommendations. Based on calculations, made in depth, relevant and correct explanations, conclusions and recommendations. Presentation Value 10% Mark awarded Presentation is poor / lacks professionalism / incorrect. Calculations are inaccurate/ absent/ not applicable. Little or no source referencing. Acceptable presentation but with obvious calculation errors demonstrating lack of attention to detail. Basic attempt. Some attempt at referencing but obvious errors. Good presentation overall but some obvious errors. Satisfactory layout and mostly correct calculations. Referencing is mainly accurate. Professional presentation with minor errors in some elements. Good layout and mostly sound calculations. Correct referencing throughout. Highly professional presentation that satisfies all presentation elements. Excellent layout and good calculations. Correct referencing throughout. Total Mark for the assignment: ...................../ 100% Assessment Mark (to nearer whole number) / 30% COMMENTS: Signed by Marking Tutor: …………………………………………… Date …………………………………
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FIN700 Financial Management
KOI Trimester 2, 2019 FIN700 – Financial Management ASSESSMENT 2 – GROUP ASSIGNMENT Due date: Submit to your Tutor by the start of your Tutorial on Week 9 (LA Monday 9 September 2019, and LB Tuesday 10 September 2019) Keep a soft copy in case of misadventure. Penalties for late lodgement, as per the Subject Outline, will be strictly applied. This Assessment consists of six problems, each involving calculations, and in some cases recommendations. Please note you must solve each problem using the appropriate formula/e, which must be shown, and show ALL calculations. You are required to complete this Assignment in Groups of 2 or 3 or 4 people. All members of the Group should come from the same Tutorial class. You may consult and discuss the Assignment topic with others, but you must write up your answers yourselves. Penalties for copying and plagiarism are severe. Presentation: • Answers to be typed. Handwritten, hand drawn parts will not be accepted and will not be marked. • Please type each answer after each question. • Arial or Times New Roman font (at minimum , 12 pitch), 1.5 line spacing; and • Left and right margins to be at least 2.5 cm from the edge of the page. Research, Referencing and Submission You should quote any references used at the end of the assignment. Use Harvard referencing! See As the questions are calculations problems, there is no need to submit via TURNITIN. Do not submit this page. Ensure that you submit page 2 onwards, with a KOI Group Assignment Cover Page in front and the Marking Rubric at the end of the assignment. Marking Guide The Assignment will be scored out of 100%, in line with the rubric in the Subject Outline. This mark will be converted to a score out of 30%. ____________________________________________________________________________ ***NOTE: When submitting Assignment, please submit from this page onwards, with a KOI Group Assignment cover page in front and the Marking Rubric at the end.*** Trimester T219 FIN700 GROUP ASSIGNMENT Students: Please complete the following before submitting for marking. Group members Student No Student Name Percentage Contribution to Assignment Signature 1 2 3 4 Tutor: (Please circle one name) 1. Ms Ruhina Karim 2. Mr Nishith Panthi 3. Ms Farzenah Ortacand Tutorial Day ……………………………………and Time ………………………………….. This Assessment consists of six questions (some with multiple parts). All questions must be answered. Please note you must solve each problem using the appropriate formula/e (which must be shown) and show ALL calculations. ? QUESTION 1 (5 marks) In August 2019 Coral Ltd reported net profits after tax of $600,000 for its financial year 2018 -– 19 and announced its net profits after tax expectation for the next financial year, 2019 – 20, to be 25% higher than this year’s figure. The company operates with a dividend payout ratio of 70%, which it plans to continue. It will pay the annual dividend for 2018 – 19 in 1 October, 2019, and the dividend for 2019 – 20 in 1 October, 2020. Dan Brown owns 12% of the ordinary share capital of Coral Ltd. In October, 2020, Dan believes he will need $30,000 for consumption and he also wishes to pay off his home loan of $70,000. If the dividend from Coral limited is his sole income, how much can he consume in October 2019? The capital market offers an interest rate of 9% pa. QUESTION 2 (7 marks) Vivien is considering buying an investment property for $550,000. ANZ Bank requires 10% deposit and offers her a 30-year loan for the balance of the purchase price. She can choose to repay the loan either by equal weekly instalments consisting of interest and principal repayment components at an interest rate of 4.55% p.a., compounded weekly, or by equal fortnightly instalments at 4.75% p.a., compounded fortnightly. a. Explain with calculations which payment option Vivien should choose. (2 + 1 = 3 marks) b. If Vivien wants to pay $1,000 a week, using the payment option you identified in part a, how long will it take her to pay off the loan? (4 marks) QUESTION 3 (15 marks) Katherine and Robert had a baby son, Archie, on 31 May, 2019. They want to open a "Bump" savings account with Westpac for their baby and save up to $200,000 by the time he is 18 years old. Westpac’s savings rate is currently at 2.5% p.a., compounded monthly. Katherine and Robert want to pay a monthly fixed payment at the end of each month for 18 years, starting on 30 June, 2019. a. If Katherine and Robert contribute 30% and 70% respectively to the savings, what is Katherine’s monthly payment? (4 marks) b. When Archie is 18 years old, Katherine and Robert will withdraw $100,000 to pay for his higher education. The rest of the savings will be kept in Archie’s account at a deposit rate of 4% pa, compounded monthly, for another 10 years. Archie will be allowed to withdraw $1,000 at the end of each month for three years starting one month after he turns 18. The rest of the money will be kept in the bank account until he turns 28 and will be used as a gift for the purchase of his own house. Calculate the value of this gift. (8 marks) c. Assume Archie wants to buy a house for $800,000 when he is 28 years old and uses the gift as a deposit for the house. If the loan term is 30 years with equal monthly repayments at a nominal rate of 4.5% pa, compounded monthly, what will be his monthly repayment amount? (3 marks) QUESTION 4 (10 marks) On 1 June, 2019, immediately after payment of the interest due that day, Tim Shaw bought two bonds each with a face value of $100,000 and a coupon rate of 8% p.a., paid half-yearly. The first bond will mature on 1 December 2021 and the second bond will mature on 1 December 2025. At the date of purchase, both bonds were selling at par. Since then, yields on bonds have risen by 2% pa, compounded half-yearly. Tim now intends to sell the bonds and put a deposit on a house. a. Calculate the price he will receive from each bond if he sells on 1 September, 2019 at the new yield. (Hint: There are 92 days from 1 June, 2019 to 1 September, 2019, and 183 days from 1 June, 2019 to 1 December, 2019 – in both cases, ignoring the first day and including the last day of the period.) (6 marks) b. Explain the relative price movements in the two bonds, as evidenced in your answer to part a above. (4 marks) QUESTION 5 (6 marks) It is September 2019 and Sapphire Ltd has just paid a dividend of $1.20 a share. Investors require a 12% pa return on Sapphire Ltd shares. What would a share in Sapphire Ltd be expected to sell for today (September, 2019) if the dividend is expected to increase by 20% in September, 2020, 15% in September, 2021, 10% in September, 2022 and thereafter by 5% a year forever from September, 2023 onwards? QUESTION 6 (47 marks) Bright Lighting Ltd is considering a new range of product based on a specific type of intelligent stage lighting after an extensive market research costing $60,000, which was paid yesterday. Bright expects that this range will increase the firm’s revenues by $1,565,000 in the first year of operations. Thereafter, the revenues will increase by 9.5% p.a. each year. The additional material will cost $850,000 p.a., additional labour cost is expected to be $350,000 p.a. and other miscellaneous costs are estimated to be $52,000 p.a. After the first year, Bright expect these costs will increase by 5.5% p.a. each year. [Assume that all revenues are received and that all costs are paid at the end of each year.] The initial outlay of $2,125,000 will be depreciated on a straight-line basis to zero salvage value over the 8 year productive life of the project. It is estimated the various components of equipment can be sold for $100,000 at the completion of the project. The firm requires a 12.5% p.a. required rate of return and the tax rate is 30%. Tax is paid in the year in which net earnings are received. a. Calculate the incremental cash flows for each year (Y0 to Y8 inclusive). (10 marks) b. Calculate the payback period of the project. (2 marks) c. Calculate the net present value, that is, the net benefit or net loss in present value terms of the project. (4 marks) d. Calculate the present value index of the project. (2 marks) e. Calculate the discounted payback period of the project. (2 marks) f. Calculate the internal rate of return of the project. (4 marks) g. Now assume Bright expects a worst-case scenario where the revenues will only increase by 6% p.a. each year but costs (other than depreciation) will increase by 10% p.a. each year. 1. Calculate the incremental cash flows for each year (Y0 to Y8 inclusive) under this scenario. (5 marks) 2. Calculate the net present value, that is, the net benefit or net loss in present value terms of the project, under this scenario. (4 marks) h. Now assume Bright expects a best-case scenario where the revenues will increase by 15% p.a. each year but costs (other than depreciation) will only increase by 2.5% p.a. each year. 1. Calculate the incremental cash flows for each year (Y0 to Y8 inclusive) under this scenario. (5 marks) 2. Calculate the net present value, that is, the net benefit or net loss in present value terms of the project, under this scenario. (4 marks) i. Considering all three scenarios, explain if the company should accept the project or not. (5 marks) END OF ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS Marking Rubric for Fin700 Financial Management – T219 Assessment 2 – Financial Mathematics calculations and decision making – Group Assignment – Value 30% Student Names & Numbers........................................................................................................................................................................................ Criteria Fail (0 – 49%) Pass (50 – 64%) Credit (65 – 74%) Distinction (75 – 84%) High Distinction (85 – 100%) Calculations Value 80% Mark awarded: Incomplete or few accurate calculations. Many errors. Tentative or incomplete calculations reflect limited knowledge & understanding. Most workings shown. Some errors. Mostly accurate calculations, at least in several key areas. Most workings shown. Minor errors. Mostly accurate calculations made and all workings shown. Few errors. Accurate calculations made to solve problem. All workings shown. Nil or minimal errors. Recommendations / Explanations / Conclusions (2a+4b+6i =1+4+5 = 10 marks) Value 10% Mark awarded: Did not make relevant and correct explanations, conclusions or recommendations. Explanations, conclusions and recommendations not adequately linked to calculations – or generally satisfactory explanations, etc. linked to incorrect calculations. Based on calculations, made sound conclusions and recommendations. Explanations required more in depth analysis. Based on calculations, made sound and relevant explanations, conclusions & recommendations. Based on calculations, made in depth, relevant and correct explanations, conclusions and recommendations. Presentation Value 10% Mark awarded Presentation is poor / lacks professionalism / incorrect. Calculations are inaccurate/ absent/ not applicable. Little or no source referencing. Acceptable presentation but with obvious calculation errors demonstrating lack of attention to detail. Basic attempt. Some attempt at referencing but obvious errors. Good presentation overall but some obvious errors. Satisfactory layout and mostly correct calculations. Referencing is mainly accurate. Professional presentation with minor errors in some elements. Good layout and mostly sound calculations. Correct referencing throughout. Highly professional presentation that satisfies all presentation elements. Excellent layout and good calculations. Correct referencing throughout. Total Mark for the assignment: ...................../ 100% Assessment Mark (to nearer whole number) / 30% COMMENTS: Signed by Marking Tutor: …………………………………………… Date …………………………………
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LAW101 Business Law
1 BLOCK 1 TRIMESTER 1 2019: TLAW 101 – BUSINESS LAW – ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS Assessment Details Due date: Friday, 29 March 2019 11-59 PM IN TURNITIN THROUGH MOODLE Weighting: 30% Length: 1500 words (+/- 10%), correctly referenced Objectives Answer the following questions with reference to the relevant common law and equity principles operating in Australia concerning contracts plus related and other transactions. Do not consider the effects of legislation potentially applicable other than that specifically identified. Students may make whatever additional factual and/or legal assumptions are necessary or convenient. And students must write about 1500 words (+/- 10%), or about 750 (+/- 10%) words per 15 mark allocation. Assessment Task Question 1 15 Marks Mojo Beverage placed the following advertisement in a local newspaper on 25 January: ‘Come one, come all! Fishermen and women of Lake Tranquil. We are offering to pay $100,000 to any person who catches Lord Harry, a trout which we have tagged and released into the lake.’ The following day was the Australia Day holiday. Lake Tranquil was crowded with people fishing both from the bank and from boats. At about lunch time, a rumour spread among the people on the bank that there had been an error in the advertisement: that the true amount should have been $1,000 and that Mojo Beverage had announced that the prize would be the lower amount. The rumour was in fact true. Ben heard this rumour from the stranger fishing beside him, minutes before catching Lord Harry. A Mojo Beverage representative was on hand to certify the catch before Lord Harry was released back into the lake, but did not say anything about the amount of the prize. Ben is claiming that Mojo Beverage owes him $100,000. Advise Mojo Beverage, explaining applicable legal principles and citing relevant authorities. 2 Question 2 15 Marks (a) Dorper Sheep Sellers Pty Ltd was negotiating the sale of a number of dorper sheep to a firm called Livestock Brokers, which intended to on-sell the sheep. On 1 June Dorper Sheep Sellers sent a letter to Livestock Brokers, setting out the number of sheep for sale and the price per head. It asked Livestock Brokers to reply within 14 days. Livestock Brokers sent a letter by reply dated 6 June, inquiring whether the sale could be financed on the ‘usual terms’. Dorper Sheep Sellers did not reply. On 14 June, at the opening of business, Livestock Brokers sent a fax stating: ‘We accept your offer of 1 June for the sale of sheep’. The same day Dorper Sheep Sellers faxed back, saying: ‘You’re too late. We’re just in the process of selling the stock to another purchaser. Formalities will be completed by tomorrow’. Advise Livestock Brokers as to the rights and liabilities of the parties in the light of the commercial interactions taken place between them. (b) Presume in (a) above Livestock Brokers sent the fax on 14 June but because of a transmission error Dorper Sheep Sellers did not receive it. Advise Livestock Brokers under these circumstances. Assessment Criteria Fail You will have shown evidence of the following: • the written expression is poor and difficult to understand • the answer is poorly organised • referencing is generally inadequate • lack of familiarity with the legislation and its application • failure to identify and address the issues in the question 3 • reasoning and application demonstrated is poor. Pass You will have: • made a conscientious attempt to address the topic and/or answer the question • shown evidence of having done the required reading and of having understood the reading • presented a reasonable argument to back up your conclusions • demonstrated a reasonable level of spelling and grammatical usage • used referencing but this may need improvement • issues that may need to be identified and addressed in more depth. Credit You will have: • addressed the topic and/or answered the question directly • presented soundly based arguments and backed these up with reasons • gone beyond description to analysis of key issues • used the English language well • shown evidence of reading widely • demonstrated understanding of the reading • used referencing that is satisfactory. Distinction You will have: • met the above criteria for a credit • demonstrated the attainment of a high degree of understanding of the concepts of the course • demonstrated deep insight into the application of knowledge and skills acquired to complex theoretical and practical situations • used referencing correctly • made reference to all appropriate legislation. High Distinction You will have: • met the above criteria for a distinction • demonstrated the attainment of an outstanding level of achievement regarding the objectives of this course • demonstrated an interesting and/ or original approach/ idea/ argument • demonstrated mastery of the relevant referencing system 4 • ensured conclusions are backed by well-reasoned arguments demonstrating a detailed insight and analysis of issues • ensured references are made to the appropriate legislation for particular issues. END OF QUESTIONS 5
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MGT201 Cross Cultural Management
MGT 201 Strategic Management Assessment 2 – Case study 2 Assessment requirements and format Due date: Week 8, 5:00pm Friday, 13 December 2019 2000 words (excluding references) Times New Roman 11pt, Calibri 11pt or Arial 10pt, 1.5 lines spacing, Harvard (Anglia) references. You need to support your report with a minimum of EIGHT (8) suitable, reliable, and academically acceptable sources. Assessment questions Case study: Hungry Jack’s Hungry Jack’s is an Australian franchise of the Burger King Corporation with over 45 years history. With more than 420 restaurants serving every major population centre in the country, Hungry Jack’s employs over 19,000 Aussies, and serves more than 1.7M Aussies each week. Visit Hungry Jack’s official website, and read other relevant resources, write an essay answering the following questions: 1. Identify and illustrate the driving forces in the industry in which Hungry Jack’s is competing. What impact will these driving forces have? Will they cause competition to be more or less intense? 2. Based on the analysis from Q1, list and illustrate at least three strategic actions Hungry Jack’s should consider taking in order to combat any negative impacts of the driving forces. 3. What are five generic competitive strategies? Which one of the five generic competitive strategies best characterizes Hungry Jack’s strategic approach to competing successfully? Explain. Assignment structure ? Coversheet ? Introduction ? Body (Relevant and suitable headings and subheadings) ? Conclusion ? Reference list Assignment approximate word count Introduction 150 Question 1 600 Question 2 400 Question 3 700 Conclusion 150 Total 2000 Assignment marking guide Introduction 5 Question 1 30 Question 2 10 Question 3 40 Conclusion 5 Correct report format and referencing 1 0 Total 100, then converted to a mark out of 30.