ACC3AUD Auditing and Assurance
1 Assignment Semester 2, 2019 Auditing and Assurance (ACC3AUD) Department of Accounting and Data Analytics La Trobe University This assignment is to be based on Murray River Organics (ASX code-MRG). The assignment is to be completed in groups of three (members need not be in the same workshop). The successful completion of this assignment requires extensive research on Murray’s internal and external environments, operations and analysis of the 2018 annual report. You may also refer to the financial press and other business media. Weighting: 20% of total mark Word Limit- 1500 words (excludes title page, executive summary, introduction, conclusion, reference list and appendices) Submission details ? The assignment must be in MS word format, double-spacing and 12-pt Arial font. Each page must be numbered. ? The assignment is to be submitted via LMS through Turnitin. The Turnitin originality percentage should be as low as possible. ? The due date for assignment is Wednesday September 18, 5.00 pm. Late Submission Submission made after the deadline will be marked late and penalty will be imposed on the submitted work. Please refer to the Subject Learning Guide (pp. 6-7) for more details. Presentation Requirements The assignment structure must be as follows: 1. A title page containing the title of the assignment, name and student numbers of the group members, number of words in the assignment 2. A table of contents 3. An executive summary (should be concise and not involve too much detail) 4. Introduction 5. Main body of the report 6. Conclusion 7. A reference list (Harvard or APA referencing style). Appropriate reference citations throughout the report are expected. 2 Assignment topic You are a part of the team responsible for planning the Murray River Organics (MRG) audit engagement for 2019. You and your colleagues are required to gather relevant background information and prepare a report for a meeting with your audit partner. You should conduct extensive research and perform an analysis of the annual report of MRG for the year ended 30 June 2018 and any other relevant information that you have obtained (Hint: Company’s website and Business news). Your report must address the following issues: Required: 1. What are the areas in which MRG conducts its operations? (6 marks) 2. Identify and describe THREE business risks that your team will consider for the MRG engagement. (9 marks) 3. Based on your business risk analysis and understanding of MRG and its environment, list and explain THREE accounts that could be at risk of material misstatements. You also need to identify the key assertion at risk for each identified account. (12 marks) 4. Based on 2018 MRG annual report and information available on the company’s website, can you conclude that MRG complies with Principle 4 of the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s corporate governance principles and recommendations? Explain. (6 marks) 5. Are there are any events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the MRG’s ability to continue as a going concern? Explain. (6 marks) 6. Identify an appropriate base and set planning materiality for MRG. Explain why you have chosen this base and the percentage you have used. (6 marks) Group assignment marking criteria Marks Executive summary 3 Introduction 3 Main body of the report 45 Conclusion 3 Correct referencing, in-text citation 3 Report presentation, formatting 3 Total marks 60 Final mark 20

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ACC5AAI Advanced Accounting Issues
Group research assignment, weighting 30% Due Date: Component 1 (5%): Group Progress Report, due on 2 September, Week 6. Component 2 (25%): Written submission (3000 words), due on 7 October, Week 10 A. Research topic: Accounting for carbon emission allowances The growth in the carbon emission trading schemes internationally has led to the accounting treatment and disclosure of emission allowances becoming more relevant (Black 2013, de Augiar, 2018; Paul et al., 2017). However, a pressing concern in accounting practices is the lack of a specific International Financial Reporting Standard for emissions allowances/rights. This has led to insistency in the accounting measurement of emissions allowances/rights. This research project will investigate the accounting practices in emissions allowances/rights by drawing on data from the annual reports of companies from the material industry based in Australia and European Union membership countries. References Celeste M. Black (2013) Accounting for Carbon Emission Allowances in the European Union: In Search of Consistency, Accounting in Europe, 10:2, 223-239, DOI: 10.1080/17449480.2013.834730 Paul A. Griffin, David H. Lont, Estelle Y. Sun. (2017) The Relevance to Investors of Greenhouse Gas Emission Disclosures. Contemporary Accounting Research 34:2, pages 1265-1297. Thereza RS de Aguiar. (2018) Turning accounting for emissions rights inside out as well as upside down. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 36:1, pages 139-159. European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS): Parliament of Australia (2013) Emission Trading Schemes around the world: Required 1. Briefly describe the current development in the emissions trading schemes in the developed and the developing countries around the world. 2. Review the literature on the accounting for carbon emissions allowances/rights (including the above reference list), discuss whether the accounting policies for carbon emissions rights are consistent between participating companies in the emission trading schemes. 3. Use either Positive Accounting Theory or Institutional Theory to explain factors that may influence corporate accounting policy choice to account for carbon emissions allowances/rights. 4. Analyse the financial information disclosure (i.e. the 2018 annual report) about the carbon emissions allowances from the following EU ETS participating companies (all from the Iron and Steel sector of the Materia industry). 4.1 Discuss if accounting measurements of the carbon emissions allowances are consistent between the four international companies based in Europe. 4.2 Identify four companies from the Material industry listed on Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) at, and compare your results of 4.1 above with the analysis of the 2018 (i.e. July 2017 – June 2018) annual reports of the four Australian listed companies. Note the comparison should focus on the accounting measurement of carbon emission allowances used by the EU ETS participating companies and those by Australian companies in the specified financial year. 5. Discuss your findings in the context of the theoretical framework that you have chosen for this project, and by referring to the relevant literature that have reviewed in Item 2 above. ? B. Submission requirements 1. Group formation and submission Each group consists of no more than three members. For groups has more or less than three members, permission must be sought in writing (by email) from the lecturer. Submission of this assignment by due date is compulsory for the successful completion of the subject. 2. Assignment Component 1: Group Progress Report (5%) The group progress report, signed by all group members on the prescribed form (see attachment), must be submitted to the lecturer no later than XXX 3. Assignment Component 2: Written assignment (25%) a. The written report must be submitted through the Turnitin online submission on LMS. Note: If you experience difficulty in submitting your group assignment online, please contact La Trobe Edu Tech service at for assistance, or by phone 03-94791555 b. The Turnitin Similarity Report should be no more than 15%. c. The University requires fair, consistent and transparent treatment of late submission of assessment tasks. The procedure for late submission is documented in the Late Submission of Assessment Tasks document (Ref. no. 112027D). It states: The standard penalty for late submission of assessment tasks is 5% of the marks for that task for each delay in submission of a day or partial day up to a maximum of five (5) working days after the due date. Assessment tasks will not be accepted after the earlier of the following occurrences: The fifth (5th) working day after the due date; or Feedback on the assessment task has been returned to any student by the Teaching Team member. Submission of special consideration applications for assignments, mid-semester tests and final examinations should be made online at: d. Students are responsible to protect their work and save data by making necessary backup. Loss of data due to a computer or storage devices problems will not be considered a legitimate reason for an extension. 4. Referencing and style • Assignment must be typed using Word document, with double alignment, and 1.5-lines space. • Assignment is required to use either an APA or Harvard referencing style (see La Trobe library for further details). • Assignment without proper referencing will be subject to substantial deduction of marks. This may result in the assignment being marked zero. • All online submission assignments should be accompanied by the Academic Integrity Assignment Declaration Form available at: 5. Preventing plagiarism 5.1 Academic Integrity Academic integrity means being honest in academic work and taking responsibility for learning the conventions of scholarship. La Trobe University views this seriously as evidenced by the following extract: Academic honesty is a fundamental principle in teaching, learning, research and scholarship. The University requires its academic staff and students to observe the highest ethical standards in all aspects of academic work and it demonstrates its commitment to these values by awarding due credit for honestly conducted scholarly work, and by penalising academic misconduct and all forms of cheating. Academic Integrity Procedures (2012, p. 1 of 6) Academic misconduct includes improper referencing, plagiarism, copying and cheating. You should familiarise yourself with your responsibilities in relation to Academic Integrity and if you have any questions, direct them to your Course Advisor. Information can be found on the website at: For assistance with referencing visit integrity/referencing-help 5.2 Plagiarism is defined as ‘The practice that involves use of another person’s intellectual output and presenting it (without appropriate acknowledgement) as one’s own’. Examples of plagiarism: • Word-for-word copying of sentences/paragraphs in an assignment without acknowledgement or with insufficient or improper acknowledgement; • Downloading essays or assignments from the web and presenting these for assessment; • Presenting another student’s work or research data as the student’s work; • Copying out parts of any text without acknowledging the source(s). This may be written text, structures within texts, diagrams, formulae, sound files, still photographs, audio-visual material (sound and image files), graphics/animations/multimedia objects, other computer based material, mathematical proofs, art objects, products and others. This can be done as verbatim copying or paraphrasing. • The use of someone else’s concepts, experimental results, experimental conclusions or conclusions drawn from analysing evidence or arguments without acknowledging the originator of the idea(s) or conclusion(s). 5.3 Students are responsible for: • Understanding and respecting the University’s policies and procedures regarding plagiarism, collusion, and other forms of academic misconduct, and as such should only submit work for correction or academic credit that is their own or that properly acknowledges the ideas, interpretations, words or creative works of others; • Avoiding the lending or making accessible original work to others; • Being clear about the appropriate referencing rules that are applicable to their field of study; • Refusing to be a party to another student’s efforts to undermine the academic integrity of the University. • Seeking assistance with their learning and assessment tasks if they are unsure of appropriate forms of acknowledgement. C. Group Progress Report Template Assignment Title Group members and workload allocation Student ID Family Name First/Given Name Allocated task (e.g. Literature Review, data collection and analysis, introduction and conclusion) Proposed progress timelines (e.g. first draft to be completed for group discussion by XX week; second draft by xx; final draft …) Group Meetings/Discussions/Communication Face-to-face meetings Date Place Attendance Issues discussed Meeting already held by Week 6 Planned Face-to face meetings before assignment submission in Week 10 Virtual meetings/discussions Which of the following virtual communication tools that your group has used to facilitate your group discussion? Place X to the one that is suitable for your group (you can choose more than one option) Online/zoom meetings Email exchange Text messages Any identified issues? Signature Student ID Family Name First/Given Name Signature Date (dd/mm/yy) D. Written Submission Marking Sheet Student Name………………………………………..Student ID………………. Student Name………………………………………..Student ID………………. Student Name………………………………………..Student ID………………. Requirement Assessment Criteria Possible Marks Marks received R1 Demonstrate the ability to summarise existing emission trading schemes internationally 15 R2 Demonstrates the ability to conduct literature review; understand and synthesise complex ideas in accounting for carbon emissions 20 R3 Demonstrates the ability to apply accounting theories to interpret accounting practices in carbon emissions allowances/rights 20 R4 Demonstrates the ability of data collection and analysis 20 R5 Demonstrates the ability to develop persuasive argument 15 Style and presentation • The presentation of the results, which should be clear, concise and accompanied by expository text accessible to the reader • The presentation of the entire assignment, which should be written in English of an appropriate academic register and of a format and standard of presentation acceptable to business study 10 Total possible marks out of 100 100 Weighting 25% 25% Progress Report 5% Total 30%
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ACC5AAI Advanced Accounting Issues
Group research assignment, weighting 30% Due Date: Component 1 (5%): Group Progress Report, due on 2 September, Week 6. Component 2 (25%): Written submission (3000 words), due on 7 October, Week 10 A. Research topic: Accounting for carbon emission allowances The growth in the carbon emission trading schemes internationally has led to the accounting treatment and disclosure of emission allowances becoming more relevant (Black 2013, de Augiar, 2018; Paul et al., 2017). However, a pressing concern in accounting practices is the lack of a specific International Financial Reporting Standard for emissions allowances/rights. This has led to insistency in the accounting measurement of emissions allowances/rights. This research project will investigate the accounting practices in emissions allowances/rights by drawing on data from the annual reports of companies from the material industry based in Australia and European Union membership countries. References Celeste M. Black (2013) Accounting for Carbon Emission Allowances in the European Union: In Search of Consistency, Accounting in Europe, 10:2, 223-239, DOI: 10.1080/17449480.2013.834730 Paul A. Griffin, David H. Lont, Estelle Y. Sun. (2017) The Relevance to Investors of Greenhouse Gas Emission Disclosures. Contemporary Accounting Research 34:2, pages 1265-1297. Thereza RS de Aguiar. (2018) Turning accounting for emissions rights inside out as well as upside down. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 36:1, pages 139-159. European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS): Parliament of Australia (2013) Emission Trading Schemes around the world: Required 1. Briefly describe the current development in the emissions trading schemes in the developed and the developing countries around the world. 2. Review the literature on the accounting for carbon emissions allowances/rights (including the above reference list), discuss whether the accounting policies for carbon emissions rights are consistent between participating companies in the emission trading schemes. 3. Use either Positive Accounting Theory or Institutional Theory to explain factors that may influence corporate accounting policy choice to account for carbon emissions allowances/rights. 4. Analyse the financial information disclosure (i.e. the 2018 annual report) about the carbon emissions allowances from the following EU ETS participating companies (all from the Iron and Steel sector of the Materia industry). 4.1 Discuss if accounting measurements of the carbon emissions allowances are consistent between the four international companies based in Europe. 4.2 Identify four companies from the Material industry listed on Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) at, and compare your results of 4.1 above with the analysis of the 2018 (i.e. July 2017 – June 2018) annual reports of the four Australian listed companies. Note the comparison should focus on the accounting measurement of carbon emission allowances used by the EU ETS participating companies and those by Australian companies in the specified financial year. 5. Discuss your findings in the context of the theoretical framework that you have chosen for this project, and by referring to the relevant literature that have reviewed in Item 2 above. ? B. Submission requirements 1. Group formation and submission Each group consists of no more than three members. For groups has more or less than three members, permission must be sought in writing (by email) from the lecturer. Submission of this assignment by due date is compulsory for the successful completion of the subject. 2. Assignment Component 1: Group Progress Report (5%) The group progress report, signed by all group members on the prescribed form (see attachment), must be submitted to the lecturer no later than XXX 3. Assignment Component 2: Written assignment (25%) a. The written report must be submitted through the Turnitin online submission on LMS. Note: If you experience difficulty in submitting your group assignment online, please contact La Trobe Edu Tech service at for assistance, or by phone 03-94791555 b. The Turnitin Similarity Report should be no more than 15%. c. The University requires fair, consistent and transparent treatment of late submission of assessment tasks. The procedure for late submission is documented in the Late Submission of Assessment Tasks document (Ref. no. 112027D). It states: The standard penalty for late submission of assessment tasks is 5% of the marks for that task for each delay in submission of a day or partial day up to a maximum of five (5) working days after the due date. Assessment tasks will not be accepted after the earlier of the following occurrences: The fifth (5th) working day after the due date; or Feedback on the assessment task has been returned to any student by the Teaching Team member. Submission of special consideration applications for assignments, mid-semester tests and final examinations should be made online at: d. Students are responsible to protect their work and save data by making necessary backup. Loss of data due to a computer or storage devices problems will not be considered a legitimate reason for an extension. 4. Referencing and style • Assignment must be typed using Word document, with double alignment, and 1.5-lines space. • Assignment is required to use either an APA or Harvard referencing style (see La Trobe library for further details). • Assignment without proper referencing will be subject to substantial deduction of marks. This may result in the assignment being marked zero. • All online submission assignments should be accompanied by the Academic Integrity Assignment Declaration Form available at: 5. Preventing plagiarism 5.1 Academic Integrity Academic integrity means being honest in academic work and taking responsibility for learning the conventions of scholarship. La Trobe University views this seriously as evidenced by the following extract: Academic honesty is a fundamental principle in teaching, learning, research and scholarship. The University requires its academic staff and students to observe the highest ethical standards in all aspects of academic work and it demonstrates its commitment to these values by awarding due credit for honestly conducted scholarly work, and by penalising academic misconduct and all forms of cheating. Academic Integrity Procedures (2012, p. 1 of 6) Academic misconduct includes improper referencing, plagiarism, copying and cheating. You should familiarise yourself with your responsibilities in relation to Academic Integrity and if you have any questions, direct them to your Course Advisor. Information can be found on the website at: For assistance with referencing visit integrity/referencing-help 5.2 Plagiarism is defined as ‘The practice that involves use of another person’s intellectual output and presenting it (without appropriate acknowledgement) as one’s own’. Examples of plagiarism: • Word-for-word copying of sentences/paragraphs in an assignment without acknowledgement or with insufficient or improper acknowledgement; • Downloading essays or assignments from the web and presenting these for assessment; • Presenting another student’s work or research data as the student’s work; • Copying out parts of any text without acknowledging the source(s). This may be written text, structures within texts, diagrams, formulae, sound files, still photographs, audio-visual material (sound and image files), graphics/animations/multimedia objects, other computer based material, mathematical proofs, art objects, products and others. This can be done as verbatim copying or paraphrasing. • The use of someone else’s concepts, experimental results, experimental conclusions or conclusions drawn from analysing evidence or arguments without acknowledging the originator of the idea(s) or conclusion(s). 5.3 Students are responsible for: • Understanding and respecting the University’s policies and procedures regarding plagiarism, collusion, and other forms of academic misconduct, and as such should only submit work for correction or academic credit that is their own or that properly acknowledges the ideas, interpretations, words or creative works of others; • Avoiding the lending or making accessible original work to others; • Being clear about the appropriate referencing rules that are applicable to their field of study; • Refusing to be a party to another student’s efforts to undermine the academic integrity of the University. • Seeking assistance with their learning and assessment tasks if they are unsure of appropriate forms of acknowledgement. C. Group Progress Report Template Assignment Title Group members and workload allocation Student ID Family Name First/Given Name Allocated task (e.g. Literature Review, data collection and analysis, introduction and conclusion) Proposed progress timelines (e.g. first draft to be completed for group discussion by XX week; second draft by xx; final draft …) Group Meetings/Discussions/Communication Face-to-face meetings Date Place Attendance Issues discussed Meeting already held by Week 6 Planned Face-to face meetings before assignment submission in Week 10 Virtual meetings/discussions Which of the following virtual communication tools that your group has used to facilitate your group discussion? Place X to the one that is suitable for your group (you can choose more than one option) Online/zoom meetings Email exchange Text messages Any identified issues? Signature Student ID Family Name First/Given Name Signature Date (dd/mm/yy) D. Written Submission Marking Sheet Student Name………………………………………..Student ID………………. Student Name………………………………………..Student ID………………. Student Name………………………………………..Student ID………………. Requirement Assessment Criteria Possible Marks Marks received R1 Demonstrate the ability to summarise existing emission trading schemes internationally 15 R2 Demonstrates the ability to conduct literature review; understand and synthesise complex ideas in accounting for carbon emissions 20 R3 Demonstrates the ability to apply accounting theories to interpret accounting practices in carbon emissions allowances/rights 20 R4 Demonstrates the ability of data collection and analysis 20 R5 Demonstrates the ability to develop persuasive argument 15 Style and presentation • The presentation of the results, which should be clear, concise and accompanied by expository text accessible to the reader • The presentation of the entire assignment, which should be written in English of an appropriate academic register and of a format and standard of presentation acceptable to business study 10 Total possible marks out of 100 100 Weighting 25% 25% Progress Report 5% Total 30%
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ACC5AAS Advanced Auditing and Assurance
Advanced Auditing and Assurance (ACC5AAS) Assignment Semester 1, 2019 Department of Accounting and Data Analytics La Trobe University This assignment is to be based on IOOF Holdings Limited (ASX code: IFL). The assignment must be completed in groups of two. The successful completion of this assignment requires extensive research on IOOF’s internal and external environments, operations and analysis of the 2018 annual report. Weighting: 20% of Total Mark Word Limit: 2,000 words Due Date: Tuesday April 30, 5.00 pm. Submission Details • The assignment is to be submitted via LMS through Turnitin, as per the Subject Learning Guide. • The due date for assignment is Tuesday April 30, 5.00 pm. Late Submission Submission made after the deadline will be marked late and penalty will be imposed on the submitted work. Please refer to the Subject Learning Guide (pp. 6-7) for more details. Presentation Requirements The assignment shall be presented in the following format: 1. A title page containing the title of the assignment, name and student numbers of the group members, number of words in the assignment 2. A table of contents 3. An executive summary followed by the body of the assignment 4. A reference list 5. Each page must be numbered. Appropriate reference citations throughout the assignment are expected. Failure to meet the presentation requirements will incur a mark 2 marks penalty. Assume that the audit for IOOF Holdings Limited, a financial services company, will be coming up for tender. You and your colleagues are required to prepare a client evaluation report based on your research for the senior partners of your audit firm. Your report should provide preliminary information as to whether or not your audit firm should consider tendering for the audit of IOOF. You should conduct extensive research and perform an analysis of the annual report of IOOF for the year 2018 and any other relevant information that you have obtained (Hint: this includes the company’s financial results, financial press and other business media). In your report, you must address the following issues: 1. What are the areas in which IOOF conducts its operations? (2 marks) 2. Identify and explain THREE business risks that could have impact on the audit of IOOF. (6 marks) 3. Based on your business risk analysis and understanding of IOOF group and its environment, list and explain THREE accounts that could be at risk of material misstatements. You also need to identify the key assertion at risk for each account identified. Do not use the same accounts reported in the Key Audit Matter section in the audit report. (6 marks) 4. Based on the 2018 IOOF annual report and information available on the company’s website, explain whether you can conclude that IOOF complies with the Principle 4 of the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s corporate governance principles and recommendations? (2 marks) 5. Based on your understanding of the client and assessment of the client’s business and audit risks, would you undertake the audit? Explain your decision. (2 marks) The answers for above questions should reflect your in-depth understanding of how the IOOF operates. Assignment questions = 18 marks Presentation requirements = 2 marks Maximum marks available = 20 mark total Group Assignment – Assessment Sheet Group No._________ Students IDs (i) ____________ (ii) ______________________ No. Marks Comments 1 Overview of the client’s operations /2 2 3 business risks*2 /6 3 3 accounts of concern*2 /6 4 Compliance with ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Principles and Recommendations /2 5 Explanation of whether to undertake the audit. /2 6 Presentation requirements (i) Title page and a table of contents (0.5 mark) (ii) An executive summary (0.5 mark) (iii) with in word limit (0.5 mark) (iv) Reference list & citations (0.5 mark) /2 Total marks /20 Less: Late submission Final mark /20
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ACC5CRE Advanced Corporate Accounting
Advanced Corporate Accounting (ACC5CRE) Group Assignment 20% Department of Accounting and Data Analytics Due date: Week 9, Friday (5.00pm), 27 September, 2019 1. The assignment is a compulsory group assignment and is worth 20% of the marks of the subject. 2. The group must be comprised of two (2) students. You need to form a group and all members must sign-up on the LMS for the submission of assignment. Only one copy of the assignment will be submitted on the LMS. The students must provide their names and ID numbers in cover page of the assignment. 3. You must keep a copy of your assignment (in a hard copy form) until you receive the marked original back. 4. The assignment must be in MS word format, double-spacing and 12-pt Times New Roman font. 5. Submissions must be properly referenced (Harvard Reference Style). 6. Plagiarism is a serious academic misconduct. Students involved in plagiarism will be referred to the University’s appropriate authority. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Academic integrity means being honest in academic work and taking responsibility for learning the conventions of scholarship. La Trobe University views this seriously as evidenced by the following extract: Academic honesty is a fundamental principle in teaching, learning, research and scholarship. The University requires its academic staff and students to observe the highest ethical standards in all aspects of academic work and it demonstrates its commitment to these values by awarding due credit for honestly conducted scholarly work, and by penalising academic misconduct and all forms of cheating. Academic Integrity Procedures (2012, p. 1 of 6) Academic misconduct includes improper referencing, plagiarism, copying and cheating. You should familiarise yourself with your responsibilities in relation to Academic Integrity and if you have any questions, direct them to your Course Coordinator. Information can be found on the website at: All hard copy assignments should be accompanied by the Academic Integrity Assignment Declaration Form available at: For assistance with referencing visit 7. Late submission must be lodged with turn-it-in and cut-off date is 11 October, 2019 and it will incur a penalty of one mark per day including the weekend. 8. Application for an extension must be lodged before due date in writing for granting an extension (medical problems etc.). SPECIAL CONSIDERATION Special Consideration is the term used to describe a process that applies an equity measure to ensure that where any temporary adverse circumstances beyond the control of a student, that impact negatively on that student’s ability to demonstrate their learning achievement for an assessment task, is taken into account. Eligibility to apply for Special Consideration does not automatically imply eligibility to receive it. Certain criteria must be satisfied in order to receive Special Consideration. Please refer to the relevant policies, procedures and guidelines website at Submission of special consideration applications for assignments, mid-semester tests and final examinations should be made online at: EXTENSIONS, LATE SUBMISSIONS AND PENALTIES There are policies and procedures to guarantee fair, consistent and transparent treatment of late submission of assessment tasks provide equity around extensions to submission dates and penalties associated with not submitting assessment by the due date and time. The University requires fair, consistent and transparent treatment of late submission of assessment tasks. The procedure for late submission is documented in the Late Submission of Assessment Tasks document (Ref. no. 112027D). It states: The standard penalty for late submission of assessment tasks is 5% of the marks for that task for each delay in submission of a day or partial day up to a maximum of five (5) working days after the due date. Assessment tasks will not be accepted after the earlier of the following occurrences: • The fifth (5th) working day after the due date; or • Feedback on the assessment task has been returned to any student by the Teaching Team member. These penalties apply only to individual assessment tasks worth 15% or more of the total assessment for the subject. Late submission of take home examinations is not permitted. Submission of special consideration applications for assignments, mid-semester tests and final examinations should be made online at: Please refer to the relevant policies, procedures and guidelines website at: 9. Word limit: 2,000 words. The number of words can be 10% more or less without penalty. Question 1 75 Marks “Global adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is thought to increase financial statement reliability and comparability. Although IFRS is required or allowed in over 130 nations, some countries modify IFRS as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)” (Felski, 2017, p. 59). Reference: Felski, E. 2017. How does local adoption of IFRS for those countries that modi?ed IFRS by design, impair comparability with countries that have not adapted IFRS? Journal of International Accounting Research, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 59-90. Required: (a) Briefly discuss the above statement and outline the organisation of the assignment in the Introduction section (5 Marks) (b) Do you think that the quality of corporate reporting/disclosure has been improved after the adoption of IFRS since 2005 in Australia, European Union and other adopter countries? (15 marks) (c) What are the reasons for not adopting IFRS by the FASB in the US? (15 marks) (d) What are the current challenges faced by the IASB? (15 marks) (e) Do you think IASB will be successful in harmonising accounting standards throughout the world? (10 Marks) (f) Summarise the assignment in the Conclusion section (5 Marks) (g) Provide references (at least 10 articles/sources) in the end of the assignment (5 marks) Note 1: Word limit 1,500. Note 2: Professional marks (5 marks) will be awarded for format, clarity and expression. Note 3: The report should include Introduction, Discussion (requirements b-e need to be provided under this section), Conclusion and List of references. It is expected that the students should use at least ten articles in writing their assignments. Note 4: You will be able to obtain electronic copies of articles by visiting La Trobe University Library website. Question 2 25 Marks Billabong Ltd began operations on 1 July 2018. One year after operations, the entity presents its first Statement of Comprehensive Income and Statement of Financial Position on 30 June 2019. However, the statements were prepared for internal purposes and income tax calculations were ignored. Accounting profit before income tax for the year 30 June 2019 of Billabong Ltd amounted to $1,340,000, including the following revenue and expenses. $ Sales Revenue 5,860,000 Cost of sales 3,225,000 Salaries/ Wages 360,000 Rent of premises 37,000 Administrative expenses 264,600 Entertainment costs 22,000 Long service leave 126,000 Warranty expenses 75,600 Depreciation expense – Plant and Equipment 100,500 Depreciation expense - Computers 116,000 Depreciation expense - Buildings 25,000 Insurance 69,300 Other expenses 99,000 Billabong Ltd Assets and Liabilities disclosed in the Statement of Financial Position for the year ended 30 June 2019 $ $ Assets Cash/ Bank 51,000 Accounts Receivables (net) 189,000 Inventory 251,400 Prepaid insurance 25,950 Plants & Equipments – cost 1,005,000 Less - Accumulated depreciation 100,500 904,500 Computers- cost 580,000 Less - Accumulated depreciation 116,000 464, 000 Buildings- cost 300,000 Less - Accumulated depreciation 25,000 275, 000 Land 1,134,000 Total assets 3,294,850 Liabilities Accounts payables 201,600 Rent payable 25,000 Provision for warranty expenses 50,400 Provision for long service leave 44,100 Loan payable 504,000 Total liabilities 825,100 Net assets 2,469,750 Additional information: ? The plants & equipments are depreciated over 10 years for accounting purposes, but over 8 years for taxation purposes. The useful life of computers is 4 years for the tax purposes and 5 years for accounting purposes. Therefore, there is a temporary difference between accounting and taxation depreciation for plant & equipments, and computers. ? Billabong Ltd has some land which cost $735,000 and which has been re-valued to its fair value of $1,134,000. ? All administration, salaries and wages and other expenses incurred have been paid as at year-end. ? The amount of $81,900 long service leave expense has been paid. ? Amounts received from sales, including those on credit terms, are taxed at the time of the sale is made. ? Warranty expenses were accrued and, at the year-end, actual payments were made of $25,200. Deductions for tax purposes are only available when the amounts are paid and not as they accrued. ? Insurance was initially prepaid to the amount of $95,250. Actual amounts paid are allowed as a tax deduction. ? Entertainment expenses and depreciation of buildings are not allowed as deductions for income tax. ? The tax rate is 30 per cent. Required: (i) Compute the taxable income or loss (using excel spreadsheet). (ii) Complete the Taxation Worksheet on the next page in accordance with AASB 112 Income Taxes (using excel spreadsheet). (iii) Prepare the applicable journal entries at 30 June 2019 to account for tax using the balance sheet method. Item Carrying amount $ Tax Base $ Deductable Temporary Difference $ Taxable Temporary Difference $ Tax Expense $ Revaluation Surplus $ Tax Payable $ Billabong Ltd Taxation Worksheet as at 30 June 20
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ACCY801 Accounting and Financial Management
Page 1 of 4 Accounting Analysis of Treasury Wine Estates Ltd ACCY801: Accounting and Financial Management Trimester 3, 2019 Assessment 1 Report – Authentic task Subject learning outcome assessed 1) Apply accounting and financial management principles in the planning and control of resources. 2) Analyse the accounting and financial environment of various organizations in order to assist with key financial decision making ethically. 3) Evaluate the implications of both short- and long-term investment decisions incorporating ethical judgement. 4) Interpret both internal and external financial reports for financial decision making. 5) Examine and summarize the key issues relating to accounting and financial management and recommend appropriate solutions to a variety of audiences. Topic Business Report Length 3,000 words (excluding executive summary, list of references and appendices) ± 10% Weighting 25% Due date 25 October 2019 (Friday in Trimester 3 Week 9) Final submission time: 11:30pm Marking criteria A marking guide is available for viewing on the Moodle site for this subject Style and format 1) Reports must be typed with Times New Roman font size 12, 1.5 spaced, justified texts. (Printed copy is not required as this is an online submission) 2) Pages are to be consecutively numbered. 3) You must be able to provide a duplicate of your submission if requested. Always backup your work. 4) Your assignment must be submitted by the due time and date in order not to incur a penalty. Reports submitted late will be penalised by the deduction of 10 percent of the maximum possible mark of the assessment per working day. Please refer to the student handbook for further details. 5) Referencing style must follow the Harvard style, available on the UOW library website. 6) Whenever the Annual Report is cited, you must provide a page reference to the Annual Report so that your work can be easily verified. 7) Use tables, graphics, charts when possible (optional but recommended). 8) Do not plagiarise your work. Plagiarism is the unacknowledged work of another person. Plagiarism can result in zero marks or possible expulsion from the university. You are encouraged to submit drafts of your report to Turnitin before the due date. There is no limit to number of submissions before the due date. This will allow you to check any issues with referencing before submission of the final version. However, if you submit your report to Turinitin system more than once, please make sure that the same file name is used for each submission. Similarity score of less than 15% is acceptable. If your similarity score is above 15%, you should first check the followings: Page 2 of 4 (i) Quotation marks (“...”) are used around every quote and the source is cited, (ii) you are not over-using quotations, and (iii) your own words are not too similar to the original text (paraphrase if your words are similar to the original). If your similarity score is still too high, try to reduce the similarity score by deducting the total scores of the following items from your total similarity score. (a) any technical words/phrases or answers that have identified by turnitin as similar and (b) 1% or 2% matches in the similarity score. In case your similarity score is high, you must provide a written explanation about the reasons for highly similarity level with a recalculated score considering (a) and (b) above. Please note that you are not required to submit a copy of the similarity report together with your report. Please also note that the similarity score you get at the point of submission is subject to change if a file with a similar content are submitted to Turnitin system after your submission. Assignments may be penalised for failing to meet any of these requirements Assessment submission 1) Students should submit a soft copy of the report in a word file into the Turnitin system through the link in the subject’s Moodle site. 2) The word file of the report should be named using the following format “student Surname (Student Number) _ACCY801 Business report” For Example: Zhang (9343295)_ACCY801 Business Report 3) Any assignment submitted after the deadline will attract a penalty. Assessment return Assignments will be returned during the study recess. Detailed information Download a copy of the 2018 Annual Report of Treasury Wine Estates Ltd from the Moodle site. Using the information in the Annual Report and other relevant information on the company that you can find from other sources, prepare a report that addresses the following: 1. Provide a brief summary of the company. Include details such as industry sector, primary activities, recent performance (300 words maximum). 2. Provide a brief assessment on the characteristics of the Board. These include gender, age, education, experience, history, remuneration, composition of the board, board expertise and any other features of the board that you think are important or interesting. (400 words maximum). Please do not cut and paste from the annual report. 3. List and comment on important investment and financing decisions made by the company during the year (250 words maximum). Page 3 of 4 4. Referring to the key corporate governance recommendations of the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) Corporate Governance Council (CGC) and company policies in place to support its corporate conduct, briefly explain how the company ensures that it has maintained the highest standards of corporate governance (100 words maximum). 5. The external audit function is also discussed throughout ASX corporate governance recommendations. Identify the company’s audit firm; specify what auditor’s state in relation to the accounting information and their independence; identify key audit matters; and the amount of auditors’ remuneration. (200 words maximum). 6. List some key measures taken by the company to ensure that its business operations have incorporated high level of ethics and ethical judgments (200 words maximum). 7. Identify the top five investors of the company and comment on the significance of their ownership stake in the company (200 words maximum). 8. Analyse the financial statements of the company for 2018 using ratios and comment on the following aspects of the company in reference to comparative data you can find. Please show formulas and calculations in the appendix and only use the ratios for comments in the body of the report. I. Liquidity, II. Non-current Asset management efficiency III. Capital structure IV. Profitability V. Market value VI. Overall performance, financial status and cash flow (700 words maximum). 9. Analyse Operating Cash cycle of the company and comment on company’s performance in relation to its working capital management (250 words). Structure of the Report Front matter A: over page: Subject code and Subject Name: ACCY801: Accounting and Financial Management Assignment Title: Business Report-AMCOR Limited Trimester:…………………….. Full Name: …………………………………………………………….. Student number:…………………………………………………….. Contact Number: …………………………………………………… Email:……………………………………………………………………… Total Word count:……………….Words (excluding executive summary, list of references and appendices) B: Executive Summary Page 4 of 4 Body of the report C: Introduction (the purpose and the structure of the report) (200 words maximum). D: Requirements: Analysis and discussion in relation to requirements (1) to (9) below with appropriate headings. (2600 words maximum). E: Conclusions (200 words maximum). End matter F: List of references and Appendix (unlimited words) General Structure, Presentation Style and Referencing (i) Good use of headings; use of paragraphing appropriate to advance the arguments; clarity, neatness, layout and legibility; page numbering; appropriate use of language and writing style, Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation; meet the required style and format requirement (ii) Used the Harvard style of referencing within the report and list of references; References supported arguments; Relevant materials selected Scoring Scale: The items on the report are scored using the following guide. 0 = Not attempted; 1= Needs substantial improvements; 3=Needs improvements; 4=satisfactory; 5=good; 6 very good; 6=Excellent Weights A 1% D1 5% D6 5% D8 (iv) 4% B 5% D2 10% D7 5% D8 (v) 4% C 4% D3 5% D8 (i) 4% D8 (Vi) 5% E 5% D4 5% D8 (ii) 4% D9 10% F (i) 5% D5 5% D8 (iii) 4% Total (x/100% ) x 25 marks
We provide totally customized solution as per need of the students.
ACCY801 Accounting and Financial Management
Page 1 of 4 Accounting Analysis of Treasury Wine Estates Ltd ACCY801: Accounting and Financial Management Trimester 3, 2019 Assessment 1 Report – Authentic task Subject learning outcome assessed 1) Apply accounting and financial management principles in the planning and control of resources. 2) Analyse the accounting and financial environment of various organizations in order to assist with key financial decision making ethically. 3) Evaluate the implications of both short- and long-term investment decisions incorporating ethical judgement. 4) Interpret both internal and external financial reports for financial decision making. 5) Examine and summarize the key issues relating to accounting and financial management and recommend appropriate solutions to a variety of audiences. Topic Business Report Length 3,000 words (excluding executive summary, list of references and appendices) ± 10% Weighting 25% Due date 25 October 2019 (Friday in Trimester 3 Week 9) Final submission time: 11:30pm Marking criteria A marking guide is available for viewing on the Moodle site for this subject Style and format 1) Reports must be typed with Times New Roman font size 12, 1.5 spaced, justified texts. (Printed copy is not required as this is an online submission) 2) Pages are to be consecutively numbered. 3) You must be able to provide a duplicate of your submission if requested. Always backup your work. 4) Your assignment must be submitted by the due time and date in order not to incur a penalty. Reports submitted late will be penalised by the deduction of 10 percent of the maximum possible mark of the assessment per working day. Please refer to the student handbook for further details. 5) Referencing style must follow the Harvard style, available on the UOW library website. 6) Whenever the Annual Report is cited, you must provide a page reference to the Annual Report so that your work can be easily verified. 7) Use tables, graphics, charts when possible (optional but recommended). 8) Do not plagiarise your work. Plagiarism is the unacknowledged work of another person. Plagiarism can result in zero marks or possible expulsion from the university. You are encouraged to submit drafts of your report to Turnitin before the due date. There is no limit to number of submissions before the due date. This will allow you to check any issues with referencing before submission of the final version. However, if you submit your report to Turinitin system more than once, please make sure that the same file name is used for each submission. Similarity score of less than 15% is acceptable. If your similarity score is above 15%, you should first check the followings: Page 2 of 4 (i) Quotation marks (“...”) are used around every quote and the source is cited, (ii) you are not over-using quotations, and (iii) your own words are not too similar to the original text (paraphrase if your words are similar to the original). If your similarity score is still too high, try to reduce the similarity score by deducting the total scores of the following items from your total similarity score. (a) any technical words/phrases or answers that have identified by turnitin as similar and (b) 1% or 2% matches in the similarity score. In case your similarity score is high, you must provide a written explanation about the reasons for highly similarity level with a recalculated score considering (a) and (b) above. Please note that you are not required to submit a copy of the similarity report together with your report. Please also note that the similarity score you get at the point of submission is subject to change if a file with a similar content are submitted to Turnitin system after your submission. Assignments may be penalised for failing to meet any of these requirements Assessment submission 1) Students should submit a soft copy of the report in a word file into the Turnitin system through the link in the subject’s Moodle site. 2) The word file of the report should be named using the following format “student Surname (Student Number) _ACCY801 Business report” For Example: Zhang (9343295)_ACCY801 Business Report 3) Any assignment submitted after the deadline will attract a penalty. Assessment return Assignments will be returned during the study recess. Detailed information Download a copy of the 2018 Annual Report of Treasury Wine Estates Ltd from the Moodle site. Using the information in the Annual Report and other relevant information on the company that you can find from other sources, prepare a report that addresses the following: 1. Provide a brief summary of the company. Include details such as industry sector, primary activities, recent performance (300 words maximum). 2. Provide a brief assessment on the characteristics of the Board. These include gender, age, education, experience, history, remuneration, composition of the board, board expertise and any other features of the board that you think are important or interesting. (400 words maximum). Please do not cut and paste from the annual report. 3. List and comment on important investment and financing decisions made by the company during the year (250 words maximum). Page 3 of 4 4. Referring to the key corporate governance recommendations of the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) Corporate Governance Council (CGC) and company policies in place to support its corporate conduct, briefly explain how the company ensures that it has maintained the highest standards of corporate governance (100 words maximum). 5. The external audit function is also discussed throughout ASX corporate governance recommendations. Identify the company’s audit firm; specify what auditor’s state in relation to the accounting information and their independence; identify key audit matters; and the amount of auditors’ remuneration. (200 words maximum). 6. List some key measures taken by the company to ensure that its business operations have incorporated high level of ethics and ethical judgments (200 words maximum). 7. Identify the top five investors of the company and comment on the significance of their ownership stake in the company (200 words maximum). 8. Analyse the financial statements of the company for 2018 using ratios and comment on the following aspects of the company in reference to comparative data you can find. Please show formulas and calculations in the appendix and only use the ratios for comments in the body of the report. I. Liquidity, II. Non-current Asset management efficiency III. Capital structure IV. Profitability V. Market value VI. Overall performance, financial status and cash flow (700 words maximum). 9. Analyse Operating Cash cycle of the company and comment on company’s performance in relation to its working capital management (250 words). Structure of the Report Front matter A: over page: Subject code and Subject Name: ACCY801: Accounting and Financial Management Assignment Title: Business Report-AMCOR Limited Trimester:…………………….. Full Name: …………………………………………………………….. Student number:…………………………………………………….. Contact Number: …………………………………………………… Email:……………………………………………………………………… Total Word count:……………….Words (excluding executive summary, list of references and appendices) B: Executive Summary Page 4 of 4 Body of the report C: Introduction (the purpose and the structure of the report) (200 words maximum). D: Requirements: Analysis and discussion in relation to requirements (1) to (9) below with appropriate headings. (2600 words maximum). E: Conclusions (200 words maximum). End matter F: List of references and Appendix (unlimited words) General Structure, Presentation Style and Referencing (i) Good use of headings; use of paragraphing appropriate to advance the arguments; clarity, neatness, layout and legibility; page numbering; appropriate use of language and writing style, Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation; meet the required style and format requirement (ii) Used the Harvard style of referencing within the report and list of references; References supported arguments; Relevant materials selected Scoring Scale: The items on the report are scored using the following guide. 0 = Not attempted; 1= Needs substantial improvements; 3=Needs improvements; 4=satisfactory; 5=good; 6 very good; 6=Excellent Weights A 1% D1 5% D6 5% D8 (iv) 4% B 5% D2 10% D7 5% D8 (v) 4% C 4% D3 5% D8 (i) 4% D8 (Vi) 5% E 5% D4 5% D8 (ii) 4% D9 10% F (i) 5% D5 5% D8 (iii) 4% Total (x/100% ) x 25 marks
We provide totally customized solution as per need of the students.
ACCY801 Accounting and Financial Management
Page 1 of 4 Accounting Analysis of Treasury Wine Estates Ltd ACCY801: Accounting and Financial Management Trimester 3, 2019 Assessment 1 Report – Authentic task Subject learning outcome assessed 1) Apply accounting and financial management principles in the planning and control of resources. 2) Analyse the accounting and financial environment of various organizations in order to assist with key financial decision making ethically. 3) Evaluate the implications of both short- and long-term investment decisions incorporating ethical judgement. 4) Interpret both internal and external financial reports for financial decision making. 5) Examine and summarize the key issues relating to accounting and financial management and recommend appropriate solutions to a variety of audiences. Topic Business Report Length 3,000 words (excluding executive summary, list of references and appendices) ± 10% Weighting 25% Due date 25 October 2019 (Friday in Trimester 3 Week 9) Final submission time: 11:30pm Marking criteria A marking guide is available for viewing on the Moodle site for this subject Style and format 1) Reports must be typed with Times New Roman font size 12, 1.5 spaced, justified texts. (Printed copy is not required as this is an online submission) 2) Pages are to be consecutively numbered. 3) You must be able to provide a duplicate of your submission if requested. Always backup your work. 4) Your assignment must be submitted by the due time and date in order not to incur a penalty. Reports submitted late will be penalised by the deduction of 10 percent of the maximum possible mark of the assessment per working day. Please refer to the student handbook for further details. 5) Referencing style must follow the Harvard style, available on the UOW library website. 6) Whenever the Annual Report is cited, you must provide a page reference to the Annual Report so that your work can be easily verified. 7) Use tables, graphics, charts when possible (optional but recommended). 8) Do not plagiarise your work. Plagiarism is the unacknowledged work of another person. Plagiarism can result in zero marks or possible expulsion from the university. You are encouraged to submit drafts of your report to Turnitin before the due date. There is no limit to number of submissions before the due date. This will allow you to check any issues with referencing before submission of the final version. However, if you submit your report to Turinitin system more than once, please make sure that the same file name is used for each submission. Similarity score of less than 15% is acceptable. If your similarity score is above 15%, you should first check the followings: Page 2 of 4 (i) Quotation marks (“...”) are used around every quote and the source is cited, (ii) you are not over-using quotations, and (iii) your own words are not too similar to the original text (paraphrase if your words are similar to the original). If your similarity score is still too high, try to reduce the similarity score by deducting the total scores of the following items from your total similarity score. (a) any technical words/phrases or answers that have identified by turnitin as similar and (b) 1% or 2% matches in the similarity score. In case your similarity score is high, you must provide a written explanation about the reasons for highly similarity level with a recalculated score considering (a) and (b) above. Please note that you are not required to submit a copy of the similarity report together with your report. Please also note that the similarity score you get at the point of submission is subject to change if a file with a similar content are submitted to Turnitin system after your submission. Assignments may be penalised for failing to meet any of these requirements Assessment submission 1) Students should submit a soft copy of the report in a word file into the Turnitin system through the link in the subject’s Moodle site. 2) The word file of the report should be named using the following format “student Surname (Student Number) _ACCY801 Business report” For Example: Zhang (9343295)_ACCY801 Business Report 3) Any assignment submitted after the deadline will attract a penalty. Assessment return Assignments will be returned during the study recess. Detailed information Download a copy of the 2018 Annual Report of Treasury Wine Estates Ltd from the Moodle site. Using the information in the Annual Report and other relevant information on the company that you can find from other sources, prepare a report that addresses the following: 1. Provide a brief summary of the company. Include details such as industry sector, primary activities, recent performance (300 words maximum). 2. Provide a brief assessment on the characteristics of the Board. These include gender, age, education, experience, history, remuneration, composition of the board, board expertise and any other features of the board that you think are important or interesting. (400 words maximum). Please do not cut and paste from the annual report. 3. List and comment on important investment and financing decisions made by the company during the year (250 words maximum). Page 3 of 4 4. Referring to the key corporate governance recommendations of the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) Corporate Governance Council (CGC) and company policies in place to support its corporate conduct, briefly explain how the company ensures that it has maintained the highest standards of corporate governance (100 words maximum). 5. The external audit function is also discussed throughout ASX corporate governance recommendations. Identify the company’s audit firm; specify what auditor’s state in relation to the accounting information and their independence; identify key audit matters; and the amount of auditors’ remuneration. (200 words maximum). 6. List some key measures taken by the company to ensure that its business operations have incorporated high level of ethics and ethical judgments (200 words maximum). 7. Identify the top five investors of the company and comment on the significance of their ownership stake in the company (200 words maximum). 8. Analyse the financial statements of the company for 2018 using ratios and comment on the following aspects of the company in reference to comparative data you can find. Please show formulas and calculations in the appendix and only use the ratios for comments in the body of the report. I. Liquidity, II. Non-current Asset management efficiency III. Capital structure IV. Profitability V. Market value VI. Overall performance, financial status and cash flow (700 words maximum). 9. Analyse Operating Cash cycle of the company and comment on company’s performance in relation to its working capital management (250 words). Structure of the Report Front matter A: over page: Subject code and Subject Name: ACCY801: Accounting and Financial Management Assignment Title: Business Report-AMCOR Limited Trimester:…………………….. Full Name: …………………………………………………………….. Student number:…………………………………………………….. Contact Number: …………………………………………………… Email:……………………………………………………………………… Total Word count:……………….Words (excluding executive summary, list of references and appendices) B: Executive Summary Page 4 of 4 Body of the report C: Introduction (the purpose and the structure of the report) (200 words maximum). D: Requirements: Analysis and discussion in relation to requirements (1) to (9) below with appropriate headings. (2600 words maximum). E: Conclusions (200 words maximum). End matter F: List of references and Appendix (unlimited words) General Structure, Presentation Style and Referencing (i) Good use of headings; use of paragraphing appropriate to advance the arguments; clarity, neatness, layout and legibility; page numbering; appropriate use of language and writing style, Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation; meet the required style and format requirement (ii) Used the Harvard style of referencing within the report and list of references; References supported arguments; Relevant materials selected Scoring Scale: The items on the report are scored using the following guide. 0 = Not attempted; 1= Needs substantial improvements; 3=Needs improvements; 4=satisfactory; 5=good; 6 very good; 6=Excellent Weights A 1% D1 5% D6 5% D8 (iv) 4% B 5% D2 10% D7 5% D8 (v) 4% C 4% D3 5% D8 (i) 4% D8 (Vi) 5% E 5% D4 5% D8 (ii) 4% D9 10% F (i) 5% D5 5% D8 (iii) 4% Total (x/100% ) x 25 marks
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Assessment Weight: 30% Individual Written Report Length: Up to 1,500 words Submission Date: LMS, Friday, Week 11 (19 October, 2018), 11:55 pm. Submission Method: LMS, Week 11. Note: Show workings for each set of calculations. Marking Guide: Question 1 1 marks Question 2 1 Question 3 2 Question 4 4 Question 5 2 Question 6 1 Question 7 2 Question 8 2 Question 9 3 Question 10 2 Question 11 5 Question 12 5 Total 30 marks. Case Scenario Overview: Brittney Kline has been employed part-time in a pizza franchise, near the campus, while she completed her Bachelor of Business at La Trobe University. She has however been impressed at the increasing number of customers who order smoothies and juices at the Top Juice juice bar, located in the same shopping centre in which the pizza franchise is located. So much so that she has convinced her siblings to consider jointly investing in a Top Juice franchise, which is for sale. However, not having much experience in preparing a financial business case, Brittney has employed your team to assist her in preparing a financial business case. As a result, you have agreed the following: Based on the analysis your team presented in the Group Presentation and the feedback you received on that presentation, re-present a revised year one income statement and breakeven analysis for the Top Juice franchise. Extend that analysis to forecast four years of free cash flow. Estimate the weighted average cost of capital and calculate your estimate of the net present valuation of the Top Juice franchise. Finally, drawing on your analysis and interpretation of that analysis, present your recommendation as to the financial worth of an investment by Brittney and her siblings in the Top Juice franchise. ? 1. Based on your team’s analysis as presented in your Group Presentation and as you have personally revised in light of the feedback you received on that presentation, how many Berry Bang serves do you estimate the franchise would need to sell each week in order to earn a profit or return on capital invested ($300,000 in plant and equipment) equal to 20%. 2. Based on your team’s analysis as presented in your Group Presentation and as you have personally revised in light of the feedback you received on that presentation, re-present the income statement for the first year for the Top Juice franchise. Assume that in the first year of operation, the store is estimated to sell around 1,750 Berry Bangs per week, at an average price of $7.00. Calculate the revenue and deduct the cost of sales, royalty, marketing contribution, employee costs (including the on-costs), occupancy costs and property outgoings to calculate EBITDA (Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation). Deduct interest expense and depreciation as estimated above to estimate profit before tax. Estimate tax assuming a 30% tax rate. Estimate net income after deducting tax. 3. Based on your income statement for the Top Juice franchise, in the first year of operation, estimate the free cash flow which the franchise will generate in that year. 4. Repeat these calculations in order to estimate free cash flow for three more years, assuming that the franchise is able to increase the number of Berry Bangs it sells by 3% over the previous year. Is EBITDA equal to 33% of the $300,000 required to set up the store in each year? Note: as a rule of thumb an EBITDA/Store Setup Cost ratio of 33% is desirable. 5. Go on-line to and type in “DMP.AX” into the Search Stocks field and click on the magnifying glass button. What is the beta for DMP? Repeat for “RBD.AX”, which is another company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, which operates quick service and takeaway restaurant franchises in in New Zealand and Australia. What is the simple average beta of the two stocks? Explain whether and why you think DMP and RBD are more or less sensitive to the risks the market is exposed to than average stock top 200 stock listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. 6. Go on-line to What is the Yield (Interest Rate) on a 15-year Australian Government Bond? 7. Assuming an Equity Market Risk Premium of 6.5%; a beta equal to the average beta of DMP and RBD calculated above; and a risk-free rate equal to the yield on a 15-year Australian Government bond, estimate the required return using CAPM. 8. Franchisees are allowed to fund up to 30% of the cost of the franchise with debt capital. Assuming Brittney will fund the acquisition with 30% debt capital and 70% equity capital, and assuming the cost of equity you have calculated above, and a cost of debt equal to a rate of interest equal to that of the business loan you used in estimating the cost of interest, 6.00%, estimate the after-tax Weighted Average Cost of Capital for the franchise. 9. Assume that you can purchase a Top Juice franchise for around $300,000 and assume that Brittney is planning to build up the franchise over the next four years before selling the franchise at the end of the fourth year. You estimate she can sell the franchise for approximately $600,000 at the end of the fourth year. Calculate the NPV of the investment, incorporating your estimate of the total initial investment required, the free cash flows as you estimated for each of the first four years, and your estimate of the terminal value of the investment at the end of the fourth year (the selling price in four years’ time). ? 10. Advise Brittney as to the financial worth of the proposed investment in a Top Juice franchise, including in your advice an explanation as to the significance of a positive or a negative NPV. 11. Identify the major arguments in support of your investment advice to Brittney. 12. Identify the major risks, which Brittney might face in making this investment. Note that this example oversimplifies a more realistic budget forecast. For instance, it does not allow for the effect of inflation on revenues and costs. It also does not include the significant contribution of products other than this particular Berry Bang product, such as other juice, smoothies, food and desert. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Academic integrity means being honest in academic work and taking responsibility for learning the conventions of scholarship. La Trobe University views this seriously as evidenced by the following extract: Academic honesty is a fundamental principle in teaching, learning, research and scholarship. The University requires its academic staff and students to observe the highest ethical standards in all aspects of academic work and it demonstrates its commitment to these values by awarding due credit for honestly conducted scholarly work, and by penalising academic misconduct and all forms of cheating. Academic Integrity Procedures (2010, p. 1 of 6) Academic misconduct includes poor referencing, plagiarism, copying and cheating. You should familiarise yourself with your responsibilities in relation to Academic Integrity and if you have any questions, direct them to your Course Coordinator. Information can be found on the website at:
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Assessment Weight: 30% Individual Written Report Length: Up to 1,500 words Submission Date: LMS, Friday, Week 11 (19 October, 2018), 11:55 pm. Submission Method: LMS, Week 11. Note: Show workings for each set of calculations. Marking Guide: Question 1 1 marks Question 2 1 Question 3 2 Question 4 4 Question 5 2 Question 6 1 Question 7 2 Question 8 2 Question 9 3 Question 10 2 Question 11 5 Question 12 5 Total 30 marks. Case Scenario Overview: Brittney Kline has been employed part-time in a pizza franchise, near the campus, while she completed her Bachelor of Business at La Trobe University. She has however been impressed at the increasing number of customers who order smoothies and juices at the Top Juice juice bar, located in the same shopping centre in which the pizza franchise is located. So much so that she has convinced her siblings to consider jointly investing in a Top Juice franchise, which is for sale. However, not having much experience in preparing a financial business case, Brittney has employed your team to assist her in preparing a financial business case. As a result, you have agreed the following: Based on the analysis your team presented in the Group Presentation and the feedback you received on that presentation, re-present a revised year one income statement and breakeven analysis for the Top Juice franchise. Extend that analysis to forecast four years of free cash flow. Estimate the weighted average cost of capital and calculate your estimate of the net present valuation of the Top Juice franchise. Finally, drawing on your analysis and interpretation of that analysis, present your recommendation as to the financial worth of an investment by Brittney and her siblings in the Top Juice franchise. ? 1. Based on your team’s analysis as presented in your Group Presentation and as you have personally revised in light of the feedback you received on that presentation, how many Berry Bang serves do you estimate the franchise would need to sell each week in order to earn a profit or return on capital invested ($300,000 in plant and equipment) equal to 20%. 2. Based on your team’s analysis as presented in your Group Presentation and as you have personally revised in light of the feedback you received on that presentation, re-present the income statement for the first year for the Top Juice franchise. Assume that in the first year of operation, the store is estimated to sell around 1,750 Berry Bangs per week, at an average price of $7.00. Calculate the revenue and deduct the cost of sales, royalty, marketing contribution, employee costs (including the on-costs), occupancy costs and property outgoings to calculate EBITDA (Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation). Deduct interest expense and depreciation as estimated above to estimate profit before tax. Estimate tax assuming a 30% tax rate. Estimate net income after deducting tax. 3. Based on your income statement for the Top Juice franchise, in the first year of operation, estimate the free cash flow which the franchise will generate in that year. 4. Repeat these calculations in order to estimate free cash flow for three more years, assuming that the franchise is able to increase the number of Berry Bangs it sells by 3% over the previous year. Is EBITDA equal to 33% of the $300,000 required to set up the store in each year? Note: as a rule of thumb an EBITDA/Store Setup Cost ratio of 33% is desirable. 5. Go on-line to and type in “DMP.AX” into the Search Stocks field and click on the magnifying glass button. What is the beta for DMP? Repeat for “RBD.AX”, which is another company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, which operates quick service and takeaway restaurant franchises in in New Zealand and Australia. What is the simple average beta of the two stocks? Explain whether and why you think DMP and RBD are more or less sensitive to the risks the market is exposed to than average stock top 200 stock listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. 6. Go on-line to What is the Yield (Interest Rate) on a 15-year Australian Government Bond? 7. Assuming an Equity Market Risk Premium of 6.5%; a beta equal to the average beta of DMP and RBD calculated above; and a risk-free rate equal to the yield on a 15-year Australian Government bond, estimate the required return using CAPM. 8. Franchisees are allowed to fund up to 30% of the cost of the franchise with debt capital. Assuming Brittney will fund the acquisition with 30% debt capital and 70% equity capital, and assuming the cost of equity you have calculated above, and a cost of debt equal to a rate of interest equal to that of the business loan you used in estimating the cost of interest, 6.00%, estimate the after-tax Weighted Average Cost of Capital for the franchise. 9. Assume that you can purchase a Top Juice franchise for around $300,000 and assume that Brittney is planning to build up the franchise over the next four years before selling the franchise at the end of the fourth year. You estimate she can sell the franchise for approximately $600,000 at the end of the fourth year. Calculate the NPV of the investment, incorporating your estimate of the total initial investment required, the free cash flows as you estimated for each of the first four years, and your estimate of the terminal value of the investment at the end of the fourth year (the selling price in four years’ time). ? 10. Advise Brittney as to the financial worth of the proposed investment in a Top Juice franchise, including in your advice an explanation as to the significance of a positive or a negative NPV. 11. Identify the major arguments in support of your investment advice to Brittney. 12. Identify the major risks, which Brittney might face in making this investment. Note that this example oversimplifies a more realistic budget forecast. For instance, it does not allow for the effect of inflation on revenues and costs. It also does not include the significant contribution of products other than this particular Berry Bang product, such as other juice, smoothies, food and desert. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Academic integrity means being honest in academic work and taking responsibility for learning the conventions of scholarship. La Trobe University views this seriously as evidenced by the following extract: Academic honesty is a fundamental principle in teaching, learning, research and scholarship. The University requires its academic staff and students to observe the highest ethical standards in all aspects of academic work and it demonstrates its commitment to these values by awarding due credit for honestly conducted scholarly work, and by penalising academic misconduct and all forms of cheating. Academic Integrity Procedures (2010, p. 1 of 6) Academic misconduct includes poor referencing, plagiarism, copying and cheating. You should familiarise yourself with your responsibilities in relation to Academic Integrity and if you have any questions, direct them to your Course Coordinator. Information can be found on the website at:
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BUS3ENT Assessment
2019_BUS3ENT_Subject-Learning_Guide_S2_ AW-2/BE-2/BU-2/C3-2/MI-2/SH-2 La Trobe University 11 Assessment and Feedback Details Assessment Task 1 Due Date % SILOs Assessed 1,500-word paper on analysing a current entrepreneur (from list of allowed countries) and his/her business venture Sunday 01 Sep, by 11.55 pm 30% 1, 7 Submission Details LMS via Turnitin Grading Criteria and Feedback Please see LMS and detailed Grading Criteria below Description of Task Analyse a CURRENT entrepreneur from one of the following countries: New Zealand, USA, Singapore, and Thailand. The chosen entrepreneur must be the person who founded the business(es) (himself/herself or with the team), and currently still running/controlling the business(es) which is/were set up and is/are headquartered in the above countries. Individual assignment, report format with headings and sub-headings, 1.5 spacing to be used. Critical analyses and reflection on relevant entrepreneurship theories required, not just a simple presentation of the entrepreneur’s biography. Suggested structure: ? Cover page ? Please indicate your full name, student ID, class day & time, and tutor’s name ? Introduction ? Background of the entrepreneur ? Discuss the background of the entrepreneur (i.e. history, development, family and socio-cultural background) to see what developed his/her entrepreneurial passion/propensity and contributed to this person’s entrepreneurial pathway/success (with reflection on/application of the relevant entrepreneurship theories). ? Entrepreneurial traits/characteristics ? Discuss the characteristics/traits of the entrepreneur (with reflection on/application of the relevant entrepreneurship theories). ? Opportunity recognition and idea development process ? Discuss the processes of opportunity recognition and idea development (with reflection on/application of the relevant entrepreneurship theories). ? Competitive advantages ? Discuss the type of business developed and the competitive advantage(s) of the business compared to competitors in the market (to be supported with relevant facts/figures/research where possible, with reflection on/application of relevant theories). ? Recommendations ? Discuss future suggestions for the entrepreneur including different types of businesses or avenues (e.g. franchising, mergers, expanding/selling their business etc) he/she may take. References (10-12 references required, among which at least 05 academic references needed; Harvard referencing style. All references used in the report MUST be in English)
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BUS3ENT Assessment
2019_BUS3ENT_Subject-Learning_Guide_S2_ AW-2/BE-2/BU-2/C3-2/MI-2/SH-2 La Trobe University 11 Assessment and Feedback Details Assessment Task 1 Due Date % SILOs Assessed 1,500-word paper on analysing a current entrepreneur (from list of allowed countries) and his/her business venture Sunday 01 Sep, by 11.55 pm 30% 1, 7 Submission Details LMS via Turnitin Grading Criteria and Feedback Please see LMS and detailed Grading Criteria below Description of Task Analyse a CURRENT entrepreneur from one of the following countries: New Zealand, USA, Singapore, and Thailand. The chosen entrepreneur must be the person who founded the business(es) (himself/herself or with the team), and currently still running/controlling the business(es) which is/were set up and is/are headquartered in the above countries. Individual assignment, report format with headings and sub-headings, 1.5 spacing to be used. Critical analyses and reflection on relevant entrepreneurship theories required, not just a simple presentation of the entrepreneur’s biography. Suggested structure: ? Cover page ? Please indicate your full name, student ID, class day & time, and tutor’s name ? Introduction ? Background of the entrepreneur ? Discuss the background of the entrepreneur (i.e. history, development, family and socio-cultural background) to see what developed his/her entrepreneurial passion/propensity and contributed to this person’s entrepreneurial pathway/success (with reflection on/application of the relevant entrepreneurship theories). ? Entrepreneurial traits/characteristics ? Discuss the characteristics/traits of the entrepreneur (with reflection on/application of the relevant entrepreneurship theories). ? Opportunity recognition and idea development process ? Discuss the processes of opportunity recognition and idea development (with reflection on/application of the relevant entrepreneurship theories). ? Competitive advantages ? Discuss the type of business developed and the competitive advantage(s) of the business compared to competitors in the market (to be supported with relevant facts/figures/research where possible, with reflection on/application of relevant theories). ? Recommendations ? Discuss future suggestions for the entrepreneur including different types of businesses or avenues (e.g. franchising, mergers, expanding/selling their business etc) he/she may take. References (10-12 references required, among which at least 05 academic references needed; Harvard referencing style. All references used in the report MUST be in English)
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BUS3ENT Individual Business Model and Plan
2019_BUS3ENT_Subject-Learning_Guide_S2_ AW-2/BE-2/BU-2/C3-2/MI-2/SH-2 La Trobe University 13 Assessment Task 3 Due Date % SILOs Assessed Individual business model and plan Sunday 20 Oct, by 11.55 pm 40% 2, 5, 9 Submission Details LMS via Turnitin Grading Criteria and Feedback Please see LMS and detailed Grading Criteria below Description of Task Prepare a Business model and plan for an Australia-based, brand new, for-profit business venture that you might enter into in the future. This should be different from the business idea which has already been used and presented in the group assessment. Individual assignment, 2,500-word limit, report format with headings and sub-headings, 1.5 spacing to be used. Make sure that you have also reviewed and followed the additional guidelines on LMS about the suggested structure and more specific instructions for this assessment. Suggested (brief) structure: Cover page (please indicate your full name, student ID, class day/time & tutor’s name) Table of Contents Executive Summary (not included in word count) Section headings ? Introduction (a clear introduction of the business idea, make sure that first time readers can understand your business idea) ? Business Model Canvas (please make the full use of the Business Model Canvas template) o Customer Segments o Value Proposition o Customer Relationships o Channels o Key Activities o Key Resources o Key Partners o Revenue Structure o Cost Structure ? Planning o Market o Operations and Technology o Human Resources o Finance References (12-15 references required, at least 03 academic references needed; Harvard referencing style) Appendix Detailed Grading Criteria Assessment Task 1 See Appendix 1 Assessment Task 2 See Appendix 2 Assessment Task 3 See Appendix 3 Assessment and Feedback - College/School/Discipline-specific information 2019_BUS3ENT_Subject-Learning_Guide_S2_ AW-2/BE-2/BU-2/C3-2/MI-2/SH-2 La Trobe University 16 Appendix 3 - Grading criteria - Assessment 3 (Individual Business Model and Plan) (40%) Criteria GCs. SILOs Excellent (A 80-100%) Very Good (B 70-79%) Good (C 60-69%) Pass (D 50-59%) Fail (N 0-49%) Mark(s) Discipline knowledge Disciplinary knowledge is clearly presented. Uses disciplinary language authoritatively; shows critical understanding of the relevant theories, issue presented, demonstrates depth and accuracy of understanding. Disciplinary knowledge is clearly presented. Uses disciplinary language competently, shows a proficient awareness of the relevant theories, issues, and demonstrates accuracy of understanding. Disciplinary knowledge is presented. Uses disciplinary language approaching competency, shows an awareness of the issue presented and demonstrates limited content understanding. Disciplinary knowledge lacks clarity. Uses disciplinary language tentatively, shows an awareness of the issue presented and some evidence of gaining new understanding. Disciplinary knowledge is unclear. Does not use the language of the discipline in a sustained fashion, and demonstrates no evidence of gaining new understanding. /5 Analysis and Recommendations (Critical Thinking) Critical Thinking Inquiry/ Research 02 Strategically and critically analyses and evaluates components of the business model canvas, and the feasibility of the business in terms of market, technology, human and financial resources, and making justifiable, evidence-based recommendations. Strategically and critically analyses and evaluates components of the business model canvas, and the feasibility of the business in terms of market, technology, human and financial resources, with some minor omissions. Recommendations are evidencebased and justifiable. Overall, analysis and evaluation show critical thinking but include several gaps. Recommendations are evidence-based but may not be fully justifiable. Analysis and evaluation have a number of significant gaps, and/or need further clarification. Recommendations may not be evidence-based or fully justifiable. Analysis and evaluation are very superficial and lacking in depths. Recommendations are not evidence-based and/or justifiable. /20 Independent thought Autonomy and independence 02 Demonstrates an outstanding original approach and excellent level of independent thinking. Effectively manages time and resources to complete all parts of the task. Shows good level of independent thinking with an original approach. Completes all required tasks with good use of time and resources. Shows originality and acceptable level of independent thinking. Some minor parts are incomplete. Some originality and acceptable level of independent thinking. A number of parts are incomplete and missing evidence of independent thought. Lack of originality and poor demonstration of independent thinking. Failure to fully complete the task due to ineffective management of time and resources. /5 Ethical awareness Ethical behaviour 05 Excellent recognition of the implications for their own ethical and values framework when interacting with different values-based perspectives in professional and global concerns. Very good recognition of the implications for their own ethical and values framework when interacting with different valuesbased perspectives in professional and global concerns. Acknowledges and engages other ethical and values- based perspectives in professional, societal or global concerns. Limited engagement with other ethical and values- based perspectives in professional, societal or global concerns. No engagement with other ethical and values- based perspectives in professional, societal or global concerns. /5 Writing and Referencing Writing and Referencing 09 Plan is well structured, with fluent and cohesive presentation of ideas. Sophisticated academic language throughout, with excellent use of supporting evidence. Persuasively addresses the task, and employs a relevant approach. Employs an accurate academic referencing convention citing multiple sources. Plan is logically structured, with some minor inconsistencies in cohesion and presentation of ideas, and /or grammar and spelling. Sustained use of supporting evidence with a clearly focus on the task. Employs an accurate academic referencing convention citing multiple sources, with some minor errors. Plan is somewhat logically structured using appropriate academic language, with appropriate use of evidence in addressing the task. Employs a basic academic referencing convention appropriate to the discipline. Includes an adequate number of sources. Several errors in referencing, grammar and/or punctuation. Attempts logical structure, sighting some evidence, without constructing a clear response to the task. Limited use of appropriate academic language, with a number of grammatical errors. Employs a basic academic referencing convention appropriate to the discipline with limited sources and/or a number of significant errors The work does not employ a structured approach to the task. The writing is unclear and poorly constructed. Shows unfamiliarity with, and inconsistent application of the conventions of academic referencing with inadequate sources. /5 COMMENTS /40
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BUS5PB Principles of Business Analytics
La Trobe Business School BUS5PB 1 BUS5PB - Principles of Business Analytics Assignment 02: Descriptive Analytics in Practice Marks: 40% | Type: Individual Release Date: Wednesday 10th April 2019 Due Date: Sunday 5th May 2019 at 11:00 pm (submit on LMS). The second assignment aims to enhance your understanding of business analytics and its implementations in industry. This assignment also provides a chance for students to practise descriptive analytics techniques in real-world analytics setting. The assignment comprises of two tasks. The first task is to develop an extensive review report of the landscape of business analytics in industry. In the second task, students are required to work in an analytics case from the real estate market. Task 01 (15%) Compile a review report that (approximately 1500 words): • describes the purpose, importance and role of business analytics in creating strategic value and competitive advantage. • defines the analytics ecosystem (descriptive, predictive, prescriptive and exploratory analytics) and illustrates how they are adopted by various industries in their key business functions ranging from strategy, marketing and sales, operations (production), customer services etc. • illustrates how the data mining process (CRISP-DM) can be implemented and in particular, challenges in implementing data mining and business analytics in agile business environments. • describes the difference between business intelligence and business analytics, the challenges of achieving/cultivating analytic leadership and culture in practice. Hint: please review all presentation slides and select the relevant knowledge points. You may also need to perform research on literature and industrial cases to explain and support your points. Use academic, industrial and technical references and real case examples to support your views on each of the above. The report is required to be written in a professional format conforming to report guidelines noted below. Task 02 (25%) DomainExperts, a recently formed real estate buyer’s advocacy firm is looking to enter the Melbourne property market. The senior management is keen to capitalise on large volumes of historical real estate data to generate insights into various aspects of this booming market. The firm has acquired a large dataset of real estate sales in Melbourne, over 2000 records from 2018. You have been hired as a descriptive analyst to demonstrate the application of descriptive analytics techniques using excel, in the context of real estate buyer advocacy. You will be working on two sanitised subsets of data. ? Task 02.1 (10%): Identify the key descriptive statistics of the property price found in (BUS5PB_Ass2_Task2.1.xlsx). La Trobe Business School BUS5PB 2 • Perform initial distribution analysis on ‘Price’ from the given data set using the histogram. Make sure to choose reasonable bin size. • Calculate the key descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode, range, IQR, quartile, skewness, variance, standard deviation) for the ‘Price’. • Compare price distribution for ‘Eastern Metropolitan’ and ‘Western Metropolitan’. What can you find out? Perform outlier analysis on ‘Price’ for these two areas and what are the price ranges for these outliers? (Hint: use box plots) • Can you identify which suburbs have the highest and lowest house prices? ? Task 02.2 (5%): Perform linear correlation analysis on the sample data set using Excel. (BUS5PB_Ass2_Task2.2.xlsx) • Develop a simple linear regression model using Excel. You need to use “Price” as the dependent (or response) variable and “Distance” as the independent (or explanatory) variable. You are required to submit the excel file. • Refine and improve the developed linear regression model. Illustrate and explain why the model is enhanced. (Hint: Try to focus on the model and/or remove several influential points, use the coefficient of determination and other metrics to explain) ? Task 02.3 (10%): Write an essay to discuss key contributing factors for property price based on results obtained from Tasks 02.1 and 02.2. You may also include some external research, use graphs, tables and external references to support your explanation. You may extend your analysis from Task 02.2 to include other independent variables available in the given data set. (500 words) Report guidelines 1. The report should consist of a ‘cover page’, ‘table of contents’, ‘introduction’, logically organized sections/topics, a ‘conclusion’ and a ‘list of references’. 2. Choose a fitting sequence of sections/topics for the body of the report. For task 1, the number of sections covering points of requirements is essential, you may add other sections deemed relevant. For task 2 you may organise relevant sections to explain the obtained results. 3. Reports should be written in Microsoft Word (font size 11) and submitted as one Word file and one solution file (in Excel). La Trobe Business School BUS5PB 3 Marking rubric A grade will be awarded to each of the tasks and then an overall mark determined for the entire assessment. The rubric below gives you an idea of what you must achieve to earn a certain ‘grade’. As a general rule, to meet a ‘C’, you must first satisfy the requirements of a ‘D’. And for an ‘A’, you must first satisfy the requirements of a ‘B’, which must of course first meet the requirements of a ‘C’ and so on. Criterion Pass (D) Credit (C) Distinction (B) High Distinction (A) Task 01 Reasonable coverage Good coverage of Excellent coverage of Extensive coverage of (15 marks) of requirement points. requirement points. all requirement all requirement Limited understanding Average points. points. of required points. understanding of Good understanding Highly-detailed and required points. of required points. relevant or creative understanding of required points. Task 02.1 Limited effort to Average effort to Excellent effort to Exceptional effort to (10 marks) demonstrate and demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate all appropriate appropriate appropriate techniques and techniques and techniques and techniques and interpret output. interpret output. interpret output. interpret output. Exceptional Limited knowledge in Average knowledge in Excellent knowledge knowledge in descriptive analytics descriptive analytics in descriptive analytics descriptive analytics techniques. techniques. techniques. techniques. Task 02.2 Limited effort to Average effort to Excellent effort to Exceptional effort to (5 marks) develop and present a develop and present a develop and present a develop and present a linear regression linear regression linear regression linear regression model and address model and address model and address model and address the requirements. the requirements. the requirements. the requirements. Task 02.3 Limited effort to Average effort to Excellent effort to Exceptional effort to (10 marks) interpret and present interpret and present interpret and present interpret and present output based on output based on output with high output with high external research. external research. business relevance business relevance based on external based on external research research • Standard plagiarism and collusion policy, and extension and special consideration policy of this university apply to this assignment. • A cover sheet is NOT required. By submitting your work online, the declaration on the university’s assignment cover sheet is implied and agreed to by you. Data dictionary: Metadata 1. Suburb: Suburb 2. Rooms: Number of bedrooms 3. Price: Price in Australian dollars 4. Date: Date sold 5. Distance: Distance from CBD in kilometres 6. Postcode: postcode 7. Landsize: Land size in square metres 8. Regionname: General region (West, North West, North, North east, ...etc.)
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ECO3CCE Project Management
Assessment 3: Final Project Due in Week 13 (Fri 01/11, 5pm) Weighting - 50% Word count: maximum 2,000 words Submit via Turnitin (LMS Drop) Box Real-world scenario: The Australian Government introduced a Carbon Tax in 2012 to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and to tackle the serious environmental problem of climate change. The Coalition Government introduced a Direct Action Plan to replace the Carbon Tax and to achieve the same goal of greenhouse gas mitigation. Select your corporate case or a sector You are working as an economist / in the finance industry when you are approached to give advice on the policies above. For this project, you can choose the corporation that you are advising and the industry sector of which your corporate case aligns. Select your sector and/or case. The case/sector selection is critical to this task. Seek advice if in doubt. Listed below are some examples. You are free to choose other corporate cases or sectors apart from what is listed below Examples of Sectors Examples of Corporate cases Urban water Renewable energy Non-renewable energy Food manufacturing Transport Mining Forestry Building construction Banking Local government Healthcare Horticulture Alpine tourism An urban water authority A solar energy retailer An electricity retailer A petroleum refiner, distributor, retailer A food manufacturing firm A logistics firm A mining firm A plantation firm A construction firm A commercial bank A shire or council A healthcare provider A horticultural firm/winery An alpine ski resort Details of the task: Compare and contrast the two policies of the real-world scenario and evaluate the likely impacts of both policies on your selected corporate case/sector by applying the knowledge gained from the course. In your response, as a minimum, you should: 1) Describe the predicted climate change impacts on your chosen case or sector. 2) Discuss the rationale and the theoretical underpinnings of a carbon tax and compare it with the Direct Action Plan. 3) Identify various risks and opportunities for the chosen sector or firm in a carbon constrained world. 4) Outline appropriate adaptation strategies. Formatting the Final Project The final document should be submitted as a double-spaced Microsoft Word document with: • a title page indicating the title of the project, your name and student ID number • an introduction and conclusion (even if they are brief) • use the Harvard referencing style for both in-text referencing and citing and in the end of the document reference list. You are encouraged to embed online media (hyperlinks to specific websites, videos and podcasts) in order to comply with the word limit restriction. It makes sense to provide more analysis and present descriptive contents using external web links or hypertexts. However, this should be to support your own analysis. Your teacher should be able to assess your knowledge and skills to complete this task via your own ability to meet the subject intended learning outcomes: • Evaluate the empirical evidence relating to climate change and its adverse impacts on natural and built environments in Australia. • Apply economic principles relating to climate change and evaluate key mitigation and adaptation policies in both developed and developing countries. • Discuss core strategic issues relating to the international response to climate change mitigation. • Assess and propose appropriate adaptation and business strategies in response to climate change and present them in a report. Submission The final document should be submitted via the Turnitin link (LMS). Assessment issues If you experience any issues about the project you should seek early advice from the Subject Coordinator. The task requires a substantial research effort on the chosen case and using and reviewing material outside the reading list. No extensions will be granted outside the university policies and procedures (see Subject Learning Guide).
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FIN5FSA Financial Statement Analysis
1 La Trobe University Department of Economics and Finance FIN5FSA Financial Statement Analysis—Semester 1, 2019 Group Assignment Highlighted points: Submission due: 11:55 pm, Friday 17 May 2019; Weight: 30%; 6000 word (equivalent to 2,000 words per student) This assignment is an integral part of the learning conducted in this course. It will harness key capabilities for successfully extracting, managing, understanding & analyzing financial statement information. It is also designed to enhance the Graduate Capabilities (GCs) of cognitive, analytical and communication skills as well as teamwork. Detailed Instructions: Please form a group of 3 members from your tutorial group. You may also have group member/s from another tutorial session. Each group needs to choose a non?financial firm currently trading on the ASX. The first task will be to collect the last 10 years data relating to income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement and ratios and collate in excel. You can get the data through Data Analysis Premium. Steps to be followed: 1. Go to Click Library ? Click Database ? Click on D 2. Click Data Analysis Premium?Click “I Agree” 3. Provide your student ID and password and you will be taken to a new website. 2 4. Put the name of the company in the box 5. You can search a company name such as Telstra. In ASX Telstra is coded as ‘TLS’. 6. If you search TLS you will be taken to the following page. Click on ‘Financial Data’. You can download all the information in spreadsheet format. 3 7. You can also click annual report. Then you can see the annual reports in PDF format. 8. Download the annual report to have a cross check. Sometimes the data downloaded in spreadsheet might be different and if so, take the value in the Annual Report as the correct value. Sometimes, the values of a particular variable may be missing in the downloaded data. If that is the case you can look for it in the annual report e.g. in the notes to the financial report. 4 9. Download the annual report and prepare the data set. Students should prepare the data in panel format in Excel (see below) e.g. Company Financial Year Total Assets Total Equity Total L.D. Debt Revenue Virgin 2012 Figures Figures Figures Figures Virgin 2013 Figures Figures Figures Figures Virgin 2014 Figures Figures Figures Figures Virgin 2015 Figures Figures Figures Figures Virgin 2016 Figures Figures Figures Figures Virgin 2017 Figures Figures Figures Figures SUBMISSION DETAILS Items to be submitted: In addition to the Excel file from 9 above, you are to submit a succinct 6000 word (equivalent to 2,000 words per student) operating and financial health check of your firm that covers: a) Company background and mission b) Business strategy analysis c) Accounting analysis d) Financial Analysis ? Common size and horizontal analysis ? Cash flow analysis ? Liquidity analysis ? Income analysis ? Solvency analysis #1: Capital structure analysis, including an analysis of debt ratios. ? Solvency analysis #2: Compilation of key coverage ratios. ? Growth and risk analysis e) Prospective analysis Further detail on the above elements is presented below (b) Business Strategy Analysis: Business strategy analysis involves analysing a firm’s industry (e.g. Porter’s five factor model) and its strategy (e.g. cost leadership vs. differentiation) to create a sustainable competitive advantage. (c) Accounting analysis: Evaluate accounting quality by assessing accounting policies and estimates. (d) Financial Analysis ? Common size & horizontal analysis of key financial statements. Various types of trend, bar & pie charts can be useful in the presentation of the analyzed results in your assessment submission. Students are expected to make very brief but pertinent comments regarding the findings. Comments could be related to the causes and significance of the increase or decrease of important variables such as PPE assets, intangibles, sales, EBIT, net income, debt, equity and cost of goods sold. ? Cash Flow analysis. You would need to provide some commentary around what trends are emerging in the part of the Cash Flow Statement called cash flow from operations as a lot of the good news and bad news of a company is revealed there. Investors often look at this section before they bother with an income statement. o You may want to take cash flow analysis further by including Free Cash flow to the Firm (FCFF) and Free Cash flow to Equity (FCFE) numbers. Have a look at the appendix to this 5 document. You will not be marked down if you leave FCFF and FCFE calculations/exploration out of this assignment as we do not explore these concepts until week 12 and will only talk of them briefly. Those concepts are explored in depth in FIN5EQS. ? Liquidity Analysis. This would entail as a minimum a current ratio and a liquid ratio together with relevant commentary on receivables and payables and stock management, etc. ? Income Analysis. This would include an EBIT margin analysis, a gross profit margin analysis (if applicable), net income analysis and EPS. Please pay close attention to the volatility of the EBIT margin, as well as “tax take” and financing impacts on Net Income. You would also be advised to incorporate ROA analysis. ROA analysis can take many forms. For example refer to page 3 of large reference document on LMS called Financial Ratios and Earnings per Share. You may choose to look at ROA, Operating ROA (sometimes called ROIC), Accounting ROA and ROTC (sometimes called ROCE) ? Capital Structure Analysis (and Solvency). This is all about ascertaining the level to which the company uses financial leverage to finance its operations and activities. The analysis should cover bonds, other forms of debt, hybrid instruments such as preference shares and convertible notes as well as financial leases. ? Coverage (and Solvency). These ratios examine the extent a company can cover its interest payments and other fixed financial commitments e.g. lease payments. ? Growth and Risk analysis. Refer to Lecture 5. For an analysis of business risk you may want to refer to the appendix in Lecture 1. You are also encouraged (not required) to perform a default risk analysis using naïve distance to default and naïve probability of default model as suggested by Bharath and Shumway (2008). Note that, this measure uses both balance sheet and market?based data (find the reference of this paper at the appendix). (e) Prospective analysis: Refer to Lecture 10. Prospective analysis involves forecasting of future balance sheet and income statement. Some concluding commentary on the company and maybe its prospects for growth, prospects as a takeover target, high risk of failure or whatever you see. Do not be afraid to track the share price and see if you can use that to understand where the company has come from and where the market thinks it might be going. You may want to even come up with a first thought on whether an investor should consider buying the stock, selling or holding the stock – without getting very technical. Report Submission Details Word limit: 6000 (excluding tables, references), +/? 5% tolerance Submission format: Word Document for Turnitin submission Referencing: Standard LTU guidelines apply to referencing, including in?text referencing and bibliography How to Submit: Hard Copy on Monday 20 May in class AND Turnitin by 11:55pm Friday, 17 May. Only one student on a team needs to submit. Indicate on front page: For EACH student: name, student number, name of tutor and time of tutorial. 6 Excel File Submission Details Submit by: 11:55 pm, Friday 17 May via the link on the LMS. Note that you can submit both the report and the excel file via the Turnitin submission link. . Indicate on front tab: For EACH student: name, student number, name of tutor and time of tutorial 7 Appendix: Cash Flows (FCFF and FCFE) Free Cash Flow to the Firm (FCFF). In Exhibit 13.3 in Wahlen this is called “FCF for All Debt & Equity Stakeholders”. • FCFF is defined as Net Income + NCC – WCInv – FCInv + Int*(1?Tc). Another way to write this is FCFF = NOPAT + NCC – WCInv – FCInv where NOPAT = EBIT *(1?Tc). ? FCFF is the “pot of cash” that is generated from operations that normally covers net payments to debt?providers (after cash) as well as net payments to equity holders. (If it does not cover these 2 things then the cash and cash equivalents of the company will fall. If payments to debt and equity participants fall short of FCFF then the cash and cash equivalents of the company will rise.) ? FCFF can be thought of as the cash generated by the use of the productive assets of the firm being PPE, Intangibles and Net Operating Working Capital. ? FCFF is often discounted over a number of years into the future to value the net operating assets of the company. WACC is used as the discount factor and a terminal value would be introduced. To get the total intrinsic (or market) value of assets, the value of non?operating assets (if any) would need to be added on. This is one approach to valuing the firm or enterprize. • NCC are the non?cash charges in year t, examples being depreciation and amortisation • WCInv is the increase in net operating working capital in year t versus year t?1. • Net operating working capital would be Stock + Trade Receivables + Required Cash + Prepayments – Trade Payables – Accrued Expenses – Current Tax Liabilities (both company tax and other taxes) • FCInv is fixed capital expenditure in year t = expenditure on PPE assets and intangibles • Net payments to debt providers in year t = a firm’s A.T. interest cost and pref.share dividends + debt & pref.share redemptions – new capital raised via debt & pref.shares • Net payments to equity holders in year t = ord. cash dividends + ord.share buy?backs ? new ordinary equity issued (including share options sold) 8 Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE). In Exhibit 13.3 in Wahlen this is called “FCF for Common Equity Shareholders” ? FCFE is defined as FCFF + Net Borrowings – Int *(1?Tc) – Pref.Share dividends …again we are assuming no company tax deduction on the pref.share dividends, otherwise it would be Pref.Share divs*(1?Tc). ? FCFE can be thought of as the cash generated by the use of the productive assets of the firm less Net payments to debt providers ? It is essentially the money left that can be used to make Net payments to equity holders (but the firm may choose NOT to remit all of it to equity holders) ? FCFE is sometimes called the “pseudo dividend” of the company and is frequently used to value the ordinary equity of the firm where ROE is used as the discount factor. Prospective FCFE numbers are discounted over a number of years into the future and a terminal value would normally be introduced. The intrinsic (or market) value of ordinary equity would also have to include the value of non operating assets (if any). ? Note that if FCFE > Net payments to equity holders, then the cash and cash equivalents of the firm increase. If FCFE < Net payments to equity holders, then the cash & cash equivalents of the firm decrease. • Net Borrowings is defined as Interest Bearing Loans drawn down – loan repayments + capital raisings from issues of bonds & preference shares and other instruments that are not ordinary equity – redemptions of bonds and preference shares and other instruments that are not ordinary equity. Reference Bharath, S.T., Shumway, T., 2008. Forecasting default with the Merton distance to default model. Review of Financial Studies, 21, 1339–1369.
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FIN5FSA Financial Statement Analysis
1 La Trobe University Department of Economics and Finance FIN5FSA Financial Statement Analysis—Semester 1, 2019 Group Assignment Highlighted points: Submission due: 11:55 pm, Friday 17 May 2019; Weight: 30%; 6000 word (equivalent to 2,000 words per student) This assignment is an integral part of the learning conducted in this course. It will harness key capabilities for successfully extracting, managing, understanding & analyzing financial statement information. It is also designed to enhance the Graduate Capabilities (GCs) of cognitive, analytical and communication skills as well as teamwork. Detailed Instructions: Please form a group of 3 members from your tutorial group. You may also have group member/s from another tutorial session. Each group needs to choose a non?financial firm currently trading on the ASX. The first task will be to collect the last 10 years data relating to income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement and ratios and collate in excel. You can get the data through Data Analysis Premium. Steps to be followed: 1. Go to Click Library ? Click Database ? Click on D 2. Click Data Analysis Premium?Click “I Agree” 3. Provide your student ID and password and you will be taken to a new website. 2 4. Put the name of the company in the box 5. You can search a company name such as Telstra. In ASX Telstra is coded as ‘TLS’. 6. If you search TLS you will be taken to the following page. Click on ‘Financial Data’. You can download all the information in spreadsheet format. 3 7. You can also click annual report. Then you can see the annual reports in PDF format. 8. Download the annual report to have a cross check. Sometimes the data downloaded in spreadsheet might be different and if so, take the value in the Annual Report as the correct value. Sometimes, the values of a particular variable may be missing in the downloaded data. If that is the case you can look for it in the annual report e.g. in the notes to the financial report. 4 9. Download the annual report and prepare the data set. Students should prepare the data in panel format in Excel (see below) e.g. Company Financial Year Total Assets Total Equity Total L.D. Debt Revenue Virgin 2012 Figures Figures Figures Figures Virgin 2013 Figures Figures Figures Figures Virgin 2014 Figures Figures Figures Figures Virgin 2015 Figures Figures Figures Figures Virgin 2016 Figures Figures Figures Figures Virgin 2017 Figures Figures Figures Figures SUBMISSION DETAILS Items to be submitted: In addition to the Excel file from 9 above, you are to submit a succinct 6000 word (equivalent to 2,000 words per student) operating and financial health check of your firm that covers: a) Company background and mission b) Business strategy analysis c) Accounting analysis d) Financial Analysis ? Common size and horizontal analysis ? Cash flow analysis ? Liquidity analysis ? Income analysis ? Solvency analysis #1: Capital structure analysis, including an analysis of debt ratios. ? Solvency analysis #2: Compilation of key coverage ratios. ? Growth and risk analysis e) Prospective analysis Further detail on the above elements is presented below (b) Business Strategy Analysis: Business strategy analysis involves analysing a firm’s industry (e.g. Porter’s five factor model) and its strategy (e.g. cost leadership vs. differentiation) to create a sustainable competitive advantage. (c) Accounting analysis: Evaluate accounting quality by assessing accounting policies and estimates. (d) Financial Analysis ? Common size & horizontal analysis of key financial statements. Various types of trend, bar & pie charts can be useful in the presentation of the analyzed results in your assessment submission. Students are expected to make very brief but pertinent comments regarding the findings. Comments could be related to the causes and significance of the increase or decrease of important variables such as PPE assets, intangibles, sales, EBIT, net income, debt, equity and cost of goods sold. ? Cash Flow analysis. You would need to provide some commentary around what trends are emerging in the part of the Cash Flow Statement called cash flow from operations as a lot of the good news and bad news of a company is revealed there. Investors often look at this section before they bother with an income statement. o You may want to take cash flow analysis further by including Free Cash flow to the Firm (FCFF) and Free Cash flow to Equity (FCFE) numbers. Have a look at the appendix to this 5 document. You will not be marked down if you leave FCFF and FCFE calculations/exploration out of this assignment as we do not explore these concepts until week 12 and will only talk of them briefly. Those concepts are explored in depth in FIN5EQS. ? Liquidity Analysis. This would entail as a minimum a current ratio and a liquid ratio together with relevant commentary on receivables and payables and stock management, etc. ? Income Analysis. This would include an EBIT margin analysis, a gross profit margin analysis (if applicable), net income analysis and EPS. Please pay close attention to the volatility of the EBIT margin, as well as “tax take” and financing impacts on Net Income. You would also be advised to incorporate ROA analysis. ROA analysis can take many forms. For example refer to page 3 of large reference document on LMS called Financial Ratios and Earnings per Share. You may choose to look at ROA, Operating ROA (sometimes called ROIC), Accounting ROA and ROTC (sometimes called ROCE) ? Capital Structure Analysis (and Solvency). This is all about ascertaining the level to which the company uses financial leverage to finance its operations and activities. The analysis should cover bonds, other forms of debt, hybrid instruments such as preference shares and convertible notes as well as financial leases. ? Coverage (and Solvency). These ratios examine the extent a company can cover its interest payments and other fixed financial commitments e.g. lease payments. ? Growth and Risk analysis. Refer to Lecture 5. For an analysis of business risk you may want to refer to the appendix in Lecture 1. You are also encouraged (not required) to perform a default risk analysis using naïve distance to default and naïve probability of default model as suggested by Bharath and Shumway (2008). Note that, this measure uses both balance sheet and market?based data (find the reference of this paper at the appendix). (e) Prospective analysis: Refer to Lecture 10. Prospective analysis involves forecasting of future balance sheet and income statement. Some concluding commentary on the company and maybe its prospects for growth, prospects as a takeover target, high risk of failure or whatever you see. Do not be afraid to track the share price and see if you can use that to understand where the company has come from and where the market thinks it might be going. You may want to even come up with a first thought on whether an investor should consider buying the stock, selling or holding the stock – without getting very technical. Report Submission Details Word limit: 6000 (excluding tables, references), +/? 5% tolerance Submission format: Word Document for Turnitin submission Referencing: Standard LTU guidelines apply to referencing, including in?text referencing and bibliography How to Submit: Hard Copy on Monday 20 May in class AND Turnitin by 11:55pm Friday, 17 May. Only one student on a team needs to submit. Indicate on front page: For EACH student: name, student number, name of tutor and time of tutorial. 6 Excel File Submission Details Submit by: 11:55 pm, Friday 17 May via the link on the LMS. Note that you can submit both the report and the excel file via the Turnitin submission link. . Indicate on front tab: For EACH student: name, student number, name of tutor and time of tutorial 7 Appendix: Cash Flows (FCFF and FCFE) Free Cash Flow to the Firm (FCFF). In Exhibit 13.3 in Wahlen this is called “FCF for All Debt & Equity Stakeholders”. • FCFF is defined as Net Income + NCC – WCInv – FCInv + Int*(1?Tc). Another way to write this is FCFF = NOPAT + NCC – WCInv – FCInv where NOPAT = EBIT *(1?Tc). ? FCFF is the “pot of cash” that is generated from operations that normally covers net payments to debt?providers (after cash) as well as net payments to equity holders. (If it does not cover these 2 things then the cash and cash equivalents of the company will fall. If payments to debt and equity participants fall short of FCFF then the cash and cash equivalents of the company will rise.) ? FCFF can be thought of as the cash generated by the use of the productive assets of the firm being PPE, Intangibles and Net Operating Working Capital. ? FCFF is often discounted over a number of years into the future to value the net operating assets of the company. WACC is used as the discount factor and a terminal value would be introduced. To get the total intrinsic (or market) value of assets, the value of non?operating assets (if any) would need to be added on. This is one approach to valuing the firm or enterprize. • NCC are the non?cash charges in year t, examples being depreciation and amortisation • WCInv is the increase in net operating working capital in year t versus year t?1. • Net operating working capital would be Stock + Trade Receivables + Required Cash + Prepayments – Trade Payables – Accrued Expenses – Current Tax Liabilities (both company tax and other taxes) • FCInv is fixed capital expenditure in year t = expenditure on PPE assets and intangibles • Net payments to debt providers in year t = a firm’s A.T. interest cost and pref.share dividends + debt & pref.share redemptions – new capital raised via debt & pref.shares • Net payments to equity holders in year t = ord. cash dividends + ord.share buy?backs ? new ordinary equity issued (including share options sold) 8 Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE). In Exhibit 13.3 in Wahlen this is called “FCF for Common Equity Shareholders” ? FCFE is defined as FCFF + Net Borrowings – Int *(1?Tc) – Pref.Share dividends …again we are assuming no company tax deduction on the pref.share dividends, otherwise it would be Pref.Share divs*(1?Tc). ? FCFE can be thought of as the cash generated by the use of the productive assets of the firm less Net payments to debt providers ? It is essentially the money left that can be used to make Net payments to equity holders (but the firm may choose NOT to remit all of it to equity holders) ? FCFE is sometimes called the “pseudo dividend” of the company and is frequently used to value the ordinary equity of the firm where ROE is used as the discount factor. Prospective FCFE numbers are discounted over a number of years into the future and a terminal value would normally be introduced. The intrinsic (or market) value of ordinary equity would also have to include the value of non operating assets (if any). ? Note that if FCFE > Net payments to equity holders, then the cash and cash equivalents of the firm increase. If FCFE < Net payments to equity holders, then the cash & cash equivalents of the firm decrease. • Net Borrowings is defined as Interest Bearing Loans drawn down – loan repayments + capital raisings from issues of bonds & preference shares and other instruments that are not ordinary equity – redemptions of bonds and preference shares and other instruments that are not ordinary equity. Reference Bharath, S.T., Shumway, T., 2008. Forecasting default with the Merton distance to default model. Review of Financial Studies, 21, 1339–1369.
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FIN5FSA Financial Statement Analysis
1 La Trobe University Department of Economics and Finance FIN5FSA Financial Statement Analysis—Semester 1, 2019 Group Assignment Highlighted points: Submission due: 11:55 pm, Friday 17 May 2019; Weight: 30%; 6000 word (equivalent to 2,000 words per student) This assignment is an integral part of the learning conducted in this course. It will harness key capabilities for successfully extracting, managing, understanding & analyzing financial statement information. It is also designed to enhance the Graduate Capabilities (GCs) of cognitive, analytical and communication skills as well as teamwork. Detailed Instructions: Please form a group of 3 members from your tutorial group. You may also have group member/s from another tutorial session. Each group needs to choose a non?financial firm currently trading on the ASX. The first task will be to collect the last 10 years data relating to income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement and ratios and collate in excel. You can get the data through Data Analysis Premium. Steps to be followed: 1. Go to Click Library ? Click Database ? Click on D 2. Click Data Analysis Premium?Click “I Agree” 3. Provide your student ID and password and you will be taken to a new website. 2 4. Put the name of the company in the box 5. You can search a company name such as Telstra. In ASX Telstra is coded as ‘TLS’. 6. If you search TLS you will be taken to the following page. Click on ‘Financial Data’. You can download all the information in spreadsheet format. 3 7. You can also click annual report. Then you can see the annual reports in PDF format. 8. Download the annual report to have a cross check. Sometimes the data downloaded in spreadsheet might be different and if so, take the value in the Annual Report as the correct value. Sometimes, the values of a particular variable may be missing in the downloaded data. If that is the case you can look for it in the annual report e.g. in the notes to the financial report. 4 9. Download the annual report and prepare the data set. Students should prepare the data in panel format in Excel (see below) e.g. Company Financial Year Total Assets Total Equity Total L.D. Debt Revenue Virgin 2012 Figures Figures Figures Figures Virgin 2013 Figures Figures Figures Figures Virgin 2014 Figures Figures Figures Figures Virgin 2015 Figures Figures Figures Figures Virgin 2016 Figures Figures Figures Figures Virgin 2017 Figures Figures Figures Figures SUBMISSION DETAILS Items to be submitted: In addition to the Excel file from 9 above, you are to submit a succinct 6000 word (equivalent to 2,000 words per student) operating and financial health check of your firm that covers: a) Company background and mission b) Business strategy analysis c) Accounting analysis d) Financial Analysis ? Common size and horizontal analysis ? Cash flow analysis ? Liquidity analysis ? Income analysis ? Solvency analysis #1: Capital structure analysis, including an analysis of debt ratios. ? Solvency analysis #2: Compilation of key coverage ratios. ? Growth and risk analysis e) Prospective analysis Further detail on the above elements is presented below (b) Business Strategy Analysis: Business strategy analysis involves analysing a firm’s industry (e.g. Porter’s five factor model) and its strategy (e.g. cost leadership vs. differentiation) to create a sustainable competitive advantage. (c) Accounting analysis: Evaluate accounting quality by assessing accounting policies and estimates. (d) Financial Analysis ? Common size & horizontal analysis of key financial statements. Various types of trend, bar & pie charts can be useful in the presentation of the analyzed results in your assessment submission. Students are expected to make very brief but pertinent comments regarding the findings. Comments could be related to the causes and significance of the increase or decrease of important variables such as PPE assets, intangibles, sales, EBIT, net income, debt, equity and cost of goods sold. ? Cash Flow analysis. You would need to provide some commentary around what trends are emerging in the part of the Cash Flow Statement called cash flow from operations as a lot of the good news and bad news of a company is revealed there. Investors often look at this section before they bother with an income statement. o You may want to take cash flow analysis further by including Free Cash flow to the Firm (FCFF) and Free Cash flow to Equity (FCFE) numbers. Have a look at the appendix to this 5 document. You will not be marked down if you leave FCFF and FCFE calculations/exploration out of this assignment as we do not explore these concepts until week 12 and will only talk of them briefly. Those concepts are explored in depth in FIN5EQS. ? Liquidity Analysis. This would entail as a minimum a current ratio and a liquid ratio together with relevant commentary on receivables and payables and stock management, etc. ? Income Analysis. This would include an EBIT margin analysis, a gross profit margin analysis (if applicable), net income analysis and EPS. Please pay close attention to the volatility of the EBIT margin, as well as “tax take” and financing impacts on Net Income. You would also be advised to incorporate ROA analysis. ROA analysis can take many forms. For example refer to page 3 of large reference document on LMS called Financial Ratios and Earnings per Share. You may choose to look at ROA, Operating ROA (sometimes called ROIC), Accounting ROA and ROTC (sometimes called ROCE) ? Capital Structure Analysis (and Solvency). This is all about ascertaining the level to which the company uses financial leverage to finance its operations and activities. The analysis should cover bonds, other forms of debt, hybrid instruments such as preference shares and convertible notes as well as financial leases. ? Coverage (and Solvency). These ratios examine the extent a company can cover its interest payments and other fixed financial commitments e.g. lease payments. ? Growth and Risk analysis. Refer to Lecture 5. For an analysis of business risk you may want to refer to the appendix in Lecture 1. You are also encouraged (not required) to perform a default risk analysis using naïve distance to default and naïve probability of default model as suggested by Bharath and Shumway (2008). Note that, this measure uses both balance sheet and market?based data (find the reference of this paper at the appendix). (e) Prospective analysis: Refer to Lecture 10. Prospective analysis involves forecasting of future balance sheet and income statement. Some concluding commentary on the company and maybe its prospects for growth, prospects as a takeover target, high risk of failure or whatever you see. Do not be afraid to track the share price and see if you can use that to understand where the company has come from and where the market thinks it might be going. You may want to even come up with a first thought on whether an investor should consider buying the stock, selling or holding the stock – without getting very technical. Report Submission Details Word limit: 6000 (excluding tables, references), +/? 5% tolerance Submission format: Word Document for Turnitin submission Referencing: Standard LTU guidelines apply to referencing, including in?text referencing and bibliography How to Submit: Hard Copy on Monday 20 May in class AND Turnitin by 11:55pm Friday, 17 May. Only one student on a team needs to submit. Indicate on front page: For EACH student: name, student number, name of tutor and time of tutorial. 6 Excel File Submission Details Submit by: 11:55 pm, Friday 17 May via the link on the LMS. Note that you can submit both the report and the excel file via the Turnitin submission link. . Indicate on front tab: For EACH student: name, student number, name of tutor and time of tutorial 7 Appendix: Cash Flows (FCFF and FCFE) Free Cash Flow to the Firm (FCFF). In Exhibit 13.3 in Wahlen this is called “FCF for All Debt & Equity Stakeholders”. • FCFF is defined as Net Income + NCC – WCInv – FCInv + Int*(1?Tc). Another way to write this is FCFF = NOPAT + NCC – WCInv – FCInv where NOPAT = EBIT *(1?Tc). ? FCFF is the “pot of cash” that is generated from operations that normally covers net payments to debt?providers (after cash) as well as net payments to equity holders. (If it does not cover these 2 things then the cash and cash equivalents of the company will fall. If payments to debt and equity participants fall short of FCFF then the cash and cash equivalents of the company will rise.) ? FCFF can be thought of as the cash generated by the use of the productive assets of the firm being PPE, Intangibles and Net Operating Working Capital. ? FCFF is often discounted over a number of years into the future to value the net operating assets of the company. WACC is used as the discount factor and a terminal value would be introduced. To get the total intrinsic (or market) value of assets, the value of non?operating assets (if any) would need to be added on. This is one approach to valuing the firm or enterprize. • NCC are the non?cash charges in year t, examples being depreciation and amortisation • WCInv is the increase in net operating working capital in year t versus year t?1. • Net operating working capital would be Stock + Trade Receivables + Required Cash + Prepayments – Trade Payables – Accrued Expenses – Current Tax Liabilities (both company tax and other taxes) • FCInv is fixed capital expenditure in year t = expenditure on PPE assets and intangibles • Net payments to debt providers in year t = a firm’s A.T. interest cost and pref.share dividends + debt & pref.share redemptions – new capital raised via debt & pref.shares • Net payments to equity holders in year t = ord. cash dividends + ord.share buy?backs ? new ordinary equity issued (including share options sold) 8 Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE). In Exhibit 13.3 in Wahlen this is called “FCF for Common Equity Shareholders” ? FCFE is defined as FCFF + Net Borrowings – Int *(1?Tc) – Pref.Share dividends …again we are assuming no company tax deduction on the pref.share dividends, otherwise it would be Pref.Share divs*(1?Tc). ? FCFE can be thought of as the cash generated by the use of the productive assets of the firm less Net payments to debt providers ? It is essentially the money left that can be used to make Net payments to equity holders (but the firm may choose NOT to remit all of it to equity holders) ? FCFE is sometimes called the “pseudo dividend” of the company and is frequently used to value the ordinary equity of the firm where ROE is used as the discount factor. Prospective FCFE numbers are discounted over a number of years into the future and a terminal value would normally be introduced. The intrinsic (or market) value of ordinary equity would also have to include the value of non operating assets (if any). ? Note that if FCFE > Net payments to equity holders, then the cash and cash equivalents of the firm increase. If FCFE < Net payments to equity holders, then the cash & cash equivalents of the firm decrease. • Net Borrowings is defined as Interest Bearing Loans drawn down – loan repayments + capital raisings from issues of bonds & preference shares and other instruments that are not ordinary equity – redemptions of bonds and preference shares and other instruments that are not ordinary equity. Reference Bharath, S.T., Shumway, T., 2008. Forecasting default with the Merton distance to default model. Review of Financial Studies, 21, 1339–1369.
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IBU5GW assignment 2
Purpose: This assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to research into a topic and apply the knowledge to systems and organizations in order to problem solve. This assignment will contribute 30% to your overall grade. Details: Choose one contemporary governance topic below: Topic • Corporate Social Responsibility is a key activity of corporate practice worldwide. (1) Choose 3 companies each operating in a different country (2) Compare how CSR is practiced in each of the 3 companies in the 3 different countries (3) Compare differences in how CSR is practices in the 3 companies operating in 3 different countries and the influence of the countries governance systems Marks awarded for referencing, writing, formatting. • Compare three company’s governance systems and practices. (1) Choose 3 companies each operating in a different country (2) Discuss how each company demonstrates good corporate governance (3) Outline the differences between the companies’ governance structures and practices and demonstrates how this is impacted upon by the countries governance systems Marks awarded for referencing, writing, formatting. The word limit is 4500 words.
We provide totally customized solution as per need of the students.
IBU5GW assignment 2
Purpose: This assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to research into a topic and apply the knowledge to systems and organizations in order to problem solve. This assignment will contribute 30% to your overall grade. Details: Choose one contemporary governance topic below: Topic • Corporate Social Responsibility is a key activity of corporate practice worldwide. (1) Choose 3 companies each operating in a different country (2) Compare how CSR is practiced in each of the 3 companies in the 3 different countries (3) Compare differences in how CSR is practices in the 3 companies operating in 3 different countries and the influence of the countries governance systems Marks awarded for referencing, writing, formatting. • Compare three company’s governance systems and practices. (1) Choose 3 companies each operating in a different country (2) Discuss how each company demonstrates good corporate governance (3) Outline the differences between the companies’ governance structures and practices and demonstrates how this is impacted upon by the countries governance systems Marks awarded for referencing, writing, formatting. The word limit is 4500 words.
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CASE STUDY Case Study for Assessment Tasks flickr photo shared by JPDaigle under a Creative Commons ( BY-NC-SA ) license Case study: ‘No Name’ Aircraft CEO Adam O’Meara of ‘No Name’ Aircraft has become increasingly concerned about organisational profits. He’s worried that a company takeover is imminent. O’Meara realises he needs to maximise shareholders’ return on investment and obtain a high share price or this international company may be at risk and, of course, this means his job could well be on the line. ‘No Name’ operates out of Australia and has subsidiaries in three countries – China, Singapore and Vietnam. ‘No Name’ build and sell aircraft to 50 countries around the world. Numerous parts of the aircraft are produced in China and Vietnam and most of the design engineers operate out of Singapore. Aircraft are assembled in Singapore and also Australia. Culture ‘No Name’ home country (Australian) teams are not working well and there is a communication breakdown between integrated teams and across teams and management. The culture at ‘No Name’ has developed into one that is very negative and workers have adopted the mantra ‘near enough is good enough’. Staff give the impression they would resist any attempt to make change. This kind of culture extends to communications between Headquarters and the subsidiaries. One of the home country management teams has identified quality as one of the major problems at ‘No Name’ and this is directly related to parts from China and Vietnam. Aircraft require small to large modifications even after they have been delivered to customers. Customers, both government and non-government, are complaining about the lack of quality, once very important to ‘No Name’. A number of stakeholders have sent O’Meara letters warning that unless quality is improved within six months, they will withhold partial payments and some are quoting percentages – certain customers say they will withhold 100 per cent and others are quoting 50 per cent. One supervisor at ‘No Name’ is responsible for a sub-design team of 9 people, another is responsible for 11 people who are the wire harness assembly team, and another team of 6 sets the harnesses in place in the aircraft. These are just three of over 50 teams that make up the assembly of an aircraft. There is no integration across the teams. Ben Brown, a member of the wire harness assembly team, notes ‘…..the other teams make it really difficult for us to complete our job. We all get in each other’s way. There’s a lot of resentment’. The teams work to specifications for their area only, and working relationships within and across teams are suffering. The communications both laterally and horizontally are compromised and staff members are complaining about not receiving adequate instructions. Adam O’Meara is worried so he has called upon an internal group of executives to advise him. Line managers in Australia are responsible for communications between Headquarters and the subsidiaries. However, O’Meara is constantly receiving emails from China, Singapore and Vietnam seeking clarification on numerous points. Diversity management Diversity management at ‘No Name’ is confined to a simple policy that says everyone in the organisation needs to be respectful of race, age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, physical abilities, religious beliefs and other philosophies. There are issues at ‘No Name’ related to embracing the rich value of working with diverse people. Firstly, at headquarters there is an intolerance towards working with employees from different generations. Senior staff are intolerant of working with apprentices and working relationships are strained. Secondly, there is a lack of recruitment of people with disabilities in China. Managers are actively ignoring job applications of people with disabilities, even when their skills are above and beyond other candidates. O’Meara fears repercussions of this recruitment discrimination in the form of legal action from rejected candidates with a disability. Human Resources (HR) does not have a clear set of practices to help employees understand each other. Clearly, the interactions amongst staff are influenced by the perceptions of each other but HR does not appear to have considered the importance of how people perceive each other. At ‘No Name’, employees need to better understand each other, to have effective communication and to value the diversity that exists throughout the company. Diversity needs to provide practices that involve an appreciation of other cultures and ways of knowing more about people within headquarters, each subsidiary and across the subsidiaries. Practices have to ensure there is no organisational discrimination so that people can work together in harmony. ‘No Name’ needs to realise that managing diversity can create a competitive advantage and be of benefit to a number of different areas of the organisation. International performance management There are numerous performance management issues across ‘No Name’. International performance is closely connected to international performance appraisals but these are lacking at ‘No Name’. Performance reviews are conducted by HR in Australia but there are no performance reviews conducted at any of the subsidiaries. There is no formal performance appraisal process for expatriates. Headquarters takes a very ad hoc approach and does not take into consideration the economic factors that impact on business targets. One manager, Frank Collins was heard to say ‘we are under so much pressure in Australia because of high costs and even higher expectations’. At headquarters decisions are made that affect each of the subsidiaries. For instance, headquarters will issue a decision and make an order for Singapore to produce a certain quota of parts only to find out there is a surplus of the same parts in Australia. Clearly, the implementation of decisions for the subsidiaries result in conflicting performance outcomes. Fundamentally, there is no policy that underpins performance management at ‘No Name’. There are no clear measures. O’Meara told the HR Manager ‘It’s time we had better performance measures…..we need to measure to manage. Someone will need to travel to China, Singapore and Vietnam and make sure we have consistency…..of course, we need to take into consideration culture and local practices’. Training and development As a function of HR, training and development should be concerned with every aspect of the organisation’s activities. Expatriate training for those leaving Australia to work in China, Singapore or Vietnam is limited to half a day. HR refers staff to their online resources and assumes that every person has the same needs when they agree to work in another country. There are no feedback avenues for employees to comment on the effectiveness of the expatriate training. One employee, a mechanical engineer Alice Morgan, previously commented about her move to Singapore ‘there is no training available to help you integrate into your new surroundings once you arrive. People do things differently here and it took me a long time to get used to with no training’ The level of performance at ‘No Name’ indicates there’s a very strong rationale for focusing more on training and development across the organisation. There is no systematic workforce planning and management development programs at ‘No Name’. Management development programs within an organisation work to internally identify and recruit potential managers, and develop their knowledge and skills through career development plans to meet organisational needs. This ensures a clear and effective succession plan for all key management roles. Employees are unaware of their career prospects with the company as career development plans are not utilised. Senior management do not develop junior employees to take over their role for fear of being sidelined for promotion. This lack of professional development has meant that a number of key employees earmarked for promotion have been poached by other companies.
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Case Study for Assessment Tasks Case study: ‘No Name’ Aircraft CEO Adam O’Meara of ‘No Name’ Aircraft has become increasingly concerned about organisational profits. He’s worried that a company takeover is imminent. O’Meara realises he needs to maximise shareholders’ return on investment and obtain a high share price or this international company may be at risk and, of course, this means his job could well be on the line. ‘No Name’ operates out of Australia and has subsidiaries in three countries – China, Singapore and Vietnam. ‘No Name’ build and sell aircraft to 50 countries around the world. Numerous parts of the aircraft are produced in China and Vietnam and most of the design engineers operate out of Singapore. Aircraft are assembled in Singapore and also Australia. Culture ‘No Name’ home country (Australian) teams are not working well and there is a communication breakdown between integrated teams and across teams and management. The culture at ‘No Name’ has developed into one that is very negative and workers have adopted the mantra ‘near enough is good enough’. Staff give the impression they would resist any attempt to make change. This kind of culture extends to communications between Headquarters and the subsidiaries. One of the home country management teams has identified quality as one of the major problems at ‘No Name’ and this is directly related to parts from China and Vietnam. Aircraft require small to large modifications even after they have been delivered to customers. Customers, both government and non-government, are complaining about the lack of quality, once very important to ‘No Name’. A number of stakeholders have sent O’Meara letters warning that unless quality is improved within six months, they will withhold partial payments and some are quoting percentages – certain customers say they will withhold 100 per cent and others are quoting 50 per cent. One supervisor at ‘No Name’ is responsible for a sub-design team of 9 people, another is responsible for 11 people who are the wire harness assembly team, and another team of 6 sets the harnesses in place in the aircraft. These are just three of over 50 teams that make up the assembly of an aircraft. There is no integration across the teams. Ben Brown, a member of the wire harness assembly team, notes ‘…..the other teams make it really difficult for us to complete our job. We all get in each other’s way. There’s a lot of resentment’. The teams work to specifications for their area only, and working relationships within and across teams are suffering. The communications both laterally and horizontally are compromised and staff members are complaining about not receiving adequate instructions. Adam O’Meara is worried so he has called upon an internal group of executives to advise him. Line managers in Australia are responsible for communications between Headquarters and the subsidiaries. However, O’Meara is constantly receiving emails from China, Singapore and Vietnam seeking clarification on numerous points. Diversity management Diversity management at ‘No Name’ is confined to a simple policy that says everyone in the organisation needs to be respectful of race, age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, physical abilities, religious beliefs and other philosophies. There are issues at ‘No Name’ related to embracing the rich value of working with diverse people. Firstly, at headquarters there is an intolerance towards working with employees from different generations. Senior staff are intolerant of working with apprentices and working relationships are strained. Secondly, there is a lack of recruitment of people with disabilities in China. Managers are actively ignoring job applications of people with disabilities, even when their skills are above and beyond other candidates. O’Meara fears repercussions of this recruitment discrimination in the form of legal action from rejected candidates with a disability. Human Resources (HR) does not have a clear set of practices to help employees understand each other. Clearly, the interactions amongst staff are influenced by the perceptions of each other but HR does not appear to have considered the importance of how people perceive each other. At ‘No Name’, employees need to better understand each other, to have effective communication and to value the diversity that exists throughout the company. Diversity needs to provide practices that involve an appreciation of other cultures and ways of knowing more about people within headquarters, each subsidiary and across the subsidiaries. Practices have to ensure there is no organisational discrimination so that people can work together in harmony. ‘No Name’ needs to realise that managing diversity can create a competitive advantage and be of benefit to a number of different areas of the organisation. International performance management There are numerous performance management issues across ‘No Name’. International performance is closely connected to international performance appraisals but these are lacking at ‘No Name’. Performance reviews are conducted by HR in Australia but there are no performance reviews conducted at any of the subsidiaries. There is no formal performance appraisal process for expatriates. Headquarters takes a very ad hoc approach and does not take into consideration the economic factors that impact on business targets. One manager, Frank Collins was heard to say ‘we are under so much pressure in Australia because of high costs and even higher expectations’. At headquarters decisions are made that affect each of the subsidiaries. For instance, headquarters will issue a decision and make an order for Singapore to produce a certain quota of parts only to find out there is a surplus of the same parts in Australia. Clearly, the implementation of decisions for the subsidiaries result in conflicting performance outcomes. Fundamentally, there is no policy that underpins performance management at ‘No Name’. There are no clear measures. O’Meara told the HR Manager ‘It’s time we had better performance measures…..we need to measure to manage. Someone will need to travel to China, Singapore and Vietnam and make sure we have consistency…..of course, we need to take into consideration culture and local practices’. Training and development As a function of HR, training and development should be concerned with every aspect of the organisation’s activities. Expatriate training for those leaving Australia to work in China, Singapore or Vietnam is limited to half a day. HR refers staff to their online resources and assumes that every person has the same needs when they agree to work in another country. There are no feedback avenues for employees to comment on the effectiveness of the expatriate training. One employee, a mechanical engineer Alice Morgan, previously commented about her move to Singapore ‘there is no training available to help you integrate into your new surroundings once you arrive. People do things differently here and it took me a long time to get used to with no training’ The level of performance at ‘No Name’ indicates there’s a very strong rationale for focusing more on training and development across the organisation. There is no systematic workforce planning and management development programs at ‘No Name’. Management development programs within an organisation work to internally identify and recruit potential managers, and develop their knowledge and skills through career development plans to meet organisational needs. This ensures a clear and effective succession plan for all key management roles. Employees are unaware of their career prospects with the company as career development plans are not utilised. Senior management do not develop junior employees to take over their role for fear of being sidelined for promotion. This lack of professional development has meant that a number of key employees earmarked for promotion have been poached by other companies. ? Case Study Report Your task: You are an International Human Resource Management (HRM) Consultant. You have been given a contract to go into the organisation and it will be your responsibility to respond to the following three questions: 1. As an International Human Resource Management Consultant what are the issues? In this question you need to explain what the issues are in the case study. 2. How should Human Resource Management deal with the issues in the case? You need to explain how HRM should ensure the issues are not repeated, taking into consideration the international environment. 3. What is your plan to present to the organisation? You need to make a solid recommendation to the company and present them with an implementation plan to eliminate the issues. Write short report style answers to these three questions, remembering to cite and correctly reference your sources. DO NOT USE DOT POINTS. For a comprehensive guide please visit this page: Writing Report - Assessment Task 3 (providing this as the PDF) ? Some Selected References for You to Begin Researching Here You can find some good papers and books that you would be able to find it through Library Website: Peer Reviewed Articles: Article: The search for global competence: From international HR to talent management Article: Human resource management in US subsidiaries in Europe and Australia: centralisation or autonomy? Article: International human resource management in the Arab Gulf States – an institutional perspective Article: IHRM and expatriation in Japanese MNCs: HRM practices and their impact on adjustment and job performance Article: Influences on HRM practices in MNCs: a qualitative study in the Australian context Article: Institutional factors affecting offshore business process and information technology outsourcing Article: Comparing capitalisms: understanding institutional diversity and its implications for international business Article: Future research on human resource management systems in Asia Books: International Human Resource Management (2010) by Anne-Wil K Harzing and Ashly Pinnington International Human Resource Management : Policies and Practices for Multinational Enterprises (2010) by Ibraiz Tarique, Dennis R. Briscoe, and Randall S Schuler International Human Resource Management : Policies and Practices for Multinational Enterprises (2015, Ed 4th), by Dennis Briscoe, Randall Schuler, and Ibraiz Tarique Managing a Global Workforce : Challenges and Opportunities in International Human Resource Management (2010), by Charles M. Vance and Yongsun Paik International Human Resource Management : Policy and Practice (2014) by Mila B. Lazarova, Michael J. Morley, and Shaun Tyson Web Pages: • • • • • •
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Assignment requirements ? 3-4 students to complete a group project. ? Word Limit: 2500-3000 ? Between 5-10 references for each option. ? LMS – 1 team = 1 Group Project submission ? Worth: 30% ? Ensure you hand in your group contract with your assignment. Added to the end of your assignment please Option ? Discussion paper of the training and education opportunities available in Victoria for volunteers in the sport industry. ? Describe the sport first – introduction ? What is the organisation structure ie. Hierarchy, paid vs volunteer staff ? Who and what are the volunteers responsibilities? ? Discussion paper – outline and discuss the opportunities available for volunteers ? Training needs and compliance requirements ? Education for volunteers ? Why are these training and education programs for volunteers important or otherwise? What makes them good or bad? Group Assignment – Assessment Criteria Total 30%: Fail 0-44% Fail 45-49 D 50-59% C 60-69% B 70-79% A 80-100% Fulfilment of overall group assignment task Fails to satisfy the minimum requirements Just fails to satisfy the minimum requirements Broadly completed but some parts are superficially treated, misunderstood or nearly overlooked. Sound conceptual development, problems encountered have been satisfactorily solved, resulting in well-presented work. Material presented is strongly linked to task; comprehension of task is high. Sophisticated concepts communicated through advanced use of technique Exceeds or refines the basic task requirements. Use of information (including evidence and examples) Scant use of information and examples of principles and concepts Some knowledge and use of information and examples but insufficient to communicate appropriately for the topic Generally accurate and appropriate; some incomplete, unsupported or inconsistent information. Well researched with good use of material. Most information is appropriate, consistent and supportive of the conclusions drawn. Sources of information acknowledged. Conclusions are fully supported by appropriate and well organised data. May be some minor omissions. Sources fully referenced. Evidence of critical or thoughtful sorting and selection. Comprehensive and accurate. Conclusions fully supported by a range of evidence. Application of theories & concepts including ethical dimensions No evidence of application to theory and concepts to construct a coherent argument. Ethical dimensions have not been considered. Just fails to satisfy the application of theory and concepts to construct a coherent argument. Ethical dimension in working with an outside organisation have not been explored in sufficient detail Generally very limited application; some misunderstanding or quite superficial treatment. Ethical components of working with an outside. Organisations have been considered but some aspects have been missed. Relevant concepts and theory applied in a generally appropriate and insignificant way. No major misunderstandings; logical connections between ideas; no serious omissions. Most of the ethical components of working with an outside organisations are recognised Critical or evaluative thinking about how concepts/theories are applied; little inaccuracy or misunderstanding. ethical components of working with an outside organisation are recognised and identified and addressed Creative or reflective processing of theories/concepts; understanding of how and why they are used; critical and evaluative thinking. Ethical components of working with an outside organisation. Have been explored and discussed Structure and organisation No attempt to meet structural criteria Some attempt to meet structural criteria Well enough structured to make sense; could be better organised and more tightly focused upon the topic. Instances of irrelevance or confusion. Evidence of having read and understood core texts and other material. Sequence and structure are logical and easy to follow. Introductory and concluding sections used effectively. Thorough understanding of core texts and materials. Ideas are sequenced in a logically satisfying way; connections between different themes or sections are well made. Very good understanding of core texts and material. Structure and sequence are used effectively to help integrate ideas or support logical argument. Soundly structured throughout. Evidence of extended reading beyond core texts and materials Language use Inconsistent and difficult to follow Poor expression in several places Clear enough to be understood; some confused or unclear expression. Spelling, punctuation & grammar generally satisfactory but likely to need attention. Language is generally sound and clear throughout. Language use demonstrates precision and expressiveness as well as clarity. Confident and precise use of language; mastery of style and tone. Teamwork & Group Contract Very little attempt to develop a workable group brief to meet the task. Adopted basic team skills with some outside guidance to meet task. Team engaged effectively and contributed fairly in producing the task components. Some external guidance was required in producing and/or integrating the task components. Team engaged effectively and each member contributed fairly in producing the task components. Engaged as an effective professional team, with each member contributing effectively to the whole.
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MGT5EBP Assessment 3
Instructions for Assessment 3: Individual Report and Video Presentation on Contemporary Issue During the entrepreneurial process of new venture start-up, managing the growing business, and harvesting the venture, entrepreneurs are constantly facing new challenges. The final assignment is an individual project where you are required to do secondary research on a contemporary issue or emerging trend, of current interest and relevance that can potentially impact any stage in the life cycle of an entrepreneurial venture. TASKS 1. An individual report (max. 2500 words) on a chosen contemporary issue of entrepreneurship. 2. An in class presentation of your findings from your report (max. 1 minute). Note: no slides nor media, talking only. An in class handout is however allowed. You must demonstrate how and why it is relevant to entrepreneurs and explain the specific challenges they face while operating in complex, dynamic and uncertain business environments. In your systematic and in-depth review of the extant literature on your specific topic you must be critical and reflective while at the same time integrate your knowledge and skills from other business courses in order to make informed judgements and conclusions. A specific requirement is to link theoretical foundations (from academic sources such as journal articles) with entrepreneurial outcomes. Example topics: The Lean Startup is an important entrepreneurship tool; Design thinking truly benefits entrepreneurship; Crowd sourcing – an effective way for funding startups; Why startups need to devise exit strategies; What does entrepreneurial leadership mean?; Effectuation – why should entrepreneurs take notice?; Should entrepreneurs be concerned with triple bottom line? ; Youth Entrepreneurship; Senior Entrepreneurship; Global Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship Ecosystems in Australia; The nexus between entrepreneurship and innovation? Types of entrepreneurs, such as lifestyle, necessity, sports entrepreneurs. More recent contemporary issues include the link between entrepreneurship and Blockchain, Virtual Reality, disruptive technologies and Artificial Intelligence. Further guidelines Format Your findings must be documented in the format of a management report. All information must be supported by references and this assignment must include at least five references to credible academic journals. Please refer to the report template on Moodle in the Assessments section. Your presentation should be an appropriate summary of your report, and clearly identify your rationale, justification and argument of your chosen contemporary issue of entrepreneurship. A significant link to theory is a requirement. Since you only have 2 minutes, creativity is required, similar to the trait of a successful entrepreneur. Report Length Maximum 2,500 words, excluding references and appendices. Presentation: maximum 1 minute. Assessment criteria Please refer to and be guided by the rubrics for this assignment. Weighting The report and presentation carry a combined weighting of 40%. Submission requirements Submit the final report via Moodle (TurnItIn) before or on the due date. Do NOT include your signed declaration form as part of your TurnItIn submission. Your cover page MUST include the following information: Your name and student number; Word count, clickable video hyperlink. REPORT FORMATS All three assignments must be presented in the format of a management report that complies with the following: • Format: Microsoft Word. • Font: 12 point, Times New Roman. • Text [Including references]: 1.5 line spacing, left-justified. • Page Layout: 1-inch (2.54cm) margins on all sides with page numbers in the bottom right corner and no header/footer. • A front cover page that contains the report’s title, author(s), submission date and word count. • An executive summary of no longer than one page. • A table of contents. Main and sub-sections must be numbered and linked to page numbers. • The report must be paginated. • The report must be spell-checked. • All Figures/Tables/Graphs must be sequentially numbered and captioned. • All Figures/Tables/Graphs must be referred to and discussed from within body of text. • In-text citation of sources must be done correctly (using APA6 or Harvard). • A reference list must be provided and comply with prescribed style (APA6, Harvard). • Appendices must be sequentially numbered and appropriately captioned. • The abstract/executive summary is the foundation of your assessment! • Each report must have an introduction and end with a conclusion. A report template is provided on the course Moodle site. You can edit and modify its appearance to your liking.
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MGT5EBP Assessment 3
Instructions for Assessment 3: Individual Report and Video Presentation on Contemporary Issue During the entrepreneurial process of new venture start-up, managing the growing business, and harvesting the venture, entrepreneurs are constantly facing new challenges. The final assignment is an individual project where you are required to do secondary research on a contemporary issue or emerging trend, of current interest and relevance that can potentially impact any stage in the life cycle of an entrepreneurial venture. TASKS 1. An individual report (max. 2500 words) on a chosen contemporary issue of entrepreneurship. 2. An in class presentation of your findings from your report (max. 1 minute). Note: no slides nor media, talking only. An in class handout is however allowed. You must demonstrate how and why it is relevant to entrepreneurs and explain the specific challenges they face while operating in complex, dynamic and uncertain business environments. In your systematic and in-depth review of the extant literature on your specific topic you must be critical and reflective while at the same time integrate your knowledge and skills from other business courses in order to make informed judgements and conclusions. A specific requirement is to link theoretical foundations (from academic sources such as journal articles) with entrepreneurial outcomes. Example topics: The Lean Startup is an important entrepreneurship tool; Design thinking truly benefits entrepreneurship; Crowd sourcing – an effective way for funding startups; Why startups need to devise exit strategies; What does entrepreneurial leadership mean?; Effectuation – why should entrepreneurs take notice?; Should entrepreneurs be concerned with triple bottom line? ; Youth Entrepreneurship; Senior Entrepreneurship; Global Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship Ecosystems in Australia; The nexus between entrepreneurship and innovation? Types of entrepreneurs, such as lifestyle, necessity, sports entrepreneurs. More recent contemporary issues include the link between entrepreneurship and Blockchain, Virtual Reality, disruptive technologies and Artificial Intelligence. Further guidelines Format Your findings must be documented in the format of a management report. All information must be supported by references and this assignment must include at least five references to credible academic journals. Please refer to the report template on Moodle in the Assessments section. Your presentation should be an appropriate summary of your report, and clearly identify your rationale, justification and argument of your chosen contemporary issue of entrepreneurship. A significant link to theory is a requirement. Since you only have 2 minutes, creativity is required, similar to the trait of a successful entrepreneur. Report Length Maximum 2,500 words, excluding references and appendices. Presentation: maximum 1 minute. Assessment criteria Please refer to and be guided by the rubrics for this assignment. Weighting The report and presentation carry a combined weighting of 40%. Submission requirements Submit the final report via Moodle (TurnItIn) before or on the due date. Do NOT include your signed declaration form as part of your TurnItIn submission. Your cover page MUST include the following information: Your name and student number; Word count, clickable video hyperlink. REPORT FORMATS All three assignments must be presented in the format of a management report that complies with the following: • Format: Microsoft Word. • Font: 12 point, Times New Roman. • Text [Including references]: 1.5 line spacing, left-justified. • Page Layout: 1-inch (2.54cm) margins on all sides with page numbers in the bottom right corner and no header/footer. • A front cover page that contains the report’s title, author(s), submission date and word count. • An executive summary of no longer than one page. • A table of contents. Main and sub-sections must be numbered and linked to page numbers. • The report must be paginated. • The report must be spell-checked. • All Figures/Tables/Graphs must be sequentially numbered and captioned. • All Figures/Tables/Graphs must be referred to and discussed from within body of text. • In-text citation of sources must be done correctly (using APA6 or Harvard). • A reference list must be provided and comply with prescribed style (APA6, Harvard). • Appendices must be sequentially numbered and appropriately captioned. • The abstract/executive summary is the foundation of your assessment! • Each report must have an introduction and end with a conclusion. A report template is provided on the course Moodle site. You can edit and modify its appearance to your liking.
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MGT5EBP enterpreneual business planing.
Instructions for Assessment 1: Individual Report and Presentation on Entrepreneur Analysis From entreprenuer magazine Studying successful entrepreneurs has the potential for considerable learning and positive role modelling. From the BRW Top 100 rich list find and research a successful entrepreneur that you find interesting and that you admire. You may however choose an entrepreneur of choice, but suggest you confirm this with your lecturer. Tasks: 1 Write a report in which you summarise your most important learning and insights you have gathered from your (secondary) research about the entrepreneur you have chosen. Explore and discuss patterns, differences and similarities evident between entrepreneurship theory and what you found written about your entrepreneur’s mindset, orientation, and behaviour. 2 Provide a 1minute in-class presentation (talking only, no slides nor media, but an in class handout is allowed) in which you introduce and provide a summary of your entrepreneur and report. It is important that you highlight the entrepreneurial orientation of your chosen entrepreneur, and justification of your opinion. Below are some aspects that you could investigate (use as a guideline only): • Why can this person be categorised as an entrepreneur? • What type of entrepreneur is your chosen entrepreneur? • What are your entrepreneur’s major talents and shortcomings (as an entrepreneur)? • How would you describe your entrepreneur’s temperament? • How would you describe the entrepreneurial orientation of the person you are studying? • What things motivate your entrepreneur to pursue entrepreneurial opportunities? • What surprised you most about your entrepreneur’s behaviour? • Through your research, what was confirmed /contradicted about entrepreneurship? • What new insights emerged? • How important is teamwork to your entrepreneur? • What hurdles did he/she overcome? • What mistakes did he/she make? • Of what importance was networking to your entrepreneur? • Which “tools of the trade” is he/she using? • What factors support/hinder his/her entrepreneurial behaviour? • In what ways does this study inform your knowledge of entrepreneurship? The key to this evaluation is the way in which you integrate the information you have collected about your entrepreneur with the content of this course and the theories (such as entrepreneurial orientation and the entrepreneurship process) underpinning entrepreneurship. It is not simply a list and outline of the events and activities of your selected entrepreneur, but the way in which you convey a focused and sustained argument supported by literature; appropriate for integrating theory and practice. To this extent, you are to apply (and appropriately reference, both in-text and in the reference list) at least 10 sources (to include at least 5 academic journal articles, plus additional media or newspaper articles, periodicals, web links, blogs, social media and so on. An example of academic journal articles is provided in the Reading List. Further guidelines Format Your findings must be documented in the format of a management report. All information must be supported by references and this assignment must include at least three references to credible academic journals. Please refer to the report template on Moodle in the Assessments section. In addition to your report you must provide a 1-minute in class presentation in which you introduce and provide a summary of your entrepreneur and report. It is important that you highlight the entrepreneurial orientation of your chosen entrepreneur, and justification of your opinion. Report Length Maximum 2,500 words, excluding references and appendices. Assessment criteria Please refer to and be guided by the rubrics for this assignment. Weighting The report and presentation carry a combined weighting of 40%. Submission requirements Submit the final report via Moodle (TurnItIn) before or on the due date. Do NOT include your signed declaration form as part of your TurnItIn submission. Your cover page MUST include the following information: Your name and student number; Word count, clickable video hyperlink. REPORT FORMATS All three assignments must be presented in the format of a management report that complies with the following: • Format: Microsoft Word. • Font: 12 point, Times New Roman. • Text [Including references]: 1.5 line spacing, left-justified. • Page Layout: 1-inch (2.54cm) margins on all sides with page numbers in the bottom right corner and no header/footer. • A front cover page that contains the report’s title, author(s), submission date, video URL and word count. • An executive summary of no longer than one page. • A table of contents. Main and sub-sections must be numbered and linked to page numbers. • The report must be paginated. • The report must be spell-checked. • All Figures/Tables/Graphs must be sequentially numbered and captioned. • All Figures/Tables/Graphs must be referred to and discussed from within body of text. • In-text citation of sources must be done correctly (using APA6). • A reference list must be provided and comply with prescribed style (APA6). • Appendices must be sequentially numbered and appropriately captioned. • Remember, the most important part of the assessment is the abstract/executive summary! • Each report must have an introduction and end with a conclusion. A report template is provided on the course Moodle site. You can edit and modify its appearance to your liking.
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MGT5IPM Assessment 3 Project Governance Planning
Assessment 3 (Project Governance Plan) instructions Laying the groundwork for a Project Governance Plan How will you track progress on this project? Prepare a proposal for a Project Governance Plan. Scenario Kate now needs to know how The ATA should be tracking the project’s progress without imposing a complex process on a relative low-value project (as important to the East Timor society as it is) and overloading her limited resources. In particular, she wants to know how her finance is tracking, how well the project is adhering to the schedule, how well her risk plan is working and whether there are any emerging risk and anything else you deem necessary for project reporting and governance purposes. More importantly, how will all this data be reported and presented, and how frequently? The CEO needs a regular project summary so that she can keep the Board up to date on the project achievements. We recommend you watch *all* of the ATA videos before you begin your assessment activities. You may need to review these specific videos for this assessment task: • Video 5: Leadership in Managing the East Timor Project Background Now the planning for the project has largely been completed and you have most of your plans formalised, i.e., risk management plans, your project schedule baselined, budget and resource plan. The questions are: 1. How would Kate monitor and control the project, and 2. What type of information/data should Kate be providing the stakeholders and the CEO so that they can be assured that the project is proceeding as planned? The latter is an area that requires a degree of ingenuity from the project manager and the team. Once you have decided what monitoring and controlling processes should be implemented, the challenge is how to present this to an international audience and to a busy CEO? Keep in mind that English is not the international stakeholders’ language in many instances and certainly is not the national language of East Timor. This particular activity is critical to project governance. The scope of the task Submit a proposal detailing: 1. The methodology that you would recommend for cost and schedule tracking and the reason why you have chosen them over other methods. Outline the advantages and risks of using the monitoring and controlling methods that you have chosen and also the ones that you have rejected. 2. The format and structure of these project reports. For example: what kind of data should be presented? Do you just present the actual hours used or dollars spent for the reporting period? What about explanation and commentary? Provide explanations as to why you prefer the recommended structure and your decision on reporting this data over others. Please note that these are reports for the project manager/team and the Governance Board, NOT for the CEO and the Board. 3. The frequency of the project Governance Board meeting and who should attend? Explain why you have selected those attendees. 4. The format and structure for the CEO and Board project report. Similarly, explain the reasons why you have chosen this reporting format and structure. Your proposal should be presented in an essay format. It needs to look and sound professional and to be suitable for tabling in an official meeting. Preparing your submission: Prepare your submission as a Word document, up to 1,500 words (excluding references). Make sure you include at least three references to academic and/or professional body publications, using the APA6 or Harvard referencing style.
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MGT5OBR ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR Assessment 2: Individual Assignment This individual assignment provides you with an opportunity to develop your critical thinking skills and skills in reading and understanding academic journal articles. Your task is to compare and contrast three academic journal articles. You need to: (a) Summarise each article (b) Analyse the articles (c) Provide recommendations As a general guide these three main parts should be roughly equal in word count. The introduction and conclusion should each be approximately 10% of the length of the paper. Instructions 1. Select ONE of the articles listed in the table below Option 1: Adams, J. S. (1963). Toward an understanding of inequity. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67, 422-436. Option 2: Digman, J. M. (1990). Personality structure: Emergence of the five-factor model. Annual Review of Psychology, 41, 417-440. Option 3: French, J. R. P., & Raven, B. (1959). The bases of social power. In D. Cartwright (Eds.), Studies in social power (pp. 150-167). Institute for Social Research: Ann Arbor, Michigan. Option 4: Schein. E. (1984). Coming to a new awareness of organizational culture. Sloan Management Review, 25(2), 3-16. 2. Use the library databases and search engines to find two additional journal articles published on the same topic of your chosen article. The two additional journal articles must have been published between 2012 and present and must be selected from the following list of journals: *Journal of Organizational Behavior *Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes *Journal of Applied Psychology Academy of Management Journal British Journal of Management Human Relations Journal of Management Leadership Quarterly *It is recommended that you start your search within one of the journals marked with an *. These journals principally publish topics in organisational behaviour. **Note: These are the exact names of the acceptable journals. Click on the journal name to go to the online library access page (La Trobe sign in may be required). 3. Read each article thoroughly. Pay particular attention to the introduction, literature review, and discussion sections. You can skim the methods and results sections. You will use this information to analyse and compare and contrast the articles. 4. Write your essay The individual assignment should be written in a neat, professional and engaging manner using an essay format. Your essay should have the following sections: • Introduction o Try to write something engaging to capture the reader’s interest. o Clearly identify the topic that ties the three articles together (e.g., motivation, organisational citizenship, etc.). o Include a brief overview of the assignment and how it is organised. • Article summary o Briefly summarise the articles. Focus on describing the key concepts and main points from each article (e.g., the theoretical concepts). • Article analysis o Identify and discuss on which points they agree and on which points they differ. Can the differing opinions be synthesised? If you deem an author’s position more credible explain your arguments. If you disagree with an author’s position, explain your reasoning. Do the research findings matter, and can the research be applied in real work settings? • Recommendations o Based on the above analysis, what specific recommendations can you make for managers or organisations? Aim for 2 to 4 clear and concise recommendations. ? Don’t simply re-state the authors’ recommendations from each article; develop your own recommendations based on all three articles. ? If it isn’t possible to make any recommendations (e.g., all the articles were severely flawed), explain your reasoning. • Conclusion o Summarise and integrate your findings. • References o Provide references as a separate page at the end of the document. You need to use the APA or Harvard Referencing System. Length: The total length of the assignment is a maximum of 2,000 words (+/- 10%) (Reference list and title page are excluded from the word count) Weighting: 40% of your total mark. Due date: Sunday ending Week 8 by 11:55pm Submission: Submit via the LMS (Assignment Turnitin). Hard copies are NOT required Format: The document should be written as clear, concise essay. It is important that your essay has a logical flow and good structure, makes use of relevant subheadings where appropriate, and that you write using coherent, integrated text, avoiding grammatical and spelling mistakes. For reading (and marking) ease please use a 12-point Calibri font with 1.5x spacing. Marking Criteria: Please refer to the LMS for marking criteria. Tips • Focus your discussion and analysis on the key concepts and theories in the articles. • Focus your discussion and analysis on the information contained in the three articles, and only the three articles. • You can skim the methods and results sections for each article, especially for highly complex statistical analysis. Teaching staff understand that these sections are often complex and difficult to understand, and they will not expect detailed analysis of these sections. The paragraphs just before the Methods section will usually give a brief overview of how the study or studies were conducted, and the first few paragraphs of the Discussion section will usually give you a brief summary of the results. • Use in-text citations throughout your report and include a separate reference page at the end of the document. • In the main body of the report, use in-text citations to identify the articles and the source of your ideas. In APA and Harvard style, this means you should provide the author surnames and the year of publication when discussing something from that article. For example, ‘Smith and Jackson (1997) argued that Concept X …’ or ‘Concept X can be defined as … (Smith and Jackson, 1997)’. • Ask for help if you are unsure about what to do. • Refer to Assessment Help Guide (located on the LMS). • Only use the three articles as references.
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Assessment 2 instructions Assessment 2: Case study analysis You are the expert hired by Laburnum Group to investigate two different aspects of their business portfolio. You have been asked to provide both quantitative and qualitative analyses of inefficiencies and/or challenges identified in the following case study, and to address the specific questions raised by the top management across both the energy and clothing business portfolios of Laburnum Group. Carefully read the Laburnum Group case study and the associated questions. Develop a report that addresses the questions asked by the top management in relation to both energy and clothing businesses of Laburnum Group. You will need to draw on theories covered in this subject as well as other academic resources (e.g. journal articles, book chapters). Make sure you carefully read the marking criteria before you start work on your assignment. Submit your final report as a Word document, including your analyses and recommendations about both businesses. Remember to use the Academy of Management referencing style. (Note that your calculations and your reference list are not included in your total word count.)
We provide totally customized solution as per need of the students.
Assessment 2 instructions Assessment 2: Case study analysis You are the expert hired by Laburnum Group to investigate two different aspects of their business portfolio. You have been asked to provide both quantitative and qualitative analyses of inefficiencies and/or challenges identified in the following case study, and to address the specific questions raised by the top management across both the energy and clothing business portfolios of Laburnum Group. Carefully read the Laburnum Group case study and the associated questions. Develop a report that addresses the questions asked by the top management in relation to both energy and clothing businesses of Laburnum Group. You will need to draw on theories covered in this subject as well as other academic resources (e.g. journal articles, book chapters). Make sure you carefully read the marking criteria before you start work on your assignment. Submit your final report as a Word document, including your analyses and recommendations about both businesses. Remember to use the Academy of Management referencing style. (Note that your calculations and your reference list are not included in your total word count.)
We provide totally customized solution as per need of the students.
Assessment 2 instructions Assessment 2: Case study analysis You are the expert hired by Laburnum Group to investigate two different aspects of their business portfolio. You have been asked to provide both quantitative and qualitative analyses of inefficiencies and/or challenges identified in the following case study, and to address the specific questions raised by the top management across both the energy and clothing business portfolios of Laburnum Group. Carefully read the Laburnum Group case study and the associated questions. Develop a report that addresses the questions asked by the top management in relation to both energy and clothing businesses of Laburnum Group. You will need to draw on theories covered in this subject as well as other academic resources (e.g. journal articles, book chapters). Make sure you carefully read the marking criteria before you start work on your assignment. Submit your final report as a Word document, including your analyses and recommendations about both businesses. Remember to use the Academy of Management referencing style. (Note that your calculations and your reference list are not included in your total word count.)
We provide totally customized solution as per need of the students.
Assessment 2 instructions Assessment 2: Case study analysis You are the expert hired by Laburnum Group to investigate two different aspects of their business portfolio. You have been asked to provide both quantitative and qualitative analyses of inefficiencies and/or challenges identified in the following case study, and to address the specific questions raised by the top management across both the energy and clothing business portfolios of Laburnum Group. Carefully read the Laburnum Group case study and the associated questions. Develop a report that addresses the questions asked by the top management in relation to both energy and clothing businesses of Laburnum Group. You will need to draw on theories covered in this subject as well as other academic resources (e.g. journal articles, book chapters). Make sure you carefully read the marking criteria before you start work on your assignment. Submit your final report as a Word document, including your analyses and recommendations about both businesses. Remember to use the Academy of Management referencing style. (Note that your calculations and your reference list are not included in your total word count.)
We provide totally customized solution as per need of the students.
Assessment 2 instructions Assessment 2: Case study analysis You are the expert hired by Laburnum Group to investigate two different aspects of their business portfolio. You have been asked to provide both quantitative and qualitative analyses of inefficiencies and/or challenges identified in the following case study, and to address the specific questions raised by the top management across both the energy and clothing business portfolios of Laburnum Group. Carefully read the Laburnum Group case study and the associated questions. Develop a report that addresses the questions asked by the top management in relation to both energy and clothing businesses of Laburnum Group. You will need to draw on theories covered in this subject as well as other academic resources (e.g. journal articles, book chapters). Make sure you carefully read the marking criteria before you start work on your assignment. Submit your final report as a Word document, including your analyses and recommendations about both businesses. Remember to use the Academy of Management referencing style. (Note that your calculations and your reference list are not included in your total word count.)
We provide totally customized solution as per need of the students.
MGT5STR – Strategic Management 1
MGT5STR – Strategic Management Assessment 1: Individual Authentic Research Portfolio Submission on Turnitin via LMS Due Date Word Count Weight SILOs Assessed Sunday, Week 4 before 11.59 PM AEST 2,000 30% 1, 2, 3 Description Marks Allocated This assessment focuses on your understanding and appreciation of Strategic Management Inputs. You are required to identify a corporation in the Agribusiness food related sector of Australia. This report should include the following items: ? Identify an Agribusiness operating in Australia. ? Identify its business units and products and services lines. ? Identify its business revenue units and discuss the importance of the largest of these revenue units. 25% ? Analyse the Agribusiness’ external environment. ? Discuss its political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal operating environment. 25% ? Analyse the Agribusiness’ internal organisation. ? Discuss its resources, capabilities, core competencies and competitive advantages. 25% ? Make recommendations for the future strategic direction of the selected Agribusiness. 15% ? Write the report in English with structured sentences that conform to academic writing guidelines. ? Follow a report structure with an executive summary, table of contents and conclusion. ? Use Harvard referencing style in text and in the list of references. A minimum of eight (8) journal articles and textbook references are required to show basic research. 10%
We provide totally customized solution as per need of the students.
MGT5STR – Strategic Management 1
MGT5STR – Strategic Management Assessment 1: Individual Authentic Research Portfolio Submission on Turnitin via LMS Due Date Word Count Weight SILOs Assessed Sunday, Week 4 before 11.59 PM AEST 2,000 30% 1, 2, 3 Description Marks Allocated This assessment focuses on your understanding and appreciation of Strategic Management Inputs. You are required to identify a corporation in the Agribusiness food related sector of Australia. This report should include the following items: ? Identify an Agribusiness operating in Australia. ? Identify its business units and products and services lines. ? Identify its business revenue units and discuss the importance of the largest of these revenue units. 25% ? Analyse the Agribusiness’ external environment. ? Discuss its political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal operating environment. 25% ? Analyse the Agribusiness’ internal organisation. ? Discuss its resources, capabilities, core competencies and competitive advantages. 25% ? Make recommendations for the future strategic direction of the selected Agribusiness. 15% ? Write the report in English with structured sentences that conform to academic writing guidelines. ? Follow a report structure with an executive summary, table of contents and conclusion. ? Use Harvard referencing style in text and in the list of references. A minimum of eight (8) journal articles and textbook references are required to show basic research. 10%
We provide totally customized solution as per need of the students.
MGT5STR – Strategic Management
MGT5STR – Strategic Management Assessment 3: Individual Investigative, Authentic Learning, Research Assignment Submission on Turnitin via LMS Due Date Word Count Weight SILOs Assessed Sunday, Week 10 before 11.59 PM AEST 2,000 40% 1, 2, 3 Description Marks Allocated This assessment focuses on your understanding and appreciation of Strategy Implementation. You are required to use the corporation selected for the assessment 1. This report should include the following items: ? Discussion of Australian Food focused Agribusiness sector. 25% ? Identify international opportunities for your chosen Food focused Agribusiness. ? Discuss different international strategies suitable for your chosen Agribusiness. 25% ? Discuss the most appropriate and inappropriate mode of entry to the international market for your chosen agribusiness. 25% ? Make recommendations for the future strategic direction of the selected Food focused Agribusiness in the chosen international market. 15% ? Write the report in English with structured sentences that conform to academic writing guidelines. ? Follow a report structure with an executive summary, table of contents and conclusion. ? Use Harvard referencing style in text and in the list of references. A minimum of eight (8) journal articles and textbook references are required to show basic research. 10%
We provide totally customized solution as per need of the students.
MGT5STR – Strategic Management
MGT5STR – Strategic Management Assessment 3: Individual Investigative, Authentic Learning, Research Assignment Submission on Turnitin via LMS Due Date Word Count Weight SILOs Assessed Sunday, Week 10 before 11.59 PM AEST 2,000 40% 1, 2, 3 Description Marks Allocated This assessment focuses on your understanding and appreciation of Strategy Implementation. You are required to use the corporation selected for the assessment 1. This report should include the following items: ? Discussion of Australian Food focused Agribusiness sector. 25% ? Identify international opportunities for your chosen Food focused Agribusiness. ? Discuss different international strategies suitable for your chosen Agribusiness. 25% ? Discuss the most appropriate and inappropriate mode of entry to the international market for your chosen agribusiness. 25% ? Make recommendations for the future strategic direction of the selected Food focused Agribusiness in the chosen international market. 15% ? Write the report in English with structured sentences that conform to academic writing guidelines. ? Follow a report structure with an executive summary, table of contents and conclusion. ? Use Harvard referencing style in text and in the list of references. A minimum of eight (8) journal articles and textbook references are required to show basic research. 10%