ACC5213 S1 2019 Assignment
ACC5213 Assignment (Due Date Monday 20th May 2019) – TOTAL MARKS 100 (weighting 30%) You should make use of the readings and materials from Modules 1-8 and other research as you feel necessary, to help answer this assignment. Submission is via studydesk. This Assignment is designed to give you an opportunity to: 1. integrate traditional, contemporary and advanced theoretical and technical management accounting knowledge for planning, control and evaluation, as well as decisions making; 2.critically apply traditional, contemporary and advanced theoretical and technical accounting knowledge and skills to solve emerging and/or advanced management accounting problems that require planning, control and evaluation, as well as decisions making from a strategic perspective; and 3.demonstrate information literacy and numeracy skills and computer skills required by accountants to access relevant data from research and business literature sources and use contemporary and advanced analytical techniques. NOTES ON ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION Submission is electronic via the link on studydesk. Acceptable file types are office Word documents and Excel spreadsheets. Students MUST use the excel template provided for Question 3 but may choose to answer other questions in either a Word document or an Excel file. The Maximum number of files that may be submitted is TWO (one Word and one Excel). Alternatively you may submit one excel file and answer all parts of all questions in this. Please ensure that you include your last name and your student number in naming your file and that you include a header or footer within your document giving you full name and student number. If you have questions regarding the assignment please ask these in the studydesk assignment discussion forum provided unless they are of a personal nature, in which case please contact your lecturer or course examiner directly (preferably via email). Email: QUESTION 1 (33 marks) (Module 6) In 2018 Prestige Paints, a business using absorption costing, reported the following data: Actual operating costs equal budgeted operating costs. The cost of unused capacity is written off to cost of goods sold. For each choice of denominator level, the budgeted production cost per unit is also the cost per unit of beginning inventory. Required i. What is the cost of unused capacity in 2018 when the denominator level is (a) theoretical capacity, (b) practical capacity and (c) normal capacity utilisation? (12 marks) ii. Prepare absorption-costing-based income statements for Prestige Paints using (a) theoretical capacity, (b) practical capacity and (c) normal capacity utilisation? (18 marks) iii. Why is the operating profit under normal capacity utilisation higher than the other two scenarios? (3 marks) (Hint: you may like to try Question 7.30 p. 294 (2nd Edition) of the text first and use that as an exemplar) Theoretical capacity 350,000 units Practical capacity 200,000 units Normal capacity utilisation 175,000 units Selling price $ 45.00 per unit Beginning inventory 10,000 units Production 230,000 units Sales volume 220,000 units Variable budgeted manufacturing overheads $5.00 per unit Total budgeted fixed manufacturing costs $ 2,800,000 Total budgeted operating (non-manufacturing) costs (all fixed) $ 800,000 QUESTION 2 (35 marks) (Modules 6 & 8) Leo soft toys manufactures toy lions. The following is their static budget for the year ended 30th June 2019: Static Budget Unit sales 25,000 Revenues $ 212,500 Variable costs: Direct materials $ 25,000 1kg @ $1 Direct labour $ 62,500 $25 per hour - each unit 6 minutes Variable overheads $ 12,500 $5 per hour Total variable costs $ 100,000 Contribution margin $ 112,500 Fixed manufacturing costs $ 45,000 Operating profit $ 67,500 Leo Soft Toy’s actual results to 30th June 2019 were: Actual results Unit sales 30,000 Revenues $ 243,000 Variable costs: Direct materials $ 26,400 (33,000 kg used) Direct labour $ 72,000 (rate $30 per hour) Variable overheads $ 9,600 (actual $4 per hour) Total variable costs $ 108,000 Contribution margin $ 135,000 Fixed manufacturing costs $ 45,500 Operating profit $ 89,500 Required i. Based on the static budget alone, what is the contribution per unit? How many units would Leo soft toys need to sell to break even in the year to 30th June 2019? (3 marks) ii. Compare the Static Budget and Actual results for the year to 30th June 2019 for Leo soft toys and calculate all appropriate variances for the year (show all workings). (24 marks) iii. Prepare a reconciliation of the Static-budget operating profit and the Actual profit for Leo soft toys for the year ended 30th June 2019. See Table 11-4 p. 433 of the text 2nd edition (reproduced below) as the exemplar format to use. You will need to make changes to the format to suit the business e.g. only one category of direct material compared to Webb Ltd, two categories for variable overhead variances (spending and efficiency) and one for fixed overhead spending variance (no production volume variance as not using a fixed overhead rate) and you need to decide whether your calculated variances are favourable or unfavourable. (8 marks) QUESTION 3 (32 marks) (Module 7) JC Paints (JCP) produces a specialist fire retarding paint. Projected sales (in units) for the paint in litres for 2020 - 2023: 2020 2021 2022 2023 120,000 130,000 135,000 135,000 ? Current sales price in 2019 is $8 per litre (expected to increase by 5% in 2020 and then remain stable for 3 years) ? Inventories are planned so that projected ending finished goods inventory is 15% of the following year’s projected sales in units. ? The per unit raw material requirements for one litre of the product are as follows: Cost per litre/kg/unit Base paint litres 0.8 $0.50 Additives kilograms 0.1 $2.00 Container (1 per unit) $0.20 The desired materials ending inventory is 30% of that required for the next year’s production. Opening materials inventories 2020: Base paint litres 34,500 Additives kilograms 3,800 Containers units 42,000 Opening finished goods inventories (in units) 2020: 14,000 The desired ending finished goods inventory is equal to the 10% of following year’s sales in units. Required: For the two years 2020 and 2021: (note: use the excel template provided on studydesk) i. Prepare a sales budget in units and dollars (5 marks) ii. Prepare a production budget in units for the paint product. (9 marks) iii. Prepare direct materials usage budgets in units for each of the materials (separate budgets) and calculate the dollar purchases for each, showing the 2 years, for the paint product. (16 marks) iv. Calculate the total value of materials purchases each year. (2 marks)

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ACC5216 Accounting Theory
ACC5216 Accounting Theory Semester 2, 2019 Assignment 2 Important Information The course specification requires that your Assignment is your own work. You are strongly urged to complete this assignment yourself to receive clear feedback about your level of understanding of the course material. You will find information regarding plagiarism and academic misconduct, such as collusion and cheating in the course specification and on the USQ website. The course specification also contains information about: o Assignment late policy o Assignment extension policy Please ensure that any ideas or data that you provide in your answer, other than your own original thoughts are properly referenced using the Harvard referencing style. A link to the university’s Harvard referencing style page is provided here. To ensure that the submission in this assignment is your own work, plagiarism detection software may be used. Assignment Preparation and Submission Please read the following points carefully. o This assignment must be submitted using USQ’s Assignment submission link on Study Desk. o You are required to lodge one (1) Microsoft Word file (limit 2MB), using the correct file naming protocol (see next page). o Your submission must have a footer on every page, which includes your name and student number. o The assignment (worth 20%) is due on Friday, 27 September 2019 at 11.55 p.m. (USQ time). Submissions will open on Friday, 13 September 2019. o Please include a reference page in your assignment, citing all resources used. How do I name the Microsoft Word file? When naming the Word file to be submitted as your assignment, the file name should use the following naming convention: First name, last name, last 4 digits of student number, course code and semester of offer (e.g. JohnTaylor1234ACC5216S22019.docx). Remember to press the “SUBMIT” button to complete the submission process. Do I need to include the electronic version of the USQ cover sheet? You do not need to include a USQ coversheet in your assignment. Do I have to send in a hard copy? No hard copy is required. The submission system is easy to use and reliable. You can rely on the system to submit your assignment online. Technical problems with online submission If you need help with your online submission, please email the course examiner and if necessary, a system expert may contact you to provide assistance. If you leave it until after 5pm on the due date, you might have to bear any undesirable consequences. Late penalties will not be applied in genuine cases of technical problems but failure to read instructions will be no excuse). In the rare circumstance that the server is down (e.g. due to a storm), email the assignment file to the course examiner. Keep your submission details You need to keep your submission details like date and time of your submission as well as a back-up copy of your assignment file. Extensions No extensions will be granted on or after the due date for submission of the assignment has passed. All requests for extension must be addressed to the Course examiner at least one business day before the due date with supporting documentation (e.g. doctor’s certificate). Extensions will only be granted in extenuating circumstances. Crashing of computers, too busy with other assignments, heavy workload, and such reasons are not considered extenuating circumstances. Requests for extensions due to work commitments will generally NOT be granted. You must organise your study time around these other commitments. Instructions This assignment is a research-based essay where you are required to relate a real world case study to accounting theory. Below you will find links to three news articles relating to the proposed operation of Adani coalmines in Queensland, Australia. Whilst these articles provide the context for this assignment, you need to ensure that you also refer to other sources. You also need to incorporate both academic and non-academic articles but must have at least 10 academic journal article references from which you will refer to theoretical issues. (Please make sure that you know what an academic reference is). In your answers, you are expected to establish the links between theory and practice. Using the news articles provided below as a base, and referring to other appropriate literature, discuss and critically evaluate the following: Determine the facts of the case. Identify and discuss why this proposed Adani coalmines is causing so much controversy? Describe the main stakeholders and how they will be affected by these developments. Using Stakeholder Theory, explain the likely motivations for each stakeholder group (basing your discussion on your application of Stakeholder Theory). Using a second accounting theory, explain how your chosen applies to the Adani case, and what each group should do as a result of following the theory. (Make sure you relate your discussion to the Adani case and each of the affected groups under your chosen theory). Discuss notions of sustainability and environmental preservation in the context of this Adani case. What actions can Adani take to enhance its “green” credentials in the eyes of society? Explain. The relationship between accounting research and professional practice has been discussed in the literature (Parker, Guthrie & Linacre 2011). This article needs to inform your arguments. Links to the articles are provided here: The essay should include an abstract, introduction, body, conclusion and references. The maximum word count is 1,400 words (not negotiable) excluding the extract and references. Words beyond the word limit will not be marked.
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ACC5218 Auditing
ACC5218 Auditing S2 2019 Team Assignment 2 – Weighting 25% Due Date: 9th September 2019 (Note the change in due date) This Assignment is designed to give students an opportunity to: 1. develop problem solving, critical thinking, and judgement skills in relation to the practice of auditing in contemporary business organisations 2. analyse and apply the regulatory framework that applies to auditing practice CASE STUDY INFORMATION Your case study information (One Tel) can be located at the following web site: A pdf copy of the article is provided under Assignment 1 on the course Assessment page (on the left hand side of the course home page). “Sales and other Revenue as well as related accounts receivables and cash receipts are especially susceptible to manipulation and theft. This results in fraudulent financial reporting.” You are to provide a report that deals with the following issues related to the One Tel case study: 1. the auditor’s responsibility in relation to fraud and what the auditor must do in response to the issues identified at One Tel in relation to sales, accounts receivables and cash receipts; 2. the process that One Tel used for selling its telecommunication products as well as the internal controls over sales, cash receipts and accounts receivables that were in place at One Tel; 3. any weaknesses that you identified in the internal controls used by One Tel over sales, cash receipts and accounts receivables; 4. the factors, along with specific examples, that should be recognized by the auditor in this case as having an effect on the risk of fraud; 5. the impact of corporate governance of One Tel on the issues you identified and the importance of the control environment or “setting the tone from the top”, in establishing a culture of honesty and integrity in One Tel. Word Length (1500-2000) 2 Additional Information: Students are expected to submit a good quality Report which includes an Executive Summary, Table of Contents, appropriately titled body of the Report; and a Conclusion. Your Report should address each of the issues identified. Students are to use appropriate referencing. Refer to the link on the Study Desk “Harvard Referencing Guide from the Library”. One Word Document (doc; docx) is to be submitted as your response. Your Report should contain a minimum of 3 references. Your Report shall be submitted via Turnitin. It is expected that student scores will be below 20% (students need to allow 24 hours to resubmit, so don’t leave it to the last minute). A reminder about plagiarism: The policy statement on cheating and plagiarism is a cornerstone of academic integrity at USQ. All students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the policy, seeking further advice if necessary and complying with it at all times. If you use any material, for example textbooks, journal articles etc. to support your answer, you are to use the Harvard Style of referencing in your answer for both in-text and bibliography referencing (students are expected to use external material and articles). Extensions will only be granted for Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances (refer to the relevant policy at and will be for a mximum of five days. In the first instance, your team should consider whether it is necessary to apply for an extension based on the circumstances of one of its members. If a team requires an extension, you must apply for the extension prior to the due date. An Assignment submitted after the deadline without an approved extension of time will be penalised. The penalty for late submission without a pre-approved extension will a reduction by 5%
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Assignment 2 Final ACC8802
ACC 8802. Assessment Task 2. Four Questions Learning/Assessment Task 2: Individual Assignment Description of Assessment 2: Your answers to the requirements for the four (4) case studies will form the basis of this individual assessment task. Purpose for Assessment 2 The purpose for this assessment is to assess you on (1) your knowledge and understanding the course content, (2) your application of that knowledge, (3) your critical analysis of information provided in the four (4) case studies. The case study answers will relate to material covered for modules 3, 4 and 5. 1. To demonstrate a theoretical knowledge of the role of strategic management accounting in supporting strategy development and the day-to- day operations of a sustainable organisation 2. To apply strategic management accounting tools and techniques to improve the contribution and sustainability of value creating activities 3. To utilise strategic management accounting tools and techniques skills to ensure the role of performance measurement and control systems in value creation is achieved, strategies are implemented and performance monitored and adjusted to improve the success of the strategies. Submission Details: ??Please used the electronic submission via link “Submit your assessment task 1 here” provided on the study desk. ??To receive marks for this assignment YOU MUST include your name and student number in your assignment file. ??You can submit two files, a Word file and an excel file if you wish to provide your calculations Due Date: Monday 14th October, 2019 Weighting: 60 % (Total marks for assignment out of 100 marks) Marking Criteria: 100 marks have been allocated for the total marks for the assignment’s case studies. The individual marks for a requirement reflects the work level you need to undertake. ? Question 1. (32 marks) Black Falcon Pty Ltd makes premium range dog biscuits used to provide high level nutrition for dogs, which it introduced to the market in 2016 in the highly competitive premium dog food market. Black Falcon realises that it would be competing against well-known brands that have held market share based on their reputation for many years. From the feedback received at trade fairs during 2017, Black Falcon has been generally regarded as an equal standard of quality as the other premium providers. However, the product was initially provided at a low introductory price to encourage customers and retailers to purchase Black Falcon’s dog food. Black Falcon is now seeking to increase the price each year as the firm’s reputation grows. Black Falcon produces very few defective products and insists upon the highest quality materials from its suppliers. Conversion Costs in each year depend on production capacity defined in terms of units that can be produced, not the actual units produced. Selling and customer-service costs depend on the number of customers that Black Falcon can support, not the actual number of customers it serves. See Table 1 below for information. Table 1 - Performance and cost details for 2-year period 2018 2019 Number of bags produced and sold 13500 15000 Selling price $125 $135 Direct materials (20 kilograms per bag) 540,000 630,000 Direct materials cost per kilogram $2.00 $2.10 Units of Manufacturing practical capacity 15,000 15,000 Total conversion costs $129,000 $132,000 Conversion indirect overhead cost per unit of capacity (Standard fixed capacity cost per unit) $8.60 $8.80 Customer number capacity for selling and customer-service 4,300 4,200 Total selling and customer-service costs $8,200 $7,600 Selling and customer-service capacity cost per customer (Standard fixed capacity cost per unit) $1.91 $1.81 REQUIRED: 1. Identify the business strategy adopted by Black Falcon Pty Ltd and explain briefly how you reached your decision on the type of business strategy adopted. (2 marks) 2. Calculate the operating profit for the two accounting years. (6 marks) 3. Prepare the variances for the change in profit between the two years due to the growth strategy (16 marks) 4. Prepare the variances to reconcile the change in profit between for the two accounting years due to the productivity strategy. (5 marks) 5. Discuss the change in Black Falcon’s operating profit for the two accounting years. (3 marks) ? Question 2. (22 marks) Using the information below about Black Falcon Pty Ltd earlier, see Table 2 below. (This data is not related to Table 1 above). Table 2 – Financial and Non-financial measure for other 3 perspectives Details of activity levels and costs included in above figures 2018 2019 Production staff training costs $5,000 $8,000 Order and checking costs for returning materials to suppliers $3,300 $500 Late delivered penalty of MW delays caused by suppliers $125 $25 Measures of activity levels 2018 2019 Turnover of staff numbers 3 1 Number of staff training hours 15 35 Number of late delivered of MW 3 1 Number of times faulty materials returned to suppliers 5 0 Number of new customers 1,000 1,500 Number of repeat order purchases by existing customers 10 20 Number of useable suggestions from employees 10 25 REQUIRED: 1. Identify one Critical Success Factor (CSF) that could be used by Black Falcon for each perspective of the Balanced Scorecard. Provide at least 2 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that could measure each of the 4 CSFs. Comment on the linkage between the measures and the CSF. (Ensure that your KPIs consider Black Falcon’s strategy). (12 marks) 2. If Black Falcon P/L had an additional strategy of appealing to their environmental and social stakeholders, list three (3) KPIs that could be used to measure this performance. State the BSC perspective that each of your 3 KPIs above would be placed into. (6 marks) 3. If Black Falcon P/L wished to set up their operations in Chile (South America), using Hofstedes’ cultural dimensions, select two (2) KPIs, and describe how these KPI measures would be used in different ways to motivate staff to improve their performance. (For example, if you selected Hofstede’s ‘Long Term Orientation’, your measure would reward staff for meeting short term goals in Australia (e.g. monthly), and your measures would cover a longer period of time to reward staff in Chile). (URL: (4 marks) ? Question 2 (cont’d). Hofstede’s cultural dimensions: Australia is Blue: Chile is purple. Question 3. (30 marks) Green Batteries Pty Ltd is considering the purchase of a wind turbine generator in order to generate electricity and to reduce the electricity costs for their offices, which are located in Toowoomba. Currently the business uses 40,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) per quarter (3 months) at an average cost of $0.40 per kWh, supplied by the local coal fired power station. The current required rate of return used to evaluate projects is 6%, with a required payback period of 4 years. The Queensland government started a scheme to provide an incentive for business to use alternative sources of renewable power. The incentives are 5% immediate reimbursement of the purchase and installation costs. This reimbursement can be paid to the supplier providing and installing the equipment. Therefore, the net cash flow from Green Batteries Pty Ltd is the purchase cost plus the installation cost less the 5% incentive back from government to offset these costs. Project details: Turbine 1 Turbine 2 Cost of wind turbine generator $10,000 $9,000 Cost to install turbine and generator (by supplier) $750 $850 Expected cash incentive back from government to offset cost of the panels, paid immediately the wind turbine generator installed 5% of total costs 5% of total costs Turbine expected (on average) generated kilowatt 300 kW per month 350 kW per month for first 5 yrs, then 295 kW/month for next 10 years Generator’s expected life (in years) 15 years 15 years ? Requirements 1. Calculate the total initial investment and the net annual savings from installing the wind generator for each of the 2 projects. (8 marks) 2. Calculate the payback period of each wind generator. (4 marks) 3. Comment on whether either project meets the company’s Payback Period requirements and whether you should base your decision only in the payback period calculation. (1 mark) 4. Calculate the net present value (NPV) of the project with a required rate of return at 6%. Where the savings are the same each year, use the present value table in Appendix 1. Where the savings differ in different time periods, you may need to subtract one NPV factor index from another NPV factor index. (12 marks) 5. Comment on whether Green Batteries should proceed with either project using the Net Present Value method. (1 mark) 6. Comment on one limitation with the payback period method compared to the NPV method. (2 marks) 7. What qualitative, non-financial factors (not included in the quantitative analysis) would influence your opinion on whether the investment in the wind generator should proceed. (2 marks) ? Question 4. (16 marks) Chad Pty Ltd is preparing to design and implement sustainability systems and processes. You find (as the environmental director) that energy is a key resource for business operations; first for heating water and second for operational and security lighting. Management of these key resources for business operations can save the company money. Therefore the first step is to measure the water flow at the premises. The company only operates their fruit and vegetable cleaning and production for 260 days of the year. You report directly to William South, the CFO. Chad P/L is interested in saving water costs, so they have installed large underground water tanks that collect the rainwater from the roof system. These tanks are now full and operational. The daily rinsing process for fruit and vegetables requires the tap to run for 40 minutes per day and use 11 litres of water flow per minute. The water is heated to 60oC. The table below provides the number of kWh required to heat one kilolitre of water to various temperatures. Hot Water Temperature kWh required make one kilolitre of hot water 45oC 56 kWh 50oC 62 kWh 60oC 77 kWh 70oC 98 kWh Required: Please note all your answers should be to two decimal points (cents) a) If the business uses water heated to 60oC, assuming the electricity cost per kilolitre is $0.40 per kWh, calculate the annual electricity cost to the business associated with the heating of water used to 60o (4 marks) b) If the business uses water heated to 50oC (assuming the electricity cost per kilolitre is $0.40 per kWh), calculate the dollar saving if this lower temperature is used. (4 marks) c) You are considering fitting the tap with a high pressure flow restrictor that will reduce water flow to 5 litres of water flow per minute. You expect run the tap still for 40 minutes per day. Calculate the electricity cost and cost savings if the reduced water flow was heated to (i) 60 degrees and (ii) to 50 degrees. (4 marks) d) Compare and describe the cost results, and provide an informal report (memo email) to your supervisor giving your recommendations of how your organisation should proceed. Discuss any non-financial factors that need to be considered. (You will be marked on spelling and grammar for this section d). (4 marks) ? Appendix 1: for Question 3. Present Value of an Ordinary Annuity of $1 n 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 8% 10% 12% 1 0.990 0.980 0.971 0.966 0.952 0.943 0.926 0.909 0.893 2 1.970 1.942 1.913 1.887 1.859 1.834 1.783 1.736 1.690 3 2.941 2.884 2.829 2.775 2.723 2.673 2.577 2.487 2.402 4 3.902 3.808 3.717 3.630 3.546 3.465 3.312 3.170 3.037 5 4.853 4.713 4.580 4.452 4.329 4.212 3.993 3.791 3.605 6 5.795 5.601 5.417 5.242 5.076 4.917 4.623 4.355 4.111 7 6.728 06.472 6.230 6.002 5.786 5.582 5.206 4.868 4.564 8 7.651 7.325 7.020 6.733 6.463 6.210 5.747 5.335 4.968 9 8.566 8.162 7.786 7.435 7.108 6.802 6.247 5.759 5.328 10 9.471 8.983 8.530 8.111 7.722 7.360 6.710 6.145 5.650 11 10.368 9.787 9.253 8.760 8.306 7.887 7.139 6.495 5.938 12 11.255 10.575 9.954 9.385 8.863 8.384 7.536 6.814 6.194 13 12.134 11.348 10.635 9.986 9.394 8.853 7.904 7.103 6.424 14 13.003 12.106 11.296 10.563 9.898 9.295 8.244 7.367 6.628 15 13.865 12.849 11.938 11.118 10.380 9.712 8.559 7.606 6.811 16 14.718 13.578 12.561 11.652 10.838 10.056 8.851 7.824 6.974 n 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 8% 10% 12%
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MBA8000 - Assignment 2 S2 Instructions
Assignment 2 Instructions Due Date: (See Study Desk or Course Specification) Word Limit: 3,000 (+ / - 10%) Background The Facebook experiment of 2014 manipulated the contents of users’ News Feeds to induce changes in their emotions (Kramer et al., 2014). Facebook had tampered with the news feeds of nearly 700,000 people, showing them an abnormally low number of either positive or negative posts. The experiment aimed to determine whether the company could alter the emotional state of its users. The experiment was designed to assess whether more positive or negative comments in a Facebook newsfeed would impact how the user updated their own page. Researchers found those shown more negative comments posted more negative comments and vice versa. This experiment was widely criticized on both ethical and methodological grounds. The Facebook Report Kramer, A., Guillory, J., & Hancock, J 2014, Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(24), 8788–8790. Available from Your Task A different social network (XYZ) would also like to conduct research to determine if they could alter the emotional state of their users but they do not want to be accused of being unethical and they also wish to know that the research is valid and reliable. You have been asked to design this research for them. Before you commence the design process, they want you to prepare a report that critiques and challenges the design of the Facebook study from: 1) an ethical perspective; and 2) a methodology (research design) perspective. From these critiques you are to provide them with recommendations about how to undertake research of this nature that would avoid the issues you identify. As part of your report, you will first need to undertake a brief literature review about the concept of emotional contagion. In order for you to be able to make recommendations about how to design valid and reliable research examining emotional contagion, your literature review should include information about: a) what emotional contagion is; b) the challenges associated with measuring emotional contagion; and c) the challenges with measuring emotional contagion from an ethical perspective. There is a lot of debate about the Facebook study and you will be required to examine the discourse by considering some (or all) of the following: o Informed participant consent o Voluntary participation and right of withdrawal without sanction o Confidentiality of participants and records o Secure storage of relevant data after completion of a research project Last updated 05/02/2019 o Clear, coherent expression of research proposals o Regular monitoring of research outcomes. o Privacy and the internet o Recruitment o Feedback to participants o Protection of participants o Deception o Honesty o Integrity o Bias o Respect for Intellectual Property o Carefulness o Objectivity o Codes and Policies for Research Ethics o Professional Conduct o Non-Discrimination o Legality o Human Subjects Protection Format of the Assignment This assignment is to be presented as a report to the board of XYZ for the next steps. See the Communications Skills Handbook for more information if you are unsure of this format and the requirements. Suggested Structure for Assignment 2 ? Letter of Transmittal ? Title page (Not included in word count) ? Executive Summary ? Table of Contents (Not included in word count) ? List of abbreviations and/or glossary (if relevant - Not included in word count) ? Introduction/background ? Literature review relevant to emotional contagion (brief – about 300 – 500 words) ? Critique of the Facebook study from a methodological perspective concluding with recommendations for how to undertake a similar study with valid and reliable methodology ? Critique of the Facebook study from an ethical perspective concluding with recommendations for how to undertake a similar study that meets ethical standards ? Summary of recommendations ? Reference List - Harvard (Not included in word count) ? Appendices - If applicable (Not included in word count) You DO NOT have to collect data, actually design a questionnaire or conduct any primary research for this assignment. Further information Please see Module 4 for further details about this assignment.
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MBA8000 Business Ethics Ass 1
MBA8000 Assignment 1 Instructions This Assignment is a Critical Reflection Due Date: (See Study Desk or Course Specification) Word Limit: 2,000 (+ / - 10%) Excluding Bibliography and direct quotes This assignment has the following three parts: • In Part 1 you will describe an ethical or moral dilemma that you have experienced. • In Part 2 you will analyze it. • In Part 3 you will reflect on it. Part 1: Description (No more than 500 words) Discuss an ethical or moral dilemma that you have experienced in the workplace. Give as much details as possible within the word limit. Please include relevant information. The following list is a guide only: (You can replace the real names and places with fictional ones) • Describe the situation • Who was involved • Where did the situation take place? • When did it happen and what was going on? • What were the values or norms that were in conflict? • Describe your thoughts and feeling at the time. • Describe what you did. (How was the dilemma resolved or what was the outcome?) • Rate your decision. On a scale from 1-10 how happy were you with your decision? (1 = Very unhappy 10 = Very happy) and state why you thought that. Part 2: Analysis (At least 1,000 words) In this section, you are going to analyze the ethical or moral dilemma described in Part 1 above. Please include the following: • Choose two normative ethical theories (one from Consequentialism and one from Non-consequentialism). • Use those two ethical theories to analyze the ethical or moral dilemma described in Part 1. (In other words, you are going to view the ethical dilemma from 3 perspectives. Your own in Part 1 and from one Consequentialist and one Non-consequentialist in Part 2) Part C: Reflection (No more than 500 words) In this section, you are going to reflect on your initial decision. Please include the following: • Did any of the ethical theories discussed in Part 2 make you happier with the decision you made in Part 1? Why? or Why not? • Did any of the ethical theories discussed in Part 2 make you less happy with the decision you made in Part 1? Why? or Why not? • If you were in that same situation again would you make the same decision again? Why? or Why not? Please make sure that you have completed all parts of Assignment 1 before submitting it. Additional Information: Part 1 Have you described an ethical or moral dilemma? Make sure it is an ethical or moral dilemma and not something else. If you are unsure look at the material in Module 1 again. Part 2 Have you applied ethical theories to analyze the event? If you are unsure look at the material in Module 2 again. Part 3 Have you reflected on your original decision in Part 1? If you are unsure look at the material in Module 3 again. Overall Have you written clearly so that the marker can understand what you have written about? If the marker cannot understand you they will be unable to give you a very good mark. It does not matter how much you know, how good you are or how smart you are. If you do not show us that in your assignment, then we cannot give you the marks that you might deserve! Students sometimes write as though they think the marker has ESP. We don’t! If you do not write your thoughts down, we cannot mark your thoughts. The only way we can find out what you are thinking about is through your written work! Your written work is the medium between what you are thinking and what we believe you are thinking. Make sure that the written work is not like a mobile phone that has a weak signal. Ask yourself the following questions: Did you reference your work clearly? Did you include a Bibliography? Did you check your work against the Marking Criteria? We use the Marking Criteria to mark your work. That is why it is called ‘Marking Criteria’. It is the criteria that we use to judge your work. Proofreading: If you have followed our suggestions (on the Study Desk) about when to do Parts 1, 2 and 3 you should be able to put your work aside for a few days. You will then be in a better position to proofread it. You should leave at least a few days between writing and proofreading. It is nearly impossible to proofread just after writing. Your mind jumps over all the mistakes.
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Moderated Asssignment_ 2 _2019_ACC8801
ACC8801 Assignment 2 TOTAL MARKS 60 (marked out of 100) Due Date 11:59 pm Sunday 20 October 2019 Page 1 of 7 Learning/Assessment Task 2: Information about this Individual Assignment Description: The internal report will relate primarily to material covered in Modules 3, 4, and 5 and the reflective personal journal will relate to material covered for modules 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, while assessing learning outcomes 1, 2, 3, and 4 identified in the marking rubric on the last page. Due Date: 11:59 pm Sunday 20 October 2019 Word Length: Maximum Total of 4,500 words for answering all requirements. The length of the answers will vary among four (4) parts of the assignment and be commensurate with each Part’s requirements and marks awarded for that Part. Weighting: 60 % Submission Details: ? Electronic submission via link (button) provided on the study desk. ? The submitted assignment will be processed through ‘turnitin’ automatically ? You can submit two files: (1) a Word document for the analysis, (2) a combined PDF file as evidence about any (good or bad) sustainability occurrences reported in (a) e-news articles, (b) company announcements, (c) any commentary by finance journalists, (d) court rulings against the company, or (e) other verifiable sources (i.e., NOT social media). ? Page margin should be 2.54 cm (1 inch) all around ? The font size should be Calibri 11 and line spacing should be 1.15 spaced (at least). ? The table (if any) should be professionally formatted ? Referencing: Please ensure that any ideas or data that you provide in your answer, other than your own original thoughts are properly referenced using the Harvard referencing style. A link to the university’s Harvard referencing style page is provided here ? To receive marks for this assignment YOU MUST include your name and student number in your assignment file in the header of each submitted document. ? You may discuss, collaboratively with your fellow students, but you must not collude with other students or commit plagiarism to complete your assignment submission. For clarification about plagiarism and academic misconduct, such as colluding and cheating in the submitted document, please refer to the course specification and on the USQ website. Please note the following important information The course specification (available from the course homepage) contains information about: • Assignment late policy • Assignment extension policy • Plagiarism and academic misconduct (such as collusion and cheating) • The interpretation for this course for a ‘business day’ is opening hours: 8.00am - 5.00pm (AEST). Therefore, hours after 5 pm are not within the definition ‘part-business day’ and do not attract any penalty until the start of the next business trading day; any submission time after 8am on Monday is a ‘part-business day’. • The submission of Part 2 is your own work and plagiarism detection software will be used. ACC8801 Assignment 2 TOTAL MARKS 60 (marked out of 100) Due Date 11:59 pm Sunday 20 October 2019 Page 2 of 7 Extensions Extensions are only granted in extenuating circumstances and will not be granted after the due date – you must contact the course leader (examiner) on or before the due date to seek an extension. Crashing of computers, too busy with other assignments and such reasons are not considered extenuating circumstances. You must organise your study time around these other commitments. Extensions will only be considered where supporting documentation is provided (e.g. doctor’s certificate). You must also provide a copy of your assignment in word file (even if incomplete) to show that you have attempted the assignment to a reasonable level, prior to the extenuating circumstances. Work commitments are generally not considered to be extenuating circumstances. Requests for extensions due to work commitments normally will NOT be granted. If you have had to do extensive amounts of overtime or work-related travel you must provide a supporting letter from your employer, which provides details of such circumstances. Late submission Please note that late submissions will be penalised. It is your responsibility to submit your assignment on time; the due time and date is the LAST time and date for submission without penalty. LENGTH: For the internal report (Part A and Part B), there is a maximum word length of 3,500 words (i.e., 3,500 words or less) for this 1.15 spaced internal report email/memo assignment. For the Reflective personal journal (Part D) there is a maximum word length of 1,000 words. Most students should be able to cover (using Calibri 11 point font 1.15 spaced) the internal report (email/memo) writing in 8-10 pages (Parts A, and B as well as part C, which is embedded in Parts A and B) and their personal reflective journal writing in 3-4 pages. Your reference list or any appendices (if you find such attachments are warranted) should not be included in this word count. Useful links Information about report writing is provided on the USQ website at This information includes sections that are included in a formal external report not an internal report. The letter of transmittal, Abbreviations and Glossary, Acknowledgements, and Introduction Sections are not required in an internal report. The GRI Guidelines and GRI standards are available for free download from the GRI website: overview/Pages/default.aspx Focus on core disclosures plus additional ones that may be relevant for this type of business. The required format is different to a formal report example available at the link (i.e., do not use the format below because it is a formal external report not an internal informal report) The Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI): An analysis of ASX200 disclosure - Featuring climate-related risk, July 2017 How to write an internal report ACC8801 Assignment 2 TOTAL MARKS 60 (marked out of 100) Due Date 11:59 pm Sunday 20 October 2019 Page 3 of 7 PART A of the body of your internal report BACKGROUND INFORMATON You have been assigned by your General Manager, Helen Ready, to assess SandFire Resources NL as a potential investment for your employer Ethical Investments Superannuation Management Fund (EISMF). SandFire Resources NL is a dynamic mid-tier Australian mining and exploration company which was listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) in March 2004. The registered office, and headquarter, is located in Perth, Western Australia. The independent assurance statement was issued by Jeremy Leu, General Manager – Certification, Sustainability, Building & Infrastructure, Bureau Veritas Australia Pty Ltd. SandFire Resources NL’s operations are predominantly in Australian copper mining but it has mining interest in Canada, as well as solar electricity generation projects in Australia. The following information is an extract from the company’s website under the “about” button OUR VISION, MISSION & VALUES (please see summary below) Vision Sandfire’s vision is to build a sustainable, mid-tier mining company operating in the upper quartile of global performance benchmarks. Mission Sandfire is in the business of producing (mining, sic) base and precious metals safely and profitably from its operations for the benefit of its shareholders and stakeholders. Its focus is on three business elements: • managing, safely, the productivity of our operations by optimising production and rigorously controlling expenditure at all times • investing in exploration to increase the resource base of the Company by discovering new deposits • securing assets that meet our investment criteria through business development initiatives and developing assets in accordance with a set of strict economic and technical criteria. Values Sandfire’s values are designed to guide all who work for us (them, sic) in their day-to-day dealings with each other, competitors, customers and the community: • safety - act safely and with care for the environment • people - attract the best people and reward performance • teamwork - encourage teamwork, respect and integrity • communities - work with communities for mutual benefit • improvement - strive for continuous improvement, technical excellences and innovation • profitability - optimise profitability through effective operating practices and cost consciousness. The sustainability reports for 2017 and 2018 and associated information are accessible through the links below Sustainability Reports: 2017 report: 2018 report: Sandfire’s 2018 GRI Index in Appendix 1 of the Sustainability Report pp. 58-64: Sandfire’s 2018 Data Tables: Sandfire’s 2017 Data Tables ACC8801 Assignment 2 TOTAL MARKS 60 (marked out of 100) Due Date 11:59 pm Sunday 20 October 2019 Page 4 of 7 Requirement for Part A (45 marks) Provide an internal report to Helen so she can combine it with your internal report about other companies (see Part B) that she will present to the board of directors. 1. In your internal report (under a section named “SandFire Comparison”) you must: 1. Assess and compare the 2017 sustainability report to the 2018 sustainability report in relation to the G4 GRI Guidelines (or possibly the new GRI standards if used). 6 marks 2. Provide your interpretation about which phase Sandfire is positioned within the six phases of sustainability based on the information in their “OUR VISION, MISSION & VALUES” provided (on page 1 of this document) and the information in the sustainability report for 2018. The six phases are identified by Suzanne Benn, Dexter Dunphy, and Andrew Griffiths (2014) Organizational Change for Corporate Sustainability, 3rd ed., Routledge: UK and Mowen, M., Hansen, D., Heitger, D., Sands, J., Winata, L. & S. Su. (2019) Managerial Accounting: 2nd Asia-Pacific Custom Edition, Cengage: Australia; chapter 5 in ACC8802 Textbook (see study schedule for Module 4-Topic 2). 4 marks 3. Express you perceptions about the quality assurance provided by non-auditor and why you have formed that perception 3 marks 2. You should note in your comments using the following four questions: 1.What is the level of comprehensive reporting for areas of improved sustainability performance for the three aspects; economics, environmental and social (also considering the four (4) sub-categories of the social aspect) between the 2017 and the 2018 report? 16 marks 2. Have the most relevant guidelines (standards) for this business been identified? 2 marks 3. Does the report contain targets? 2 marks 4. How detailed (specified) are these targets? 2 marks 3. Comment on how “user-friendly” you found the report using the following three questions: 1. Was it easy to find the parts of the report relevant to a particular guideline? 2 marks 2. Was the report well referenced? 2 marks 3. Did it give a balanced view (negative as well as positive aspects)? 2 marks 4. Use the GRI index provided by the company in Appendix 1 as a starting point – but be critical using the following two questions: 1. What have they not covered? 2 marks 2. Have they appropriately identified issues as material? 2 marks You will also need to download the G4 guidelines (from the study desk links ( and other material you believe are helpful. Please note: GRI G4 guidelines were replaced by individual GRI standards [GRI100 universal standards series and the topic specific standards series: GRI200, GRI300, and GRI400 series] You therefore may have to refer to the G4 GRI for the 2017 year and it is possible the specific GRI standard for the 2018 report as these standards took effect from 1 July 2018. The body of your review and analysis does not need to cover all aspects of disclosure, but should be a general assessment with reference to the GRI Reporting Principles and Standard Disclosures. You should use the GRI Guidelines themselves (or possibly the new GRI standards). The Guidelines ACC8801 Assignment 2 TOTAL MARKS 60 (marked out of 100) Due Date 11:59 pm Sunday 20 October 2019 Page 5 of 7 give examples of tests for assessment (e.g., ability to compare year to year, use of benchmarks, etc.). Also, comment on the material issues assessment and disclosure of Sandfire. The key is to cover the main points (for this type of business) and to present it in a professional manner (a full report format is not required BUT the presentation should be business-like and neat and references are required). However, this is a general overview rather than a complete detailed review of all possible aspects. PART B of the body of your internal report comparison of the quality of sustainability reporting (25 marks) BACKGROUND INFORMATON You are asked to include in your internal report a comparison of the quality of in the 2018 sustainability reporting by two companies operating in the real estate industry group. Westfield Corporation at and Cromwell Property Group Comparison should be between the latest on-line sustainability reports for the two companies. The purpose for this internal report is to establish EISMF’s best potential green investment opportunities. There is a significant difference in the reporting index scores in Table 6: Companies rated ‘Leading’ for the last four years between Cromwell Property Group and Westfield Corporation in their quality of the reporting found by the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors, Corporate Sustainability Reporting in Australia Compare changes in the quality of these two companies’ sustainability reports mentioned in the previous paragraph (in the four year, 2018, since the release of the 3rd edition of the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations in 2014), which encourages (for the first time).publicly listed companies to disclose exposure to economic, environmental and social sustainability risks. ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations 3rd edition link: Please note that you should use the 3rd edition because the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations 4th edition was released in February 2019 and therefore companies would not yet be using it in their reports. Requirement for Part B Provide in your internal report the following information under a separate section named; “Cromwell Property Group and Westfield Corporation Comparison”. 1. What differences have you identified in the quality of the reporting about the four Aspects? Complete a comparison between these two companies? 8 marks 2. Has either company improved in its quality of sustainability reporting ranking compared to the quality reported by Rowe el. al. (2009)? Discuss differences in the Aspects you have identified 8 marks 3. Assess, compare, and comment on the level of information contained and disclosed in each company’s latest sustainability reports to the G4 GRI Guidelines. 9 marks ACC8801 Assignment 2 TOTAL MARKS 60 (marked out of 100) Due Date 11:59 pm Sunday 20 October 2019 Page 6 of 7 PART C Professional Writing style, Conclusions, and Recommendations (10 marks) You are required to develop separate conclusions based solely on your analysis under (1) Part A for SandFire and (2) Part B for Cromwell Property Group and Westfield Corporation. Your recommendations for EISMF’s potential green investment opportunities must then be based on your conclusions (that is, no new discussion or analysis can be introduced into either your conclusions or your recommendations).Your report writing, sentence structure, and grammar must be prepared in a highly professional manner and format. 1. Communication: Be able to justify and communicate sustainability reporting accounting advice to accountants and non-accountants (should be free of accounting-based jargon) 3 marks 2. Presentation: Write a professional-style report, with appropriate headings, font, format, title page, table of contents, appropriate word choice, grammar, spelling, and length and use of figures/tables/charts. 3 marks 3. Consistent referencing style should be used throughout the report. The reference list should include only references used in the report body. 2 marks 4. Conclusions developed solely on your analysis under Part A and Part B 1.5 marks 5. Recommendations formulated and based on conclusions 1.5 marks PART D Reflective journal of personal development (20 marks) Your reflective personal journal should be completed separately to the internal report BUT in the same Word document under the heading “PART D Reflective journal of personal development”. Your writing should reflect on how your personal development has been aided by your completion of the two assessment tasks. An example of a reflective journal will be provided on the ACC8801 study desk. When completing your reflection journal on personal development, you should consider what you have learned by completing the various topics of the five (5) modules. 1. A reflective (not descriptive) discussion about what (prior to studying this course) you knew, or believed, about the nature and significance of the topic corporate governance, ethical and moral obligations, and social responsibility concepts and essential principles, AND the topic’s relevance to your knowledge in your career as an accountant or manager.); 4 marks 2. A reflective (not descriptive) discussion demonstrating how you have developed knowledge about the nature and significance of the particular topics about the impact on board and committee functions and structures and company officers’ training, induction, and behaviour to protect the interests of diverse stakeholders AND the topic’s relevance to your knowledge in your career as an accountant or manager. 4 marks 3. A reflective (not descriptive) discussion about what (prior to studying this course) you knew, or believed, about how to use the ASX principles of good corporate governance and corporate disclosure requirements; AND the topic’s relevance to your knowledge in your career as an accountant or manager. 4 marks 4. A reflective (not descriptive) discussion demonstrating how you have developed knowledge about how using main theories and elements of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the topic’s relevance to your knowledge in your career as an accountant or manager. 4 marks 5. A reflective (not descriptive) discussion demonstrating how completion of the assessment task required the use of sustainability accounting and integrated reporting of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles and the topic’s relevance to your knowledge in your career as an accountant or manager. 4 marks ACC8801 Assignment 2 TOTAL MARKS 60 (marked out of 100) Due Date 11:59 pm Sunday 20 October 2019 Page 7 of 7 Rubric - Assessment Criteria: Learning Outcome Excellent (85=100%) Very Good (75-84%) Good (74-65%) Satisfactory (64-50%) Unsatisfactory (<50%) Part A & B Apply and integrate the sustainability accounting reporting principles and practices (including the Global Reporting Initiative) into the development of sustainability reporting /out of 70 marks • All assessing and reporting Aspects and comparison analysis without errors and at a very experienced management level. • Not without some errors in assessing Aspects and comparison analysis but at a very experienced management level. • A number of errors in assessing Aspects and comparison analysis but at an experienced management level • Many errors in assessing Aspects and comparison analysis but at a lower experienced management level • Extensive errors in assessing Aspects and comparison analysis and at a low experienced management level. Part C (related to the internal report in Parts A and B)