(MNG82001 Organisational Behaviour
Organisational Behaviour (MNG82001) Assignment 2 Guidelines & Marking Criteria Title: Assignment 2 – Reflective Case Study Marks: 35 (which is 35% of the unit grade) Due: Prior to 9am on Monday 4th February (week 12), 2019. Task: Drawing on your own personal workplace experience, write a mini case-study (max 1500 words) on one of the following OB-related topics: • When Teamwork failed to meet its objective • The appropriate use of power in the workplace • Organisational Change Following the case-study, two questions should be posed which encourage the reader to examine and analyse different aspects of the case in close detail. Students should also provide a brief 200-300 word example answer for each question in order to demonstrate the potential learning outcomes of the case. A minimum of four distinct references from academic journals is to be included in the assignment. They can part of the case, the example answers, or spread across the two sections. Purpose: This assignment seeks to achieve 2 key learning outcomes. Firstly, it seeks to develop a students’ awareness for the way in which ‘teamwork’, ‘power’ or ‘change’ is manifest in organisations. Secondly, understanding workplace behaviour can be greatly informed by periodic ‘reflection’. Through this assignment it is hoped that students recognise the value of setting aside time in their work schedule to reflect upon and analyse, issues that influence the behaviour of themselves and others in the workplace. Format: The single document submitted for this assignment is to contain the following components and formatting features: a) Assignment ‘Coversheet’ (document is available in the Assignment file on Blackboard). b) Assignment ‘Coverpage’ identifying the unit name & code, assignment title, student name & ID, and the word count of the Case Study and each example answer (note: Reference List content does not contribute to the word count). c) Case Study (maximum of 1500 words). See below for the type of structure and style to adopt. d) Two Case Study questions and example answers (max 300 words each) Adopt the following formatting features for the paper: o Apply page numbers. Page 1 comes after your coverpage. o Font style: Times New Roman, 12pt, justified, 1½ line spacing. o Margins – top and bottom to be 2.54cm. Left and right to be 2.54cm. No page boarders. o Spelling - if using a Microsoft package, specify Australian English language/grammar when running your spell-check. o Writing and grammar must conform to the standards of a professional report. Submit Process: All assignments are to be submitted through ‘Turn-it-in,’ which can be accessed from the ‘Assignment 2’ folder on Blackboard. The link will be activated in week 10 and you can submit the assignment at any time leading up to the due date. The file you submit should be labelled in the following manner: Surname, initial, student code, MNG82001, asmt 2 For example – Gillett, P, 012345, MNG82001, asmt 2 Feedback: Students who submit their report by the due date will receive feedback within 2 weeks. This feedback will be in the form of a marking rubric and a copy of your report with electronic comments made by the marker. Structure and style of the Case-Study There is no prescribed structure for the case. It is advised that students develop a catchy title; one that gives a clue as to the focus or purpose of the case. Although not mandatory, students might use sub-headings to help structure their case story. The general aim is to write an interesting story which clearly illustrates a good lesson in Organisational Behaviour. It is important that the key concepts associated with the lesson are discussed in the case and that this information is presented in a logical manner (i.e. it is effectively ‘contextualised’ and the story has good ‘flow’). At the same time, students should avoid being too blatant with the learning-related details. It is important for readers to ‘pick-up’ (if they read the case carefully enough) various surreptitious clues about the particular OB concept and to recognise their relevance to the intended learning objective. While the case is based on your own experience, you should not be referring to yourself specifically (e.g. I thought…, I did…, etc). Rather, you should adopt the perspective of someone who is observing and subsequently describing the case details as they unfold. Many textbooks across a range of disciplines provide case studies that adopt this type of perspective. Students who are unfamiliar with the approach should review various textbooks for examples. For students who have no workplace experience on which to base their case, they need to identify and interview someone who can provide the required first-hand insight. This will provide for a more realistic case story; as compared to simply making things up. Students can however, use a small degree of ‘artistic license’ to help promote the OB issue at the centre of their case. It is important that you use pseudonyms to protect the identity of the organisation and the individuals concerned. Refer to the documents ‘How to writing the Case Study’ and ‘Reflective Writing’ (located in Assignment 3 folder) for further advice and tips that are specific to this assignment. Two example assignments from previous sessions have also been provided to help students recognise the markers expectations for this task. Marking Criteria: A. Written communication (weight = approx 28% of marks) 1) Unsatisfactory. The writing is ineffective due to numerous spelling and/or grammatical errors. 2) Pass. Proof-read the final document to identify and correct minor errors in spelling and grammar. Plan for and undertake additional drafts as this will help to improve the quality of your written work. 3) Credit. A good standard of writing is provided (no spelling errors), however there is room for improvement in terms of higher-order writing skills (e.g. vocabulary and sentence structure). Work on developing the logic within your discussion. 4) Distinction. Higher-order writing skills are evident in parts. Greater consistency will improve the overall quality of your work. 5) HD. The quality of writing is exceptional. Well done. B. Case Content (weight = approx 26% of marks) 1) Unsatisfactory. The case details are highly ambiguous. No lesson in Organisational Behaviour can be logically deduced from the case story. 2) Pass. The case story highlights a basic lesson in Organisational Behaviour. Some of the details may be unnecessary or unrelated to the OB topic. 3) Credit. The case details offer good insight into the OB topic. Presenting the content in a more subtle manner will increase the learning impact. 4) Distinction. The case details reflect a good understanding of the OB topic. Further detail and/or insight is needed to demonstrate a stronger level of understanding. 5) HD. The case provides a very effective lesson in Organisational Behaviour. It is well constructed, believable and relevant to the OB context. C. Questions and Answers (weight = approx 26% of marks) 1) Unsatisfactory. The Q&As are poorly conceived. They do not contribute in any noteworthy way to a particular learning outcome 2) Pass. The questions are appropriate however the answers are ambiguous or they identify issues that are not present in the case. 3) Credit. Both the Q&As are linked to the Case details. The answer content reflects a solid basic learning outcome. 4) Distinction. The questions clearly encourage the reader to consider and analyse key OB features imbedded within the case. The answers could be developed further to show greater insight into the OB topic. 5) HD. The Q&As reflect a very strong understanding of the OB topic. In combination they clearly reveal how the case provides the opportunity for a very effective learning outcome D. Referencing and Formatting (weight = 20% of marks) 1) Unsatisfactory. The assignment document is unprofessionally presented and/or the required number of references is not provided. 2) Pass. The assignment document is generally well presented but several (at least 2) formatting features have not been adopted and there are errors with the referencing style. 3) Credit. Several (at least 2) formatting features have not been adopted or there is a notable error with the referencing style. 4) Distinction. One formatting feature has not been adopted or there is one minor error with the referencing style. 5) HD. The assignment document adopts all the required referencing and formatting features and is professionally presented. U P C D HD A. 0-4 5-6 7 8 9-10 B. 0-4 5 6 7 8-9 C. 0-4 5 6 7 8-9 D. 0-2 3 4 5 6-7

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ACC00714 MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING MAJOR ASSIGNMENT (Session 2 2019) This assignment is worth 30 marks and 30% of your overall marks. See MySCU for more details about the time and submission requirements Surf N Sea manufactures swimwear and beach accessories for men and women. They operate out of rented premises in Kirra where the factory is split into a manufacturing and storage area and a retail space. The business produces 4 products: • One-piece swimsuits for women • Board shorts for men • Beach Towels • Beach Umbrellas You, as the management accountant for the firm, have been asked to prepare a range of budgets for the 2020 year. The following information has been gathered: Expected sales volume (number of units) to be sold during 2020: Sales One-piece swimsuits Board short Towel Beach Umbrellas January 2020 1,800 1,600 400 200 February 2020 1,400 1,100 300 180 March 2020 1,300 1,160 260 160 April 2020 1,000 1,000 140 120 May 2020 400 600 80 60 June 2020 400 500 40 40 July 2020 400 500 40 40 August 2020 600 400 80 40 September 2020 1,300 1,160 260 160 October 2020 1,200 1,100 300 180 November 2020 1,200 1,100 300 180 December 2020 1,500 1,200 400 200 January 2021 1,600 1,400 440 220 February 2021 1,600 1,400 400 200 One-piece swimsuits Board short Towel Beach Umbrella Selling Price $100 $80 $50 $45 Product One-piece swimsuit Board short Towel Beach Umbrella Direct Materials & Direct Labour per unit Fabric $20.75 $31.25 $26.25 $20 Elastic/Trim $13.50 $3.00 $5.25 $1.5 Direct Labour (sewing time/machine hours) 1 hour 0.75 hours 0.4 hours 2.0 hours Other Cost information: Production Related Costs Operating Costs Direct Labour $28/hour Indirect Labour $1/ machine hour Indirect Materials $2 machine hour Utilities $450/month $50/month Insurance $2,200/year $6,000/year Factory Supervisor’s Salary $60,000/year Administration Staff Wages $2,500/month General Office Expenses $1,500/month Rent $4,600/month $1,400/month Repairs and Maintenance See below Inventory: At the end of each month the business plans to have 50% of the following month’s sales units in stock as finished goods and 75% of the direct materials required for the next month’s production. Cash Collections: 20% of sales are through the retail outlet at the factory. These customers pay for their purchases at the time of sale. The remainder of sales are to businesses that resell Surf N Sea products. Credit is extended to all business customers. It is estimated 60% of these sales are collected in the month of sale and the remaining 40% are collected in the following month. Cash Payments: All purchases, other than the purchase of direct materials, are paid at the time the expense is incurred. It is estimated 30% of accounts payable will be paid in the month the direct materials are purchased and the remaining 70% will be paid in the following month. The interest rate payable on the loan is 9% per annum. Interest is paid monthly. The loan is on an interest only basis and the principle can be repaid at any time. Depreciation of plant and equipment totals $10,000 for the year. Depreciation is recorded monthly. Repairs and maintenance related to manufacturing plant and equipment is estimated to be $1,500 each quarter payable in March, June, September, and December. Variable manufacturing overhead is allocated based on machine hours. Fixed manufacturing overhead is allocated based on units of production. Ignore GST and Income Tax. Round amounts other than unit costs to nearest dollar value. The opening Balance Sheet is provided below: Surf N Sea Balance Sheet As at 31 December 2019 Assets Current Assets Cash 32,250 Accounts Receivable 123,650 Finished Goods Inventory 79,150 Materials Inventory 114,275 Total Current Assets $349,325 Non-current Assets Equipment 85,000 Less: Accumulated Depreciation ( 8,000) Total Non-Current Assets $77,000 Total Assets $426,325 Liabilities & Shareholder Equity Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 92,500 Total Current Liabilities $92,500 Long-Term Liabilities Bank Loan 154,900 Total Long-Term Liabilities $154,900 Total Liabilities $247,400 Shareholders’ Equity Share Capital 150,000 Retained Earnings 28,925 Total Shareholder Equity $178,925 Total Liabilities & Shareholders’ Equity $426,325 Required: 1. Using the Excel template provided, prepare the following budgets for the twelve-month period from January 2020 to December 2020. The first worksheet should contain your raw data and assumptions and all future worksheets should be linked to this data. Use a different worksheet for each budget. Show all calculations and use Excel functions where possible. While you should use examples in your text as a guide, the key to using spreadsheets is that they are structured so that others can use them and follow the flow of information without difficulty. a. Monthly Sales Revenue and Cash Collection Budget b. Production Budget in Units c. Direct Materials and Cash Purchases Budget d. Direct Labour Budget e. Manufacturing Overhead Budget (break into variable and fixed components) f. Monthly Operating Cost Budget g. Ending Inventory budget for Finished Goods h. Cost of Sales Budget i. Budgeted Income Statement for the year ended 31 December 2020 j. Monthly Cash Budget Your budget spreadsheet must be submitted in Excel Format (not as an appendix in your WORD document). 2. Write a report (Maximum 1,500 words) for your manager to present to the upcoming Board meeting. The report should include: • an overview of the expected results for the 2020 year; • an analysis of the Contribution Margin for each product and recommendations regarding the products Surf N Sea manufacture and sell; • recommendations regarding the cash position of the business; and • an analysis of current market conditions and future predictions that you believe should be considered when following year’s 2020 budget is prepared. You should use broader industry data and trends from sources such as IBISWorld and the Australian Bureau of Statistics to support your recommendations. • IBIS World Link via Library: http://clients1.ibisworld.com.au.ezproxy.scu.edu.au/?u=jyDfnJQRunnPTW9pFcJwYg==&p=/bcVYE3hjFrJs3WB/M14xA== • Harvard Referencing Guide: http://libguides.scu.edu.au/management/referencing • Use visual aids such as tables and graphs to enhance your report presentation. The report should be submitted as a WORD (not PDF) document. Please use the templates provided to prepare the: (1) Budget schedules (excel); and (2) Board Report (word) Assessment Criteria Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent Spreadsheet layout and presentation (2.5 Marks) Spreadsheet Layout including Raw Assumptions & Data, appropriate tabs correctly named for each section of the budget and use of Excel tools in spreadsheet. Insufficient data. Spreadsheet has not been separated into worksheets. Inappropriate layout. Poor use of Excel tools. 0 Marks Use of Worksheets but layout is difficult to follow. Worksheets have not been named. Limited use of Excel tools. Inconsistencies throughout. 1 Mark Use of appropriately named Worksheets. Reasonable use of Excel tools but application is inconsistent. Reasonable layout. 1.5 Marks Use of appropriately named Worksheets. Consistent use of Excel tools. Layout appropriate but lacks consistency in some areas. 2 Marks Use of appropriately named Worksheets. Very good use of a range of Excel tools. All worksheets are linked resulting in a consistent flow of data between worksheets. 2.5 Marks Preparation of Budgets (12.5 Marks) For each Budget: Appropriate layout (monthly) broken into product categories; Clear Headings; Accurate calculations for monthly totals and annual totals. Budgets are mostly inaccurate and incomplete. An understanding of the application of the course content in a business context has not been demonstrated. 0-2.5 Marks Some Budgets are accurate but there are inconsistencies in the data or basic calculations are incorrect. Assignment instructions have not been followed and key items have been left out. 3-6 Marks Most budgets are accurate but there are inconsistencies in the data or basic calculations. Key items have been included and a reasonable understanding of the application of course content has been demonstrated. 6.5-9 Marks All budgets have been prepared and are mostly accurate - minor errors arising from careless mistakes and lack of attention to detail. A very good understanding of the application of course content has been demonstrated. 9.5-10.5 Marks All budgets have been accurately prepared. An excellent understanding of course content has been demonstrated and executed. 11-12.5 Marks Report for the Board (15 Marks) The report must be professionally presented and cover all issues raised in the assignment instructions. A business report format must be used along with visual aids such as tables and graphs. Presentation is unprofessional with numerous spelling and grammatical errors and it does not cover the key requirements set out in the assignment instructions. Inadequate analysis. Not presented in the format of a business report. Very limited use of visual aids. 0-3.25 Marks Presentation is reasonable but the key issues have not been adequately addressed. Spelling and grammatical errors make the report unpresentable requiring the report to be rewritten before it could be presented. Opinions expressed lack insight, are unsupported (inadequate referencing) or referenced external sources lack relevance. Not all aspects of a business report format have been utilised. Limited use of visual aids. 3.5-7 Marks Presentation is reasonable and the key issues have been addressed but more insight into the business could be demonstrated. Opinions expressed are unsupported (inadequate referencing) or referenced external sources lack relevance. Some minor spelling and grammatical errors. Most components of a business report format have been incorporated. Reasonable use of visual aids. 7.5-11 Marks Good, well written presentation and all issues have been covered. Demonstrates a solid insight into the business and recommendations are appropriate. Relevant external sources (at least 2) have been used to support recommendations and these have been appropriately referenced. All components of a business report format have been incorporated. Good use of visual aids. 11.25-12.75Marks Excellent presentation with no spelling or grammatical errors. Demonstrates excellent insight into the business operations and external issues that may affect the business. Extensive use of relevant external resources to support recommendations. Appropriate referencing. All components of a business report format have been incorporated. Excellent use of visual aids. 13-15 Marks
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ACC00716 Finance
ACC00716 Finance Session 1, 2019 Assessment 3: Business Case Studies 2 Due date: 19 May 2019, 11PM This assignment has a 25% weighting in your overall mark for this unit and focuses on content from Weeks 6, 7 and 8. The assignment will be marked out of 25 and marks will be allocated as indicated in the rubric on page 4. Your total assignment submission will consist of a word document and a spreadsheet. The assignment is based on the case information below. While the company and financial data in the case are fictitious1, the context is not. Many companies face similar investment decisions as well as challenges and opportunities to run more environmentally and socially responsible businesses. DuoLever Limited operates in the personal care (e.g. skin and hair care products) industry. All its products are sold in plastic packaging and a significant proportion in multi-layer sachets (or pouches)2. Managers at DuoLever are acutely aware of the increase in world production of plastic and the environmental impact of plastic waste ending up in landfills, rivers and oceans. For example, it is estimated that 8 million metric tons entered the ocean in 2010 and this annual amount is predicted to more than double by 2025, accumulating as show in the following graph3: To help develop a closed-loop system related to the company’s products, DuoLever has invested around $50 million in soft plastic recycling research, development and pilot testing. The outcome is a new and efficient method for recycling sachet waste. In fact, their recycling method is more energy efficient than producing virgin sachet plastic, reducing energy usage by 83%. The output plastic is of 1 UniLever and its research and development in the area of multi-layer sachet recycling provides the inspiration for this case but all facts related to the financial analysis are fictitious. 2 While not necessary for attempting this case study, you will better understand the plastic packaging in this case context if you go to https://www.plasticpackagingfacts.org/blog/multi-layer-pouch-packaging-a-sustainable-story-animated/ and watch the video on multilayer plastic pouches. Although many improvements to this packaging have been made, as pointed out in the video, there remains much to do in reducing the impacts of waste pouches on the environment. 3 Estimates from Jambeck, J.R., Andrady, A., Geyer, R., Narayan, R., Perryman, M., Siegler, T., Wilcox, C., Lavender Law, K. (2015) Plastic waste inputs from land into the ocean, Science, 347, p. 768-771 and graph reproduced from p. 770. If you are interested, see see https://jambeck.engr.uga.edu/landplasticinput for further details and an infographic. Assessment 3: Business Case Studies 2 ACC00716 S1 2019 2 such high quality it can be used in food grade packaging applications. Currently, no other recycling method in the market can achieve this. The company now faces a decision: should it (1) add production of recycled sachet plastic to the company’s portfolio of businesses or (2) license use of the patented method? The CEO has asked you to undertake a financial analysis of the options and present your recommendations in a short memo. Option 1: The recycling production option requires an upfront investment in plant and equipment of $20 million, which will be depreciated to a zero book value on a straight-line basis over 5 years. The plant will provide sufficient capacity to meet the company’s forecast plastic packaging needs over the period of its life. After this, it is expected that the plant will have no salvage value and will be updated using new and better technology. Financing for the plant and equipment will be via a new 5 year debt issue, resulting in interest costs of $1.4 million payable at the end of each year. Producing recycled plastic has several financial benefits for the company. First, sales revenue of the company’s existing products, which will be packaged in the recycled plastic, is predicted to increase due to consumer demand for environmentally responsible products. Excluding this benefit, the company’s forecast sales revenue for the coming year is $200 million and this is expected to grow by 4% each year after that. The benefit of recycled packaging is expected to increase these sales forecasts 2% during the 5 year life of the project. The second benefit is that the cost of plastic packaging for the company’s existing products will decrease. The recycled plastic will be cheaper than buying virgin plastic due to lower energy costs and avoiding a supplier margin. The reduced energy costs will shave 15% off total variable packaging costs, currently (without recycling) estimated at $22 million for the coming year and expected to grow by 3% per year after that. Avoiding a supplier margin will reduce total variable packaging costs by 10%. However, the benefits of avoiding the current supplier margin will be offset by the need to pay a new partner, Clean World Ltd, who will set up a plastic waste collection system to supply sufficient raw material for the recycling plant. Apart from these changes, it is expected that variable costs and net working capital will be equivalent to existing forecasts. However, an additional $2 million annually in selling, administrative and general expenses directly related to the project (excluding depreciation) will be incurred. Option 2: Option 2 involves licensing use of the patented recycling method to another company, Clean World Ltd, which has shown interest in taking on the entire project, not just supply of raw material. Initial negotiations between DuoLever and Clean World have reached some agreement on what the terms of the arrangement would involve. Clean World would produce recycled plastic using DuoLever’s method for the next 5 years and all output during that time would be supplied exclusively to DuoLever for the same cost as DuoLever’s existing virgin plastic supply forecasts. This means that Clean World would capture the energy savings associated with the new recycling method, along with a supplier margin. The benefits for DuoLever would be no initial outlay for plant and equipment and locked in packaging materials supply costs for the next 5 years. DuoLever would also retain the ability to market the environmentally responsible characteristics of its recycled packaging and so retain the expected Assessment 3: Business Case Studies 2 ACC00716 S1 2019 3 additional sales revenue benefits of Option 1. Annual selling, administrative and general expenses would be just $1 million annually under Option 2, as no additional production administration would be required. Other information: DuoLever has an 8% weighted average cost of capital and is subject to a 25% tax rate on its income. Required: Prepare (1) a spreadsheet financial analysis of the proposed options and (2) a memo to DuoLever’s CEO that briefly explains and justifies your chosen methods, inputs and any assumptions made, summarises your findings, and presents your recommendations on the proposed options. Ensure you not only address base case cash flows but also analyse potential uncertainty. Recommendations should address the decision to be made, along with any further follow up or other matters the company should consider prior to making a final decision. Instructions: Submit your spreadsheet separately in the provided spreadsheet link in the BCS2 section of the unit site. By submitting the spreadsheet, you are confirming that it is entirely your own work. Save the spreadsheet with your details in the file name using the following format (failure to do so could result in your spreadsheet not being considered in marking): Student ID_Full_name_ACC00716A3 For example: 13579246_Jennifer_Harrison_ACC00716A3 The memo will be submitted as a word document via a Turnitin assignment link in the BCS2 section of the unit site and include your name, student ID, unit code (ACC00716), assessment number (A3) and word count at the beginning of the document. The remainder of the document should be set up as a formal memo and include an appendix with a screen shot(s) of your base case figures from the spreadsheet. Within the memo body, you may provide tables and figures that are discussed in the text and assist decision makers understand your methods, findings and their implications for decision making. The word document submission must not exceed 1,000 words (excluding the screen shot appendix and reference list). This is an individual assessment exercise. The unit teaching team is very experienced at marking such assessments and recognising the differences between individual and “group” work, as well as data, facts, statements and ideas of others that have not been appropriately acknowledged. To avoid any potential for academic misconduct investigation, ensure that every aspect of your work is your own and that you acknowledge all sources you have directly drawn upon in your submitted work. Quotations should be shown as such. We are not fussy about referencing style, just that you reference when needed. Assessment 3: Business Case Studies 2 ACC00716 S1 2019 4 MARKING CRITERIA Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor Accurate estimation of relevant base case cash flows and decision criteria (12 marks) All relevant base case
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ACC93210 – Corporate Governance for Managers
ACC93210 – Corporate Governance for Managers (Online) Assessment 3 – Case Study - ABC International Ltd. DUE DATE: Monday, Week 7, 09:00 AM WEIGHTING: 40% WORD LIMIT: 2500 words (excl. executive summary, TOC & references) Please write your word count on the front page! All students are required to submit this assessment via the MNG93210 SCU Blackboard learning site. Hard copy and email submissions will not be accepted and late submission penalties will apply to assignments that are not submitted on time via the specified Blackboard site. The questions at the end are all based on the ‘ABC International Ltd’ case study below. ABC International is a fictitious company based on a composite of various companies in the Hang Seng index. Case: ABC International Ltd. ABC International Ltd. was incorporated in 1968 as a manufacturer of electrical components and telephone equipment in Hong Kong. In 1979 ABC entered into a joint venture with an Australian group in the telecommunications field and opened a factory in Shenzhen to manufacture components. Subsequently rights were acquired to manufacture and sell a range of telecommunications equipment in Hong Kong and China. This proved to be a very successful arrangement and ABC grew substantially in turnover, profits and employees. The company was listed on the Hong Kong stock market in 1997. Business performance and prospects The company manufactures and markets a range of equipment for large telecommunication systems, a proprietary telecommunication system for smaller organisations, and a range of telecommunication devices for the office and home. These markets include government, military, and industrial customers, as well as retail outlets. Growth is expected in each of these markets in Hong Kong and China. A mail order facility through the internet is being designed for direct sales. The business also has the potential to expand geographical throughout Asia Pacific, but a covenant in their joint venture agreement with their Australian partner prevents growth elsewhere in the world. 2 New products developments come from the Australian joint venture partner, who has also licensed various products, devices, and software from the United States. ABC is currently considering a strategy to develop a range of its own products and systems. Competition for the existing range of products is high, except in the military field where there are various restrictions. Moreover, there are a number of new technologies, including wireless communication, computer based systems, and telecommunication systems convergence, that could have strategic implications for ABC. New entrants into the market could include computer manufacturers, telephone companies, and media network providers. ABC imports some specialised electronic components from Australia, Japan, and the United States, manufactures other equipment and assembles the products and systems in its Shenzhen factory. In his annual report to shareholders, the chairman said that: “We expect the PRC to maintain its prudent approach to stable financial and monetary policies so as to strengthen and improve the effectiveness of its austerity measures. Your company will benefit from the growth of infra-structural investment at government and industry level and from the increasing spending power of consumers” A recent report in the financial press said that: “The shares of ABC International raced up yesterday with a bullish report from Salmon, Smith Barney. The company’s recent announcement, of its latest range of telecommunication products, supports this confidence. Growing optimism on consumer spending and booming sales in electronic products in both the office and home markets also fuelled the enthusiasm. The company’s earning prospects seem bright and it will also benefit from lower costs on imported products due to the weak Japanese yen and the economic slowdown in the US.” Financial position In the latest published accounts the chairman of the board reported that turnover in 2004 had exceeded expectations at $237,632,000, but that profits were lower than analysts’ expectations, at $6,693,000, due to one off write-offs of obsolete stocks. The company did not pay a dividend this year, ploughing back profits into product development and expanding production capacity. Employees ABC International reported 1,280 employees at end 2004: 370 in Hong Kong, 910 in Shenzhen. Labour productivity had steadily improved in recent years, partly due to investment in capitally intensive manufacturing and assembly methods. 3 Shareholdings According to a Hong Kong financial information company the balance of shareholdings in ABC at present is: Goldbarb (a company registered in Bermuda) 39.8% Transelec (a company incorporated in Australia) 15.6% Public shareholdings Institutional investor (1) 8.8% Other institutional investors (6) 10.2% Other investors 25.6% 44.6% 100% The investment report states that Goldbarb is the holding company for the founding family’s investment in ABC and that Transelec is the Australian joint venture partner. Transelec is the wholly owned subsidiary of a company incorporated in Delaware in the United States and listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Share price history The floatation in 1997 the ABC share price had risen from 19.80p per share to 63.5p, with an 11% growth over the year 2004. Board of directors The latest annual report states that the board had eight members: Executive directors Alan K M. Yau President Peter Y. M. Chow Vice President Charles K. K. Lau Director Operations Johnny Y. K. Ho Director Finance Dr. Andy H. S. Woo Director Development Rebecca H. S. Sun Director Personnel Independent non-executive directors Abraham P. K. Lau Frederick W. L. Ho The company secretary is Rebecca S. S. Cheung 4 Corporate governance report / annual report includes the statement that: “In the opinion of the board, the company has complied with the code of best practices as set out in Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules throughout the accounting year covered by this report. An audit committee was established with terms of reference which deal clearly with its authority and duties in Paragraph 14 of Appendix 14 of the Listing Rules, including a review of the company’s financial reporting processes and internal audit systems and the review of audited financial statements. Two independent non-executive directors have been appointed to the audit committee and a third member is being actively sought.” The company’s auditors are Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Hong Kong. Your task Mr. Y. K. Chan has sought your advice. He is a qualified accountant, employed as the Finance Director of Dim Sum Ltd; a Hong Kong listed company in the food industry. Mr. Y. K. Chan has been asked by Mr Alan K.M.Yau, the Chairman of ABC International (another Hong Kong listed company), whether he would consider joining the board of ABC as an independent non-executive director. The Chairman also suggested that Mr. Chan should join the company’s audit committee. Mr. Chan tells you that he does not know the Chairman of ABC very well. He was introduced to him by Mr Johnny Y. K. Ho, the ABC Finance Director, who serves with Mr. Chan on a committee of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Chan subsequently had dinner with Mr Yau (chairman) at the China Club, where the growth of ABC, its current activities, and its prospects for the future were described. Mr. Chan is an executive director of Dim Sum, but has no other experience of serving on boards of directors. He holds no shares in ABC, but would be prepared to invest up to HK$100,000. He believes that his wife’s father also has some ABC shares. As far as he knows Dim Sum does not have business dealings with ABC, although he thinks the Dim Sum internal communications system uses ABC equipment. Questions Mr. Y. K. Chan has asked for your professional advice. Please write a report to him discussing the matters he should consider, in particular related to: 1. Duties, rights and competences of a director (10 marks) 2. Committee work (10 marks) 3. Board structure and styles (10 marks) 4. Transparency and accountability of the company (10 marks) 5 Guidelines • Your paper is to be written in report format (for case studies, i.e. it should consist of an executive summary, table of contents, introduction/case background, body of analysis, conclusion and the reference list - see the quick guide ‘Writing reports’ in the ‘Assessment Tasks and Submission’ section), observing Harvard referencing style and a clear and logical structure, along with the ability to express yourself clearly and succinctly. • Your arguments have to be based on concepts and tools discussed in the topics of this unit and must be supported through direct reference to (academic) literature (recent peer-reviewed journals preferred). The report will be assessed based on your ability to develop arguments supported by relevant and valid sources (please also refer to marking criteria). You are expected to use at least 5 academic sources (excluding the textbook) to support your viewpoints. All sources must be properly referenced. • In addition to the academic references, and in case you want or need additional information about the case, feel free to engage with non-academic literature, i.e. in order to gain a broader and more detailed understanding of the case study environment, you can mention and use information and facts from valid newspapers, magazines and/or official reports. Again, all sources must be properly referenced. • Assignments strictly have to be within the word limit (- / + 10 %) • Where cases of plagiarism are found, students will be sanctioned in accordance with university policy (see Blackboard for more information). • All students will be required to submit their assessments via the MNG93210 SCU Blackboard learning site, utilising a Turnitin assignment link. Students will be able to amend and resubmit their assessment following a Turnitin review (ie. multiple submissions are allowed up until the due date). A detailed marking rubric (i.e. marking criteria) will be made available on
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MKT00102 Consumer Behaviour
Consumer Behaviour MKT00102 Assessments 1 and 2 – Session 1, 2019 Background to Assignments 1 and 2 The aim of this project is to identify the buying behaviour of a product’s target market. There are two parts to the project: • Assignment 1 involves conducting two in-depth interviews and analysing the answers and comparing them to the evidence in the literature. You will be applying concepts from Topics 1 to 4. • Assignment 2 involves using the information gained from Assignment 1 and the concepts from Topics 5 to 9 to analyse the internal and external influences on a consumer’s decision making process and the implications to marketing. You should focus on a specific product and specific buying situations. Choose these carefully – again to afford you scope to really demonstrate your knowledge and application of unit concepts. Other points to note: • The assignments are in report format. Report format means using an executive summary, introduction, conclusion and referencing which, in this case, will be outside the word count. • Because of the nature of these assignments, it is difficult to be prescriptive about the number of references required. • Failure to reference appropriately will result in loss of marks. Page 2 of 6 Assignment 1: Researching the consumer decision making process Due: Monday 8th April 2018 (Week 6) Length: approx. 1,200 – 1,400 words Weighting: 30% In this assignment you will be gathering and analysing information (qualitative data) on a product’s target market, to gain an in-depth understanding of how a consumer goes through each stage of their decision making process. Essentially you will interview two people who have purchased the same product within the last six months. This product can be either a good or a service. At the outcome of your assignment you will have examined the answers to your interviews in relation to the different concepts of the decision-making process. The information that you have gathered will also be used in Assignment 2. PLEASE NOTE: You will need to ask each of your interviewees to complete and sign the Informed Consent form, which is located on the MySCU site, before you begin the interview. You will also need to provide a transcript of your interviews in the Appendix of your assignment. Assignments submitted without the completed informed consent forms and / or transcripts of the interviews, will not be marked until they are submitted. Part 1. Concise background information on the product/service/organisation selected (approx. 100 words) (1 mark) Provide a brief background to the product you have chosen, and include a brief discussion on the brand/s. Part 2. Primary research (10 marks) You need to interview two consumers who have purchased the same product (good or service) in the last six months. It can be the same brand or different brands. From the interviews, discuss: - What was bought - What kind of purchase it was (habitual, limited, extended) and whether it was a low involvement or high involvement decision Page 3 of 6 - The decision making process. Include in your answer: 1. What triggered the problem recognition 2. Time (costs and benefits) associated with the information search, and what was involved in the information search 3. The evaluative criteria and the consideration set of the consumer and how the consumer made their decision 4. Where and how it was purchased and the environmental triggers happening at this stage of the decision making process 5. What happened at the post evaluative stage. Part 3. Compare the primary research with academic literature (10 marks) How does the behaviour of your interviewees compare with consumer behaviour literature? In your discussion support your answer with evidence from the literature by referring to at least five different academic articles (at least one for each of the five stages of the decision making process). Discuss any differences between your analysis and the literature. Appropriate academic journals include: • Journal of Consumer Research • Journal of Consumer Behaviour • Psychology and Marketing • Journal of Consumer Marketing • Journal of Advertising Part 4. Summary of the purchasing behaviour (5 marks) Based on your discussion from Part (2) summarise the purchasing behaviour. Which stage of the decision making process appeared to be the most important for each of the interviewees? Presentation and referencing is worth 4 marks. Other information Please use report writing style (structured with headings and subheadings) and provide a list of references. Page 4 of 6 The assignments are in report format. Report format means using an executive summary, introduction, conclusion and referencing which, in this case, will be outside the word count. PLEASE NOTE: You will need to provide a transcript of your interviews in the Appendix of your assignment. The assignment will not be marked if you submit it without a transcript of your interviews. Suggested structure The body of your report will be your analysis from Part 2 and discussion from Part 3, so the different stages of the decision making process can be used as sub headings, with parts 1 and 4 forming their own sections. Be sure to acknowledge all sources in-text (Harvard-style referencing, please). Marks will be deducted for poor referencing. General marking criteria includes: • extent and quality of research • originality of analysis • presentation. Page 5 of 6 Assignment 2: Understanding the influences on a consumer’s buying behaviour Due: Monday 20th May 2018 (Week 12) Length: 1,800 – 2,000 words Weighting: 40% This assignment continues on from Assignment 1. The aim of this assignment is to understand the buying influences on a consumer when they purchase a particular product and use this information to identify the implications to marketing. The assignment is in two parts. Part (i) – Primary and secondary research (1,400 words) You are to analyse the internal and external influences on consumers who purchased the product that you discussed in Assignment 1. In order to complete your analysis you will need to research the information available, including collecting marketing intelligence, and any other relevant resources (like the research you gathered in Assignment 1). If you have access to the consumers from Assignment 1 you are free to interview them again to assist in providing further information for this assignment. If you don’t have access to the interviewees again, use evidence from the organisation’s marketing collateral or information from credible sources to assist in answering the question. Credible sources can include journal articles, media reports, qualitative information gained from Assignment 1 and industry information. Using this information: (a) explain the different internal influences on the consumer’s decision making process (10 marks) (b) explain the different external influences on the consumer’s decision making process (10 marks) (c) identify which influence appeared to be the most important (5 marks) Don’t limit your answer to a description; it is important that you provide evidence to support your answer. Remember, ‘explain’ means you need to think critically; focusing on the ‘why’ and the ‘how’. Page 6 of 6
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MKT01762 Contemporary Hotel and Tourism Issues
Assessment 1: Presentation Script This assessment is for these students only: Gold Coast; Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; Sydney - Hotel School. Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading indicator Min Score Weight Length/ duration Due Professional accreditation Presentation Script Individual 1, 2 Graded N/A 15% 1000 words 26 Nov 2018 11:00 PM N/A Presentation Script Instructions This assessment is designed to get you researching and thinking critically about contemporary global issues in tourism, and prepare a script which will be the basis of a presentation (A2). You will choose three (3) contemporary issues influencing tourism globally. Next, you should research recent industry and academic sources (2015/2018) to locate evidence and examples of each issue to then provide discussion of the implications for tourism. Your assignment will be a 1000-word script (referenced in text). The script will form the basis of Assessment 2 – presentation – and be presented as follows: 6 | MKT01762 Contemporary Hotel and Tourism Issues (Session 3, 2018) 1. Introduction (50 words) – provide an introduction to identify the three issues. 2. Body (900 words) – the body should introduce,describe and explain the three global issues using a sub-heading for each issue. 3. Conclusion (50 words) – a brief conclusion to summarise implications of the issues for global tourism into the future. 4. Reference List – a list of references – minimum 6 – (industry and academic). Note: the word count excludes references and reference list Assessment 2: Presentation This assessment is for these students only: Gold Coast; Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; Sydney - Hotel School. Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading indicator Min Score Weight Length/ duration Due Professional accreditation Presentation Individual 3, 4 Graded N/A 30% 15 minutes - minimum 12 slides - audio delivery 07 Jan 2019 11:00 PM N/A Audio Presentation Instructions This assessment requires you to formally present information which was scripted in Assessment 1, to the listener/ audience using audio recorded PowerPoint slides. The information in this presentation will be based on Assessment 1. The PowerPoint slides must be prepared and audio recorded as being delivered in a professional setting. They will show evidence of academic research, discussion of literature, links with three (3) contemporary global issues in tourism raised in Assessment 1. You will provide a well prepared and presented set of slides. You will need to practise audio delivery to pace the presentation. It must be clear and concise so the audience can understand. Provide discussion of points raised including concluding statements evaluating content relevance to the future of tourism and/or hotels. Prepare slides as if you are giving a formal presentation – DO NOT cut and paste information from Assignment 1. Duration – 15 minutes. Mininum – 12 slides – plus reference list. Assessment 3: Report This assessment is for these students only: Gold Coast; Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; Sydney - Hotel School. Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading indicator Min Score Weight Length/ duration Due Professional accreditation Report Individual 3, 4, 5 Graded N/A 55% 2500 words 11 Feb 2019 11:00 PM N/A Report Instructions You will nominate a destination you are familiar with and undertake research from academic and industry sources to prepare a Report. NB: One student per destination per cohort. The Report will examine the following contemporary tourism and hotel issues relevant to the nominated destination in 2018. The Report will be presented as follows: 1. Introduction (250 words) – clearly identify the nominated destination and explain what your report examines 2. Body (1800 words) – critically examine and discuss the following contemporary tourism and accommodation issues relevant to your selected destination: ? Tourist market potential – identify and explain one (1) new or emerging tourist market segment that would be an appropriate market for your destination ? Transport development – explain the influences of contemporary transport developments on the growth and development of your destination ? Accommodation development – identify current trends in accommodation development that may influence the development of your destination ? Crisis and risk management – identify current and potential crises and risks that should be considered by destination managers 8 | MKT01762 Contemporary Hotel and Tourism Issues (Session 3, 2018) ? Social media influence – discuss the influence of social media on the marketing of your destination ? Visitor experience development – identify and explain the potential of two (2) contemporary visitor experience sectors for your destination. 3. Conclusion (350 words) a conclusion that summarises key findings from your report. 4. Reference List – provide a list of references (industry and academic) us
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MKT01909 Service Management for Tourism and Hospitality
Assessment details Assessment 1: Project report This assessment is for these students only: Melbourne - Hotel School; Sydney - Hotel School. Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading indicator Min Score Weight Length/ duration Due Professional accreditation Project report Individual 1, 2, 3, 4 Graded N/A 25% 1750 words 11 Aug 2019 11:00 PM N/A The first two assessments are based on the same topic area. To complete these, you will be required to create your own hospitality/tourism/events service organisation, large or small, that you may like to manage (or own) someday. You will need to think about the key aspects of service delivery and as such, focus on the operational management concept rather than simply presenting a business proposal or plan. Your service delivery plan will be broken down into two parts and it is strongly advised that before you commence Assignment 1 (Part A), you read the requirements for Assignment 2 (Part B) to identify some of the key concepts that you will need to apply to your organisation at a later stage. More detailed information about this assessment will be provided by teaching staff during Week 1. Assessment 2: Project report This assessment is for these students only: Melbourne - Hotel School; Sydney - Hotel School. 6 | MKT01909 Service Management for Tourism and Hospitality (Session 2, 2019) Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading indicator Min Score Weight Length/ duration Due Professional accreditation Project report Individual 1, 2, 3, 4 Graded N/A 35% 2250 words 15 Sep 2019 11:00 PM N/A The first two assessments are based on the same topic area. To complete these, you will be required to create your own hospitality/tourism/events service organisation, large or small, that you may like to manage (or own) someday. You will need to think about the key aspects of service delivery and as such, focus on the operational management concept rather than simply presenting a business proposal or plan. Assessment 2 (Part B) expands on the concepts of service delivery, allowing you to examine in some detail the critical service delivery elements for the organsiation you have created More detailed information about this assessment will be provided by teaching staff during Week 1. Assessment 3: Exam: closed book This assessment is for these students only: Melbourne - Hotel School; Sydney - Hotel School. Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading indicator Min Score Weight Length/ duration Due Professional accreditation Exam: closed book Individual 1, 2, 3, 4 Graded N/A 40% 2 hours Exam Period N/A You will be advised of the exam date during the study period. Refer to Examinations (http://www.scu.edu.au/exams) for more information about exams. You are permitted to bring the following into the exam room: foreign language translation dictionary. Please Note: foreign language translation dictionaries must be in book form and must be unmarked with no highlighting and no added tabs. You are not permitted to bring the following into the exam room: electronic devices such as mobile phones, electronic dictionaries and computers.
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MKT01909 Service Management for Tourism and
General instructions and information for Assignment 1 and 2 The first two assessments are based on the same topic area. To complete these, you will be required to create your own hospitality/tourism/events service organisation, large or small, that you may like to manage (or own) someday. You will need to think about the key aspects of service delivery and as such, focus on the operational management concept rather than simply presenting a business proposal or plan. Your service deliver plan will be broken down into two parts and it is strongly advised that before you commence Assignment 1 (Part A), you read the requirements for Assignment 2 (Part B) to identify some of the key concepts that you will need to apply to your organisation at a later stage. One of the major differences between a manager with a university degree and a manager without a university degree is the use of evidence based decision making. We want to see you use this type of decision making with the service organisation you create. As a university graduate you should be able to draw on relevant literature and think constructively and critically about the information you obtain. For more information on critical thinking please refer to the document “Critical Thinking – A brief recap” which is available on the Blackboard site, under “Assessment Help”. Other important points you should consider when planning, writing, and submitting Assignment 1 (Part A) and 2 (Part B): There is no need for you to approach any organisation to obtain information. Your analysis must be based entirely on secondary information sourced from observation, academic or applied literature and other web-based sources. Your reports must be word-processed and double spaced. Handwritten assignments are not accepted and will not be marked. All assignments must be submitted via Turnitin. You might find the Factiva database, hosted through the SCU Library website a useful tool for sourcing relevant newspaper/trade journal articles. Consult with Library staff if you are not familiar with this database. ? Part A: Your organisation and its Strategic Service Vision (Stages 1&2) Many organisations face choices regarding the types of services they wish to offer and to whom, and the operational procedures they employ. Frameworks are sometimes used to assist in these decisions. Using Heskett’s ‘strategic service vision’ framework as a template, specifically stages one and two, provide an overview of your organisation, its ‘target market segments’ and its ‘service concept’. In addition to the above, the following questions should be addressed: 1. Outline your core and peripheral services that make up the bundle of services you will offer to your customers. 2. Provide a description of the proposed service scape. Note that although this is relevant to Part B, it will provide substance to your overview. 3. The service sector is now a key generator of economic prosperity in many countries. However, changes in the context in which businesses operate are having an impact on their ability to provide this economic wealth. Using newspaper articles (print or online) written in the past five years, identify three current issues that would impact on your specific organisation. You will need to include these with your assignment submission. 4. Using a range of sources of information, including both media articles and academic literature as supporting evidence, identify and evaluate four factors that you think will impact on your business in the future. Guidelines to your Strategic Service Vision report – Part A This assessment is designed as an experiential learning exercise by having you apply theoretical concepts to a potential real-world situation in a critical manner. You should adopt the mindset of a real business owner/investor for the organisation you have elected to base your report on. Your strategic service vision report must be presented using academic report format. It should conform to the following format, and should also include a professionally laid out table of contents prior to the executive summary. The word count for each section is a guide to help you, but you may be longer or shorter in some sections depending upon you organisaiton. Executive summary An executive summary of a report is a summary that contains a statement of the report’s purpose and an overview of the findings. For this assessment, it should be around 250 words. The summary can only be written after you have completed your report. Write in past tense (e.g. The purpose of this report was to…). If an executive summary is well written the reader should be able to understand the main points, findings, and conclusions of the actual report without having to read the full report. Section one – Introduction This is a brief statement of the purpose of the report, what its objectives are, and an overview of how the report is structured. Aim for under 100 words. Section two – Organisation overview This is where you will briefly showcase your organisation, its name, description of operations, its bundle of services (core and peripheral services) and its servicescape. A good place to start is Topic 2 of the Study Guide (core and supplementary services) and your text book (servicescape). Your goal here will be to sell the idea of your organisation to the reader/marker. You should aim to keep this under 400 words. Section three – Target market segments In this section you are to refer to Heskett’s strategic service vision, stage 1 and using the most relevant headings, identify the type of customers you plan to attract. Although there are a number of headings, you are not restricted to this list and it is recommended that you source other data and/or literature to help determine the appropriate markets. Study Guide Topic 2 is useful for this section and aim for around 400 words. Section four – Current and future implications You need to identify three issues (sourced from media and academic literature) that will have future implications on your organisation. It is important here to source information that is actually relevant to your organisation and you must critically analyse the information, potentially exploring strategies to minimise these factors and implications. For example, if your organisation is tourism based you might source information from a research report published by Tourism Australia as well as a media story on traveler fears. As part of your critical analysis you should weight these pieces of information (ie. the research report is more likely to have valid data than a journalists’ story and would influence your decision making more). Aim for under 400 words. Section five – Service concept Here you are laying down the foundations for Part B of your assessment and will be brief (around 100 words). It is the how and what of service design, where you need to bridge the customer ’ s needs (as determined in your Target Market research) and the intent of your organisation. You should be aiming to show how you wish the services to be perceived by the customers and other stakeholders. For example, if your organisation is a backpacker accommodation, you might emphasise a cheaper service utilizing mobile technology whereas a luxury resort may emphasise quality service and personalised attention. Section six – Conclusion Within this section restate the purpose of the report, then provide an overview of main points covered in your analysis. Ensure that you do not include any new information, only that which has been discussed within the main body of the report. Aim for around 100 words. Reference list All works cited must be included in your reference list. Citations must conform to the Harvard referencing style which can be found under Assessment Help (Referencing Guides). Appendices This is an optional section in which you are able to place relevant material which would have otherwise disrupted the logical flow of your report e.g. business data reports. Material included in this section will not count towards the overall word count for this assessment. Marking criteria The marking criteria for this assessment can be categorised as general – which apply to the report as a whole; and specific – which apply to specific sections of the report (outlined above). Marks for this assignment will be apportioned as follows: Section 2 Organisation overview 5 Marks Section 3 Target market segments 5 Marks Section 4 Current and future implications 5 Marks Section 5 Service concept 5 Marks Referencing (in-text referencing) 1 Marks Reference List (relevance and consistency) 2 Marks Presentation (table of contents, executive summary, intro and conclusion) 2 Marks Total 25 Marks General marking criteria Below are three general marking criteria that will be used to mark your report: Demonstrated ability to critically analyse sources You are expected to ask critical questions of the material you read. Only minimal marks will be awarded in cases where you have merely re-stated what the authors have already said. Can you identify any potential flaws in the concepts? Is there a difference in opinion between scholars? Who do you think is right, and why? These are potential areas of critical analysis you could focus on. Evidence of original thought and creativity You must show that you have developed an ability to think about how the theories and concepts covered might be applied in the real world. Quality of presentation structure; overall content; quality of bibliographic details; written expression You should present your work in a logical, easy to read format. It should also conform to the structure outlined previously. Students will be marked down for poor written expression, bad grammar, and spelling errors. The expectation is that you have the ability to hone your writing skills, and should thus present well written and presented work. Correct referencing, both in-text and reference list, is essential. ? Part B: Your organisation and its Strategic Service Vision (Stages 3&4) Continuing on from your first assessment, Part B will once again be structured around Heskett’s ‘strategic service vision’ framework although your focus will be specifically on stages three and four. Your role will be to develop an ‘operating strategy’ and discuss those relevant features of the ‘service delivery system’. In addition to the above, the following questions/tasks should be addressed: Productivity and quality are both key facets of the service process. Using the academic literature, explain how your organisation will balance the quality of its service whilst maximising its productivity. Construct a simple blueprint for one service process in your organisation. Select any two methods for managing capacity and explain how these could be used to better match supply and demand for a service offered by your organisation. Explain how your employees can affect the quality of service received by your external customer. What measurements could you use to gauge and manage the satisfaction of your employees? Choose any service quality model as described in Chapter 12, and analyse and apply the model to your own organisation. Guidelines to your Strategic Service Vision report – Part B Once again, this assessment is designed as an experiential learning exercise by having you apply theoretical concepts to a potential real-world situation in a critical manner. Remember that you should adopt the mindset of a real business owner/investor for the organisation you have elected to base your report on. The report should conform to the following format, and should also include a professionally laid out table of contents prior to the executive summary: Executive summary It may be slightly longer than your Executive Summary in Part A and you should aim to keep the word count around 300. Section one – Introduction This is a brief statement of the purpose of the report, what its objectives are, and an overview of how the report is structured. To assist in continuity, you may wish to highlight key elements of Part A but you should aim to keep it around 100 words. Section two – Operating strategy As you will see from Heskett’s framework, you need to identify the important elements of the strategy although be mindful of the Service Management Trinity and limit your discussion to Operations, Marketing and Human Resources. There are several ways in which you can approach this and you may like to refer to Topic 4 in the Study Guide as a framework for your discussion. You should be able to do this in around 500 words. Section three – Service blueprint You are to prepare a service blueprint here and a diagrammatic presentation of this is warranted. You should identify and discuss two (2) critical points within the service delivery process that are likely to have a significant bearing on the customer’s experience. Clarify why these points in the process are particularly important and how you would manage them. Aim for 300 words but it will depend on the level of detail contained within the blueprint. Section four – The service delivery system This is your opportunity to detail some of those actions that will support your operating strategy. Topic 2 identifies some important questions although you should focus specifically on the following: 1. What should be the nature of the service process at each step? 2. What should be the serving protocol – reservations system, first-come, first served, or a priority system for certain types of customers? 3. Given that services are perishable, what capacity management issues do you foresee and how do you plan to address these issues. In addition, you should address question 1, regarding productivity and quality. As each organisation will address these differently, aim to discuss the trade-offs that are relevant to your chosen organisation and seek to support this with academic literature. You can use diagrams here with supporting text of around 300 words. Section five – Service employee management As noted by Lovelock et al. (2015), the encounter with service staff is often the most important aspect of a service. Given this importance, it is prudent to attract and hire employees that add value and gain your organisation a competitive advantage. This can present many management issues such as training and staff retention. Discuss how your employees can affect the quality received by your customers. Furthermore, how will you gauge and manage the satisfaction of your employees. Aim for around 300 words. Section six – Quality management measures This final section will draw upon information discussed in Topic 4 and 6 in the Study Guide. Although an essential element of this section is to identify a service quality model such as that discussed in Chapter 12 of your text, you are to bring together many of the service provisions discussed previously, which will ensure the provision of quality services. To get you started, you may wish to develop a ‘service guarantee’ and match elements of this guarantee to some of the key aspects of the service delivery system or employee management. Again, aim for around 300 words. Section seven – Conclusion Within this section re-state the purpose of the report, and then provide an overview of main points covered in your analysis. Ensure that you do not include any new information, only that which has been discussed within the main body of the report. This will be brief, about 100 words. Reference list All works cited must be included in your reference list. Appendices This is an optional section in which you are able to place relevant material which would have otherwise disrupted the logical flow of your report e.g. business data reports. Material included in this section will not count towards the overall word count for this assessment. Marking criteria The marking criteria for this assessment can be categorised as general – which apply to the report as a whole; and specific – which apply to specific sections of the report (as outlined above). Marks for this assignment will be apportioned as follows: Section 2 Operating strategy 6 Marks Section 3 Service Blueprint 6 Marks Section 4 The service delivery system 6 Marks Section 5 Service employee management 6 Marks Section 6 Quality management measures 6 Marks Referencing (in-text referencing) 1 Marks Reference List (relevance and consistency) 2 Marks Presentation (table of contents, executive summary, intro and conclusion) 2 Marks Total 35 Marks General marking criteria Below are three general marking criteria that will be used to mark your report: Demonstrated ability to critically analyse sources You are expected to ask critical questions of the material you read. Only minimal marks will be awarded in cases where you have merely re-stated what the authors have already said. Can you identify any potential flaws in the concepts? Is there a difference in opinion between scholars? Who do you think is right, and why? These are potential areas of critical analysis you could focus on. Evidence of original thought and creativity You must show that you have developed an ability to think about how the theories and concepts covered might be applied in the real world. Quality of presentation structure; overall content; referencing; written expression You should present your work in a logical, easy to read format. It should also conform to the structure outlined previously. Students will be marked down for poor written expression, bad grammar, and spelling errors. The expectation is that you have the ability to hone your writing skills, and should thus present well written and presented work. Correct referencing, both in-text and reference list, is essential..
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MNG00135 Managing Rooms Division Operations 1
Length: 1500 words (excluding reference list) Weighting: 40% 6 | MNG00135 Managing Rooms Division Operations (Session 2, 2019) Description: Literature review Topics: All The second assessment of this unit is a literature review that you will conduct on one (1) of the following topics: a. Can anybody do commercial housekeeping tasks at a hotel or is it a skilled profession? b. Should a concierge always suggest the hotel’s own services before suggesting competitors’ services? c. Can a hotel outsource its entire reservations department? You are required to: 1. Choose a topic to do your literature review Choose one of the three topics from the list above on which to conduct your literature review. All of the topics listed are related to discussions in lectures and tutorials. You are thus encouraged to select one (1) topic which you think needs a more thorough analysis using theories and principles. 2. Select between six (6) and nine (9) sources In order for you to get a holistic picture of the available literature on your chosen topic you are to select between six (6) (minimum) and nine (9) (maximum) sources. There has to be at least one source chosen from each of the following categories: ? Journal articles ? Books ? Trade magazine articles (usually published by the industry) ? Newspaper articles ? Other (for example the Internet or personal communication). Marking criteria • Relevance of literature to your chosen topic • Breadth and depth of research • Critical evaluation of literature and balanced engagement with issues/concepts • Structure of review (organised around concepts/issues rather than disconnected descriptions) – headings and sub-headings are welcomed • Extent of synthesis shown in conclusion • Correct referencing • Grammar, spelling and overall presentation.
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MNG00272 Business Events Management
Assessment details Assessment 1: Essay This assessment is for these students only: Gold Coast; Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; Sydney - Hotel School. Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading indicator Min Score Weight Length/ duration Due Professional accreditation Essay Individual 2 Graded N/A 30% 1500 words 09 Aug 2019 5:00 PM N/A Assignment 1 – Essay Task Description Write a 1500-word essay in which you analyse the spatial and functionality operational requirements for the three different conference and exhibition scenarios outlined below: 1. A small conference with workshops and forums: 100–200 delegates, 10 exhibitors, conducted over two days. 2. A medium-sized conference conducted over 3 days with opening plenary session and 6 to 8 concurrent sessions each day; and social networking activities: 600–1500 delegates, 50 exhibitors. 3. A major international 5-day conference with plenary and concurrent sessions and social networking activities each day, closing gala dinner and award ceremonies: 3500–5000 delegates, 400 exhibitors. A minimum of 4 academic references should be cited in your essay. 6 | MNG00272 Business Events Management (Session 2, 2019) Assessment 2: Case study This assessment is for these students only: Gold Coast; Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; Sydney - Hotel School. Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading indicator Min Score Weight Length/ duration Due Professional accreditation Case study Individual 2 Graded N/A 30% 1500 words 06 Sep 2019 5:00 PM N/A Assignment 2 – Case study report Task description Choose a destination such as a city or region to focus on and within that destination, select a venue that meets the requirements of the small conference from scenario 1 in Assignment 1. From the same destination select a different venue that meets the requirements of the medium-sized conference in scenario 2 from Assignment 1. Then from the same destination select yet another different venue that meets the requirements for the large conference from scenario 3 in the first Assignment. For each selected venue critically analyse how its spatial functional design relates to the operational requirements discussed in Assignment 1. Important note: A real-life destination and actual venues within that destination should be used in this assignment. This assignment should be structured as a 1500-word report inclusive of the following sections: Table of contents Introduction: stating what will be discussed in the report followed by an overview of your chosen destination as a business events location and your rationale for choosing it. A description of the method you used in findings suitable venues Explanation of chosen venue and critical analysis of how venue spatial design meets operational requirements for each of the conference scenarios: Conference Scenario 1 Conference Scenario 2 Conference Scenario 3 Conclusion Reference list: Use Harvard system of referencing Appendix: which might include floor plans for chosen venues, photos of the venues, and other evidence that demonstrates why your chosen venues are suited to the needs of each conference. A minimum of 5 references should be cited including at least 3 academic references. Assessment 3: Exam: closed book This assessment is for these students only: Gold Coast; Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; Sydney - Hotel School. Assessment | 7 Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading indicator Min Score Weight Length/ duration Due Professional accreditation Exam: closed book Individual 1, 3 Graded N/A 40% 120 mins Exam Period N/A You will be advised of the exam date during the study period. Refer to Examinations (http://www.scu.edu.au/exams) for more information about exams. You are permitted to bring the following into the exam room: unmarked (with no highlighting and no added tabs) foreign language translation dictionary (book form only). You are not permitted to bring the following into the exam room: electronic devices such as mobile phones, electronic dictionaries and computers. The exam will be held during the final exam period. The exam will require students to evaluate and analyse the significance of the Business Events industry. 8 | MNG00272 Business Events Management (Session 2, 2019) Timetables Suggested study timetable Week/ commencing Topic Notes 1 08 Jul 2019 1 Business events industry profile and characteristics 2 15 Jul 2019 2 Conference procedures and formats 3 22 Jul 2019 3 Exhibitions and trade fairs 4 29 Jul 2019 4 Destinations and venues 5 05 Aug 2019 5 Business events structure and interrelationships Assignment 1 due 6 12 Aug 2019 6 Planning, organising, staging and management of conferences and exhibitions 7 19 Aug 2019 Study week 8 26 Aug 2019 7 Marketing and sponsorship for business events 9 02 Sep 2019 8 Briefs and bids Assignment 2 due 10 09 Sep 2019 9 Technological systems and software for business events 11 16 Sep 2019 10 Current issues and trends 12 23 Sep 2019 Unit review and exam preparation 13 30 Sep 2019 No classes will be held this week Timetables | 9
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MNG00785 Project Management
Assessment 1: Project proposal (15%) MyProject Charter The Project Charter should explain the background of the organisation where this project will be carried out, the objectives of the project and the importance of this project to the organisation. The Charter includes a Business Case, Milestone Schedule, as well as any major problems or anticipated Risks with this project if they are known at this stage. The textbook provides detailed examples of what needs to be included in the Project Charter. These examples will assist in the development of the Project Charter for MyProject. The project should be of commercial consequence which demands a Return-On-Investment (ROI) analysis, and could be from one of the following categories depending on the type of business a student is involved in: ? an organisational project that a student is involved in as the organisation’s main line of business – to manage projects for your organisation or on behalf of others ? an activity that a student is convinced would benefit from being handled as a project ? an activity in which a student was involved in the past that was not carried out as a project, but one which you believe would have been managed better as a project. If you use this option you should describe how you would execute this activity now using the knowledge gained through this unit. As this and the second assessment task are designed to demonstrate your grasp on the concepts, theories and practices described in the textbook and PMBoK, students are required to describe the purpose of each section of the Charter in paraphrased text, appropriately referenced to the prescribed textbook, the PMBoK, and/or readings on the learning site. Failure to do so will result in a reduction of marks for each marking criteria where this is not performed. The project MUST NOT be any of the following except with written approval from your tutor or the Unit Assessor: ? A wedding event ? a project developing an App ? implementation of a change management initiative ? a Not-For-Profit event ? the establishment of a restaurant ? a farewell event ? a sporting, cultural or music event The maximum word length for this assignment is 1,500 words excluding words used in any charts, templates, forms or diagrams that you have used to apply the knowledge areas. The word count DOES NOT include the sponsor letter. NOTES: www.scu.edu.au Lismore Coffs Harbour Gold Coast PO Box 157, Lismore NSW 2480 Australia Hogbin Drive, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Australia Locked Mail Bag 4, Coolangatta QLD 4225 Australia T +61 2 6620 3000 F +61 2 6620 3700 T +61 2 6659 3777 T +61 7 5589 3000 F +61 7 5589 3700 CRICOS Provider 01241G 1. Students undertaking this unit for a second or subsequent time must use a completely different project to the one they used in their previous attempt. 2. Students are directed to the Activity to be completed at the end of Topic 1. 3. The project must be undertaken in Australia and use Australian currency. Format for Assignment 1 The format of the formal assignment will be: ? Cover Sheet - with student name and number, title of project, date submitted, word count ? Letter to Sponsor ? Table of contents ? Introduction (use an Appendix for background if necessary - see below) ? Project Charter using appropriate headings (see Marking Criteria) ? Reference list (Harvard referencing style is required). Please note that because there is such an emphasis on the textbook, all in-text references MUST include the page numbers. ? The appendices will only include a background of the organisation for your unit assessor. All forms, charts, tables and diagrams should be included under the relevant sections of the assignment. The Appendices are NOT graded. www.scu.edu.au Lismore Coffs Harbour Gold Coast PO Box 157, Lismore NSW 2480 Australia Hogbin Drive, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Australia Locked Mail Bag 4, Coolangatta QLD 4225 Australia T +61 2 6620 3000 F +61 2 6620 3700 T +61 2 6659 3777 T +61 7 5589 3000 F +61 7 5589 3700 CRICOS Provider 01241G Assessment 2: Project report (40%) OurProject report – 3,000 words excluding charts, tables, TOC, and appendices In Week 3 or 4 your local tutor will assign students into groups to permit the group to collaborate and upload Assignment 2 as a group of four. To facilitate collaboration, a group wiki will be set up and must be used progressively to complete Assignment 2 (see wiki information below). It is imperative that students complete the Activities at the end of Topic 3 in the Study Guide. For Assignment 2, the project team is required to submit a report illustrating how the project team will apply the knowledge areas that have been learned in this unit to OurProject. The Project Report needs to address at a minimum the areas listed under “format for this assessment task” below. Wiki: In Week 3 you will be assigned to a group of four. A wiki will be set up within MySCU and access to each group wiki will be limited to the designated students, the local tutor and the Unit Assessor. No other student can access your group wiki. The wiki must be used to progressively compile the required parts of Assignment 2 - OurProject Report aligned to the PMBoK knowledge areas. It is required that students place material in the wiki on a set progressive basis. That is, students will be required to place material, for example a WBS, in the week following the week that the topic is taught. For example, WBS is presented in Topic 4 / Week 4, and therefore students have until the end of Week 5 (Saturday at midnight NSW time) to place material and a WBS into the wiki It is noted that there are two marking criteria for some of the PMBoK knowledge areas. It is suggested that different students take carriage of one of these elements in the wiki to ensure both are completed and placed in the wiki before the relevant time. Just prior to the due date for Assessment Task 2, one student from each group should download all material from the wiki and compile these into the one single document to be uploaded via the A2 Turnitin portal for grading. There is no need for more than one student to upload as this will result in 100% match in the originality score. The maximum word length for this assignment is 3,000 words excluding words used in any charts, templates, forms or diagrams that the project team have used to apply the knowledge areas. If the project team opt to use words to explain how the team have applied a knowledge area you should limit them to one page per knowledge area. A soft copy of many useful forms will be made available to you on MySCU that project teams can modify and use for the assignment. However as a project team you can and should design your own forms or use standard forms that are used by an organisation and adapt these to suit your project. www.scu.edu.au Lismore Coffs Harbour Gold Coast PO Box 157, Lismore NSW 2480 Australia Hogbin Drive, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Australia Locked Mail Bag 4, Coolangatta QLD 4225 Australia T +61 2 6620 3000 F +61 2 6620 3700 T +61 2 6659 3777 T +61 7 5589 3000 F +61 7 5589 3700 CRICOS Provider 01241G The soft copy is provided for the benefit of those students who are not adept at designing forms using a computer. Hand drawn forms can be used as well but they must be neatly drawn. You are also required to provide a list of references listing all the sources you have referred to in preparing this assignment. The format of this assessment task will be: • Cover Sheet - with group name, all student names and numbers, title of project, date submitted, word count • Table of contents • Introduction 1. WBS 2. RACI Chart 3. Scheduling: 3.1. Schedule 1 – Gantt 3.2. Schedule 2 - AoN 3.3. Resource overloads 4. Budget 5. Reporting: 5.1. Progress Reporting (Timelines) 5.2. Progress Reporting (EVM) 6. Risk Management 7. Change Management 8. Stakeholder identification & communication 9. Project Closure Reference list (Harvard referencing style is required). Please note that because there is such an emphasis on the textbook, all in-text references MUST include the page numbers. Please note the instructions in the first assessment task about describing the purpose of each section of the Charter in a paragraph of paraphrased text. The appendices will only include a copy of the first assignment for your grader. All forms, charts, tables and diagrams should be included under the relevant sections of the assignment. The Appendices are NOT graded. www.scu.edu.au Lismore Coffs Harbour Gold Coast PO Box 157, Lismore NSW 2480 Australia Hogbin Drive, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Australia Locked Mail Bag 4, Coolangatta QLD 4225 Australia T +61 2 6620 3000 F +61 2 6620 3700 T +61 2 6659 3777 T +61 7 5589 3000 F +61 7 5589 3700 CRICOS Provider 01241G Assessment 3: Reflective essay (10%) MyReflection A critical evaluation of your experience undertaking a project, with reference to theory. Introduction Engaging in critical evaluation This critical evaluation essay requires you to review your experience of undertaking a project – Assessment Task Two. It requires you to critically analyse your experience undertaking Assessment Task Two in light of the theory we have discussed this session. You are required to critically evaluate how you and your team members did – or did not – utilise the project management tools that you have discovered this session. Task Critically discuss how your experience in Assessment Task Two aligned (or not) with project management principles. Analyse your experience against at least three knowledge areas. You may choose to use positive or negative experiences, although students tend to learn more from reflecting on negative experiences in a reflective essay. You will be expected to: • Introduce the essay • BRIEFLY describe the situation/s you are going to discuss • Link the experience to the theory we have discussed this session • Provide insight into how you engaged in, or contributed to, the situation • Provide insight, in light of what you have experienced and learned, of what you would do differently the next time you undertake a project • Conclude the essay You must refer to the literature and use at least three different textbook or academic quality references. Marking criteria You will be marked on your ability to: • critically evaluate three knowledge areas, identifying your own interaction and the interaction of others • integrate and reflect on personal experiences, collaborative learning processes and theory • use a logical structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and be within 10% of word count • use at least three references to support your discussion, using Harvard referencing. Please note that because there is such an emphasis on the textbook, all in-text references MUST include the page numbers. www.scu.edu.au Lismore Coffs Harbour Gold Coast PO Box 157, Lismore NSW 2480 Australia Hogbin Drive, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Australia Locked Mail Bag 4, Coolangatta QLD 4225 Australia T +61 2 6620 3000 F +61 2 6620 3700 T +61 2 6659 3777 T +61 7 5589 3000 F +61 7 5589 3700 CRICOS Provider 01241G Assessment 4: Exam: closed book (35%) You will be advised of the exam date during the study period. Refer to Examinations (http://www.scu.edu.au/exams) for more information about exams. You must bring a silent, non-programmable calculator to the exam. You are permitted to bring the following into the exam room: unmarked hard copy standard English translation dictionary, one (1) A4 size, double-sided sheet of word processed, typed or hand written notes. You are not permitted to bring the following into the exam room: electronic devices such as mobile phones, electronic dictionaries and computers. NOTE: Students are NOT permitted to take anything (including their own single A4 page of notes) out of the examination room. The final examination will be closed book and is scheduled for the end of the study period. Students will be advised as to when the exam will be held and the format it will take.
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MNG01222 Facility and Risk Management
Assessment details Assessment 1: Report This assessment is for these students only: Gold Coast; Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; Sydney - Hotel School. Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading indicator Min Score Weight Length/ duration Due Professional accreditation Report Individual 1, 2, 5 Graded N/A 15% 250 words 24 Nov 2019 11:00 PM N/A Prior to commencing the assessment you will need to select a venue to assess. If you currently work in a hospitality venue, then it is recommended to choose this because of ease of access. Otherwise, you can choose a venue you are familiar with and have relatively easy access to, but bear in mind the venue MUST be in Australia, in the city in which you live – unless otherwise authorised by the Unit Assessor. It is beneficial if you are able to speak with the proprietors/ managers to gain proprietary information. There are two parts to this Assessment, which is the precursor to the second assessment task. Part 1: Case History (250 words) You are required to write a brief case history of your chosen venue, and this should be considered as a prelude to Assessment 2. The case history should include; • A description of the venue, its location, size and purpose. • A history of the site, including any refurbishments or improvements. Providing values for these will add context and value. • Current operating condition and maintenance schedule of the venue. • A floor plan for the relevant Venue Condition Assessment. Part 2: Create a blank Venue Condition Assessment form, using the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet provided. Assessment | 7 A VCA form is a record that allows the assessed condition of a venue to be measured. Its format is open to interpretation, however, a standard format may include; • A table or spreadsheet in landscape format. • A vertical menu on the left hand side that covers critical components of the venue. Section headings may include, for example, structure, fixtures and fittings, equipment, services. Details of each section should then be listed. • A horizontal menu across the top will list how the venue will be assessed/evaluated and must include at least one theoretical framework. You have been provided with a draft VCA form in Microsoft Excel format. This can be found under “Forms and checklists” on the learning site. For this assessment task, you need to spend time conducting a visual audit of the items in the venue that you will report on for the second assessment task. Thus, in the spreadsheet for this assessment task, you simply need to list all the facility assets (walls, tables, refrigerators, ovens, coffee machines, etc.) in the left column of the VCA form. NB: Do not undertake the actual assessment now. You are designing the form that will be used in Assessment 2 when the actual VCA will be conducted. You will have the chance to adjust the form between Assessments 1 and 2 after you received feedback. NBB: There is no need for a Recommendations section in this report. Assessment 2: Report This assessment is for these students only: Gold Coast; Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; Sydney - Hotel School. Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading indicator Min Score Weight Length/ duration Due Professional accreditation Report Individual 2, 5 Graded N/A 35% 1500 words 06 Jan 2020 11:00 PM N/A This assessment requires an analysis of both the design and the condition of a venue. It assesses the learning in Topics 2–5. The assessment should be written in an Executive Report format and there are two main parts in the body of this assessment. The venue MUST be in Australia, in the city in which you live – unless otherwise authorised by the Unit Assessor. Part One: Venue Design Analysis (~750 words) Using the theory in the readings and the study guide, explain the importance of venue design, and analyse whether proper design principles have been applied to your chosen venue. • Has the intended purpose of the design been achieved? • Have the objectives of the various stakeholders been met? • Are there other considerations that were, or should have, been made in the design of the venue? Part Two: Venue Condition Assessment (~750 words) Using the theory in the readings and the study guide, explain the rationale behind a Venue Condition Assessment based on: • the theory as well as • the objectives – why we use it, • challenges – why sometimes it is hard to obtain the information, etc. and • benefits associated with such an appraisal. 8 | MNG01222 Facility and Risk Management for Hospitality Operations (Session 3, 2019) Assess the condition of your chosen venue using the VCA form created in Assessment 1 (if necessary, with modifications after feedback). The purpose behind a venue condition analysis is to provide recommendation to management about assets that may, for example, be nearing the end of their life cycle and will need replacement, or assets that may be damaged and require repair. As such, your VCA assessment must include recommendations that are succinct, yet provide enough details for management to act. Assessment 3: Report This assessment is for these students only: Gold Coast; Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; Sydney - Hotel School. Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading indicator Min Score Weight Length/ duration Due Professional accreditation Report Individual 3, 4, 5 Graded N/A 50% 2500 words 10 Feb 2020 11:00 PM N/A This assignment requires you to consider the risks to physical, non-physical, financial and human assets (detailed individually at your venue). It assesses the learning in Topics 6–10. The assessment should be written in an Executive Report format and there are two main parts in the body of this assessment. The venue MUST be in Australia, in the city in which you live – unless otherwise authorised by the Unit Assessor. Part One: The notion of Risk (1,000–1,500 words) Using the theory found in the readings and the study guide, critically evaluate the concept of “Risk”. For instance, what is it? What is subject to risk? Why is it considered essential for a hospitality business to implement a risk management process? Part Two: Venue Risk Analysis (1,000–1,500 words) This section requires you to demonstrate your understanding of how to practically apply a risk management process by conducting a risk assessment of a venue. It is suggested you use the venue selected for Assessments 1 and 2. There are two critical components to this part; i. A Risk Ranking System – this is the “how” risks will be assessed. This section requires you to describe and justify the RRS that you will use for your assessment. ii. A Venue Risk Analysis (VRA) form – this the tool used to measure risk. Venue Risk Analysis Form • You need to create a form using a table format or excel spreadsheet – a draft template has been provided under "Forms and checklists" on the leaqrning site. • The left hand side should display a menu of identified risks. Between 9–12 risks should be identified, covering the range of asset types. • The Horizontal banner should categorize the different measures of Risk, according to one of the models you have already evaluated. NB: The words “assessment” and “analysis” are used interchangeably and, for the purpose of the report and explaining the process of identifying and measuring risk, the two words are considered to have the same meaning. This assessment taks must be in a business report format, and include detailed recommendations as well as an executive summary. Assessment | 9 Timetables Suggested study timetable Week/ commencing Topic Notes 1 04 Nov 2019 1 Introduction to Facility and Risk Management 2 11 Nov 2019 2 Venue Design 3 18 Nov 2019 3 Managing Departmental Facilities Assessment 1 due 11:00PM Sydney time 24/ 11/2019 4 25 Nov 2019 4 Maintaining Operational Facilities 5 02 Dec 2019 5 Asset Management 6 09 Dec 2019 6 Risk and hazard control process 7 16 Dec 2019 Study week 8 06 Jan 2020 7 Risks to physical assets Assessment 2 due 11:00PM Sydney time 6/ 1/2020 9 13 Jan 2020 8 Risks to Financial Assets 10 20 Jan 2020 9 Work Place Safety 11 27 Jan 2020 10 Emergency Management & Security Systems 12 03 Feb 2020 11 Study Week Assessment 3 due 11:00PM Sydney time 10/ 2/2020 10 | MNG01222 Facility and Risk Management for Hospitality Operations (Session 3, 2019)
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MNG03217 Positive Leader
Assessment item 3 – Positive Leader Presentation Due: 3rd February 11pm AEST Length: 15 minutes Conditions: Individual Weighting: 40% The following assessment develops Communication and Social Skills Learning Outcome and Graduate Attribute by facilitating students’ knowledge and awareness about how to run an evidence-based intervention targeted at a specific type of employee so as to develop their communication skills in a professional setting. Requirements You are required to develop a PowerPoint presentation. The PowerPoint presentation must be supported by references on the final page. It should show how one small part of the Positive leader theory can be turned into a skill development exercise useful in the workplace. Please note that you MUST upload 2 (two) documents: 1. your PowerPoint slides through Turnitin in either .ppt or .pdf format. 2. your written notes for your presentation in a Word document .doc format. Chose one topic 1. Identify one of characteristics of being a positive leader and develop a presentation about one strategy that a positive leader could use to improve the productivity and wellbeing of one type of employee (such as emotional labour (such as nurses or carers) or first response employees (such as police officers/ soldiers) or different types of professionals (such as engineers) or a specific generational cohort or any other type of employee. The presentation can include different types of skill development exercises aimed at demonstrating the impact of each strategy. Or 2. Develop a workshop for improving positive emotions/workplace relationships/hope/psychological capital/positive values or any other positive attribute evident in the peer-reviewed journals. Or 3. Develop a presentation showing how you would use positive leadership skills to convince your management (Board of Director) of an idea that would improve employee performance (engagement/wellbeing). Marking Criteria: Sections Assessing criteria Weightage Topic • The topic must be clearly explained (ensure you specify which of the 3 topics you have chosen) 1 marks Aim • State the aim of the presentation 1 mark Justification • Your presentation is based on evidence-based research using at least 5 journal articles • The argument presented in each journal supports your presentation 15 marks Turning theory into evidence-based practice • The presentation is creative in turning theory into evidence-based practice 15 marks Presentation • Written: Appropriate amount of content on slides • Slides were well prepared (layout, font size, visuals) • Explained well 8 marks Total: 40 marks
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MNG03218 Managing Information Systems
Assessment Assessment overview In order to achieve a passing grade in this unit you must submit all assessment tasks and obtain a score of at least 50% of the total assessment marks for the unit. Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading indicator Min Score Weight Length/ duration Due Professional accreditation 1. Report Individual 1, 2, 5 Graded N/A 25% - 29 Nov 2018 11:00 PM NA 2. Research Proposal Individual 1, 2, 4, 5 Graded N/A 35% - 24 Jan 2019 11:00 PM NA 3. Exam: closed book Individual 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Graded N/A 40% - Exam Period NA Assessment details Assessment 1: Report This assessment is for these students only: Gold Coast; Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; SCU Melbourne; SCU Perth; SCU Sydney; Sydney - Hotel School. Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading indicator Min Score Weight Length/ duration Due Professional accreditation Report Individual 1, 2, 5 Graded N/A 25% - 29 Nov 2018 11:00 PM NA Assignment 1 Due:Thursday 29 November 2018 Length: 2,500 words Weighting: 25% For this assignment you will have to prepare a paper that critically discusses how organisations apply the strategic use of IS/IT to achieve IS/IT-enabled innovation (Note: you should try to focus on information systems rather than mobile apps and social media platforms & applications). Some aspects and issues you may discuss in your paper could include (but are not limited to): • Discuss at least 4 examples of the use of IS/IT for innovation. • Highlight some success factors or some lessons learned (i.e., what went wrong?) for your examples. 8 | MNG03218 Managing Information Systems (Session 3, 2018) • Discuss the impacts of internal factors (e.g., organisational, individual, and management factors) and external factors (e.g., market, industry, social, economic, technological and political/policy factors) on the success (or the failure) of IS/IT enabled innovation. • Suggest recommendations and guidelines for helping organisations succeed in their efforts to embark on using IS/IT for innovation with good explanation and discussion. You should apply relevant knowledge discussed in your unit. You should prepare for this assignment by reviewing the literature (i.e. by using ProQuest 5000 and Science Direct databases at http://www.scu.edu.au/library/index.php/) and searching the World Wide Web (i.e. via Google). You should show evidence that you have read at least 10 references, which must be published after January 2012, in the literature (including references from academic and professional publications) to prepare this assignment. A variety of references are expected including books, refereed journals, case studies, newspapers, magazines and electronic references. Format for Assignment 1 You will be marked on communication as well as content. This is done to emphasise the importance of aiming for effective communication as well as good content – not only here in a university assignment, but also in your day-to-day work. After all, if you do not communicate and present your ideas well, it is much harder to have your ideas accepted by busy colleagues or executives. Your assignment should contain: • Title page • Table of contents • Introduction • Main body of report with suitable headings and subheadings • Conclusions • Reference list • Appendices (if relevant). References: Harvard Referencing Style is required in this subject. Please visit SCU Library website for information (URL: http://www.scu.edu.au/library/finding_info/citing_info.html). You can also contact SCU librarians for assistance. Marking criteria for Assignment 1 The following specific marking criteria will be used for marking Assignment 1: Category Specific criteria Maximum marks MC 1: Content – clear understanding of issues (18 Marks) Critically discuss at least 4 examples of organisational attempts at achieving IS/IT enabled innovation. 4 Critically discuss the success factors and lessons learned 5 Critically discuss the impacts of internal and external factors on the success (or the failure) of IS/IT enabled innovation 4 Assessment | 9 Category Specific criteria Maximum marks Suggest recommendations and guidelines for helping organizations succeed in their efforts of embarking on using IS/IT for innovation with good explanation and discussion 5 MC 2: Quality (2 Marks) Quality of content (use of study materials; use of proper terminology; depth; originality) 2 MC 3: Use of multiple sources of information and Referencing (3 Marks) Good research effort evidenced by at least 10 references from a variety of sources; Good integration of references into your discussion; Proper practice of in-text citation and provision of all the cited references in the reference list via applying Harvard Referencing Style 3 MC 4: Communication and Presentation (2 Marks) Good structure of the report; Professionally formatted and presented; Being able to clearly express ideas; Clarity of communication with good flow, reasoning and argument; Concise but not over simplifying; Spelling and grammar (use of spell-Checker!) 2 Total marks 25 Assessment 2: Research Proposal This assessment is for these students only: Gold Coast; Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; SCU Melbourne; SCU Perth; SCU Sydney; Sydney - Hotel School. Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading indicator Min Score Weight Length/ duration Due Professional accreditation Research Proposal Individual 1, 2, 4, 5 Graded N/A 35% - 24 Jan 2019 11:00 PM NA Assignment 2 Due:Thursday 24 January 2019 Length: 3,500 words Weighting: 35% Assignment topic The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate your ability to develop a comprehensive implementation proposal for an information system that uses a systems approach.The proposal should be targeted at a potential ‘sponsor’ organisation that will need to be convinced of the appropriateness and effectiveness of the proposed new system. Choose an information system (e.g., ERP systems, CRM systems, SCM Systems, Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Executive Information Systems, Enterprise Portals, Data Warehouse & Data Mining Applications, Enterprise Collaboration Systems, 10 | MNG03218 Managing Information Systems (Session 3, 2018) Knowledge Management Systems, and so on, that you have studied in this unit. Alternatively, you may wish to combine features of several systems. Please note for the purpose of this assignment, mobile apps or other e-business and digital enterprise applications should not be used as the chosen information system). Your assignment should describe the steps of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) discussed in Topic 4 of the subject. The proposed system must address an identifiable problem/ opportunity that exists in the sponsor organisation and relate to particular aspects of the organisation’s overall strategic directions. It is important that you select the features of your system carefully and justify your selection. Do not just use (be critical of the use of) the standard features of a commercially available software package. For the purposes of this assignment, try to keep the system that you are proposing to a manageable size. Your proposed system could help the ‘sponsor’ by: • improving an existing manual information system • introducing a new information system • creating a new business opportunity • improving organisational productivity. The sponsor could be: • top management of your company • an investor • a financial institution which will lend you money • a client who has engaged you as a consultant but is not the same as the financial sponsor. Format for Assignment 2 The format of the formal assignment will be: • Covering letter to sponsor • Title page • Table of contents • Executive summary (1 page) • Introduction • Body of your assignment with suitable headings and subheadings • Conclusions • Reference list (Harvard referencing style is required) • Appendices (including a background of the organisation for your unit assessor!). References: Harvard Referencing Style is required in this subject. Please visit SCU Library website for information (URL: http://www.scu.edu.au/library/finding_info/citing_info.html). You can also contact SCU librarians for assistance. Marking criteria for Assignment 2 The following specific marking criteria will be used for marking Assignment 2: Category Specific criteria Maximum marks MC 1: Content – clear understanding of issues (28 Marks) Description of organisational context (good brief description of the chosen organisation (e.g., industry, visions, missions, business processes)) 2 Assessment | 11 Category Specific criteria Maximum marks Discussion of its internal and external operating environments 4 Clearly identify the problem/opportunity for IS/IT 2 Clearly justify your choice of the proposed system (including cost/benefit analysis plus at least one other feasibility studies); Clearly explain how the information system that you are proposing will support the strategic goals of the organisation 4 Present system analysis and system design for the intended system (a managerial viewpoint is sufficient) 4 Explain how the system will be developed, tested and implemented 6 Discuss post-implementation activities 3 Discuss project management, risk management and change management associated with the implementation 3 MC 2: Quality (2 Marks) Quality of content (use of study materials; use of proper terminology; depth; originality) 2 MC 3: Use of multiple sources of information and Referencing (3 Marks) Good research effort evidenced by using references from a variety of sources; Good integration of references into your discussion; Proper practice of in-text citation and provision of all the cited references in the reference list via applying Harvard Referencing Style 3 MC 4: Communication and Presentation (2 Marks) Good structure of the report; Professionally formatted and presented; Being able to clearly express ideas; Clarity of communication with good flow, reasoning and argument; Concise but not over simplifying; Spelling and grammar (use of spell-Checker!) 2 Total marks 35 Assessment 3: Exam: closed book This assessment is for these students only: Gold Coast; Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; SCU Melbourne; SCU Perth; SCU Sydney; Sydney - Hotel School. Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading indicator Min Score Weight Length/ duration Due Professional accreditation Exam: closed book Individual 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Graded N/A 40% - Exam Period NA You will be advised of the exam date during the study period. Refer to Examinations (http://www.scu.edu.au/exams) for more information about exams. 12 | MNG03218 Managing Information Systems (Session 3, 2018) You are permitted to bring the following into the exam room: unmarked (with no highlighting and no added tabs) foreign language translation dictionary (book form only); 10 A4 sheets of double-sided notes, handwritten or printed, to be handed in with the exam paper. You are not permitted to bring the following into the exam room: electronic devices such as mobile phones, electronic dictionaries and computers. Final examination Exam period: 18-22 February 2019 Weighting: 40% The final examination is scheduled for the end of the study period. Students will be fully advised during the study period as to when the exam will be held and the format it will take. The exam is not open book. Instead, students will be permitted to take into the exam up to 10 A4 size pages of printed, photocopied and/or handwritten notes front and back (doublesided). There may be limited choice within a number of short to medium-length questions; and there may be a small case study with questions. The examination will cover the entire content of this unit. Note: Students are permitted to take a hard copy standard English translation dictionary into the examination. Electronic translation dictionaries are not permitted.
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MNG10720 Research for Business and Tourism
Assessment 2: Project proposal This assessment is for these students only: Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; Sydney - Hotel School. MNG10720 Research for Business and Tourism (Session 3, 2019) Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading indicator Min Score Weight Length/ duration Due Professional Project proposal Individual 4, 5 Graded N/A 20% 800 words 29 Nov 2019 11:00 PM N/A You are required to think of an interesting business-related research idea and develop this idea into a formal, clearly articulated research question – a problem-statement. Your task is to convert your idea into a researchable question (i.e. problem statement) using the techniques taught in the first two weeks of the unit. This problem statement will be used as your organising framework for the rest of the unit. It will be the basis for your literature review (Assessment 3) and your development of your research project report (Assessment 4). You are strongly advised to discuss your research idea(s) with your lecturer and fellow students in the workshops/tutorials and on the online dicussion board, as well as study the materials for the first three weeks of the unit carefully. You will start with a general research idea and, over the course of the unit, modify and hone your question into a clear and concise statement that could form the basis of a research design. The instructions below lay out the basic requirements of the task. Instructions Prepare a research problem statement that addresses the following criteria: 1. Background (250 words) – provide a brief overview describing the industry-related research situation relevant to the research idea you would like to develop. 2. Significance (250 words) – explain the significance and need for this research from the perspective of the business or organisation. 3. Scope (150 words) – explain the geographical, temporal and demographic scope of the proposed research. 4. Problem statement and sub-problems (150 words) – develop a clear and concise problem statement and a minimum of two sub-problems that relate to your research proposal. Note: This is a hypothetical exercise only that is designed to give you opportunity to learn, in a small but practical situation, about the research process and its place within business management decision making. Under no circumstances are you to approach any employee of any business or organisation for assistance with this assessment or assessments 3 and 4. Marking criteria 1. Background 20% 2. Significance 20% 3. Scope 10% 4. Problem statement and sub-problems 50%. Assessment 3: Literature review This assessment is for these students only: Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; Sydney - Hotel School. Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading indicator Min Score Weight Length/ duration Due Professional accreditation Literature review Individual 1, 2, 3 Graded N/A 30% 1000 words 10 Jan 2020 11:00 PM N/A Assessment | Your task is to prepare a critical literature review based on your Assessment 2 problem statement. The materials on writing a critical literature review will be covered during Week 3 of the unit. This assessment requires you to: 1. Present your problem statement from Assessment 2. 2. Write a critical literature review (length up to 1000 words excluding reference list) that evaluates a minimum of five (5) references from the academic literature (books and/or academic journal articles) relevant to your research idea. 3. Provide a reference list using the Harvard referencing system. 4. Turnitin – examine your Turnitin Originality Report for this assessment to make sure your similarity score is low and you are rewriting ideas from the literature either a) in your own words or b) using formal quotations as necessary. This is important as failure to do so amounts to plagiarism. Marking criteria 1. Range, relevancy and quality of literature related to the research question 35% 2. Development of a well-structured, critical argument 40% 3. Clarity of expression throughout the review 15% 4. Referencing (within review and reference list) 10%. Assessment 4: Research Proposal This assessment is for these students only: Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; Sydney - Hotel School. Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading indicator Min Score Weight Length/ duration Due Professional accreditation Research Proposal Individual 1, 3, 4, 5 Graded N/A 50% 1500 words 14 Feb 2020 11:00 PM N/A You are required to prepare a report that will set out how you will go about answering your research question developed in Assignments 2 and 3. This report will map out a research design – techniques you will use to convincingly address the research question. Your report will describe and justify the decisions you have made for your research design, data collection methods, sample selection, ethical considerations and data analysis techniques. Your proposal report also involves the development of a Qualtrics survey which you need to design and include whether you choose to develop a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed method of survey and/or interview questions. Instructions Your research proposal will address the following criteria (and use these headings in your Research Proposal Report): 1. Problem statement and research objectives – state your problem statement and research objectives at the start of your research proposal report so your lecturer can refer to these when reviewing your proposal. 2. Research design – explain and justify the methodological approach you propose to guide your research proposal using relevant literature. 3. Data collection methods – explain and justify the methods you propose for data collection and data management using relevant literature. 4. Qualtrics questionnaire – design and include a Qualtrics questionnaire and/or interview format (covered in Week 6 of the unit) and explain and justify the questions and style of questions you use with respect to collecting appropriate data to address your objectives. 5. Sample selection – explain and justify the sample selection process relevant to your research proposal. MNG10720 Research for Business and Tourism (Session 3, 2019) 6. Data analysis techniques – explain and justify how you would propose to analyse and present the data collected. 7. Ethical considerations – explain how you would consider the ethical issues associated with the research proposal. 8. Reference list – provide a reference list (Harvard) for any reference sources you use to justify your final research proposal. 9. Turnitin – as for Assignment 2, carefully examine your Turnitin report to assure originality. Marking criteria 1. Research design 20% 2. Data collection methods 20% 3. Qualtrics survey 10% 4. Sample selection 10% 5. Ethical considerations 10% 6. Proposed data analysis techniques 10% 7. Presentation and clarity of report 10% 8. Referencing quality and list 10%.
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MNG93003 Research Methods 2
Assessment item 2 – Research Proposal Presentation Due: Sunday of Week 6, 11pm AEST Length: Up to 15 minutes Conditions: Individual Weighting: 35% Requirements You are required to present the research proposal either through collaborate online, or in person or some other arrangement with approval from your tutor. The presentation should be supported by PowerPoint slides, outline the research plan and demonstrate your communication skills. Please note that you MUST upload your Powerpoint slides through Turnitin. Resources A template is provided for you to base your presentation on. A step-by-step guide for recording your presentation on Blackboard Collaborate is provided. Marking Criteria: Next page Marking Criteria: Sections Assessing criteria Weightage Research problem • Research problem is clearly explained • Research scope/focus is sufficiently narrowed down • Significance of the research problem is well established 2 marks Research aim • Research aim closely linked to the research problem 1 mark Research question(s) • Research question(s) is/are specific to the research problem • Research question(s) is/are specific to the industry partner • Research question(s) closely linked to the research aim • Answer(s) to research question(s) is/are able to solve the problem 2 marks Literature review • Literature reviewed is relevant to the research problem • Literature reviewed is comprehensive • Clear identification and summary of potential factors causing the research problem or the knowledge gap in the literature • Presents a conceptual map which clearly explains all independent and dependent factors or the knowledge gap 7.5 marks Research design • Chosen research method is adequately justified • Proposed sample is relevant to solve the research problem • Proposed sampling method suits the research method • Research tool(s) is well developed for the data required • Proposed research plan addresses all ethical concerns 12.5 marks Presentation • Oral: Presentation completed within recommended time Presentation was fluent and clear • Written: Appropriate amount of content on slides Slides were well prepared (layout, font size, visuals) 10 marks Total: 35 marks
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MNG93003 Research Methods 3
Assessment item 3 – Final Research Report Due: Sunday of Week 13, 11 pm AEST Length: 7000-7,500 words Conditions: Individual Weighting: 50% Requirements You are required to present a final written report based on your completed research project. This should follow the structure outlined in the Final Report checklist document. This assignment must be submitted through the Turnitin link for this assignment. Marking criteria: Next page Marking criteria: Sections Assessing criteria Weightage Executive summary • Informs why and how the research was conducted • Includes key findings and recommendations 2 marks Introduction & Research problem • Includes the context and overview of the industry partner • Clearly states the research problem, aim and outlines the report structure 1 marks Literature review & Research questions • Literature reviewed was relevant to the research problem • Literature reviewed was comprehensive, clearly identified potential factors causing the research problem/ knowledge gap • Research question(s) was/were based on literature, and specific to the research problem or the research gap identified • Presents a conceptual map which clearly explains all independent and dependent factors or the knowledge gap 7 marks Research design • Research method adequately justified, sample and sampling method was appropriate, type of analyses conducted were informed and all ethical concerns addressed 4 marks Research findings • Analysis was comprehensive • Properly presented and supported by evidences 8 marks Discussion • Included evidence of triangulation (if mixed method was used) • Findings were compared with the literature reviewed • Answers to research questions were clearly stated 8 marks Recommen-dations • Recommendations based on evidence (research findings) • Recommendations specific to the research problem 8 marks Conclusion and Limitations • Limitations of the research correctly noted • Summarises the project including major findings, recommendations and potential outcomes if recommendations are implemented 2 marks Structure, overall presentation and referencing • Presentation completed within recommended word count • Good use of visuals (correctly labelled), sentences correctly constructed with no spelling or grammatical errors • All sources (both in-text and reference list) were correctly cited • Structure of the report was appropriate 10 marks Total: 50 marks
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SOC10236 Applied Ethics and Sustainability
SOC10236 Applied Ethics and Sustainability Assessment details Assignment 1 Part A - Consequential ethical analysis Due: 11 pm 29 March 2019 Word guide: 750 Weighting: 20% You should follow the ‘Assignment Planning’ activities in the SOC10236 Study Guide and all relevant online discussions concerning this assessment to perform well in this assignment. You are required to select one of the five topics listed below and clearly define one focused and specific ethical question relevant to your chosen topic which you will analyse in both assignments 1 and 2. The five topics are 1. Media, advertising or journalism (including social media); 2. The operating, investing or financing activities of multinational business organisations; 3. The taking of human or non-human life; 4. Artificial intelligence, robots, or any new technology; 5. Equity, diversity, multiculturalism, immigration (in the workforce or society). Required tasks: a. Select one of the five topics. By carefully following the extensive guidelines provided in the Study Guide (Topic 1) clearly and concisely define one specific ethical question relevant to one of the five topics in no more than one short sentence. (3 marks- Marking Criteria: Apply guidelines, Clarity of language) Note: This is a critical stage of your assignment and it is not easy. If you don’t clearly define the ethical problem/question then you cannot perform a focused ethical analysis. It is strongly recommended that you rigorously apply the guidelines provided in the Topic 1 assessment planning activity to form your ethical question. b. Explain why your specific ethical problem is important and worthy of your analysis? (3 marks- Marking Criteria: Understand concepts, Depth of research) c. Identify and fully reference 6 key facts relevant to the analysis of your ethical question. (6 marks- Marking Criteria: Depth of research, Referencing) d. Analyse the ethical act central to your ethical question using act utilitarianism by forecasting three important positive and three important negative consequences. (6 marks- Marking Criteria: Understand concepts, Apply theory, Analyse and interpret information) e. Provide an ethical conclusion which compares expected positive with negative consequences including an estimate as to whether net utility will rise or fall. (2 marks- Marking Criteria: Analyse and interpret information) Assignment 1 Part B - Non-consequential ethical analysis Due: 11 pm 21 April 2019 Word guide: 750 Weighting: 20% This assignment is a continuation of Assignment 1 Part A and you must analyse the same ethical question which you defined in Part A. Restate your ethical question from Assignment 1 Part A on page 1 of Assignment 1 Part B. You can modify the precise wording of your ethical question drawing on feedback provided in Assignment 1 Part A. a) Identify the act central to your ethical question. (Note: you are analysing the ethics of this specific act.) (1 mark- Marking Criteria: Understand concepts) b) Identify 2 virtues relevant to the morality of the act central to your specific ethical question. Define each virtue in no more than one sentence. (2 marks- Marking Criteria: Understand concepts, Apply theory) c) Discuss the morality of the act central to your ethical question by comparison with your 2 chosen virtues. (2 marks- Marking Criteria: Apply theory, Analyse and interpret information) d) Apply Kant’s categorical imperative by completing the following tasks. You need to support any yes/no answers with reasons. i) Define a specific rule which authorises the act central to your ethical question. (2 marks- Marking Criteria: Apply theory) ii) Define the general rule which authorises the act central to your ethical question. (1 mark- Marking Criteria: Apply theory) iii) Is the general rule inherently self-contradictory? Why or why not? (2 marks- Marking Criteria: Critical thinking) iv) Does the general rule violate Kant’s practical imperative or any of Kant’s other absolute moral rules? (2 marks- Marking Criteria: Apply theory, Understand concepts) v) Is the general rule contrary to its fundamental purpose? (1 mark- Marking Criteria: Critical thinking) vi) Is the act ethical according to Kant’s ethical system? (2 marks- Marking Criteria: Apply theory) e) Provide an ethical conclusion by comparing your conclusions from the act utilitarian analysis in Assignment 1 Part A, your virtue ethics and Kantian analyses in Assignment 1 Part B, and drawing on your own ethical conscience. (5 marks- Marking Criteria: Apply theory, Understand concepts, Analyse and interpret information, Clarity of language) Assignment 2 Personal footprint, product and organisational sustainability analysis Due: 11 pm 17 May 2019 Word guide: 1500 Weighting: 40% Required 1. Go to http://www.wwf.org.au/get-involved/change-the-way-you-live/ecological-footprint-calculator and calculate your personal ecological footprint. Copy your footprint results (i.e. ‘Results By Land Type and By Consumption Category’) into your assignment document. (1 mark- Marking Criteria: Follow instructions) 2. With reference to your results perform the following tasks a. Explain the meaning of your ecological footprint measured in global hectares with reference to relevant benchmarks. (2 marks- Marking Criteria: Understand concepts) b. Explain the meaning of your carbon footprint (tonnes per year) with reference to a relevant forestry carbon sequestration (offset) rate. (2 marks- Marking Criteria: Understand concepts, Analyse and interpret information) c. Interpret your key results by Land Type and Consumption Category. (2 marks- Marking Criteria: Analyse and interpret information) 3. By utilising your footprint analysis (results and questions), identify four major causes of the unsustainable aspects of your personal lifestyle. (4 marks- Marking Criteria: Apply theory, Understand concepts, Analyse and interpret information, Depth of research) 4. Identify one potential solution to your unsustainable lifestyle in each of the categories of ‘City’, ‘Energy’, ‘Food’ and ‘Population’. (Note: your Ecological Footprint results provide some ideas in each of these categories). (4 marks- Marking Criteria: Problem solving, Creativity, Clarity of language) 5. Select one product that you consume and identify the business organisation which manufactures this product. (1 mark- Marking Criteria: Follow instructions) 6. Identify the main energy and raw material inputs needed to manufacture this product and the stage in the production process each energy and materials component is consumed. (2 marks- Marking Criteria: Understand concepts) 7. Identify the main causes of unsustainability over the product’s lifecycle (production, distribution and/or consumption and disposal stages). (3 marks- Marking Criteria: Apply theory, Understand concepts, Analyse and interpret information) 8. By applying the principle of the ‘waste=food model’ or the ‘waste management hierarchy’ provide one recommendation to reduce the volume of waste or pollutants discharged in the production, distribution or consumption of this product. (4 marks- Marking Criteria: Apply theory, Creativity) 9. By applying the principle of the cradle to cradle design protocol, suggest one key improvement to the design of this product and explain how your idea will reduce the unsustainability of the product. (4 marks- Marking Criteria: Apply theory, Creativity) 10. Identify this organisation’s key stakeholder groups and their specific expectations of the organisation. (4 marks- Marking Criteria: Understand concepts, Depth of research) 11. Describe one major CSR issue which confronts this organisation. (3 marks- Marking Criteria: Understand concepts, Depth of research, Referencing) 12. Select one stakeholder group and make a recommendation as to how this organisation could improve their social impact on this group of stakeholders. (2 marks- Marking Criteria: Problem solving, Clarity of language) 13. Explain how your recommendation will improve this stakeholder group’s wellbeing. (1 mark- Marking Criteria: Understand concepts) 14. Are you able to change your own consumption of this product to reduce your contribution to the problem and causes of unsustainability? Explain why or why not. (1 mark- Marking Criteria: Problem solving) Referencing Note that Wikipedia (and equivalent websites) are not acceptable as references in this unit. Please use the Harvard referencing system, or similar widely accepted system such as APA, but varied for quoted text – see Assignment Submission Instruction 3 later in this document. Assignment extensions Assignments are due on the dates specified above. An additional 3 days are available to all students where needed to confirm their submissions meet the required authenticity tests. There is no need to apply for extensions of 3 days or less. Extensions for longer than 3 days are made using the standard Southern Cross University application for ‘Special Consideration - Extension of Assessment’ to be submitted via the Special Consideration eForm found in My Enrolment. Assignment authenticity tests Your assignment is considered successfully submitted when you pass the first two of the following three assignment authenticity tests. The third test is implemented by marking staff, during the marking process, and no feedback is provided unless there is an irregularity with your submission. AUTHENTICITY TEST 1 Turnitin text match of less than 10%. The Turnitin Originality Report must show a text match of less than 10%. Note that any text match sourced to the Assignment Cover Sheet or Bibliography is excluded when calculating your text match % for the purposes of this authenticity test. If your text match is 10% or more, rewrite your assignment carefully following the Assignment submission instructions (see below). Resubmit your assignment and confirm your revised text match is below 10%. AUTHENTICITY TEST 2 Word document edit time and date document created. Each submitted assignment is to be completed from start to finish entirely on one word document; that is do not change documents once you begin writing this assignment. This will ensure your document properties track the total time spent preparing and editing your assignment. The editing time and date started are required information when you make your final submission. In your word document - i) Click on FILE ii) view document Properties and record the Total Editing Time iii) view Related Dates and record the date the document was Created. The Total Editing Time must be more than 1 hour. AUTHENTICITY TEST 3 Writing style comparison Marking staff perform comparisons of writing style and standard with your previously submitted assessments to confirm consistency, authenticity and originality. Assignment Cover Sheet Do NOT attach the standard SCU assignment cover sheet. Prepare your own front page with only the following information – Name Student number Assignment number Turnitin text match % Total document edit time Date document created Assignment 1 and 2 submission instructions Assignments 1 and 2 can only be submitted using Turnitin via the Assessment function on the MySCU site for this unit. For more information on Turnitin, see http://study.scu.edu.au/turnitin/ Please follow these instructions for successful submission of Assignments 1 & 2. 1. Your assignments must be submitted as Word documents. 2. Do NOT attach an SCU assignment cover sheet. 3. All text that you copy from other sources must be quoted like this – “…quoted text here” (author, year, page number). Note that the “double quotation marks” are essential to signal to Turnitin that you are acknowledging this text is taken directly from another author’s work; but also note that good assignment writing requires limited use of directly quoted text. It is recommended you follow this method for quoting text regardless of the referencing convention you are following. 4. Do NOT rewrite the questions in your assignment. Answer each question under a sub heading consisting of only the question number or letter. 5. Provide a list of references at the end of your assignment on a new page under the subheading Bibliography. 6. A required objective of this unit is that you learn how to use Turnitin to improve your referencing and academic writing to the required academic standard. Note that the first Turnitin Originality Report is generated within 5 minutes, however subsequent reports take 24 hours to produce. 7. It is your responsibility to review the Turnitin Originality Report and remove text matches so that your assignment conforms to the required academic writing standard by the due date. You remove text matches by strictly following the instructions above (especially instruction 3); and where required, paraphrasing and/or restating text matches in your own original words. You will find useful resources on referencing, paraphrasing and quoting here http://scu.edu.au/teachinglearning/index.php/6 . 8. Do NOT recycle an assignment used previously in this or any other unit. Final examination Exam period: to be advised Weighting: 20% The final examination is scheduled for the end of the study period. The exam will be 1.5 hours, consisting of 30 multi-choice questions. The exam will be closed book. Note: Students are permitted to take a hard copy English translation dictionary into the examination. Electronic translation dictionaries are not permitted. Academic Integrity As part of a University initiative to support the development of academic integrity, assessments may be checked for plagiarism, including through an electronic system, either internally or by a plagiarism checking service, and be held for future checking and matching purposes. Where a Unit Assessor requires further information to confirm the authenticity of any assessments submitted they may contact the student to discuss the process followed to prepare the assignment and/or the content of the assignment. Assignment due dates and the examination period provided here apply to the Australian study period. These may be varied for students studying elsewhere, please confirm dates with your local tutor. Marking criteria and rubric
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TRM73001 Revenue and Yield Management for Tourism and Hospitality
ASSESSMENT 2 HOTS GROUP REPORT Due: Week 8 13 January 2019 Length: 2500 words +/- 10% (excluding executive summary, references, and appendices) Weighting: 45% Submit to: Turnitin Format: Number headings, 12 point font, aligned left, with page numbers Requirements This assignment consists of two parts. The first part is an analysis of your hotel’s performance based on the decisions made on room rates, distribution channels and strategies your team implemented in Year 1 of the HOTS simulation. The second part is a business plan for Year 2 based on the outcome of Year 1. The team mark will be moderated by individual marks based on evaluation by team members. Please see section ‘Assessment Tasks and Submission’ ‘Task 2’ on Blackboard for the recommended report template. What you need to include: • Executive summary • Introduction • Performance and Financial Analysis:- Total hotel revenue and total net income Rooms department revenue and total room net income Occupancy %, ADR and RevPAR Return on capital employed (ROCE) plot annual figures only • Business Plan for Year 2 SWOT Objectives Strategies • Conclusion • References • Appendices Monthly indicator reports (Year 1) Current Balance Sheet (December, Year 1) Statement of Income (Year 1) January through to December.