ACC701 Accounting Financial
Accounting Financial ACC701 Individual Assignment Due Week 9, submit on Turnitin Question In recent years a number of companies have gone into liquidation (been ‘wound up’) because they have not been able to meet their liabilities when they fell due. In Australia, there are some well-publicised examples such as ABC Learning, HIH Insurance and One.Tel phone company Required Discuss all three companies above and find (via electronic journals) the events that led up to the liquidation. Visit the CPA website; discuss APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants. Highlight 5 codes of ethics. Visit the ASX website and discuss the Listing Rules ( 8 principles) governing listed companies in terms of corporate governance. Were liabilities a major factor contributing to the liquidation of individual companies? Research Requirements Students need to support their analysis with reference to relevant material from the text and a minimum of eight (8) suitable, reliable, current and academically acceptable sources – this should include at least 2 peer-reviewed academic journal articles. Presentation 2000 + 10%-word short report format. Title page, executive summary, table of contents, appropriate headings and sub-headings, recommendations/findings/conclusions, in-text referencing and reference list (Harvard – Anglia style), attachments if relevant. Single spaced, font Times New Roman 12pt, Calibri 11pt or Arial 10pt. Marking Guide Analysis 30% Research extent and application 30% Recommendations/conclusions 20% Presentation 20% Total mark will be scaled to a mark out of 30 subject marks.

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Assignment 1 – Individual research and participation Weighting: 20% (A post for 2 Topics x 10 marks each) Due: You need to post a contribution for 2 Topics by the date/times listed below to a Discussion Forum (DF) that will be available for EACH Topic. NOTE: All times are NSW (Sydney) time Students need to choose 1 topic from Topics 1 –4 AND choose 1 topic from Topics 5– 7: (The point is to offer you some flexibility to work around assessments in other units & whatever other commitments you have to manage) Topics 1 – 4: any time until noon Monday 19August(Week 7) Topics 5 – 7: any time until noon Monday 16September (Week 11) You are required to do two (2) things as an individual student for this Assignment: 1. Choose & identify a relevant article for EACH of your two chosen Topics; 2. Contribute a 500-word post to a Discussion Forum (DF) explaining the relevance of the article. Make sure you PAY ATTENTION to the details below about each of these two things! NOTE: there will also be a short recording made available in week 5 explaining this in the Assessment Details section and some good and poor examples areprovided in the Assessment Details section. ? ________________________________________ 1. Choose&identify a relevant article for EACH of your two chosen Topics Ideally, throughout the session you will undertake some wider reading regarding ACC03032 (that is, read more widely than your text, study guide and set readings). This assignment offers some incentive to do so, at least for a couple of topics. For EACH of your two chosen topics, choose an article you believe is relevant to that topic. Your article needs to have been publishedafter 1 January 2019. “Relevant” is explained in #2 below. Once you have chosen your article you need to identify it so it is NOT chosen by another student. You will do this by RESERVING or NOMINATING it as “yours” on the relevant Topic DF by adding the following details in the SUBJECT line of your DF post: • Author names; • Name of the source of your article; • Date & issue details (as applicable). Here are two fictional (made-up) examples: • Smith and Jones, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Volume 24, Issue 1, 2013, pp.23-47; • Stevens, Australian Financial Review, 2 May 2012, p.4. ________________________________________ 2. Contribute a 500 word post to a Discussion Forum (DF) explaining the relevance of the article For each of the 2 topics you choosecontribute a post (maximum 500 words) on the relevant Discussion Forum (DF). There will be a separate DF for each Topic – NOTE: each Topic DF will become UNAVAILABLE on the due date/time specified above. If you have NOT posted by that date/time it will be too late! Your post needs to explain how your chosen & identified article is of relevance to your chosen topic that will have been covered in ACC03032 by that time and will also include a personal reflection. • Your explanation for relevanceneeds to provide examples from the article to illustrate theories and/or principles from your chosen Topic(maximum 300 words). It is important to provide evidence (facts) from the articles to support any opinion and arguments you express; perhaps facts illustrate certain terms you learn in a topic (even an earlier topic); maybe you recognise that the findings are only applicable in a certain context; or the interpretation of the facts illustrate a certain theoretical lens (or approach). This DOES NOT mean summarise the article, summarise the topic or define the theories. • Yourpersonal reflectionpart for each contribution needs to explain what you found to be the aspect of your chosen topic that created the most reaction from you (biggest impact on your learning … something you realised or now feel you understand more clearly). For example, you may not have thought about the issue before; you may have observed behaviour related to the matter before and that was important to you; you may have related the issue to a current development in the world – current affairs, your employment or business, etc. This issubjective and personal reflection that will differ from student to student (maximum 200 words). This DOES NOT mean making recommendations about what you think the authors might have said/done. • Please include a link (URL) to the article or attach a PDF copy in your post & the full reference. ________________________________________ ? ________________________________________ Marking criteria Assignment 1 In assessing Assignment 1, the marker will take into account your performance in the following areas: • logical coherence of discussion (unintelligible discussion will receive no marks) • extent of insight provided (in the personal reflection and comments this will be personal insight; in comment regarding the article this will be insight into the way the article illustrates theories from the relevant topic … NOT summaries of the article or topic or definitions of the theories … you only have 500 words!) • structure/organisation of content (you only need two sections, or they can be integrated?) • conciseness and clarity (500 words is not very much and is to foster this) • level of understanding of course concepts • extent of evidence presented in support of your opinion (using examples from the article to illustrate Topic theories … you do not need to refer to additional articles or references). The checklist on the next page should help …you can use it to “self-assess” your contribution before the due date (YOU can fill in the Yes/No columns if you wish but it is only for YOU, no need to submit it!) and it also offers an insight into the template you will receive in View Grades for feedback and your mark.Remember, you can edit your own contribution ANYTIME up until the due/date and time … of course, when you leave things until the last minute it will be too late! ? Your article Self-Assess 10 Did YOU … Yes No Consequences … Potential marks Choose an article published after 1 January 2019 that has not already been reserved on the relevant Topic DF? If NOT … your post will not be marked … you can still choose another Topic (unless there are no more to choose!); the practice will have been worth your while BUT you will not earn any marks 0.50 Accurately indicate author(s), source, issue/date in the Subject line of your post If not, and another person has chosen that article AND cited correctly, yours will not be marked (even if there are no more to choose); if theirs is also not cited correctly, neither will be marked (even if there are no more to choose) 0.50 Provide a full citation (reference) to the article at the end of your post? Good … if you have done the above two correctly your mark will be accumulating! 0.50 Provide a working url at the end of your post (or attach a copy of the article - copyright permitted)? Good … this will allow prompt marking because I will be able to understand the context of your contribution. 0.50 Explain how the article illustrates (provides examples of) one or more theories from your chosen topic? Good … it is the understanding and application that is important. This and the next point is where you will obtain (or lose) most of your mark (providing you have done all of the above). 5 Reflect on how the article has helped your understanding of your chosen Topic? Good … it is the connections that are important. This and the previous point is where you will obtain (or lose) most of your mark (providing you have done all of the above). 3 Summarise the article? Not a strategy that will earn you marks -3 or -4 Summarise the Topic? Not a strategy that will earn you marks -3 or -4 Define the theories (from the Topic) without any examples from the article? Not a strategy that will earn you marks … these are things that will REDUCE your mark from the potential 3 + 3 above -3 or -4
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Annotated Bibliography
Task Sheet : Annotated Bibliography (20%) Due Week 7 : 1 December 2019 (Sunday) 5.00pm Recognising that students find academic readings challenging, the purpose of the annotated bibliography is to teach first year students to analyse and summarise the key points from the required readings. Objective: To teach students to summarise a reading and give bibliographic information pertaining to that reading. Students are required to submit an annotated bibliography of three (3) 250-word summaries of ‘required readings’ completed in sessions 1 - 7. Each of the three readings chosen must come from a different session. Word Count To be effective each summary should be between 240-250 words. Students are to write no more than 250 words per summary. This is a hard word limit. Please include the word count for each summary. Requirements As part of this exercise, for the required readings, students are required to: • Include one direct quotation in each of the summaries. • Each summary should contain the thesis and main points of the reading together with a brief critique. • Students are required to give the bibliographic information pertaining to that reading using the Chicago conventions. Submission The Annotated Bibliography is to be submitted electronically via Turnitin on Moodle. It is the students’ responsibility to use Turnitin appropriately to ensure academic integrity. The assignment must be fully referenced, using the Chicago author-date system, Ariel font size 12 and double-spaced on a single side of A4 pages. Correct referencing is worth 5% maximum. Students are strongly advised to check out the citation guide on the Library site at The assignment must be submitted using the cover sheet. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure the cover sheet forms part of their submitted assessment. Failure to use it will result in failure to submit the assessment. The assignment will only be deemed submitted once it has been submitted with the cover sheet. Late penalties will apply as appropriate.
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ASSIGNMENT QUESTION: Roxy owns and manages an exclusive boutique in the inner city. Maggy, her senior salesperson, wants to quit her job and find another job in the line of fashion design. To prevent Maggy from leaving, Roxy gives her a pay rise and a badge with the title “Manager” on it. Roxy, however, does not give Maggy the authority to make business decisions including ordering new stock. Roxy introduces Maggy to people as her “Manager” and encourages her to attend fashion shows where other managers gather. While attending a fashion show in early 2019, Maggy meets Greg, a retail representative of “Zala Clothing”, and after lengthy discussions Maggy decides to order a new stock of dresses from “Zala Clothing” valued at $55000. Soon after the clothes are delivered Roxy discovers what Maggy did but “Zala Clothing” has a ‘no return policy’ and the boutique has been issued with an invoice for the $55000. Roxy refuses to pay the invoice and seeks you advice. Required: Advice Roxy on her rights and obligations under agency law. (30 Marks) Sample Answer Structure: Students are required to use the IRAC legal problem solving format in answering this question.
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BUS171 Foundations of Economics
Assessment 3: Research Project: All Students Assessment Summary What Produce a research project of 1,500 words based on a key economic issue. Why This research project is designed transmit information about a topic but also to show how such information is applied in the real world. Such application skills are essential in business and academic environments. How Individual Format Word Document Research and produce a written response to the following topic: RESEARCH PROJECT TOPIC: “UK MPs have urged ministers to bring forward their ban on new petrol and diesel car sales by eight years to 2032….” Source: Vaughan, A. (2018), ‘MPs call for ban on petrol and diesel car sales by 2032’, The Guardian, 19 October, at, viewed 15 January 2019. Assuming that the above policy to ban the sales of new petrol and diesel cars in the United Kingdom is enacted, explain, with the use of a diagram, the form of market failure that this policy seeks to address. Discuss and evaluate this policy, and also include a discussion, using demand and supply diagrams, of related markets that would likely be effected. [Note: This topic is largely based on material covered in Topics 6 and 2, although other topics may also be relevant.] The research project must be fully referenced using the Chicago Style of referencing. Details of this method can be found at: Although Chicago style does not include access or view dates for electronic citations, please add this information into your reference list. Your project must: • be typed using Word • be double spaced • use Times New Roman font, size 12. • have normal margins. Learning outcome/s and graduate attributes Completing this assignment will help you achieve the following learning outcomes: • ULO1: Evaluate and apply the aims and purpose of economics to real world scenarios. • ULO2: Analyse contemporary economic scenarios by applying the main concepts, terminologies and tools of economic analysis. • ULO4: Use economic data correctly to interpret economic situations and generate conclusions. • ULO5: Research and argue economic issues and policy. • ULO6: Communicate an understanding of current economic issues. TOPIC TWO Market Demand and Supply and Equilibrium Introduction Consumer demand is a driving force behind the types and quantities of goods and services supplied in a competitive market. This topic examines the factors that affect consumer demand for goods and services, and the factors that affect the types and quantities of goods and services that producers supply. This topic then introduces the concept of equilibrium in competitive markets. It explains how the price of a product and the quantity bought and sold are determined in a competitive market, and how surpluses and shortages are eliminated. Students will be able to use simple economic modelling to predict likely market outcomes in terms of price and quantity when a factor that affects demand or supply changes. This topic also introduces a relatively new area of economics known as behavioural economics, which examines situations where consumer decision-making does not appear to be rational. For example, why don’t students study more when they know the pay-off is greater if they do? Are people unrealistic about future behaviour? For example, ‘I will put more money aside as savings in the future’, and often never do. Key Concepts After studying this section you should be able to: • describe the law of demand and the law of supply • understand the concepts of demand and supply • know the main determinants of demand and of supply • use graphs to show how demand and supply influence price levels and quantity produced • explain the price mechanism • explain the assumptions of the competitive market model • use graphs to show how equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity are determined in a market • explain shortages and surpluses • show and explain how a new equilibrium is reached when demand and/or supply factors change • explain and show the inter-relationship between some markets • describe the behavioural economics approach to understanding decision-making and its influence on business decisions. URLs TOPIC SIX Market Failure Introduction Free markets do not always operate in a socially efficient way. For example, some industries may lack competition, leading to high prices, economic profits and inefficient resource use. Or, a company may create pollution as a consequence of a production process. Alternatively, the free market may simply not find it profitable to produce some goods and services that society wants or needs. Markets may also fail in terms of consumer decision making. For example, a person’s decision to smoke cigarettes in a restaurant may not be a socially preferred outcome. This topic examines the main forms of free market failure. It then analyses the role of the government in attempting to correct for market failure and the difficulties that can face government in this area. Key Concepts After studying this section you should be able to: • understand why market failure can occur • understand the concepts of positive and negative externalities • discuss and illustrate externalities in production and consumption • discuss and evaluate government policies used to correct for externalities • understand the nature of public goods and merit goods • understand that lack of competition is a form of market failure • discuss the policy issues associated with common resources • evaluate government policies used to correct for market failure • understand the difficulties and limitations facing governments in the correction of market failure, that is, ‘government failure’ URLs
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MBS520 Assignment 3 Research Design
Title (put your research topic here) Section 1: Introduction (Recommended length: 100-150 words) This section should cover: ? Background information about your research topic ? Your research question(s) ? Hypotheses based on literature review (for quantitative research) - optional Section 2: Significance of the Research (Recommended length: 150-200 words) This section should cover: ? A clear statement of the contribution of the proposed research to theory and practice Section 3: Research Design (Recommended length: 1200-1500 words) This is the main part of this assignment, this section should include: ? Specific Research Method(s) (Session 8) or Mixed Methods (Session 8) that will be used to collect primary data and the reason for the choice of research method(s) ? Research students are encouraged to discuss the choice of the most relevant paradigm (Session 7) - optional ? Sampling (key information about sampling include: target population, specific probability or nonprobability sampling technique, sample size) (Session 9) ? A brief outline of the Data Collection procedure (namely how you will use the proposed research method(s) to collect quantitative and/or qualitative data from the sample) If you plan to only use secondary data in your proposed research (or combine it with primary data collection), you need to explain why you will use the secondary data (Session 8) and provide details regarding data sources and accessibility issues. ? Measurement (optional, research students are encouraged to consider this, e.g. survey/interview questions/themes; variables/codes) ? Ethical Considerations (Session 7) ? Research Design Limitations: e.g. possible sources of error and bias in sampling and data collection (Session 9) and/or the disadvantages of using secondary data (Session 8); you can also evaluate the quality of the proposed research here, e.g. validity and reliability of quantitative research/ dependability, credibility, and transferability of qualitative research (Session 9; Tutorial 6) Section 4: Conclusion (Recommended length: 100-150 words) This section should cover: ? A brief summary of your research design ? Future research directions/areas Reference List APA or Chicago referencing style Please make sure your referencing formatting is correct and consistent Appendices Research students are encouraged to use a Gantt chart to illustrate your project timeline here - optional
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SUS301 Reflective Journals
Write a reflective response to each of the questions for Topics 1, 2 and 3 outlined below (Write 300 words per question). Note: There are three topic which is related to the following questions, you have to read through and provide reflective journal base on your own understanding, (Also include some case study around Perth Fremantle Area as a support to your understanding) For Q.1 ForQ2: ForQ3: 1. How do you think you might be able to determine whether a region or a community is resilient or not? What are some of the specific features or indicators you might look out for? Make your answer as specific as possible. 2. What do you believe are the two most important dimensions of bioregionalism? When you look at the region where you live, can you see any evidence of this kind of bioregionalism being practiced? 3. What expresses an endemic sense of place for you, where you live? What is the evidence that your community expresses its own sense of place in ecological, social, cultural or economic realms?
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Assessment 1 Cultural critique Written essay(1)
Assessment 1: Cultural critique – Written essay Due: Week 5 Length: 1200 words Format: Individual attempt. Critical Essay (Introduction, structured body with paragraphs and a clear conclusion). Essays should conform in style and content to academic standards for essay writing and contain appropriate Harvard referencing methods. • How to write a critical essay – further guidance at • Why we write essays at university? To demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of a topic. To support your arguments with references. To critically think about issues and topics and then to formulate supportive arguments and to write this in a concise and clear way. So where do I start? 1. identify another culture to assess. 2. Think about at least three issues / topics that could be different or the same between the two cultures (your own and the chosen culture). 3. Do your research on cultural implication and intercultural interactions between the two chosen cultures. 4. Write the Introduction and main body with different paragraphs for the different issues. 5. Write the conclusion. 6. Remember to support facts, numbers and figures in the text with an in-text reference. 7. Remember to list all of the in-text references in a reference list (the reference list will not count towards the 1200-word limit). 8. Submit before the deadline via SafeAssign online (you can only submit once). Writing support and tips: Please watch the short video and read more about writing tools to help you to prepare the critical essay. This can be accessed at: And at See Task 1 guidance and video slides Rubric: Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail PLO5.1 Cultural Awareness Awareness, appreciation and respect for cultural and other forms of diversity in the business context and values the need for inclusivity. Highly appreciates and respects a range of diversity in a business context and highly values the need for inclusivity in a business context. Strongly appreciates and respects a range of diversity in a business context and values the need for inclusivity in a business context. Appreciates and respects diversity in a business context and the need for inclusivity in a business context. Demonstrates an awareness of the need to respect diversity and achieve inclusivity in a business context. Demonstrates limited or no awareness of diversity and the need for inclusivity in a business context. PLO3.1 Creative and Critical thinking Analysis and description of effect of culture on business practice in each country Evidence used to support analysis, using course frameworks. Equal weight given to both countries. Cultural issues Evidence used to support most analysis, using course frameworks. More analysis provided for one country than the other. Cultural Evidence used to support some analysis, using course frameworks. More analysis provided for one country than the other. Cultural Not much evidence used to support analysis, using course frameworks. More analysis provided for one country than the other. Cultural issues not No evidence used to support analysis, using course frameworks. Little analysis provided for either country – mainly description. consistently related to their effect on business practice. issues mostly related to their effect on business practice. issues sometimes related to their effect on business practice. often related to their effect on business practice. Cultural issues not related to their effect on business practice. PLO3.1 Creative and critical thinking Knowledge of problem-solving and/or analytical processes appropriate to their business discipline Rigorously applies sophisticated knowledge of problem solving and/or advanced analytical processes in a business context. Effectively applies comprehensive knowledge of problem solving and/or advanced analytical processes in a business context. Competently applies knowledge of problem solving and/or sound analytical processes in a business context. Adequately applies knowledge of problem solving and/or analytical processes in a business context. Demonstrates limited or no comprehension of problem solving and/or analytical processes in a business context. PLO4.1 Community Consciousness Knowledge and application of ethical frameworks, theories and concepts and responsibilities in a business context. Demonstrates sophisticated and insightful knowledge of a wide range of ethical frameworks, theories and concepts and responsibilities in a business context. Demonstrates very good knowledge of a range of ethical frameworks, theories and concepts and responsibilities in a business context. Demonstrates adequate knowledge of ethical frameworks, theories and concepts and responsibilities in a business context. Demonstrates knowledge of some aspects of ethical frameworks, theories and concepts and responsibilities in a business context but has some gaps in knowledge in some of these areas. Demonstrates limited knowledge of ethical frameworks, theories and concepts and responsibilities in a business context. PLO1.1 Capacity to develop and articulate arguments which are informed and grounded to arrive at insights into an area of interest. Demonstrates a balanced and
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BUS707 Managing Across Global Cultures
BUS707 Managing Across Global Cultures Assessment Task 2: International business analysis – Written report Due: Week 9 Length: 2500 words (excluding the reference list) Format: Individual attempt. Count towards 45% for the course mark. You will apply your newly developed cultural intelligence skills to a problematic ‘real life’ international business situation. • The international business situation for the report will be derived from a media article reporting on recent international business activities or events. • You are to choose a newspaper or online article between 350 and 1,000 words and less than twelve months old as the basis of your report. The article MUST be included with the online submission as an appendix to the report. • The article must be reporting actual international business activities or events and not be a commentary or academic critique. • Additional specific guidance will be provided in Blackboard. • Reports should conform in style and content to academic standards for report writing and contain appropriate Harvard referencing methods (refer Summers and Smith). Writing support and tips: Please watch the short video and read more about writing tools to help you to prepare the report. This can be accessed at: Main aspects to include is the Introduction, main paragraphs with the purpose to report on the cultural issues and then the conclusion. The reference list will not count towards the word count for the task. Rubric BUS707 Task 2 2019 45% of Course mark Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail PLO1.1 Written Communication Capacity to develop and articulate arguments which are informed and grounded to arrive at insights into an area of interest. Demonstrates a balanced and comprehensive knowledge of core concepts evidenced through a rigorous level of analysis. Articulates focused, sustained, well-informed and grounded arguments that provide significant insight into an area of interest. Demonstrates a balanced and strong knowledge of core concepts characterized by sound analysis. Articulates focused, well-informed and grounded arguments that provide clear insight into an area of interest. Demonstrates knowledge of core concepts based on sound analysis. Articulates arguments that are well informed and grounded to provide valid insight into an area of interest. Demonstrates limited knowledge of core concepts based on limited analysis. Arguments could be better articulated and lead to more relevant insights into an area of interest. Arguments are not always well informed or grounded. Demonstrates little, if any knowledge of the core concepts evidenced by very limited analysis. Arguments are not well articulated, few and not well-informed or grounded and lead to limited insight into an area of interest. PLO3.1 Critical and Creative Thinking Ability to identify and critically analyse pertinent issues in a business context Evidences an exceptional ability to identify, prioritise, justify and critically analyse highly pertinent issues in a business context. Evidences strong capacity to identify, justify and critically analyse pertinent issues in a