MA505 Marketing and Management
MA 505 T3 2017: Group Assignment Due week 11 (30%): is comprised of written Report (20%) and Presentation (10%) 1. Your task is to form groups of three and research on ? Market segmentation, ? Target markets and positioning, through reading academic and professional business journals about market segmentation, target markets and positioning. Task requirements: a) You are required to visit one of the following company’s website: Rio Tinto (mining company); BHP Billiton (mining company); Blue Scope steel; (steel company); ANZ Bank; Commonwealth Bank; Westpac Banking; Qantas Airways). b) Read widely on the concept of market segmentation, target markets and positioning. Using peer reviewed journal articles, professional business reports/magazines, and books integrate theories/models and discuss how and why the company of your choice (from above list) conducts market segmentation, target markets selection and the positioning. c) Discuss how market segmentation, target markets and positioning relate to the strategic market planning of the company of choice. d) Discuss (with evidence) on how the company benefits by market segmentation, target market selection and positioning, and; e) what would be the implications of improper market segmentation, target market selection and positioning on the company. Report Format Use APA reference style to present the references. The business model report must consist of minimum 10 academic resources including peer reviewed journal articles. Enter your references into your own citation library using a citation tool such as Refworks which is available at MIT library. Your in-text references and the reference list can be automatically generated in ‘APA’ format using this tool. Each group member must contribute evenly to the group report and presentation. Each group will appoint a group leader who is responsible for setting meeting agendas, group meetings, allocating tasks and submitting the assessment electronically through Turnitin by the due date. 2. Report should use Calibri Body (Font size 11) as the normal text and have margins of 2.5cm all around. Please use reasonable font sizes for headings. Word limit: 2500-3000 words 3. Each group will have 15 minutes to present their business report and the findings and 5 of minutes of interactive question time (total 20 minutes). The presentation must be done in a form of a power point. Students can use following in their power point slides: charts, graphs, statistics, pictures, photos and other graphics. 4. Ensure that the electronic copy of both report and the presentation must be submitted via the Turnitin link on MIT Moodle. © MIT - Prepared by Dr. Ken Mardaneh, T3 2017 Marking Guide for Assessment Task1 ? Group written research report and presentation Student Name: StudentID: Student Name: StudentID: Student Name: StudentID: Researched Written Report/20 marks Marks Earned Marks Comments Executive Summary 2 Introduction 1 Evidence of extensive research on the company regards market segmentation, target markets and positioning 2 Use 6 peer review articles, 3 professional magazines/reports, and at least 1 text-book 4 Discuss how and why the company conducts market segmentation, target market selection, positioning (evidence of integration of theories/models) 3 Discuss how the above relate to the strategic market planning of the company of choice? (evidence of integration of theories/models) 3 Discuss how the company would benefit from the above, and what would be the implications of improper market segmentation, target market selection and positioning on the company. (evidence of integration of theories/models) 3 Recommendation & Conclusion 2 Presentation/10 marks Marks Earned Marks Comments Power point slides must include one or more of the following: charts, graphs, statistics, pictures, photos or other graphics are used in the power point slides 2 Power point slides are clear, logical and proper 3 Findings are clearly presented. Communication with audience is professional 3 Time management 1 In slides & end of slides list of references 1 TOTAL 30 © MIT - Prepared by Dr. Ken Mardaneh, T3 2017

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MA505 Marketing and Management
MA 505 T3 2017: Group Assignment Due week 11 (30%): is comprised of written Report (20%) and Presentation (10%) 1. Your task is to form groups of three and research on ? Market segmentation, ? Target markets and positioning, through reading academic and professional business journals about market segmentation, target markets and positioning. Task requirements: a) You are required to visit one of the following company’s website: Rio Tinto (mining company); BHP Billiton (mining company); Blue Scope steel; (steel company); ANZ Bank; Commonwealth Bank; Westpac Banking; Qantas Airways). b) Read widely on the concept of market segmentation, target markets and positioning. Using peer reviewed journal articles, professional business reports/magazines, and books integrate theories/models and discuss how and why the company of your choice (from above list) conducts market segmentation, target markets selection and the positioning. c) Discuss how market segmentation, target markets and positioning relate to the strategic market planning of the company of choice. d) Discuss (with evidence) on how the company benefits by market segmentation, target market selection and positioning, and; e) what would be the implications of improper market segmentation, target market selection and positioning on the company. Report Format Use APA reference style to present the references. The business model report must consist of minimum 10 academic resources including peer reviewed journal articles. Enter your references into your own citation library using a citation tool such as Refworks which is available at MIT library. Your in-text references and the reference list can be automatically generated in ‘APA’ format using this tool. Each group member must contribute evenly to the group report and presentation. Each group will appoint a group leader who is responsible for setting meeting agendas, group meetings, allocating tasks and submitting the assessment electronically through Turnitin by the due date. 2. Report should use Calibri Body (Font size 11) as the normal text and have margins of 2.5cm all around. Please use reasonable font sizes for headings. Word limit: 2500-3000 words 3. Each group will have 15 minutes to present their business report and the findings and 5 of minutes of interactive question time (total 20 minutes). The presentation must be done in a form of a power point. Students can use following in their power point slides: charts, graphs, statistics, pictures, photos and other graphics. 4. Ensure that the electronic copy of both report and the presentation must be submitted via the Turnitin link on MIT Moodle. © MIT - Prepared by Dr. Ken Mardaneh, T3 2017 Marking Guide for Assessment Task1 ? Group written research report and presentation Student Name: StudentID: Student Name: StudentID: Student Name: StudentID: Researched Written Report/20 marks Marks Earned Marks Comments Executive Summary 2 Introduction 1 Evidence of extensive research on the company regards market segmentation, target markets and positioning 2 Use 6 peer review articles, 3 professional magazines/reports, and at least 1 text-book 4 Discuss how and why the company conducts market segmentation, target market selection, positioning (evidence of integration of theories/models) 3 Discuss how the above relate to the strategic market planning of the company of choice? (evidence of integration of theories/models) 3 Discuss how the company would benefit from the above, and what would be the implications of improper market segmentation, target market selection and positioning on the company. (evidence of integration of theories/models) 3 Recommendation & Conclusion 2 Presentation/10 marks Marks Earned Marks Comments Power point slides must include one or more of the following: charts, graphs, statistics, pictures, photos or other graphics are used in the power point slides 2 Power point slides are clear, logical and proper 3 Findings are clearly presented. Communication with audience is professional 3 Time management 1 In slides & end of slides list of references 1 TOTAL 30 © MIT - Prepared by Dr. Ken Mardaneh, T3 2017
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MA506 Company Law
Assignment Description: Group Assignment Students will be assigned a question, which is to be answered and presented from a group. The questions will be allocated from the questions below. Similarly a record of the group will be kept by the lecturer. The following questions will also form part of the group presentation. Expectations: • Students are to read text books, cases, search the internet for articles and commentary, and to follow the guidance of the lecturer in their research and reading. • Ensure your name and student number is clearly visible on your assignment. • Keep a copy of your work for your records. • Expression is important, and students should ensure that their essay displays appropriate clear expression and presentation. • Students must reference materials appropriately (statute and case law), and ensure that any materials that are cited, quoted or referred to, have appropriate attribution (ie footnoted and with adequate indication of the use of any author’s work). We will do some work on this in class. • Each presentation must be individual work and students must not copy another student’s work, or cut and paste work from books or the internet. Please be aware that plagiarism (the copying of someone else’s work) is not acceptable in any professional practice. • Please ask your lecturer for assistance if you are unsure about an aspect of this assessment. The Question ASIC v Adler [2002] NSWSC 171 was one of the most significant cases in recent Australian law. You are to present an essay/report that includes the following: • What was the inappropriate behaviour displayed by Adler as an officer of HIH and other companies he managed and controlled? • How did Adler’s actions contravene Australian law, in particular the Corporations Act? Please discuss the different areas of company law that were breached. • What punishment did Adler suffer as a result of his conviction? • What lessons does this case indicate for those who manage an Australian company? • Make any interesting observations you believe are appropriate regarding this case, eg what have you learnt from your reading and research?
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MA506 Company Law
Assignment Description: Group Assignment Students will be assigned a question, which is to be answered and presented from a group. The questions will be allocated from the questions below. Similarly a record of the group will be kept by the lecturer. The following questions will also form part of the group presentation. Expectations: • Students are to read text books, cases, search the internet for articles and commentary, and to follow the guidance of the lecturer in their research and reading. • Ensure your name and student number is clearly visible on your assignment. • Keep a copy of your work for your records. • Expression is important, and students should ensure that their essay displays appropriate clear expression and presentation. • Students must reference materials appropriately (statute and case law), and ensure that any materials that are cited, quoted or referred to, have appropriate attribution (ie footnoted and with adequate indication of the use of any author’s work). We will do some work on this in class. • Each presentation must be individual work and students must not copy another student’s work, or cut and paste work from books or the internet. Please be aware that plagiarism (the copying of someone else’s work) is not acceptable in any professional practice. • Please ask your lecturer for assistance if you are unsure about an aspect of this assessment. The Question ASIC v Adler [2002] NSWSC 171 was one of the most significant cases in recent Australian law. You are to present an essay/report that includes the following: • What was the inappropriate behaviour displayed by Adler as an officer of HIH and other companies he managed and controlled? • How did Adler’s actions contravene Australian law, in particular the Corporations Act? Please discuss the different areas of company law that were breached. • What punishment did Adler suffer as a result of his conviction? • What lessons does this case indicate for those who manage an Australian company? • Make any interesting observations you believe are appropriate regarding this case, eg what have you learnt from your reading and research?
We provide totally customized solution as per need of the students.
MA506 Company Law
Assignment Description: Group Assignment Students will be assigned a question, which is to be answered and presented from a group. The questions will be allocated from the questions below. Similarly a record of the group will be kept by the lecturer. The following questions will also form part of the group presentation. Expectations: • Students are to read text books, cases, search the internet for articles and commentary, and to follow the guidance of the lecturer in their research and reading. • Ensure your name and student number is clearly visible on your assignment. • Keep a copy of your work for your records. • Expression is important, and students should ensure that their essay displays appropriate clear expression and presentation. • Students must reference materials appropriately (statute and case law), and ensure that any materials that are cited, quoted or referred to, have appropriate attribution (ie footnoted and with adequate indication of the use of any author’s work). We will do some work on this in class. • Each presentation must be individual work and students must not copy another student’s work, or cut and paste work from books or the internet. Please be aware that plagiarism (the copying of someone else’s work) is not acceptable in any professional practice. • Please ask your lecturer for assistance if you are unsure about an aspect of this assessment. The Question ASIC v Adler [2002] NSWSC 171 was one of the most significant cases in recent Australian law. You are to present an essay/report that includes the following: • What was the inappropriate behaviour displayed by Adler as an officer of HIH and other companies he managed and controlled? • How did Adler’s actions contravene Australian law, in particular the Corporations Act? Please discuss the different areas of company law that were breached. • What punishment did Adler suffer as a result of his conviction? • What lessons does this case indicate for those who manage an Australian company? • Make any interesting observations you believe are appropriate regarding this case, eg what have you learnt from your reading and research?
We provide totally customized solution as per need of the students.
MA506 Company Law
Assignment Description: Group Assignment Students will be assigned a question, which is to be answered and presented from a group. The questions will be allocated from the questions below. Similarly a record of the group will be kept by the lecturer. The following questions will also form part of the group presentation. Expectations: • Students are to read text books, cases, search the internet for articles and commentary, and to follow the guidance of the lecturer in their research and reading. • Ensure your name and student number is clearly visible on your assignment. • Keep a copy of your work for your records. • Expression is important, and students should ensure that their essay displays appropriate clear expression and presentation. • Students must reference materials appropriately (statute and case law), and ensure that any materials that are cited, quoted or referred to, have appropriate attribution (ie footnoted and with adequate indication of the use of any author’s work). We will do some work on this in class. • Each presentation must be individual work and students must not copy another student’s work, or cut and paste work from books or the internet. Please be aware that plagiarism (the copying of someone else’s work) is not acceptable in any professional practice. • Please ask your lecturer for assistance if you are unsure about an aspect of this assessment. The Question ASIC v Adler [2002] NSWSC 171 was one of the most significant cases in recent Australian law. You are to present an essay/report that includes the following: • What was the inappropriate behaviour displayed by Adler as an officer of HIH and other companies he managed and controlled? • How did Adler’s actions contravene Australian law, in particular the Corporations Act? Please discuss the different areas of company law that were breached. • What punishment did Adler suffer as a result of his conviction? • What lessons does this case indicate for those who manage an Australian company? • Make any interesting observations you believe are appropriate regarding this case, eg what have you learnt from your reading and research?
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MA508 Business Statistics
This group assignment draws upon the individual assignment and extends the analysis. Students are required to produce the group assignment using data provided, which was initially used for the individual assignment. You need to use Business Statistics tools, techniques and terminology that you have learnt from weeks 6-10 to analyse the data and to write up the assignment. Data set [ABZ-Customer &Sales data] is from a global corporation which include two sheets and the data is inclusive of a 400 days of trading. 1. The first datasheet labelled [customer attributes] lists the results of an online survey given to customers. a. The variables include: i. Customer ID ii. “Gender” – male or female iii. Marital status (Married, single) iv. Age v. Type of customer (regular, promotional) vi. Region that they come from (east, west, south, north) vii. Payment which defined customers’ payment methods (Paypal, credit) viii. Source (web, email) ix. Amount of customer’s pay x. Product that they have purchased (Best select, CD, Classical, DVD, Novel, Politics). 2. The second datasheet labelled [Sales] lists some financial data. a. The variables include: i. Days of transaction ii. Opening Gross Sales iii. Total Gross sales for the days. iv. Price over earning ratio v. Gross profit margin (%) vi. Revenue ($000) Assignment instructions: The business sells categories of products including DVD, CD, and books which include Classical, Novel, Politics, and bestsellers. The main challenges in the business are profit, and decreasing sales. As business struggles to survive in the market, you have been hired as an analyst to help the manager to find out the reasons behind the sales decline and profit loss. Using analytics and application (LAB practices) address the following questions/sections (as guide only). You can come up with any rational question to answer, as long as you can provide your reasoning and assumptions behind that. As guide - answer these main research questions within the following sections: 1. Variance/Standard deviation: Compare variance and standard deviation between ‘total gross sales’ and ‘opening gross sales’. Is there a meaningful difference between them? How far below or above the average each of them are? 2. Covariance: Find out covariance between ‘price/earning ratio’ and ‘gross profit margin’. Do they change in the same direction? 3. Independent sample T-test: Is there statistically significant difference in ‘Amount’ paid between two groups of male and female customers? 4. Z-score: How many standard deviation above or under average ‘Amount’ and ‘Age’ are? Are there any outliers? (choose any numerical variable) 5. Chi-square test: Is there any relationship between ‘type of customer’ and ‘product’ purchased? 6. Correlation analysis: Is there statistically significant relationship between ‘Opening gross sale’ and ‘revenue’? 7. Regression analysis: Does ‘total gross sale’ determine ‘gross profit margin’? Note: This is only a guide and there are no right and wrong answers when it comes to statistical analysis. You must know and demonstrate your knowledge of this. Assignment structure: • Introduction – Introduce the business and its problems. ? Describe the company, what does it do • Problem definition and business intelligence required ? Defining problem of the business and what they are trying to achieve by the analysis. This includes your possible assumptions and the logic behind them • Variance/ Standard deviation ? Is there a meaningful difference between two variables? • Covariance ? How two variables vary? In the same direction or otherwise? • Independent sample T-test: ? statistically significant difference between two groups. • Z-score: ? Where are the variables in terms of their standard location? • Chi-square test: ? any relationship between two categorical variables? • Correlation analysis: ? Significant relationship between two numerical variables? • Regression analysis: ? Does a variable influence other variable? • Results and Recommendations • Based on the analyses what conclusions/suggestions you can have for decision makers? Assignment formatting: Font size 12 Times New roman, double spacing. Note. The word count does not include headings, tables, graphs/figures or the reference list. ? MA508 Business Statistics Assignment [Individual] Marking Guide (25 Marks) Criteria Possible Marks% Marks Allocated ? Introduction • Describe the company and its problems Comment: Full mark for describing the company. Allocated partial mark accordingly otherwise. 5 ? Problem definition and business intelligence required • Defining problem of the business and what they are trying to achieve by the analysis (or what are you going to achieve by the analysis) • Methods used for the analysis and the reason for choosing them Comment: Full mark for describing problem and main challenge of the business. Students need to explain what methods they are going to use for the analysis, also their rational and assumptions behind the analytics methods. Allocated partial mark accordingly otherwise. 10 ? Variance/ Standard deviation • Is there a meaningful difference between two variables? Comment: Full mark for students who can compare variables standard deviation or variance. In advanced cases they may provide a t-test, but this is not expected. 5 ? Covariance • How two variables vary? In the same direction or otherwise? Comment: Do they understand covariance and do they provide a right formula? 5 ? Independent sample T-test: • statistically significant difference between two groups. Comment: . They may provide a t-test, on any numerical variable based on grouping. Allocate most of the mark if there is a decent attempt. 10 ? Z-score: • Where are the variables in terms of their standard location? Comment: For the variables of choice students need to provide z-standard/score. Allocate most of the mark if there is a decent attempt. 5 ? Chi-square test: • any relationship between two categorical variables? Comment: For the variables of choice students need to run a test. One test with right interpretation gets the full mark. If not perfect then allocate mark accordingly. 20 ? Correlation analysis: • Significant relationship between two numerical variables? Comment: For the variables of choice students need to run a correlation test. One test with right interpretation gets the full mark. If not perfect then allocate mark accordingly. 15 ? Regression analysis: • Does a variable influence other variable? Comment: For the variables of choice students need to run a regression analysis. As long as they demonstrated the understanding of the concept and right interpretation of the parameters then they get the full mark. If not perfect then allocate mark accordingly. 15 ? Results and Recommendations • Based on the analyses what conclusions/suggestions you can have for decision makers? Comment: This need to be closely aligned with the findings of the assignment. 10 Total 100% Overall Comments: Assessor Name: Assessor Signature: = ____25___ Marks Date:
We provide totally customized solution as per need of the students.
MA508 Business Statistics
This group assignment draws upon the individual assignment and extends the analysis. Students are required to produce the group assignment using data provided, which was initially used for the individual assignment. You need to use Business Statistics tools, techniques and terminology that you have learnt from weeks 6-10 to analyse the data and to write up the assignment. Data set [ABZ-Customer &Sales data] is from a global corporation which include two sheets and the data is inclusive of a 400 days of trading. 1. The first datasheet labelled [customer attributes] lists the results of an online survey given to customers. a. The variables include: i. Customer ID ii. “Gender” – male or female iii. Marital status (Married, single) iv. Age v. Type of customer (regular, promotional) vi. Region that they come from (east, west, south, north) vii. Payment which defined customers’ payment methods (Paypal, credit) viii. Source (web, email) ix. Amount of customer’s pay x. Product that they have purchased (Best select, CD, Classical, DVD, Novel, Politics). 2. The second datasheet labelled [Sales] lists some financial data. a. The variables include: i. Days of transaction ii. Opening Gross Sales iii. Total Gross sales for the days. iv. Price over earning ratio v. Gross profit margin (%) vi. Revenue ($000) Assignment instructions: The business sells categories of products including DVD, CD, and books which include Classical, Novel, Politics, and bestsellers. The main challenges in the business are profit, and decreasing sales. As business struggles to survive in the market, you have been hired as an analyst to help the manager to find out the reasons behind the sales decline and profit loss. Using analytics and application (LAB practices) address the following questions/sections (as guide only). You can come up with any rational question to answer, as long as you can provide your reasoning and assumptions behind that. As guide - answer these main research questions within the following sections: 1. Variance/Standard deviation: Compare variance and standard deviation between ‘total gross sales’ and ‘opening gross sales’. Is there a meaningful difference between them? How far below or above the average each of them are? 2. Covariance: Find out covariance between ‘price/earning ratio’ and ‘gross profit margin’. Do they change in the same direction? 3. Independent sample T-test: Is there statistically significant difference in ‘Amount’ paid between two groups of male and female customers? 4. Z-score: How many standard deviation above or under average ‘Amount’ and ‘Age’ are? Are there any outliers? (choose any numerical variable) 5. Chi-square test: Is there any relationship between ‘type of customer’ and ‘product’ purchased? 6. Correlation analysis: Is there statistically significant relationship between ‘Opening gross sale’ and ‘revenue’? 7. Regression analysis: Does ‘total gross sale’ determine ‘gross profit margin’? Note: This is only a guide and there are no right and wrong answers when it comes to statistical analysis. You must know and demonstrate your knowledge of this. Assignment structure: • Introduction – Introduce the business and its problems. ? Describe the company, what does it do • Problem definition and business intelligence required ? Defining problem of the business and what they are trying to achieve by the analysis. This includes your possible assumptions and the logic behind them • Variance/ Standard deviation ? Is there a meaningful difference between two variables? • Covariance ? How two variables vary? In the same direction or otherwise? • Independent sample T-test: ? statistically significant difference between two groups. • Z-score: ? Where are the variables in terms of their standard location? • Chi-square test: ? any relationship between two categorical variables? • Correlation analysis: ? Significant relationship between two numerical variables? • Regression analysis: ? Does a variable influence other variable? • Results and Recommendations • Based on the analyses what conclusions/suggestions you can have for decision makers? Assignment formatting: Font size 12 Times New roman, double spacing. Note. The word count does not include headings, tables, graphs/figures or the reference list. ? MA508 Business Statistics Assignment [Individual] Marking Guide (25 Marks) Criteria Possible Marks% Marks Allocated ? Introduction • Describe the company and its problems Comment: Full mark for describing the company. Allocated partial mark accordingly otherwise. 5 ? Problem definition and business intelligence required • Defining problem of the business and what they are trying to achieve by the analysis (or what are you going to achieve by the analysis) • Methods used for the analysis and the reason for choosing them Comment: Full mark for describing problem and main challenge of the business. Students need to explain what methods they are going to use for the analysis, also their rational and assumptions behind the analytics methods. Allocated partial mark accordingly otherwise. 10 ? Variance/ Standard deviation • Is there a meaningful difference between two variables? Comment: Full mark for students who can compare variables standard deviation or variance. In advanced cases they may provide a t-test, but this is not expected. 5 ? Covariance • How two variables vary? In the same direction or otherwise? Comment: Do they understand covariance and do they provide a right formula? 5 ? Independent sample T-test: • statistically significant difference between two groups. Comment: . They may provide a t-test, on any numerical variable based on grouping. Allocate most of the mark if there is a decent attempt. 10 ? Z-score: • Where are the variables in terms of their standard location? Comment: For the variables of choice students need to provide z-standard/score. Allocate most of the mark if there is a decent attempt. 5 ? Chi-square test: • any relationship between two categorical variables? Comment: For the variables of choice students need to run a test. One test with right interpretation gets the full mark. If not perfect then allocate mark accordingly. 20 ? Correlation analysis: • Significant relationship between two numerical variables? Comment: For the variables of choice students need to run a correlation test. One test with right interpretation gets the full mark. If not perfect then allocate mark accordingly. 15 ? Regression analysis: • Does a variable influence other variable? Comment: For the variables of choice students need to run a regression analysis. As long as they demonstrated the understanding of the concept and right interpretation of the parameters then they get the full mark. If not perfect then allocate mark accordingly. 15 ? Results and Recommendations • Based on the analyses what conclusions/suggestions you can have for decision makers? Comment: This need to be closely aligned with the findings of the assignment. 10 Total 100% Overall Comments: Assessor Name: Assessor Signature: = ____25___ Marks Date:
We provide totally customized solution as per need of the students.
MA508 Business Statistics
This group assignment draws upon the individual assignment and extends the analysis. Students are required to produce the group assignment using data provided, which was initially used for the individual assignment. You need to use Business Statistics tools, techniques and terminology that you have learnt from weeks 6-10 to analyse the data and to write up the assignment. Data set [ABZ-Customer &Sales data] is from a global corporation which include two sheets and the data is inclusive of a 400 days of trading. 1. The first datasheet labelled [customer attributes] lists the results of an online survey given to customers. a. The variables include: i. Customer ID ii. “Gender” – male or female iii. Marital status (Married, single) iv. Age v. Type of customer (regular, promotional) vi. Region that they come from (east, west, south, north) vii. Payment which defined customers’ payment methods (Paypal, credit) viii. Source (web, email) ix. Amount of customer’s pay x. Product that they have purchased (Best select, CD, Classical, DVD, Novel, Politics). 2. The second datasheet labelled [Sales] lists some financial data. a. The variables include: i. Days of transaction ii. Opening Gross Sales iii. Total Gross sales for the days. iv. Price over earning ratio v. Gross profit margin (%) vi. Revenue ($000) Assignment instructions: The business sells categories of products including DVD, CD, and books which include Classical, Novel, Politics, and bestsellers. The main challenges in the business are profit, and decreasing sales. As business struggles to survive in the market, you have been hired as an analyst to help the manager to find out the reasons behind the sales decline and profit loss. Using analytics and application (LAB practices) address the following questions/sections (as guide only). You can come up with any rational question to answer, as long as you can provide your reasoning and assumptions behind that. As guide - answer these main research questions within the following sections: 1. Variance/Standard deviation: Compare variance and standard deviation between ‘total gross sales’ and ‘opening gross sales’. Is there a meaningful difference between them? How far below or above the average each of them are? 2. Covariance: Find out covariance between ‘price/earning ratio’ and ‘gross profit margin’. Do they change in the same direction? 3. Independent sample T-test: Is there statistically significant difference in ‘Amount’ paid between two groups of male and female customers? 4. Z-score: How many standard deviation above or under average ‘Amount’ and ‘Age’ are? Are there any outliers? (choose any numerical variable) 5. Chi-square test: Is there any relationship between ‘type of customer’ and ‘product’ purchased? 6. Correlation analysis: Is there statistically significant relationship between ‘Opening gross sale’ and ‘revenue’? 7. Regression analysis: Does ‘total gross sale’ determine ‘gross profit margin’? Note: This is only a guide and there are no right and wrong answers when it comes to statistical analysis. You must know and demonstrate your knowledge of this. Assignment structure: • Introduction – Introduce the business and its problems. ? Describe the company, what does it do • Problem definition and business intelligence required ? Defining problem of the business and what they are trying to achieve by the analysis. This includes your possible assumptions and the logic behind them • Variance/ Standard deviation ? Is there a meaningful difference between two variables? • Covariance ? How two variables vary? In the same direction or otherwise? • Independent sample T-test: ? statistically significant difference between two groups. • Z-score: ? Where are the variables in terms of their standard location? • Chi-square test: ? any relationship between two categorical variables? • Correlation analysis: ? Significant relationship between two numerical variables? • Regression analysis: ? Does a variable influence other variable? • Results and Recommendations • Based on the analyses what conclusions/suggestions you can have for decision makers? Assignment formatting: Font size 12 Times New roman, double spacing. Note. The word count does not include headings, tables, graphs/figures or the reference list. ? MA508 Business Statistics Assignment [Individual] Marking Guide (25 Marks) Criteria Possible Marks% Marks Allocated ? Introduction • Describe the company and its problems Comment: Full mark for describing the company. Allocated partial mark accordingly otherwise. 5 ? Problem definition and business intelligence required • Defining problem of the business and what they are trying to achieve by the analysis (or what are you going to achieve by the analysis) • Methods used for the analysis and the reason for choosing them Comment: Full mark for describing problem and main challenge of the business. Students need to explain what methods they are going to use for the analysis, also their rational and assumptions behind the analytics methods. Allocated partial mark accordingly otherwise. 10 ? Variance/ Standard deviation • Is there a meaningful difference between two variables? Comment: Full mark for students who can compare variables standard deviation or variance. In advanced cases they may provide a t-test, but this is not expected. 5 ? Covariance • How two variables vary? In the same direction or otherwise? Comment: Do they understand covariance and do they provide a right formula? 5 ? Independent sample T-test: • statistically significant difference between two groups. Comment: . They may provide a t-test, on any numerical variable based on grouping. Allocate most of the mark if there is a decent attempt. 10 ? Z-score: • Where are the variables in terms of their standard location? Comment: For the variables of choice students need to provide z-standard/score. Allocate most of the mark if there is a decent attempt. 5 ? Chi-square test: • any relationship between two categorical variables? Comment: For the variables of choice students need to run a test. One test with right interpretation gets the full mark. If not perfect then allocate mark accordingly. 20 ? Correlation analysis: • Significant relationship between two numerical variables? Comment: For the variables of choice students need to run a correlation test. One test with right interpretation gets the full mark. If not perfect then allocate mark accordingly. 15 ? Regression analysis: • Does a variable influence other variable? Comment: For the variables of choice students need to run a regression analysis. As long as they demonstrated the understanding of the concept and right interpretation of the parameters then they get the full mark. If not perfect then allocate mark accordingly. 15 ? Results and Recommendations • Based on the analyses what conclusions/suggestions you can have for decision makers? Comment: This need to be closely aligned with the findings of the assignment. 10 Total 100% Overall Comments: Assessor Name: Assessor Signature: = ____25___ Marks Date:
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Wellbeing Assignment details
Present a 1500-word persuasive essay for a selected national health priority area. Present a persuasive essay for a selected (evidence based) national health priority area “Why is your topic a national health priority area and how is this being addressed?’ Description of Task Research a national health priority area that and present an argument with supporting literature that this is a valid and credible health priority for a specific country or region. You need to justify why this has been classified as a health priority area and argue a case for being an area of focus for health promotion. Your essay should address the following requirements: • Define the health priority and state why it is a priority. Include information on what it is and whom it affects. • In your priority areas, show evidence of credible and current research data to illustrate that this is a valid argument. • Which specific target groups are impacted e.g. youth (12–18 years), young adults (18– 30 years) or seniors (60+) • Illustrate the positioning of the priority within frameworks of wellbeing. • How are fundamentals of health promotion addressing this area of concern? Discuss in relation to action and strategies of health promotion. Are there any gaps? • Reference in text (APA) format and include reference list as per APA format.